• Member Since 25th Jun, 2018
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Jubilee Bloom

Frequent artist, occasional writer. Largely incapable of finishing things.


Fillies don't usually go to Tartarus.

Celestia didn't want there to be an exception.

But Cozy Glow wouldn't let Celestia be merciful, no matter how hard she tried.


Chapters (2)
Comments ( 43 )

This story is great, but makes Celestia seem incompetent. She is the ruler, if she knows a situation is different than what a normal law would call for she should make an exception. There's no juvenile detention centers in Equestria? (This is a criticism of the show writers, not you.)

This story is also kind of criticism of the show writers, so... yeah. As well as other things. Which shall remain undisclosed for the time being.

Oh you just had to leave that ending loaded with such bait. The kind that all but forces someone to ask for a sequel or explanation.

Nice job.

I might add a sequel chapter. But don't think that I'm going to tie up everything. Not yet. Oh, so not yet.

And hey, now I know I did what I meant to.

My characters were left alone for three years and became monsters, I can't imagine how a child that young would have to grow to survive.

Hell, if I was a ruler I'd probs give her a golden medal, a house and a job then say "don't fuck it up".

It's always hard to make judicial decisions involving a psychopath. Doubly so if the psychopath is a child.

While I also dislike the writers' choice, in universe one must consider the purpose of retributive justice - to satisfy the anger of the community. Cozy Glow attacked everypony in Equestria - any public forgiveness would surely weaken Celestia's quite possibly tenuous political position both internally and externally.

In fact, the best option for mercy if Celestia wanted to offer it would likely be a complete change of legal identity, And that would likely be a lot easier if everypony knows Cozy Glow is in Tartarus - after all, it's not like the common pony can just go and check that she's actually there, right?

Retributive justice is a law code favored by barbarians. She could still have put her in an ordinary prison for juvenile offenders.

As mentioned, it's designed to sate the barbarian in all of us. Bear in mind that given how close some of the calls we saw on screen were, Cozy probably has a body count - try explaining her getting the Starlight treatment to the grieving families.

She could still have put her in an ordinary prison for juvenile offenders.

Yes, this is pretty much what I was expecting. (Not what I'm doing in my fic, but a fic isn't the show.) To play devil's advocate though, would you want to expose misguided young ponies you're trying to rehabilitate to Cozy Glow?

One reason I disliked the episode was the implied body count. Far to grim for MLP. If I wanted grim I'd watch Walking Dead-there's a reason I don't.

Well it's not like they actually said anything - all we got onscreen was a few nick-of-time rescues, which is pretty standard for kid's TV.

But looking at it from a morally educative perspective, a necessary balance to forgiving the repentant is punishing the unrepentant - and if kids saw another kid getting off lightly after doing what Cozy did, then I wouldn't blame them for thinking they could get away with anything.

That said, I do agree that the show mishandled her fate. (If I didn't, do you think I'd have actually written something after almost a decade of lurking?) Having someone who tried to repeat Tirek's trick share his fate may be "fair" in a childish way, but it's better to show some consideration for the differences in the cases as well.


Wouldn't work. Cozy doesn't WANT to be rehabilitated, and she is a master manipulator. Put her in juvey, and all you succeed in doing is giving her the opportunity to escape or simply manipulate more people by playing it up and pretending convincingly she's sorry (and worse, get, steadily better at it). And then she's free to try again.

Most people seem to take it that putting her in Tarterus is a failure on the part of Celestia - but very few people seem to consider the possibility - as here - that Celestia (and Luna and Twilight) had to send her there, because she is THAT dangerous that there was no other choice (other than execution) and that all other avenues had been impossible.

(I personally have said numerous times that I don't even believe she's really a child, just short and playing to advantage so well it works outside her own universe, but that's neiter here nor there.)


Wouldn't work. Cozy doesn't WANT to be rehabilitated, and she is a master manipulator. Put her in juvey, and all you succeed in doing is giving her the opportunity to escape or simply manipulate more people by playing it up and pretending convincingly she's sorry (and worse, get, steadily better at it). And then she's free to try again.

To play both sides a bit, most people who are rehabilitated don't start out wanting to be - it's kind of part of the job. Of course, we need to take care with known liars. but just because Cozy won't change her mind easily doesn't mean it can't be changed - she's still young after all. Well, unless you go for

(I personally have said numerous times that I don't even believe she's really a child, just short and playing to advantage so well it works outside her own universe, but that's neiter here nor there.)

so it's more relevant than you thought. Personally, I think having her be anything other than a filly would be a stretch right now in canon or fanfic - the time for revealing that was when her mask came off. Two masks, the second not even foreshadowed, isn't fair on the audience.

Most people seem to take it that putting her in Tarterus is a failure on the part of Celestia - but very few people seem to consider the possibility - as here - that Celestia (and Luna and Twilight) had to send her there, because she is THAT dangerous that there was no other choice (other than execution) and that all other avenues had been impossible.

It's the other way round - I think - it's because an exposed Cozy seems so harmless that Tartarus seems excessive* - the impression given of it is not even a normal prison with sentences, but a place were you throw things you want forgotten. And I'll point out that "here" Celestia seems to send Cozy there not on the basis of any threat, but just because she pushes some personal button of hers.

*Let's just note that probably her most impressive feat without the aid of artefacts is - breaching the security of Tartarus somehow. I really hope they figured her method out before leaving her there with only a dumb mutt as guard.


There are no other (apparent) young filles at the school (which is, functionally, a university, regardless of what Twilight calls it) - I looked very carefully after her first appearance, because I knew something was off about her. (I was, to the show's credit, WAAAAY off base and was delighted by her reveal, not as a disguise, not as a plant or minion, but the actual main bad girl.)

I don't believe Cozy is redeemable, because I can see a lot of myself in her - and you wouldn't redeem me, either, if I was in her place; unless you were stupid enough to let me lie to your face and pretend just long enough to be able to figuratively - or literally - stab you in the back.

The harsh truth is, you can't save everyne, because some people don't want to BE saved and some of those overlap with the ones that are strong enough to not break and stand for what they believe in, come hell and high water. (Or... Heaven and... summer weather?)

I find it especially telling, in a show where so many villains HAVE been redeemed, that Cozy recieved the joint-second-highest penalty (alongside Tirek) - Sombra being outright killed being the first (they can be third if you wish to count the Storm King), which to me is in and of itself an indicator that simply because THAT was what they did to her, it was the only option available to them.

But I won't belabour the subject.


There are no other (apparent) young filles at the school (which is, functionally, a university, regardless of what Twilight calls it) - I looked very carefully after her first appearance, because I knew something was off about her. (I was, to the show's credit, WAAAAY off base and was delighted by her reveal, not as a disguise, not as a plant or minion, but the actual main bad girl.)

Unless we really want to insult the main characters intelligence, though, she at least has to pass for an eligible student. I went with a very young-looking fourteen, but others will no doubt have their own opinions - it's not like there's agreed ages for the Mane 6 or the CMC.

I don't believe Cozy is redeemable, because I can see a lot of myself in her -

Your self-assessment is of course your own business, but since I presume you are not posting from prison, the elements of an acceptable citizen are likely.

More importantly though, even if she can't be redeemed you can't expect to know that without trying - and the handling in the show is a bit to cursory for me to believe even as much consideration as shown in this fic went into it. (Granted, the abbreviated context means we can't rule out her simply being softened up for future rehabilitation efforts - but I think that's a bit of a stretch.)

I find it especially telling, in a show where so many villains HAVE been redeemed, that Cozy recieved the joint-second-highest penalty (alongside Tirek) - Sombra being outright killed being the first (they can be third if you wish to count the Storm King), which to me is in and of itself an indicator that simply because THAT was what they did to her, it was the only option available to them.

I'm usually a fan of "finding a way to make it work", but it still is a bit circular to argue that the ending proves it's own necessity. Imagine if that standard was applied to all convicted criminals - "the sentence must be fair, because they would only have given it if (s)he deserved it."

Now that's not to say I think that Cozy should have been redeemed (I don't, at least not this season), or that her ending up in Tartarus or similar wasn't something that could have worked with better writing, but as it is the Princesses (and the show staff) really don't come off very well.

That's all for this story, I'm afraid.

I never even intended this chapter to happen. It just kinda did.

Maybe there will be a sequel someday.

Also, it's "upon," not "apon."

I am curious as to who she is? Is it a nod to an episode I haven't seen or a comic I haven't read? Or just vague fluff for the 'universe' of the fic?

Comment posted by fanreader999999 deleted Feb 16th, 2019

Very nice story. It goes the extra mile in sharing how putting a filly in Tartarus is just plain awful. However justice must be served and Cozy Glow did offer no choice.

The way you had it mirror what happened between Celestia and Luna was quite smart. I never thought of how alike the situations were. Luna felt Celestia had the love of all and became Nightmare Moon. Celestia didn't want to banish her sister but, as Nightmare Moon, Luna gave her no choice.

I imagine the scars of the Cozy Glow event will have both sisters feeling uncomfortable for awhile. I doubt Starlight will ever feel good either. :(

Vague fluff of my personal canon in which this fic resides.

However, she is in the show.

Are you referring to the story as a whole or just the second chapter?

Just ignore him, he does that to everyone, apparently in the mistaken belief that leaving one- or two-word reviews makes him look cool. It's just irritatingly unhelpful.

Well then.

I asked because the second chapter was written close to midnight, and I wouldn't have been surprised if mild sleep deprivation had affected the quality.

I can answer that -- no, the quality of the writing in the second chapter seemed fine. It was a little on the short side; if you were doing it over you could just roll the two chapters together. Also, the references to "he" and "her" toward the end are a little too obscure for someone who's unfamiliar with your take on the series. Since they're not just an easter-egg reference, but part of the actual close of the story, it would make sense to throw in a bit more of a hint of who they are, just enough so that drive-by readers will understand what you're referring to. But otherwise, great job. I liked it!

Why thank you.

And as for the mystery characters, I've intended for them to remain a mystery. For now, that is.


The last time I talked with a defensive commentator in the discussion I got a death threat. So let me revise my previous comment and say, your story is so awesome God Himself couldn’t do better.

Wonderful work on this.

Hello, I enjoyed this fanfic so I narrated it! Hope you don't mind :twilightsmile:

"Do you think he'll ask about it?"

Who’s he?

That shall remain undisclosed for now. It will be revealed... whenever I get to writing the intended story. I have a bad habit of coming up with a scenario in my head and then having to backtrack to figure out how to write from where I am now to where I want to be. And procrastination.

The CMC wanted to join. Twilight didn't say no because they were too young, but because she felt they already knew plenty about friendship.

The CMC still being considered young fillies is a travesty of chronology.

This was really good and really sad. :fluttercry: You took me for a trip on the feels train there.

great story really liked the stuff with starlight celestia and luna i made a theory that i think the reason why celestia and luna putted cozy glow in tartarus was as i said a big cross the line for the royal sister's cozy glow almost killed starlight so i'd think with one on their own trying to kill their subjects was not acceptable i'd still wish they made an episode with starlight after being in the orb during the season 8 finale.

If they put a scene similar like this in the original episode it could have been better. Nice story.

Cozy glow was taking magic from everything and nullifying spells meaning she could actually have a body count meaning any pony or creature who wasn't a pegasus and visiting cloudsdale using a cloud walking with find themselves falling to their deaths and because this happened so suddenly even the fastest flyers wouldn't have been prepared to catch falling ponies that Equestria hospital equipment seems to run by magic...so imagine the death toll from that

Also cozy glow knew what she was doing she knew the outcome of what happens if she took all the magic not just from ponies but from everything

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