• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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63: Meetings and Fire...

Oblivion opened his eyes in the Canterlot Garden and was greeted by Blue Blood with a friendly hoof bump. He summoned Sasa to his side and she nuzzled Blue in greeting. The three of them headed into town for their normal seats at Joe's. They reached the donut shop and Joe looked up and nodded to them as they went to their usual place.

“How are you Blue?” Sasa asked him as she laid down by their hooves.

“Not too badly. Aunt Luna keeps telling me I should do field work more often and I keep reminding her how bad I am at it. Though I am positive she is teasing me.” He admitted with a wave of his hoof.

“Most likely,” Oblivion replied.

Blue shrugged. “Not sure why she thinks I was of any help out there. Shining and your guards did most of the work out there.”

“Perhaps. But without you, they would not have known where to go. They would have been searching futilely in some places.” Oblivion pointed out.

“And only Shining would have gone out. That would have kept all four guards with him. Keeping them from searching a larger area. Plus I hear none of you recalled the letter that had been sent.” Sasa jabbed at him.

Blue looked down at the cat and glared. “Yeah…That’s true. We agreed never to mention that again I thought?”

Oblivion looked at him and the Prince was quiet. “How did you forget the letter I had sent?” He finally asked after a pregnant pause.

“Well not all of us are Master Witchers who track and hunt down clues for a living,” Blue replied, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

Sasa chuckled and Oblivion put up his hooves to placate the Prince. “Perhaps not. But that should have been a tip-off.”

“Maybe for you. It took Cross reminding me about it to get us on the right track and then we…What?”

Oblivions' gaze went from the Prince to look past him. The Witcher's eyes scanned the area behind him. A feeling of unease washed over him and he searched for it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Joe come to them and set their food and drinks down and then give Sasa her food as well. The pony left them and Oblivion continued to look around them.

“What is it, Chosen?” She asked him as she sat up.

Oblivion didn’t answer her as the source of the unease walked through the front door of the shop. A young stallion walked into the shop and Oblivion immediately recognized the spirit in front of him. It was the same Wonderbolt from the Competition. The stallion had not noticed them and was focusing on speaking to Joe.

“Chosen? He is from the Competition isn’t he?” Sasa asked him as she got to her paws.

“Yes. Same pony.” He replied aloud to her.

“What is going on?” Blue asked them.

Oblivion looked away from the Wonderbolt and back to the confused Prince. “He was at the Young Fliers Competition in Cloudsdale and I saw him there. I could see then that his Spirit is in rough shape. Nearly as bad as your own when I first met you.” He said to the Prince who looked shocked.

“That bad?” He asked and his companions nodded. “That’s Soarin from the Wonderbolts. He holds the military title of Commander in the unit. Which makes him second in command to Spitfire.”

“You know him?” Sasa asked him.

Blue looked away from them and rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof. “Not well. I have met him a couple of times but it was not a nice meeting. I was acting out and he took the brunt of it a couple of times.” He admitted.

“You are not that same pony now, Blue,” Oblivion assured him. “Something is breaking him and he is not doing well under the pressure. He is fracturing.”

“Chosen? Is there a Wraith like Blue Blood?” Sasa asked him personally, keeping her words only to Oblivion.

“No. There is nothing attached to him.” He assured her.

The cat looked relieved as she looked at the pony once more. “That’s good to hear.”

“I can call him over if you like.” Blue volunteered and Oblivion nodded. “Hey, Soarin!”

The pony started and looked back to the Prince who was half standing in their booth and gave a weak wave as Joe came back to him at the counter. Oblivion kept an eye on him and was about to act on his own when Sasa nuzzled his leg and got up with her own plate in her teeth. She stood off to the side of him, just close enough to stay out of his sight but close enough to be in his sight if he turned to her. Oblivion was about to call her when the pony set a box of donuts on his back and carried a coffee in his teeth. He turned and found the enormous feline in his direct sight. He yelled, dropping the coffee to the floor, and his wings flared as they pushed him back and away from the cat. She looked innocently to him as the food and drink fell to the ground, ruined.

“Ya okay there Soarin?” Joe asked him as he looked over the counter to Sasa and the panting pony.

“I’m fine. But…What is that? And why is it in your shop?” Soarin asked him, his voice strained.

Joe made a dismissive motion of his hoof toward Sasa who came up to him with her plate and pushed it onto the counter with her nose, the picture of a well-behaved patron. “She’s okay. A bit big but nothing but a good girl. She must be after her favorite donut. She and the others are in once a week. She’s with them.” He said and pointed to Oblivion and Blue.

Soarin looked at the pair and then looked to the cat and then to Joe. He sighed in clear defeat and came back to the counter. “Can I get a mop and trash can? I’ll clean it up.”

“Nah! Ya have a seat. I’ll get you a new box and a coffee. Gonna be a bit I have to wait for the new batch to finish up. You just go back to yer seat kitten. I’ll bring ya yer food.” Joe said as he pushed Soarin away from the counter.

“You can sit with us while you wait.” Blue called to him.

The pony looked uncertain but approached them with Sasa on his heels. Blue scooted over to allow Soarin to join them. Sasa sat down with her head at the edge of the table and she looked at Oblivion, a chuffing sound coming from her.

“Your welcome.” She said to him.

Oblivion said nothing in reply to her cocky admittance and looked at the new pony at their table. “I will reimburse you for what happened. She is my companion and I do not think she is truly aware of her size and the effect it can have on some ponies that do not know her.” Oblivion said to the pale blue Pegasus.

“It’s okay. I was just startled by her. She’s not…mean is she?” He asked nervously as she leaned her head toward him.

“Not at all,” Blue assured him. “She’s a wonderful cat.”

Sasa scooted herself over to the nervous pony and rubbed his foreleg with her head, a deep rumbling purr coming from her. Sasa pulled away from him and bowed her head in apology.

“She is sorry for what happened. She did not realize that you had not seen her.” Oblivion translated to the other pony.

“She…what?” Soarin asked.

“She is connected to me and is able to speak through me should she choose. I can tell you what she says.” Oblivion informed him.

“Oh.” Soarin looked a bit less frightened of her when he reached out to her and she allowed him to pet her long striped fur. “She’s huge though. I never thought something…Somepony her size could be that quiet.”

“She’s large but she’s still a cat,” Blue said to him. “Oh, my manners are terrible. Soarin this is Oblivion Shadow, Oblivion this is Soarin.”

“Nice to meet you,” Soarin said to him.

“Pleasure is mine,” Oblivion said to the Pegasus who nodded. “She is Sasa.”

The feline bowed her head once more and laid down at their hooves. “Is he okay?” She asked them. “He looks terrified.”

“Are you okay Soarin?” Blue asked, taking his cue from the feline.

“I’m fine. Just a bit…surprised you called out to me, Prince Blue Blood. Was a pretty friendly greeting.”

Blue cringed and looked to the black stallion for a moment who locked his gaze for a moment then looked back to the pale stallion. “I admit the last time we spoke was not my best moment. I was rude to you and you didn’t deserve it.”

Soarin looked shocked at the Prince's admission and shook his head. “It’s fine Prince Blue Blood. It’s nothing.”

Blue shook his head. “You did not deserve the rude treatment I gave you upon our last meeting. It was untoward of me and I am sorry for it.”

Oblivion watched the exchange and he could see Soarin beginning to calm down a bit as Blue spoke to him. The Pegasus gave a slight smile as Blue Blood apologized to him and then looked at the black stallion.

“You were at the Young Fliers Competition. You were the crazy Unicorn who jumped off the pillar and free fell after that other Unicorn.” Soarin said to him as recognition hit him.

“What?” Blue asked. “The only other Unicorns your around beside me are Twilight and…Rarity. What happened?”

“I will explain later, for now, our guest does not need a rehashing of what happened,” Oblivion said to him. “To confirm your memory, yes I was there.”

“Why in Equestria did you jump off that pillar?” Soarin asked him.

“If you could not save them then I would. If Rainbow did not act then I would have. Either way.” Oblivion said to him.

“Most ponies would not have even thought of that option.” Soarin said to him.

Blue chuckled as he sipped his coffee. “Oblivion is not one to think about failing if needed. If the situation comes to it he will act as needed.”

“Why?” Soarin asked.

“I am a Witcher. It is my place to protect ponies if needed.” Oblivion supplied.

“A Witcher?” The Pegasus looked confused.

“A monster hunter,” Blue informed him.

“I can also destroy curses and hexes if I know enough,” Oblivion replied. “But I don’t think that will answer your question of why I acted as I did.”

“Not really.” Soarin admitted,

“He’s also one of the Elements of Harmony.” Blue informed him after a moment.

Soarin looked to the black pony and his jaw opened slightly. “I heard it was a group of mares.”

“All but one. I am the Element of Spirit.” Oblivion said to him. “I am outnumbered six to one.” He replied with a quiet chuckle, as his magic held one of his donuts and he bit into it.

Soarin chuckled in reply. “That is definitely being outnumbered. Princess Celestia didn’t mention names or anything when we were told the Elements had returned. But we also didn’t ask. I know that the Elements are the last line of defense if needed, while the rest of us are the front line.” He replied, bitterness in his tone.

Oblivion watched as Blue’s ears flicked at the inflection in the voice of the other and he looked back to him. The Prince said nothing about it and simply nodded that he had understood. The black stallion looked to the Pegasus and nodded.

“That is what I have been told. I admittedly know very little about the Wonderbolts personally and my knowledge of where they sit in the military hierarchy is even more lacking. I had thought they were not in the military but the use of the military terminology and your own words makes me rethink what I thought I knew.” He admitted.

“Yeah. We are part of the aerial branch of the military. We have our own commanders and leaders but we are still used for that purpose.” Soarin replied.

Oblivion gave a slight nod of understanding as he considered what he had been told. “Are you given the choice of going into combat or not?”

Soarin looked surprised by the question before he looked at the striped cat and then to his hooves on the table. “What brought that question on?”

“Just a question,” Oblivion replied.

“Not really,” Soarin replied a bit hotly. “Most ponies don’t think to ask a question like that without having a reason.”

His gaze was fixed on the other orange eyes as Oblivion leaned back in the booth. His posture was unconcerned by the expression of annoyance on the other's face. The Witcher could see his spirit toss and turn within him and it was tearing him apart. Oblivion leaned forward and put his forelegs on the table between them.

“Very well. Allow me to ask a different question then.” The pale Pegasus nodded and leaned back in his seat. “Allow me to mention what I see about you then. You are being broken down by something in your life that is slowly breaking you apart. You’re breaking.” The Pegasus stared as the stallion spoke. Oblivions orange eyes were bright as he spoke.

“What the hell are you talking about? I am fine.” He tried to sound more confident but Oblivion could hear the quiver in his voice. “What makes you think you can tell anything about me?”

“I know the way he said it is odd but you would not be the first he has helped. He is helping me as well. He is just incredibly blunt about these things. I know how this sounds but if he sees something he will speak about it.” Blue said quickly in defense of the blunt black Unicorn. “Can you explain further?”

“Due to the Element, I am able to see the Spirits of those around me. Not only the other Elements but others as well. It allows me to see if they are in need of help or not. I use that to determine if they need me to act or not.” Oblivion explained.

“Is that how you knew to help me as well?” Blue asked him.

“Yes. I heard you speak first, and that is what drew me to you. While at first, it was just to see what was happening now I have come to enjoy your company so it worked out well for both of us.” Oblivion replied.

Blue nodded and looked back to Soarin who was watching them, his ears flicking as they spoke. “It’s good to hear that I am getting better still. It’s becoming easier to be myself with ponies versus using my mask.”

“Mask?” Soarin asked.

Blue nodded at the others question. “Sorry, that’s what we have come to call it. It’s easy to use a fake mask to keep others at bay versus dealing with them. I was a cruel jerk to other ponies in order to keep them away from me.”

Soarin nodded in understanding and leaned back in his seat. “How do you even know?”

“I can see the lights that come from you and others. Depending on the brightness or other factors I can tell what is wrong. While I do not know the cause I can see the damage that is being caused.” Oblivion informed him further. “Do you have any idea what could be causing you to be broken down?”

Soarin looked away from them and back to Joe who had his back to them still. Oblivion could tell that he was trying to figure out what to do now. The pony was quiet as his eyes flit from side to side. Oblivion was sure that if he pushed he would talk. But at the same time, he knew that if pushed he could close off and that would be the end of it. The black stallion leaned back and waited for the Pegasus to think it over. The pale stallion jumped as Joe called out to him and he slid out of the booth and approached the counter. Blue Blood looked at Oblivion who said nothing in reply.

“Soarin, wait for a second,” Blue called out as the pale stallion got his order and went to the front door. The Prince went to him and leaned into him slightly. “I know he’s about as blunt as a hammer but he knows what he is talking about. I won’t tell you what to do but if it gets to be too much then there is nopony better to talk to about it.”

“Is that your opinion or are you looking for a new way to humiliate me?” Soaring replied.

Blue cringed and shook his head. “I deserved that.” He said and the Pegasus looked shocked at the admission. “The last time we met was when I was not at my best. I was throwing ponies away from me as fast as possible and it was easier than trying to find if they could be the friend I needed. I was convinced that nopony would understand me and that stopped me from giving anypony the chance they deserved.”

Soarin looked at him and then to the black stallion that was quietly waiting for them to finish their talk. His eyes fell on the stallion with him and he heard a rumbling purr from the feline who had come to him and nuzzled his shoulder gently. She licked his shoulder and went back to the black stallion.

“She’s really a sweet cat if you let her show you. Please judge Oblivion for who he is and not for my mistakes. Oblivion is low on emotions but he is the one to talk to if you need a pony in your corner. He is a pony that can support you if you feel yourself collapsing under anything.”

“I will think about what you said.” The pale blue pony whispered.

“If you want to send him a letter than I can send it to him for you. He made a spell that can connect enough to send letters through his magic. I promise you on my Aunts I will not read it. I will simply act as a mailbox.” Blue said to him, a soft laugh on his lips.

“Thank you Prince Blue Blood…” Soarin began to speak but the Prince shook his head.

“Just Blue is fine. I use my name more than title lately. I am just another pony outside of the castle and you don’t need to worry about titles. I answer to my name more often nowadays.”

Soarin nodded and a slight smile went over his mouth. “Got it. I’ll take what you have said and I’ll think it over.”

Blue nodded and backed away to give the stallion room to leave easily. Blue went back to the black stallion and sat down in place. Joe brought out Sasa’s plate and set it down for her and she ate is slowly.

“Do you think he will reach out to you?” Blue asked him.

“That’s up to him.” He replied. “I will not force him. That being said I am sure he will reach out eventually.”

“So you can see the spirits of ponies around you?”

“Yes.” Oblivion commented back to him. “It allows me to judge if I need to act for them or not. You were the first I looked at to help.”

“And I’m doing better than before?”


“He means that you are much happier than you once were.” Sasa added in. “While he is not as eloquent I will tell you that you are a much more pleasant pony to be around.”

“That’s good to hear.” Blue admitted with a chuckle. “Now what happened at this competition?”

Oblivion chuckled and began to recount what had happened. They finished their drinks and went to the counter to pay and left the shop, still chatting about the previous days encounter.

Oblivion looked up as Applejack trotted toward him, her hooves kicking up dust behind her. “We need ta get a move on.” She said to him once she reached him.

“And where are we going?” Asked her as he kicked the tree and caught the apples in the barrel.

“Down to Sugarcube corner.” She said to him as his magic gripped the barrel. “Party is gonna be gettin’ started.”


“Yeah. The Princess is in town and Twilight set up a party for her. Ah think it’s mostly ta get to know us better but Ah’m just guessin’.”

Oblivion rolled his shoulders as they made their way toward the barn. “She knows us all well enough. What need is there for a party?”

The farm mare shrugged and waited as the black stallion put the barrel into the barn as Sasa came from the orchard, her fur ruffled and in all directions.

“What happened to you?” He asked her as she neared him.

“Never again.” She replied.

“Never again, what?”

“I will never offer to help out the three fillies on my own. They decided to try to be pet groomers.” She explained and shook herself free of any remaining water. “That was awful.”

Oblivion gave a bark of laughter and explained to Applejack who looked apologetic to the feline. “That doesn’t sound any fun.” She said to the cat who had begun to groom her own fur.

“It wasn’t. That was a terrible idea.” She groused as the black stallion led them out of the gates and toward town.

“Oh good, you’re here,” Twilight said as they reached the building.

“Yup. Had ta collect him and Sasa but we made it.” Applejack assured her.

Twilight gave them a nervous smile and nodded in agreement. “It’s good that you’re all here. Thanks for coming.”

“Why are we needed?” Oblivion asked her. “Celestia knows us all well by now.”

“I know she does. But it can’t hurt.” She replied to him.

Oblivion fought back the urge to roll his eyes and stood back as the finishing touches were added and Celestia arrived from the back of the building. She took her place as the others arrived and he walked up to give his greetings to the Sun Princess.

“Afternoon Celestia.”

“Good Afternoon Oblivion. How have you been doing?” She asked him conversationally.

“I am well. How is Luna?”

“She is doing much better. I think having made her own set of friends is helping her greatly. Thank you for your help in that.”

“No thanks are needed.” He replied to her.

“Hello, Sasa.” She said to her as the tiger came around the table and the white Alicorn hugged the cat tightly for a moment before releasing her. “How have you been?”

A sandbox appeared from Celestia’s magic and the feline sat down beside it. “I am well. Good to see you in such high spirits.”

“Thank you. I do enjoy being among my little ponies. It is a pleasure.” She replied.

Oblivion walked over to Applejack who was now sitting at a table and looking between utensils and plate in front of her.

“What are you doing?” He asked her.

“Tryin’ ta figure out which fork does what.” She replied to him, frustration in her tone.

Oblivion sighed and pointed with one claw. “That one starts out with a salad.” He advised.

“How?” She asked.

“I have been to more than my fair share of formal engagements. Manners are one thing I was forced to learn whether I liked it or not.” He replied and thought back to the many lessons from Yennefer and he bit back a cringe. “After that is the one on the right closest to the plate for the main dish.”

The mare looked relieved and dug into her food. “Thank Equestria.”

Sasa rejoined him as he took up a place close to the front door. His natural choice was to avoid the party as much as possible but chose to remain. He watched as Celestia spoke to her student and to the ponies around her. His ears flicked as Fluttershy joined them and the Pegasus mare was brought before Celestia as well. His eyes narrowed as a birdcage was revealed and a sickly bird was revealed.

“What is that?” Sasa asked him as she rejoined him. “It looks like a plucked chicken.”

He gave a short chuckle and nodded to her. “I agree. It doesn’t appear healthy, or long for this world.” He admitted as it hacked and coughed.

“If it dies can I eat it?” She asked him with a laugh.

“Not my call to make.” He replied with a shrug to her.

Sasa rumbled a laugh and shook her head at the de-feathered avian. “No matter how you look at it that is an ugly animal.”

“Fluttershy seems to agree if the look on her face is too believed.” He said to the cat who nodded.

“Looks like a cross between horror and uncertainty.” The tiger commented.

“Agreed.” He shook his head and went back to watching the ponies around him. Sasa nudged him and pointed a paw to Rarity who was wearing her Gala dress to the gathering. “A bit overdressed I think.” He said to the cat.

Sasa laughed and nodded. “Oh by my claws. That is the very definition of what overdressed looks like. Look it up in a dictionary and that is the picture of it.”

He nodded in silent agreement and sighed. “How is she going to avoid getting it messed up in this small space?”

“I’m not sure. She can’t teleport so that’s not an option.” Sasa replied.

“She can’t?”

“No. Not all Unicorns can. It depends on magical strength. Her levitation is her strength as far as skills go.”

“Makes sense.”

“I still cannot believe the state of that bird. Is it her pet?” Sasa asked him as she looked back to the birdcage. “That is an act of cruelty.”

“For the bird or Fluttershy?” He asked as the mare looked even more upset at the hacking bird.

Sasa laughed as he spoke and nodded in reply. “Both?”

“Both.” He agreed and they shared a bark of laughter.

“You do realize we look like the most antisocial ponies in this whole room.” She suddenly spoke up.

He looked around at the others around them and nodded. “I do now.”

“Standing off to the side gossiping.” She chuckled.

Oblivion shook his head and looked at the feline. “You had to point that out?”

“Yes!” She yowled and broke into laughter, sitting heavily onto her haunches.

Ponies turned to look at the cat as she leaned against him. He shook his head once more and tried to ignore her laughter. One of the guards went to Celestia’s side and began to speak to her quietly.

“Parties over.” He said to Sasa who nodded at his side.

The stallion said nothing as Celestia got to her hooves and addressed the assembled ponies. “Really? Well, if I must... I'm sorry, everypony. I'm afraid I have to cut the party short. The mayor has requested an audience with me. Royal duty calls. Thank you for a wonderful time. It's been a joy getting to know you all better.”

She began to walk through the throng of ponies and they all bowed low to her as she passed them. Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head and Sasa purred as the Alicorn paused to address him.

“One of the monsters has been sighted close to ponies but fled when they showed up in number.” She said quietly to him.

“Which one?” He asked her.

“The one you called a Harpy.” She replied as she petted Sasa gently.

He nodded and replied to her a moment later. “Makes sense. The troll or Elemental would not retreat in the face of a few ponies. Harpy’s will fight if they have the number but one alone will flee if there are more than it.”

“It’s not dire to attend to but I wished to let you know. I will ask for more details and get them to you as soon as I can.” She said as she made for the door.

He gave a slight bow to her as she left. He skirted out the door and began to make his way to the farm when a shout caught his attention.

“Oblivion!” Rarity called out to him.

He stopped and trotted back to the mare. “What can I do for you?”

“I was hoping you could send this for me?” She asked him and her magic held a letter out to him.

“Not a problem.” He focused and his magic sent the letter on its way.

Rarity smiled. “Thank you dear. I was going to ask when you arrived at Brunch but you were busy speaking with Princess Celestia and I did not wish to interrupt.”

“Nothing to worry about.” He assured her.

They parted and the black stallion began to trot to the farm when a hacking cough caught his attention. He paused in the middle of the street and looked around as Fluttershy passed him.

“She has Celestia’s pet.” Sasa said to him as she joined him.

“How do you know?” He asked her. “Aside from the hacking cough.”

“I saw her leave with it. I stayed back to get a few cupcakes before they were taken away.” She explained to him.

“Oh Gods. What in the hell is she going to do with it?” He asked her.

“Probably try to help it.” She replied. “Though I’m not sure how. That thing has maybe three feathers left on its whole body. What are you thinking?”

“Just a stray thought.” He replied.

“Such as?”

“I read in one of Twilight’s books about the creatures that are in this world and I can’t help but think that, that bird’s symptoms are familiar.” He admitted with a shake of his head.

“What do you mean?” Sasa asked him.

“I’m not sure. Never mind.” He dropped it and began to move away from the feline who continued to watch Fluttershy as she vanished from sight.

“Come on Chosen. Do you still have that book?”

“No. I gave it back.”

“Come on. Let’s drop by the Library.” She said and bumped his shoulder. “We both know it will start to drive you up the wall eventually.”

Perhaps.” He replied and shifted his stance to walk toward the Library.

“Here it is.” He spoke aloud as his magic pulled a book from the shelf.

Sasa rumbled in praise as she rejoined him. “So it was a type of bird?”

“Something similar I think.” He replied and leaned back on his haunches as his magic flicked through the books contents.

“What kind of bird loses all its feathers like that? Isn’t that nature’s way of telling the bird and those around it that it’s sick?” She questioned.

“Normally yes. I have seen griffins lose feathers when ill but nothing that causes the bird to lose all its feathers. Besides, why would she not treat it if it is in fact sick?”

“That’s a fair point.” Sasa admitted as she sat down beside him.

His eyes scanned the pages and he finally stopped when he reached the section for avian. “Here we go. Birds, blackbird, crow, no… It was an odd breed.”

“So keep scanning.” Sasa encouraged.

“It wasn’t a normal breed of bird if I remember right.” He said as he turned the pages. “Here we are. Phoenix.” He looked to Sasa and his eyes closed as he pushed the book away from himself and rubbed his claws over his face. “Of course it’s a mythical animal. It’s not a real animal, what is this?”

Sasa chuckled at his annoyance and he looked down to her as she spoke. “What is fake in your world Chosen is real here.”

He groaned as she spoke. “That’s true. Okay so according to this a Phoenix will shed all of its feathers in order to be reborn. So it kills itself when it gets old and needs to regenerate itself.” He looked at the cat who shrugged. “That’s one way to wish to light yourself on fire.”

“Sounds like a lot of work.” She replied as he shut the book, slid it into place on the shelf, and turned to head for the door.

The front door opened and Spike walked in. “Hey, Oblivion and Sasa. What are you two up to?”

“Needed to look something up. Sorry for the intrusion Spike.” Oblivion said to him.

“No problem. It’s a Public Library after all.” The dragon piped up and walked for the back of the room.

They left the Library and the black stallion was quiet as he considered what he had found out. “So she is waiting until it bursts into flame and comes back from the ashes.”

“Apparently.” Sasa replied cheerily.

Oblivion shook his head in disbelief and started to walk back to the farm. A shriek off to the side stopped him and he watched as Twilight and Fluttershy ran past him. “What in the world?”

“The bird is in front of them.” Sasa said as she broke into a trot to follow them.

“All this effort for a bird that is trying to kill itself.” He grumbled as he loped to catch up to the feline.

Sasa slid to a stop as he caught up to her as the bird fell from the fountain in the center of the town square and burst into flame. Fluttershy had leaped to catch her and was left catching only ash and dust in her hooves, tears filling her eyes at the sight in front of her.

“Oh that’s upsetting.” Sasa quipped.

Oblivion slapped her in the back of the head and she yelped in pain. “Hush.” He snapped at her.

Twilight sat down heavily and Oblivion set a hoof on her shoulder. “I know it looks bad, but that is a Phoenix. She will rise again.” He whispered to her.

“What?” She spun to look at him, her eyes wide. “What do you mean it’s a Phoenix?”

“I looked it up earlier. The symptoms reminded me of something I had read so I looked it up earlier. She will rise from her own ashes as they always do.” He informed her.

Twilight blinked and looked behind him and bowed her head. “Princess?”

Celestia came up behind him and he flicked an ear to her as she looked to her subjects. “What is wrong my student?”

“You’re ummm…” She paused as she stumbled over the words and looked at Oblivion.

“Your pet was taken and Fluttershy attempted to tend to it. Though it would appear as though they were unaware of the birds breed at the time. Or this would have been a different conversation.” He said to her and she giggled in reply. “It has burst into flame already.”

Celestia walked up to the small pile of ashes and lowered her head to the ash pile. “Oh, stop fooling around, Philomena. You're scaring everypony.”

The ash pile began to shake and the Phoenix erupted from it, renewed. The Phoenix landed on Celestia’s back after flying around above them for several circuits.

“A phoenix is a majestic and magical bird. While it appears healthy and happy most of the time, every so often it must renew itself by shedding all of its feathers and bursting into flame.” She looked to the ponies assembled and lowered her voice a bit. “Rather melodramatic, if you ask me.” She raised her voice after they all chuckled. “It then rises from the ashes, fresh as a daisy. All just a normal part of the life cycle of a phoenix. I'm afraid mischievous little Philomena here took the occasion to have a little fun with you, Fluttershy.”

Philomena squawked and flew over to Fluttershy and nuzzled her gently.

“You were only teasing me?” The yellow mare whispered as the Phoenix set a feather into her hair.

Celestia’s horn lit and a letter appeared in front of the black stallion. His magic held it and he unfolded it to reveal a contract for the harpy that had been discussed earlier. “Closer to ponies than we thought?” He asked her and she nodded.

He focused on the letter and read over the details. The harpy had come around and gotten close enough to get into a fight with a pony in an attempt to drag him off. He had gashes across his shoulders and a twisted hock as he had fought back. Sasa stood up on her hind legs and read the letter over his shoulder. His breathing was steady as he considered the timing of the attacks.

“I suppose we should get ready then?” Sasa said to him as he nodded and turned away from the group.

His hooves were silent on the compacted dirt. “This one will be a bit more difficult. This one is airborne.” He admitted to the cat.

“Without using your own wings you mean.” She replied as she stayed at his side. “We will need a Pegasus.”

“Yes we will. Silver is the fastest of the group. But Vantage is the stronger of the four.” He reasoned to her.

“True. But Silver can move during the day easier. Are you going to bring only one?” She replied.

“I am thinking that is all I will need.”

She sighed and nodded at him. “If you think that will be enough. Will we be leaving now or later?”

“Now.” He replied to her and broke into a trot. “I will send a letter to Celestia later and then teleport to the city to get Silver.”

“Can he carry you with the carriage or does he need help?”

“We will find out. If he needs another then we will call on Vantage.”

“Understood.” Sasa replied and stayed at his side as he moved forward.

Author's Note:

There we go. I'm working the next few days so I wanted to get this out and ready before then. Thank you for reading and we see the setup for the next part of things to come. As always thank you and Enjoy!

Edit 6/25/2019: Fixed character error
Edit: 11/14/2019

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