• Published 28th Oct 2018
  • 11,326 Views, 279 Comments

Thunder - The Zebra Hybrid

A human gets transported to Equestria with the powers of the Norse God of Thunder. Second installment to the Hybrid Universe.

  • ...

You're Such A Nice Guy!

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry for the confusion from before. Here is the updated chapter!

I also have an editor now! So go check out Rockstar Raccoon!

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!


"Marcus, we have to pop it back in place!"


"Sir, if you would please just cooperate-"


Marcus was now in the infirmary of the Crystal Palace, using his good arm to fend off Flurry Heart and another mare,the nurse, from popping his dislocated one back in place. Normally he would let them do what they had to do, but the fact that they’d never seen his kind before meant that they might not know how the human body works. Yeah, it was just a dislocated shoulder, but he was not taking the risk damn it!

"Your arm is just out of its socket!" exclaimed Flurry with an annoyed expression, "Just let the nurse pop it back in pace and you'll be good as new!"

"Sir, I promise that nothing bad would happen. It'll be quick, like pulling off a band-aid."

He glared at the two of them, but finally he gave a nod. His arm wasn't going to fix itself and he guessed the mare was the only thing closest to medical support. Too be honest, this wasn't the first time he had dislocated an arm, and he could pop it back in place easily, but the last time he did he somehow dislocated the other arm in the process.

Marcus then gave a stern glare toward the mares, "Fine...but if my other arm gets like this, it's your ass on the line!"

The mare and Flurry gave confused looks at each other, "We don't have any donkeys though. Not to mention that’s been banned in Equestria since the banishment of Nightmare Moon."

Marcus gave them a deadpan look, "Just fix my shit."

His tone made the nurse flinch, but she nodded as her horn glowed a bright turquoise, making Marcus' arm do the same. He was about to lash out at the unfamiliar sensation until he actually felt his arm pop back in place. No pain or anything. The glow dimmed from the nurse's horn and so did Marcus' arm, he rolled his shoulder a few times in disbelief....

It was like he’d never hurt his arm in the first place!

"W-Wow...that's pretty cool." was all Marcus could say.

The nurse blushed, "It was nothing great. Just a simple healing spell."

Flurry rolled her eyes, “Anyways, thank you for the help Nurse Diamond."

The mare known as Nurse Diamond was snapped from her trance, "O-Of course Princess. Call me when you need anything else!"

With a quick bow the mare left the room leaving both Marcus and Flurry. The human, now glad that his arm was back to normal was in deep thought. Why couldn't he pick up the hammer? He did it easily back at the museum, so this time couldn't be any different. He sure made a fool out of himself though, he could still hear their laughter as Flurry carried him here in the infirmary. Wait... if he couldn't pick up the hammer then he was never worthy to begin with! What kind of shit is that! What does he have to do? Be a boy scout? Help little old ladies across the street?

"Hey," called out Flurry gaining Marcus' attention, "I'm... I'm sorry about your arm. It's my fault you're here."

Marcus looked at the mare, "What are you apologizing for? It's not like you knew this would happen. I'm more mad at myself for being too confident."

"Well, do you know why you couldn't lift the hammer?"


Flurry gave him a confused look, "What?"

"The hammer's name, it's Mjolnir. As for the reason why I couldn't pick it up is because I'm not worthy as of yet. Which is some cop-out bullshit."

"Not worthy? So it’s enchanted?"

"In a sense, yes, however it's more sentient than enchanted. I know it wants me to wield it, but I can't."

Flurry couldn't believe what she was hearing, a hammer that could think for itself? That's ridiculous! Then again a human appearing out of nowhere is little unbelievable also. The young princess sighed and decided to let it go for now.

"So why you? You're just a lazy potato, from what I see."

Marcus gave her a stern look, "That's a low blow, but true. My guess is as good as yours, to be honest my friend Devon would be a much better candidate than me."

There was a moment of silence between the two once again. Marcus was in deep thought on why Mjolnir would send him here of all places. Was there an ancient evil that he had to take care of? Did it want him to be some superhero? Or maybe it was just being a dick.

That last one seemed to make more sense.

The sound of the door slamming open startled them as Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor came barging in the room. Flurry barely had time to talk before she was pulled in an embrace and then pelted with kisses and questions.

"Flurry! Are you ok!? We heard you were here and we feared the worst!" cried Cadence.

"Do you need some juice!? Or maybe some orange slices?" added Shining.

Flurry squirmed from her parents grasp, "Mom, Dad I'm fine! Where are Auntie Twilight and the others?"

"You're Aunties and cousin decided to leave and Sunburst had returned to his duties," stated the Princess of Love, "They did however leave your presents and an apology for leaving so abruptly."

"Right now though, we’re just glad you're safe." added Shining.

"Thanks, but like I said I'm fine. It's him you should be worried about." said Flurry, pointing to the human.

The two rulers of the empire turned their heads to see Marcus sitting on the bed. The human gave them a wave and smiled, "’Sup."

Cadence gave a smile and made her way over to the human with her husband following behind, "It's a pleasure to meet you..."


"Marcus. I am Princess Cadence and this is my husband, Prince Shining Armor. We rule over the Crystal Empire."

Princess and prince? Didn't the Emperor and Empress rule n Empire? Well, this was magical pony land so maybe some rules don't apply here like back on Earth?

"We hope that you are feeling well," added Shining, "We feared the worst when you passed out. However why are you in the infirmary? We could’ve sworn we put you in one of the guest rooms."

Marcus froze, "U-um....about that-"

"He was protecting me!" blurted out Flurry.

"Yeah..wait what?"

Cadence turned to Flurry, "Is that so?"

Flurry nodded and put on her best damsel in distress facade., "Y-Yeah! Some rude stallions tried to foalnap me in the courtyard! If it wasn't for Marcus fending them off I would've been a goner!"

While Marcus was listening to Flurry describe how he’d 'allegedly' fended off a group of foalnappers one thing was going through his mind. This was bullshit! How stupid did Flurry think her parents were? It was clear that some points in the story she was telling them were exaggerated and unbelievable. Now she was digging an even deeper grave for him and if her parents found out the truth that he was actually sent here on accident and was a complete coward and couch potato, either they will laugh at him assuming it was a joke or they would lock him up and somehow blame him for THEIR daughter lying to them.

Once Flurry completed her bullshit lie of a story both parents turned to the human sitting on the bed. Marcus braced himself for what was about to come, there was no way they would've believed a half-assed lie like that. At least he could make a few friends in pris-

Wait, were they hugging him?

To Marcus' surprise the two ponies were now in a warm embrace with his body. He didn't really know how to react at this point, should he be relieved that they believed Flurry, or should he be worried that they actually believed her!

If Flurry managed to get away with that, what else had she been able to get away with. Oh shit! Was she a hoe?! Do prostitutes even exist here?! Questions for later.

"Thank you for protecting our daughter." said Cadence in a motherly tone.

"We are forever in your debt. We wouldn't have known what to do if we lost our Flurry." added Shining.

Marcus gave them a fake smile and slowly squirmed himself free of the hug, "I-It was nothing! Those bastards were nothing against...my uh...superior warrior-ness?"

Flurry groaned and placed her face in her hoof. She wondered how long they were going to keep this charade up before her parents caught on. Judging how the human was performing, probably not too long. Then again, her parents were pretty gullible. Would they even notice? Can a terrible liar trick a super-gullible pony? Questions for later.

Cadence smiled, "We must repay you back somehow-"

Marcus waved them off, "No I don't think that's necessary."

"How about over a nice dinner?"

Marcus' attitude then did a complete one-eighty, "Well, I was pretty awesome fending off those evil, dastardly kidnappers. I guess a good-ass meal will do."

"That would be great!" said Shining Armor, "Dinner should be started around six or seven. In the meantime, I'm sure you won't mind Flurry showing you around?"

"Oh that would be a wonderful idea!" added Cadence as she clapped her fore hooves together, "Since you two are already well acquainted, I'm sure you two will become quick friends!."

Ok, now Marcus was starting to lose his appetite. First they sounded like pretty chill individuals, but now it seemed like they only wanted him around just to protect their daughter. Which he understood a concerned parent, he still felt a little used.

He guessed Flurry had enough embarrassment from her parents as she quickly pushed both of them out of the room, "Yeah that sounds great," Flurry said quickly, "I'm sure you two have more of your duties to take care of. In the meantime, I'll show Marcus around the castle and the Empire. Sounds good? Good. Bye!"

The young pink princess slammed the door with her magic and turned to face Marcus with a glare.

"WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT!?" she exclaimed in a clearly angry voice.

Marcus crossed his arms and glared at her, "I should be asking you the same question! What the hell was with that kidnapping shit?!"

"I was improvising! What's with you accepting dinner with my parents!? If you haven't noticed, we don't want another conversation like what we just had! So we need to avoid my parents as much as possible!"

He groaned, "First of all, after meeting your parents in person I can agree with you. They are a bit overprotective. However they seem to be cool people, er, ponies. This is all on you, if you hadn't lied in the first place we wouldn't be in this mess."

"You just don't understand do you? What do you think they'll do when they find out that you can't protect me? What my MOTHER will do to you?"

Marcus shrugged, "I don't know, does it really matter though? If we just tell them the truth about me being from another world I'm sure they would understand."

Flurry rubbed her temples and groaned in annoyance. She would have to make it easier for the human to understand where she was getting at. Seriously, why would a powerful mystic hammer choose him to wield it?

"Let me break it down for you then. What happened when you first met us?"

Marcus blinked in confusion, but still answered, "I was surrounded by ponies."

Flurry nodded, "Yes, but not just any ponies but some of the most powerful ponies in Equestria. Who knew little of your kind to begin with. Tell me when humans find a living being they don't know or understand what do they do?"

"Well, I'm no scientist or expert, but most likely we'll study it and maybe dissect....oh I see where you're getting at. Your parents would never do that to me right?"

Flurry sighed, "My parents will do anything and I mean ANYTHING to make sure nothing bad happens to me. That's why I want every pony to believe that your more powerful than you are. To make sure you don't end up like Private Garnet."

Marcus didn't know who Private Garnet was, but he felt bad for him for whatever reason, "So you're saying that if your parents knew that I was a lazy fat ass, then they'd study me like a lab rat?"

"I wouldn't go that far, but they wouldn't be treating you with the respect and pleasantries you’re receiving now."

Marcus nodded, "Alright l get it, we'll see how long we can keep this up. However, you need to stop exaggerating on what I can do. Sooner or later they’re gonna want proof on what I can actually do and I'm afraid I'm going to get more than a dislocated arm."

Flurry gave a guilty expression and nodded, "Y-yeah....I'm really sorry about that by the way."

Marcus felt his chest tighten. Why did she become so adorable all of a sudden? She was like a big pink marshmallow that he could squeeze and cuddle. However, said marshmallow also had a bad temper, and could kill him without a second thought.

Yeah, now that he thought about it, she wasn't as cute anymore.

"No need to beat yourself up about it," said Marcus as he stood up form the bed, "It's not like you knew I couldn't pick up the hammer. Let's just bury the hatchet and move on okay?"

"Sure," Flurry smiled as she walked toward the door, "Now hurry your monkey butt. I want to show you around the Empire before dinner."

Marcus smiled and followed her until something came into realization. Hold up, did she just call him a....


"And you’re sure that's what happened?"

Devon nodded toward the police officer, "Yes sir, I know it sounds crazy but it's the honest truth."

The police officer nodded and started to scribble on his notepad as his partner took pictures around the exhibit that held Mjolnir. After a few hours of calling out for Marcus and searching for him around the museum, Devon had decided to call the cops. Once they arrived, he told them everything that had happened, from him and Marcus arriving to the museum, to them splitting off from the rest of the group, and then Marcus' mysterious disappearance. They had checked the cameras but all they saw was static, right when Devon was taking a picture of Marcus. Once the static cleared it showed the hammer and Marcus gone without and trace and a confused Devon.

"So what happens now?" asked Devon with a hopeful expression.

"Look kid, I'm gonna be honest," started the cop, "the only thing we can do is put his name in a missing case file. We’ll give you a call once we find something, but until then we have to play the waiting game."

"That's it then? There's nothing else you can do?"

"I'm really sorry, but that's how it is. Sometimes these disappearances are too unnatural to solve. I hope you understand."

Devon sighed but nodded. The cop placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a comforting look before he walked over to his partner. Devon watched as the two policemen collected their equipment and left the area. He walked over to a nearby wall and leaned against it before sliding down to a sitting position. He buried his face in his hands and softly cursed to himself.

"Damn it," he whispered,"where the hell did you go dude? People don't just vanish into thin air. Do they?"

Devon heard footsteps walk toward him, but he paid them no mind. He was too busy lamenting over his missing friend that he may never see again. He wants to blame himself for what happened, but he knows Marcus wouldn't have it if he was here. He let out a small chuckle, that was one of things he respected about Marcus. Yeah, he was a lazy ass and should have a job by now, but he was selfless and always cared more for others than himself. In his opinion that trait about him was going to get him killed some day. No matter how many times Devon told Marcus to think for himself once in a while, he simply refused.

Which he couldn't blame after what happened to his-

"Ahem." a sudden cough snapped Devon form his thoughts as he looked up to see two men dressed in black suits. One was tall and lean with shoulder length brown hair and eyes, while the other was a tad shorter and a more broader build with short brown hair and eyes.

"Can I help you two?" asked Devon with a curious expression. Who were these two?

"Hello sir," said the shorter man, "I'm Agent D and this is my partner Agent S. We're here to talk about the disappearance about your friend?"

Devon raised an eyebrow, "So you're feds? I though I only called the police. Plus, I already told them what I know."

"That may be true," stepped in Agent S, "But it's better to get the story from the witness themselves rather than the police. Story could be changed."

Devon looked at the two suspiciously. Something wasn't right here, he knew for a fact that he ONLY called the cops and no one else. The police would’ve contacted the feds for some assistance but for them to come this soon? That didn't sound right, it was almost if that they knew what happened in the first place.

"Alright, quit with the bullshit." said Devon as the two agents kept their stoic expressions, "Who are you two really? FBI? CIA? Some secret organization funded by the government?"

"Sir," Agent D said cautiously, "I think you're just in denial that your friend-"

"His name is Marcus and I'm not stupid! There is no way you two would've known about the situation this early! Even if the police contacted you! So who are you?"

The two agents looked at each other and then nodded in a silent agreement.

"Are you sure you want to know what we do?" asked Agent S.

"Once you find out, there’s no going back. Trust us." added Agent D.

Devon nodded, "I just want to know what happened to my friend, and if there’ is a way to bring him back!"

There was a small pause as Devon stared down the two agents. To be honest, he felt like shitting bricks right now. He didn't know what these two were capable of, and they could probably kill him and make him disappear. But, Devon was smarter than he looked, he knew that whoever these two were needed him and couldn't afford to lose him, so he had the advantage.

"Alright," said Agent S, "But you have to do what we say and when we say it."

"We're serious," Agent D stepped in, "We've dealt with things you could only see in your worst nightmares."

Devon gulped and put on a determined expression, "I-I'll do whatever it takes, agents."

"No need to call us agents. We were kind of surprised you saw through our facade so easily," said Agent D as he held out his hand.

"I'm Dean Winchester and this is my little brother Sam. I promise you that we’ll get your friend back whatever means necessary."