• Published 4th Dec 2017
  • 689 Views, 4 Comments

Cruising Into The Unknown: The Detective's Gambit - Megaskullmon

A detective find's hersellf as a Zebra. She must join in helping the ship. In finding their way home

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Chapter Four: Peace {Donna and Rose.}

The gambit of a detective. A deep story into the life of Donna. The issue is though writing about her life and the chase. The chase of going after Louis most of her life. She may have feelings for Louis but she ruined her life in the chase. The chase was to try to arrest Louis and get him in jail for his many crimes. Rose walked the halls getting used to this new body. She watched while Donna ran out of her room.

“Donna?” She called to her. She stopped in front of the door Donna ran out of looking inside to see Louis sitting by himself in a moment of glum thinking. These two knew each other for years. Rose has been told stories about both of them. The fact that these two had a game they played. Of course, Louis was the one playing the game. Donna was trying to save the world from what she called a criminal.

“Louis are you two okay?” The sad-eyed stallion just stared at Rose. The bat’s eyes glowed while they both stared at each other. Rose knew about pain and sadness. Rose wanted to talk to Louis but all he did with his hoof was simply point outside.

“She needs you more than me right now.” He softly whispered to Rose. It’s the fact that so much has changed for a lot of these people. Donna close to the end of her life same with Louis now having another chance together. Rose a simple woman able to walk again for the first time in years. She took this change in strides. But those you have been running for so long never could.

“Are you sure. I am the.” She tried to argue with Louis he just stood on his hooves and looked right into her eyes.

“Rose I am the one she chased most of her life. I am a criminal to her one she chased for so long. The story the Gambit is going to be about her chasing me. I wish I could change this. But that is the game we played the simple chase.”

Rose took a deep breath not sure what to think. She felt she had no right to get into the middle of this. This was an issue between these two that they needed to work out. All Rose knew how to do was wheelchairs and working in a wheelchair.

“I will try Louis. But sooner or later you two will need to work this out. She is writing her story about you. About her life and chase. I am…” Louis closed the door on her. She shook her head thinking that was very rude.

She left the halls to try to find Donna and watching the other beings of this ship getting used to their new bodies and trying to learn how to handle all this. There had been panic there is still going to be panic. Because the entire world did change. It’s not going to be easy for everyone to get used to this fact. It took Rose awhile to get used to it too. But she did what she felt she had to.

All her family if it was true is missing. She had no idea if her family is even waiting for her anymore. She had no idea how far they were from the end of the cruise either. Just this is so odd to her and that she has wings on her sides.

She made it to the area of the cruise ship that had the bar. She never understood the name of this area. Since she always kept to herself as a human. Now she feels she can be helpful as this bat creature. At the bar, she finally saw Donna. Of course, the bat didn’t want to invade. Rose trotted help very slow up to the bar and sat in one of the chairs. It was strange sitting in a stool made for humans.

“I wasted my life in the chase and the search.” Donna had like four empty shot glasses in front of her but.. Rose didn’t know if she was drunk or not.

“Well, Donna I wish I could be of more help. I don’t understand what it’s like to chase someone from so many edges of the world. Is that why it’s so hard for you to accept it? You have a new lease on life that you can’t accept that fact?”

Donna turned her head to look at Rose a weak smile forming along her face. Her eyes are full of pain and sadness a woman beyond her years is Donna. One that wasted her time being a detective in her mind.

“Rose I spent years chasing him. I wanted to be the best detective I could be. I wanted to bring him to justice. I wanted to protect the world from ilk like him. But I spent my entire life chasing just him. I fell in love with him. I had a daughter with him and then gave her up to protect her.”

Rose sighed and just listened.

“I wish I could understand this pain you’re in Donna. I wish I could understand more what you’re going through. I am just a former simple gal that sat in a wheelchair trying to learn how to live that way..”

Donna didn’t have a smile on her face. She just listened to Rose as the bat spoke to her.

“I may not have been a detective willing to write her life in a book. This book will show the lives of you and Louis. But to me you two need each other more then you think. Now I am not an expert on anything. But It just seems that you need each other.”

Donna sighed deeply.

“It’s not that easy to just write about a life that I ran Rose. It’s harder then most would think. I am not going to give up on it. Just some things will bother me on how much I wasted my life. I have a new chance on life Rose. But it’s with him and being stuck on this ship. I will never have the life I wanted now.”

Rose was about to speak but Donna got off her stool.

“Thank you for the talk, Rose. But this is something I need to handle on my own. Thank you for trying to help me feel better. Just it won’t be that easy for someone that went through what I did.” Rose got off the stool and stood in front of Donna staring right into her eyes.

“You need to let things off your chest. But I am not going to push you to do it now. Kick Louis out of that room for now. Let yourself write some of what you need to get off your chest. This is your gambit your story. You and Louis both lived it.”
Donna stares at Rose. An emotionless stare filled her eyes it was hard to tell if she was about to snap at Rose.

“I get where you are coming from Rose. But I can’t do it that easily. I will try if that will get you to stop hanging around me like a puppy dog.”

Rose felt insulted but of course, she didn’t let it show in her eyes.

“Donna you need to not do random insults. You have no idea how some of these folks will act after so many of their lives have been changed forcibly. I wish I could help you more. But all I can do is be a friend.”

Donna nodded walking away heading back to her room. Looking back to Rose and a smile formed along her face. Her eyes still full of sadness but she is trying to show her happiness and thanks to Rose.

“Thank you, Rose. I will do what I can for you.” Rose nodded Donna leaving to head back to her room.

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