• Published 12th Dec 2017
  • 11,635 Views, 352 Comments

The Anonymous Mr. Green Hill - Sipioc

Everyone knows about the newest resident of Ponyville. He was a criminal of some kind, was locked away, but was since paroled. He is quiet and keeps to himself, but it’s clear to some he is hiding something.

  • ...

Chapter 7

I close my eyes. Focusing on my simple breathing mantra; in through my nose, and hissing out through my mouth. With each breath the cool spice of the peppermint under my tongue coats my mouth. Focusing on these and nothing more, I reward myself with the image of me chipping away at my own discomfort.

I try hard to convince myself that it’s working, even though I know it doesn’t. It also doesn’t help when I feel the train lurch forward. The jolt causes me to lose the natural pattern of my breath; my angst returning full force as a result.

With a huff of frustration, I open my eyes and try to find something else to distract me. There is little however that can help.

It’s the iron.

The iron in the mounts of the common class seats. Iron bolts holding them in the iron floors. Iron frame on the iron car, being pulled by an iron and steel locomotive, riding on iron rails.

I shudder as another wave of cold uneasiness washes over me. My pony form guards against the worst of it. If I were to change back now, without holding any magic, earthly, ambient, or life, I would probably collapse. That’s how I got taken down all those years ago.

By Princess Celestia.

She made me burn through the magic I held, then lead me to the mine shaft. In my mania, I followed mindlessly right after her.

That’s when she pulled the very ore from the earth. Sealed me up. Then threw me down into…

‘Trying NOT to bring about a panic attack.’ I sneer at my train of thought. Which brings me back to trains and iron. Great.

Huffing in frustration, I lean my head against the glass. It is muted, but I can feel the thrum of the natural world outside. The earth, the plants, the moonlight. Things that don’t mind me sharing their energy. It never as potent, but I’ll admit it’s far more honest.

Despite this, my eyes instinctively turn to the other occupant in the car. What few other riders there were on this red eye had since retired to the sleeper car for the long journey to Baltimare. Leaving me and Sweetie Drops.

I make the distinction because without Lyra and Ponyville in general as a buffer, she was all business. We weren’t even in the thick of it yet, but already she had clammed up, showing no signs of talking, nor any real desire to.

Instead she sits like a statue; stoic and upright in her seat. Even as the train chugs its way, taking various bumps along the way, her form hardly changes with her vacant gaze holding on the window.

Even with the patches of trees are growing more frequent, she remains looking outward.

Until she doesn’t. Her blue eyes meeting my green when I realize I had been staring. Not looking to start anything I instead look back to darkened landscape.

‘Still it was nice of her to pack me some food.’Despite the genuinely kind gesture, I couldn’t help but wonder why the change in heart?’

Whatever the reason, I doubt it will last.

The sun had dropped below the horizon some time ago, but the night sky seemed oddly barren tonight. Bereft of the moon and stars that so proudly glittered above. I often wondered if there was a star out there for me. If I had come from out there, only to be shoved beneath a half a mile of rock. Yeah. Stupid.

Instead, tonight was a mere black shroud that seemed to swallow up the horizon.

Odd indeed. Wasn’t there a pony for that?

Whatever. Not like it’s my problem. Not my department.

Speaking of which, it would no doubt be better just to get some rest. We had an hour before our rendezvous, and it was already going to shape up to be a long night.

Crunching up the remnants of my recent peppermint, I savor the sweet taste before swallowing it.

’Wouldn’t want to choke.’ I think grimly as I look over to my leash holder. ’That would make it too easy for her.’

The malicious thought must of given of a scent because she once again turned to me. Her gaze more direct.

Meanwhile, in that very moment, a streak of faint blue light had crossed the horizon from the eastern sky and making landfall at Canterlot Castle.


With a gasp Twilight Sparkle, lurched up. Her chest burned and her lungs felt like they had been stretched far beyond what they should. Coughing back an actual wretch she tried to get her bearings, and remember first and foremost what had happened.

She was back in Canterlot. She had been...somewhere else…Bovinia. Yes, that was it. She had gone with Luna.

Luna herself was not much better for ware as she too stumbled to her hooves. “My apologies, friend Twilight,” Even in her own disheveled state, the Lunar Diarch seemed unflappable. “Long distance teleportation, can be...problematic. The disorientation will pass in a moment.”

Long distance teleport?! Nearly a quarter of the way around the planet?!! No wonder she felt like she had been ripped apart and stitched back together. But wait why had they…

True enough the haze was slowly beginning to lift in her mind. The vault. The stairs. By Starswirl’s beard! The Human has escaped!!!

A call to action had never been more apt, but Twilight's legs seemed not keen on obliging.

“Stay.” Commanded Luna,”I will notify the guards to assist you back to your quarters to rest, as well as have Doctor Horsenpfeffer take a look at you.”

The older Alicorn was able to take a more confident stance as she made her way out of the square they had landed in. Her own muscles and horn ached, but her fatigue threshold was much higher than young Twilight, and she had been through much worse in the past. To delay this message would doubtlessly lead to tragedy.

Already a contingent of her own night guard approached, their eyes wide with confusion to find the supposed intruder was their mistress herself.

“Princess,” came the stunned voiced of Lieutenant Moon Hopper, “we hadn’t expected you for a week.”

“Something has happened, something that requires my expedient return.” Luna forced her steps to be more regal despite the pain that they brought from effort. This was her guard after all, especially in dark times she would be there rock.

Ever the professional, the night guard snapped a resolute salute. “We are at your disposal for anything, Princess.”

With a nod she ordered the other ponies to see to Twilight as she had promised, before once again pulling Moon Hopper aside.

“I need you to be on the lookout for incidents of magic depletion.” Luna said in a hushed voice.

The tone was merited as the officer barely hid his shock. “Magic depletion, ma’am?” His alarm was not without cause. The idea of somepony having their magic completely drained away was akin to having their blood leached away from them.

“Correct, Lieutenant.” Luna affirmed as she soon stood at the bottom steps of the castle. The endless spiral of stairs leading up to her sister seeming to taunt her already weakened state. “Investigate this quietly, I neither wish to start a panic, nor give the perpetrator any due warning leading to his recapture.”

The gravity of all he had seen and heard in the last few moments weighed heavy on Moon Hopper, almost enough to make him regret picking up this rotation tonight. Star Song owed him double for this. Without a second thought he straightened himself out to address his commander. “I will begin my inquiry immediately.”

“See to it then,” With that Luna began her climb to the top. It was her sister what had been the one to face this abomination. Now together, they would end him and the threat he posed to there ponies.

Permanently, if necessary.

I remember hitting the ground.

There was no pain, I was too far emaciated for that. However, the sudden impact with dirt (actual dirt) and not an iron slab was noticeable enough. I must have looked quite a sight, or at least I could of if I could see; my eyes and likewise skin being shriveled up to that of dried paper.

In such a state it is of no surprise that lacked any strength to pull my husk of a form up; my muscles cannibalized ages ago to try and keep my body alive on mere specks of magical ambience that wandered through the meager air holes of my tomb.

But I was alive.

Managing to sputter I proved as much to the world as I felt fresh air circulate around me. The good earth beneath my body seemed to rush to me all at once as my starved body latched onto it in a understandingly ravenous manner, very nearly choking me.

Sound returned first.

A chattering sound, that soon morphed into the familiar sound of pony-speak.

‘They were so close.’ My senses returned quicker than my sight as I began to make out the distinct aura of life energy. Curling low I make myself seem helpless. Cradling my head and neck, rocking slightly. A distinct mewl leaving my throat as I continued to kill time and gather strength.

There were four.

No. Three.

But one was powerful, their magic potent. If I had spit to drool, I would have.

They kept their distance, but didn’t retreat back from what I could tell.

‘Good little ponies. Stay there. I won’t hurt you. I promise. I just need your-“AAAAHRRRGH!”

My already weakened body reels as I am snared with a chain of pure iron. The strong one’s magic wields it around my neck and torso, once again binding me in a far crueler manner. The cold metal all but freezes my skin as I struggle against my wretched bonds.

I am still too weak. Too weak to fight against it. Once again I am contained, forced to kneel before my newest captor.

It is then that my eyes regain their sight, and I see her. She is like the Ivory horse, with wings and horn, but she was different. She was pink.


“Wake up.”

A firm kick to the bench brings me out of my doze. Bracing myself against the window, I steady myself. ‘Another fond memory.’ I smirk, wondering if I will ever dream pleasantly. Though part of me shudders what those dreams would entail.

“We’re nearing the drop off.” Wasting no time Sweetie Drops cooly makes her way to the back of the car.

Hanging back for a moment, I rub my hooves over my withers. The act lessens the sensation of the tight chains around them, but does nothing to quell the tightness in my chest.

It was after that encounter I was given an opportunity.

I learned Equish.

Learned to curb my hunger.

Given a means to be understood as well as contained.

It had been a steady improvement, and not without its cost. My eyes trail down to the shoes on my hooves. Surgically grafted to my very bones, in this form and my own.

I’d be lying if I said they didn’t hurt.

‘Bah.’ I snarl, at my whining. ‘You have a job to do, Green.’ I pick myself up from the seat, stomping down hard to further leave it behind.

I am hit by a blast of wind as I open the compartment door to the baggage car. Sweetie Drops is examining a watch with the side door partially opened. Knowing her she is calculating the exact time to jump.

Yes. The drop off point is quite literal.

Coming closer I can see she knows I am there, but doesn’t care enough to look up. “Twenty seconds." she muttered, her ears laid back, her body tense. I can't tell if its mission jitters or her being wary of my presence. Perhaps a little levity will help.

“Ladies first?” I smile disarmingly, or try to anyway. It's more of a grimace as I sort of dread her response.

"You will be going first.” She says tensely, but then she surprises me, "Push out in the opposing direction of the car, gain some opposing momentum.”

Did she? Did she actually give me some useful advice? One that would result in me not getting hurt? I'm so baffled I nearly miss the drop point.

She helps.

“Now.” With little more ceremony, nor restraint I might add, I am shoved out into the darkness. I manage to kick one back hoof off the side, at least trying to heed her advice. Only to realize it was the wrong way. Maybe.

Guess I will find out soon enough.

Author's Note:

It seems this little piece has garnered some attention. Spose I need to keep working on it.

Eager to get this out, might be a few mistakes.

Thanks all!