• Published 12th Dec 2017
  • 11,635 Views, 352 Comments

The Anonymous Mr. Green Hill - Sipioc

Everyone knows about the newest resident of Ponyville. He was a criminal of some kind, was locked away, but was since paroled. He is quiet and keeps to himself, but it’s clear to some he is hiding something.

  • ...

Chapter 3

He uses that name. I despise that name. It doesn't identify me as an individual, it classifies me.

“Green Hill.” I respond coolly.

“Pardon?” He asks in that deep but eloquent voice that should put you at ease but only succeeds in making me more nervous as to why he is here.

“My name. It’s ‘Green Hill’ now.” I say with finality.

“That’s right. ‘Green Hill’.” I took great pride when I picked that name, but hearing him roll it off of his tongue seems to taint it. “You always did have a penchant for that color. I often wondered if that stemmed from your discovery in the roots of that mountain. Some pathological comfort mechanism of some sort?”

I simply shrug. “You seem to have a thing for brown, does that mean your full of crap?” This causes the guards to shuffle their wings in agitation.

“Charming, as always.” His expression barely shifts at this, but I know it grates on him. His intelligence and prestige always garnered him a warm if not reverent reception by others, making my disdain for him something of a bother, I would imagine.

There is a question that pulls on my mind. “How did you know I was here?”

With a sniff, his smug expression returns. “Your aggressive nature and desire for destruction makes tracking your movements quite simple.“

It’s not true, that’s not what I am about. I don't know what I am about, but it’s not that. Not intentionally. Regardless, I don’t buy it.

“No. Seriously, how did you find me?”

He glares at my attempt to trump his conclusion in front of subordinates. That is a weak point for him I found out early on. “I suppose there is no harm in letting you know; Princess Celestia provided the frequency to your binds.”

I am taken aback by this. The iron manacles were forged specifically for me, and they were enchanted with strong magic that altered my form, allowing me to walk around as a pony in safety for me and others. I knew the Princess was probably tracking me. But why would she give Haythorn this information?

“Why would she do that?” I ask as such.

“It’s the matter I came out to this crater to speak to you with, Mr. Hill.”

“Send a letter, easier for both of us.” I snap.

“I did, though the seal was never broken. So desperate for any magic you would resort to feeding off simple enchantments?” Patronizing creep.

“The stove wouldn’t light. I grabbed what was handy.”

Despite my tough act I am up against a mountain and I know it. I want to just leave. But I doubt my escort would allow me to. This guy has pull and is an expert in his field, unfortunately giving him a big voice in my case. I have no choice but to stay and hear him out.

“So? Out with it then.” I cross my hooves and refuse to look at him in protest, childish though it may be.

From my peripheral I can see him produce an envelope from his lapel and from his tone I can tell he is smiling about this. “It’s seems the powers that be have come to their senses and placed me as your Doctor again.”

My breath stops for a moment before I inhale deeply. From behind I hear the shuffle of hooves. The boys can tell I am agitated, but the question is are they waiting for me to do something or are they preparing to do something to me? I try to calm myself by rubbing my fetlock in a soothing fashion, but I remain ready in case something sinister is coming from behind. The windbag in front of me just keeps talking, either not noticing or just not caring.

“They couldn’t ignore the fact that nopony knows more about you than me.” His grins at me and I can once again feel myself cringe from his sight. I can almost feel what is coming, but I can’t act without knowing, so I must ask the question:

"What does that mean for me?"

I risk a glance behind me at the guards. They are coiled, but still, credit where it’s due, these guys are pros.

With that smug grin he responds with a hoof to his chest. “Well as your physician I would advise you to come back with me to-“

“No.” There is no way that is happening. My gaze stays on the guards.

“Oh come now,” and on the surface he seems to be genuinely hurt by my refusal, “you’re not going to let a little…misunderstanding sour our friendship?”

“You withheld my letters to the princesses, kept me drugged for months on end, and cut me open against my consent.” My outrage rose as I listed off just a few of the grievances this pony of medicine inflicted on me, while the last time I had ‘agreed’ to be in his facility.

With a wave of his hoof he attempts to dismiss these claims. “The drugs were there to help you curb your desire to feed off of the staff and the other patients.” The excuse was not for me as much as it was for the other ponies here, though none seemed to really take notice, save for the mare whose eyes kept darting from me to the doctor. “As for the surgery, well I don’t see a scratch on you.”

I realized that my breathing was labored at this point, I had rose to my hooves, and I was now standing in place, keeping the doctor and guards to my sides. Said guards had their spears pointed low and ready in case I needed to be 'convinced.'

Taking a large breath I eased down on both breathing and posturing. “I am willfully bound to the Ponyville area. Unless that has changed, without my knowledge or consent, or if I am under arrest, you have no right to take me.” I quote, near verbatim, what my court papers state. It was practically a life raft here, you can bet I would know it inside and out.

“I want to help you.” He says with a smile that I saw night after night, test after degrading test.

“I am doing fine where I am.” I glare at him. “No regressions, no breaks in cover, no altercations, No. Problems.”

“So you say.” He returns the envelope to his jacket before turning to the mare. I watch his every move as she hands him a medical bag, my back leg begins to tremble at the tension, but I am in control. I am in control. “After all the princesses themselves are adamant about keeping this little deal of yours,” he says lamentingly, peering into the bag, “even going so far as rejecting my counsel.” He peers at me with an expression that shows how ludicrous this must seem to him.

“Was there anything else, Doctor?” I bite at the word, just wanting him to either hit me with whatever drug he has in the bag or leave.

“If your mind's made up then I will simply be requesting a fresh blood sample.” He pulls out a clear glass vial with his magic as well as some rubber tubing and a needle. The sight actually makes me squirm more.

“Requesting?” My eyes remain on the needle, since I’m not entirely sure it won’t leap at me and suck my blood.

“A Cordial formality. As your royal appointed medical specialist, it is mandatory.”

With a huff I offer a fetlock to him. I look over to the guards and make sure they witness that I am being a good boy and cooperating.

Haythorn simply tisks at this. “‘Fraid I will need an unaltered sample. Please, drop the facade.” He motions to my body, that can only mean...

With a glower I lower my arm and look to the Sergeant “....could you back away, please?”

The pegasus officer narrows his eyes at me before looking to the doctor.

“He right. Do it gentlecolts.” He says as he and the nurse prepare for the procedure, placing the tubing, vials, cotton balls, bandage, and iodine to disinfect the area.

With a final harrump, I slam my front hooves together. The chime of iron against iron fills the air as well as a bright white light that surrounds my body. Immediately I feel my form shift. Hooves become hands and feet, my back legs bend and shift to my only legs, my spine bends like putty, and my fur recedes. Lastly my muzzle draws in upon itself before splitting into a separate nose and mouth respectively.

I open my eyes as the light clears. I now tower a good four heads over the party I am with and all but the doctor are clearly alarmed by it. Dare say he is amused by it.

Once again the flow of the planet rushes beneath my feet, inviting me to pull from it, to use it to wipe that smug, leering smirk from Haythorn’s face, or even just to bolt and give Equestria’s finest a merry chase through the woods.

I drop any pretense of this, however. There is nowhere to go, or at least no place I wish to go. Dropping down on my duff, the little ponies seem to relax.

“Hhlets ghet thhis ovrr withh.” My equish in this form is garbled due to the fact that I lack the longer vocal chords to hit all the proper pitches and tones of the language. As if my imposing form and magic siphoning body wasn’t enough, I speak in something that is more akin to a hiss or growl.

“Quite.” He doesn’t take his eyes off of me. Every curve of my form is taken in making me want to cover myself up. “Nurse Dew Drops, you’re up my dear.” I blanch as he places the tubing and needle into her hoof and gives he a nudge. The poor thing is terrified. What is he playing at? “Sergeant, lead the way please.”

The Sergeant approached me cautiously with the nurse nervously following behind him until his spearpoint was touching my chest. I didn't like the fact that ‘Doctor' Haythorn was passing the buck to her, but I wasn't really in a position to debate it with him. I actually felt bad for the mare, so I offered my arm for her needle willingly.

I hated needles. I'd had so many of them rammed into me in the hospital that I felt like a porcupine. But the sooner we did this, the sooner I could get the unwelcome menace to go away.

She takes a tentative step forward and do my best to look small and not move. I further extend my arm out, and she veers away from me, but to her credit she does come to my side. I keep my eyes away from her and to be certain to I hide my teeth from her. She has a needle after all.

“No pressure, just obtain a sample. But remember, with his biology you only have a few moments before his nervous system starts feeding off your thaumic aura. Don’t use magic either.” The coward says from a safe distance. I should really make him do it. Too late now.

“Y-Yes Doctor Haythorn.” Dew Drops reaches out hesitantly. After a moment I feel her come in contact with me. I sneak a glance. She runs a hoof over my arm. She must of been expecting barbs or scales, perhaps those things on shark skin? Either way I can see she is lost for a moment. I gently pump my hand to calmly coerce her to get going.

This has the desired effect as she quickly finds a vein. Despite her shaking, the nurse hits the vein on the first try. Not bad.

I feel the stiff metal in my arm and the cool tingling sensation of blood emptying through the rubber tubing, the deep crimson filling the glass vial. I heave a sigh just wanting this to be over with. Instead I focus on the rocks in the quarry.

I need to distract myself, the last thing I need is to succumb to temptation willingly. Still it is there, I felt it the moment she was in my grasp and it slowly got stronger. Her magic. It was so close, so concentrated. No. Not in front of him. Not EVER. Especially not in front of him.

’She has enough magic for me to beat all the guards, and then see to Haythorn. I could stop him now. Right now. No threats of the hospital, no more tests, no more blood samples.’ Stop it. I swallow hard, and feel myself begin to sweat, that’s just the blood lost, don’t get jittery.

’He will never stop. He wants me. For the experiments. He sees me as valuable. He will never stop. No pony will see out here, just need to be quick.’ I begin to drum the fingers nervously on my other hand, for good measure I lean into the spear still pressed to my chest, praying the iron will act as a guard against me as well.

“That’s time, Miss.” the Sergeant says flaring his wings. It’s clear I am making him nervous.

“Almost done.” Dew Drops, caps the vial and secures it, as she then removes the needle tube.

“Time is up. Move away.”

Too late.

“I’m alright I-“ her breath catches has her pupils shrink to pin prinks. All along her fetlock the veins begins to bulge. They spread throughout her body as I feel the magical life force drain to me.

I try to pull my arm back, but my absorption of her magic prevents me from doing so. “GHET AWAAY!” I plead as I feel the flow increase. It’s so strong. So warm, I need more

Another guard yanks the mare away hard and pulls her back. The connection broken she begins to sputter and cough.

“Filthy beast!” The sergeant leans on the spear. I feel the iron press on me like a block of ice, but my body is too busy trembling to truly feel it. I need to stay calm. I need to stay calm.

“Corporal, is she okay?” The three Guard swarm me, one spear in front another in back, a crossbow cocked and pointed at my head.

I hate myself. I just hate myself.

“Claws up freak!” They bark at me I further come down from the rush of pure magic.

“HOLD IT! Hold it!” I can hear the doctor exclaim over the pounding in my head. “It was an accident. Let’s everypony calm down. You alright?”

“Keep that thing away from me.” The nurse spits out the words with whispered, raspy venom.

I clench my eyes shut. Trying to find a state of serenity like I was taught. By the Princess. She believes in me. I can’t let her down.

After examining Nurse Dew Drops, Doctor Haythorn turns to the guards still holding me at spearpoint. “Lower your weapons.”

“Doctor, he just attacked-“

“Sergeant, it’s his biology. If he wanted truly wanted to harm you, you would all be dead right now.” This gives the soldiers some pause. I know because the spears stop poking me as hard for a moment. My hero.

“I take full responsibility for what has happened and will sign off on any reports.”

“Very well. Doctor.”

The Sergeant helps the Nurse to stand, and both glare at me as she hobbles away. I feel horrible about what happened, but it’s a fresh reminder of why my Doctor has horrible bedside manners.

Free of the cold iron and the scrutiny of being shot in the face, I double over and gasp. Emotionally, I am a wreck. Physically? My skin is as hard as marble and I have enough energy to level enough forest to make a hoofball field.

“That’s right. Breathe it out.” The tenderness in his voice belies his twisted intrigue.

“SShut uhp.” I grit. Luckily for him the desire to steal his magic is lessened by the fact that I am currently holding some.

“This would never have happened at the hospital, and you know it.” He chides me.

“Tthis nev’r whould haff hhappen iff yuu hhad thhe guts tu du yor hown dirrty werk.”

“Nevertheless, I really wish would reconsider coming back to the hospital. You say you want to do good, but out here you are more of a danger. Containment bonds or not.” He actually pokes my arm in defiance of his cowardice earlier. He is enjoying this.

“Tthat wuz krewel whut yuu dihd tu hurr ‘Doktor’!”

“She's still learning. This will either make or break her from the field she aspires to. After a night’s rest, she will be fine. So thank you for being a teaching tool.”

“Hayt yuu!” I curse.

“My offer still stands. Come back with me and we can actually do some good together. Your blood, your skin, even your mind, they have the potential to help thousands rather than this pointless endeavor.”

“Nno!” I clench the hard dirt in front of me, carving through it like cake batter.

“Sap-Green Hill, Let’s be real. We both know what this really about. Being locked up like you were. You want to be out here to enjoy the finer things. I don’t blame you. I am not without my connections, I can arrange for some…comforts. Nurse Dew Drops for instance? There is just one thing I want to know...how did she taste?”

“Guh tu hhell.”

“Hell? Ah yes, I remember now. I still don't quite understand the concept, but perhaps you’ll be able to explain it to me in clarity one day. Perhaps if you could point it out on a map for me sometime. That ‘sa-teen’ individual you keep comparing me to would be a very interesting case study. Think my offer over, won't you? Despite the differences you see between us, we both want to ensure no ponies get hurt. Good day.”

I don't acknowledge him in any way. Not a nod. Not a huff of air. Not even a blink.

He doesn't care, just like always. Instead, he just nods and then casually climbs back into the carriage. The armored pegasi are obviously reluctant to leave, but they dutifully hitch themselves up and pull away with the appropriate stoicism.

I wait. I watch as they slowly go airborne, and I breathe slowly and evenly until they are out of sight.

I wait another ten minutes, just to be sure.

And then I scream. I scream loud enough to send the wild birds scattering from the treetops, and I slam my fist into the boulder I had been working on before.

Why? Why me? Why must I endure this?

One lone tear trickles down my hairless cheek. Not bad. There was a time when there was a near torrent of them not all that long ago.

I then look up. A smile tugs at my lips.

I succeeded.

The boulder has finally split in a jagged line nearly down the middle. I begin to laugh as I look at the minerals that make up the interior.

I beat it.

And that means I can beat anything. The Doctor, my impulses, all of it.

I can win, and I will win.

Author's Note:

Irrespective, Mix Up, and Aprion. You rock!