• Published 28th Oct 2018
  • 11,325 Views, 279 Comments

Thunder - The Zebra Hybrid

A human gets transported to Equestria with the powers of the Norse God of Thunder. Second installment to the Hybrid Universe.

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The Concrete Jungle Part 1

Devon, Sam, and Dean stood in a stunned silence as Serena finished her story. They knew what they were getting involved in was important, but something this big was insane. Even the Winchesters, the same brothers that have faced Death and Lucifer in the flesh didn't know how to comprehend what was just said to them. Well Dean could only say one thing...

"Son of a bitch."

Serena looked down at her desk, gripping both of her hands as tight as she could as her body trembled with fear, "N-Now you see why that hammer needed my help? I hate to say it, but this is bigger than even Heaven and Hell."

"So you're telling me," started Devon, "That our chances of getting my friend back are next to nothing? That he's gone forever."

The elderly lady shook her head, "I-I'm not saying it's impossible but....we're talking about inter-dimensional travel and different universes. You'll need God, or some other divine being to even consider that."

Sam and Dean looked at each other before nodding. They didn't know if their angel friend, Castiel, could pull off something of this magnitude with the power he has now, but it was worth a shot.

"Thank you for your cooperation Ms. Blair," said Sam, "It seems that's all the questions we have."

Blair looked to her desk once again with a solemn expression, "I guess, I'll accept my fate. You are hunters and I am a witch. Just make it quick. At least let me die in my true form."

Before the three men could say anything, Serena was bathed in a bright light. Devon, Sam, and Dean covered their faces until the light died down. Once their vision was restored they were shocked to see not the elderly woman, but a young lady with dark hair, green eyes, and pale skin who looked to be in her mid twenties.

"Well, this is a surprise." said Devon.

"I bet it is," answered Serena, "It's only a low level spell, but it is really useful when keeping a low profile. Just make it quick, I rather my death be painless."

"Who said anything about killing you?" stated Dean, as Serena looked at the elder Winchester with a confused expression.


Sam nodded, "Me and my brother can tell you're not a bad person. You don't enjoy killing innocent people. Plus just because you're a witch doesn't give us enough reason to kill you. Hell, there are some hunters who are witches or practices dark magic."

"S-So...you'll let me go?"

"Not quite. You're going to stay with us. We may need you if we are going to fix this."

Serena looked at the three before smiling and nodded in agreement.

The train slowly came to a stop at the train station, steam blowing out of it's engines and the sound of it's whistle echoing through the air. The doors to the carts opened as ponies of different shapes and sizes departed the vehicle, among these ponies was Marcus, with Mjolnir strapped to his side, and Flurry now wearing her cloak to conceal her wings. As they walked away from the train the small alicorn gave him a curious look.

"Hey Marcus, I have a question." she started.

The human shrugged, "And I may or may not have the answer."

"Ha-ha, but seriously. Aren't we supposed to be heading straight to that minotaur settlement you were talking about?"

"Yeah, we are."

"So, why are we here? In Manehattan?"

Marcus stopped and looked at her like she had lost her marbles, "Well to sight-see, duh? This is my first time being here and do you think I'm going to just pass up the chance to see all these new places? Plus didn't you want to leave the castle and explore the world? Now you can do it."

Flurry was taken back, she hadn't expected Marcus to do this because of her. She should be flattered but the guilt of her lying to him was eating away at her. Her parents never approved of her being here with him, she ran away because she was fed up being treated like a foal and the duties of being a princess shoved down her throat. Who even knew what her parents were thinking of at this moment. Most likely flipping out and worried to death. She'll have to apologize once she gets back.

"Hey Flurry, ya'll alright?" said Marcus snapping her from her trance.

"Y-Yeah, fine. I'm just surprised that you're doing this for me. Doesn't you getting training from the minotaurs kind of...important."

"Yeah, but that can wait. Gotta make this little road trip interesting somehow. It'll be boring if we just stayed on the train the whole way. Plus since your parents let you come with me to see the world anyway, we can kill two birds with one stone."

Flurry chuckled nervously, "I guess you're right."

"I do have something to ask that's been bugging me."

Flurry gulped, "Wh-What's that?"

"Why are you still wearing that cloak?"

Flurry looked at her attire and let out a sigh in relief. She was in the clear, at least for now, "I just don't want to be the center of attention. With me being an alicorn and all. I just want to be treated like any other pony. So if you wouldn't mind..."

Marcus put a hand up to stop her, "Don't mention. You do know that we might be the center of attention anyway right? With you know me being the only one of my species here."

"It'll be fine, different species visit Equestria all the time."

"But I'm literally wearing armor, with a cape behind me. Not to mention this big piece metal on my waste."

'I take offense to that'

'Shut up, no one cares'

Flurry shrugged, "Just say you're a traveler or a mercenary. They're pretty common around here. Why did you think nopony asked about you on the train?"

Marcus had to admit she did have a point. Not one pony asked what he was and why he was dressed like he was. Too be honest he felt kind of disappointing that he wasn't the center of attention, but at the same time he'd much rather keep to himself and do his own thing, if he was going to be stuck here forever. Which is part of the reason why he wanted to do a little sightseeing.

"Well you got me there. In that case let's get a move on, I want to see what 'boot-leg New York' has to offer." said Marcus as he continued walking again with Flurry following next to him.

"What's New York? You mean New Yak?"

"Fucking damn it."

It had been four hours since Marcus and Flurry arrived in Manehattan, and the human had to admit that it wasn't as different as the Manhattan back on Earth. Other than the obvious carriages and carrot dog vendors, everything else was exactly the same. You had people who couldn't drive for shit, ponies bickering about stupid stuff, and your occasional ‘on-the-street-and-totally-not-suspicious’ salesman, or salespony.

He and Flurry were having a great time though, they had seen some interesting monuments, including the Statue of Liberty....which was a pony. He should've expected that but paid no mind as the two had gotten churros form a local vendor. He of course had gotten a few glances here and there, but he figured that would happen and just enjoyed his time. Flurry was having the time of her life, her eyes lit up at everything she saw.. None of this was like the Crystal Empire, and there was a whole country that she still needs to see.

The two were now currently walking toward to a nearby hotel, thanks to the directions of a mare named Coco Pommel, where the two would be staying for the next few days. Not to mention that it was getting pretty dark out and the two were exhausted from their train ride and their little tour of the city. Flurry, thanks to her being pretty wealthy, had more than enough bits to cover the stay and future stays if needed. Once checked in, both of them took the elevator up to their room and were astonished.

The hotel room had two queen sized beds, a large closet, sofa, small kitchen, and one bathroom. Marcus instantly unstrapped his chest piece and cape before setting Mjolnir on the sofa, and crashing on the bed with his face buried in the pillows. Flurry was in the same state, tossing her cloak on the floor and hopping in the second bed.

"I'm beat," started Marcus.

Flurry nodded, "We did have a long day. Not to mention that there is more to do tomorrow!"

Even though she was tired, the young alicorn couldn't contain her excitement on being here.

"Mhmm." was all Marcus said as he turned over.

Flurry gave an annoyed look, "Aren't you even excited for being here?"

"I am," said Marcus, "just kind of exhausted. You seem to be full of energy though."

"I would lie if I didn't say I was a little tired, but this is my first time seeing something this amazing outside the Empire! I read in some books that Manehattan had the best plays and performances in Equestria. We should go check one of them out!"

Marcus instantly shot up form his pillow and pointed at the alicorn, "No! No plays! Not what happened last time!"

Flurry rose an eyebrow, "What? What's wrong with you, it's just a simple play? Did something happen to you or something?"

"You could say something almost happened to me. That I promised myself to never speak of again."

Flurry gave a smirk, "Awe! Now you got to tell me!"

Marcus crossed his arms and turned his back to Flurry, avoiding eye contact. He was not going to fall in to her trap of her using her cuteness again. He couldn't afford it this time. He had made a promise to himself, when he was a kid, to never speak of or go to plays ever again. Judging from the look Flurry was sending his way, she was not going to let this go until he told her. He needed to change the subject or give her a throw away answer or maybe even bullshit his way to freedom.

"Let's just say that clowns, a basketball, and toothbrush was involved and lets leave it at that."


Marcus took her confusion as an opportunity and stood up, "Well, I'm suddenly not tired anymore. I'm going to take a look around the hotel. You should get some rest, if you want to go out tomorrow."

Flurry tilted her head in confusion but nodded anyway, "Fine...just don't stay out too long."

Marcus waved her off and picked up Mjolnir before strapping it to his side, "Yeah, yeah whatever."

With that said Marcus quickly left the room and placed a his back against the door. He let out a deep sigh and made his way down the hallway and toward the elevator before making his way down to the lobby. He gave a quick greeting to the receptionist before leaving the hotel and feeling the cool breeze of the night air on his skin. He started to walk along the sidewalk, not paying too much attention to the stares he was getting along the way, he wasn't wearing his armor at the moment but it still must've been unusual for them though, considering that they've never seen a human with a magical hammer before.

He wasn't concerned of what the nearby ponies thought of him though. His thoughts were traced back to his journey to that minotaur settlement Mjolnir was talking about.

'Hey, Mjolnir.'

'Yeah? What's up?'

'Tell me more about this minotaur settlement.'

'Well, like I said before they are located more down South of Equestria. Specifically a little west of a town, called Ponyville, where Princess Twilight Sparkle resides.'

'Ponyville? What the hell kind of name is that? Are you screwing with me now?'

'I wish I was but that's the actual name for the town. Anyways, minotaurs are known to be fierce warriors here. They didn't originate in Equestria originally but there are a few settlements that they call home here from previous visits from their homeland. As for their appearance, they resemble from what you know from those Greeks back on your world.'

'They aren't going to clobber me on sight are they?'

'You'll be fine, they aren't savages......most of the time.'

'I'm starting to have second thoughts on this whole little crusade.'

'Oh stop being a baby. All you gotta do is prove your strength and then they'll welcome you with open arms. Not to mention, you have me by your side.....this is about Flurry isn't it?'

'Not really. I am concerned that this will be too much for her, hell I think this is too much for me. However.....Mjolnir, what do you think of Odin?'

'My creator? A weird question, but....he was stoic and proud. Always thought with his head and was a good father to his children despite his many mistakes.'

'Would you consider him your father?'

If Mjolnir had eyebrows, one of them would be raising in curiosity right now, 'I wouldn't go so far as to call him my father despite him creating me, but if I would give someone that title then that would be, who you know as, Thor.'


'Yes, he didn't treat me as some object or a weapon. He...treated me as a person. As someone to have by his side until he drew his last breath. During my first times with him, he was nothing more than another wielder like the previous ones but over time I realized that he cared for me more than I could tell and eventually I did the same.'

'What happened?'

'He eventually surpassed Odin and became the new king of Asgard. As a result he sent me on my way to find a new wielder.'

'So he abandoned you?'

'No....he didn't. He wanted me to see these realms and do some exploring. To think for myself for once and not just some lump of mystical metal. I haven't seen him since.'

'He sounded.....like a great dad.'

'Yeah, I guess he was. Alright now you're turn.'


'You're parents. Don't think I didn't know what you were getting at when you asked my about that 'father' crap! What happened with your parents?'

Marcus stayed silent before forcing a smile, 'Like I told Flurry, they weren't there when I needed them.'


'It's the truth! I'm not going into detail, but just know that my, so called, parents have been absent almost my whole life! I moved from orphanage to orphanage, but nobody wanted me!'

'Marcus...I'm sure-'

'I had to teach myself most things. I taught myself to ride a bike, go to school, drive, and eventually survive on my own. If you think I'm depressed because my parents weren't here for me then I'm not. I didn't need them before and I don't need them now.'

'There has to be more than that.'

'There is....but....I don't feel like talking about it now, Minnie.'

'Alright- wait...what the fuck did you just call me?'

'What? Do you honestly think I was going to call you Mjolnir the whole time? No offense, but that name doesn't sound...natural.'

'No! I refuse to be called that! I-It's embarrassing!'

Marcus then felt a strange warm feeling on his thigh as he looked down to see Mjolnir cover in a slight tinge of red, 'Are you actually blushing?'

'N-No! Of course not! Th-That's ridiculous.....B-Baka!'

'Baka? Are you serious right now!'

'I-It's not my fault! Remember with each wielder I show some of their personality traits. It seems that you have a 'thing' for tsunderes.'

Marcus felt his own cheeks heat up, 'I do not! I-I just watched that anime one time Minnie!'

'Stop calling me that, b-baka!'

'Stop saying baka!'


'Minnie, I swear to God!'

"Thank you and come again!" called out a bright yellow earth pony mare, with a long silky black mane and tail, and goggles on her head with a red sash around her neck. She smiled and grabbed a nearby towel, wiping the sweat from her forehead after a long day doing repairs on the carriages and carts that were brought in. Tossing the towel the side she walked over and flipped a lever shutting the garage door. She then left the garage, which led her to her shop where she sells parts and accessories for different types of carriages and carts.

It was closing time, she was exhausted and eager to turn in to her bed for some shut eye. She was tempted to skip the shower and take one in the morning, but she would rather not stink up her apartment with the smell of oil and sweat. As she went behind the counter to grab the key to close up shop, the bell rang from the front door signaling that a customer had walked in.

"I'm sorry but we're closed for the night- Oh....it's you." said the mare as she peaked over the counter to see three lion-eagle hybrids walk in the store wearing well-tailored suits. The three griffons walked up to the counter, with the one in lead taking off a pair of sunglasses before stuffing them in his pocket.

"Yeah, it's us," he said in a thick accent, "The boss informed us to tell you that we would be collecting payment today rather than next week."

"What?" questioned the mare, "But I haven't got it yet! Just tell Iron Beak to give me-"

"The boss has gave you enough time, Ollie," interrupted the second griffon, "you either pay up or you'll be spending the night in a hospital bed, with your shop in flames."

"L-Look," stuttered the mare, now known as Ollie, "This shop is all I have! Just give me more time! I promise I'll have the bits by then!"

"You know we can't do that." threateningly said the third griffon.

Ollie watched as the three griffons started to stalk closer to the counter, all three of them reaching in the interior flaps of their suits. "I-I'll scream!" she warned, "You'll get arrested!"

The griffons chuckled as their advance on the mare didn't stop, "Lady, we have contacts in the police force. Hell, we have contacts in this whole damn city! Now you'll respect Iron Beak's wishes or we'll have to-"

"Minnie, I will personally put you in the dumpster!" yelled a voice from behind the griffons as they and Ollie both looked toward the form of the store to see a creature that was unknown to either of them. It resembled that of an ape, but it was completely hairless aside from a small patch on his head. It also wore simple clothing with a metal hammer strapped to his side.

Marcus snapped form his argument with Mjolnir and focused on the three occupants in the store, "Oh damn, uh....this is awkward. I just came to see if ya'll have any polisher for my annoying hammer?"

"Sorry buddy," said one of the griffons, "but stores closed for the night, maybe permanently if things don't go the way they're supposed to."

"Ominous. I know evil gangster talk when I hear it." said Marcus, now gripping the handle of his hammer at his side. The griffons, noticing the gesture, quickly reached into their suits and pulled out, what looked like old looking pistols you'll see in those black and white detective movies.

"H-Hey!" called out Ollie to the mysterious human, "I-I got this handled. Please I don't want any trouble."

Marcus smirked as he unstrapped Mjolnir and twirled the hammer in his hand, "Sorry lady, you look like you need help dealing with some assholes and I'm not taking no for an answer.....I don't know if that was gay or not."

"Look ape!" exclaimed the first griffon, gripping his pistol tightly, "this is none of your concern. You might have that scrap piece of metal but there's three of us and one of you."

'Scrap metal! Marcus, rip their assholes a new one!'

'Now that's definitely gay-'

Marcus didn't have time to finish his thought as he was shot multiple times in the chest.

Author's Note:

Mjolnir-chan is best waifu