• Published 27th Dec 2018
  • 4,229 Views, 35 Comments

Locked Aura - TundraStanza

A costume convention sounds like fun. Well, it does until someone gets permanently trapped in one, is forcibly pulled into Equestria, and finds out that the power of their new body doesn't work quite right. Hopefully, the reformed changelings help.

  • ...

Ch. 1: Red Eyes

His mind was weary. His legs were feeling the wear and tear. The only plan he really had left was to hold up his paws and cover his head. The red chains whipped at him, burning his nerves like hot nails. He howled in his current, native tongue. The enemy forced their control over his closest ally.

"G...Get out of the way... idiot..." The changeling muttered, unable to fight his bindings with more than his voice.

His very life force burned brightly. "Cu-Raaaaaar!"

Much earlier...

The young man scratched his back again. He sighed, looking around while he waited in a crowded hallway. He idly played with the plastic staff in his grasp and twirled it above head level. Some people glanced at the pointed front of his hat before returning their sights to their smart phones. He was probably overdressed for a gathering in a desert city. Still, he had wanted to put in some effort, right down to the dark blue suit jacket.

Today, he was the Pokemon Trainer Riley, a figure almost lost to fans of the games and anime. He was often overshadowed by another Lucario trainer from one of the movies. Yet, he had played a role in aiding the Diamond and Pearl protagonist where other trainers had tried to wear them down.

As 'Riley' was thinking to himself and twirling his staff, a person in a convincing Team Galactic uniform passed by. This individual had a paper cup in his hand. He walked sort of diagonally, putting his hand with the cup directly in the arc path of the staff. The cup went flying, did a flip, and dumped its contents on the passerby.

"Oops, uh... sorry about that, man." He moved his staff back and behind him.

The other man slowly turned his face. He looked far into his life years and a cold stare was felt in his eyes. If 'Riley' didn't know any better, he might have thought that this individual's Galactic Leader Cyrus costume was spot on. He certainly had the intimidation factor down.

"Are... you okay?" 'Riley' held out his hand.

'Cyrus' took a few steps forward, each accentuated by a word from his mouth. "I'm. Perfectly. Fine." He shoved 'Riley's hand away. "Mind if I see your staff?"

'Riley' tilted his head. "What? Why?"

'Cyrus' stared ahead, deadpanned. "I just want to hold it."

'Riley' took a step back. "I... don't think that's a good idea."

"Come now." The bored face didn't leave. "Be neighborly."

"Dude, we're not neighbors." The cosplayer turned around to walk away from this weird conversation.

"Look." 'Cyrus' rushed around and stood nearly face-to-face with 'Riley'. "After what you did, I could probably only fill half an eighth of a teaspoon of the part that is still safe to drink from the floor. Let me see your stupid staff!"

They looked at each other for a while. 'Cyrus' looked upset and cross. 'Riley' looked unsure about this whole situation. A few of the other con-goers started taking videos and pictures of this exchange of dialogue. Well, if they were both already in costume, 'Riley' supposed he might as well provide a little entertainment.

"Oh fine..." 'Riley' tossed his staff. "Here."

'Cyrus' caught the staff horizontally in both hands. "See? Nothing nefarious. I just wanted to feel the material... criticize the poor craftsmanship... test out its edge on you, you insubordinate!"

He swung the staff in a sort of downward slash. Thinking quickly, 'Riley' crossed both of his arms just above head level. The staff didn't really hurt, but it sure let out a loud clang. ... and a flash of bluish fire and light. That wasn't normal, according to 'Riley's perception.

His vision was blinded by a rush of blue... then white... then completely dark.

A little later in another location...

"Hey, you want to hear the story about how I once made Thorax hit himself?" asked the changed Pharynx.

"Oh yes! Please! Right now!" insisted Starlight Glimmer.

"Well, back when we were younger," recalled Pharynx, "every drone wanted to be rough and tough... except Thorax. He was kind of a wimp."

"Sounds like a good start," muttered Trixie with a smug look on her face.

Thorax rolled his eyes but decided to listen anyway, since the rest of his pack had started gathering closer too. The story continued, and everyone couldn't help but chuckle at certain parts. Though, having lived through most of the story himself, Thorax looked around at other things. One such item was a pretty blue fire in the sky... that was heading right for them!

Thorax gasped and pointed a hoof upward. "Everyone scatter!"

The other changelings and the two ponies looked up. Their expressions were mixed degrees of confusion and panic. Most of the pack screamed and flew outside of an invisible circle. Pharynx looked a bit disgruntled but flew out of the way along with Thorax.

"Teleportation spell go!" Trixie yelled as her horn ignited and fizzled.

"Too late!" Starlight cried and quickly set up her crystal-shaped shield spell around them both.

The blue fire slammed straight against the shield, sending out a shock wave that swept the air over everyone's heads. After a second, the sudden wind subsided. The royal brothers opened their eyes and looked at the result. Inside the shield, Starlight and Trixie peeked to see if the fire was still there.

Whatever was burning blue had ceased to be on fire. Some unusual creature slid down the shield's edge and plopped onto the dirt. Both unicorns blinked as Starlight dispelled her shield. Various changelings kept their distance, though a few inched closer to take a look. In a way, the body structure kind of looked like a blue, skinny diamond dog with a yellow vest and a few spikes. Thorax and Pharynx flew a little closer. The elder, shorter brother punched his hooves together, anticipating a fight.

The alleged dog opened his eyes a little, revealing red irises. Its mouth took a heavy breath.

"Ru... car... rr..."

After emitting its unintelligible syllables, its eyes closed again. Trixie looked at Starlight. The latter shrugged her shoulder and shook her head. Pharynx hung his limbs down and hissed through closed teeth, which kind of sounded ridiculous without fangs or a forked tongue. Thorax tilted his head and looked over at his brother.

"We should... take custody of this thing." Pharynx looked away. "You know, keep it safe until we can interrogate it."

Thorax blinked. "That doesn't sound like you, Pharynx."

Pharynx turned his head completely away. "Shut up and give the order before I hit it out of pity."

"Um... okay?" Thorax cleared his throat and looked around at the rest of his pack. "Bring this creature to the infirmary."

"Y-Yes sir." Two of the drones gave a quick salute before flying in to carry it.

"Hmm..." Starlight rubbed her chin while glancing at Pharynx. "Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?"

Trixie smirked. "That's so precious."

"I heard that, Cape 'n' Hat!" Pharynx snapped and looked straight at Trixie.

She held up a hoof next to her mouth. "Is that okay?"

While airborne, Pharynx tapped his hind hooves together once. "As a matter of fact, go trip yourself!"

Trixie kept her smug smile and started her process for her teleportation spell. On the tenth time around, she stopped shouting and just... poofed. Starlight face-hoofed and sighed.

"By the way, Starlight..." Thorax flew up and landed right in front of the remaining unicorn. "Don't think I have forgotten about all you did wrong today."

Starlight chuckled while looking to either side and sweating. A purple changeling with a monocle stood nearby with a parchment and quill.

"From this moment forth, I decree that you, Starlight Glimmer, are hereby forbidden from offering suggestions about anyone that is part of this changeling pack unless it is specifically requested. Do you have any questions or objections?"

Starlight rubbed the back of her mane sheepishly. "Nope! None whatsoever!"

Thorax switched to a gentle smile. "Good, then I look forward to seeing you again. Have a safe journey home."

"Eh heh heh, thanks. Bye."

Starlight cast her own teleportation spell and vanished. Thorax chuckled, then turned to follow the rest of his pack home.

Author's Note:

Displaced Pokemon? There are probably hundreds of other such stories at this point.