• Published 4th Dec 2017
  • 688 Views, 4 Comments

Cruising Into The Unknown: The Detective's Gambit - Megaskullmon

A detective find's hersellf as a Zebra. She must join in helping the ship. In finding their way home

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Chapter one:The Gambit <All Character's>

It was May 23rd, 2015, the MS Anthem of the Seas was traveling on its route through the Mediterranean Sea as it steamed towards its next destination in Greece. The passengers were all in a good mood on this particular afternoon as the ship continued its voyage.

But there is a chase going on, a chase that has been going on for 20 years. In the bar a women in a brown suit and a hat wearing heavy frame glasses. She drank what normally made her happy. Scotch pure pure scotch. The one she chased sat beside her with a smirk.

"Detective," She looked to Louis.

"You’ve come out of hiding, why?"

"Oh but Detective how about a simple drink between enemies hmm?" He said with a smirk. "Can't we just have some fun before we start the chase again?"

Danna sighed softly and looking down at the drink. She grabbed the bottle and chuckled as she poured some of the scotch for him.

"Oh in the past I would have thought of you as a friend. But again you had to start all those… Problems Louis," she said and Louis chuckled as he drank from the scotch.

"Oh but the fun is how are meant to do this detective. I would say it's best to keep our peace on this ship, before we start gun's flaring and all that rot.Unless you don't mind me hurting one of these innocent souls Detective."

Danna stared at Louis under the hat, he just gave her a snarky look.

"So, ignore the chase after thirty years?" She asked as Louis smirked, drinking from the glass.

"It's been that long detective?" He said and laughed softly "Oh how sad, you could have been married instead of divorced. I could have been a good father to my daughter,ut we can't have everything. It's fate how the world works."

The two stopped speaking to each other, the pain was shown in their eyes

Danna grabbed the bottle looking towards the tender. She placed a good amount of money on the bar. "Thank you," She said as she got up from the seat.

"Danna, we need to stop meeting like this and end the chase."

Danna just lowered her head and looked towards the ground holding the bottle in her hand. She looked over her shoulder to Louis with had a soft weak smile on her face. She just stared at him and chuckled.

"Could you give up a life of crime? Could you stop your kidnappings, your robbing, and your murders? The fact you even got on this cruise is a mystery to me." Louis and with a smile as he laughed.

"Oh, but you followed me Detective. You seem to want this chase just the same as me. So again we didn't start the chase till we return to land. Then we’ll go on this chase for the next 30 years."

Danna's looked away and held the neck of the bottle tightly.

In her mind she didn't wish to start this deal, but he was right if they started shooting and starting the chase It would end in more deaths along their chase.

So many had died in their chases. Slowly walking back to her room and felt her pain filling her.

She held her chest. Her heart wasn't the most amazing of hearts. Just moving like this hurt her, but it's how she had been all these years.

Going into her room she set down the bottle and grabbed a glass of water and took down her meds. She sat down in the chair and closed her eyes and resting a bit.She waited for the sleep to take her mind, It was all she has for the moment, as she dreamed of the chase.


Louis sat the bar drinking what was given to him by the detective. He needed to find a way to repay his debt, he blinked when he heard his cell ring and picked it up. "Hello?"

A deep voice spoke on the other end."Hello Louis, How long till you can make the drop?"

Louis moved out of the bar thanking the tender and headed out so no one can hear. "I got the jewels, do you have my money?" The deep voice laughs softly.

"Of course Louis, have I ever left you hanging before?" He didn't wish to answer that but he sighed.

"No you haven't. But i want my money."

He sighed and hung up before he went to his room to check on the jewels.

He felt there needed to be a better place to hide them. He grabbed the bag of the jewels And opened the bag up looking at all the jewels staring at his prize. He closed the bag up and placed it under his bed. Now he was going to get something to eat, then worry about the jewels.

He walked out of his room to head back down to the bar to get some food. He walked past a large bald man lifting some large bag with a strange girl behind him and turned to look at the two blinking a bit.


The large bald man turned to stare at Louis."Got a problem?" The large man asked. But the woman beside him grabbed his arm.

"Come on Zingger, we don't need to deal with someone that knows us as fans,”he said and giggled. "I am sure he has heard of the great and wonderful Rainbow!!!"

Louis just stared at the two his eyes in shock at what he is seeing. She really called herself Rainbow he thought? HIs name is Zingger?

"Uh...I’m sorry, I’m just going this way."

Louis quickly ran to one of the bars he could find. He got into one of them and ordered some food, he sat there for awhile, thinking. The detective is here for a reason, maybe it was time for the chase. He looked to the bartender.

"Excuse me."

The bartender looks up to Louis.

"I need you to call for Detective Danna. Tell her there has been a robbery."

The bartender looked at him oddly."But there hasn't been..."

"I know but just do it."

He set down a large wad of money, The bartender nodded and picked up the phone. Louis calmly ate his food waiting for the chase to start again.


Zingger and Rainbow sat in their room. Being good friends that always travel together along they worked at a two person band.

Rainbow used her voice to sing, Zingger played his guitar to play the music. The reason the two are here is mostly for a gig, a gig that would make them rich.But how they paid to get into a cruise like this. Well it was given to them by a friend.

"Think about it Zing, we do this gig and we will be the richest people on the planet."

Zing nodded, he was one of those strong silent types.

"Well, I'm sure it will be a good Gig Rainbow. But what bar will we be playing in?"

Rainbow laughs jumping around her rainbow hair catching in the wind of her movement. Zing sighed seeming to not like how wild she is but he will get used to it.

"How about we go get some food Rainbow."

"No, no, I will get it."

She said with a smile. She rushed out dancing.

Zing sighed as she left. He looked at stuff he's been hiding from Rainbow mostly bills.He lifted up one of the notices that if they don't get the money everything they own will be taken from them. He sighed he didn't want to break this to Rainbow. They have been friends for so long.

He placed them back into his case and looked through another case. In the case is a secret compartment, he sighed looking through it. It was mostly a broken heart. He grabbed a needle from the compartment and looked at the drug he wanted to take.

It's a drug that seems to remove a great amount of pain. He lifted the arm looking at the needle hearing the door opening quickly putting it away and he smiled.

"I am back and with food!!" Rainbow said with a laugh.

Zing smiled placing the case down looking at the bills quickly putting them away. He sighed looking around his mind was full of trying to break it to her that if they don't do this Gig they will lose it all.

I need to go for a walk Rainbow,”He said and stood up quickly taking his bag."I will be back keep the food warm for me."

Rainbow watched him leave.


Danna woke up after the little nap she had, looked at a note and her eyes open wide, Louis had stolen something. She knew this was the time to get to the chase again. She got out of her chair, She just needed to follow the clues. When she got to the bar she saw Louis standing there.

"On with the chase Detective?"He said with a smirk. Danna growled to herself looking to the tender. The tender just shrugged.

"Louis I thought we had a deal, but how are we going to chase each other?"

" Come with me it will be my room. Yes it's a small place for a chase, but also a good place to chat."

She sighed and just followed him. Louis looked behind him and stared at her. He could tell this chase had ruined her, he remembers the past on how the chase was all she cared about.

When they got into his room he just sat in his chair.

"Sit Detective. I feel this is a good chance to tell you. After this score I’m done, I’m retiring from this. I want to have a normal life."

Danna rolled her eyes. "Right."

He sighed and smiled. "Look Detective if there was another life right now. i would give it all up just to get to know you the right way." He smiled trying to be kind and respectful.

"I mean it Detective. I got to know you your family everything about you, but I never got to know what makes you you."

She felt it was odd that he wanted to know about her? She thought if she should say anything for awhile. Then she noticed the scotch.

"Give me that bottle."

Louis nodded and gave her the bottle she took a long drink from it.

"I wanted to be a writer. But of course my father wanted me to be a cop, so I followed in his footsteps and became this. I never got the choice to be the writer. If there was another life I would become that but... We sadly only get one life."

Louis laughed softly.

"Well I could see you being a writer, it's not easy being one of course. This is what I wanted to be. I wanted to own a bar, just a simple not out of place bar. but I got in with the wrong crowd and started doing all the stuff you know me as."

He sighed.

"Amazing again If there is another life I would wish to open that bar and just enjoy my life with a wonderful woman."

Danna chuckles drinking the scotch. "It seems that we both lost our dream. My dream was just a writer maybe more, I’m not not sure. But It's how life seems to work these days. We want to do what we want, but others want to follow how they are."

"Detective, What about the heart issue you got?"

Danna stared at him she tried to remove her anger but she sighed a bit. She looked towards the wall closing her eyes and sighed deeply.

"You remember that time I chased you in New York? You got me trapped by that crazed nut? Well he stabbed me and grazed my heart, so thanks to the blade he used, it infected my heart. So that’s why the chase is not as crazy as it used to Be."

Louis frowned sighing softly. "Well then Detective one last chase and then we'll both see who wins. If its me please retire get married get at least your life in order. Now if you win, I will turn myself in.,I will allow myself to be convicted by every single thing that I am convicted. Now do we have a deal Detective?"

Danna nodded

"I agree to these terms. But marriage and I… it’s doubtful that will ever happen. I'm in my forties Louis, I doubt there is anyway I could go back in time. Maybe fate will be kind to me and allow me to have the life I want."

She stood up and looked at Louis.

"Take care Detective."

She smiles grabbing the handle of the door and everything vanished.


Zing walked the deck and looked out to the sea. He sighed and opened the case, looking at the needle so much pain it's going to be hard for him to go on.

He wanted to for Rainbow but he wasn't sure how to. He was about to inject himself with it when Rainbow finally came to see him.

" Zing..."She said softly, He didn’t look at her and dropped the needle into the water below. Turning to her with a smile.

"Whats up Rainbow?"

She sighed softly and looked at at him with a smile."Zing why have you been hiding these from me?"

She lifted the bills, he looked at them and felt his heart break he didn't wish for her to know what he has been keeping from her. He turns to her with a smile.

"I didn't want to break your heart Rainbow, that's why we need this Gig."

Rainbow sighed and smiled. "I know Zing all you wished to do with your life was to sing, I just wished to play music. So maybe in another life we could have done such a thing."

"That's the thing Rainbow there is no other life.. There is no way to do such a thing, but let's go..."

Before he could finish what he was about to say the world vanished before their eyes in a pure white flash. They vanished along with the rest of the world..