• Published 29th May 2018
  • 2,948 Views, 105 Comments

My Little White Lie - ForestTrails482

A wise mare once said, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." But what if that pony (or in Applejack and Apple Bloom's case, changeling) tried to do you harm?

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Chapter 5: The white changeling of the Swarm

As Celestia’s sun started to rise the next morning, the Apple Family Roster gave its routine wake-up call to the farm and its occupants. One of those occupants was not a big fan of it.

“Ugh, shut up! I just want to sleep! Can’t you at least give me that?!”

The poor roster was surprised to hear that. He thought everypony loved his good old fashion wake-up calls. Whoever this pony was, he figured that he must have been new.

Well, your loss! thought the roster.

4-8-2 didn’t care if he hurt the roster’s feelings. He was sick and tired of this whole thing. It was hard enough trying to sleep tied in a sitting position. How could these ponies allow some bird to crow so loudly every morning? What could they possibly gain from that?

4-8-2 tried to go back to sleep, but it was a near-to-impossible task. There was nothing soft to lean his head on, the ropes were uncomfortable, and to top it all off, he had an itch on his nose that he couldn’t reach!

Why couldn’t they have locked me up in a cage instead?!

Half an hour later, 4-8-2 heard somepony unlocking the chains from the door. He looked up as Big Mac entered in, looking at the changeling with disgust and anger as he did yesterday. Big Mac didn’t like that they were housing a changeling, especially when he knew that this ‘thing’ attacked his sisters.

Just another day or two, and you’ll be out of here and out of our lives, you disgusting, over-sized bug.

Big Mac brought in 4-8-2’s daily serving of apples and water. As 4-8-2 ate and drank, there was nothing but silence between the two of them. Big Mac didn’t speak to 4-8-2 and neither did 4-8-2 speak to him.

4-8-2 felt that there was no reason to talk to the pony, especially since it was clear that Big Mac didn’t like him. It didn’t bug him though. He took pride in ponies either fearing him or hating him. It was the only thing that made him feel like he was a changeling worth respecting in the hive.

When 4-8-2 was done, Big Mac gathered the rotten apples and carried them and the water bucket out of the barn. He was about to close the doors when Winona ran past him towards the changeling. He reached out his hoof and shouted:

“Winona, Stop!”

But she kept running towards the changeling. 4-8-2 looked up and thought:

Oh no, not again.

Big Mac was expecting the worst, that the changeling would rip their dog into pieces. But to his astonishment, the changeling didn’t attack her. It just closed its eyes as Winona licked its face, like she did whenever she met a pony she liked.

Not wanting to take any chances, Big Mac ran forward and pulled Winona away from 4-8-2. Winona was surprised that her owner pulled her away. She didn’t feel like she was in any danger.

Big Mac carried Winona outside of the barn, and closed the doors so she couldn’t get back in. As he locked up the doors, he thought:

That was lucky. For a moment there, I thought she was a goner.

Then another thought crossed his mind.

Why didn’t it attack her? Do changelings fear dogs or something?

Meanwhile, back inside the barn, 4-8-2 thought:

Sheesh, what does that animal even see in me? I’m a freak! I even attacked her owners! Does she not know that? What did I ever do to win her affection?

(Two hours later, in the Apple Family kitchen.)

“Might I ask who we’re making this pie for?”

Apple Bloom had asked Granny Smith to help her to bake an apple pie for 4-8-2. The only problem was, she didn’t tell her that they were making a pie for a changeling.

“Uh…it’s for somepony who’s new to Ponyville.”

“Really, is he a cute colt?”

Ew! More like the complete opposite.

“No, he’s around Big Mac’s age. I wanted to make him a pie because…”

Come on Apple Bloom. Think of something.

“… he seems kind of… grumpy all the time. I thought one of yer pies might put a smile on his face.”

“Well isn’t that just the kindest thing to do. I’m proud of you Apple Bloom.”

If ya knew I was lying and disobeying orders, you wouldn’t be.

“What’s this feller’s name?”


“What’s this feller’s name? He has one, doesn’t he?”

Yeah, but ponies don’t usually have numbers for names.

“His name is…”

Apple Bloom looked around the kitchen for something, anything she could use for a fake name.


Then, she saw what she figured would work.

“Fruit Blender. Yeah, his name is Fruit Blender.”

“Oh, so I take it that this pony likes fruit?”

“You could say that.”

“Well then, let’s get this here pie in the oven and make somepony’s day.”

Or somechangeling’s day. Ha, ha, ha.

A couple minutes before two o’clock, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were going over the things they would be discussing today as they walked to Sweet Apple Acres.

“What’s the first question for today Sweetie Belle?”

“Let’s see. Do changelings see in color?”

“That’s a dumb question; of course they see in color! How else are they able to change into an exact copy of a pony if they can’t see what the pony’s color is?”

“Hey, my parents told me that you should never dismiss a question just because you think it’s stupid. What if they don’t? Maybe they see in black and white.”

Dumb question" Scootaloo said mockingly.

“Hey! We got to ask all of your questions yesterday!”

“Ugh, fine!”

This is going to be a long interview.

Apple Bloom waved to her friends as they came into view.

“Hi girls!”

“Hi Apple Bloom!” both said in unison.

“Did you bring the love source?” Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom.

She had volunteered to do so yesterday, which was fine by Scootaloo. After all, she only had so many bits left in her piggy bank. Trying to find your special talent can be expensive.

“Yep! Fresh from the oven too.”

“Makes me wish I was 4-8-2 right now” said Sweetie Belle.

There was no pie like an Apple Family pie.

Scootaloo eyes narrowed in determination as she said:

“Let’s do this thing.”

“Cutie Mark Crusader Zoologist!!! YEAH!!!” they shouted as they jumped up and did a group high-hoof.

To the CMC’s surprise, they opened the doors to find 4-8-2 sleeping.

“What should we do now?” Sweetie Belle whispered.

“We’ll just politely wake him up. We did tell him we’d be back this time yesterday.” Scootaloo whispered back.

The three fillies walked up to the sleeping changeling. Scootaloo took the initiative to wake him up.

“Hey 4-8-2, it’s time for our interview.”

No response.

“4-8-2. It’s time to wake up.”


Scootaloo gently kicked one of his hooves.

“Wakey, wakey!”


“Come on 4-8-2, it’s time for our interview!”


Scootaloo kicked his hoof again.

“Come on! Wake up!”


Scootaloo backed up a little as the changeling began to stir.

“… I don’t want to do an interview now. Come back later.”

“We can’t come back later! Big Mac will be back in a couple hours! This is the only time we have to do this!”

4-8-2 figured that maybe if he ignored them, they would go away. So he gave Scootaloo the silent treatment.

“Hey! Did you even hear what I said?”

Just ignore her. She’ll break eventually.

After a couple minutes of failed attempts to wake him up, Scootaloo turned to Sweetie Belle and said:

“Sweetie Belle, give him The Lullaby.”

The Lullaby? I’m no expert on pony culture, but I’m pretty sure that a lullaby is used to help ponies fall asleep. What are they trying, reverse psychology or something?

Grinning, both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom covered their ears as Sweetie Belle cleared her throat, walked forward and sang:







“Good changeling” Scootaloo teased.

These fillies are worse than that morning bird!

4-8-2 exhaled in annoyance.

“What’s the first question?”

“Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!” Sweetie Belle shouted as she raised her hoof.

“Just ask the question!”

“Can changelings see in color?”


Scootaloo gave Sweetie Belle a smug face as she said:

“Told ya.”

“Hey! It’s still my turn!”

“Fine, continue.”

I swear! These fillies are this close, this close, to pushing me over the edge!

“So if changelings can see in color, do changelings have favorite colors?”

Scootaloo smacked herself in the face.

“Seriously Sweetie Belle? Quit asking questions that have obvious answers! Of course changelings have favorite colors! I mean look at him! Clearly his favorite colors are White and Red. Why else would he choose to be those colors?!”

The CMC were almost scared out of their skins when 4-8-2 shouted:


The CMC hugged eat other as they coward from 4-8-2’s outburst. After a minute of silence, each one peeked up. 4-8-2, seeing the fear in their eyes, turned his head away in shame. They were the only ponies that were ever nice to him. Annoying? Yes. But still nice.

Apple Bloom saw that there was a tear in 4-8-2’s eye.

“4-8-2? What’s the matter?”

The changeling closed his eyes tight, trying to contain the tears that were coming.

“Nothing. Just move on to the next question.”

Apple Bloom stood up, put her hoof down and said:

“No! Not until you tell us what’s wrong.”

4-8-2 looked down at Apple Bloom, with a look that would scare even Celestia’s greatest soldier.

“Wrong? You want to know what’s wrong?”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle crept up behind Apple Bloom, ready to pull her back, fearing that the changeling might actually try to attack them.

I’m what’s wrong! I’m a freak! A bad egg! A disgrace amongst changelings! That is what’s wrong!"

Apple Bloom gave 4-8-2 a confused look. What was he talking about? Why would he say such horrible things about himself?

4-8-2 exhaled in defeat, then continued.

"A white changeling in a swarm is a defect amongst drones. Sure, I can shape-shift, but no matter what I do I’ll always be the bad copy of the pony I impersonate; a white copy!

What use is there for a changeling who can’t become the perfect copy of another?!

I’m just the ‘butt’ of every changeling joke. My brothers mock me, they laugh at me. My own queen… my own mother… she could care less if I died in the failed invasion of Canterlot.”

4-8-2 could feel the tears streaming down his cheeks. Trying to control himself, he turned away from them and said:

“Consider yourselves lucky. At least you’ve got those that love you. No one loves me.”

4-8-2 closed his eyes, his lip quivering. He again felt like the sad little grub he was so many years ago, when he learned the truth of why his hive treated him like garbage.

4-8-2’s ears went up in surprise when he felt something furry touch his leg. He looked down and found Winona. She was looking up at him with a sad face. He didn’t think that this animal could feel sorrow.

4-8-2’s astonishment grew as Apple Bloom and her friends walk up to him and gave him a hug. Their eyes were closed, and he saw that tears were escaping their eyes too.

“What are you ponies doing?”

“This is what ponies do to comfort the ponies they care about.” Apple Bloom said as she hugged him tighter.

What? No! It’s a lie! They’re just trying to win my trust. They don’t care about me!

But he found that he was wrong, because there was a strong aroma of love in the air. It wasn’t romantic love, but it was love. Not for each other, but their love was directed at him; at him.

No. This isn’t real! It can’t be!

But as the fillies tightened their hugs, the scent of their love grew stronger.

4-8-2 couldn’t hold back his tears anymore. Years of keeping his sorrow bottled in had finally escaped. But strangely, he felt himself gradually feeling better as the tears came out.

“It’s okay. Let it out.”

After a few more minutes of crying, 4-8-2’s tears finally ceased. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo looked up and gave him a smile, and he smiled back.

After releasing him from their embrace, Winona got up on her hind legs and proceeded to lick away the tears from 4-8-2’s face. Unlike the last couple of times, he didn’t mind that she was licking him.

“I was gonna save this for later, but eating something sweet always makes me feel better.”

Apple Bloom slid her apple pie forward for him to absorb. Seeing the sincerity in her eyes, 4-8-2 proceeded to enjoy the pie with his magic. As he absorbed the love, he noticed that the love tasted different. It was sweeter than the apples and double rainbow pastel combined.

It was the sweetest love he ever tasted.

“Thank you.”

“Your welcome.”