• Published 27th Dec 2018
  • 4,220 Views, 35 Comments

Locked Aura - TundraStanza

A costume convention sounds like fun. Well, it does until someone gets permanently trapped in one, is forcibly pulled into Equestria, and finds out that the power of their new body doesn't work quite right. Hopefully, the reformed changelings help.

  • ...

Ch. 10: T.A.M.

Thinly veiled light returned to Xavier's eyes. He barely noticed the rhythmic thumping of his tail until it stopped. He slowly pushed off the bed to sit upright. He held his paw up as he yawned. It was then that a white cloth flopped down past his foot.

A towel? He slowly reached down and held the towel over both of his upper paws. What is this doing here?

Something crashed nearby. His ears twitched at the sound and he quickly turned to look. The changeling Purple abandoned her bucket and galloped into the room.

"You're awake!" she exclaimed. "Thank goodness."

Xavier tilted his head. How long was I asleep?

"Well, you collapsed two days ago in a fever." Her wings buzzed and she hovered at about the Lucario's eye level. "How are you feeling?"

I think I'm okay. He gradually reached his hind paws and stood on the floor. He gently gripped the towel with his upper left paw.

"You should probably take it easy," she insisted while holding up her front legs. "Even if your fever's broken, you might not be completely better yet."

I'll be careful. He nodded once.

"Good, good." She smiled a little. "Are you hungry?"

He held his free paw near his gurgling abdomen. There is a likely possibility.


Three helpings of fish later, Xavier was feeling like he was back to life. He exhaled before looking around at the mostly empty tables. Purple was there, cleaning up stray foodstuff. It was mostly quiet until Xavier saw a pair of orange horns charge into the open area.

"Are you okay?! I was so worried!" Thorax leapt across the table and hugged his hooves around the Lucario. His momentum sent them both to the floor.

Purple scoffed. "Thorax, be careful with the poor puppy."

No, no, it's fine. Xavier chuckled. Although, I'm a little surprised to see you this touchy-feely out of worry.

"How could I not be?" Thorax moved his hooves to stand on either side. "You're a close friend to this hive. If anything dreadful happened to you, I'd never be able to forgive myself."

Xavier scooted back a little so that he had room to sit upright. In that case, yes. I'm okay. And thank you.

"Are you done smothering that guy, brother?"

The three occupants turned to see Pharynx loudly fly over to the opposite side of the table. He stared with a deadpan expression. Meanwhile, Purple excused herself from the premises. Thorax turned around and smiled sheepishly.

Pharynx grunted. "If you missed the memo, he just broke out of a fever. Try to not force him back into the medical corridor so soon."

"You have a good point." Thorax admitted before looking at his friend. "Sorry, Xavier."

Like I said, it's fine. Xavier waved a paw dismissively. I've taken worse pressure from other worlds and survived.

"Which brings me to you, mutt." Pharynx shifted his gaze. "You may be off duty thanks to the necessary recovery time, but don't get too attached to it. I'm going to make sure your training will be extra heavy-lifting as soon as you're no longer a fainting hazard." He turned on his hoof and flashed his wings before flying out. "As you were."

Sir. Xavier gave a short salute before slowly standing back up. I think that's the nicest thing he has said to me for... I don't know. It feels like it was ten months.

"Has it really been that long since we first found you?" Thorax tilted his head slightly.

Xavier waved his paw dismissively. Just a hyperbole, Your Majesty.


Sure enough, Pharynx's training regimen for Xavier started hard the next day. Xavier had expected the extra laps around the outside of the hive's perimeter. He even felt at home sparring with his staff versus the soldiers' Maulwurf clubs. What he hadn't counted on was the inclusion of weight-lifting. Instead of dumbbells, Pharynx had put one changeling on top of each of Xavier's upper paws.

"Okay, even I think this is ridiculous," said Blue as he was moved up and down.

Green's face showed discomfort. "I haven't been shaken around like this since I was a hatchling."

Despite the drones' occasional grumbling, Xavier continued his workout in relative silence. He only started panting heavily after he was on his five-hundredth repetition with both changelings. That was when Pharynx stepped in.

The changeling commander grunted. "I've seen worse performances. Go on, get out of here!"

Xavier lowered his arms and the two smaller changelings stepped off. The three of them trotted out for the opening of the room. Pharynx glanced at Xavier and gave a slight nod. The Lucario didn't know what to make of the motion, but continued walking out anyway.


"Xavier, do you have a minute?"

Of course, Your Majesty. Xavier hopped up from what was his meditating posture.

Thorax smiled and nodded. Both of them walked across a big, open section of rocky floor.

"If you could have anything you ever wanted, what would that look like?"

The Lucario tilted his head briefly. Where is this coming from, Thorax?

Thorax chuckled. "I just wanted to know if you were comfortable living here. Is there anything you'd like that isn't here right now?"

Xavier looked up in thought. Hmm, I don't know. You guys don't have a Wi-Fi out here, do you?

"A... wife eye?" Thorax opened his left eye slightly more than the other. "I don't get it."

Eh, don't worry about it. Xavier shook his head. It would just get in the way of training. I guess the answer to your question is, I don't really want anything. If things stay basically the same as they are right now, I'm okay with that.

"Okay, I think we can manage that." Thorax smiled.


At the next sunrise, a red orb of light interrupted the normally light orange horizon. With it, the very air and the ground below shook violently. Xavier and several changelings of the hive dashed outside the rock walls to see what was happening. The Lucario gritted his teeth while trying to endure against the increasing atmospheric pressure.

The red orb separated into different shapes of the same eerie glow. To several feet to the left and right, the glow resembled chain whips. Within the center, the red looked like a strange pattern digging sharp points against what was once a sphere. Something was looking out of the opening in the pattern. This presence grew in the red light and slowly took the shape of a head, a large body, and rigid limbs with pointy ends.

Xavier gasped and his irises shrunk against the whites of his eyes. Arceus!

"Uh, great! You know a name for that thing." Pharynx looked at the guest in annoyance. "Care to tell the rest of us what that is?"

It's a Pokemon legend said to be the creator of a universe. But if it's being pulled by a Red Chain... oh crap...

A roar of impossible decibels interrupted the explanation. Every changeling's ear folded down as they flinched from the noise. Meanwhile, the red-diluted Arceus lifted its head. A point of light gathered energy and grew in size. In the next second, this energy was released at right angles in six waves. Each ray looked wide enough to catch three Lucario side-to-side.

Each wave pummeled into a part of the land occupied by at least one creature. The resulting explosions seared through earth and plants. Cries of pain soon followed as changelings and guest were tossed and tumbled, along with rocks and pebbles. Some of the drones were so beaten and bruised that they couldn't stand back up.

Although Xavier managed to pull himself back onto his lower paws, something burned greatly. He growled at what felt like molten agony underneath his fur and skin. He wanted to find water, but the fires were internal, a place where such a fix wouldn't reach. Thorax and Pharynx looked like they were suffering similar pains.

"What in the divine egg sac was that?!" Thorax crouched involuntarily.

That looked like a Judgment attack, something that depends on Plates to determine the type of damage. Xavier panted and patted his sides with either paw, trying to feel anything other than pain. It must be holding a Flame Plate.

Seventeen squares danced around the Arceus, somehow passing through the tangled Red Chain. Each square glowed a different color with a faint, whitish outline.

Xavier gasped. What? All of the type Plates? But how? No Pokemon can hold more than one of those per battle!

"Foolish, puny Lucario. Do you honestly believe the powers in this world are restricted by a video game?"

Xavier looked around slowly, still shaking from his burning pain. Eventually, his eyes were drawn back to look at the floating Arceus. An image was projected just in front of it. It looked like the worn face of an old, anime man.


"The Pokemon developers have no hold on anyone here. Power levels are arbitrary and the stats are irrelevant. All that matters is that my will is stronger than any of yours. Behold my control over a god, so that I may take its place."

The Red Chain rattled, echoing even though the noise was outdoors. Crimson Arceus roared again. Such a noise forced everyone on the ground to flinch, except for the unconscious. It was debatable whether those were the lucky ones or not.

Pharynx managed a moment to look at the remains of the hills. "The hatchlings!"

Thorax and Xavier gasped as their ears stood up. Indeed, multiple infant cries could be heard in a now exposed infirmary. Worse still, Cyrus's Arceus was charging up the orb for another Judgment attack. The royal brothers flew as fast as they could with Xavier quickly covering more ground on foot. Horns lit up on the changelings while the Lucario took a deep breath.

Crimson Arceus cast its Judgment, bathing the sky with six arcing blasts. Thorax and Pharynx threw a wall of magic as Xavier projected his Psychic attack. For a moment, the Judgment bounced against the magical and psychic defenses. But that passed quickly as the arcs reconvened on a single point, acting like a devil's drill beam. This point dug straight through the magic wall and went "squish"... through the king's head.

Xavier lost concentration on his Psychic when he saw the damage. Thorax!

As Pharynx watched his brother collapse onto the ground behind them, all other sounds went silent. He hovered in place, unable to blink. Something internally was ringing louder and louder. A burning feeling spread through his chest and throat. His hooves and tail stiffened.

Xavier ran over to the king's side and fired three pink pulses of love and sunshine. Heal! Heal! Heal, darn it! He tried charging a fourth Heal Pulse, but it fizzled. He grit his teeth and shut his eyes.

"I was sure I had changed my aim to all three of you." Cyrus's voice echoed. "No matter. Less targets means a higher probability that I'll hit you next time."

Xavier growled, but was quickly outdone by someone else's screeching hiss. His eyes went wide at the glowing aura coming off his other ally. Pharynx shape-shifted into an arachnid beast with wings and shot toward the Arceus. He started slamming all of his limbs at the giant Pokemon.

"That's! My! Brother! You! Piece! Of! Shiny! Chitin!"


The impulsive rage against the self-proclaimed god continued for a few seconds. Xavier wasn't sure, but he thought he briefly saw the Arceus roll its eyes. A red chain shot off its back and swung Pharynx to the side. Pharynx shifted back to normal while struggling against the chain's hold. Unfortunately, it looked like his adrenaline had run its course and he winced as the chain tightened.

"You stay there." The Arceus focused its empty gaze at the Lucario. "I have a score to settle."

Do you even know what you're doing? Xavier shook his head while wiping his eyes. This can't be all because of a glass of water.

"I'm beyond that petty slight you made against me those months ago. No, I have a much bigger plan in mind. But before I can start, I need to empty the recycling bin."

Multiple red chains lashed out. His mind was weary. His legs were feeling the wear and tear. The only plan he really had left was to hold up his paws and cover his head. The red chains whipped at him, burning his nerves like hot nails. He howled in his current, native tongue.

"G...Get out of the way... idiot..." The changeling muttered, unable to fight his bindings with more than his voice.

His very life force burned brightly. "Cu-Raaaaaar!"

Then, his world went dark.

The burned man Freddy gently tapped his face. "Ho boy... you've got a lot of mental baggage."

Are you tone deaf? Xavier growled. The best friend I ever had in this world that I was forced into just gave his life trying to stop a would-be god.

"Believe me, kid. That's a common story in these alternate Pony Lands." Freddy poked his clawed glove at a floating display of holographic code. "But maybe there's a bright side to this nightmare."

If it involves a joke, I'm not interested. Xavier tried to walk away, but then remembered that distance didn't mean anything in a dream. He sighed.

"If my shared friend's device is reading this correctly, I've got access to a small fraction of that big Pokemon's cheat code while you're in here." Freddy chuckled. "I can give you a secondary move-set that will double the maximum attacks you can retain."

Xavier's eyes widened as he slowly turned his head back. Eight moves? How is that even possible?

"Apparently, the world you fell into hid some of its special power on the life thread of a purified heart." Freddy shook his head. "Or maybe that was your Merchant's idea of an Easter Egg."

Xavier stared in utter disgust at the virtual display. At the cost of a kind king, I get to use Fighting-type moves. What a messed up 'reward' system.

Something blinked in the corner. "Oh, I can also give a move something called a 'knockoff_effect.hax'. Do you want that too?"

Slowly, Xavier's irises thinned out as he breathed deeply. I have an idol to break.

A blue sphere of energy collided with the Arceus's face. It did not look like it caused harm, but that was enough to catch Cyrus's attention.

"That will not work! I have all of the Plates, making me immune to any attack you can throw against me!"

"Aura!" Xavier leapt into the air and threw a punch.

Something sounded like glass breaking. Arceus swiveled its eye a little to the left. It saw its dark gray Spooky Plate broken in half and falling to the ground below.

"... What."


Xavier's left paw broke through the magenta Mind Plate.


Xavier's right leg smashed through the light blue Sky Plate.


The Lucario's left leg obliterated the pink Pixie Plate.

"Impossi-buwah!" The Arceus's cry was interrupted by a round-house kick to the face.

By this point, Xavier's blue, burning aura had completely engulfed him. His eyes were coated in a white glow. Before the god Pokemon could get in another word edge-wise, the Lucario was throwing twenty-five punches and kicks per second.


The red chain links were bending under the stress of the onslaught.


Arceus's eyes were swirling further to the sides of its face as more and more dents appeared in its head.


The force was shaking Arceus's body to the point where its leg bones were crumbling under the pressure.


Cyrus pulled himself off the Arceus's back, but the force of the Lucario's attack split the red chain where it disintegrated in the man's palms.



One final impact sent Arceus into a backward flip. Cyrus simply stared up at his former slave. He opened his mouth as if to say something. But the beaten and bruised creator Pokemon landed on top of him before he could utter a word. Pharynx flew away as soon as the red links holding his legs disintegrated. Even at several feet high, he felt the aftershock of the small earthquake made by the crashing Arceus. In his rush, he wasn't sure if he imagined what looked like a tiny droplet of red stuff under Arceus's back.

Xavier breathed heavily as his life force gradually lowered him to the ground. Normal color returned to his eyes.


One thousand, six hundred twenty-three casualties were counted among the hive that day. It took the survivors and some called-in help a week to find them all. Among the fallen was their late king, Thorax. Medals of courage were granted to the heroes of the hive, but neither of them really listened to the speeches prepared. Pharynx walked right off the stage in the middle of the applause.

The somber moods fit better during the following day. In attendance were some of Thorax's friends and friends of those friends. Shining Armor and Cadance held their heads low. Flurry Heart tapped her hooves against the engraved stone in an attempt to cheer them up. Starlight Glimmer nearly cast a "raise undead" spell, but Twilight Sparkle quickly countered it, pointing out that a zombie outbreak would cause more harm than good. Dragon Lord Ember insisted that she wasn't going to cry, even though Spike was going through box after box of tissues just to keep the blue dragon's eyes dry.

Of course, several changelings from the hive were also in attendance. When Pharynx and Xavier walked over to the grave, each was carrying a single flower. Pharynx placed a white lily while Xavier planted a yellow rose. They looked back at the gathered crowd.

"I'm no good at speeches. If you want me to hit something or lead others to hit something, I can do that. But, Thorax was the one meant to be kinder, considerate of feelings, and talking things out. Sure, I didn't agree with all of his policies, but I respected him enough to make those decisions as our leader."

Thorax was among the first creatures I have met in this world. He took me in when I had no place else to go, and he treated me as a friend. He gave his life to defend his home and family. I don't believe I've ever met a better person in my life.

"So, before we break into whatever chats you feel like you need to have, I'd like to address a point that's hard but important. As tempting as it would be to take the throne, I'm probably worse at diplomacy than Chrysalis. Besides, I've got to make sure our drones are still equipped for battles with our enemies, few as they are." Pharynx held a hoof toward a spot in the changeling crowd. "I nominate a small team of our number for something called a 'parliament', as well as a stand-in for our leader until further notice. I nominate... Ocellus."

"What?" An aquamarine colored changeling mare with red wings blinked. She looked around at the creatures looking in her direction. She shook a little in place before slowly nodding. "I...I'm honored, Commander Pharynx and... I'll d-do my best to live up to your c-confidence in me."

Pharynx glanced at Xavier. "Can you wrap this up for me? I've got nothing." He trotted away from the grave.

The Lucario cleared his throat. Thank you all for coming here and giving your respects. May the memory of Thorax live on forever in our hearts.

Author's Note:

"Toggle Arceus Mode"
I'm going to save explaining stats and inventory changes for next chapter. I'm afraid this one feels too painful to add cheery game-like text.