• Published 27th Dec 2018
  • 4,229 Views, 35 Comments

Locked Aura - TundraStanza

A costume convention sounds like fun. Well, it does until someone gets permanently trapped in one, is forcibly pulled into Equestria, and finds out that the power of their new body doesn't work quite right. Hopefully, the reformed changelings help.

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Ch. 3: Mixed Feelings

A gong rang deeply for a few seconds. A changeling wearing a headband, a small pair of sunglasses, and a purple casual outfit stood in front of the closed space. Several other changelings with no such garments sat around the room. Most remained quiet, while one stood up in the middle talking about... something.

It was difficult for Xavier to keep his ears and mind focused on the speaker's expression. Even as he sat Indian-style on one side of the room, his eyes kept glancing toward and away from the changeling that was about his height sitting next to him. To be fair, Pharynx was essentially doing the same thing with his own eyes. Neither creature looked particularly comfortable, but both held their silence.

"Why can't I change the sky to orange whenever I want?" wondered the standing changeling. "It feels so hard to remember what that color is like without a visual representation. You know?"

"There you go." Zen-Rei smiled and slowly nodded. "Let it all out."

The other changeling went back to find a seat in the circle.

"Does anyone else have something they wish to say?" Zen-Rei kept a patient look in her eyes.

Pharynx slowly stood up and cleared his throat. "Just so you know, I'm still not thrilled about this forum thing. I just need to say this little thing so I can get it over with."

Did the temperature just drop or rise exponentially? Xavier shivered and tapped his collar area with a paw.

"I... am asexual."

Save for one changeling spitting out a mouthful of soup on the wall, a dead silence captured the atmosphere. Everyone in the Feelings Forum stared unblinkingly at the commander standing in the center of the room. Even Zen-Rei opened her mouth a little in shock, and she adjusted her glasses.

Xavier took a guess at what the rest were thinking. Wait... what?

"I know." Pharynx sighed. "I used to be somebody that ate love at least twice a day. But I've come to realize that I don't like interacting with others. So much so, that I don't find any gender particularly more attractive than another. So anyone that wants to advance on me, I won't reciprocate that infatuation." He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Well, I feel better already. I don't know if I like this new openness yet, but whatever." He trotted lively out of the forum. "Bye."

The next few seconds of stunned silence felt like they went on forever. Some of the changelings looked around at each other. Yet, none of them seemed to have an explanation as to the events that transpired mere moments ago. It was about that time that Xavier remembered how to blink and breathe.

"He didn't outright insult us." Blue smirked as he looked over to Purple. "You owe me a bit."

"Tsuaf darn it." Purple grumbled before she reluctantly hoofed over the agreed money.

A couple licks were followed by another changeling saying, "My soup's too cold!"

"Give it a rest, Tronco," a different changeling commented.

Zen-Rei gently clapped her hooves. "I believe that is a good place to stop for today. Same time tomorrow."

She rang the gong behind her with a light tap. The rest of the changelings gathered and left through the opening. Xavier got up and stood there, slowly looking down at his paws. What in the world did he do back in the training center? They called it 'giving love', but... was that not a Heal Pulse attack?

"Hey, Xavier!" Blue peeked back inside. "You coming with?"

The Lucario shook his head out of his cycle of thoughts. Yes. He turned on his toe and walked out.


"And this has never happened to you before?" wondered Thorax. The ruler was constantly shifting his limbs around, not looking quite comfortable in his throne seat.

Xavier crossed his paws. It was just as much a surprise to me as to everyone else present.

"Huh." Thorax gave up and hopped off the throne. "I've never heard of anything other than changelings that could willingly give love to some pony else like that. Even the Princess of Love herself can only coax out pre-existing love."

You have a princess of an abstract concept? Xavier lifted the fur where his brow would have been.

"Well, Princess Cadance is a friend of ours." Thorax smiled. "I actually lived with her and her family for a while before a series of events pulled me back to the hive."

Oh. Xavier blinked. Clearly, I have much to learn.

"Anyway, you said you've seen this kind of thing done by others. What did you mean by that?"

Xavier flipped his paws over and held them just in front of himself. Well, I've only seen them in... uh... moving pictures. But certain creatures used this technique and called it a 'Heal Pulse'. With it, they could restore energy to a tired or injured ally.

He thought of the song lyric and held the pink sphere in suspended animation between his paws. Thorax's eyes widened upon seeing the pulse. He trotted closer and craned his neck to get a better view.

"I'm starting to feel more energy while just looking at it." Thorax's drooping ears slowly lifted back straight over his head.

But, I think it might have had a different effect on Pharynx. Xavier pressed his paws together, causing the pulse to vanish. He sort of... came out of the closet during the Feelings Forum.

"But that forum doesn't have a closet." Thorax tilted his head, before he immediately straightened out again. "Wait! My brother was in the Feelings Forum?"

Um... yeah. Is that unusual? Xavier leaned back.

"I mean... kind of..." Thorax scratched his neck with a hoof. "A lot has happened in the past couple of days."

Xavier lightly tapped his lower ear. Oh, right. Blue and Purple said something about a... Maulwurf?

"That was one thing that happened, yes." Thorax nodded.

And then I fell onto your front yard. Xavier chuckled nervously. Sorry about that.

"Oh, don't worry about it." Thorax waved his hoof dismissively. "That wasn't even your fault."

Xavier idly scratched the spikes on his wrists. So... about Pharynx's feelings...

Thorax shook his head. "No, don't tell me. If Pharynx wants me to know something, he'll be the first to tell me so."

Alright, if you're sure. Xavier lowered his paws to either side.

Thorax nodded firmly. "Yeah. Well, how about I show you to the living quarters where you'll be spending the night? I'll ask Blue and Purple to stay nearby in case you need anything."

Thank you for all of this, Thorax. Xavier smiled a little before following.

After they left, a rock formation on the opposite wall erupted in a flash of purple fire. Pharynx stood in the object's place. His red, beetle-wings shuddered while he looked down and away.

"It's not like I could or couldn't like you back," he muttered, "... idiot."


One week passed. During that time, Xavier spent each day under Pharynx's training along with a group of changelings. It was mostly fighting and tackling as a group. But there was always a set amount of time for Pharynx to order the pack to fight individually against the Lucario. Xavier didn't feel like he was learning any new attacks, but at least his reaction time was steadily improving. If any drone was suffering severe aches, he offered them a dose of his Heal Pulse.

"Xavier!" Pharynx shouted over near the training room's opening. "A word."

What is it? Xavier walked over.

"Just shut up and follow me." Pharynx turned and trotted out.

Whatever you say, Commander. Xavier smirked and closed his eyes, following the light magenta aura shown to him by his sixth sense. So, where are we going today?

Pharynx grunted, but kept looking forward. "Your presence is doing something to me, and there's unfortunately only one changeling in this entire hive that could possibly figure out what that is."

Your brother?

A couple patches at the "face" of the aura slid upward. "Woooow... you're reeeeally smart."

Xavier opened his actual eyes. I've made a mental note of your sarcasm, Pharynx.

"Remember when I told you to shut up?" Pharynx glanced back. "Consider that a standing order."

Sir. The Lucario lifted his right upper paw in a salute before returning it back down to his side as he walked.


"... and that's why I've come to talk to you." Pharynx tapped his hoof against the ground.

"Well on the bright side, I'm glad to see you've made a friend." Thorax smiled.

"Wha...? Have you not heard a word I said?" Pharynx squinted his eyes.

Thorax nodded. "I did. That's why I'm not asking or telling you to repeat any of it."

"Grr... you tell him, dog." Pharynx waved his hoof around. "This isn't... It's just not normal."

Why are you getting so fussy? Xavier scratched behind his ear. Having a friend isn't the worst thing to happen in the world.

Eventually, Pharynx simply spat to the side. "Fine. Whatever. We can call each other a friend. Just... don't make us regret taking you in. Betrayals are all too easy to make against someone you care about."

Xavier chuckled. You're a good guy, Pharynx.

Thorax's eyes twinkled. "That's what I've been telling everyone else."

"Yeah, yeah, great." Pharynx turned around. "Let's get back to training."


After a few more hours of paw-to-hoof combat, Pharynx switched the group focus on magic attacks. Several of the beams from the changelings' horns followed squiggly paths without even reaching the test dummy targets. Xavier took a moment to try and clear his mind as he held his paws together off to his side. He visualized what he thought his aura should do... turned forward... and his eyes glowed blue.


An energy erupted from his paws in several waves ahead and beside him. The waves resembled a miniature Aurora Borealis, curled lights of multiple colors that somehow spread out while simultaneously closing together. In that instant, the waves made contact with the test dummies and sent them sky high. Xavier gasped and the glow faded in his eyes, returning the irises to their normal red.

"Since when do your giant lumps act like a horn?" Pharynx opened one eye more than the other, perplexed.

I'm not sure. Xavier held his paws up for himself to examine. That didn't look like your standard levitation magic.

"I'll say," chimed in Purple. "That was on par with something the Princess of Friendship could do."

Over the course of several days, the hive had made mention of the various pony rulers in passing. As a result, Xavier had learned a few stray details about them. They were said to be able to move the celestial bodies in the sky, bring certain emotions to the surface, weaponize friendship against evil, and break certain objects just by screaming. He felt like he should've been more surprised at these feats. However, these weren't too different from the abilities he knew certain Pokemon to have. Perhaps that was why he had so readily accepted the statements as facts.

Hmm... judging by what I can recall about the anime and manga... Xavier crossed his paws while he thought in private. That was a Psychic attack. At least now, I can fight at a mid-range distance. But it's kind of odd that I haven't picked up any Fighting-type moves. He made a deliberate palm strike with his right paw. Lucario is a martial artist Pokemon by nature. Sure, I can perform basic punches and kicks, but I wouldn't call them actual moves.

"So you've got a little more firepower than a standard diamond dog." Pharynx swiveled his hoof over his head. "Whoop-dee-chitin-doo. You've still got a long way to go before making that look like it wasn't an accident."

I'm well aware. Xavier crossed his paw-arms.

Pharynx turned and scanned the whole room. "Everyling hit the river bends! You won't become proper hive defense by throwing out your muscles! Rest up in the little time you have, because tomorrow you will hit the ground running!"

I wonder what he means by that. Xavier went with the squad for a quick wash in the river.


Author's Note:

Let's get down to business.
Xavier learned Psychic!