• Member Since 19th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


Commission Status: FULL


Still wracked with guilt years later, Starlight Glimmer returns to the Equestria torn apart by war with the Crystal Empire in search of some way to put her guilt behind her.

A story written for Remembrance Day on behalf of all those who have fallen in the service of their nations. Cover image is that of the Commonwealth Graves site at Ypres.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Thank you
I have served and fight my demons from that time. I come here to escape when I need to, to get lost in the stories written by those that submit them. This was the first story to draw a tear from me. It touches me that you have written something with such feeling and heart.
Thank you

I'm glad that I was able to touch you with my words. Please know that you are never alone in your struggle.

There aren't words that are adequate to thank a veteran. Please take heart in the knowledge that my family and friends all owe you so much and that we try to make the most of the gift we have been given to live freely. Never think that you suffer alone, and never try to face your demons without angels to support you. You are a hero, and I pray that you find peace.

Perhaps you might relate to Tolkien. He lived through the worst battle in British history and lost a lot of friends there. When he got back, Lord of the Rings was part of how he dealt with it. I don't presume to know what your struggles are or what your interests are, but Tolkien was a firm believer that the act of making something good, however small, was so much greater than any awful thing that had happened. This was how he faced his trauma. I hope this is some help to you. If nothing else, know that I and others like me are grateful.

As I, too, have worn the uniform, and borne silent witness to the fall and eternal rest of my brothers- and sisters-in-arms...

I choose to honor their bravery in far-off lands, for they have sacrificed far more than most will ever know.

Helmand Province, Afghanistan, was the final resting place for United States Marine Corporal Thomas Zachary Spitzer, when he gave his life for family, community, and country on 2014 June 30, at only 23.

Iwo Jima was where my paternal grandfather witnessed a horror that I hope I nor the future generations will ever have to see as he fought to help end the Japanese occupation, watching as friends of his paid the ultimate price for freedom.

Army Capt. Humayun Khan strode bravely towards certain death, even as his fellow Soldiers ran to safety. Such was his love for the country he came to call home, and his fellow man, that he lost his life.

Remember them. None are owed more gratitude than those bearing the uniform, regardless of their country of origin, for it is they who bear the most somber burdens of all.

'Freedom is not free - it is bought in blood, sweat, and tears.'

- C/SMSgt Mark Collazo, AFJTX-20015 Alumnus, Class of 2008

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