• Member Since 14th Apr, 2015
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A lovable goofball who delights in spreading positive vibes and writing stories. =3 (AKA Orangie1984 of Derpibooru!)


Discord. The Elements of Harmony. The Pillars of Equestria. The five Alicorn Princesses. With all of them keeping Equestria safe, Flash Sentry begins to wonder what the point of the Royal Guard is anymore. In the face of such doubt, he decides to speak with Shining Armor in the hopes that doing so will set his mind at ease.

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Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

Too be fair they are mostly ceremonial but are certainly not pushovers (just a small force who are not made for paranormal foes), Shining himself despite being a loveable goofball on the outside and a softie is quite a badass when needed and held his own against Sombra and kept his cool and stood his ground (but didn't act the fool and fight) Tirek. His only weakness was the love for his wife and child and his issue with Changelings. Heck he's like my counties greatest WW2 legend.

By the way a good comparison for the Royal Guard in the series would be the Swiss Guard at the Vatican.

Well that was anti-climatic. Good story though.

it amazes me how many people look at the villiens the shows has people equipped with magical super weapons(The EOH) and such or require some other super magic to stop and then say the RG are worthless.

Every foe the show has ever shwon them engage has been a world ending level threat, insane alicorn, chaos being who warps reality, a being who stole nearly all the magic in the land.

Or a surprise attack from shape shifters.

these are threats no normal solution can handle which is what the guard is for, dealing with standard threats and in the Sombra Timeline we saw them holding their own agisnt an enemy army which is something that is actually on there level.

I've never been able to stand the idea of "The guards are there so the Princesses can just look at them" becuase it ignores the level of threats they face on camera, the fact they even engage these threats despite clerly having no chance at winning makes it clear they do have a duty to protect.

Honestly i want to thank you for actually seeing the guards do have value and aren't just incompentent people that can't do anything.

This was really nice to read. :twilightsmile:

No problem. Heck it's implied they put up a fight against the changelings but were surprised, overwhelmed and simply not up too it. True they are mostly a formal/ceremonial unit but like the aforementioned Swiss Guard they are not pushovers just limited in what they can do. Here is an example https://en.wikipedia/wiki/Battle_of_Dasman_Palace those blokes knew what will happen but did their job.

Hell Shining himself is no pushover.

I'd like too see an episode where they are doing an honest job.

Not to mention it was a surprise attack by an enemy that could be anyone or anything, hard to mount a resistance when the only people you can trust are the people you were directly beside when the attack started and if you get separated you are effectively alone.

They could be the officers giving orders, that defensive line of guards, those civilians in need to rescue, or as later episodes showed, that bit of rubble or debris on the street.

Order would break down faster then you could say "Winter Wrap Up"

And without order you can't defend a store front much less a city.

Pleasant, was honestly expecting a more cynical take.

Glad you enjoyed it! =)

I wouldn't be surprised Cadence wasn't the only one mugged and replaced.

This story perfectly matches my headcanon: the Guard isn't made to defeat supervillains, but the common criminal, and, with proper preparation, an army of average soldiers.

Yes. The Changelings were able to carry out the perfect decapitation strike.

There's also another good explanation I've seen that expounds upon yours: If the Royal Guard had assumed that the threat was a small group, they'd deploy in small squads in order to effectively cover Canterlot, but then an army of Changelings came, and to compound that problem, squads with an infiltrator in them would have had to face an overwhelming attack from the outside and a suprise attack from the inside. Things would be better if the Guard concentrated their forces at one rallying point.

What a nice little story featuring everypony's favorite blue-maned, orange-coated pegasus guard. I liked how this story addresses every Brony's questions about the Royal Guard's true place and purpose in Equestria. I especially liked the scenes where Shining Armor served as a guiding mentor figure for Flash Sentry by assuaging his doubts and concerns.

I also like to point out that the Season Eight finale "School Raze" did managed to show the Royal Guards as being useful when they showed up at the School of Friendship to prevent Cozy Glow's escape. I hope we get an episode in Season Nine where the Royal Guards such as Flash Sentry and Shining Armor are given a respectful portrayal and a chance to shine.

The resolution happened a little too quickly for me, but I still like it. Good job.

Great premise, but I believe this could use more expansion. This went too fast. It could get better, but it was a great start.

I'll keep that in mind the next time I make a one-shot. =) Thanks for the constructive criticism!

A very good story you have here. I could see the same thoughts running through the minds of any of the royal guard, whether they live in Canterlot or the Crystal Empire. Have an upvote and a fave.

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