• Published 29th May 2018
  • 2,949 Views, 105 Comments

My Little White Lie - ForestTrails482

A wise mare once said, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." But what if that pony (or in Applejack and Apple Bloom's case, changeling) tried to do you harm?

  • ...

Chapter 8: Home is where the heart is

Sleeping peacefully in her small secluded hut, Zecora the zebra began to stir when she heard a loud knocking at her door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Zecora! Zecora! It's Apple Bloom! I need yer help!"

Zecora yawned as she began to rise. Why would Apple Bloom come to her hut at such a late hour? Either her little friend was in desperate need, or something posing as her friend didn't know that Zecora was a night sleeper. Zecora got off her bed and walked up to the door.

If it was a changeling, Zecora would know. Only Apple Bloom, Applejack, and Big Mac knew the password to enter. And worst case scenario, if a changeling did know the password, she had a mystic salve that would reveal a changeling's true colors.

"If it is indeed you, my friend Apple Bloom, the password you must say, only then shall I make room."

Putting her ear against the door, Zecora waited for the answer.

"I am a changeling."

Zecora smiled upon hearing that, the first test had been passed. Grabbing the bowl of salve and keeping it close, Zecora opened the door. She was not surprised when she saw Apple Bloom, but when she saw 4-8-2 standing behind her, Zecora dropped the bowl and screamed as she slammed the door.

"You cannot enter my hut you creatures of deceit! You might as well go home and admit your defeat!"

"Zecora! This isn't a changeling trap! I really am Apple Bloom! This changeling is my friend, 4-8-2!"

Zecora raised an eyebrow upon hearing that. Apple Bloom, friends with a changeling?

"How am I to believe such a story, when secrets and lies are a changeling's work and glory?!"

"Zecora, remember how my sister and her friends thought you were an evil enchantress before we met? How they thought that you were trying to cook me in a stew, but you were just preparing a cure for the poison joke?"

"Apple Bloom? Can it really be you? But why would you be friends with a changeling named 4-8-2?"

"It's kind of a long story..."

"... and that's why we were out there."

Just as Apple Bloom was finishing her story, Zecora had finished patching up Big Mac's leg. He was lying on the zebra shaman's bed as she worked. 4-8-2 was sitting next to the door. He figured the best thing he could do was to give the zebra her space. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable while she was working on healing Big Mac.

"I can understand the reason for your actions, my dear little youth. But all of this could have been avoided had you just told your brother the truth."

(sigh) "Yeah, I know. Sorry Big Mac. I should have just told ya the truth. Can you forgive me?"

Big Mac was upset that Apple Bloom disobeyed Applejack's orders, and that she lied to him and Granny Smith. But he couldn't blame her for the timber wolf incident. Nopony could have saw that coming. Well... except maybe Pinkie Pie.

Besides, this was his baby sister. He couldn't stay mad at her.


Looking up, Apple Bloom saw that her brother had his arms wide open for her. With a smile and a leap, she was in her brother's arms, hugging him tightly around his neck.

4-8-2, who was watching from the entrance, found himself wanting to sample some of the love that they had for each other; the smell of it alone was heavenly. But knowing how it would affect them, he forced himself to stay back.

Huh, I never thought I'd see the day where I would put a pony's needs before my own. How did you do it Apple Bloom? How did you change me?

After they finished their hug, Big Mac set Apple Bloom down and got up on his three good legs. Turning to Zecora, Big Mac gave his thanks.

"Thank you for yer help, Zecora. Now that I'm patched up, I think the three of us should get back to the farm."

"The three of us?" 4-8-2 asked in confusion.

Did Big Mac not know how to count or something? Him and Apple Bloom made two ponies.

"Eeyup, the three of us."

All eyes were now directed at 4-8-2. When he turned around and saw that there was nopony behind him, 4-8-2 realized who the third pony was.

"What?! You mean me and the two of you?"


"But why?"

"Why not?"

Seriously Apple Bloom? You can't just answer a question with a question! Besides, there's plenty of reasons why I shouldn't!

"I'm not a pony."

"So? We've got lots of animals on our farm that aren't ponies. Like Winona."

"I've done terrible things!"

"You've done some good things too. You saved my brother and me."

"But I... I..."

"4-8-2, we want ya to come back with us. Isn't this what you've always wanted? To belong somewhere? I know that our farm isn't like the hive, but it's our home, and it can be yours too if you want."

To belong.

Apple Bloom was right. All 4-8-2 ever wanted in his life was to feel like he belonged somewhere. He could never find that in the hive. Yes, they were his family, but they never loved him. They never even wanted him. But now, this little pony was telling him that he was wanted and that he could belong with them.

"I... I don't know what to say."

"SAY YES!!!"

The little earth pony was giving 4-8-2 the cutest, pleading smile he had ever seen. He turned his attention to Big Mac and Zecora. Both gave him a smile and a reassuring nod.

This is for real.

Smiling, he turned back to Apple Bloom, the pony whom he could now call his best friend, and said:
