• Published 12th Dec 2017
  • 11,623 Views, 352 Comments

The Anonymous Mr. Green Hill - Sipioc

Everyone knows about the newest resident of Ponyville. He was a criminal of some kind, was locked away, but was since paroled. He is quiet and keeps to himself, but it’s clear to some he is hiding something.

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Chapter 2

Author's Note:

Thanks to Aprion, Mix-Up, and Irrespective for perusing and inspiring.


That’s what I am. I don’t know how I know that, nor do know where I came from originally. Was I of this world? Did I truly form in that hole they found me in all those years ago? Or was I put there and forgotten?

Such are questions that I still have no answer to. Heh, that no one or no pony seems to have answers to; but those can wait for now.

I had been running for the better part of an hour, managing to work up a good sweat in the process. My muscles ache, but in a good way, a happy sort of strain that told me this was overdue.

Getting out like this was one of the few joys I had in this world, where I could be in my own skin and cut loose a little, and I loved every second of it.

Due to the density of the woods I had taken from running to full on bounding through the forest. Feeling particularly energized, I landed on both feet and rocketed myself up, my forward and vertical momentum carrying me high above the forest floor. Another push off the trunk of a tree sent me clear over the tops, sending leaves exploding from their branches in my wake.

This was a risky affair, considering anythat if there were any pegasi who happened to be flying nearby they catch a glimpse of me out here. But the taste of sunlight on my skin was invigorating and worth the risk. Besides, the Everfree was full of oddities, who is to say I am not one of them?

Gravity reasserted itself and I braced myself for what lay below.When I finally came crashing back through the leaves, several branches cracked and snapped against my body, tearing a bit at my former caparison now toga. Regrettable, but nothing a little elbow grease and some thread wouldn't fix. Something to do later in the quiet hours.

Bringing my focus back to the present I take in my surroundings. Estimating my landing point I waited for the right moment. Admittedly my dismount could of been better as I land hard on my feet and clumsily stumble forward. Three weeks ago I would've landed on my face, one week ago I would have been forced to roll with it. This time I managed to at least stay on my feet.


The warmth of the harnessed ambient magic in my body kept me moving forward, kept me from tiring, made me stronger. Even as I expended energy, each new step to the ground replenished it, a perfect synchronization.

Already an oddity for my abnormal appearance, my ability to absorb magic made me dangerous, and I knew why.

‘Stop it.’ I curse myself, crushing those thoughts. ‘Not now.’

I hated how the memories and regrets came so easy, however true they may be. I hadn't come out here to punish myself, I had enough of that from the other places. I came out here to forget, to be free for a time.

The trees began to clear, opening up to a wide desolate expanse of stone and dirt. I was told that this had once been a legitimate site for precious stones until the mine supposedly dried up. It then played host to a group of Diamond Dogs who attempted to scavenge any remaining gems, but even they abandoned it after a while. It had since been declared my unofficially training grounds.

I took a look at the position of the sun. Judging by the look of it, It was nearly noon. That gave me three hours. ‘Let’s get started.’


Droplets of sweat dripped past my eyes as I lay my palm on the cold stone at my feet. Closing my eyes I could feel the swirl of energy surrounding the planet. I dug deep, pulling the energy purposely to me, and yet not even taking more than a drop. Every muscle flowed with the power of the planet, my heart pounded in a slow, but booming manner.

After a moment I felt my body relax. I opened my eyes, and lunged forward with a single bound. My target, a large boulder, sat defiantly, riddled with chips and cracks from my previous attempts to shatter it.

‘This time for sure!’ I vowed as I brought my fist back. The wind whipped past my ears as I struck, hitting the target dead center. There was a notable crunch as pieces sheared off, but the boulder remained, solitary and unsplit. I refused to accept this and I struck again with the other fist. Over and over and over again.

It isn’t till the seventh or eighth strike that I need to stop. My knuckles throb with exertion, the earth magic having been summarily burned out of my system, leaving me gasping for air.

Dropping back to the ground I pull more magic. ‘Need more, a lot more.’

“Stand human.” I freeze up as I hear the command. I comply albeit slowly. I know my best option is to comply, but I do so slowly. Ponies, even the armed ones can be skittish. Especially the armed ones.

With the sound of rock crunching gone I can now make out the faint sound of flapping wings which brings my gaze upward. Hovering above are two Pegasus clad in dull grey armor that appears to weigh on them heavily, armed with a familiar looking heavy crossbow mounted between their forelegs and loaded with a bolt that is aimed at the dead center of my chest.

With a sigh, I slowly raise my hands in a sign of understanding.


Two more pegasi guards joined their comrades from before, only these two were carrying long iron tipped spears. Unlike there gold wearing counterparts of Canterlot fame, these guards had been outfitted specifically for me. They were clad in pure iron armor, specifically designed to ward off my ability to siphon magic from them. Their bolt and likewise spearheads must also be made from the stuff, no doubt to be used should I prove disagreeable.

After an additional command I was forced to transform back into my equine form, further preventing me from draining their magic; accidental or otherwise.

The feeling of reverting back is never pleasant. It’s not painful, so much as it is disorienting as well as restricting. In this form I absorb very little ambient energy, as well as lose my ability to feel the magically forces around me. As stifling as this is, I will never complain, it has given me a chance to be out in the world and not locked away in some hole; or worse.

The four guards guide me toward a patch of grass and trees; giving me a wide berth. The crossbow stallions form behind me and move me forward, while the spear ponies prevent me from going forward faster than they like. The formation is tight but I can see that they are breathing hard in all that metal.

“Pretty sure I haven’t done anything wrong.” I ask as they lead me to where I see a coach waiting on the grass. “Don’t suppose either of you could tell me who I am meeting with today?”

As usual, they don’t speak. I don’t think they actually do speak to anyone who isn’t a royal, much less a magic stealing monster like me. Still, they aren’t stabbing at me or yelling; so I can handle indifference.

The coach I am being led to is painted a dark burgundy, with elegant golden trim around the frame and doors. There is no team to pull it so I can either assume the guards were pulling it; if so, poor sods if they did it in there custom anti-me armor. The other alternative is that the occupant in question is a unicorn, and a powerful one at that.

I am halted just in front of the exquisite vehicle, when the door opens. From inside a light yellow unicorn mare steps out. She wears a nurses habit as well as a clean black gown that one may see in a...hospital. She spots me and I can see her jump back a little.

I don’t recall ever meeting her, but if she knows to be afraid then she knows what I am. To ease her mind I slowly take a seat on the grass. If the action has an effect she doesn’t show it as another pony steps out from the coach.

Instantly my fur stands on end and my blood turns colder than a Windigo at the mere sight of him. He is an older unicorn stallion, with a silvering tannish mane that is slicked back in the trademarked clinical fashion, and the image is reinforced by his choice in formal attire. A single buttoned dark mahogany suit coat wraps around his coffee colored fur, with a crisply tied burgundy cravat, and a pressed white undershirt.

His name is ‘Doctor Spur Haythorn’, and he is considered by his own kind to be a hero, a committed mage against the creatures that go bump in the night as well as a legend in field of teratology; the study of fantastical beings and beasts. I am counted as one of those in this place though I doubt he sees a distinction.

His silver eyes are immediately drawn to me and I feel like I am being visually dissected and analyzed from my hooves to my ears. It's a feeling that I know all too well with him.
