> Cruising Into The Unknown: The Detective's Gambit > by Megaskullmon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter one:The Gambit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was May 23rd, 2015, the MS Anthem of the Seas was traveling on its route through the Mediterranean Sea as it steamed towards its next destination in Greece. The passengers were all in a good mood on this particular afternoon as the ship continued its voyage. But there is a chase going on, a chase that has been going on for 20 years. In the bar a women in a brown suit and a hat wearing heavy frame glasses. She drank what normally made her happy. Scotch pure pure scotch. The one she chased sat beside her with a smirk. "Detective," She looked to Louis. "You’ve come out of hiding, why?" "Oh but Detective how about a simple drink between enemies hmm?" He said with a smirk. "Can't we just have some fun before we start the chase again?" Danna sighed softly and looking down at the drink. She grabbed the bottle and chuckled as she poured some of the scotch for him. "Oh in the past I would have thought of you as a friend. But again you had to start all those… Problems Louis," she said and Louis chuckled as he drank from the scotch. "Oh but the fun is how are meant to do this detective. I would say it's best to keep our peace on this ship, before we start gun's flaring and all that rot.Unless you don't mind me hurting one of these innocent souls Detective." Danna stared at Louis under the hat, he just gave her a snarky look. "So, ignore the chase after thirty years?" She asked as Louis smirked, drinking from the glass. "It's been that long detective?" He said and laughed softly "Oh how sad, you could have been married instead of divorced. I could have been a good father to my daughter,ut we can't have everything. It's fate how the world works." The two stopped speaking to each other, the pain was shown in their eyes Danna grabbed the bottle looking towards the tender. She placed a good amount of money on the bar. "Thank you," She said as she got up from the seat. "Danna, we need to stop meeting like this and end the chase." Danna just lowered her head and looked towards the ground holding the bottle in her hand. She looked over her shoulder to Louis with had a soft weak smile on her face. She just stared at him and chuckled. "Could you give up a life of crime? Could you stop your kidnappings, your robbing, and your murders? The fact you even got on this cruise is a mystery to me." Louis and with a smile as he laughed. "Oh, but you followed me Detective. You seem to want this chase just the same as me. So again we didn't start the chase till we return to land. Then we’ll go on this chase for the next 30 years." Danna's  looked away and held the neck of the bottle tightly. In her mind she didn't wish to start this deal, but he was right if they started shooting and starting the chase It would end in more deaths along their chase. So many had died in their chases. Slowly walking back to her room and felt her pain filling her. She held her chest. Her heart wasn't the most amazing of hearts. Just moving like this hurt her, but it's how she had been all these years. Going into her room she set down the bottle and grabbed a glass of water and took down her meds. She sat down in the chair and closed her eyes and resting a bit.She waited for the sleep to take her mind, It was all she has for the moment, as she dreamed of the chase. 00000000000 Louis sat the bar drinking what was given to him by the detective. He needed to find a way to repay his debt, he blinked when he  heard his cell ring and picked it up. "Hello?" A deep voice spoke on the other end."Hello Louis, How long till you can make the drop?" Louis moved out of the bar thanking the tender and headed out so no one can hear. "I got the jewels, do you have my money?" The deep voice laughs softly. "Of course Louis, have I ever left you hanging before?" He didn't wish to answer that but he sighed. "No you haven't. But i want my money." He sighed and hung up before he went to his room to check on the jewels. He felt there needed to be a better place to hide them. He grabbed the bag of the jewels And opened the bag up looking at all the jewels staring at his prize. He closed the bag up and placed it under his bed. Now he was going to get something to eat, then worry about the jewels. He walked out of his room to head back down to the bar to get some food. He walked past a large bald man lifting some large bag with a strange girl behind him and turned to look at the two blinking a bit. "Whoa...." The large bald man turned to stare at Louis."Got a problem?" The large man asked. But the woman beside him grabbed his arm. "Come on Zingger, we don't need to deal with someone that knows us as fans,”he said and giggled. "I am sure he has heard of the great and wonderful Rainbow!!!" Louis just stared at the two his eyes in shock at what he is seeing. She really called herself Rainbow he thought? HIs name is Zingger? "Uh...I’m sorry, I’m just going this way." Louis quickly ran to one of the bars he could find. He got into one of them and ordered some food, he sat there for awhile, thinking. The detective is here for a reason,  maybe it was time for the chase. He looked to the bartender. "Excuse me." The bartender looks up to Louis. "I need you to call for Detective Danna. Tell her there has been a robbery." The bartender looked at him oddly."But there hasn't been..." "I know but just do it." He set down a large wad of money, The bartender nodded and picked up the phone. Louis calmly ate his food waiting for the chase to start again.                                                   0000000000000 Zingger and Rainbow sat in their room. Being good friends that always travel together along they worked at a two person band. Rainbow used her voice to sing, Zingger played his guitar to play the music. The reason the two are here is mostly for a gig, a gig that would make them rich.But how they paid to get into a cruise like this. Well it was given to them by a friend. "Think about it Zing, we do this gig and  we will be the richest people on the planet." Zing nodded, he was one of those strong silent types. "Well, I'm sure it will be a good Gig Rainbow. But what bar will we be playing in?" Rainbow laughs jumping around her rainbow hair catching in the wind of her movement. Zing sighed seeming to not like how wild she is but he will get used to it. "How about we go get some food Rainbow." "No, no, I will get it." She said with a smile. She rushed out dancing. Zing sighed as she left. He looked at stuff he's been hiding from Rainbow mostly bills.He lifted up one of the notices that if they don't get the money everything they own will be taken from them. He sighed he didn't want to break this to Rainbow. They have been friends for so long. He placed them back into his case and looked through another case. In the case is a secret compartment, he sighed looking through it. It was mostly a broken heart. He grabbed a needle from the compartment and looked at the drug he wanted to take. It's a drug that seems to remove a great amount of pain. He lifted the arm looking at the needle hearing the door opening quickly putting it away and he smiled. "I am back and with food!!" Rainbow said with a laugh. Zing smiled placing the case down looking at the bills quickly putting them away. He sighed looking around his mind was full of trying to break it to her that if they don't do this Gig they will lose it all. I need to go for a walk Rainbow,”He said and stood up quickly taking his bag."I will be back keep the food warm for me." Rainbow watched him leave.                                             0000000000 Danna woke up after the little nap she had, looked at a note and her eyes open wide, Louis had stolen something. She knew this was the time to get to the chase again. She got out of her chair, She just needed to follow the clues. When she got to the bar she saw Louis standing there. "On with the chase Detective?"He said with a smirk. Danna growled to herself looking to the tender. The tender just shrugged. "Louis I thought we had a deal, but how are we going to chase each other?" " Come with me it will be my room. Yes it's a small place for a chase, but also a good place to chat." She sighed and just followed him. Louis looked behind him and stared at her. He could tell this chase had ruined her, he remembers the past on how the chase was all she cared about. When they got into his room he just sat in his chair. "Sit Detective. I feel this is a good chance to tell you. After this score I’m done, I’m retiring from this. I want to have a normal life." Danna rolled her eyes. "Right." He sighed and smiled. "Look Detective if there was another life right now. i would give it all up just to get to know you the right way." He smiled trying to be kind and respectful. "I mean it Detective. I got to know you your family everything about you, but I never got to know what makes you you." She felt it was odd that he wanted to know about her? She thought if she should say anything for awhile. Then she noticed the scotch. "Give me that bottle." Louis nodded and gave her the bottle she took a long drink from it. "I wanted to be a writer. But of course my father wanted me to be a cop, so I followed in his footsteps and became this. I never got the choice to be the writer. If there was another life I would become that but... We sadly only get one life." Louis laughed softly. "Well I could see you being a writer, it's not easy being one of course. This is what I wanted to be. I wanted to own a bar, just a simple not out of place bar. but I got in with the wrong crowd and started doing all the stuff you know me as." He sighed. "Amazing again If there is another life I would wish to open that bar and just enjoy my life with a wonderful woman." Danna chuckles drinking the scotch. "It seems that we both lost our dream. My dream was just a writer maybe more, I’m not not sure. But It's how life seems to work these days. We want to do what we want, but others want to follow how they are." "Detective, What about the heart issue you got?" Danna stared at him she tried to remove her anger but she sighed a bit. She looked towards the wall closing her eyes and sighed deeply. "You remember that time I chased you in New York? You got me trapped by that crazed nut? Well he stabbed me and grazed my heart, so thanks to the blade he used, it infected my heart. So that’s why the chase is not as crazy as it used to Be." Louis frowned sighing softly. "Well then Detective one last chase and then we'll both see who wins. If its me please retire get married get at least your life in order. Now if you win, I will turn myself in.,I will allow myself to be convicted by every single thing that I am convicted. Now do we have a deal Detective?" Danna nodded "I agree to these terms. But marriage and I… it’s doubtful that will ever happen. I'm in my forties Louis, I doubt there is anyway I could go back in time. Maybe fate will be kind to me and allow me to have the life I want." She stood up and looked at Louis. "Take care Detective." She smiles grabbing the handle of the door and everything vanished.                                                  0000000 Zing walked the deck and looked out to the sea. He sighed and opened the case, looking at the needle so much pain it's going to be hard for him to go on. He wanted to for Rainbow but he wasn't sure how to. He was about to inject himself with it when Rainbow finally came to see him. " Zing..."She said softly, He didn’t look at her and dropped the needle into the water below. Turning to her with a smile. "Whats up Rainbow?" She sighed softly and looked at at him with a smile."Zing why have you been hiding these from me?" She lifted the bills, he looked at them and felt his heart break he didn't wish for her to know what he has been keeping from her. He turns to her with a smile. "I didn't want to break your heart Rainbow, that's why we need this Gig." Rainbow sighed and smiled. "I know Zing all you wished to do with your life was to sing, I just wished to play music. So maybe in another life we could have done such a thing." "That's the thing Rainbow there is no other life.. There is no way to do such a thing, but let's go..." Before he could finish what he was about to say the world vanished before their eyes in a pure white flash. They vanished along with the rest of the world.. > Chapter Two:Waking up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The music still played from the conversation Danna had with Louis. She opened her eyes and felt the haze of the scotch vanish. Her hat was still on her head,but it fell down.She looked down and tried to reach out to grab the hat with her hand, but saw a hoof in its place.. Her eyes opened wide and she looked at her body slowly removing the clothing as she stood up. Her legs were very wobbly and she heard a voice. "Hmm, Detective did we get drunk together again and run into a stripper club?" She sighed groaning deeply. She is still in the same room with Louis. Louis opened his eyes staring right at Danna. "Huh a Zebra," he said and closed his eyes again like it doesn't even matter. Then he looked at his hooves. "Oh, I have hooves," he said again like it didn't matter then it hit him hard he looked up at Danna then at himself. "Louis I don't know what happened, but I am sure it will be alright. Now let's just see what happened. Okay it seems like I’m still me, but I am a Zebra mare now." She said and turned her back to Louis looking around and oddly showing off everything to Louis from behind. She heard a whistle her face turned bright red up to her ears. "OH!! I am so sorry but...um..." He looked down seeing what his body really wasn’t hiding anymore. "Well I wish I could wear this underwear." Danna sighed looking back to Louis and tried to keep walking and groaned as she tripped on her hat. She grabbed the hat with her mouth and slowly walked over to to Louis while looking down at him. With her head she helped him  stand up and they stared at each other. "Now Louis I don't know what happened, but you don't stare at my butt or between my legs. If I catch you doing that I will find out how to use a knife and slice up what’s between your’s, got it?" Louis smirked and nodded. "Oh of course Detective, I wouldn't have it any other way. But you gotta admit I am maybe very handsome to your eyes." Danna looked at him why did she feel attracted to him. Was it some chemical in her brain? She shook her head and growled softly at herself. "Don't push your luck Louis, don't forget I'm still going to turn you in." The two stared at each other. Her anger was very easy to see but he was calm and cool smiling gently. "Oh but Danna maybe you should relax, ignore the chase for now. Let's find a way out of here and then then we can try the chase again. But for now, you need to relax."Danna neighed in anger as she reared up. "Oh Danna I didn't know you cared." She smashed her hooves into him or tried to at least. He moved out of the away and she smashed a mirror before she started sobbing her ears pinned to the back of her head as her tears fell to the ground. Louis watched the detective he knew very well as she broke down. He had never seen this happen before with her. He calmly leaned into her and nuzzled her neck. "Shh D… I mean Danna. Relax I am sorry, I didn't mean to cause any harm." Danna just kept sobbing from the pain she was feeling. Louis sighed he needed to try to calm her down. The only thing he could do was sing for her. "I'm here for you my dear darling one. I will be by your side no matter what you do. So please my darling friend. Don't allow the pain to get to you. Oh please Danna.. Relax..."He stopped singing they stared at each other. She just stared at him blushing gently. "I um...thank you Louis..." She coughed softly "I needed that.. Now...ahem.."She walked away from him. "Now let's relax our minds and think what could have happened." Louis thought a moment. "Maybe this is a dream, maybe it's a joke. What do you think it is Danna?" Danna thought a moment placing her hat on her head. It's a way to get herself to think. Looking around a moment then hearing voices outside the room. Opening the door she saw it wasn't just them that changed. "Louis it seems we have a problem." Louis looked at the other's that changed then Danna closed the door again. "I think we need to allow ourselves to get our minds in check before we go out there." Louis sighed and nodded. "So I'm now a Zebra stallion you're a Zebra mare. I wonder if we ever will mate."Danna's cheeks turn bright red to her ear's again. Louis laughed. "Oh come on Danna I grew up on a farm, I know what happens between a mare and a stallion. Sooner or later we will feel those wants." She looked at him, and for a moment her eyes fell on a spot between his legs. Her cheeks even brighter, then she shook her head and said to herself. 'No more more no more...But he is handsome... Very handsome... Maybe it...it's a wonderful feeling If I let him...NO! NO!! It's too soon.' Taking a few deep breaths. "Alright Louis look. Let's ignore the lust and want that we might feel later, let's make sure that whatever happened to us, our minds are clean and cool. Then we go check on the rest of the ship. Now enough about what our bodies want. We need to make sure we allow our mind's to relax." Louis nodded he started to ignore what his body felt and breathed deeply. "Now there are other mare's out there, that would have these feelings. This is the issue. Us human's are used to the idea of sexual intercourse but, with horses like we are now its different. Louis promise me you won't go around trying to mount any mare you see can you promise me that?" "I don't know if..."Louis stared to say but Danna placed her hoof to cover his mouth staring into his eyes. "Then I will be your mate. Will that give you enough incentive to ignore your instincts?" Louis blinks moving the hoof from his mouth with a smirk with a cocky grin. "Oh it wouldn't be the first time we been in bed together. Remember that time in Vegas? Oh and that time in Detroit... Or the time..." "Louis..." "Yes?" "Shut up." Louis laughed loudly and smirked."Oh come on detective I won the chase. I charmed you into my graces my hooves oh... I will make you have the biggest smile on your face." She rolled her eyes. "Right, come on let's go check the rooms." She opened the door and took a deep breath as they two Zebras walked out of the room. There were a lot of ponies around that looked panicked, but a voice came over the PA system. "This is Captain Charles Smith, I'm speaking to all of you right now from the bridge of the Anthem.  I know that we've all found ourselves in this, bizarre situation and  none of us really know what's going on right now. I'm here to tell all  of you that none of you are alone, things aren't going to be easy sure,  but we're not going to just let whatever this is beat us." That seems to have calmed the Mind of Louis and Danna for the moment as more came over the PA. "Things aren't going to be easy, and we're going to keep trying to make  contact with someone in the outside world, hopefully this was just  isolated to our ship but in the event that it wasn't we have to be ready  for anything. Until we can get the ship running again we'll remain  adrift in this part of the ocean. In the event that we're stuck out here  for awhile, I would like everyone aboard to report to the crew and give  them whatever information on yourselves that we may find useful, we  still have a long way to go before we're really sure what's going on,  and we need to work together to survive." Danna sighed smiling softly looking towards Louis who nodded. One last message came over the PA. "If we have anyone aboard that has veterinary training, in particular  with horses or other equines that would be useful as well. Since most of  the population of the Anthem seems to have been transformed into  equines, we need to know everything we can about them in the event that  there is a medical emergency. I just hope that we will have this all  figured out soon and it won't be necessary, but if you do have any training please report to Doctor Sawyer in the medical center as soon as  possible." Louis sighed. "I may have worked on a farm. But i doubt I could help with that." Danna was about to say something when there was a loud screech into another room sobbing and crying. "Louis go see if we can get some food no meat, I need some scotch see if you can find that. I am going to take care of whatever is going on in here." Louis nodded walking off slowly seeming to be a bit still not easy to walk. Danna went to the door she used her mouth to try to open it but it was locked. She sighed thinking a moment. She is now a Zebra looking down at her hooves. She turned around lifting up on her front hooves and bucked the door down with one smash.                                                                                                               00000 The room was dark the lights seemed to have been broken from the screech. In the middle of the room was a wheelchair, but that's not the oddest thing. In that wheelchair is a creature with glowing eyes that stared at Danna full of fear. "Please.... please...don't hurt me." Danna gently walked to the creature. "Shh it's okay I won't hurt you. Come out of the darkness please so I can see you." The mare slowly came out of the darkness into the light. She looked to be a pure black bat pony. She looked young, but she wasn't able to walk so well. Danna sat in the middle of the room and looked at her. "Use me as a rock miss?" "Rose.. Rose Matthews" "Okay Rose, I'm Detective Danna, But just call me Danna. Now tell me are you here with anyone else?" Rose shook her head. "It's just me, alone. Its my first cruise and my family sent me here to get rid of me for a few day's. I was stuck in that wheelchair." Danna looked to the wheelchair and sighed."I see do you feel alright? Anything wrong?" Rose thought a moment looking at her legs she smiled a bit."I can walk for the first time in forever, I feel healthy. Whatever happened to me did that I guess." Danna nodded. "Now I am going to ask you to come with me, I need to find Louis. Now it's not going to be easy to walk, I still can't do that very well." Rose nodded, the two now had to go find Louis. That would take awhile since getting to the bar would take some time. "Do you know what happened?" Rose asked and Danna shrugged her shoulders "If I knew Rose I would have told you already. But that's the issue, all i remember is a bright flash and waking up here." Rose nodded calmly and they kept walking towards the bar.                                                                                                       00000000 Louis calmly walked into the bar, it was pretty silent but the bartender stood there. "Excuse me Bartender, I don't know what's up, but got any soda or scotch scotch and so on?" The Bartender nodded and set down a few drinks. The Bartender looked strange at least to him,but he couldn't make out the race. But the bartender placed each drink in a bowl, he sighed softly and looked up at the bartender. "Thank you so kindly for making me feel like a dog." Leaning on the bar to calmly drink the soda. It tasted the same to him, But the sugar tasted a bit sweeter than normal. "Louis," A voice said and he turned seeing Danna smirking. "Ah Danna, my charm couldn't keep you from coming to see me again hmm?" He said with a cocky smirk. "Louis again, shut up. This is Rose. Rose don't stare between his legs." "Why?" Rose calmly asked she looked down her eye's open wide her cheeks turn bright red. "That is why." Danna said and face hoofed. "Oh what can I say I got a wonderful personality." Louis said with a smirk. "It brings out the most amazing side of me." Danna just stared at him. "Are you done or are you going to keep going on and on about how you’re God's gift to women… I mean mares." Louis laughed drinking from the bowl turning to them smirking. "Oh Danna if I could get you in bed all those times you chased me, I am sure I can get any mare here. But I’ve got more interesting things to think about, like booze... The next big hit… Our chase." Danna sighed shaking her head. "Louis the Chase is not going to happen at the moment. I doubt starting the chase again is a wise idea. In fact I already offered myself to you, but I need to fall in love with you first." "Oh you're all heart." He said with a smirk. "But again it's the deal Danna. It's the chase, the big score. Maybe I can get that score by making you mine, but first I gotta win that heart of yours. Trust me Danna, If I can get that beautiful face to turn red, I can do anything." Danna turned so deep red she was growing angry, but it was more about how she felt he was right. He did it to her even when they were human, every time even with the chase they always ended up either in bed or healing the other. She looked at her legs, no longer seeing the bullet scars or the knife scar's. "Y..you two seem close."Louis laughed softly. "Oh close as oil and water. I'm a simple hardened criminal with a lot of death, booze, and hooker's on my hands. Well in this case hooves, but it was always for the chase detective, just the chase." Danna snarled softly looking to the Bartender."Give me your largest bowl with the best scotch you have.. Please." The bartender just seemed to be in the middle of all this doing what his job was, even if they had changed. He poured the drink into the bowl Danna getting on her back hooves and drinking from it. "Before we think of doing anything you want to do Louis like… Mounting me... We need to settle a few things." "Is this really the best place to talk about this?" The bat pony asked, Danna looked to Rose and smirked. "I am sorry Rose, I didn't mean to bring it up. Just it's easy to tell what he wants from me, we have chased each other most of our lives. He wants to finally win the chase, and he feels that  doing this will make up for all the time I didn't let him win." "Oh but Detective, I'm just a simple man with simple needs. You know a little sex there, A little murder there. It's not that hard to know right?" He said with a smile. "It's just the simple things, but that's just me of course." He chuckled softly. "Louis do me a big big favor," Danna said and Louis looked at her. "Shut it and put your mind else where instead of your, well, stallionhood. Now first we need to make sure our bodies are okay. I need to see the doctor to check on my heart, but first we need to see if they can find a vet." "Um excuse me.."The two turn to Rose again. "I don't mean to be a bother but um, I think the idea of drugs and murder is a bad idea to think of right now. We don't know if people minds are set right. Hell some of them could have shown up as crazy." "Hmm she has a point detective. Maybe I should be a little more silent about the next big score." Louis said. Danna nodded and moved aside. "Join us Rose, tell us a little bit about yourself." Rose blushed gently got on her back legs between the two. "Well I'm a navy daughter. I wanted to join the navy myself but… Well a car accident that killed my mother left me paralyzed, so my dream of being like my father was out the window, but I did major in history." Louis smiled. "History hmm that is a decent thing to major in. I did go to school myself and had a major, before I became this of course. I learned how to be a bar keep. I learned how to run a bar. I learned all that, But then I got into the wrong crowd had to pay money back. Got in too deep, met Danna here got to her through many ways. Chasing, sex, drinking, sex, fighting. gun shots, fist fights, and sex." Danna sighed and shook her head. "Yes I was taken by his charm, I will agree that you're charming Louis. But as for me, My family come from along line of the law, I'm one of the few that made it to Detective though. But really  I wanted to be a writer. The book I wanted to write was called The Detective's Gambit. A set of novels with many cases that the character would go on with her partner." "Then what's stopping you Miss Danna? I don't know, but I have a feeling the entire world is like this. Maybe you should find a store, get a journal, and start writing." Danna thought to herself for a moment. "Maybe I should because right now the chase with Louis is off till we get back to the mainland." Louis sighed removing his cocky way of speaking."Danna I'd hate to break it to you, but I have a feeling as well that The entire world is like this. I ain't really sure of course, but I think the chase is off for good ‘till we learn what happened." Danna snorted laughing."Give me one reason why I should allow you to run around free?" Louis looked to Rose."Rose forgive me what you might hear." Louis moved off the bar and looked at Danna with a gentle smile. Danna's body started to feel like it was melting, her knees shook a bit, but she regained herself and coughed as she tried to regain her composure. "Danna we have been chasing each other again for years. Remember you said if there was ever another life you would not chase me ever again?" Danna blinked as she remembered the conversation they had before this happened to them. She sighed sitting down on her haunches nodding. "Well then why not follow your own wants and stop this ‘Oh I was this as a human?’" Danna sighed. "I don't want to argue with you Louis, but you might be right. "Louis smiled calmly, and nuzzled into Danna who just sat there blushing deeply. "Louis please.. I am not ready to be close to you like this, I need to fall in love first." "Shh it's fine, I understand but I have my eyes for you. So I am going to do everything in my power to make sure you do fall in love with me Because I’ve got to get lucky somehow in this strange life as a stallion." Danna's blinked for a moment. He had to luck out somehow in this life. She sighed and looked at Rose and Louis. "I'm going to get some sleep, I can't stand this right now. Maybe more of this will become clear, but for now I need to get away from you Louis. Go back to your room as well, If I hear you have done anything to any mare here or Rose I will again take a knife and cut you." Louis sighed. "Danna I'm just joking around." He said with a smile. "But it might be wise if I go get some rest. Rose will you be alright?" "Um… Danna may I come with you?" Rose asked and Danna nodded with a smile. The two mares walked away from the very awkward stallion. Louis smirk and watched them walk before giving a whistle to them both. Danna's face turned red she turned around and stared at him. Her gentle green eyes showed no anger and she smiled. "Please Louis think of something else than what you think with between your legs. So please go rest and we will talk more later." Louis sighed and nodded heading the other way back to his room.                                                                                     0000000 Louis passed a few other ponies and creatures, but he kept to himself. He went into his room and locked the door so he could think to himself a bit before he took a rest. Now he was starting to wonder, he found his phone in his pants pocket and used his nose to get the phone unlocked. There was nothing on there, he put the phone aside and looked towards the bed and reached under it to grab the jewels. He placed the bag on the bed and opened it up to look at his haul. What's the point of keeping these? But at the moment it's wise for him to keep these just in case. He looked at the mirror that Danna broke. He was trying to keep his cool but the issue with that is most wouldn’t be able be able to. That was why he locked the door just in case one of the creatures or whatever they are turns crazy and tries to hurt others. With his history, he understood why that might be a problem. He slowly got into the soft bed and laid in a way so it's easy for him to sleep/ He slowly closes his eyes to allow his mind to relax so it would be cool and calm when it's time to talk to the Detective. again.                                                                                    0000 Rose and Danna walk into Danna's room. "You go ahead and take the bed Rose. I will sleep on the couch." Rose blinked and nodded slowly before getting into the bed to lay down, but she seemed to have something on her mind. "Rose if you want to talk, just tell me what is on your mind." Danna sat on the couch and laid down to put her head on the arm of the couch. "Well.." Rose sighed softly. "I don't trust Louis he seems so one minded." Danna chuckled softly. "Well Rose it could be because he and I have been chasing each other for years. My first case to go after him was a murder that it turned out he didn't even do. Of course he did save me shooting the one that tried to kill me. Also yes I have been romantically involved with him, but that was because down the line I had so many issues I needed to take care of." Rose's cheeks turned bright red. "Danna how could you put yourself so low to let him well be your mate?" Danna shrugged her shoulders."Would you rather him go after you? He's a stallion, men may have been just as bad, but horses can be even worse since instincts can take over. So creature's like we are now would just be prepared for the fact that stallions or male beasts follow instincts when it comes to mating and breeding. That is a sad true fact." Rose nodded. "Yes I know what you mean. I had a female dog go into heat… Tha t...Oh geez that is a scary thought. Would we go into heat?" Danna blinked a moment thought about it for a moment. "Oddly yes we would. It's normal for creature's like we are now. Now enough of this talk, lets get some rest."                                                                                00000000 Near the pool Zing opened his eyes and looked around to see a pegasus near him. She was light blue with a pink mane and tail and black wing tips. The mare opened her gentle blue eyes and backed away from him before She screamed out. "ZINGGER!!!" He knew that voice he quickly got onto his feet? He looked down seeing he has clawed feet He looked at his paws then back at Rainbow. "Rainbow It's me." He said in a deep growling voice. At least his clothing still fit him, though he was a bit taller then he used to be. Rainbow stood on her hooves and groaned a bit as she looked up at the large creature, her eyes still full of fear."What...what happened to us?" Zing shrugged looking at his arms and then down to his feet again."I am a large dog? You seem to be a Pegasus mare."Zing calmly helped Rainbow on her hooves. "Now you seem to be having issues walking. I have a bit of an issue too, But you should go back to our room and rest." Rainbow shook her head in anger."We have to talk about those bills!!" Zing stared at his friend sighing."Rainbow I think right now we have something more important to think about than those bills. Now please, do what I ask and get some rest. It's going to be wise for you to relax and we will talk about it when you wake back up." Rainbow's anger grew it was easy to tell in her eye's. She was about to speak but Zing put a paw to her mouth. "Rainbow please..." Rainbow sighed nodding and walked off to their room. Zing sighed hearing something in the pool not far from him, He went to the pool and sat near it looking into the water. It gives off his reflection, he was now a dog like being. But when he got closer to the water he swore he sees something swimming in there, but he was not sure what to make of that. He blinked again looking more into it, what the hell would be in the pool? As he looked closer at the pool he spotted a small creature that was in the water. Her upper half resembled that of a pony with a green mane and reddish eyes, but her lower half looked like that of some sort of fish or marine animal. She looked around, she was still a little afraid but was starting to calm down. “Hey excuse me.” He called to the creature. She turned her head and swam towards him with a curious look on her face. A brown colored pony stallion looked in his direction and hovered nearby to make sure that everything was okay. “Yes?” She asked in a sweet and innocent voice. Zing blinked a moment staring at the little creature as  gentle toothy smile formed on his face. “So it’s others that changed as well, but you seem to have gotten the short end of the stick.” He offered his paw. “Yeah, I guess,” she said with a shrug as she looked back at the stallion for a moment before she placed her hoof in the dog creature’s. “But my Daddy is here at least.” Zing smiled. “Good I’m Zingger or Zing. I came on this cruise with my friend. We had a singing gig.. But I think right now.. We need to worry about this at the moment, then we can worry about the world around us.” “I’m Emily, it’s nice to meet you Zing,” the small filly said and tilted her head cutely. “You’re a musician?” He looked over to the stallion with a smile and then turned  back to Emily. “Yes, you could say that. I do classic rock.” “Cool,” Emily said with a smile as her Dad walked over to them. “Is everything okay over here Emily?” He asked as he looked between the filly and Zing. “Yeah, everything’s fine Daddy, I was just talking with Zingger here,” Emily said with a smile as she looked at her Dad. “What kind of name is Zingger?” He chuckles. “Eh my mother was kind of a beer drinker. She drank far too much, so a month after I was born and he named me Zingger. She was a single mother that well, didn’t get treated well by her Ex so I didn’t fall into the same problem. I took up a little girl off the streets and raised her as my daughter, mainly because I didn’t have a childhood. So I saved the little girl and gave her the childhood I didn’t have.” “Oh, I’m sorry,” the brown stallion said as he offered him a hoof. “I’m Abraham Prince, you already met Emily of course.” He took the hoof in his claw. “An honor good sir, I feel a bit bad for your daughter here. If you would like I could stick around here and watch her when I can.” Abraham looked down at his daughter who looked up at him with big eyes. “Well, I’ll have to talk to her mother about it but honestly we could use all the help we could get. We’re still kind of recovering from the initial shock, at least things seem to have calmed down a little.” Emily nodded a little and flicked her tail. “This is actually kinda cool, I’m like a real Mermaid, but it would be better if I could be on land.” “Yes it seems cool. But I still have an awful feeling. That it’s not just us this happen to” Blinking at the strange sounds of wheels going past them, Zing turned to see a Zebra with a brown hat on her head. She was pushing a wheelchair past them, but she seemed to be having  issues with it. Danna turned her head a moment looking to the three with a gentle smile bowing her head to them. “Greetings to you three, I would stay and talk but ince My friend I just met doesn’t need this anymore I am going to be giving it to the Doc.” “Well, that’s, very nice of you,” Abraham said as he looked at the wheelchair curiously, an idea was starting to form in his head but he wanted to make sure it would work first. “But to be respectful, I’m Detective Danna MoonChild, but if you want just Call me Danna.” She said with a respectful nod. Zing for the moment stayed silent. But calmly spoke. “Zingger, I have no last name.” “Abraham Prince, and this is my daughter Emily,” Abraham said and Emily waved a hoof at the Zebra. “Nice to meet you three, Take care. Also if you see a bat mare by the name of Rose, just tell her I went to take her former wheelchair to the doc.” Abraham and Emily nodded and waved to the Zebra mare. “She does know the Doctor is on deck three right?” Abraham commented quietly after she was out of hearing range. Zingger laughs. “After the change I think many folks are having issues remembering things. Remember, we changed our species bodies and I no longer have the constant pain in my body I used to. So whatever the change did. It removed my problems.”                                                                                00000000 Finally after the mistake of going up the stairs then heading down, Danna wass finally back on Deck three. The wheelchair crashed down the stairs she screamed. “Look out down there!!” She followed the Wheelchair down. She lifted up the wheelchair heading to the office and knocked on the open door to get whoever is inside to know their here. The door is opened after a moment and she finds a Zebra stallion who is shifting uncomfortably standing there. “Can I help you?” “Yes I’m bringing in this Wheelchair for you to use for someone. The one who used it no longer needs it.  Are you alright sir?” “Oh, well that’s nice of you, thanks,” he said and just kind of shrugged. “I’m just, not used to this body yet is all, it’s a little uncomfortable.” “Oh how so forgive me for asking of course. But this body is odd to me as well.” “Its…” He started to say and shifted again. “It’s alright to tell me. Being a Detective I don’t judge, unless I need to for a case.” “My change came with some… new body parts,” he said as he blushed heavily. She blinked before she looking to where she stared at Louis before then blinked. “Oh... OH!! I am so sorry!!” “Yeah, I’m not exactly used to being a male, or a stallion I guess,” he said with a shake of his head. “Count your blessings if you didn’t suddenly change genders.” “Eh I already have a Zebra stallion wanting to mount me anyway. That’s an even odder feeling, but I’m Detective Danna MoonChild an honor miss?” “Doctor Samantha Sawyer, but everyone calls me Sam, guess I don’t have to worry about the name being confusing at least?” He said with a chuckle. “And at least I’m not getting the urge to mount anyone yet…” “Eh the Stallion i have been chasing for 20 years, well when he was a human. Now the stallion is joking around saying he will do it to anyone he sees. So I had to offer myself to him to save others.” “Sounds like a few exes I’ve had…” Sam said with a roll of his eyes. “Don’t worry about it, I’m sure not everyone on the ship will think like that. If you ever need someone to talk to, my door is always open. I don’t know how much good I’m going to do on a ship of horses and whatever else anyway.” “Heh well this man is a hardened Criminal how he got on this ship is a mystery to me. But it's not the first time he and I clashed with our primal urges.” “Oh?” Sam asked as he looked at her curiously. “I won’t tell anyone, I am still a Doctor, I think.” “Well the second time we met he seduced me. We slept together and I ended up pregnant with his child. I went through the process of course and raised her for a year and named her Alicia. But I gave her up because.. I was worried he would hurt her.” “Oh… I’m sorry,” Sam said with a shake of his head. “Well, at least that means she’s still out there somewhere.” “Yes I am sure she is. But I talk to him now. He is so kind to me then he used to be. He is tired of the chase and wants me to retire. Since a friend of his stabbed me in the chest and ruined my heart.” “Well, if we ever find a vet on board this ship, maybe he or she can check you out,” Sam suggested. “And maybe you should tell him, I know if I had a child I’d want to know, if he has changed, then I’d say you should tell him.” “I do hope you find someone to help you Sam. But thank you for the chat. If you ever wish to talk. Come and find me. We should go out for some tea or a drink.” Sam smiled a little. “I’d like that, I just have to hopefully get some pants that will fit me, it feels weird to have… you know… out where anyone can see it.” She laughs softly. “ Yes it is..Louis kept whistling at me when I walked in front of him.” “I am not looking forward to heat season…” Sam said as he shivered a little. “I might just lock myself in my cabin when that happens, I can’t imagine actually doing it as a man…” She nodded walking to Sam giving him a hug the best she can then backing up. “Well I better be getting back to Rose before she tries to hunt for me.” “Of course, it was nice meeting you, and tell your friend thank you for the Wheelchair,” Sam said with a smile as he hugged back and took the chair in his forelegs, trying to avoid flashing the poor mare. “Like I said, my door is always open.” She gave a nod and turned around covering herself the best she can with her tail so she didn’t bother her new friend. Heading up the stairs to get some sleep. > Chapter Three: Hearts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The idea of my story Louis is to not only show the life of a broken woman. But to show the life of a woman that can't give the chase. A chase so fine it's like a rich wine of pleasing cheese. If only some could understand the peace within the idea of it." Donna of course was boring poor Louis with her constant speaking of how she wished to write her book. The gentle stallion Louis was though he just listened. "Such beauty in those words Donna. Smooth silky the understanding of how some can learn within it. I know that it's not all going to be easy to learn it either. If a soft idea came with your flowered mind. Then it's a soft voice. Think of it this way, shall we? You chased me, you beautiful woman. You now a mare a detective normally always gets her man." Louis gave a simple charming smile. Donna's cheeks glowed bright red under her newfound zebra fur.  "I just need to know what to do in the story Louis. Should it be every chase we had? Everything we did together even the times we slept together?" "You wish to call it The Detectives Gambit. I think you went through hell then came out on the other side in a quick flash of your wrist. Our guns firing at each other. The times you beat me in a fistfight, the times I had the upper hand and then the journey through the US during this chase. A chase to end all chases, my dear. That Gambit shall be what you write in the book. But who would read it?" That is the question she never thought of it that way how would one read it? It's not going to be easy to get a book published. Would any of the world even care that her book is of her life? She has the time now to write it and hopefully write it well. Looking over to her desk there is a bunch of paper in the trash and her opening still not done. The idea of this is maybe Louise is right, Write about the chase and the chase would be what she should do. Getting off the chair she sat back down at the desk. "Now I just need to get a good opening for the story. One that won't plant you into a bad light Louis" She turned to look at him. He had a thought in his mind on how to do this. She still felt he deserved to be placed in jail for his deeds. But the problem is there might be no more humans or their laws to follow. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath to feel the juices of creativeness flow in her mind. "Maybe don't use my name. You don't wish to put your new mate to be in a bad light." Oh, that was the wrong thing to say. He could see the hate in her eyes after that. He knew that look and knew it well. He just gave a charming smile. "Oh come on Donna you and I both know you can't fight my charm."   A sigh came from Donna. Laying her head on the desk she knew he was right. Sooner or later they will fall in love. She heard the radio turn on of course there wasn't a live radio station at the moment. But he did have his music. Turning to look at Louis the music is gentle and calming. It's even romantic, Louis gently got off the chair and bowed to her. "May I have this dance, my dear? A simple need to get your mind off the chase and the book for the moment." Placing her hoof on his. Louis gently lifted the zebra mare on her hooves. It wasn't easy to learn to dance this way. But the song had soft gentle singing playing through it. The song happens to be the song that Louis used on Donna before. The two souls started to dance through the music. Donna watched Louis move his hooves. She moved her hooves with his. Her heart thumped each time she stared at him. In her mind is there really love? Maybe in her mind, it could work. After thirty years of the chase. He is the only man she ever knew. The only man she ever chased just in the name of justice. The name of the next city the next town. Louis's heart thumped at the same beat with Donna's he just stared at her gaze. The world ending is nothing now compared to this life they wish to share. Is it a way of understanding they can learn from their past? So the chase never happens again. So he never has to chase her and she chases him? Something started coming over Donna. She wanted to break away from him. She couldn't allow herself to be trapped. But her heart is telling her to stay. Even though the mind is telling her to go. How can she give up a chance of being happy? The sense of pleasure the want. Just to be happy is strong after so long. Could it be the wine they had together muddling her judgment? Love to most people is a heavy gain for those that never felt it. It's a fleeting story. A story of pain hardship and the idea that you're never alone. So many souls never get that chance to be happy. Tears always fall from the pain of the heartbreak. Is it worth it to some? The idea that this thing called love is real? Can it work, can those hearts sing together? Even in time, the world has ended? These two souls have felt this chase for justice. The chase because one felt they needed to. The other to run away. Maybe the one that should have been chased was the detective chased to her heart. Not to run, not to have justice. But to find love with the one that knows her most. The two souls lean in to kiss even though the music long ended for they feel it in their hearts. Before their lips touched Donna pulled away from him looking away. Louis put his hoof on her cheek turning her eyes to him again. Tears streamed from her eyes. The brokenness of this woman is easy to see. Just the fact she gave up so much... To chase this man. No words needed to be said between them. He knew her so much just from the chase alone. The talks while they were sitting together waiting for him to spill his guts. The idea of this between Louis is love. But he knows that he is pushing. Donna stares back at him, her heart is beating to just be with someone. The longing after 30 years to be with someone. She knew though she couldn't do this not yet. She sobbed hard running out the door of her room. So much coming to the surface a strong woman breaking. A man staying behind seeing one he cares for. One he feels bad for now. That chase so long. That chase. He looks at the paper on the desk. He noticed something she wrote. 'The Gambit of the Detective in the dark and stormy night. The broken young woman watches her father and mother fall apart because love is not in their lives.' He looked back to the opened door. He is wondering if he should chase her. Maybe best to leave her alone for the time being. Maybe someone on this ship will talk to her. He sits on the chair closing his eyes feeling tears stream down his face. Love is fleeting but to those that long for it. May never get it till it's too late. > Chapter Four: Peace {Donna and Rose.} > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gambit of a detective. A deep story into the life of Donna. The issue is though writing about her life and the chase. The chase of going after Louis most of her life. She may have feelings for Louis but she ruined her life in the chase. The chase was to try to arrest Louis and get him in jail for his many crimes. Rose walked the halls getting used to this new body. She watched while Donna ran out of her room. “Donna?” She called to her. She stopped in front of the door Donna ran out of looking inside to see Louis sitting by himself in a moment of glum thinking. These two knew each other for years. Rose has been told stories about both of them. The fact that these two had a game they played. Of course, Louis was the one playing the game. Donna was trying to save the world from what she called a criminal. “Louis are you two okay?” The sad-eyed stallion just stared at Rose. The bat’s eyes glowed while they both stared at each other. Rose knew about pain and sadness. Rose wanted to talk to Louis but all he did with his hoof was simply point outside. “She needs you more than me right now.” He softly whispered to Rose. It’s the fact that so much has changed for a lot of these people. Donna close to the end of her life same with Louis now having another chance together. Rose a simple woman able to walk again for the first time in years. She took this change in strides. But those you have been running for so long never could. “Are you sure. I am the.” She tried to argue with Louis he just stood on his hooves and looked right into her eyes. “Rose I am the one she chased most of her life. I am a criminal to her one she chased for so long. The story the Gambit is going to be about her chasing me. I wish I could change this. But that is the game we played the simple chase.” Rose took a deep breath not sure what to think. She felt she had no right to get into the middle of this. This was an issue between these two that they needed to work out. All Rose knew how to do was wheelchairs and working in a wheelchair. “I will try Louis. But sooner or later you two will need to work this out. She is writing her story about you. About her life and chase. I am…” Louis closed the door on her. She shook her head thinking that was very rude. She left the halls to try to find Donna and watching the other beings of this ship getting used to their new bodies and trying to learn how to handle all this. There had been panic there is still going to be panic. Because the entire world did change. It’s not going to be easy for everyone to get used to this fact. It took Rose awhile to get used to it too. But she did what she felt she had to. All her family if it was true is missing. She had no idea if her family is even waiting for her anymore. She had no idea how far they were from the end of the cruise either. Just this is so odd to her and that she has wings on her sides. She made it to the area of the cruise ship that had the bar. She never understood the name of this area. Since she always kept to herself as a human. Now she feels she can be helpful as this bat creature. At the bar, she finally saw Donna. Of course, the bat didn’t want to invade. Rose trotted help very slow up to the bar and sat in one of the chairs. It was strange sitting in a stool made for humans. “I wasted my life in the chase and the search.” Donna had like four empty shot glasses in front of her but.. Rose didn’t know if she was drunk or not. “Well, Donna I wish I could be of more help. I don’t understand what it’s like to chase someone from so many edges of the world. Is that why it’s so hard for you to accept it? You have a new lease on life that you can’t accept that fact?” Donna turned her head to look at Rose a weak smile forming along her face. Her eyes are full of pain and sadness a woman beyond her years is Donna. One that wasted her time being a detective in her mind. “Rose I spent years chasing him. I wanted to be the best detective I could be. I wanted to bring him to justice. I wanted to protect the world from ilk like him. But I spent my entire life chasing just him. I fell in love with him. I had a daughter with him and then gave her up to protect her.” Rose sighed and just listened. “I wish I could understand this pain you’re in Donna. I wish I could understand more what you’re going through. I am just a former simple gal that sat in a wheelchair trying to learn how to live that way..” Donna didn’t have a smile on her face. She just listened to Rose as the bat spoke to her. “I may not have been a detective willing to write her life in a book. This book will show the lives of you and Louis. But to me you two need each other more then you think. Now I am not an expert on anything. But It just seems that you need each other.” Donna sighed deeply. “It’s not that easy to just write about a life that I ran Rose. It’s harder then most would think. I am not going to give up on it. Just some things will bother me on how much I wasted my life. I have a new chance on life Rose. But it’s with him and being stuck on this ship. I will never have the life I wanted now.” Rose was about to speak but Donna got off her stool. “Thank you for the talk, Rose. But this is something I need to handle on my own. Thank you for trying to help me feel better. Just it won’t be that easy for someone that went through what I did.” Rose got off the stool and stood in front of Donna staring right into her eyes. “You need to let things off your chest. But I am not going to push you to do it now. Kick Louis out of that room for now. Let yourself write some of what you need to get off your chest. This is your gambit your story. You and Louis both lived it.” Donna stares at Rose. An emotionless stare filled her eyes it was hard to tell if she was about to snap at Rose. “I get where you are coming from Rose. But I can’t do it that easily. I will try if that will get you to stop hanging around me like a puppy dog.” Rose felt insulted but of course, she didn’t let it show in her eyes. “Donna you need to not do random insults. You have no idea how some of these folks will act after so many of their lives have been changed forcibly. I wish I could help you more. But all I can do is be a friend.” Donna nodded walking away heading back to her room. Looking back to Rose and a smile formed along her face. Her eyes still full of sadness but she is trying to show her happiness and thanks to Rose. “Thank you, Rose. I will do what I can for you.” Rose nodded Donna leaving to head back to her room.