• Published 29th May 2018
  • 2,948 Views, 105 Comments

My Little White Lie - ForestTrails482

A wise mare once said, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." But what if that pony (or in Applejack and Apple Bloom's case, changeling) tried to do you harm?

  • ...

Chapter 1: Never let your guard down

“Slow down Apple Bloom!”

“Come on Sis! I’ve been to Zecora’s a hundred times before!”

“Yeah, but that was before the wedding!”

As much as Apple Bloom hated it, the only way Applejack would allow her to go to Zecora’s was if she was escorted by either her or Big Mac. Applejack, along with her other friends, were still paranoid about the changelings.

“Applejack, the changelings are gone. You, Twilight, and the others sent them to Kingdom Come.”

“Apple Bloom, it doesn’t hurt ta be cautious. We don’t know for sure that they’re all gone.”

“Come on! Even if we came across one, I bet ya I could teach it a lesson it wouldn’t forget.”

Applejack just had to laugh at that statement.

“And I’m sure ya could. But that doesn’t change that fact that ya need a bigger pony ta watch yer back.”

Apple Bloom grumbled in frustration.

I'm not a baby anymore. Why do you keep treating me like one?


“Huh?! What?!"

Something was rustling in the bushes in front of them. Applejack quickly put herself between Apple Bloom and whatever horrible creature was hiding in the bush.

She crouched down, furrowed her eyebrows, and leaped into the bush!

Not amused, Apple Bloom walked around the bush to see what Applejack caught this time.

“Oh, I am so sorry.”

“Way ta go Sis, ya caught a bunny. Hurry! Let’s lock him up before he tries ta suck the love out of us!”

“Ha, ha, you’re hilarious. Sorry there little fella.”

The bunny got up, brushed off his coat and gave a ‘humph’ before he hopped off. Applejack turned to face her sister, who was now giving her the *seriously?* look.

“Okay. Maybe I’ve been a little jumpy.”

“A little?”

"Let’s just get ya to Zecora’s" Applejack said in an annoyed tone.

They continued walking on, believing that that was the biggest scare they would experience that day. But Applejack was right to be cautious. They were being followed.

“Apple Bloom! Stop going so far ahead of me! Zecora’s hut isn’t going anywhere!”

“I wouldn’t be so far ahead of you if ya weren’t so slow!”

“Well, pardon me! It’s not like I did a whole lot of apple-bucking today! Oh, wait! I DID!!!"

Applejack heard a snap of a twig behind her. She stopped and turned around to see what it was.


The path was clear and everything was quiet, but something didn't feel right.

“What’s the matter Sis?! Is it another bunny?! No, wait! Maybe its a squirrel!”

Applejack turned around to face her sister.

“Ha, ha! Maybe you should get your cutie mark in stand-up comedy!”

There was a loud hiss as something jumped out of the bushes and tackled Applejack. They rolled off the path and went deeper into the Everfree.


Apple Bloom ran as fast as she could to get to her sister. Once she made her way through the bushes and branches, she saw a white creature on top of her sister, trying to pin her down.

Apple Bloom watched in horror as her sister fought back.

Applejack tried to strike the creature’s face with her forehooves, but she was blocked every time she tried. During this frenzy of battering forehooves, the creature caught hold of her left foreleg and pinned it to the ground.

Applejack grabbed the creature's foreleg and tried to pull it off of her pinned leg. But when she did, she was surprised to see (and feel) that this thing had holes in it's leg.

While she was distracted, the creature grabbed her mane with it's teeth and yanked.


She let go of its leg and grabbed her mane to ease the tension. This only helped the creature so it could grab her other foreleg and pin it to the ground.

It released her mane, letting her head drop back to the ground.

Applejack opened her eyes to see that she was right. Its eyes and skin were the wrong color, but it was a changeling.

It laughed sinisterly then said: “Maybe next time you’ll watch your own back instead of your sister’s. Oh wait; there won’t be a next time.”

The changeling’s horn began to glow. Applejack looked down to see that a green aura was beginning to cover her body. Once it had enveloped her, she felt her strength being sucked out of her.

She looked back at the changeling, finding it harder to stay conscious. Her breathing began to slow as her eyes started to shut. But just as she closed her eyes, she felt a sudden jolt of pressure from where the changeling was pinning her. Her strength was returning and the changeling was screaming in pain.

Opening her eyes and gasping for air, Applejack saw that Apple Bloom was on the changeling’s back. The filly had one of its ears in her mouth and she was pulling it hard.

“Get off my sister!” she shouted through clenched teeth.

She gave it another good tug, bringing the changeling on its hind legs. She did her best to keep her balance as the changeling stumbled backwards.

Underneath Apple Bloom’s hind hooves, she felt the changeling’s wings start to buzz. She looked down to see that the changeling was taking them high off the ground. She quickly wrapped her forelegs around its head and held on tight. The changeling hovered as it tried to shake Apple Bloom off its head, but then it stopped and began to fly forward at a fast speed.

Apple Bloom looked up to see that the changeling was planning to ram her into a branch. She was too high to jump, but an idea crossed her mind. Before the branch could hit her, she dropped to the changeling’s left side, hanging onto its ear for dear life.

The changeling screamed in pain, its trajectory changing as the filly hung from its ear.

Apple Bloom was happy to see that they were getting closer to the ground. Her plan was working perfectly, right up until the changeling slammed into a tree. The whiplash sent Apple Bloom flying, and then rolling six yards away. When she recovered she noticed that she had a horrible taste in her mouth. She spat something out, and what it was made her gasp.

It was the top half of the changeling’s ear!

Apple Bloom heard an angry hissing sound coming from behind. She quickly turned around to see that it was the changeling. Red blood dripped down from what was left of its left ear. Lips curled back, revealing all of its sharp-pointed fangs. And it had its red eyes locked on her.

Letting out a loud attack hiss it charged. Apple Bloom ran away as fast as she could, but she could tell that the changeling was gaining on her.

Jumping through some bushes, Apple Bloom skidded to a stop. Large rocks stood tall in front of her, and they were too steep to climb. Turning around, she found that she was cornered. She backed up and whimpered in fear as the changeling slowly closed the gap between them.

It opened its mouth wide, bringing its fangs closer and closer to the filly's face. Apple Bloom turned away and closed her eyes tight.


Apple Bloom opened her eyes, just as the changeling drew back, and turned its head in the direction of the sound.

Applejack, charging at an incredible speed, tackled the changeling. They flew five feet, before they made contact with the ground. They found themselves rolling down a steep hill. Along the way down, they got separated, but that didn't stop them from rolling; and sometimes bouncing.

Applejack finally stopped herself from rolling, and was now sliding on her back. Looking down, she saw that she was sliding towards the edge of a cliff. Flipping herself around, she dug her hooves into the soil. Slowly, Applejack skidded to a stop, her lower half hanging over the edge.

When she saw that she was safe, she turned her head around, to see that it was only a twelve-foot drop. There was a lake at the bottom of the cliff, and something big had fallen in recently. She could only assume that it was the changeling.

“That was close.”

She pulled herself off the edge of the cliff. As she dusted herself off, she heard somepony shouting.


Applejack looked up and saw her sister running down the hill. Once Apple Bloom got to her, Applejack received a tight hug from the small filly. She looked down to see that her sister was crying.

“I was so scared. I thought you were... were... I thought I lost you.”

Applejack gently stroked her sister's mane.

“It’s okay Apple Bloom. I’m here. I’m here.”

Applejack was enjoying this tender moment, when something loud made them jump. It was the sound of screaming and splashing. Applejack and Apple Bloom both looked down, and saw that the changeling was still alive.

“He’s drowning!" Apple Bloom shouted. "What do we do?!"

As the changeling continued to thrash, Applejack turned to her sister then back at the changeling, trying to decide on what she should do.

This thing had attacked them, so maybe she should let it drown; let it get what it deserved. But... how could she tell her sister that they should let it die? She was just a filly.

As Applejack continued to think, she remembered something that her parents told her, so many years ago.

If somepony is in trouble, and you have the ability to help them, then it is your duty to help them.

Having made her decision, she turned to Apple Bloom and said:

“Stay here!”


Apple Bloom turned just in time to see Applejack throw off her hat, and dive into the lake. Nopony was a better swimmer than her sister! Apple Bloom smiled, knowing that the changeling was in the best of hooves.

No! No! It can’t end like this!

These were the thoughts that were going through the changeling’s head as he continued to struggle. He was now below the surface, sinking slowly to the bottom as he continued to thrash. After a while, he finally stopped and accepted defeat.

Just as he closed his eyes, the changeling felt something wrap under his front legs and around his chest. He started freaking out, believing that some sea monster had grabbed him. But when he looked down, he saw a couple of hooves.


He turned his head around, to see that it was the older earth pony. She had her eyes up, kicking her back legs, bringing them both up towards the surface.

Apple Bloom looked down at the water, waiting for Applejack to resurface.

“Come on, Sis. Come on.”

Applejack burst out of the water with the changeling in her arms! The changeling coughed and gasped for air, as Applejack kept their heads above the water.


Apple Bloom jumped with joy. Her sister had made it! After finding a safe path, Apple Bloom ran to the water's edge, quickly turning back when she realized that she forgot her sister’s hat.

Applejack began to tow herself and the changeling to shore, using one of her arms to stroke. She smiled when she saw Apple Bloom bouncing by the water, waving her hat in the air. As she continued to tow, the changeling tried to make sense of Applejack's actions.

Why did she save me? I tried to suck the love out of her.

Before he could find the answer, the changeling felt his hind hooves touch the ground of the shallow water.

Land! Sweet land!

But he could not stand up and dance with joy, because the earth pony was still dragging him, standing on her hind legs as she did.

Hey! I'm not a defenseless grub!

How dare this pony treat him like one. Wanting to save some of his dignity, he slapped Applejack’s hoof.


Applejack dropped the changeling into the shallow water. He quickly brought himself back up, coughing out water he had just inhaled.

“What was that for?!” shouted Applejack.

The changeling looked back at her angrily.

“To get your filthy hooves off of me, that’s what!”

Applejack couldn’t believe her own ears.

“I was just trying ta help!”

The changeling splashed water in her face, then walked past her back onto the shore. After he shook himself dry, he said smugly: “Help me? Ha! You should have let me drown!”

The changeling let out a yelp of pain. Somepony had kicked him; really hard too.

“Hey! She saved yer life! You should be grateful!”

Applejack was shocked by what her sister was doing, and so was the changeling.

“Grateful? She was the one who knocked me in there!”

“She only did that because you were gonna hurt me!”

“Yeah, probably because you, oh, I don't know, TORE OFF MY EAR!!!

Apple Bloom’s ears fell back with guilt. Even though he was a changeling, she felt awful. She’d never hurt anypony like that before.

“I didn’t mean to. It was an accident. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, you’re sorry? Here's an idea; how's about I tear your ear off and then I'll go around saying: I’m sorry!"

Applejack quickly put herself between her sister and the changeling.

“Stay back Changeling!”

“Heh, what are you going to do if I don’t?”

Applejack answered his question by giving him a right hook to the face. The changeling fell to the ground, knocked out cold.

Apple Bloom stepped forward slowly and prodded the changeling. Seeing that it was unconscious, she turned to Applejack and said:

“What are we gonna do now Sis?”