• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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51: Balance Restored...

He looked over his shoulder to check that his saddlebags were in their place, his wings were undamaged and his body was in fairly good shape, aside from the dried blood, dirt, and mud. His eyes scanned the area around him and he could see more than his own hoof prints. His eyes narrowed as the impressions came to life before his gaze. He could see at least five individual hoof tracks and he paused as he looked at them. A familiar scent caught this nose and he looked around the room. The scent was faint but the scent of trees, grass, and water told him who had been there.

“Equestria.” He whispered her name and a chuckle escaped him. “Even you were out hunting then.”

He went silent as he moved out of the inner room and back to the front chamber of the ruins. His eyes followed the slight impressions of hooves outside and he squinted at the bright sunlight that rained down on him. He inhaled the scents of the desert and a sigh escaped him.


Sasa laid in silence in the library, with Twilight still scanning maps and known routes, desperate to find a way to track the missing Unicorn. She huffed a sigh and looked to the mare. She started to gather herself to sit up to write out a message for the anxious mare when she stopped, her form caught between laying down and sitting, her body had stalled in place. Her mind rushed into focus and her eyes began to scan the room.

“Chosen?” She reached out to him, her voice tentative with fear leeching into her tone.

Silenced greeted her and she nearly collapsed to her belly as something shifted, her body began to feel lighter and the pain from her Nekker wounds began to fade. A startled yelp from Spike brought the mare’s attention to her as well. Sasa looked down and watched as azure flames slowly crawled over her, her fur brightened, the ethereal mist coming from her coat strengthened, and the flames ate through the bandages on her body, leaving healed flesh in its place. She looked at Twilight who had a hoof over her mouth, her eyes wide.

“Sasa?” Twilight whispered as the flames vanished, leaving only the renewed sabercat in its place.

Sasa sat up fully, her body renewed and any pain vanished as she looked at the mare. A roar pulled from her and she stood up, her broad forehead rubbing against Twilight cheek. Spike came to her side and she ducked her head to lick him across the cheek. Her body felt light and her steps were giddy as she pranced around the room. She flashed a toothy grin to the drake and Unicorn mare, then she reached out once more.

“CHOSEN!” She screamed with joy through their link.

At first, there was no reply and she stopped in the center of the room, her head tilted as she listened.

“I am here.”

She roared once more and jumped in both surprise and glee at the voice that reached back to out to her. Twilight stood up at the feline’s clear joy and the cat stooped to smile once more to the mare.

“Sasa?” She whispered and the cat waited for her to speak. “Is he…?”

She nodded frantically, her paws dancing under her. Twilight stared and then a squeal of glee left her as she jumped to the feline, wrapping her forelegs around the cat’s neck and dancing in place with her. The two laughed and tears slid down Twilight's face. Spike stared at them for a moment before he spoke up.

“So he’s back?” He asked, his voice tentative.

“Yes!” Twilight cried out, her voice held joy as she reached out and pulled the dragon into an embrace with the spectral tiger. “Where is he Sasa?”

The feline stopped and a sheepish look crossed her face as she shrugged. “Chosen?”


“Where are you?”

“There is an old ruin in the desert. I’m just outside of it.”

Sasa was barely holding her joy in check. His voice sounded the same as always and she could sense him once more. His strength calmed her and she wanted nothing more than for him to summon her so she could huddle against him, breathing his scent once more and nuzzling her face into his fur. “When are you coming back? We need to see you.” She called back to him.


“You’ve been missing for almost a month!” She nearly shrieked at his unconcerned tone. “All of us have been frantically searching for you. Blue and Shining even went to the desert to find you. Wait you're at the same ruin?”

“Should be. I can see hoof prints that are a bit more recent than my own around the ruins.” He responded to her, his voice beginning to sound weary as the spoke.

“Are you all right? You sound tired?”

“I’ll live. Has been a long few weeks. How are the ponies?”

“They are worried sick about you. Luna has been searching the Dreamscape for you nearly constantly. Blue Blood and Shining went to an old ruin in the desert and came back with nothing. All of us searched everywhere for you, even a tiny trace of you.” She replied her words rushed as she explained herself. “Celestia has been doing everything she can to make sure no pony finds out that an Element of Harmony vanished without a trace. Twilight and the Apples have been missing you dearly.”

“How are the pony’s spirits?”

“I don’t know. I couldn’t see anything without you. But it has been a bit dreary lately if that helps.” She replied to him as Twilight and Spike were now hugging with tears of joy in their eyes as she spoke to the Alicorn. “I won’t lie and say that you have not been missed. They need you, Chosen.”

She could hear a sigh come from him as she waited for him to speak further. “I understand. Where are you?”

“I’m at Twilights library. I have been here since you went missing.”

“I could sense that something was wrong with you, what happened?”

“Oh. We went to search for you in the Everfree and a Nekker attacked us. I fought with it and it got its claws into my shoulder. But your magic saved me, again.”

“It did?” His voice questioned.

“Yes. Twilight and I are thinking it was a remnant of your power. Azure flames burned the creature to death. It was deceiving though.”

“How so?”

“It made us all think you have come back. The truth was that you were still missing and the flames had simply come to my aid when I needed it. You were still gone.” She replied, her voice held sadness as she related the tale to him.

“I see. That would make sense. Should be amusing in a moment though.”


“I haven’t used my magic in quite a while.”

“Why not?”

“I am a Witcher.” He began to explain to her. “I was sent back to the Continent and there I do not have magic. So my horn became just another weapon in my arsenal.”

“By my claws. That would be an adjustment.”

“It was. But nothing that cannot be handled.”

“Are you going to come back here?” She pleaded. “Please come back or summon me to you.”

“Not yet.”

“Why?!” She cried out to him.

“I am going to try to recreate the balance with Equestria itself and hopefully start to allow the ponies and other creatures to begin to heal from my absence.” He related to her, calmly.

Sasa huffed and her shoulders sagged a bit at his reasoning. “I hate that I agree with you about that. So you’re going to push the World Spirit to regain its natural balance?”

“Yes. I’m not sure how much it will take to try to keep yourself under control and don’t tell anypony I am back yet.” He replied to her.


“What did you do?”

“I may have been in the same room with Twilight and now she and Spike are crying for joy at your return.” She admitted.

“Gods below, Sasa.” He chided her and she cringed a bit at his reprimand. “Inform them to keep it to themselves. No letters, nothing until I figure out what to do.”

“Right. Hang on.” She turned to Twilight and began to yowl to earn the mares focus. Twilight slid the sandbox to her and waited, her expression worried. “He is back. But he wants it kept quiet for a little bit.”

“Why?” Twilight asked.

Her mind raced as she thought over what to say. “He’s in the middle of nowhere and wants to work on how to get back first.” She replied hoping the mare would agree. “He just wants to hold off till he’s close by.”

Twilight sat back and after a minute she nodded. “Okay. But let him know that he needs to come back. We all really miss him.”

Sasa nodded and reached out to the black Alicorn. “Okay. They will keep it quiet until you say so. Any idea of a timeline?”

“I’m not sure. I have no real way of telling just how out of balance everything is.”

“Will you call on Equestria herself? Or right it on your own?”

“I’m not certain yet. I’m going to reach out to it as much as I can to get a sense of the damage.”

“Sound plan.” Sasa replied. “Please be careful.”

“I will. I have a pretty good sense of my limit. I will reach out to you when I am done.”

“Please don’t overdo it.” Sasa was quiet as she looked to the now quiet pony and drake. “He’s fine. Just needs to find out what he wants to do.” She reported to them, a toothy smile on her muzzle.

Twilight smiled and nodded in understanding to the feline. “As long as he’s okay.” She replied.

“Yeah. It’s great that he’s back though. Everypony will be so happy to hear about it. When we can tell them.” Spike replied.

Sasa nodded and they began to look forward to the return of the Black Unicorn. Spike burped and a letter appeared from his emerald flames. He gripped the scroll and unrolled it for the mare to read. Twilight held it firmly in her hooves and read it over. She looked to the feline and drake as she folded it and set it on the table.

“Princess Celestia wants us all to go to Canterlot. The mare that Oblivion was searching for is back in Canterlot and she wants us to be there when they question her. We need to get the others. Can you let Oblivion know so that he will meet us there? Once we are all there ask him to join us?” Sasa nodded in agreement and began to head for the door with the drake and mare on her heels.

Oblivion went silent as he contemplated how to accomplish his task and see how much damage he would need to repair. He rolled his shoulders as he spread his wings and allowed the light wind to go through the feathers. He had grown to depend on the appendages more while he was gone. His magic had been gone and he had no other choice but to use what he had available to him. Though he had decided to look into a book about anatomy and see exactly where the magic of a Pegasus was used for flight or if his wings were more of a simple version.

The black Alicorn was quiet as his wings propelled his body into the air and he raced upward to the clouds above him. His breathing was steady as he leveled out just under the cloud cover and allowed himself to soar easily on the upper thermals. He was looking for a clearing that had plenty of room for him to lay low and analyze the damage to the World Spirit that his absence had created. As his wings held him aloft he watched the ground beneath him and he slowed his flight at the sight of a wide open field. As his body angled down his wings held firm allowing him to back wing to land, allowing his hooves to hit the soft grasses silently.

He set his saddlebags aside and folded his legs under his body. The black stallion was silent as he closed his eyes and reached out to the World Spirit at his command. He felt it kick back against him and he pushed against the sudden upheaval, bringing it once more to his control. As the World Spirit came under his command once he could hear the sound of hoof beats galloping toward him. He kept his eyes closed as his ears flicked to listen.


He heard Equestria scream his name as he opened one eye and looked to her as she slid to a halt. The white mare looked at him as he stayed in his place on the ground. He closed his eye and looked back to the task ahead of him. The World Spirit lunged to his command as he called on the Element around his neck it surged into place on his form. The silver armor shone in the sunlight and the stallion pushed his will into the World and it moved under his command, surging over the world and the creatures within it. Oblivion pushed the World Spirit and it reached out to the ponies and other beings that it held in its grasp and touched each of them in turn. He used the World Spirits' power to reach the creatures of the world and begin to heal the damage from his absence.

Equestria stared at the black Alicorn as the World Spirit poured over the world and began to repair the damage. She could feel the world itself calling out to him and he answered the cries of the spirits under his protection. She could see the magic that poured from the Alicorn and she watched as it reached as far as he dared and began to heal the world. She leaned back on her haunches and waited as he began the process of aiding the World Spirit and repairing the damage done to it and the spirits of the creatures of the world.

A smile crossed her muzzle as she watched him. “Welcome Home, Guardian.”

Oblivion breathed out and then got to his hooves. The white mare was waiting as he finished the task before him and he settled his saddlebags back into their place and then he regarded her. “Hello, Equestria.”

“Welcome back.” She said to him and wrapped her forelegs around his neck, nuzzling him.

“Thank you for the welcome.” He said to her and patted her back with a hoof as she released him.

“You have been sorely missed.”

“So I have heard. Sasa has already informed a couple of ponies. I asked her to hold off telling everyone until I was back in the area.” He replied as they began to walk away from the center of the field that he had been in.

“Probably a good option.” She said to him and kept an easy pace at his side.

“Sasa said I have been gone a month. Is that accurate?” He asked her.

“Don’t believe her?” She bumped him with her hip, teasing. “She is not far off. A little under a month actually. But in her defense, I have no doubt that it felt much longer. It is good to have you back.”

“Did you tend to the World Spirit in my stead?”

“No. It will no longer answer to any pony, aside from you. Even though I have been here far longer and bear the Heart of the Worlds I was not able to help it. I did try, but it rejected my touch.” She commented to him. “You are its Master and Guardian. None can command it as you can. What were you doing with it just now?”

“You could not tell?” He asked her. She shrugged a bit and regarded him. “I started to heal it. I could tell that the World Spirit had begun to slowly degrade so I set the process in motion to heal the damage caused by my absence.”

“I thought as much. I could feel it shift and I followed the signature back to you.” She said to him.

They fell into silence as Oblivion kept tabs on the state of the World Spirit at his command. Beside him, Equestria allowed him his silence as they walked across the clearing. The Alicorn was quiet as he regarded the world around him and his hooves stilled as he paused and closed his eyes. A gentle wind went through his mane. He could feel it as it brushed over his fur and then it mixed into his feathers. He could hear Equestria at his side as she waited for him to move once more. He reached out to the World Spirit and it answered his call and he could sense that the World was beginning to heal. He reached further and found the spirits of those close to him. His eyes opened once more and he could sense that they had been hurt by his disappearance as well. He had thought their own Elements would safeguard them. While he was not pleased to see how they had fallen as well he knew that they would be all right given time.

“Will you be going to them now?” She finally asked after a minute or so.

“No. Not right away. I need to make sure the World Spirit will do what needs to be done to heal and ensure that it is ready to be left to stand alone once more.” He replied to her.

“I see. Some of them went to that ruin in the desert to find you.” She said to him.


“Yes, Blue Blood was among them. And so did I.”

“You as well? I found your scent there, so that confirms it.”

“Yes. I had hoped that you were simply stuck inside the ruin after I discovered that magic is negated inside it. I had hoped to find you and simply be able to tease you about being stuck afterword. But that was clearly not the case. I went into the portal that had a bit of your mane stuck in its frame and ended up in the center of the next room at the bottom. There were four more doors there and only one of them led outside.”

“And the others?”

“They led deeper. Two were harmless enough but the other two were not. There were monsters inside that I assume you would be able to identify.”

“Probably.” He admitted and waited as she went on.

“Both creatures were horrible. One I was able to fight off and the other was in a lair of corpses and death.” She said to him. “A truly horrible way to die.”

“Could be any number of monsters. Many make their nests from the bones and whatnot.” He replied. He could see that the memory alone upset the normally upbeat mare and he began to walk forward, attempting to draw her focus off the memory. “But you made it through and I hope the others did not go through the portals.”

“They did not. I left them a note to avoid them at all costs.”

“You did? I thought you did not interfere.”

“Normally I don’t. But I felt I had to. You would not want to come back to find your friends dead or missing. I chose to interfere because I did not wish for you to shoulder a burden that did not belong to you. Their blood would have been on my hooves in that case.” She admitted to him, her voice somber and her eyes down.

Oblivion stopped and pressed his shoulder against hers and gave her a gentle nuzzle to try to calm her mind. “Thank you for that then.”

She looked at him and a smile slowly crept onto her muzzle. “Your welcome. They're waiting for you.”

“I know. I will rejoin them soon.”

“How was it back in your original world?”

“It was different.” He replied and once more they walked forward at his movement. “It was different since I was in this body.”


“Yes. Those who knew me were shocked to see an Alicorn in front of them rather than my original body. I can only assume, that is due to it being destroyed by a couple of Leshens.”

“That’s true. That form died there. This is the only one that has a heartbeat.” She replied. “Who did you see once more?”

“I was able to see Geralt, Ciri and Anarietta. I have to admit I will miss them. Even now the loss of them weighs on me. But I will not forget them and they will never die so long as I remember them.”

She was quiet as she listened to him. “And they will never lose you so long as they remember?”


Equestria was quiet as she looked back to the rest of his body and paused in her steps. “What happened?”

“To?” He asked her as he paused.

“Your wings and your mane.”

Oblivion looked to his mane and a sigh escaped him. Several hanks were missing and the missing hair showed against his black coat. “I did not realize they had taken a hank that close to the roots.” He replied.

“They cut your mane? Why?”

“To keep a piece of it. I allowed it. I also tore out a few feathers for them to keep.” He responded to her. “My wings changed after a fight with a monster with Geralt. The right-wing was mangled beyond repair in the fight. My armor appeared and according to Geralt who was holding me down while I healed the wolf jewel on the crown blazed with azure and black flame…”

“Black flame?” She yelped and stared at him.

“Yes. He said that black and the blue flame went across my body, down the broken wing and then back to the joints of both wings and started to burn them away. He passed out soon after and when we awoke they were like this and gained eight feet in length.” He stopped at the frightened look in her eyes. “Equestria?”

“Black flame…can’t be.” She whispered.


The white mare regarded him and pulled in a staggered breath. “Have you ever seen that black flame before?”

“No. I was working on falling unconscious when it came around. Why?”

“Black flame is the purest of flame.”

“How so?”

“It’s not pure as in purely good. It is pure destruction. The only flame that cannot be stopped with water or earth. It will burn endlessly unless the one that wields it commands it to return to them.” She explained and Oblivion gave a slight tilt of his head at her words. “For example. If you willed it to burn through a mountain, it would. If you wanted it to stop it would. But you have to have the strength for it to feed off of. It takes the strength from its wielder and returns it when the task is done or it is summoned back to you. It cannot be stopped once unleashed unless you have the will to command it.”

“Interesting. I had no knowledge of its existence until now. I also have no desire to test it.”

“In time we will. We must. It is not to be taken lightly Oblivion. If it rests in you then you need to be able to control it in case it slips past you. Some who used it claimed that it had a mind of its own. Or at least a sense of self. But it is not dire at this moment to try it out.” She replied and shook her head as she finished speaking. “For now we will keep it in mind and wait till a later date to try it.”

“Agreed. So long as ponies are not in any danger from it I will be mindful of it but I will ensure that I do not try to call on it. I will wield the force of the World Spirit before I fall to that option.” He said to her and she nodded.

A smile went over the mare's features at his words. “Good to hear. Now I am sure that your family misses you. Finish your task and return to them.” She said and hugged him close before she backed away from him.

“Till next time then.” He said and bowed his head to her as she smiled widely and her form slowly vanished.

The Alicorn was quiet as he stood in silence now that the mare was gone. He allowed his head to drop a bit and a weary sigh pulled from him. Despite his eagerness to return to the others, his body had not been able to rest fully in over a week. He contemplated resting for a while before he returned to them. The black Alicorn was quiet as he glanced back to his mane and a wry smile tugged at his mouth and his horn lit with his azure aura. He trimmed his mane to match the shortest of the missing hanks and then he gathered it into his normal hair tie. His wings vanished under their normal enchantment and he tested it out before he looked to the clearing he was in and found the biggest of the trees to rest under.


“Yes?” The feline responded swiftly to him.

“I am going to rest for a bit.”

“Are you all right?”

“Simply tired.” He replied to the saber cat.

“Feel free. We are on our way to Canterlot.”


“Celestia sent a letter saying that Asmara is back in Canterlot. She asked that we join them there. I was going to reach out to you when we arrived there.”

Oblivions head raised to its full height and his thoughts traveled to the gem around his neck. He took the gem off and slid it back into his saddlebag. “I will join you there. Let me know when you are all safely there.”

“I will. Rest for a while Chosen.” She replied, her voice soothing.

“I will.”

The Alicorn laid down under the tree and allowed his eyes to begin to close as he thought of the return to Canterlot. ‘Should prove interesting.’ He thought to himself as he allowed his mind to go blank as he finally slept.

Blue Blood walked out of his room and trotted down the hallway toward the audience chamber to help his Aunts question Asmara. His body ached for sleep but he knew that they needed him and he refused to fail them. As he neared the chamber he breathed in as the guards opened the doors and he trotted inside to find his Aunts already there with Fleeting Skies and a younger Pegasus mare at her side, he assumed she was Asmara. Her coat was a bright turquoise in color while her mane was a lighter shade of the same color. Her eyes were pale but a chill went down his back as her eyes landed on him. He wasn’t sure why but he felt even more uneasy now that he had seen her. He went to his seat beside Luna and sat down with a smile to his Aunts.

“Thank you for joining us Blue Blood.” Celestia said to him with a warm smile.

“Of course Aunt Celestia.” He replied to her and looked to the older Pegasus mare. “It’s good to see you again, Lady Fleeting Skies. I assume this is your granddaughter, Asmara?”

“Yes. It is a pleasure to see you again as well my Prince. Asmara returned a few days ago and I figured I would give her a chance to rest and relax before we came here to speak with all of you. I apologize for not calling upon you immediately.” She replied to him with a smile.

“It’s perfectly all right. We are glad to see that you returned safely.” Celestia said and addressed Asmara as she spoke.

“Thank you for the kind words.” Asmara replied.

Blue Blood hid the shiver that threatened to go down his back as she spoke. He glanced at Luna and she had looked to him and he could see a familiar emotion in her eyes. They were both uncertain of the young mare among them.

“My grandmother told me of an investigator that had come to ask about the attack on my family when I was a filly. She said that he had drawn a picture of the monster from the description I had made.” Asmara spoke up as they listened to her. “You were there for that, Prince Blue Blood?”

“Yes. I was there when he drew the monster.” Blue Blood confirmed.

“He was quite the artist I have to admit.” Asmara said and pulled the drawing from her bag. She laid it on the table and Celestia’s magic covered it and she looked at the monster on the paper.

“Quite the brute, isn’t it?” She said aloud.

Luna took the drawing and her expression was surprised at the drawing. “What is that thing?”

“I am not sure what the name of it is.” Asmara said. “I simply called it a nightmare.” She replied.

Luna gave a slight flinch at her words and Blue Blood put a hoof on her lower foreleg. “You have not seen this monster since?”

“No. I pity any pony that tries to stand against it. If it has appeared again then I hope no pony has been hurt.” She replied.

“We were told that you had been hiding in an old ruin in the desert. Is that true?” Celestia asked.

“I was, yes. It’s a private place that’s very quiet. I go there when I wish to get away from ponies.” The Pegasus replied.

“The investigator that drew that has since gone missing. He was guided to the ruins that you were in and has not been seen since.” Celestia said to her. “Did you happen to see him?”

Asmara was quiet and then shook her head. “No. I didn’t see any pony there. If he used any of the strange doors in there then he might have gotten trapped.”

Blue Blood seethed under his calm mask. He knew that she had been there and he did not think for one second that Oblivion would have gone through any of those doorways. If he had then he would have come out easily. He tried not to appear angry at the mare before him. He glanced at Luna and found her to be holding her own mask in place.

“We doubt that.” Luna spoke up. “He is a Witcher and kills monsters and removes curses as a part of who he is. While the doorways might have slowed him down, we have great doubts about the odds of him being harmed by them.”

Asmara was quiet as Luna spoke and she looked to her grandmother when the Moon Princess finished speaking. “I did not know that. I am sorry, I meant no offense. I still didn’t see him there.”

Celestia nodded as she spoke. “I appreciate you telling us. You know a mare by the name of Winter Snow?”

“Yes. She and I met. She was a bit disturbed but not a bad pony. Why?”

“She had a gemstone that she said belonged to you.”

“She had it?” Asmara’s voice was slightly raised as she looked to the Sun Princess. “I lost it a few months ago. I didn’t even think of asking her about it.”

“She was in possession of it. It is no longer in her possession at this time.” Celestia went on. “It was retrieved by our investigator and he was in possession of it when he went missing.”

Asmara’s eyes widened at the Princesses words and herb hooves gripped the table. “He has it?” She said aloud. “But, how…”

“Due to his disappearance, the investigation has been put on hold.” She went on. “Are you certain you did not see him?”

“He had it?” She whispered aloud. “That’s not possible.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow at her as she was no longer looking at any of them. She was staring at the tabletop. Blue Blood stared at her, his nerves on edge. He leaned slightly more forward and he could see that her eyes were wide and unblinking. He said nothing as he glanced at his Aunts who also seemed to be waiting for her to say more. Her grandmother was silent as they waited for her to go on.

“Asmara?” Celestia said her name, her voice quiet as she regarded the mare.

Her head jerked up to see them, her eyes wide and had a crazed gleam to them. “That bastard had it with him?” Her words held venom as she spoke.

“He did.” Luna said aloud. “Now where is he?”

“I have no idea. But if he should survive the portal I tossed him into, then I will kill him myself for stealing that jewel from me.” She snarled.

Celestia startled at her vehemence and Luna looked ready to leap the table. Blue Blood stood up, his hooves on the tabletop. “You did what to him?”

“I kicked him through one of those portals in the ruins. If I had known he had my gemstone then I would have killed him first, then take back what is mine.” She replied. “That foolish mare couldn’t even stop him. So she gave me up and sent him after me. Did he even really kill her I wonder?”

Blue Blood remained standing as the Pegasus spoke. “He did. I was a witness to it.” He growled to her.

She looked at him, her eyes crazed as he spoke. “Lucky for her he was so understanding. I would have made her suffer. You have no idea what that gem can do. You’re all so focused on your own lives that you have no idea what awaits in the dark. That monster destroyed my parents and my uncle. It broke them like they were toys. It didn’t come after me since I had the gem with me and I would still have it if that fool mare hadn’t gotten caught by a lucky stallion. You all seem to think he can save you from that monster. He can’t. It will kill you too. If he has the gem then it can run rampant at any time. I pity you.” She snarled.

Celestia remained stone-faced at the mare’s venom laced speech. “He killed the monsters that were brought from the gem. He slew them easily and you wish to tell us that this creature would not fall to him?”

“It would leave him a smear on the ground.” She growled.

“I think that will be enough.” Fleeting Skies finally spoke up and slowly got to her hooves. “We will be leaving now. All you are doing is upsetting my granddaughter. I will not allow it to continue.”

“I’m afraid that she is not going anywhere.” Celestia said to her. “She is the only one that has seen our missing investigator and has admitted to pushing him into a portal that could very well have killed him or might have left him severely injured. Until he is found or evidence of his survival is found she will remain here.”

“I think not.” Fleeting Skies replied. “I will keep her in Canterlot but I am not going to allow my only grandchild to be tossed in a dungeon. What she has said could simply be a psychotic break and has no basis in truth. I’m sure you have seen her records.”

“We have and we think she knows more about both his disappearance and the deaths of the ponies that Winter Snow murdered to get to him.”

“Murder?” The elder mare gasped. “You would accuse her of murder?”

“We are not saying she killed anyone. We are saying that she gave the gem away to allow Winter Snow to use the gem to create portals that drew monsters to ponies and allowed it to kill them.” Luna said to her.

“What my sister means is that she was complacent and is, therefore, an accomplice. Until our investigator is found we will hold her here in comfort. I have no desire to imprison her in the lower dungeons.” Celestia clarified.

Asmara broke into a peal of laughter. “You mean the Element of Spirit? So one of your precious Elements is missing? I sent him through that portal.”

“Element of Spirit?” Fleeting Skies looked stricken at the words from her granddaughter. “You mean to tell me that black Unicorn was one of the Elements of Harmony?”

“Yes. One of the seven ponies that wield the Elements of Harmony.” Celestia replied.

“Without him the other Elements are useless. That Element is the strongest, without it the others are just a bunch of pretty paperweights.” Asmara growled and sat down.

Blue Blood remained standing as he regarded the mare before them. Beside her Fleeting Skies had sat back down and looked stricken. “What portal did you send him through?”

“The blue one. I couldn’t toss him over the railing to reach the others so I used that one.”

“How did you know what it would do to him?” Celestia asked her.

“I watched a couple of ponies use them before. Using the blue one up above sends you to the lower floor and you have to choose from the others to try to getaway. They used one of the purple ones and never came back.” She replied. “I have to admit I was a bit surprised when he didn’t appear in the room below. So I just assumed it killed him outright and I left.”

“You knew?” Fleeting Skies looked to her, her eyes wide and horrified.

“I’m sorry, Grammy. But yes. I did know.” Asmara replied, her tone soft when addressing her grandmother. “You can keep me here as long as you like but I have no idea where he is now. Good luck finding you’re missing Element.” She sneered.

Beside him Luna was staring at the mare, her eyes focused and held anger that Blue Blood found both frightening and justified. He looked to his Aunts and they were both staring at the audacity of the Pegasus mare before them. A knock on the outside door drew their attention for a moment and Blue Blood went to the door.

He pulled the door open slightly as a guard regarded him. “Twilight and her friends are here. Princess Celestia called for them.”

Blue Blood nodded. “Where are they?”

“In the throne room, my Prince.” He replied.

“Understood. I will let my Aunt know. Thank you.”

The guard nodded and Blue Blood slowly closed the door and then went to his Aunt's side. “Twilight and the others are here in the throne room.” He whispered to her and she nodded.

“Asmara, you will come with me and we shall meet with those who are also hunting for him and you will tell them what you know of him. Fleeting Skies. I am sorry, but you will be escorted home. Your granddaughter will remain here.” She said to them. Her voice was iron and held no room for arguments. The older mare nodded, her expression numb as she gave a gentle kiss to Asmara’s cheek and then left the room ahead of her. “Come.” She said and led them out of the room. Luna looked murderous as the Pegasus was shackled and led to the throne room.

Blue Blood could feel a cold drape coming over him. He was finding it hard to think that they had left the ruin and had not looked deeper for him. He suddenly looked back to the mare. “Did you leave a note behind?”

“No. Why would I?” Asmara sneered at him.

Luna pulled up next to him and he looked to her. “That note was not written by her. So somepony else did use the portals and warned us of them. So I know he made it out of there.”

Luna nodded and gave him a gentle nuzzle. “Thou should rest Nephew. Thou have been searching for days.”

“I know. I wish I could. I was tired going into the meeting, but now I’m wide awake.” He said to her.

“As are we.” She admitted to him. “Now we fear what may have happened.”

“Me too, Aunt Luna.” He whispered to her and nudged her shoulder with his own. “Will you be heading into the Dreamscape?”

“We were going to, but now that we have heard what was said, we find ourselves, hesitating.”

He nodded and lagged behind with the Moon Princess. Both of them trying not to fear the worst. As they fell farther behind Luna tried to smile as a thought occurred to her. “Is Rarity not among the ponies that will have come with Twilight Sparkle?”

Blue Blood stopped in his tracks and a look of fear crossed his face. “Oh no.” He said aloud. “I have not written her since this began.”

“We do not think she will be upset at thee.” The mare replied.

“She doesn’t need to be. I’m ashamed enough as it is.” Blue Bloods head drooped and the Alicorn mare nuzzled him gently. “I have been rude to her.”

“We are certain that she will not say that.”

“Of course not. She’s too kind for that.” He lamented.

“Then apologize if thee feel that it is warranted.” She said to him.

Blue Blood nodded and raised his head once more. He and Luna rejoined the others and walked into the throne room. The doors opened and they walked in. Celestia sat Asmara at the bottom of the stairs and bade her stay in place. The mare simply smiled and looked to the mares and baby dragon across the room. Her expression faltered a bit at the sight of the enormous saber-toothed tiger at Twilight side. Blue Blood and Luna walked up to join Celestia and sat down beside her. He kept his focus forward, trying not to look at the mares.

Sasa trotted up to the Royals and greeted each one in turn. She lingered next to Blue and sat beside him. A purr rumbled through her and he gave a weak smile in reply.

“Are you all right, Blue?” She asked him.

He looked to her and ducked his head to hide behind her. “Yes.” He whispered.

“I don’t believe you.” She teased.

“I have not written to Miss Rarity since this began and I fear that I have been cruel to her.” He whispered to the feline.

Sasa rumbled a laugh and nuzzled him. “The only way to get a letter to her easily had vanished. I know that she does not blame you for it. You are too hard on yourself, Blue. It will be fine.” She assured him and nuzzled him further. “You need to remember why you were not able to write and if you think she is angry then apologize to her. Rarity is no fool.”

Sasa sat quietly beside him. Her own heart was pounding, she knew who was coming to them. She had but to call on him and Oblivion would once more be among them. She missed him desperately and was elated at the thought of him walking through the doors or even teleporting into the room. As the moments ticked past her, she finally could no longer stand it and reached out to him.

“Chosen?” She reached out to him and received no immediate response. Panic lanced through her and she went still.

“I’m here.” He replied to her. “A moment.”

She could hear the weariness in his voice and waited a moment before she spoke. “Sorry Chosen. I panicked for a moment.”

“I know. I felt it.” He replied to her. “I assume you made it to Canterlot?”

“You are correct. But it looks like Asmara upset all of them already.”

“How do you mean?”

“Luna looks furious, Blue Blood is nearly trembling, and Celestia looks like she is about to banish the Pegasus mare to the moon.” She related to him. “I do not know what happened.”

“Find out if you can.”

“I will. Hold on.” She replied and looked to the pony beside her. “Blue?”


“What happened?”


“Before we got here. All of you look like you’ve been badly shaken.”

“Oh. We had a meeting with Asmara and her grandmother. She lost her mind when we mentioned that Oblivion has the gemstone. She admitted to kicking him through one of the portals and said a few things that were pretty…upsetting.” He admitted to her.

“Oh.” The feline replied. “Do not worry. It will be all right.” She assured him and reached out to the black Alicorn once more. “She said a few things in a meeting with them that hurt them. She admitted to kicking you through the portal after they admitted that you hold the gemstone.”

He replied. “That stone is the only connection she has to that day. I assume they are all assembled?”

“You assume correctly.” She said to him. “Please come.” She added to him.

“I’m already here.” He replied to her.

Sasa searched the room and her own senses came into focus and she realized that he was outside the door. Her head lifted and she stared at the door at the end of the room. “Welcome home, Chosen.”

Author's Note:

Okay, here we go. 3 out of 4. I am finishing up the final one now and will try to release it tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate your time and thank you for all the well wishes and support. The Arc is almost finished and we shall see what happens now. He's Back!!

Edit: 1/25/2019
Edit: 11/14/2019

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