• Published 28th Oct 2018
  • 11,326 Views, 279 Comments

Thunder - The Zebra Hybrid

A human gets transported to Equestria with the powers of the Norse God of Thunder. Second installment to the Hybrid Universe.

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The Concrete Jungle Part 3

Cadence couldn't focus on the document she was writing. How could she? Her daughter was missing, along with Marcus, and she has no idea if she is safe or not. Its been couple days since Flurry's supposed kidnapping and she had heard nothing to brighten her mood. Misty, the mercenary, had been silent since she left and her husband, Shining Armor, barely talked to her. He was probably still disagreed with her hiring a mercenary to find their daughter rather than themselves.

The Princess of Love took a deep breath and closed her eyes solemnly. She wants to believe that this whole thing was a misunderstanding and that Flurry ran off on her own. However, why would she do that? Flurry did love them did she? There is no way her little girl would just leave them without any explanation. The human had to have forced her go. That had to be the only reason.

The sound of the door opening caught her attention. She turned around to see Shining Armor walk in the room, before taking off his purple crystal armor and taking a place on the bed. She pretended not to notice the side ways glance he was giving her, knowing that he was just as mad and worried as she was.

"We finally got a letter back from the mercenary." he suddenly said as Cadence froze instantly. She turned around to her husband with a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.

"What did Misty say! Did she find Flurry! What about the human? Is he-"

Shining held up a hoof, "She didn't find them, no. However when talking to the train conductor, she discovered that Marcus departed to Manehattan. She's heading there as we speak."

"Great! We'll soon have our baby girl back! Then everything we'll go back to normal!"

"What about Marcus?"

Cadence face formed into a frown, "What about him?"

Shining groaned and stood from the bed, "Cadence I do not feel like having this argument again. Let me be the one to go get Flurry in Manehattan and get a reason why she disappeared on us."

"I already told you-"

"That there's somepony else involved? Sweetie, you're letting your emotions take control of you. You're not seeing what's in front of you and it's affecting your decision making."

Cadence rolled her eyes and focused back on the documents in front of her, "I'm doing just fine. Thank you very much! I trust Misty, and you should too. She had a legitimate reason, for what she did and I did not feel any deceit when she told me her story about her son."

"Then why don't you trust Marcus? I think you just need someone to blame."

Cadence stayed quiet. She had to comprehend what her Shining, her husband and love her life, just said. She needed someone to blame? How dare he say that to her! Is he suggesting that Flurry was missing because of her? How? All she ever done was love and protect her filly from the moment she was born, the moment she first laid eyes on her small form.

"Are you saying it's MY fault she's gone!" Cadence spat out venomously.

Shining shook his head, "I'm not saying anything! There is just too may variables to consider a single possibility. You promised that you would give Marcus a chance to explain himself."

"I did. That doesn't mean I like it."

"And I don't like the idea that we are having to send out a mercenary, to bring our own daughter back. So you're just going to have to deal with it, like I am."

Cadence grumbled, "Fine. We'll agree to disagree until Flurry gets back."

Shining nodded and made his way to the bathroom, "I still love you both. Don't forget that."

Cadence still looking at the documents in front of her sighed, "And I love you too."

"So you mean to tell me that a mere ape bested my three best fliers?"

The three griffons flinched at their boss' harsh tone. After the beat down they took form the mysterious ape-like creature, the three quickly made their way back to the private property owned by Silver Beak, their boss. The main griffon boss was larger than normal, his feather's being a dark brown and his feline fur being a coal black. His sharpened talons scraped the chair he was sitting in, and his large wings folded at his side. The more noticeable features would be the red ruby necklace around his neck, and his beak being made of a prosthetic metal. Silver Beak and his three enforcers were currently in his personal office, on his private estate. Once they informed him of why they had failed to convince that mare to sell of her store, he was more than displeased. They would surely get fed to the dogs for this failure.

"B-Boss," stuttered the first griffon, "You don't understand. This...thing...isn't normal."

"And tell me what makes him different than the other weak ponies in this city?"

The second griffon decided to step in, "Sir, our bullets bounced off him like like they were plastic. Not to mention the hammer he has with him."

Silver Beak rose an eye brow, "Hammer you say?"

"Y-Yes...it's powerful. He sent us flying with just one swing. Not to mention the lightning that radiated off of him."

The third griffon nodded, "Boss, I hate to say it but this guy could give a dragon a run for their money......maybe even an alicorn."

The large griffon stroked his beak, in thought. Now that was interesting; he couldn't lie that the three in front of him were the best enforces he had when dealing with his problems. Trustworthy too. So who ever this creature was, is a force to be reckoned with. Even though griffons weren't connected as much to magic like the equines or the dragons, they did have the lead in science and technology. If this creature was immune to griffon made bullets then they had two options.

Either try to convince this ape to join their organization, or eliminate a potential threat.

"Tell me," Silver Beak answered, "who were you 'conversing' with, before the creature showed up?"

"It was Ollie Sheen, sir." said the first griffon as the boss froze for a quick second before regaining his composure.

That....was going to be a problem. Ollie Sheen and her family have been stubborn and a thorn in his side ever since he started running this city. If this hammer-wielding beast was her ally than he needed to act fast before everything he built here in Manehattan came crushing down on his head. The crime boss reached to the side of his desk and took a lone cigar from his drawer before lighting it.

"Then we need to act quickly," firmly informed the boss, "Did you at least have the creature tailed after your retreat?"

The second griffon nodded, "Yes boss, the cops under our pay grade informed us that he and Ollie Sheen entered the Manehattan Suites. We assume that is where they will be staying, and they might skip town tomorrow morning."

"We can't allow them to do that. If word got out about how you three lost the the whole city would turn against. The cops we bribe would no longer service us, the citizens wouldn't be as afraid to stand against us, and that damned mayor would finally have the balls to actually contact the royal guard."

"We understand boss." the three enforcers replied simultaneously.

"Tomorrow morning, I want you three to take a group of griffons to Manehattan Suites to apprehend this creature. Since regular bullets don't affect him, supply yourselves with the enchanted ones we have at the warehouse and any heavy artillery we have stored there. I don't care what state he's in when he's on my doorstep, as long as he is alive."

"What about Ollie Sheen sir?"

"If you can, bring her to me alive as well. I have been to merciful with her and she must be made an example of. However it would also put me at ease if she had a bullet in her pony skull. As for any other allies they have, eliminate them as well, we don't want any loose ends causing more problems for us."

"Yes boss," said the three griffon enforcers as they made their way out of the office leaving Silver Beak to his thoughts. He puffed out a plume of dark smoke as he rose from his chair and walked to his window, gazing into the night sky. His metal beak shining brightly in the moonlight. This creature thinks he can just walk in his city cause a bit of trouble and leave without consequences? Once the creature was kneeling before him, he'll feed him to the dogs and mount this so called 'All Powerful Hammer' on his wall.

This he swore.

Marcus yawned as he leaned up on the couch he was currently sleeping on for the night. After cracking his neck and back a few times, he groggily made his way to the bathroom. Flurry and Ollie was still asleep in the two beds, probably still exhausted from the crazy day they had yesterday. he even heard light snores coming from Minnie, which he had to admit was pretty freaking adorable. After doing the typical morning routine, the human took a quick shower and put on his pants, he's going to have to see if their's a tailor or something here to see if they can repair his ruined shirt. He then instead put the light chest piece of his armor over his bare chest instead, before instantly taking it off.

"Okay, that's cold and my nipples are getting uncomfortably hard from this." he quietly said to himself. He would have to make due with his torn top for now. He strapped on his red cape and then made his way out of the room, making his way toward the lobby where breakfast was being served. Hopefully the food here was better than what he had on the train. Then again, the carrot dogs him and Flurry got from that vendor yesterday was actually pretty good.

He still wished he had some form of protein though. He approached the elevator and stepped inside. The elevator wasn't like the modern ones back on Earth. It kind of reminded him of that ride at Disneyland. Too bad it closed though. As he felt the elevator descend to the floor he thought about what he was going to do when all this was over. Maybe he could be a residential super hero? Nah, that's too cliche. Plus he's too broke to be working for free. Being a mercenary wouldn't be so bad, he'll kick ass and travel to new places, however he's too lazy to do actual work.

His thought's were interrupted as the elevator came to a jerking stop, almost knocking him off of his feet. Raising an eyebrow, he noticed that he wasn't even close to reaching the lobby floor. The doors didn't open yet, no one else had stopped it to come on.

"Don't tell me I got stuck!" he exclaimed, "This is just my luck! Of course my damn morning would start out this way!"

He could easily break out with his new found strength. The only problem is that he did not want to put any extra fees on his and Flurry's tab. Even though she is a princess and is stacked with bank, he still didn't feel right about. He guessed he'll have to wait until someone notices that the elevator is stuck. It wasn't the worst this that could happen today-


The elevator jerked again, this time as if something came loose.


Marcus held on to the railing for dear life as the elevator plummeted down the shaft. The human could literally feel his balls rising into his stomach. He needed to get out of this thing but he was too cared and the death contraption was accelerating down faster and faster. He watched as the counter was rapidly descending. If he got out of this alive than he was totally suing the crap out of this place.

The human closed his eyes, feeling that the ground was getting closer until impact. Going on his knees and covering his head, the elevator finally made contact with the floor emitting a loud crash to echo throughout the building. The ceiling of the elevator caved in above him as metal, stone, and cords rained down on him. Marcus had to cover his mouth and eyes from the dust that threatened to choke him and block his sight. He could hear ponies from the outside screaming in panic and some calling for help. Hopefully none of them got hurt during the elevator's kamikaze.

He groaned, mentally thanking for the godly durability and dug himself out of the rubble in debris. He stood up in the ruined elevator and looked himself over. If his clothes were a mess before, than this time it looked like he got in a wrestling match with both a lion and a bear. The right shin of his pants were gone with torn cuts, his chest piece war also dented and battered, with his cape being half torn. Unsurprisingly however his actual skin was fine. Marcus took off the chest piece an through it to the side before tearing the red cape off it and wrapping it around his bare upper body like a robe. He stumbled toward the doors a bit disoriented and pulled back his fist.

He punched the metal doors to the elevator this all his might and knocked them off of their hinges. The dust escaped the tight space and into the open lobby. Judging by the sounds of hooves galloping back and forth and the constant screaming. he made quite a ruckus. As he walked out of the elevator, the dust cleared and instead of greeting with the local pony firefighters or police. He was met with a group of griffons all aiming guns at him. It then occurred to him that these must be the work of that Silver Beak guy, Ollie was telling him about.

"Um..." Marcus started to say, "You guys know that bullets bounce off me, like a deadbeat dad bouncing off of child support, right?"

The griffons said nothing as they all cocked their weapons getting ready to fire. Marcus just shrugged, "Don't say I didn't warn you, I might not have Minnie with me but I'm sure I can-"



Pain. Ooooooh so much pain! Marcus screamed out as a lone bullet tore through his shoulder, erupting a patch of blood from it. He grabbed his shoulder and quickly ducked behind a nearby couch as the rest of the griffons opened fire. He screamed again as a hail of bullets rained toward him nearly shredding the lobby couch apart as bullets sailed past him. What was happening!? What happened to his bullet immunity!? Was it because he didn't have Minnie with him? No, that can't be it because he would've ended up a lot worst in that elevator crash.

The only other time he bled was when he fought those mercenaries in the Crystal Empire who had those.....enchanted blades. Not to mention that unicorn, Musky Knight if he remembered, also used those constructed weapons form her horn. Which was magic.

He has a weakness to magic.....in a land where magic is pretty much day to day life.


'Marcus! Silver Beak sent his goonies here!'

'I've noticed! I'm being shot at this very moment and is currently bleeding out. You know it would've been nice to actually warn me that magic is one of my weaknesses!'

'How the hell did you NOT know? You got your ass kicked by the mercenaries with a magic arsenal back in the Crystal Empire.'

'I really don't need the sass right now, Minnie! Where are you anyway?! I might need the magic hammer that shoots lightning.'

'I would've come if I wanted to, but something is blocking my connection with you. I'm surprised we're having this conversation now.'

'Great....so I'm on my own for now. Wait! What about Flurry and Ollie!?'

'Don't worry they booked it once they saw the griffons flooding the building.'

'And you didn't go with them?'

'Does it look like I can go anywhere? Look, they'll be fine. What you need to do is find what is interfering with our connection so I can find you.'

'I guess you're right. I better not die because of you.'

'Eh, rub some dirt on it.'

With that, Marcus felt the familiar presence of Minnie leave his mind. He couldn't be too mad though, Minnie was right saying that it should be obvious that he wasn't resistant to magic or enchanted items. He needed to find whatever is interfering with his and Minnie's connection. Then he could call her to him, kick some ass, find Flurry and Ollie, and get the hell out of dodge. Which is easier said than done since he has no idea what is cutting him off, and the fact that these griffons are pinning him behind this couch.

It was then he saw movement at the corner of his eye and noticed that a few griffons were heading up the staircases.

"Shit! Those mother fuckers are trying to keep me pinned so they could get to Ollie, and who knows what they could do to Flurry! If I die I'm totally haunting some pony's ass."

Mustering his godly strength, Marcus picked up the couch he was hiding behind and chucked it at the griffons, who instantly dispersed from the large flying object. Taking his chance, the human ran to ward the door to the staircase, dodging the return of bullets aimed at him. Kicking open the door and squatting his legs, he pushed upward ascending several flights before landing, before squatting and shooting off again.

"Why the hell, did we pick the top floor!?"

Flurry and Ollie peeked out a nearby by storage closet, observing a squad of griffons as they barged into ponies' rooms and demanding them for answers on their whereabouts. Things happened to suddenly that they didn't have time to grab their belongings before they fled the room. Flurry even almost blew her cover of being an alicorn due to the sudden crash that was heard throughout the hotel.

The pink mare just hoped that her human companion was okay. She didn't know how capable he was without his hammer, since it was still sitting in the hotel room. Flashbacks of when the raiders took her hostage back in the Crystal Empire flooded her mind. Especially with how Marcus was injured during that whole ordeal. She didn't want that to happen to him again, which meant that she had to toughen up and get a little dirty.

"I think Marcus' references are rubbing off on me." she whispered to herself, before glancing toward the yellow earth pony beside her, "Any ideas?"

"Not really," said Ollie, "We need to obviously get past Silver Beak's crew. After that we should find Marcus and get out of the city.....this is all my fault. Those griffons are here because of me-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. You have nothing to blame for this. It's not your fault this is happening, if anything you should be thanking Marcus."

"I-I know, but if he hadn't had helped me-"

"You would've been dead or worse. Look I'm not good at giving advice, but blaming yourself isn't going to make things better. Things are going to suck, but all you gotta do is push through it."

Ollie chuckled, "I guess you're right. You know, I haven't known you or Marcus long but you're sounding a lot like him."

Flurry groaned before smiling, "I know. He may be annoying and we may bicker most of the time, but so far he's been kind and knows exactly what to say during these kinds of situations."

"You really do admire him don't you?"

"I wouldn't say admire, but he's just something I want to be. I would never tell him this, because I would never hear the end of it but he inspires me to reach for what I want."

Ollie smiled, "Sounds like a keeper. Anyway how are we going to get out of this mess?"

Flurry's ear perked, "I have an idea, but I need you to promise me not to scream or tell anypony."

Ollie rose an eyebrow, "Okay? What is it?"

Flurry sighed as he horn glowed a light blue before her cloak was levitated off of her body. Ollie eye's instantly drifted to the wings on her back, both of them widening n surprise. The yellow mare thought today couldn't get any....different. First Silver Beak's gang, then being saved by Marcus the human, and now Flurry just revealed herself to be an alicorn-

"W-Wait," started Ollie, "Are you THAT Flurry. Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire?"


"Well, shit."

Author's Note:

Ponies cursing is the best medicine. Plus I have no reason for this being late. Do you care? Probably so. Do I care? Probably not.