• Published 27th Dec 2018
  • 4,230 Views, 35 Comments

Locked Aura - TundraStanza

A costume convention sounds like fun. Well, it does until someone gets permanently trapped in one, is forcibly pulled into Equestria, and finds out that the power of their new body doesn't work quite right. Hopefully, the reformed changelings help.

  • ...

Ch. 2: The Body is a Temple

It had been quite a while since he had been lost to the dark haze. Who had turned on the sun and outside sounds? He wasn't ready for them yet. His grumbled voice sounded like it was caught in a drinking glass. He relented and slowly opened his eyes. He reached up to scratch his ear, but he was confused when he felt nothing but the side of his face there. He reached up a little farther and he eventually found it.


His eyes slowly moved to look to the right. That's when he saw a large clump of black fuzz, with a little blue fur on the rest of his arm. He grunted in uncertainty, moving his arm around to confirm. There was a white, cone-shaped point on the back of his... paw. Out of curiosity, he reached in front of him with his other arm. It shared exact colors and mirrored digits with his right arm. That's when he also noticed a blue and black muzzle leading out to his nose.

This can't be right. He set his paws down on his chest, finding another small spike in the dead-center of it. I'm fairly certain I was a human before I fell asleep... or, was that part of the dream too? He exhaled. I don't know anymore.

He leaned his body forward until he was sitting upright. Something in his lower back felt like it was reaching off to the side somehow. He looked around and found a medium-sized tail that bent at a right angle over the side of the make-shift bed that he was sitting on. His legs and feet were completely black as far as he could see.

"Ru car-rar ru ri?" He blinked a couple times when he realized what had come out of his mouth. "Ri? Cu-ri. Rr..."

He sighed. Figures I wouldn't be able to talk. If I am what I think I am, then the only other beings that would understand my verbal communication would have to be... other Pokemon.

"Oh, you're up!" exclaimed some guy's voice. "Good... not that I was worried or anything."

The anthro jackal turned to face the source of that voice. What he saw was some kind of cross between a beetle, a dragonfly, and an indigo pony. He wasn't sure, but he thought the creature was staring at him in suspicion.

"Now, how about you start by telling me what you are and the reason you're here?"

It sounds like he's speaking a universal human language. He looked down, trying to figure out a way to communicate with a lack of a mouth. Wait, the boy in the red hat called it... He turned his head and made eye contact with the standing guy. I'm a Lucario, and I am unsure why I am here.

The beetle-esque pony leaned back for a second, before immediately squinting. "How are you doing a telepathy spell without any magical extremities?"

Wait, that worked? When he didn't get a response, the Lucario focused on looking directly at the eyes. I am unfamiliar with the spell you speak. As far as I know, this is a natural ability for me.

"And how do I know you're not just an enemy trying to trick me?" The interrogator kept glaring at him.

What would I have to gain from tricking someone that has not first wronged me?

The purple-eyes' mouth grunted. "You sound disgustingly lame."

The Lucario held a paw out to either side, with the spikes on the back of his wrists pointed down. I apologize if I fail to meet your unspecified expectations.

"Hmph, whatever." The quadruped turned around and trotted toward a cloth covering an opening between two walls. He paused and turned his head. "By the way, name's Pharynx. Remember that the next time you address me!"

Pleased to make your acquaintance, Pharynx. He nodded his head. You may call me... Xavier.

"Nobody asked you, idiot." With that, Pharynx left through the opening.

Pharynx... what a nice guy. Xavier smirked. Well, nice compared to that one guy that attacked me with my own staff. His smile shrank and he blinked twice. Huh. I remember that, but not everything else? What is this, Shadow the Hedgehog syndrome?

He shook his head, then gazed around at his surroundings. He was sitting on a moss-covered rock bed on one side of an open-ceiling room. The walls were composed of some bluish-rock. A few plants decorated the walls such as white vines and lavender flowers. The air felt pleasant.

Xavier scooted around so that his feet hung over the bed. He tried to hop up and stand on the floor. He nearly fell backwards and quickly rolled his shoulders while holding out both arms to the side. It was when he rolled his footing to stay mainly on his toes that he felt a little more stable. He exhaled in relief, then gave a quick glance over all of his body that he could immediately see.

Well, I look like a Lucario. He cleared his throat. "Ru rio ru-cu rio." He held a paw in front of his muzzle. I wonder if that extends to a Lucario's abilities.

He extended out one paw in front of himself and closed his eyes. He stood there and waited, focusing on nothing but his breathing. In... two... three... four... hold... two... three... four... out... two... three... A flicker appeared in the corner of his vision. It seemed to grow in size to a wispy purple flame. The shape of the flame kind of resembled Pharynx and it looked like it was walking somewhere.

Hmm... if this is how I sense aura, it's a little different than what the movie indicated. Why can I only detect this one?

"Quick! Grab the water!"


Xavier barely had time to think before he was suddenly drenched and soaked from ear to toe. His eyes went wide as his mouth sputtered. He blinked and looked around. A couple beetle-ponies were in the room now, one blue and one purple. The purple one was holding a bucket above their head. A small drop of water dripped out. Xavier could easily guess where the rest had gone.

He rapidly shook his whole body. Was that really necessary?

"Sorry, uh... Mr. Lucario." The blue beetle-pony stepped forward. "But, um... you looked like you were on fire again."

"And we couldn't risk the whole infirmary getting set ablaze." The purple one set the bucket down, open-side up.

Oh... eh heh. Xavier smiled a little. That wasn't a fire. That was just my aura sense.

The two beetle-ponies looked at each other, then back at the Lucario. "Your what?"


For the next several minutes, explanations were given as best as both parties could manage. Xavier tried to explain how Lucario can sense the aura of living people. He even tried it out in front of them, commenting that their auras looked yellow and yellowish-green respectively. In the other direction, the two explained that their species was called 'changelings', how they used to feed on love, and how recent events altered them so that they could survive without stealing from ponies' emotions.

Sounds like you lived up to your name to an extreme, changing your very nature like that.

"It was all thanks to the combined efforts of Starlight Glimmer and our new ruler Thorax," said the blue changeling.

"And... Trixie and Discord, I guess." The purple changeling waved her hoof as an afterthought.

I don't know those last two names, thought Xavier to himself, but for some reason, I'm reminded of Hercule and Buu. He shook his head. So where does Pharynx fit into all of this?

"Oh, yeah!" The purple one suddenly looked more enthusiastic. "Pharynx is Thorax's older brother, and head of battle tactics."

"At first, we weren't sure he had a place in our more peaceful hive." The blue one scratched the back of his head. "But as it turns out, we still have at least one or two enemies that come around every now and again. So, we still need someone around to remind us how to defend ourselves."

"And since Pharynx never lost his more aggressive tendencies, he was the perfect fit!" The purple one danced by standing on her hind legs and alternating between her left and right hooves.

Xavier crossed his paws and nodded. Makes sense to me.

A low grumbling echoed within the room. The Lucario held a paw against his stomach and looked away sheepishly.

I guess it's been a while since I last ate.

"We could probably fix that," commented 'Blue'.

"There are still some leftovers from our weekly potluck." 'Purple' wiggled her hoof in a directive motion. "Come on. We'll take you to the mess hall."

Very well. Xavier nodded before following them on foot.


The changelings in the room stared at the table where the new creature was sitting. 'Blue' and 'Purple' were so busy watching in awe that they barely nibbled on their portions of honeysuckle. When Xavier had commented about being hungry, they hadn't realized just how much he seemed to need. In a time that couldn't have been more than five minutes, the Lucario had already scarfed down four full plates of maki zushi and a small bowl of cherries.

Only then, did he stop and take a moment to breathe. That was good.

'Purple' blinked and her jaw fell open. "My word, and he still looks so thin."

"W...Where does it all go?" 'Blue' slowly shook his head.

I'm... not sure, admitted Xavier. Could be the waking up from a deep sleep that's affecting my appetite.

"Hey, new guy!"

The other changelings gasped and turned their attention to the mess hall entrance. A familiar face briskly flew over to stand in front of the Lucario's current table.

"My brother said he wanted to see you as soon as you were up and about." Pharynx turned away, facing the entrance. "I wouldn't keep him waiting if I were you."

In that case, would you be willing to show me where he is, Pharynx? Xavier stood up.

"Hmph. Just make sure to keep up." Pharynx trotted toward the entrance.

Xavier stood up from his spot and started reaching out toward his plates.

"Oh, don't worry about that." Blue picked up and stacked three of the plates on his hoof.

"We've got this," said Purple as she gathered the rest. "You go on and see Thorax."

Very well. Xavier nodded and stepped around the table. Thank you.


"Took you long enough." Pharynx shook his head. "If you're going to stay with us, dog, then you'd better learn your place."

I am sure my ignorance will gradually wane with time. Xavier kept walking evenly.

"Obviously." The changeling's wings flicked open before retreating into his back. "After you're done with your little chat, we're going to find out just what makes you tick."

"Ru?" The Lucario's tail moved once to the left before settling back to the right. I will look forward to that.

Pharynx shook his head with a deadpanned look. "You're chitin weird."

When Xavier arrived in the throne room, it looked gorgeous. The wide open blue sky highlighted the moss, small trees, flowers, and vine arrangements very nicely. Even the throne looked like it had naturally grown out of the foliage. The changeling sitting on the throne seat hopped off and trotted a few paces forward.

"Hi. Welcome to our hive." He said with a small smile. "I'm Thorax."

Your highness. Xavier held a paw across, just under his chest spike, and bowed his head.

"Oh, eh heh." Thorax waved his hoof dismissively. "You don't have to be so formal. We're all friends here."

Xavier straightened out to resume eye-level, when he saw Thorax's horns and stature. I was told that Pharynx is your older brother, yet you seem... taller. Is that normal for changelings?

"Well, it's the first time I know of that the younger brother became a ruler while the older one got a different, yet just as important a role." Thorax chuckled. "It's a long story. I'm sure it'll get retold a few times while you're here. Would you mind if we first talked about you?"

That's perfectly fine. Xavier nodded. Although, I'm afraid I'm missing a few of the details as well. I'm even using a placeholder name "Xavier" until I can fill the holes in my memory.

"You have amnesia?" Thorax tilted his head. "Sorry to hear that. I hope you can get your memory back soon. We've got a few changelings that know medical practices if you want them to try and help."

You're too kind, Thorax. The Lucario smiled. I appreciate that. In any case, I'll try to answer any questions you have to the best of my capabilities.

"Alright, just don't push yourself too hard if you can't think of an answer." Thorax slowly started pacing. "Now then..."


"So... you don't remember falling from the sky in a blue blaze?"

Is that how I arrived? Xavier blinked. I'm sorry if I scared anyone.

"Ah, don't worry about it." Thorax stopped pacing and lifted a hoof. "If what you're saying happened before your little white-out is true, then it would make sense that the following details would be a little fuzzy."

Mm. Xavier nodded.

"Oh, one last thing before I hoof you back to Pharynx..."

What would that be? Xavier looked expectantly.

"Do you have any place to stay right now?"

Well, the only living quarters I remember are all the way back on the world I came from. He crossed his paws. But I have no idea where that is or how to get there.

"Ah, right... sorry..." Thorax scratched the back of his neck. "Um, we just finished setting up some guest chambers recently. If you want, you could borrow those for as long as you need."

Hmm, I think I will take you up on that offer. Xavier lowered his paws to either side. Thank you, Thorax.

"Aw, you're welcome." Thorax gladly nodded. "Okay, I'm going to let you go now. I can see my brother's stink-eye from here." He backed up a couple steps. "Try not to take what he says too personally. He's still new to the idea of being nice to everyling."

I'll keep that in mind. Xavier turned around and walked toward the entrance he had arrived in.


Pharynx led Xavier into a space that was a bit more enclosed and cavernous. The walls had some green bull's-eye targets painted on them. A few large sacks were set up to hang from the ceiling. Some changelings were already practicing some physical contact attacks when Pharynx and the guest popped in. When Xavier stood in the center of the room, Pharynx slammed both of his front hooves down, catching the attention of every drone present.

"Alright, maggots! It's that time again!"

A few whispered and murmured their discomfort. Xavier wasn't sure, but it seemed like their displeasure was about something that they were dreading to happen rather than surprised about.

"Today's random target for free-for-all combat is... the new dog!"

Xavier opened one eye slightly more than the other. I'm sorry, what?

Suddenly, all of the changelings' eyes were looking directly at him. Pharynx flew to the side. Meanwhile, Xavier's ears were up and alert as he scanned the room. The multi-colored drones took flight and charged all over him. He swung his paws around himself, mostly trying to push them back. Even when he did manage to punch or kick one of them, it didn't feel like much power was going into his moves.

Pharynx, what are you doing? Xavier shoved away some of the incoming drones. Call them off! I am not your enemy!

"What's the matter, Lucario?" Pharynx asked as he prepared to dive himself. "Can't handle a few love taps?"

Dang it, I need a new plan of action. Time seemed to stop as he held his paws close and in front of himself.


~Watching the flowers bloom out in the spring... These are a few of my favorite things...~

Xavier felt little resistance as his arms straightened out. He watched as some energy was released as an orb. Upon contact with the currently largest changeling in the room, the energy spread out and covered the target in a glowing light. It faded almost as quickly as it showed up.

Pharynx halted his dive and hovered. His wings buzzed quietly while his eyes were wide and his mouth small, not showing his teeth at all. "D...Did you just give me love?"

Xavier learned Heal Pulse!

Author's Note:

Wait, that's not an Aura Sphere.