• Published 28th Oct 2018
  • 11,326 Views, 279 Comments

Thunder - The Zebra Hybrid

A human gets transported to Equestria with the powers of the Norse God of Thunder. Second installment to the Hybrid Universe.

  • ...

I'm Totally Supposed To Be Here(Revised)

Flurry was debating on just having her kidnappers take her or actually following through with Marcus' stupid plan, that he hasn’t told her as of yet. She could see that the fighting in the room had stopped and all the attention was now on them. She could literally feel the glare from the grey mare burning into Marcus' skull. She didn't know how that was possible but decided not to question it. Even her parents were quite shocked at this change of events, probably wondering why she was back here and not out of the palace alerting the other guards.

The grey mare started walking toward Marcus, her glare never breaking front he human, "My name is Misty Knight! What makes you have the right to be demanding negotiations!"

Marcus gulped,but put on a smirk, "It won't be like last time because I know a deal that would end this whole situation. Plus you kind of ruined my dinner so I'm pretty pissed about that."

Flurry looked at the human with a deadpan expression, "She also tried to kidnap me."

"Oh yeah, that too, but it's mostly the food part."

"Are you serious! Food is more important than my well-being!"

"Flurry, Flurry. You have to understand that one of a guys greatest love is the things that is put on his plate."

Flurry was taken back as all the stallions in the room murmured in the agreement. Even a "He's right sweetie!" from her father as her mom quickly shushed him.

"I can't believe this." groaned Flurry

"ENOUGH!" exclaimed Misty causing the room to go silence once again, "Tell me what you want ape! Or I'll kill you and take the princess by force!"

Marcus only chuckled and put his hands in front of him in a calming manner, "Cool your tits. As for my bargain, I demand....A TRIAL BY COMBAT!"

There was a deafening silence, before Misty burst out laughing, "You? Want to challenge me?"

"Laugh while you can, but I'm pretty confident that you won't be hard to beat."

Misty wiped a tear from her eye. This creature couldn't have been serious? Him challenging her to a duel? Does he have a death wish? Yes, might have increased strength with that strange hammer of his but that won't stand against her with her mastery of magic and....other things. However it was impressive that he managed to defeat that whole group that fell through the ground with him. Judging by the fact that he is here with the princess and not dead. However he looks like he could go down like a stack of cards, he might've won that fight but he did come out with a few scars.

"Alright," she said, "I'll give in to your little fantasy of beating me. What are the conditions?"

Marcus put on a stern expression trying to look cool only to almost lose his footing making Flurry rub her face in embarrassment, "If I win, you and your little posse here has to turn yourselves in to the guard."

"And if I win."

Marcus hesitated for a bit before answering, "Then you can have Flurry and the Crystal Heart and walk out of here with no resistance."

"WHAT!?" screamed Flurry and her parents.

Flurry growled and stomped on his foot making him howl in pain, "That's your plan! You're betting my freedom and the Empire on your low chance of winning!"

Marcus rubbed his aching foot and glared at Flurry, "Uh, yeah? What did you think I was planning?"

"Anything other than this!"

"Flurry just trust me okay? I have everything figured out."

"But your-"

The look Marcus was giving her made her pause. She didn't know why she stopped but something inside of her was telling her to let Marcus do this. To trust him and have faith. Her angered expression fell as she only nodded before rushing to her parents. She gave them a comforting hug before their disapproving stares settled on Marcus. The raiders all formed a circle around Misty and Marcus as the two stared each other down.

"I agree to these conditions," confirmed Misty as her horn glowed a deep green, "I'll promise to make your death slow and painful."

Marcus gulped, "D-Don't you mean quick and painless?"

"I know what I said."

'U-Uh, Mjolnir. Think you can help me out here?'

'And why would I do that? You're stupidity and recklessness got you in this situation'

'Well you chose me for a reason to wield you, so it wouldn't make sense for you to let me die'

'I'm still debating on that'

'Come on!'



Marcus smirked, "Then bring it! Unless you're chicken! Bahk!"

Misty only growled, she decided that she was done fooling around with this creature and end it all in one shot. She focused more power in her horn causing it to glow a brighter green before pointing it at the human. Marcus' eyes widened when a large beam of green magical energy headed towards him at incredible speeds. He felt his arm move on his own as he twirled Mjolnir in front of him at blinding speeds as the beam connected. To Misty's, and even Marcus', surprise the beam was held in place by the spinning hammer leaving Marcus unharmed. He smirked as the beam died down and he could bask in the shocked faces of the ponies around him."

"H-How.." stuttered Misty as Marcus slowly stopped spinning the hammer and raised the end toward her again.


The mare blushed as her anger escalated, "Wh-what is wrong with you!? I thought you wanted a duel!?"

"Huh? All I said was....Oh. Ooooooh. No you got it all wrong. That's a phrase my kind like to say when we are about to beat someone up?"

"Then why didn't you just say that!?"

"Cause it sounds boring and cliche."

Misty blush never vanished and her anger only continued to rise. It was only a matter of time until she burst and make sure there were no remains of this creature. She couldn't understand him, first he's acting noble and brave. Now here he is treating like this whole situation is a big game. Not to mention that she had greatly underestimated his power, whatever that hammer was, it was definitely powerful. Probably powerful enough to give Princesses Celestia and Luna a run for their money. Maybe even Discord.

"Then I guess, I should probably not hold back." she retorted as her eyes laminated a bright green and shot multiple blasts from her horn. Marcus responded by swinging Mjolnir, deflecting each blast away from him. The crowd around them ducked and scattered not wanting to be hit by the stray beams as Shining put a shield around himself, Flurry, and Cadence. Marcus started to slowly stalk forward deflecting each green, magical blast that came his way. Once he was close enough he swung Mjolnir aiming for Misty's cranium.

The dark grey mare ducked only for the hammer to strike the tip of her horn and stunning her. Marcus took the opportunity to spartan kick her and make her skid across the crystal, marble floor. He watched her snarl before her horn glowed green once again as two projections formed a green spear and shield. She charged forward with a battle cry and swung the spear down toward Marcus' head as he brought up Mjolnir locking the both of them into a stalemate.

'Remember Marcus, you only just received my power. Even though you out class her in strength. She surpasses you in experience.'

'I can see that. Do you have a plan, because I'm not feeling to straight about this fight.'

'Are you telling me that you jumped into a fight where you were entirely outclassed, and hoped to pull out the win in the end?'

'Well when you say it. It sounds fucking stupid.'

'Odin help me. Fine just follow my lead.'

Misty bashed her shield forward, striking Marcus in the abdomen and knocking him on his back. She raised her spear and bought it down to pierce the human's chest, only for him to roll to the side. Misty grunted in annoyance and thrust her spear forward once again, however it was once again batted away by Mjolnir. Marcus then held Mjolnir in a double grip and brought it downward as hard as he can. Misty quickly brought the magical green shield above her as the hammer stuck.

Neither Marcus, Misty, or the rest of the crowd expected the strong shock wave that knocked the two combatants to the opposites of the room. Flurry grimaced as her mom held her tight and the shield that her dad made around them started to crack. She watched as Marcus and Misty Knight was blown away from each other, both of them crashing into the floor. To be honest she was worried for Marcus. This mare was super talented with her magic, she might even be better than Auntie Twilight.

She watched as both of them slowly stood up before running toward each other once again to continue the fight. Even though Misty was incredible and talented, she had to admit that Marcus wasn't bad either. Even if he had just attained the powers he had. He was mostly on the defensive, blocking and dodging each of Misty's strikes while hoping to land a counter hit against her. She fidgeted her fore hooves in front of her and winced each time Misty's spear came close to a vital area or made a new wound on the human.

Marcus swung at Misty, who countered with her spear before smacking him in the face with her shield sending the human tumbling across the ground. He spat out a bit of blood, panting heavily while Mist stalked toward him with her spear screeching against the floor.

"I must say, you've impressed me. It's been a while since I had to put this much effort in a fight. After I win and take the princess. I'll be sure to tell my employer about you."

"I ain't done yet." said Marcus standing to his feet, "I've got plenty in me."

Misty chuckled, "Nonsense. You look like you've taken enough. Time to end this."

'Mjolnir. I could really use your help now. Plus I could really go for a bite to eat.'

'Here you are, about to die and all you can think about is food?'

'I'm a very optimistic guy'

'Good we need that right now. Raise me in the air when I tell you.'

Marcus steadily stood to his feet with Mjolnir clenched tightly in his grip as he stared down the mare in front of him. Misty could only smile as victory was finally about to be in her grasp. It was a shame she had to put this 'human' down, he would of made a fine addition to her crew. She focused her green eyes on to his brown ones and thrust her spear forward ready to end it all. However her eyes' widened when Marcus grabbed the spear with his bare hand, she looked down at the spear and tried to yank it away only for Marcus' grip to tighten.

Blue electricity then sparked around his hand as he crushed the spear in his grip, sending green magical shards bursting in the air. Misty, now in a panicked stated, swung the shield hoping to stun the human. Only for him to swing Mjolnir and having the shield meet the same fate as the spear. Marcus' eyes then started to glow a bright blue as the blue electricity started to dance around his entire frame. Misty started to slowly shrink back in fear as Marcus was the one now stalking towards her.

Marcus then raised the hammer high above his head as a streak of lightning burst through the ceiling, striking Mjolnir and himself, coating the room in a bright blue light. The ponies in the room covered their eyes until Marcus lowered the hammer and canceling the streak of lightning. He walked toward misty Knight who was low to the ground cowering before him. He raised the hammer toward her and smiled.

"I told you I was going to beat that ass."

Misty couldn't even get mad or embarrassed, "F-Fine....you win."

Once the rest of the raiders her their leaders surrender, they all followed suit. Dropping their weapons to the ground as the sounds of crystal guards could be heard storming the palace. Cadence and Shining walked over by Misty, making sure she didn't try anything. He heard footsteps behind him and couldn't help but smile at Flurry standing before him. She flapped her wings and flew to his level. He was about to say something.......

Until she struck him in his face breaking his nose in the process.

"AH! You bitch!"

"That's for betting my life and scaring me to death!"

'This is my life now. I think I can manage though'

Marcus sat on the bed in the guest room of the palace, holding a piece of tissue to his bleeding nose. Once Misty and her followers were taken to dungeons by the guards for interrogation he was sent back to the infirmary to get his wounds patched up. The doctor was surprised to see that his wounds were already stitching themselves back together, even his nose managed to fix itself somewhat besides the bleeding.

"So I have a healing factor. That'll come in handy." he said to himself as he threw the bloody tissue in a nearby trash bin.

He laid back on the bed with his hands behind his head. He looked over to thee nightstand to see Mjolnir resting on top of it. Apparently he could talk to the hammer now and it talks back, which means that he could finally get some questions answered. Like why did it- she send him here? Why pick him? Was he supposed to be some kind of protector? Or was there something more?

All these questions and thoughts swam through his head. His mind then slowly drifted back to the mare he had recently fought against, Misty Knight. She said that she was hired to retrieve either this Crystal Heart or Flurry, and He's guessing it won't be long until they find out that she had failed. Going from anime and comic experience, that meant that they were probably going to do the job themselves or send someone even stronger. Even though he has a healing factor, he wasn't going to take the risk of being immortal.

'You seem troubled, Marcus.'

'Me? Nah, I'm good. Just a few things on my mind. Might be feeling a little homesick though.'

'I have....been unfair to you.'

'Huh? How?'

'I've assumed that you are like the other warriors that had wielded me. But I see now that you are no warrior and only a simple boy.'

'Then why did you pick me then? There is plenty of other people that has more battle experience than me.'

'Because, even though you may not be a warrior. You are the very few that has the heart of one. Even with your quips and joke, you are righteous and selfless. That is why I chose you to wield me.'

'Ok, then why send me to a different world?'

'There is...something I had promised an old friend. She is in need of special people and you just happened to be one of them.'

'Cryptic. Please tell me that there is more to that?'

'You aren't ready to hear the whole story. Only when you truly mastered my power.'

'Being blue balled aside. I thought I had already mastered your power? You know since I already can wield you.'

'Just because you can pick me up and swing me around,doesn't mean you're automatically a master. If it wasn't for me guiding you in that fight, you would've been overpowered and killed instantly.'

'I can't be that bad-'

'So far you are the weakest person to ever wield me.'


'I assure you the bull is not shitting.'

'No..that was just...never mind.'

'Do not worry. I have done my research of this world and have found a suitable place for your training. The ponies aren't the only races that dominate these lands. There are dragons, changelings, hippogriffs, griffins, yaks, and many more.'

'From what I'm hearing is that we won't be training with the ponies and is most likely leaving the Crystal Empire? Hold on, have you've been here before?'

'To this Equestria? No I have been not, but I have visited others with my previous users. If my memory serves correct there should be a small minotaur settlement down south of Equestria. Their physical anatomy are the most similar to yours and will serve as excellent teachers.'

'I'm....I'm as confused as a homeless man under house arrest.'

'I'll explain later.'


Marcus' conversation with Mjolnir was cut short by the three knocks coming form the door. He was still lost at what the mystical hammer was talking about, but decided that he'll probably understand when the time was right. He called out telling whoever was waiting that it was okay to come in. He was actually kind of surprised to see Princess Cadence come in with her usual bright smile.

"Hey Princess, what's up?" asked Marcus as he sat up form the bed.

Cadence giggled, "No need to be formal with me, Marcus. Even though you did use my daughter for your plan, you did save all of us in the end."

"I....I don't really know how to respond to that. Are you thanking me or trying to scare me?"

Cadence walked up and sat on the bed next to him, "I'm thanking you of course. Too be honest when you first arrived me and my husband were afraid that you were going to be a threat. That you cared for nothing but only yourself and wanted nothing more than conquest but after seeing your actions. I'm glad we were wrong."

Marcus smiled, "No problem, but...uh....I won't be staying."

"Why is that? Flurry seems to like you and will be devastated to see you go."

"I highly doubt that, but after that fight with Misty it showed me that I have a long way to go to fully control my powers."

"Are you saying that you are inexperienced with the power you've shown?"

"Yeah, too be honest I only just revived these powers....not too long ago."

"Then I'm even more grateful. Even with your lack of knowledge and experience you still were able to protect me and my family. I humbly appreciate what you done. When you are ready can you please meet us in the throne room?"

Marcus nodded. It was funny, after only being here for a couple of hours, he was actually going to miss these ponies. It still was a question on exactly why he was here with these powers but at least he had an idea. Mjolnir was asked to pick something worthy of her power and do something. If he was going to be stuck here,he might as well help Mjolnir fulfill her promise. He was cut from his thoughts as Cadence's horn lit a bright blue and she tugged on his shirt making him stare into now stern blue eyes.

"Listen carefully Marcus," she said in a threatening voice, "I appreciate what you've done, but if you ever put my daughter in harm's way again. I'll personally make you disappear like Private Garnet. Understand?"

Marcus gulped as a lone sweat came down is forehead, "Y-yeah, crystal! N-No pun intended!"

Cadence's demeanor then morphed back to her cheerful self and she trotted toward the door, "Great! I'll see you soon Marcus. Oh! I almost forgot! We've had these made for you since your attire seems....unfit to wear!"

Marcus watched as she placed a chest from outside the door inside the room before she left him alone. He took a deep breath and thanked God that wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to go, "What the hell was that?"

'Are you okay Marcus? I don't think even Loki would've wished to put you through that.'

'I'll be fine. I'm just happy my balls are still intact.'

'You twenty-first century humans are strange.'

Marcus looked toward the crate and made his way towards it. Can you blame him? Princess Cadence literally threatened him not to long ago and then ominously places a random chest in the room with him. Without thinking he kicks the chest as hard as he can, and then hops behind the bed. Silently underestimating the toughness of the chest, as he held his now throbbing foot. He peeked over to see that the chest was not a bomb, or booby trapped in any kind of way.

He slowly walked back over to the chest and unhooked the latch, before opening the lid. His eyes widened at the contents inside and grinned to himself.

"I really love these guys."

"What do you mean he's leaving!?" exclaimed an angered Flurry Heart.

"Marcus, explained to me that he needed to improve his strength," answered Cadence, "And that he couldn't do that here."

"So after everything's that had happened! He's just going to leave!"

Shining watched his wife and daughter go back and forth as they 'conversed' about the human. When Cadence told her that Marcus would be leaving the Empire tonight, Flurry didn't really take it well. Which he could understand, the human just arrived this afternoon and made a good impression on all three of them.Not to mention that he helped saved Flurry when those raiders attacked. Speaking of them, he should pay a visit to the dungeons soon and pay a visit to this, Misty Knight, and interrogate her on why she was after their daughter.

"Mom! You don't understand!" shouted Flurry cutting Shining from his thoughts.

"Then help me understand, sweetie! What's gotten you so upset that the human is leaving? Are you going to miss him that much?" replied a concerned Cadence.

"N-No! It's not that! H-He's just my only chance to-"

"Maybe I should come back another time?" the three ponies turned to the doors slowly closing as Marcus made his way into the throne room. The first thing they noticed was his change of attire, he wore a chest-piece that resembled the silver armor that the guard wears, with a black long sleeve underneath. A red cape attached to the shoulders of the chest-piece, silver wrist guards, and black pants and boots. Mjolnir was strapped to his side as he made his way toward the three ponies of royalty.

"No, you're fine Marcus," said Cadence, "We were just having a.....heated conversation. It seems that you are happy with the gift that Shining made for you?"

"Technically, it was the royal tailor and blacksmith, so you should be thanking them." added Shining.

"Well, the pants is kind of tight in the crotch area," responded Marcus, “but other than that, this stuff is the shit! I have to say though how did you get my measurements? Let alone the right build?"

"You can thank the medical staff for that. They managed to discreetly record your size while checking you after the battle."

"If you call groping almost every part of my body discreet, then okay."

"Are you really leaving?" asked Cadence as Marcus nodded.

"Unfortunately yeah. Too be honest I got way lucky in that fight without it I would definitely gotten my ass kicked and then Flurry wouldn't even be here by now. So I'm leaving to train....man this sounds so sappy I might throw up."

"You know," started Shining, "We could train you here."

"Nah, I'm good. Plus it'll be good to explore the land a bit. Since I'm going to be staying here for awhile."

"Well, the we wish you luck on your journey. When will you be leaving?"

"The earlier the better to be honest. No offense but the high class lifestyle isn't really my style."

"None taken," added Cadence, "we'll get you a ticket for the train departing in a few hours-"

She was cut off as Flurry stormed out of the throne room. Leaving her now confused parents and Marcus behind. The throne room doors closed behind her as she quickly ran to her room. It wasn't fair! How does Marcus get to leave and not her!? The young alicorn princess stomped in her room and slammed the door. She jumped in her bed and screamed in her pillow.

"What do I do now? I didn't expect for him to leave this early." She mumbled to herself, "If it wasn't for that attack, Mom and Dad might've actually let me go."

She rolled on her back and looked up at the ceiling. Too be honest she was mad that Marcus was leaving, but also.....betrayed? She hadn't even met the human for a full day and she's scared of him leaving. Probably because he's her only hope of getting out if the palace.

It's not like she can sneak-

That's when Flurry had an idea. She had an wonderful idea. Flurry Heart, princess of the Crystal Empire, had a horrible awful idea.

Marcus handed his train ticket to the stallion as he walked on the cart. He couldn't really admire the inside of the caboose and how much it reminded him of the ones from Harry Potter. He made his way to his assigned room and opened the door to see two seats and a lone bed. He walked in and closed the door behind him and set Mjolnir on the bed.

He wondered why Flurry ran out the room like that. He had to admit he was disappointed to not be able to say goodbye to her. Even though she was a pain in the ass sometimes, she was one of the few in that palace he could actually relate to. Well he could always visit when he was done with this 'mysterious' training that Mjolnir is having him do.

Speaking of the hammer. She had been awfully quiet since his battle with Misty Knight. He groaned to himself that he even referred to the object as a 'she'. Maybe it wasn't too late to start drinking if he ever got home. Marcus snapped his head to the door as another pony entered the room. He couldn't really tell their features do to them wearing a cloak.

"Oh, I didn't know I was rooming with a jedi master for this trip." mused Marcus as the pony cocked their head to the side in confusion.

Marcus mentally slapped himself, "Right, you ponies won't get my references. Too be honest I'm surprised you aren't freaking out. I had to be escorted by the guards all the way here so there won't be panic. Which I'm still thinking is kind of racist-"

"Are you ever going to stop talking lazy bones." said a familiar voice as Marcus' eyes widened at how familiar the voice was.


The pony lowered their hood to reveal the smirking expression of Flurry Heart, "In the flesh. What? Did you think you were just going to leave without me?"

"B-but what about your parents? M-more so your mom."

Flurry looked to the side, "They're.....fine."

"Are you saying they know you're here?"


Marcus groaned, "Go home."

"What? After the trouble it took me to get out of the palace? Not a chance!"

"Look I rather not face the wrath of your mother. So you are going home, end of story-"

Marcus was cut off by the sound of a loud whistle. More specifically the whistle of the train as he felt the caboose starting to move. He looked out the window and watched as they gradually left the train station and further away from the Crystal Empire. He looked back to Flurry who had a bright grin on her face, making him pinch the bridge of his nose. Now he was stuck with her. He'll have to send her back on the next stop, but who knows how long that'll be until then, not to mention that she definitely wouldn't go back and he can't really leave a princess by herself.

"Fine," started Marcus, "But you ARE going back to that palace. Which won't be long from now since your parents probably already sent out a search party. Once they find us I'll gladly hand you over."

Flurry gave the human a nervous look, "A-About that....my parents should already know where I am."

"Perfect! Now all we gotta do is-"

"Because they let me come with you!"





'Can you keep it down I'm trying to sleep!'