• Published 11th Nov 2017
  • 1,270 Views, 4 Comments

For the Fallen - Penalt

Starlight Glimmer returns to the world of The Crystal War. A story written for Remembrance Day.

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May they know Peace

All across Equestria, the flags flew at half mast. The long, long war with the Crystal Empire was finally over and a bruised and battered nation had spent the past few months counting the cost of victory.

“What are we going to say to them Luna?” Celestia asked to her small sister. “How can we inspire our ponies to pick up and rebuild all that we lost to Sombra?”

“They need somepony to rebuild for,” the midnight blue alicorn said. “We can’t just order them to do it. They’ve had enough of orders and commands. Perhaps--” Whatever the junior princess was going to say was cut off as a swirling vortex appeared across the ceiling of the room. Both princesses backed to the edge of the room, ignited their horns and waited to see what came from the vortex.

As a pale pink unicorn fell from the vortex, both alicorns held their fire, waiting to see what would happen next. Years of warfare had taught both princesses when and when not to unleash their magical fury. The unicorn got back to her hooves and, having eyes only for the portal above her, sealed it with a spell of her own. Celestia and Luna looked at each other as something struck the seal and rebounded, taking the portal with it.

“You can’t save me this time, Twilight,” the unicorn said softly to herself. “It’s time I paid for my crime.”

“Do not move or attempt to use magic,” Luna commanded the intruder, who turned her head to see where the voice had come from.

“Good, you’re here,” the unicorn said, nodding. “Is Celestia here as well?”

“I am,” the solar diarch said, raising a shield in case the unicorn was some sort of suicide weapon left over by Sombra. “Identify yourself.”

“My name is Starlight Glimmer,” the unicorn said, her voice sad but with an odd air of satisfaction, “and I surrender myself to you for trial and judgement.”

“Your name is unfamiliar to us,” Luna said, the moonstones of her bridle shining with inner fire. “What crimes have you committed that you feel the need to place yourself in our power.”

“Crimes against Equinity,” Starlight Glimmer said, “I am responsible for the entire war with the Crystal Empire. The blood of every pony who died in that conflict is on my hooves.” Luna lifted an eyebrow to her sister at the statement by what was obviously a madpony.

“Starlight...Glimmer, was it?” Celestia asked, still not lowering her shield. “That is quite a grandiose claim. It was my belief that Sombra was responsible for the Crystal war.”

“He was, Princess,” Starlight Glimmer said, looking a little anxious now. “However, I was responsible for Sombra in the first place. Princess, please take me into custody, and I will explain everything.”

“Why do you have this pressing need to be our prisoner?” Luna asked, suspicion clear in her voice.

“Because any moment, my teacher Twilight Sparkle is going to recreate the spell which brought me here,” Starlight explained. “When she gets here she will take me back to my world. She doesn’t understand that I need to pay for what I’ve done to your Equestria.” Celestia’s eyes went wide as a memory came to her and acting quickly she dropped her shield and locked steel hobbles onto Starlight’s hooves.

“Thank you,” Starlight whispered, as the straps of a magic cancelling bridle were sealed around her head.

“Starlight Glimmer, I place you under arrest for--” Celestia got no further as another vortex appeared and deposited a purple alicorn in front of the two diarchs and their prisoner.

“Princess Celestia,” the newcomer said in greeting, “and Princess Luna. My apologies for the intrusion but--”

“You are not welcome here at this time, Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia said, drawing a gasp of surprise from the purple alicorn, as she was recognized. “We have placed Starlight Glimmer under arrest. You may return in three days, at which time you will be informed of our decision regarding her.”

But...” Twilight said, in stunned surprise. “But she...”

“If you accept our authority you will leave,” Celestia said, her voice hard. “If you do not, you will be placed in solitary confinement for the next three days. Either way, you will not be permitted to sway our judgement.” Twilight looked into Celestia’s face, and saw no compromise there.

“Very well, I will return in three days,” Twilight said, nodding., “for my friend.” Twilight shot a look at the trio, then summoned the vortex anew drawing her away to her home.

“Sister, what made you change your mind?” Luna asked. “What was it about the name ‘Twilight’ that made you place this mare in chains?” She gestured toward Starlight, who had sunk to her knees and bowed her head like a prisoner at the execution block.

“Years ago,” Celestia began, “I received an odd report from an apple supplier in the small town of Ponyville. The farmer there, one Applejack, spoke of a visit by a strange alicorn named ‘Twilight Sparkle’ from another Equestria, one where there was no Crystal War. She was in pursuit of a pony...”

“A pony who had changed the timeline,” Starlight said, lifting her bridled head. “A pony whose intentional act of revenge caused the rise of Sombra on your world. Because of my petty hatred of six friends, they were not here to stop Sombra when he could have been stopped. My hatred and jealousy caused the war your ponies suffered through. I have come to pay for my crimes to your ponies. Please, let justice be done.”

“And if my sister and I decide that your life is the price of justice?” Luna asked, and the Nightmare within her could smell the fear coming from the mare.

“Then that is the price I will pay,” Starlight Glimmer said, resolute in spite of her fear. “I only know that I will never know peace until I find some penance I can pay for what I have done.”

“And penance you shall pay, Starlight Glimmer,” Celestia said. “I need you to find words for us, words that my ponies can cling to, so they will remember the sacrifice of those lost for a thousand years, if not forever. But yet, they must be words that will raise them up, not cripple them with grief. You will make those words Starlight, you will feel the sorrow of my ponies, and you will remember them.”

“That’s it?” Starlight asked, incredulous.

“Perhaps,” Celestia said, her bearing imperious and brooking no dissent. “Perhaps not. We shall see when you address my ponies tomorrow.” Starlight Glimmer could only nod in acquiescence as Princess Luna drew on her reins and pulled her away to a writing desk.

The next morning, an hour before noon, Starlight Glimmer strode to the edge of the balcony, the chains connecting her hobbles rattling as the wind whipped her hair to one side. Tears filled her eyes as they took in the multitude of ponies looking up at her for a balm to the grief of a wife for her husband, of a father for a daughter, of a mother for their children. A nation of sorrow stretched out before her and Starlight lost the ability to see as her tears blinded her. The words she had memorized came to mind automatically, and Starlight Glimmer realized she didn’t need to see, only to speak, and in a solemn voice she recited:

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
Celestia mourns for her dead on crystal scree.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill: Celestia august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And their glory shines upon our tears.

They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of wing, horns steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to Sombran foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor Nightmare condemn.
At the going down of the sun and of the moon,
We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing magics again;
They sit no more on familiar fields of home;
They have no lot with the clouds of the day-time;
They sleep beyond Equestrian loam.

But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost hearts of all ponies they are known
As the stars are known to Luna’s Night;

As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches across Luna’s mane,
As the stars that were bright in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they shall remain.

The last words echoed across the gathered throng and the silence was deep and profound. Still stricken blind by her tears of guilt and shame Starlight stood unmoving on the edge of the precipice. A warm wing wrapped around her and drew her close to a body that was much larger than her own.

“Thank you, Starlight Glimmer,” Princess Celestia whispered to her. “I accept your penance and sentence you to stand here, at my side, until I your friend returns and I choose to release you.” Throat now closed with emotion, Starlight could only nod her acceptance, the reins to her bridle firmly held in Celestia’s grip.

“My ponies,” Celestia called out to the crowd. “You have heard the words of remembrance from a pony who has come to us from so very far away. Like her, we shall forever remember and we shall rebuild. Not just for us, but for them as well. For the fallen.” In a single voice, from a hundred thousand throats came a reply.

“For Equestria...FOR THE FALLEN

The chant rolled over the pair on the balcony as crowd below continue to shout out their defiance of pain and suffering, and in their resolve Starlight Glimmer found her voice again, “Princess, let me stay. This is where I belong, in chains and making up for my mistake.”

“No Starlight,” Celestia answered her, nodding to the crowds. “There is balance in sending you back when your friend returns. You are responsible for the rebuilding of my Equestria now, as much as you were responsible for the Crystal War. You gave yourself into my power, and this is my command. Will you accept it?”

“Yes Princess,” Starlight said, bowing her head in obedience. “For them and for the fallen who will never return to their loved ones.”

Author's Note:

The poem "For the Fallen" has always held great meaning for me on Remembrance Day, even more so than "In Flanders Fields." Which, as a Canadian is somewhat heretical but on this day, when we remember those who answered the call of their nation, they are the words that speak the most to me of their sacrifice.

It is my hope that you find some meaning in those words as well.

Comments ( 4 )

Thank you
I have served and fight my demons from that time. I come here to escape when I need to, to get lost in the stories written by those that submit them. This was the first story to draw a tear from me. It touches me that you have written something with such feeling and heart.
Thank you

I'm glad that I was able to touch you with my words. Please know that you are never alone in your struggle.

There aren't words that are adequate to thank a veteran. Please take heart in the knowledge that my family and friends all owe you so much and that we try to make the most of the gift we have been given to live freely. Never think that you suffer alone, and never try to face your demons without angels to support you. You are a hero, and I pray that you find peace.

Perhaps you might relate to Tolkien. He lived through the worst battle in British history and lost a lot of friends there. When he got back, Lord of the Rings was part of how he dealt with it. I don't presume to know what your struggles are or what your interests are, but Tolkien was a firm believer that the act of making something good, however small, was so much greater than any awful thing that had happened. This was how he faced his trauma. I hope this is some help to you. If nothing else, know that I and others like me are grateful.

As I, too, have worn the uniform, and borne silent witness to the fall and eternal rest of my brothers- and sisters-in-arms...

I choose to honor their bravery in far-off lands, for they have sacrificed far more than most will ever know.

Helmand Province, Afghanistan, was the final resting place for United States Marine Corporal Thomas Zachary Spitzer, when he gave his life for family, community, and country on 2014 June 30, at only 23.

Iwo Jima was where my paternal grandfather witnessed a horror that I hope I nor the future generations will ever have to see as he fought to help end the Japanese occupation, watching as friends of his paid the ultimate price for freedom.

Army Capt. Humayun Khan strode bravely towards certain death, even as his fellow Soldiers ran to safety. Such was his love for the country he came to call home, and his fellow man, that he lost his life.

Remember them. None are owed more gratitude than those bearing the uniform, regardless of their country of origin, for it is they who bear the most somber burdens of all.

'Freedom is not free - it is bought in blood, sweat, and tears.'

- C/SMSgt Mark Collazo, AFJTX-20015 Alumnus, Class of 2008

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