• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Tuesday


No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Babylon Five


The swat kats have failed. They couldn't stop Dark Kat, The Metallikats, The pastmaster, and Dr Viper from destroying megakat City. Thanks to the Pastmaster. T'bone ,and Razor end up in another universe. Ending up in the magic land of Equestria with their jet..That is beyond repair. They must befriend the ponies and find a way back home..Before it is to late.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 85 )

A good idea, a bad execution.


Eh it was more of a test to see how folks would take the swat kats being placed into a story..I am oddly impressed that folks are looking foward to this. Also the fact that they are bringining it back to tv.

To all reading the Swat kats story. I am starting to work on the next chapter sorry for the delay life has been very busy.

T-BONE(Chance) "ALL RIIGHT!!!!"
RAZER(Jake) "YEEAAH!!!!"

That opening always sends shivers down my back guaranteed. GO SWAT KATZ!!!!!!


I found it intresting that i am the only one that came up with the idea of Swat katz story and babylon five. Anyway i am working on the chapter it will take time

yeah take ur time. I was only happy and excited the u did this crossover if TBone and Razer were Real they'd be proud of a fan doing this.


Oh trust me the show was removed from tv for very very stupid reasons.

yeah I was at least in kindergarten when I first saw it, I tried to see every show but family crud came up and I never got past the first part of the first season I only just recently got to see the series from beginning to end and yes when it got taken of the air the whole USA was on a censoring binge with books, TV, music, comics, everything. to be "AJ Honest" IT FUCKED UP EVERYTHING!!!! u couldn't understand anything PERIOD!!!!!! that part of the 90's sucked like a black hole in space.


They want to bring Swat kats back..But their worried that the SJW's will attack it because war guns so forth.

Now so you know the second chapter is going to be a short one. In later chapters their going to get longer. But think of it as a starting Chapter.

So happy to see this story back on track after so long.

Oh Hell Yeah! The Swat Katz Are Back In Action!!:rainbowdetermined2::pinkiegasp:


Heh working on the next chapter soon. I got over 50 chapters done through each story..I have worked on them to make sure I did it right.


So yes it will be awhile again before the next chapter comes..but it will be longer thats why.

This will be going on hitaus for awhile. But when I bring it back there will be more chapters ready.

I am starting on new chapters now. I am hoping to have five or ten ready before i bring it out of hiatus.

WAT. Someone made this?! I love SWAT Katz. They are like, my hearthrobs.
Adding to reading list...


yeah the start of it is not that impressive. But I am working on new chapters as we speak they might be a year later but I'm working on them.

You could go back and revise them while you work on new chapters. That's what I've been doing on Displaced Into Nothing...


yeah i have been thinking of doing that. I guess i will since I have five months of no work so yeah.

So you folks know i am working on new chapters for this story. B ut it will be awhile before their out I gave my editor all the chapters i did over the summer and winter of this year close to 100 one is chapters for this I am working on more now even going back to redo the intro .

Alright folks after two years Swat kats is out of Hiatus. I am reworking the intro that will take time I need to take a look at the one I had someone take a look at. Thank you for waiting.

Liked, followed, and ready for more!


Alright with this story though it will be awhile. My editor has a lot to edit. Since I didn't have an editor for awhile I have a lot of stuff ready to be done.

Alright I am starting to write more chapters on this now I will stop when I get to Chapter ten and forgive me for how long it took I have many stories I am workin gon in Bulk but sadly my editor is very busy this summer so I am hoping to get all I have done and then hopefully the new intro will be done before next year.

When will there be more chapter for this story


Working on them now but my Editor wishes to focus on other things. I have redone the introduction to the story to make it more interesting. When he and I get done with that FOE story I am working on we will be trying to get other chapters out and this will be the next. I am sorry it took so long but I only have one editor and he likes to focus on one thing.

When will there be more chapter for this story


Soon I am working on other stories righ tnow. Then my editor and I are going to rework the entire story

To those new watchers. Swat Kats will be returning as well. I am going to be redoing every chapter fixing things up and comepleatly rewrite the intro.

There you go, folks, a chapter for you to bite into. It's not much I know but I will be working on these chapters as much as I can. Now the story will stay in Hiatus till I fully get back to it thank you.

A SWAT Kats crossover. Neat. Good job you can get the show on dvd and iTunes now.

They could be mistaken for Abyssinians... if not, oh well.

Also Equestria has a lot of schizo-tech.

Airships are a thing, there are motorized vehicles such as the party tank Cheese Sandwich brought in (A heavy treaded and armored vehicle) or parade floats (rubber wheels and motors) and Pinkie Pie has a working magical cannon (Long range weaponry like cannonballs and pirates exist), so high end technology is not really beyond ponies.

It's just that ponies are not technologically savvy or reliant thanks in part to magic.

I can't understand why people keep lowballing the technological capability, but I also understand that they don't utilize the technology they do have to the fullest. Care to share your thoughts on this?

Swat Kats always brings back fond memories, especially of all their ground vehicles being blown up constantly and repeatedly. Yet they keep rebuilding and bringing back the Turbo Kat if damaged or destroyed, with T-bone as the expert pilot and Razor as the genius inventor.


They could be yeah I never thought of that really.

Well nice to see a new chapter after four years.

I must say that the origin story of the Swat Kats you summarize here isn't entirely correct.

It was neither Chance or Jack's fault that their plane crash in, at the time, new Enforcers headquarters. Feral butt in and tried to steal their take down of Black Kat, which result in him ramming his plane in theirs, causing the crash and subsequentially lost Black Kat.
After that he put all the blame on Chance and Jack, but they would have none of that and both quit. Though Feral wasn't done with them and would have them to repay all the damage "they" cause by forcing them to work at the junk yard.
It thus there by using all the scrap laying all around, they vow to continue the fight, but on their terms.


Yeah, I know this Chance is lying to them. I am going to have him tell the truth later. Right now unlike Jake Chance really doesn't trust the ponies. I was waiting for someone to point this out and thank you for that lol.


Ah, I did wonder at first if this was done intentionally.

Should have known better. You don't usually do a fanfic of a medium that you don't know well.

Reminds me now. What happened to the project to bring back the show on the run?


I have no idea at all. There was so much news about it then nothing. Maybe something might happen now because of HBO max.

There you go a chapter. Now it is a short one. I am doing Short chapters for the first few chapters to keep the arc long.

Nice to see some action. Depress heroes are depressing.

I am doing Short chapters for the first few chapters to keep the arc long.

Does this mean will see chapters updating more often?


I will try I got many stories I want to do maybe next year I will go full blast with it.

A new chapter I hope you guys enjoy it. Also yes it's short because I felt it would be best to keep it short.

It may not be my best chapter. But hey sometimes you don't need a long chapter.

this is gonna be as crazy as a kitty on catnip.

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