• Published 12th Dec 2017
  • 11,635 Views, 352 Comments

The Anonymous Mr. Green Hill - Sipioc

Everyone knows about the newest resident of Ponyville. He was a criminal of some kind, was locked away, but was since paroled. He is quiet and keeps to himself, but it’s clear to some he is hiding something.

  • ...

Chapter 8

My hooves hit the ground, and for a second I dared to hope I actually nailed the landing. But no, momentum carried me forward, and I tumbled end over end. My world becoming a spinning blur of dark grassy ground, and star filled sky.

‘-AAKgh-oh hey! The stars are out now-OOF!-‘

Finally I rolled to a stop, bruised, but otherwise whole. And quite dizzy I might add.

"Next time, try and listen." Sweetie Drops chiding voice said from my left, and the mare in question emerged from the tall grass like a ghost. Mane she was stealthy.

"You pushed me." I said with indignance. I felt sore all over, and my heart was still hammering in my throat. I finally managed to get a better look at my surroundings as my vision stopped swimming. We were in a field of tall grass, the noise of crickets chirping slowly overtaking the fading sounds of the now distant train.

"You froze. You should work on that so I don't have to push you next time." she said with finality, and began to stalk off through the tall grass.

For a moment I felt the burning desire to smack her departing flank in frustration, but that would just land me in a heap of trouble. I take a deep breath and pull myself to my hooves, then follow her into the field.


Luna’s horn flowed with her power. Crisis or not, she would not forsake her duty any longer. The stars shone through the heavens, there ancient light given more grandeur by her attention to them. But it was her namesake that she cared for the most. It rose late this night, but ever did it shine with brilliance casting over the land.

“Stand fast, my friend,” she whispered to her Moon. “May your light be a beacon against the darkness, and your light the path to our foe.” With the sky set, she spared another moment, to both regain her strength and ponder more on the matter at hoof.

They had left so fast and so suddenly that she didn’t have a proper chance to survey the scene. But a long memory yielded a strong mind when one would work to keep it. As such she was able to replay the image in her mind with absolute clarity.

Her hooves plodded forward as her mind’s eye truly examined what she had seen.

The results were not a comfort.

The iron coffin was neither broken out of, nor cracked into. Due to the nature of the beast, no defensive seals or ruins could be made, so finding a trail through them was not possible, but also made more certain one fact.

“Thou were set loose, creature.” The cool realization left a bad taste in her mouth.

Few beings in the world would have access to the depths of the Abyss. This was not due to prestige or regal standing. No, the pure fact of the matter was that the morose and malicious atmosphere did permanent damage to fragile form of nearly all mortals. It would play with their minds, ensnaring them in aimless wanderings until the very walls seemed to consume them into nothingness.

An Alicorn was a being of power and longevity, but even they ran this risk. A deliberate path was needed, a purposeful stride for a specific place to a destination.

One who knew where to go.

“Sister,” Luna’s mind cleared back to the moment reaching the foot of her sister’s tower. “What forces are you daring to try and tame now?”

Celestia’s decision to reform Discord took prominence in her mind. It was not a choice she went along with easily. So much so that she was convinced that it would be a matter of time before the fiend showed his duplicity in the worst time possible.

She hoped she was wrong, here as well.

With a new vigor she spread her wings and rose into the air, her eyes set for the golden balcony high above.


We couldn’t clear through the grass quick enough for my liking. Even with a coat of fur and a covering, the stiff wild grass made me feel itchy all over even now as we cleared to the tree line.

Sweetie Drops had donned a pair of sunglasses again. The lenses had been enchanted to see in the dark, but outside of context they looked utterly ridiculous.

So what if I was jealous.

“When do I get cool spy gear?” I grumble to myself, thinking I was out of earshot.

“You don’t.” She snapped back at me, a layer of ice on her words that succeeded in shutting me up, as I just fall in step behind her.

The sound of our steps through the grass take precedence, until she breaks the silence. “Can’t you see in the dark, anyway?” Her tone is strange, definitely forced, but there is something more to it.

“N-not exactly.” I answer meekly, happy to let it lie.

“Then what?” Peering up at her question I was surprised to see her actually looking back, clearly waiting on an answer. What’s up with her tonight?

“I...I just feel energy around me.” I start slowly, not really sure how to go about explaining it. I don’t really think anypony has ever asked me.

I know that for as long as I can remember I have been like this, but by that same token; I almost believe this was not always the case.

My ear flicks on reflex, bringing my eyes up. Thus I am somewhat given an answer.

“I guess it’s a little like them.” I motion above us, drawing her attention up. A swarm of white winged moths, flitter above our heads. “It’s minute, and hard to pin down, but it’s almost like I can feel a flutter, a pulse, around me.” It’s as good of an explanation I can give.

Sweetie Drops quietly contemplates this, so much so she has stopped moving. We sit in a moment of silence, her own ears flicking in response to the delicate wings around us. Before she looks up to me.

“If you can feed off of magic around you. The earth, light, plants.” She pauses, steeling her gaze on me. “Why do you take magic from living creatures? From ponies?”

To that I have no answer. At least not one I want to give.

The silence that stretches on between us is mercifully cut short when I sense we aren’t alone.

Turning toward the new presence I can feel the thrumming of two new signatures. Getting closer.

From the undergrowth appear two dark armored ponies. The awkward conversation, mercifully postponed, Sweetie Drops stepped toward the new ponies.

“Cine te-a trimis?” Chimes one of the guards cooly, in a dialect I recognize from books as ancient equish

“Bucephalous cel Mare.” She codes back expertly.

Passphrases accepted between both parties, now come the next part; restrain the dangerous human.

Spears at the ready, the two approach with a bridle and lead. This must be as humiliating for ponies as it is for me, but I know the drill. I offer no resistance as it is roughly clamped down over my head and pushed painfully over my ears. The iron bit, stinging my tongue as it’s forced into my mouth, preventing any protest on my part.

“Is that completely necessary?” Squinting through the act of being ‘pacified’ I am surprised to see Sweetie Drops looking on with what could be sympathy.

Her protest goes unheeded, as they simply suring the straps while one of them takes the lead. “Protection Protocol, Agent Drops.” Says the other as he moves me forward with the haft of his spear to my leg.

The message clear, I press on. The bitter cold of the metal already giving me a headache.

Trouble was on its way.

Princess Celestia could sense it.

Of course that was the thing about being an immortal ruler. Trouble was always on its way in one form or another. The only question was: what exactly was the problem, and how should they respond to it?

In her youth she would have rushed off to face it head on, but with age came a measure of tact. And she would pick her response carefully, rather than rush in blind.

That's why she was waiting for Luna to arrive. A single pulse, transcontinental teleport was nigh impossible to miss. Hopefully Twilight wasn’t too strained from it. Even an alicorn’s legendary constitution would be pushed by the experience. And Twilight was still growing accustomed to her new form, and everything that came with it, both good and bad.

With a heavy sigh she poured the tea into the waiting cup. Steam gently rose from the cup, shrouding its amber colored contents; the scent of jasmine slowly filling her study.

Before long, her door opened without warning or ceremony; revealing her anxious looking sister.

With her agitation clear enough for even a blind pony to see, Celestia got straight to the point; “What has happened sister?”


I am led through the darkened wood by the tip of a spear and a constant pull. The blinders keep my world limited, but what else is there to see in a forest but trees? Makes me wonder why they even put it on me?

Not really. It’s to make me feel like an animal and they make no illusions about it.

When we finally stop, I am made to lower my nose to the ground.

Nothing to see, so I use everything else. There are torches; a few at least. From the strong smell they burn a repellent as well, for more than insects most likely.

There is a group talking, can’t hear about what.

Closing my eyes I tap into my other senses. There are four; guards, and the muted vibe they give tells me they are wearing iron.

Except for Sweetie Drops of course. So, five.

The thump of something heavy is thrown near my head. Daring a glance, I turn my head and peer over my blinders to see my tools for this evening.

A simple but large burlap bag.

“Up.” The command comes and I comply. I am now face to face with a Pegasus Guard. His dull ferric armor clearly draining on his lighter frame. “The deposit is there.” He points to the base of a large tree. Its roots exposed and twisted around what is simply a hole, but a clearly dug one, and not by ponies.

He grabs the lead when he sees I’m thinking too much. “Go down, harvest, and return, you got that?” He actually dares to grab the bridle this time, forcing me to look into his pale blue eyes. “No eating.”

I want to break his arm. It would be easy. Worth it even. But, instead I simply wait for him to let go.

Craning down I carefully nip the sack with my teeth. The bit makes it hard but I manage to pull it closer without further trouble. Opening the top I see the sole contents: Finely crushed glass.

I reach in and grab a frogful. The powder sifts through my hoof in a smooth, almost hypnotic, cascade. The grains are small, no immediate trace of large pieces or shards. This will work fine.

Pun unintended, but...no, nothing about this is fun. It’s going to suck, like always.

Two guards stand at the entrance of the pit, spears at the ready, for me and whatever else is in that slimy mud hole.

Tying the bag to my wither, I prepare myself mentally as I step up. My escort is ‘kind’ enough to allow me this unhindered.

The hole is large enough in my current state, but when I revert it will certainly be much more cramped. ‘Fan-flipping-tastic.’

A halberd wielding unicorn pushes over a thick mesh iron link basket with a long length of chain welded to it in a sloppy, but solid manner. My other tool of the trade, only this one is designed to survive even if I don’t.

Without further ceremony, I drop the basket down into the black. Listening closely, I hear it bounce off the side, once, then twice. The chain slows its descent but keeps going. The tunnel is deep but it curves. One final thump and the chain goes still after finally hitting the bottom.

“Eighty three links.” Sweetie Drops assesses as she comes to my side. If I didn’t stink at math that would mean something. All I know right now is that I am going in after it. I really, REALLY hate this job.

I jump a bit as Agent Drops, checks that the bag is tight on my shoulder. “It’s twenty feet down, there’s a slant so it will level out once you reach about three fourths of the way down.” She meets my eyes. “Do you have a light down there?”

’Why is she being nice to me tonight?’ The sack lunch. Actually talking to me. Providing pointers. ’Are you planning to bury me out here, and by being ‘softer’ will aleve your conscience?’. It’s a dark thought that makes little sense, but it still sticks out.

“Well?” She asks more forcefully when I failed to respond.

I flinch a bit, but manage to answer ‘no’ with a slow head shake.

“There is no point, he will just eat the light, Agent Drops.” A guard points out, gruffly, clearly not happy about the delay but not enough to mouth off to her.

Pulling a cylinder from her pack she gives the top a twist. “Like to see him try and eat this.” The little ember stick crackles to life, the small alchemic inferno contained within the clear vial. She laces the end onto the straps of the powder sack.

“Whatever dug the hole, is big, but there are no defined claw marks or divots, which means that the hole has been weathered a bit, take comfort in that.” She turns and faces the pitch black closing her eyes as if she is listening for something. “There is a slight breeze, that means this does let out somewhere else.”

“Or it’s some other beast’s breath from down there.” Barks another Guard from behind. “We have a schedule to keep, Agent Drops, can we move this along?”

She actually gives this Guard a sharp look, before sighing. “Get to it then. The quicker you get done the quicker I can go home.”

“Rihht.” I say through the bit. I want to say ‘thank you’ as well l, but the moment seems wrong for it. The hole does indeed have a slight breeze, but that only enhances the scent of earth and muck. Rotting leaves and wet roots, as well as something else.


Pools of stagnant ambient energy that this forest is rich in. Malignant in nature and responsible for some of the more, colorful of creature’s out here.

I can’t even feed of the stuff, at least not pleasantly.

Yet this is where my hooves are now pointed.

’Buck it. it’s a final breath of fresh air and I callously fling myself straight down the throat of it, or would it be ‘up the other end’?

Either way, the twilight off the wood is replaced by the shear void of what lies beneath and everything else that slithers below.

Time to go to work.

Author's Note:

“Your weapons. You will not need them.”