• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 13,774 Views, 1,285 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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24: Iron Ponies...

Oblivion came in from one of the farm fields, where he had been checking on the sprinkler system as he heard a shout of laughter from Sasa ring through his mind. He walked over as Applejack and Rainbow finished up a game of horseshoes. With Rainbow on the losing end. The pale blue mare grumbled as Applejack gloated.

“I hate losing,” Rainbow growled.

“Yer a good athlete there, Rainbow. Ah’m just better.” Applejack laughed.

Rainbow looked to her, a sour expression on her face. “So you think your the best in Ponyville?”

“Ah was gonna say Equestria, but that might be gildin’ the lily a bit.”

“...And I know I’m the best.” Rainbow replied. “So how about I prove it?”


Oblivion backed up a step and started to walk away. “Hold up there, pardner.” Applejack said as she spotted him retreating.

“Shit,” Oblivion grumbled and looked back to them.

“We have an Iron Pony Contest. That will determine who is the best in Ponyville, once and for all.” Rainbow said to her.

Applejack looked to Oblivion, who rolled his eyes. “Ya know what? Yer on.”

‘Saw that coming.’ Oblivion thought to himself.

Applejack opened her mouth and Oblivion clamped it shut. “No, not this time. You railed me with that fool contest between you and Big Mac. I will not be helping with this one.” He said to her, turned on his heel, and walked away from the mares, Sasa on his heels.

“Can ya just help set it up?” Applejack shouted at his retreating back.

Oblivion stopped and looked back at her. “Is that all?”

Sasa chuckled at him, his expression unbelieving of the mare.

“That's it.” She agreed, Rainbow nodded with the orange mare.

Oblivion looked unconvinced but nodded. “That is all I am doing.”

Applejack nodded, a smile crossed her muzzle. “Thanks, bro. Can ya ask Twilight if she’ll be the judge? Yer goin’ ta take yer books back right?”

“I’ll mention it to her.” He agreed and walked to the house.

Sasa waited outside as he went upstairs to get the books and set them on his back. He came back outside and the feline joined him as they went into town.

“So how do you think this contest will go?” Sasa asked him as they walked.

“Rainbow will probably win.”

“What makes you think that?” Sasa asked. “Applejack has more stamina.”

“AJ is a workhorse. Rainbow is a Pegasus. Even if they are even on the ground, I doubt Rainbow will stay on the ground.” Oblivion pointed out.

“That would be cheating though. AJ doesn’t have wings.”

“I agree. But that is my opinion. Rainbow hates to lose just as much as Applejack, the difference is that AJ does not have wings to fall back on. So Rainbow will use that to her advantage.”

“Can’t you say anything?”

“I could. But they need to come to their own conclusions. I can’t be solving their problems for them. I have told them before. Just because I can do something doesn’t mean I will. If somepony gets hurt I might speak up, otherwise, I will remain a spectator.”

Sasa grumbled and went silent. They reached the library and Oblivion knocked on the door. After a minute he pushed the door open and walked inside. Books littered the ground and Oblivion was careful to step over a few that were closest to the door.

“Twilight?” He called out to the studious mare.


Spike came running out of the back and tripped over a stack of books. Oblivion caught him and set him in Sasa’s paws. The great cat purred and began nuzzling the dragon, who huffed and glared at the Black Unicorn. Twilight came out of the back and smiled at the stallion.

“Afternoon, Oblivion. Finished with work already?”

“Not all of it but enough that I can take a break and give these back to you.” The books levitated off his back and he set them on the table. “What in the world are you doing? It's a bit late in the day for rearranging...Even for you.” He commented.

“Haha,” Twilight said to him, a laugh under her snide reply. “No, I was checking on a few things before the big race day after tomorrow.”

“Race?” Oblivion asked, his interest piqued.

Twilight sat down as Oblivion moved several books out of the way and sat down across from her.

“The Annual Running of the Leaves. It's a tradition.” She said to him.

“Running of the Leaves? I haven’t heard of it.”

“When Fall comes the ponies help nature by running through the trees on a set course and knocking down the leaves.”

“Wait.” He put up a hoof and the mare paused. “The leaves can’t fall on their own?” Twilight looked at him and shook her head. He put his hoof over his face as his claws extended to rub down his face. “By the Gods...Anyway, you were saying?”

“I’m guessing they do that on their own where you’re from?”

“Among other things, yes.”

“Anyway. So the ponies run and the leaves fall from the trees.”

“I see. Before I forget Applejack and Rainbow are having a contest and would like you to be the judge.”

“Not another strange contest.” She groaned.

“This one actually has a name. She called it an Iron Pony Challenge or something to that effect.”

“Oh, that one I have heard of. Its a contest between athletes to determine skill. I can judge for it. When?”

“Tomorrow.” He replied.

“Okay, no problem. Have you ever been in races, Oblivion?”

The stallion was quiet. ‘I raced on my mare normally, rarely on foot.’ He looked to the mare and nodded.

“Any tips?”


“I want to run in the Running of the Leaves. So I have been reading up on running strategies. But asking an accomplished racer means first hoof expertise.”

He was quiet for a moment. “For a novice runner, I recommend staying to the back of the pack. It may seem like you are setting yourself up to lose, but when the rest are getting tired you start to increase your pace and start to slowly pass them. By doing that you have paced yourself and have enough energy to get by them.”

“So pacing is the most important thing?”

“In a distance race, absolutely.” He replied. “Any time you rely too heavily on sheer speed is setting yourself up to fail and exhaust yourself before you have a chance to win.”

“Okay. Thank you, Oblivion. How many races have you won?”

“All of them.” Twilight gaped at him. “I have yet to lose a race I have entered.”

“You should race in the Running of the Leaves. The more ponies running the better.”

He looked to the feline, who nodded her agreement. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“It’ll be fine. You’re a resident of Ponyville. Not like you’re going to use any spells or anything to win.”

“Of course not. That’s unfair.”

“Exactly. It’ll be fun.” Twilight cajoled him.

“Hmm. I haven’t done a distance race in a while.” He admitted.

“See you’ll be staying in shape.”

“Despite you going running every morning.” Sasa added.

“All right. Could prove interesting.” He gave in and shrugged as the mare smiled. “Well, I should get back to the farm and finish up any tasks that are left. I also have been asked to set up the courses tomorrow.”

“With your magic that will be easy,” Twilight admitted and stood up as well. “Thank you for the advice on racing. It’ll come in handy day after tomorrow.”

“Glad to have been of service.”

“Did you want any new books?”

Oblivion paused as he considered. “Actually. Do you have anything on a pony named Starswirl the Bearded?”

Twilight blinked. “Of course. He’s only the greatest Unicorn to have ever lived. The spells he created are still used today.”
She gushed. “Why?”

“Luna mentioned him a couple of times, so I figured reading up on him would be beneficial,” Oblivion admitted to her.

Twilight smiled and motioned for him to wait. She took off up the stairs and headed for her room. He waited as she came back with 3 books held in her magic. “The life of Starswirl the Bearded, Spells of Starswirl, and advanced spells of Starswirl. These are from my personal library.”

He looked to her as his magic gripped the books. “Are you sure you are all right with me borrowing them?”

“Of course. I know you’ll take good care of them. Enjoy.” She said to him.

He nodded to her and set them on his back. “Thank you, Twilight. I’ll take good care of them.”

“I know you will. I’ll see you in the morning?”

“Yes. Till then.” He said as he turned for the door. “Come on, Sasa.”

The cat grumbled, nuzzled Spike once more and then let him go with a fond lick. Spike growled under his breath as he watched them leave. Oblivion opened one of the books and started to read as they walked. He moved easily around ponies in the street due to his connection to the world spirit.

“You’re making that look too easy.” Sasa teased.

He stopped and looked up. “Blood of the Gods.” He muttered as he set the book on his back and started to navigate the streets normally.

“Good book?”

“Has a good beginning. Will see about the rest of it.” He replied.

“Will be interesting to see you reading the spell book.”

“How so?”

“Knowing you, you’ll be testing out the spells.”

He grimaced a bit as he looked to her. “True.”

“Just wait to try them with Twilight.”


“Good perspective.” Sasa quickly replied. ‘Plus the two of you are adorable together.’ She thought to herself.


They reached the farm and met up with Applejack as she moved hay bales, creating an arena. Oblivion sent the books to his room and joined the mare. She instructed him on where to place items and asked him to make bleachers as he had for the reunion. The stallion obliged and remade them. It was just one set so they were easy to place in the right spot and leave alone.

“This Iron Pony Contest is perfect ta sort out the best athlete in Ponyville.” The mare said to him as he moved another hay bale.

“Sure.” Oblivion agreed with her.

“So ya gonna support me while Ah win?”

He glanced over to her and shook his head. “I’m a bystander this time around, AJ. You’ll be fine.”

She gave him a sour look as Sasa went up to her, purring. “I support her.”

“Sasa is on your team, though.” He said to her.

“Kitten knows a winner when she sees one,” AJ replied, ruffling the cat’s fur.

‘Sure, for all the good it will do.’ Oblivion thought to himself and went back to arranging the hay bales to make the walls of the arena.

“Looks good. Thank fer the help, big brother.”

“Of course.” The stallion walked to the house to get in a bath before dinner.

Morning came and Oblivion went for his usual run before the Iron Pony Contest. His thoughts fell on the race the next day.‘Is it fair of me to race though? I have an unfair advantage by having a vast amount of experience with racing itself. Plus I have been trained for endurance and my body is altered due to the mutations. I can run at a gallop for days or longer. Perhaps I am overthinking it though. No pony knows about that except the mares and they haven’t mentioned it. Twilight would have if she thought it unfair.’ Oblivion reasoned as he jumped a fallen tree and kept going. His mind was elsewhere as a scent suddenly assaulted his nose.

He skidded to a halt and stood up on his hind legs. He scanned the area and lowered to all four hooves. Ears flicking in all directions as he closed his eyes and focused his senses. He suddenly jumped back as roots tore out of the ground. The area he had been was broken as the roots receded. Dread went through him as he recognized the attack pattern of a Leshen. His eyes scanned and he saw the monster. He gathered himself and leaped the broken ground and galloped after the monster.

The black Alicorn stopped and scanned the ground. Leshen left no tracks so he was trying to catch a scent. A screech sounded off and he lunged forward as a Nekkers claws tore the air where he had been. The stallion cursed colorfully under his breath as his silver blade was at his side. He had summoned the blade and used it to cleave the Nekkers arm from its body. He stayed in motion to avoid the Leshens attacks. The Nekker vanished as it dug into the ground.


The black Alicorn waited, his ears flicked and he leaped back as the Nekker came from the ground. He cleaved the monster in half and let the pieces fall to the ground. He spun to search for the Leshen as a portal appeared once more. The pieces of the Nekker vanished and he heard an angry wail that he recognized as the Leshen. He waited as the portal closest to him vanished. He didn’t hold the ground with his hooves, as a test to see if it was after him as well. When the vacuum didn’t pull him, just ruffled his mane and a tail he watched as it dissipated.

“What the...” He muttered to himself before he flicked the silver blade to rid it of any residual blood.

He allowed himself to relax a bit as he scanned the grounds and went into the Everfree further to investigate where the Leshen had been. All he found was the tangled roots of its final attack before the portal took it back to his world.

“It’s not after me?” He said aloud. “I’m not from this world...Wait.” He considered his thought before he gave it a voice. “I am from this world now. My body is from here while my Spirit originated in the Northern Realms. So those portals can’t hurt me. Or they aren’t big enough to take me as well.”

The black Alicorn sent the silver blade back to its place in his room and considered what little he knew of portals and the magic that controlled them. He was not an expert on their mechanics but so far the size of the portal dictated its strength.
Though that raised more questions since a Leshen was taller than him. Unless it went by weight, which meant that Leshen’s weighed more than he did. The stallion shook his head and groaned as more questions were raised. He chanced a look up and found that if he didn’t hurry he would miss the start of the contest. The Witcher snorted and spun around and ran back the way he had come.

He found his wings well-hidden as he leaped a fence and galloped back to the makeshift arena and slid to slow himself down. He trotted up to it as Applejack and the others stood next to it. He could see Rarity and Pinkie Pie in the stands, while Sasa, Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow stood in the arena. Sasa looked to him as he trotted up to them.

“Have a good run, Chosen?” She asked him as he halted beside her.

He said nothing as he glanced at her and gave a slight shake of his head. The feline tilted her head, her eyes were curious. “Ran into a Nekker and a Leshen.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re remarkably calm about that encounter.”

“Didn’t hurt me, so I’m not alarmed. I did see if the portals could pull me into them, but all they did was ruffle my mane.”

She looked away from him and back to the ponies. “So they aren’t after you?”

“Or they are dictated by size, but that makes no sense either. A Leshen is bigger than I am and it took that as well as the dead Nekker.”

Sasa sat down as she thought over what he had said to her. “Dead Nekker? I assume its demise came at the end of a silver blade?”

“You would be correct in that assumption.” He replied.

“Oblivion! Over here!” Applejack hollered and motioned him to them.

He trotted over to them and stopped beside Twilight, who gave him a smile in greeting. The mares explained how the contest worked and his role would be to change the items for the events. Twilight would be the judge while Fluttershy kept the scoreboard up to date. The first event was the barrel weave. Oblivion moved the barrels into place at Twilights instruction while Applejack and Rainbow warmed up. Spike stood up on Twilights back and looked around.

“Hello everypony, and welcome to the first annual Iron Pony Competition!” Spike hollered.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder. “Spike. Who in the Blazing Hells are you talking to?”

Spike looked sheepish as he looked to the stallion. “Umm, well, all of them.” The dragon pointed to the few ponies in the stands.

The Unicorn rolled his eyes as he finished setting up the barrels and left the arena, leaving AJ and Rainbow inside.

Twilight looked to him and he watched in silence as the event began. Applejack took off and Spike clicked the stopwatch.
She weaved around the barrels and Oblivion heard her curse as she nudged a barrel. She raced back and crossed the line. Spike stopped the timer and looked down at it.

“17 Seconds!” He shouted out.

“That’s faster than mah record at last year’s rodeo,” AJ said as she looked to them.

“But we add 5 seconds for hitting the barrel,” Twilight said to her.

AJ cringed but nodded. “22 Seconds ain’t bad.” She looked to Rainbow and a smile went over her muzzle. “Hey don’t be nervous. It’s all in good fun.” She said and nudged Rainbow.

The Rainbow mare took off for the barrels and weaved around them, flawlessly. Oblivion counted it off in his mind and watched as she passed the finish line. He knew she had been faster than the orange mare, though not by much.

“18 Seconds.” Spike hollered.

Applejack gaped then smiled at the other mare. “Are ya sure ya ain’t a rodeo pony?”

Rainbow gaped as well. “I can’t believe I won that.” She admitted.

Oblivion moved the barrels out of the way and set up a tall bell for the Test of Strength. The object was to buck the tower and get the striker to hit the bell. Whoever hit it harder won. He waited as Rainbow, who had won the last contest went first. She backed up and kicked the striker, the piece of metal went up and struck the bell. It shrilled and Twilight looked at it and marked down the speed.

“Good job, Rainbow.” Applejack cheered. “Mah turn.”

She backed up and pulled up her hind legs and kicked the metal striker. It rocketed up and struck the bell hard enough to knock it off the hinges that held it in place. It fell but Oblivion caught it and held it as he moved the tower to make room for the next event.

“Applejack wins,” Twilight said aloud.

Fluttershy put a 1 up in Applejacks score to match Rainbow. AJ walked past Rainbow and looked over her shoulder as the other mare gaped, her jaw open.

“Years of Appelbuckin’.” She said and kicked the tree above Rainbow, causing apples to fall and hit her on the head.

Oblivion cleared out the arena in preparation for the event, Bronco bucking. Spike cringed as he sat down on Applejacks back. The mare took off and bucked the dragon off after 5 seconds. Spike cringed as he prepared to hit the ground, but was saved by Oblivion, then dropped onto Rainbow’s back. Once he was settled Rainbow started to buck. She unseated the drake after 4 seconds. Spike hit the ground and winced as he stood up.

“Rainbow Dash wins the Bronco Buck,” Twilight announced.

Spike wobbled over and leaned on Oblivion’s lower leg. “I think, I lost that one.” He winced and fell onto his face.

Sasa nuzzled him and helped him stand with one paw. He patted her fur and walked back to Twilight, who looked apologetic at the dragon. “Next is calf roping.”

Spike’s eyes widened in horror and his shoulders slumped. He walked back to the center of the arena and waited for the signal for him to run. Applejack held her rope and waited for the bell. Once it sounded, Spike took off with the mare trailing. She sent the lasso flying and it wrapped Spike as she looped it around his legs and then stepped back to admire her work. Spike grumbled as she let him go from the rope and he walked back to his original place. Rainbow signaled she was ready and Spike took off once more. Rainbow tried to throw the lasso but ended up wrapping her forelegs and sending herself sprawling. Spike looked back and collapsed laughing in place.

“I don’t think making the ‘calf’ laugh himself onto the ground counts Rainbow,” Oblivion said to the grumbling mare.

“Applejack wins this round,” Twilight shouted.

As the morning went on the games continued. Rainbow beat Applejack in a contest of who could balance the most rubber balls for the longest amount of time. Applejack tied them again when she was able to toss a bale of hay the farthest.
Rainbow won the Hoof Wrestle, then Applejack bucked a hoof ball the farthest to bring it to 4-4. After a couple more events, they were tied at 5-5. Oblivion glanced over and found the stands were full and many ponies were standing to watch the contest.

“Hey, can ya make another bleacher?” Applejack asked him as she saw the crowd.

The black stallion nodded and his horn flashed as a duplicate bleacher appeared and the ponies immediately congregated to it and sat down to watch the contest. Oblivion looked back to the mares and watched as his prediction came true as Rainbow began to use her wings. Beside him, Sasa growled in displeasure.

“That’s not fair.” She said to him.

“I told you.” He responded.

“I know you did. Doesn’t mean I like that the prediction came true.” She said back to him.

“I agree. But it’s not my place to say anything.”

“How do you figure?”

“If it was a contest against me then I have a vested interest in it being fair. Though competing against me is very different from competing against AJ.”

“That’s true.” She huffed and watched the contests play out.

Rainbow used her wings in every contest after that. Oblivion set up the challenges and Twilight kept score. Rainbow flapped her wings during a push-up contest, long jump, and balancing chicks on her wings to get them over some mud. The score was 14-5 when the last event came up. Tug of war started and Rainbow was beginning to lose when she flapped her wings and held Applejack above the mud pit.

Applejacks' eyes widened, then narrowed in anger. “Yer cheatin’.” Applejack said through the rope in her mouth.

“I’m sorry, I can’t understand you with that rope in your mouth,” Rainbow said to her in response.

“No, don’t...” Oblivion started to say to her as she opened her mouth.

“Ah said...oh no.” The orange mare plummeted and landed with a splash in the mud pit below her.

Rainbow laughed as she flapped to hover in place. Oblivion said nothing as he reached out to help AJ out of the mud. The workhorse scowled in anger and then glared up at the Rainbow mare. The crowd cheered as Fluttershy put up the new number for Rainbows score, 15-5.

“I win. I am the Iron Pony.”The pale mare declared and flexed as she landed.

“Only because ya cheated.” The mare said as she shook herself free of mud.

Oblivion grimaced as he was covered in mud. He fought back a growl and used a hoof to wipe himself off. Twilight helped get the mud off him as well. The stallion looked up as Rainbow looked affronted at the accusation.

“How did I cheat?” She said. “Sounds like sour apples to me.”

“Ya used yer wings.”

“You never said I couldn’t use them.”

“Ah didn’t think Ah had ta tell ya ta play fair.” Applejack said to her.

“I would have won even without them,” Rainbow replied.

“Prove it.” Applejack said to her.


“Tomorrow is the Running of the Leaves. Ah challenge ya ta race me in it.”

“Easy as pie.”

“Hold on. There is one condition. The point of it is to run. So no using yer wings.”

“Fine. No problem.” Rainbow said to her and spit onto her hoof.

Applejack did the same as they shook hooves. Oblivion blanched at them and looked to Twilight, who looked equally disgusted.

“That’s disgusting.” Sasa said to him.

“I agree.”

Twilight shook her head and looked to the stallion. “That’s just gross.”

“You’re not the only pony thinking that.” He responded.

Twilight shuddered as she looked at her friends. “Do you want to go to the race grounds with me? I want to see them so I know the route. It’s posted, but I want to check just in case.”

“Sure. Can’t hurt to know the route and any issues with it ahead of time.”

Sasa chose to stay behind as the two ponies walked away from the farm and through town. They reached the start line and began to walk through it.

“Any other tips for a beginner racer?” She asked him as they walked.

“Know your opponents. Make note of those who could compete with you and anticipate them.”

She giggled. “You make it sound like I'm going into battle.”

He snorted. “In a way you are. You seek to win, am I right?”

She nodded.“I don’t expect 1st place, but I plan to medal yes.”

“Always look at the first place. Never look for anything less. The moment you don’t is the moment you might lose. Every action has another action behind it.”

Twilight looked at him, then to the track under their hooves. “You are definitely the biggest competition then.”

A chuckle escaped him. “True enough.”

“How long have you been racing?”

He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Are we counting training?”


He looked ahead of them and steered them around a cluster of small rocks. “Probably longer than you think.”

“That’s vague.”

“I apologize, but the timeline would seem very...odd.”

“Oh come on, now I have to know.” The mare danced on her hooves.

“You won’t believe me.”

“Try me,” Twilight said to him, a challenge in her voice.

“Hmm…Over 100 years.”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she stopped in her tracks. She watched as he stopped and looked over his shoulder to her.
“Over a hundred years? How old are you?”

He snorted. “How old do you think I am?”

“Late 20’s.”

He barked a laugh. “I look that age? I would have thought my silver mane would make me older.”

“Not really.” She started, then trotted up to his side. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. I am over 100 years old. Witcher’s age very slowly.” He said to her and started walking once more.

“You’re over a hundred years old?”

“Yes. I think it’s close to 125 or so. I’m not certain of the exact number though. I stopped keeping track.” He admitted.

Twilight loped after him and drew up at his side. “Does any pony else know that?”

“Applejack knows, but that's all. I trust you can keep that between us?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. I had no idea. You don’t seem any older than the rest of us.” She admitted and looked ahead of them. “I knew you were older than Big Macintosh, but not that much older.”

He gave a short chuckle. “Applejack pointed out that I am older than Granny Smith.”

Twilight laughed and bumped his shoulder with her own. “That’s true. I promise to keep it to myself.” She looked to the path as he skirted a tree stump and guided her around it. “I’ll always listen. Your one of my best friends, so I promise to always listen to you.”

The black Unicorn looked to her for a moment. “I appreciate that. That sentiment goes both ways. I may be low on the emotional scale, but I am rather good at listening.”

Twilight giggled and walked with him. “You don’t have to have emotions to be the perfect listener.”

“True enough.” He chuckled under his breath as she walked with him. ‘Perhaps the wings would be a bit much on top of my age at this time, but...’ His mind went over the possible outcomes and then chose to wait. Applejack knowing of his breed was enough for now. As they reached the finish line Twilight trotted between the poles then spun back to face him as he walked past them.

“I win!” She shouted and laughed as he shook his head at her.

“I let you win then.” He replied.

“I won fair and square. First over the line.” She said to him and faked an indignant snort.

“Sure.” He said, sarcasm in his voice.

She giggled and they began walking back to town.

“Having fun, Chosen?”

“Fun is not something that I know of Sasa. You know that.”

“Question still stands.”

“How would I know if I am having fun?” He asked her.

“Well for you it means not nearly as tense, not looking for the next fight, etc.” She supplied.

He considered her words for a moment. “Well I am relaxed if that is the question.”

“Good enough.”


“Just wondering.” She said, a laugh in her voice.

He said nothing as they walked back to the farm. Twilight picked up Spike and thanked Oblivion for his advice before heading for the library. The rest of the day was taken by cleaning up from the contest earlier.

Oblivion put the hay bales in the barn loft and started to head back when he stopped. A shudder went through him as he scanned the area for the source. The Black Unicorn was quiet as his ears flicked in various directions as the feeling continued to ripple over him. He walked away from the barn and out into the orchard. He broke into a fast trot and followed the feeling as it strengthened. He paused as a scent caught his attention. He sniffed the air as the scent was familiar but he was having trouble placing it. As he neared it a strangled gurgle caught his attention, he veered to the left to follow the sound. What he found at the edge of the Everfree stopped him in his tracks. He knew the scent, the smell of flesh burning. He looked down and gazed at the man in the grass. His clothes still smoked and he had tears in his eyes. His eyes widened at the sight of the black stallion.

Oblivion sat down and lowered his muzzle to be close to the man. “You're from the Northern Realms?”

The man’s eyes widened. “Yes.” He croaked out as his breath caught in his throat.

“Don’t speak too much. I am from the same place. The difference is that you will not survive.” Oblivion stated.

Tears fell from the man’s eyes at the blank statement from the black horse. The horn from its forehead shone and blue flames went over the man’s broken body. He whimpered in his throat but stalled when the pain faded. He looked at the horse and sighed in relief.

“I can’t make the pain go away forever. Your body will die slowly, for that I am sorry. But can you tell me what happened?”

The human nodded. “Ah was in the fields with my youngins’ teachin’ ‘em.” He croaked at the mention of his children, but he kept going. “Ah heard a crash like thunder and looked up. A door of fire shone near us. I sent mah boys runnin’ ta the house and all I could do was scream as I felt the fire on mah skin. Ah been burned afore, ya know gettin’ to close ta the fire but this was worse. Ah seen boys hit by wraiths, but Ah didn’t see one.”

Oblivion nodded as he spoke. “I would have sensed a wraith. I am a Witcher.”

The man stared at him. “Ya don’t look like any Witcher ah ever seen.”

Oblivion gave a dry laugh. “I once walked on two legs. I was brought here months ago.”

“But ye are alive.”


“An ah’m gonna die here?”

Oblivion nodded and the man gave a gasping cry. “I am sorry for that. So you didn’t see a mage that could have cast the door of fire?”

“Nah. There was no one near me. None but mah young un’s. Ah’ll not see them grow.” He said a sob escaped him. “Ah’ll ne’er see ‘em and mah wife. Ah’ll not be buried on mah land.”

Oblivion kept his magic channeling to keep the pain back, allowing him to grieve. “If I can I will try to get you back to your land. I cannot promise it, but I will try.”

“Ah never met a Witcher afore. Ah can say that Ah heard things but ya don’t seem to be a bad ‘un. Ah thank ye fer yer help.”

“And I appreciate that. It’s rare that my kind is thanked.”

“Seems cruel not ta say a kindness to ya. Yer helpin’ me.”

“Most are not that mindful.” Oblivion felt his magic fluctuate as the man’s life began slipping away from him.

The human must have noticed as the flames around him shifted and brightened. “Yer workin’ hard ta help me?”

“You do not deserve to die in agony.” He replied.

“Ah hope mah kids are as kind as ye.”

“If they have the mind that you do to treat others then they will grow up to be like their father,” Oblivion said to him.

“Ye have a name?”

“Oblivion Shadow.”

“Ah ne’er heard of ye. But that ain’t a bad thing. Now Ah know yer name and mah spirit will remember ye.” He gasped as his body began to fail. “Ah don’t wanna die like this. Slow like.”

Oblivion looked at him. “I can end it for you. Painlessly.”

“Can ye?”

Oblivion reached out, his magic settled around the human’s heart. “May the Gods guide you.” He said to him and his magic gripped the human’s heart and his life ended in that instant. The man went silent and his body relaxed as death gripped him. Oblivion watched as the light had been with him faded and was gone. He had killed many men in his life but none had asked him to end their suffering. ‘That was...rather unpleasant.’ He thought to himself as thunder sounded off behind him. Winds pulled at his mane and fur but did not try to take him. He picked up the man’s corpse and let the portal take the corpse back to his own land. The portal pulled the body and vanished as quickly as it had shown up. Oblivion stood silently as his mind went over what the man had told him.

“Seems to be random appearances. But this is the second burned body. It sounds like he was burned by the portal itself. The monsters, on the other hand, had been pulled at by smaller portals. That one was normal-sized, over 8 feet tall and 6 or so feet wide.” He mused aloud.

“Chosen.” Sasa said as she neared him.

He startled and looked to the cat. “Yes, Sasa?”

“Are you all right?”

“Yes. Why?”

“You didn’t come back after moving the hay bales. The others are worried and you weren’t answering me.”

“Oh. My apologies. I’ll head back.” He moved past her and walked back to the farm.



“You have an odd scent on you.”


“Yes. Smells a bit like smoke.”

He slowed for a moment, but kept walking. “It’s nothing.”

The she-cat bumped his hip with her shoulder but didn’t ask any more of him.

He awoke earlier than normal due to the race being an hour after dawn. He got out of bed and shook himself free of any remaining desire to sleep. Sasa yawned and waited till he moved to leave the room, after brushing through his mane and tail. He adjusted the tie in his mane as he moved and walked down the stairs. Sasa followed him and walked out of the house behind him. He broke into a trot as he went to the library to walk with Twilight. Sasa stayed close to him as they trotted into town.

“Warming up before we get there?”

“Pretty much.”

Twilight walked out the door and saw him trotting to her. “Morning Oblivion!” She called.

“Good morning Twilight.” He greeted the mare.

Spike was on her back, he cringed when Sasa nuzzled him. He tensed, waiting for her to pull him into her paws, but she did nothing else.

“It’s fun teasing him.” She said to the black Unicorn.

The group trotted to the race grounds and stood in line to get their numbers. Twilight pinned the number 42 on her flank, over her cutie mark. Oblivion took the number 48 and put it in place as well. Sasa went to stand by Spike as they waited for the racers. Applejack and Rainbow were up in front of them at the starting line. Rainbow had a rope around her barrel pinning her wings down to her body.

“That's effective.” He thought to Sasa who chuckled in agreement. The two unicorns walked up to the line and stood beside the others.

“Twilight? Oblivion? Wha’ in tarnation are ya both doin’ here?” Applejack looked at the pair.

“We are racing as well,” Twilight said as Oblivion gave an affirmative nod.

Applejack looked a bit concerned at the black stallion but said nothing. Rainbow snorted a laugh. “Your both racing? Good one Twilight.”

“We aren’t kidding.” The purple mare said.

“What? Seriously? You’re not athletes. Oblivion may be...a little bit. But you’re not an athlete. You’re an egghead.” Rainbow said to them.

Oblivion pinned his ears in annoyance for a moment before he ignored the mare. ‘Egghead?’

Twilight looked affronted and looked to the trussed-up Pegasus. “I am not an egghead. I am well-read.”

“Egghead.” Rainbow snickered quietly.

Applejack chuckled before speaking. “Have you ever run a race?”

“Well...No. But I do know a lot about running.”

“And you got that information from?” Rainbow said to her.

“Books. I have read many on the subject. And I got advice from Oblivion, who has run many races.” The purple Unicorn said, confidence in her voice.

Rainbow held her sides as she laughed. “What did you read? The Eggheads guide to running? You stretched your eye muscles to warm up?” She fell over as she laughed.

Twilight scowled at her. “Scoff if you must. But the Running of the Leaves is a Ponyville tradition, and since I am here to learn, I’ve decided I should experience it as well.”

Applejack turned to look at her. “Well, that’s just dandy, Twilight. Good luck.” The farm mare snickered behind a hoof.

“Yeah. See ya both at the finish line...tomorrow.”

Oblivion looked up as Pinkie Pie hovered above them in a balloon. Spike perched beside her. “Are you ponies ready?” She hollered into a megaphone.

Spike leaned over to talk into it. “Get set!”

A loud bell went off and the ponies all ran ahead. Oblivion set himself into an easy lope and allowed the main group along with AJ and Rainbow to run ahead of him. Twilight pulled up next to him and matched his pace. He looked at her and gave a nod of understanding. He had no problem with her keeping his pace. He had more than enough stamina to surpass her and the others. She looked around them to the trees and the scenery.

“It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” She asked as they ran.

“Quite. Perfect for an easy run.”

They both looked up as Applejack was suddenly with them, having tripped and fallen on her face as the group passed her.
Oblivion and Twilight trotted up to her as she climbed to her hooves.

“I don’t believe it!” She yelled.

“What is it?” Oblivion asked her as they halted.

“Rainbow tripped me,” AJ exclaimed, irritation in her voice.

“Really?” Oblivion said to her. She looked to him as he pointed a hoof just behind her. “You hit a rock, AJ.”

“He’s right. Be more careful and watch where you put your hooves.” Twilight advised her as she caught up with Oblivion as he went back into his easy lope.

“Hayseeds!” Applejack yelled and ran ahead of them.

“She won’t keep up that energy will she?” Twilight asked.

“Not a chance,” Oblivion replied.

Twilight sighed and shook her head, exasperated. They ran in silence until they came upon Rainbow with her snout in the dirt. “Seen this before,” Oblivion observed. Twilight snickered.

“Are you okay, Rainbow?” Twilight asked.

“The farm pony tripped me.”

“Do you ponies ever watch where you’re going? You tripped on a stump.” Twilight said as she pointed to the stump in the path. She and Oblivion knew it was there due to walking the track the day before.

“I see a big cheater is all I see,” Rainbow said, venom dripping in her voice.

“Applejack would never cheat, Rainbow. You know her better than that.” Twilight said to her.

“It’s just a game, Rainbow. Calm down.” Oblivion said as he loped past her, tired of the foolishness.

Twilight caught up to him and stayed with him as they ran. They neared the bend in the road to find Rainbow leaned up against the signpost, chuckling.

“I’m sure to win now.” She said as the two unicorns neared her.

“Not really. Everypony just passed you.” Oblivion said as he went by.

“What? Oh hell.” She said as she ran past them.

Oblivion snorted. “This is foolish.”

“I agree,” Twilight said to him. “Come on. Time for us to move?”

“Yes. Keep up, Twi.”

“Right behind you.” She said as she stayed at Oblivion's hip as he ran forward.

Oblivion lengthened his stride as they neared the main pack of racing ponies. He provided a break in the dust for the mare behind him, preventing it from hitting her in the face. The black stallion broke into a slow gallop as he neared the front of the pack. He glanced back and Twilight was still with him. She saw his look and a smile crossed her muzzle. He motioned with his head for them to keep going and she nodded. Oblivion dug in and pushed ahead as the purple mare laughed, enjoying herself. Oblivion looked ahead and quickened his pace, Twilight still at his hip. Oblivion glanced to the left and watched as ponies began falling back, tiring.

“Amateurs.” He muttered as he ran ahead.

His long stride carried him forward as he galloped ahead he put an ear back and found Twilight still with him. Her breathing was faster but she wasn’t laboring with the current pace. He kept his eyes trained ahead to avoid obstacles. He would move away from things in the way and Twilight stayed at his hip. Oblivion looked up and found they were in the lead. A grin tugged at his muzzle as he ran ahead. A glance over his shoulder saw Twilight smiling happily as she galloped. Oblivion looked ahead and he could see the finishing line. He went a bit faster and Twilight lunged to keep up with him.

“Run, Oblivion!” She yelled as she laughed behind him, clearly having fun.

He looked back and nodded at her. His stride lengthened further and he lowered his head.

Twilight watched as the black stallion surged ahead of her. She smiled as she tried to run faster, even as the finish line loomed ahead of them. She laughed as he passed the finish line far ahead of her and everypony else. ‘So that’s how a racing pony runs.’ She thought to herself as she went past the finish line. She looked around as she slowly stopped and saw the black stallion ahead of her.

“Well done, Oblivion.” She said to him as she trotted up to him. “I’ve never seen a pony run that fast.”

“It’s not easy to keep up with me. You did well.” He replied.

They both got their prizes and stopped for a drink as well. Twilight looked up as Applejack and Rainbow neared the finish line. They were embroiled in a fight as they fell across the line.

Pinkie bounced up to them, Spike on her back. “You tied.” The baby dragon told them.

Applejack and Rainbow looked to the happy pink mare. “For first?” They intoned.

“For last.” Pinkie said with a wide smile.

“Last!” They cried out.

“Then who won?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight walked up to them and their eyes widened. “You won?” Applejack said as they viewed the gleaming medal around her neck.

“Oh no. But I did get second place. Which is pretty good considering I have never run a race before.” She said to them.

“Then who won?” Rainbow asked.

“Oblivion won,” Twilight said to them and stepped back as the stallion approached.

A large gold medal hung around his neck and a blue ribbon was pinned to the front of his shoulder. He lowered his head to them, a smug look in his eyes. “My streak of never losing a race continues.” He said to them and backed up a step.

Applejack looked at him. “Ya both ran so low and Ah saw ya looking at the scenery!”

“We were pacing ourselves. Just like my books said. I took Oblivion's advice as well. As soon as the other ponies started to tire Oblivion and I ran ahead. I stayed with him and once we were close to the finish he took off for the ending. With his help, I came in second.”

“I can’t believe it. Twilight beat us. Oblivion beat us worse.” Rainbow said as she looked at the other mare.

“Yup.” Applejack replied.

“Wasn’t all that hard considering your behavior.” Twilight pointed out.

Both mares cringed at the observation.

“We were pretty poor sports.” Applejack lamented.

“Sounds like an important lesson was learned.” Celestia walked up from behind Oblivion and stood by the mares.

“Princess!” Rainbow and Applejack yelped as the Sun Princess approached them.

“What are ya doin’ here?” Applejack asked her.

The Alicorn smiled. “Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I came to the witness the running of the leaves myself.”

“Sorry, ya had ta see us bein’ such poor sports.” Applejack said to her.

“Unfortunately, because you two were too busy tricking each other many of the trees still have their leaves.”

“I reckon we can fix that Princess. Wanna go for a run mah friend?” Applejack said as she stood and looked to Rainbow.

“Yeah. Would be good to stretch my legs.” Rainbow replied.

“Oblivion?” Applejack said to the stallion.

“I already ran once today. This one is all yours.” He said to them.

“Let’s go.” Rainbow took off with the orange mare on her heels.

“Least they learned something,” Twilight said to them.

“True enough.” Oblivion agreed.

He watched as Sasa crouched down and slunk forward. He backed up a few steps realizing her goal. He reached a hoof forward and slowly pulled Twilight back by putting his claws in her tail. She backed up and then saw where he was looking. She smiled and put a hoof over her mouth to not laugh. Sasa stopped when the dragon moved but didn’t turn around.

Spike felt the impact to his back as he yelped and found himself on the ground, under a large tiger. Sasa purred and nuzzled the purple and green dragon as he groaned and sat still as the cat toyed with him.

“Why is it always me?” Spike asked.

“He's just so cute.” Sasa said to them.

“She says you’re cute,” Oblivion explained.

“What?” Spike said as he managed to turn around to look at the stallion. “I’m a dragon. We aren’t cute.”

“Yes, he is.” Sasa argued.

“She disagrees.” The stallion relayed to him.

Spike grimaced and sat quietly as the cat nuzzled him. Twilight laughed and her shoulder brushed against the tall stallion.
He glanced at her for a moment before shaking his head at the feline, who held Spike in an iron grip.

Author's Note:

I have not skipped Winter wrap up and Call of the Cutie. I will still be doing those but they will come after the autumn episodes. It always bugged me how the seasons looked so screwed up. So I am rearranging them. Episodes will still be used but their order might change a bit. Thanks!

Edit 1: 12/18/2018
Edit: 11/12/2019

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