• Published 29th May 2018
  • 2,949 Views, 105 Comments

My Little White Lie - ForestTrails482

A wise mare once said, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." But what if that pony (or in Applejack and Apple Bloom's case, changeling) tried to do you harm?

  • ...

Chapter 13: I think we forgot something

Applejack accepted his apology?

Applejack accepted his apology.


Overcome with emotions, Fruit Blender pulled Applejack into a tight embrace.


Apple Bloom did her best to stifle a laugh. The scene in front of her was both cute and funny. Cute, because Fruit Blender was hugging her sister. And funny, because he wasn't aware of how tight he was hugging her.


"Yer... mhm... welcome."


Applejack rapidly patted Fruit Blender's back and squeaked:


Oh crap!

Worried that he might have squeezed the life out of her, Fruit Blender released Applejack and dropped her onto the ground.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry..."

Applejack raised a hoof up assuredly, then brought herself back onto her hooves.

"... I'm fine."

"You sure?" Fruit Blender said, taking a step forward, wondering if he needed to carry her.

Seeing that Fruit Blender was acting like a worry-wart, Applejack chuckled as she made a gesture for him to calm down.

"Relax. I've survived tighter hugs than that."

Apple Bloom giggled to herself, knowing who gave those hugs.

"By the way, I'm sorry too."

This caught the changeling by surprise. "You're sorry? But I'm the one who did all of the bad stuff."

"Didn't I lose my temper and bust yer nose?" Applejack said with a smirk.

"Oh... right." said Fruit Blender, blushing as he rubbed his nose.

"I take it that y'all worked things out?" Granny Smith asked as her grand-daughters and Fruit Blender entered the kitchen. She had been working on getting the vegetable soup dished out for everypony and changeling. Big Mac and Apple Bloom's friends had just finished setting the table.

"Yes Granny. We're good." Applejack answered.

"Glad to hear it."

Grabbing her hat, Applejack said:

"Well, I better get these two fillies home before it gets really late."

She began to corral Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo towards the front door. She had only gotten them into the living room when Granny Smith called out from the kitchen doorway.

"Now hold on there, Applejack. Not until they get something ta eat first."

(sigh) "Granny, under normal circumstances I wouldn't be against the idea; but the last thing we need is for their parents to come looking for them and possibly seeing Fruit Blender before we get a chance to explain things."

Applejack was opening the top-half of the door, to make sure that the coast was clear, when she turned back to Granny Smith and said:

"Trust me Granny. The last thing we want to do is to cause a panic."

"Cause a panic, how?" said a new voice.

Uh oh.

Applejack knew that voice anywhere.

"Pinkie?! What are you doing here?!"

"It's a funny story really. Big Mac left his apple cart back in Ponyville, before he ran off for some strange reason. And wanting to be a good friend, to one of my best friend's older brother, I thought I'd come and return his cart, so he wouldn't have to coming looking for it later.

"I was about to knock on the door when you opened it and said something about not wanting to cause a panic. And then I got to thinking, what could Applejack have to say that could possibly cause a panic? Maybe something like, the world is coming to an end on the year 2012?"

Hearing herself say that, Pinkie gasped in horror.

"Wait a minute! Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding was on April 21st, 2012! Or was it the 14th? Either way, 2012 is here! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!!"

"Whoa! Whoa there, Sugarcube! Relax! The world isn't coming to an end."

The pink pony gave a heavy sigh of relief.

"That's good. For a second there, I thought we weren't gonna make it to season fo-"

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened with shock as she gasped again. Applejack turned around to see what she was looking at. It was a grimacing Fruit Blender.

In his defense, he only came in because he wanted to say goodbye to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo before they left. He didn't know that there was a pony at the door.

"AHHH!!! A ghost! A changeling ghost! SOMEPONY CALL THE GHOSTBUSTERS!!!"

With that, Pinkie Pie turned tail and started running back to Ponyville screaming.

"Pinkie! Wait!"

Just as Applejack was about to give chase, Fruit Blender beat her to the punch and flew after the screaming mare.


Stupid changeling! Yer making it worse!

Fruit Blender's plan was simple:

1-Catch the pony.

2-Pin her to the ground.

3-Explain himself and then release.

Yes, his plan wasn't the best, but Fruit Blender didn't have time to make a better plan. The last thing he needed was an angry mob coming after him.

The pony he was chasing was fast, but no runner can outrun a flyer. Once he was close enough, he dived in and tackled Pinkie Pie. They rolled a couple of times, but Fruit Blender made sure to end it with him on top of her. In a desperate attempt to save herself, Pinkie Pie started sissy-slapping Fruit Blender's face.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Would you- Ow! STOP THAT?! Ow!"

Seeing that he couldn't get through to her, he caught her hooves with his and pinned them down to the ground.

"No! No! HEEEEELP!!!" screamed the captured mare.

All of a sudden, a blue aura engulfed Fruit Blender's body and yanked him away from Pinkie Pie, levitating him in the air.

What the-?

The magical field turned Fruit Blender around, bringing him face-to-face with the caster of the spell. To his horror, it was an alicorn; the deadliest prey.


Fruit Blender shut his eyes tight and covered his face the best he could. He was a goner. Only changeling queens could take on an alicorn alone, and that was a deadly game. Fruit Blender trembled as he waited for the worst to come. But strangely, nothing happened.

Slowly opening his eye and peeking through one of the holes in his legs, he could see that the alicorn was no longer glaring at him. She was looking at him curiously, kind of like Winona did the first time they met.

Fruit Blender slowly brought down his hooves as he began to relax. If the alicorn wanted to kill him, it would have done it by now.

"Are you a he?" the alicorn asked, causing Fruit Blender to raise a confused eyebrow.

"Uh... yes."

"Who lives here?"


"Whom resides on this farm?"

Why would she ask him that? He wasn't a local.

"Apple Bloom, her sister Applejack, her brother Big Mac, and her grandmother, Granny Smith."

The alicorn paused for a moment then asked:

"How did you learn those names?"

"Apple Bloom told me."

After he said that, the alicorn set him down. Once she had landed, she turned her attention to somepony behind him and said:

"I don't believe you have anything to fear, Pinkie Pie."

Fruit Blender turned around to see that the pink mare was still there. Why didn't she run away when she had the chance? And how did this alicorn know her name? She didn't look like a pony of noble blood. Before he had a chance to ask, he was interrupted by somepony from behind.

"Princess Luna! I can explain!"

It was Applejack. Standing next to her was Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Fruit Blender was happy to see them; and a little mad too.

What took you so long?!

Before Applejack could speak, the alicorn raised a hoof and said:

"There will be time for explanations. But first, I have a question for your sister. Apple Bloom?"

The little filly stepped forward.

"Yes, your highness?"

"What is this creature to you?"

"He's... he's my friend."

Princess Luna smiled. At last, Apple Bloom's dream made sense.

Fruit Blender had no idea what was going on. Why didn't the alicorn vaporize him first and ask questions later? And how is it that a farm pony like Applejack is on speaking terms with a creature of noble blood?

He was brought back to reality when somepony tapped his shoulder. He turned around to see that it was the pony named Pinkie Pie.

"So, you're not a ghost?"


"And you're a changeling?"


"And you're friends with Apple Bloom?"


There was a small pause, then the pink pony furrowed her brows and began to walk forward. As she moved forward the changeling moved back, creeped out by her glaring eyes. To his dismay, Fruit Blender backed up into a tree. With nowhere to move, the pony got up in his face (nose touching nose) and whispered with a slight angry tone:

"Well then, I guess I only have one thing to say, changeling."

Fruit Blender gulped nervously then asked:


With a cheery grin, Pinkie Pie slid to the left, revealing her welcome wagon.

Wait. Where did that come from?

Pinkie Pie pressed the button, causing the wagon to open and play the music to her signature welcome song.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome! A fine welcome to you!"

"Welcome, welcome, welcome! I say, how do ya do?!"


"Welcome, welcome, welcome! I say hip-hip-hooray!"

"Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ponyville todaaay!!!"

What the heck was-

"Wait for it!"

Fruit Blender was then blasted in the face with hundreds of tiny pieces of paper, followed by something gooey blasting out of the tubes and landing on him and Pinkie Pie.

"Oops. I must have put the confetti in the oven and the cake in the confetti canons; again. Ha ha ha ha!"

Fruit Blender was not amused.

Ugh, disgusting.

Author's Note:

I'm planning to make this story into a trilogy.

I'm not saying that this chapter is the end of the story; I just want you all to know that this book will come to an end soon. Once it does, I will then begin on the next part of my story: "The Changeling and I."

If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Also, please let me know what your favorite part of this story is.