• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 13,774 Views, 1,285 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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16: Poor Choices...

Oblivion awoke feeling warmth against his back. He looked over to the window to find Sasa with her back to his. A few seconds later the rooster sounded off and Sasa jumped. Oblivion snarled. “I really am thinking of turning that bird inside out.” He commented as Sasa growled as well.

“I will help you do that.” She replied.

He pushed the blanket back and got out of his bed. Sasa jumped off of it as well and stretched, showing her teeth and claws. She shook herself and waited as Oblivion placed his swords on his back and laid his cloak over his back. The tie in his hair was replaced and his wings and swords vanished under the enchantment. He opened the door and started out it when Apple Bloom trotted past it. She smiled at him and Sasa and kept going. He walked down the hall and down the stairs behind the filly. He sat down by the table and Sasa walked under it and laid down to stay out of the way.

Applejack started cooking as the rest of the family joined Apple Bloom and Oblivion at the table. Granny Smith used his shoulder to help herself into her chair and Oblivion was still to allow her. It was several minutes later that Applejack set a plate of pancakes on the table. She picked up two and was about to set it on the floor for Sasa when she looked to Oblivion.

“Can she have any?” The orange mare asked, even as Sasa sniffed the plate and tried to bat at the hoof that held it.

“Ask her. Her stomach, not mine.” Oblivion said as he ate his own.

Applejack blinked then looked to the large cat. “Ya want these, pretty kitty?”

Sasa grumbled and Applejack smiled as she set the plate down. “That makes you sick it’s not my fault.” Oblivion thought to her.

“I will be fine.” Sasa said back to him as she ate.

Oblivion finished his share and stood up to go stand outside. Granny Smith put a hoof on his mane and he stayed in place, at the old mare's request.

“Ya’ll sit quiet and wait for the others ta finish.” She said to him and went back to her breakfast.

Oblivion sat back and waited. Sasa finished her pancakes and rumbled up to him. His magic picked up the empty plate and set it by the sink with his own. He waited for the others to finish and stood up when they were done. Apple Bloom trotted outside and played with a ball while she waited for Oblivion to walk her to school. The stallion walked out with Sasa behind him. Apple Bloom kicked the ball toward him and Sasa jumped on it, her paws batting it back to the filly. Oblivion watched as the two played. Sasa looked to him and batted the ball to him. The black stallion cringed for a moment before kicking it back to them. Apple Bloom kicked it to him next and the stallion grumbled but played along. He looked to the sun and put a hoof on the ball to stop it.

“Time to go Apple Bloom.” He said as his magic held the ball aloft.

“Aww. But we were havin’ fun!” She whined.

Sasa sat down by Oblivion and waited. “That may be, but you can play with her after school.” He said to her and the ball went into the house and sat by the door. Apple Bloom groaned but walked with the stallion and cat to the school house.

Sasa trotted ahead of them and looked around her. She avoided talking too much instead of relying on her eyes and ears. “This is a beautiful place, Chosen.” She said to him as she walked ahead of them. He chuckled and kept moving. They reached the gates and Apple Bloom ran to the door to get Cheerilee. Foals started to come over to him but stopped at the sight of the large feline. Oblivion put a hoof on her back and pulled her back to sit down at his side.

“You're frightening the foals, Sasa,” he told her.

Sasa looked up and saw the hesitant foals. She blinked, then laid down to make herself seem smaller. Apple Bloom and Cheerilee came back outside and approached him.

“Stay down.” He told her and waited for them to reach him.

Cheerilee stopped at the sight of the cat. Apple Bloom stopped with her and looked up at her teacher. “Oh, she’s really nice. She just a big ol’ pretty kitty.” The foal said and walked over to Sasa. She put her forelegs around Sasa’s snout and hugged her. The cat purred.

“She’s harmless, I assure you,” Oblivion said to the mare.

The foals took his words to heart and suddenly Sasa had several foals petting her striped fur. Cheerilee came over and stood by the gate. Sasa didn’t move as the foals petted her. Her brilliant blue eyes looked up to the mare. Cheerilee searched out and her hoof stroked the cats wide head.

“She’s beautiful. Wherever did you find her?” The teacher asked.

“The menagerie in Canterlot.” He answered.

“Chosen.” Sasa’s voice rang out in his mind and looked down to her.

“She was a gift from a friend. She took a liking to me and after seeing her with me they decided that she wanted to stay at my side.” He said to them.

“How kind of them. She is certainly a gentle animal. She stays with you?”

“Yes. She does not like to be away from me it seems.” He responded to the mare.

“Well thank you for bringing her with you. The foals seem to like her.” Cheerilee said to him and put her hoof back on the ground. “Apple Bloom says that you have agreed to tell the class another story.”

Oblivion removed his hoof from Sasa’s back and placed it on the ground. “Yes, that is true.”

Cheerilee smiled. “That's good to hear. Would it be all right if I allowed some of the parents who wish to hear from you attend as well?”

Oblivion leaned back on his haunches and considered it. “Sasa?”

“I think it would be interesting Chosen. The fact that these foals enjoy it so much is a good thing. Plus it will get you used to crowds.”

Oblivion had to stop himself from cringing at the thought. “That would be fine.”

“Well done.” Sasa said to him as she purred.

“All right, every pony time to go inside. Say goodbye to Mr. Shadow and his kitty. I will arrange a time for you to speak to them again. I will let you or Apple Bloom know when I have figured it out. I will ask you before hoof though.”

The foals all waved and went inside. He could hear Apple Bloom telling them the cat’s name was Sasa as they went inside. “Let's head back.” He said to her as she stood up and shook the dirt off her belly. She stayed at his side as they walked back to the farm. He looked up and could see Applejack at the gate she saw them and waved. Sasa trotted up to her and waited for Oblivion to reach them.

“Ah’m heading into town. Care ta join me?” The orange mare asked.

Oblivion nodded. “Sounds fine. I had planned on going to the library and getting a new book anyway.”

“Perfect then lets head out. We can go to the library first. Twilight is an early riser as well so we won’t be wakin’ ‘er.” Oblivion walked with her and Sasa stayed at his hip. Applejack looked to the cat and frowned. “Ya sure bringin’ her is a good idea?”

“Even if I tried to leave her she should follow. And I see no reason to leave her behind. She lives in this place as well. So they had better get used to her.” He replied and showed no signs of leaving the cat behind.

“Ah suppose that's true.” Applejack looked to the cat. “Ah’m sorry pretty girl. Yer owner is right. Not fair ta leave ya behind.”

Applejack went back to looking forward. As Sasa growled and bumped Oblivion’s hip. “Owner? Hah!” She said to him. Oblivion chuckled but said nothing in reply.

They reached the town and reached Twilight’s library. Applejack knocked on the door and Spike opened it.

“Hey Applejack! Hey Oblivion! Hey...Wow!” The dragon slammed the door after seeing the blue striped cat next to Oblivions hip.

Oblivion could hear Twilight asking him what was wrong. Oblivion snorted and his magic pushed the door open. He let Applejack in first and then Sasa walked in. He followed them and then let the door close. Spike had been pushing against it and when Oblivion let go he fell onto his back on the floor. Twilight’s eyes widened at the sight of the large feline.

“She’s harmless. She is my companion.” Oblivion informed the purple Unicorn to assuage any reservations. Twilight looked to her and waited. “She is called Sasa.”

Twilight smiled at the cat. “What a lovely name.” She walked up to the cat and stopped in front of her. “Can I pet her?”

Oblivion looked back at Sasa, who looked to him. “Ask her. Not my fur your asking about.”

Twilight looked to him then felt fur against her shoulder. She looked down to find the cat rubbing her head against her. “She’s so sweet. Where did you find such a lovely cat?”

“She was a gift.”

“From who?”

“Blue Blood. She was one of the cats from the menagerie. She took a liking to me and didn’t like to be parted so he gifted her to me.”

“How kind of him. I have never heard of Blue Blood being kind to anypony. I’m glad the rumors about him were wrong.” She said as she petted the feline.

“Well, mostly wrong.” Sasa said. Oblivion gave her a light kick in the hind leg with his rear hoof. “Ouch.” She griped to him.

“So how can I help?” She said to her friends.

“I was looking to pick up a new book,” Oblivion stated to her.

“Oh sure. Did you want Equestrian History volume 2 or History of Magic volume 3?”

Applejack snickered. “Ya memorized what books he has?”

Oblivion watched as Twilight flushed. “Well, he’s the only one who was interested in those subjects so it was easy to remember.” She replied and turned to the shelves.

“I would like the History book. I appreciate that you remembered Twilight. It made the choice easier in my opinion.” He said to the mares. Twilight smiled and her own magic pulled the book from the shelf.

“Here you go. History of Equestria Volume 2. I have 3 and 4 if you would like to borrow them as well.”

Oblivion’s horn lit as a book appeared in front of him. “Here is History of Magic volume 2. I almost forgot about it. Your mentioning it reminded me, and yes, volume 3 as well.”

Twilight pulled the other book off the shelf and took the offered book from him as he took the 2 books and laid them on his back. Spike sat up from his place on the floor and saw Sasa once more. He yelped and took off running. Azure flame covered him and he found himself sitting in front of the saber-toothed cat. He closed his eyes and waited. He opened them when he felt a rough tongue licking him. Sasa purred and held him in her front paws.

“He’s so small.” She gushed to Oblivion through their mental link. “Just the perfect size to hold and snuggle.”

Spike blinked and looked at the affectionate cat. “Why is she holding on and licking me?” He asked as Oblivion’s magic released him.

“She likes you. Not in a predator kind of way Spike. She’s being affectionate. I think she sees you as a small cub. Which means that you are meant to be taken care of.”

Spike looked to the adult ponies. “But I’m not a baby!” He yelped as the cat continued to hold him.

“I never said you were. You're small.” Oblivion stated to the baby dragon.

Spike glared at the stallion as the mares giggled. “But I have to help Twilight with her magic. We are on the last trick.” He complained and struggled against the cat, who laid down to hold onto him easier.

“Trick?” Oblivion looked at her.

“Yes. We were about to try growing magic.” She explained.

“Oh? And how does that work?” Oblivion asked her, his interest piqued.

“Basically creating something small from nothing. I’m going to create an item and place it on Spike.” The mare explained.

Oblivion looked at the mare for a moment before giving a quiet snort. “May I join in on this exercise? If not then may I at least watch?”

Twilight looked at him, surprised. “Well, you can join in but I think this exercise is way below your skill level, Oblivion.” She admitted to him. “Plus, you can already do growing magic.”

Oblivion tilted his head slightly. “I can?”

“She means your conjuring, Chosen.” Sasa told him.

Oblivion started and looked to the cat, then back to Twilight. “You mean the items I conjured?”

Twilight nodded. “Its why I was so surprised when we first met. You summoned a small bag of treats than a mirror. Since then you have done teleportation over vast distances, repairing the damage done to a ceiling and a wagon wheel without any tools to use in exchange, and.”

“Wait. Exchange?” Twilight looked at him. “You mean using items as fodder to repurpose into a new object correct?”

“Somepony read the chapter on Magical Exchange,” Twilight said with a smile. Oblivion nodded and waited for her explanation. “Right. Applejack told me about the ceiling at Sugar cube Corner and the wagon wheel at the farm. Your magic seems to ignore all the rules and does as you wish it. I said once that it seems to be that you decide on an outcome and it moves to accommodate. You are easily one of the most powerful unicorns I know of, without being an Alicorn.”

Twilight looked away and missed the sideways look Applejack gave the black pony who looked down to the cat with him as it groomed Spike. “Well ah gotta head into town. Ya have fun with yer magic.” Applejack turned to walk out the door. She turned to glare at Oblivion. He knew why she was glaring but he still had to decide the right time on his own. He nodded to her that he understood and closed the door behind her.

Your choice, Chosen. I know you mean to talk to her about it. You seem most at ease with her than the others. You still have some formality with the other mares. But with this one, you are calmer and there is little to no formality with her. And I like her as well. She is intelligent and… Fine.” Sasa went silent at her Chosen's low growl and went back to toying with Spike.

Twilight looked back at him and smiled. “But I am not about to say no to you wanting to join in on practice. So if you wish to join in then I welcome it. I can question your technique later.” She said and turned to the cat, who held Spike. “I know he is small and cute Sasa. But I need him back.” She said to the feline, who chose to ignore her.

Sasa held Spike firmly in her paws. Twilight sighed and looked to Oblivion.

“Sasa,” Oblivion said her name, and the cat glanced up at him. “Release the dragon.”

Sasa sighed and stood up dropping Spike to the floor. “Ruin my fun.” She said to the stallion as she laughed.

Spike stood up and looked at himself. “I’m covered in giant cat drool.” Sasa roared at him and Spike ran to hide behind Twilight. “I mean...umm… that pretty cat cleaned me off, which was so nice of her...and...umm…She’s not gonna eat me, is she?”

Oblivion chuckled. “No.”

Spike backed up and fled into the kitchen. “Be right back.”

Oblivion reached out a hoof and petted Sasa’s fur while they waited. They did not wait long as Spike came running back out and stood next to a tall whiteboard. “Okay Twilight, make with the magic.” He said to her.

“Okay, here we go.” Twilight horn lit with a magenta aura and she concentrated. A magenta gleam surrounded Spikes' mouth. The purple Unicorn's magic flashed and left a mustache in its wake. Oblivion looked at it and tried not to laugh.

“Pfth.” Sasa snorted and hid her head in Oblivion’s side. “Is he kidding?”

Oblivion kept a stone face as he looked at Spike stand in front of a mirror, facing Twilight. “You did it Twilight! 25 Tricks and counting. Check growing magic off the list.” He reached up with a marker and checked it off the list. “I think this is the best trick so far.” Oblivion started as the dragon posed with one hand on his chin and the other on his hip. “Well hello, Rarity. What’s what? Oh, it’s nothing. Just the perfect mustache.”

Oblivion had to hide a slight grin. Sasa was not so composed. She had her paws wrapped around Oblivion’s left foreleg and her sides were quaking as the cat tried to hide her laughter. The stallion said nothing as he looked at Twilight, who rolled her eyes.

“As handsome as you look Spike it’s only for practice and it’s gotta go.” Her magic lit up and covered the fake facial hair.

Spike put his claws over it and tried to hide it. “Oh come on Twilight! I need to show Rarity. No!” It vanished in a flash of magenta. “Blast.”

Twilight giggled, then looked to Oblivion who had narrowed his eyes and a glint of mischief went through his orange eyes. His horn lit up and Twilight looked to see Spike covered in the azure glow. Spike looked nervous as Oblivion’s magic covered him. Oblivion waited for a moment, waiting for the pressure to build when it was enough he released it. Spike found himself with a different mustache that pointed up at the ends. Wearing an outfit that dandelion would have worn. The shirt was a deep purple with gold ornaments along the collar. The pants were bunched at the knees in a similar color to the shirt. The boots were knee-high and a deep brown in color. Spike looked in the mirror and blinked. Oblivion looked to Sasa who had released his leg and was on her back. The cat howled with laughter in his mind. Twilight held her sides as she too fell to the floor. Spike looked at the black stallion.

“What did I do to make you hate me?” He asked.

Oblivion bit his tongue but found himself leaning forward and holding his sides as he tried not to laugh. Sasa stood up, looked at the dragon, and fell to her side. Oblivion straightened and his horn lit once more. “I don’t hate you, Spike. Never insult my companion.” He said as the ridiculous outfit vanished.

Spike looked down and sighed in relief. “I will never say anythingbad about that glorious cat again.” He vowed, saluting the stallion.

Sasa stood up and leaned against Oblivion’s side as she breathed. “Oh thank you. That was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.”

Oblivion reached over and stroked her fur. Twilight climbed to her hooves and gasped. “Oh, wow, Oblivion. That was incredible. I don’t even mind that you showed me up. That was worth it.” Spike glared at the still giggling mare. “Okay. Sorry Spike, but it was really funny. Anyway, we were going to head out and get a treat. Would you like to join us?”

Oblivion nodded to her and opened the door for them. The mare trotted out with Spike next to her and Oblivion followed with Sasa at his hip. He closed the door behind him and caught up to walk beside the mare.

Spike looked at her as they walked. “Twenty-five Twilight.” The mare flushed at the praise. “Twenty-five tricks and counting. Aren’t Unicorns only supposed to have a little magic based on their Cutie Mark?”

Oblivion glanced back to the ridiculous marking on his flanks. Then he looked back to hear Twilight’s explanation. “That's true. For ponies who are talented in cooking, or sewing, or things like that. But what if a Unicorn's talent is in magic?” She said to him.

“Just like you, huh Twilight?” Spike said to her.

“Oh, Spike there are plenty of Unicorns that are far more talented than I am. I’m sure there are several right here in Ponyville.” Twilight looked to the side of her. “Oblivion is one of those ponies. He has more magic than I do.”

“Because I was made to wield the Element of Spirit.” He said to Sasa.

The cat rumbled her agreement as they talked.

Spike looked at the tall stallion. “Well, he doesn’t count.”

Twilight looked at the dragon. “How does he not count? And he’s right there Spike.”

Sasa moved to look around Oblivion’s legs to look at the dragon. Oblivion stepped in front of her to block her view. Easy. He is partially right. I have an advantage by being able to tap into the Spirit of a world.” He said to the cat as he stayed in step with the mare and dragon. Sasa fell back to walking at his shoulder once more. Oblivion’s ears flicked as he caught ponies pointing out the large cat walking next to him. Both of them ignored the talk as Oblivion’s ears flicked back to listen to the sound of small hooves racing toward them.

“Lookout.” He jumped to the side, taking Sasa with him as two colts raced past, taking Spike with them.

Oblivion recognized them as being in Apple Bloom's class. “I thought the class was still in session at this hour.” He observed as Spike tried to talk to the racing foals. They came to an abrupt stop that sent Spike rolling as the two adults and a large cat caught up with them.

Spike came up to them, having recovered from being thrown by the two colts. “Snips, Snails what is going on?”

The tall Unicorn, Snails, looked to the group of them. “Haven’t you heard? There is a new Unicorn in town.” He said to them.

The short one, Snips, reared up, excited. “Yeah! They all say that she has more magic than any other Unicorn ever.”

Spike scoffed at the proclamation. “No way. That title goes to Twilight here. Or maybe Oblivion.”

Twilight blushed and looked away for a moment before addressing the colts. “Where is this new Unicorn?”

Oblivion's ear picked up on a loud bang close to the town center. Snails reared up as he turned around. “She’s in the town square! Come on.”

Snips whirled around and took off. “Yeah, let’s go!” He yelled.

Twilight looked to Oblivion, who shrugged. She broke into a lope with Spike running to keep up and Oblivion and Sasa on her heels. They ran into the town center and Oblivion cringed at the fireworks. Oblivion slowed to a walk as they neared the stage. Fireworks and effects sounded, causing Oblivion to pin his ears from the noise. A light blue mare wearing a wizard's hat and a star-covered cape stood on the stage.

“Come one, come all! Come and bear witness to the Great and Powerful Trixie!” The mare yelled to the crowd.

Fireworks went off behind the mare as she reared up on the stage. Oblivion and Twilight moved through the crowd to stand with the other mares. The audience was awed at the fanfare. Oblivion rolled his eyes and looked to the mares beside him.

“Watch in awe at the great, magical feats of the Great and Powerful Trixie! Watch as Trixie performs the most astounding feasts ever witnessed by pony eyes!” The mare yelled again to the crowd, triggering more fireworks.

Rarity scoffed. “My, my what boasting.”

“Come on, no pony is as talented as Twi...umm...hey Rarity….Mustache!” Spike yelled and fled from the mare.

Oblivion shook his head at the dragon. Twilight pulled up next to Rarity. “There’s nothing wrong with being talented is there?” She asked the others.

“Nothing at all. ‘Cept when a pony goes around showin’ off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons.” Applejack said.

“Just because one can perform a great amount of magic does not make one better than the rest of us.” Rarity said to them.

Oblivion watched as Twilight shrunk a bit from the proclamation from the white mare. He started to speak when more fireworks stopped him and he cringed. He watched Rainbow Dash hover by them.

“Yeah. Especially when you have me being better than the rest of us.” She said aloud. Oblivion and the other mares glared at her. “Eh uh I mean...Magic schmagic...Boo!” She said to keep the others from glaring at her.

“Well, well, well, it seems we have some neigh-sayers in the audience,” Trixie said to the crowd. Oblivion cringed at the horse joke. “Who is so ignorant, that they would challenge the awesome magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Are they not aware that they are in the presence of the most magical Unicorn in all of Equestria?”

Oblivion shook his head and sighed, bored at the mares boasting. Rarity looked away at the other ponies. “Just who does she think she is?”

Spike had returned from hiding and was to the side of Oblivion and Twilight. “Yeah. Since we all know that Twilight is the...”

Twilight silenced him with a hoof, earning her his attention. Oblivion flicked an ear to listen to her while she spoke to the dragon. “What? What's wrong Twilight?”

The mare whispered to him. “You see the way they reacted to Trixie’s boasting? I don’t want them thinking I'm a show-off.”

Fireworks went off on the stage. Oblivion sighed. “This is tedious.” He commented to Sasa through their link.

“I agree. This is a one pony show and it’s dull to the point of being painful.” The cat replied. “I can’t see how Twilight thinks the others will think her a show off for putting this pathetic little mare in her place. I alone could do that as well. Will you be stepping forward, Chosen?”

“No. I have nothing to prove to these ponies. Should any pony be seriously hurt then I will act but otherwise no. There is no reason for me to take part in this foolishness.” He replied to the felines questioning.

“I agree. Her friends will not think her a show-off. There's showing off and then there's standing tall. Having pride in one's skills is a basic mindset.”

Sasa nudged his shoulder and turned back to the stage as more fireworks went off. Oblivion watched as Twilight rejoined the group to watch Trixie. Rainbow Dash flew up to the mare and hovered close to her.

“So, ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’. What makes you think you're so awesome anyway?” The mare asked.

The pale blue mare scoffed. “Why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!” The crowd was impressed by the fanfare and commentary of the mare. Oblivion took the weight off his right hind and leaned back as the mare continued. “When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no pony to turn to. So the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in to help and with her awesome magic she vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree forest.” Fireworks sounded off and the stallion cringed.

Oblivion shook his head at the name of the town. “That can’t be a real name. Then again I said the same thing about Ponyville.” He said to Sasa, who chuckled.

Snips and Snails had to shake their heads to pick their jaws up off the ground. They stared at the mare with clear admiration.

“What?” Snips exclaimed.

“No way!” Snails yelped.

“That settles it.” Snips yelled to the crowd.

“Trixie truly is the most, amazing, most talented, most magical Unicorn in all of Ponyville.” Snails said.

Snips reared up and flailed. “No. In all of Equestria!” He shrilled.

Oblivion rolled his eyes but stayed silent.

Spike on the other hoof had no such control. “How do you know? You didn’t see it. Besides everypony knows that Twi...” He stopped when a zipper went over his mouth closing it, sending a glare to the mare beside him.

Oblivion narrowed his eyes but still kept his silence.

Trixie laughed from her place on the stage. “It's true my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville.” No pony said anything in response to her. “Don’t believe the great and Powerful Trixie? Well then here is a challenge to all of you Ponyvillians, anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers, anypony? Or is Trixie meant to go down in history as the greatest equine that has ever lived?” She reared up and fireworks went off behind her.

Oblivion shook his head, fighting a yawn, bored of the spectacle. Spike unzipped his mouth and lunged to grab Twilight's fetlocks.

“Please! Ya gotta do something, she’s unbearable.” He whined to the purple mare.

Twilight looked at him and shook her head. “There is no way I am using my magic now Spike.”

Trixie looked around the crowd and pointed into it. “How about you?” Oblivion heard Twilight gulp and saw her shrink back a bit. “Well, little hayseed?”

Applejack started then her eyes took on a hard edge to them. “That’s it ah can’t take no more of this.”

Spike stood up and cheered for the orange mare. “You get her AJ.”

Applejack pulled a rope out from behind her, Oblivion stared since the rope hadn’t been with her before, but he ignored it and waited. “Can yer magical powers do this?”

She swung the rope with her tail and jumped over it. She flicked her tail and the rope went out to snag an apple off a tree and brought it back to her mouth. She crossed her front hooves and looked to Trixie as the crowd cheered. “Top that, Missy.” She jeered.

Trixie smirked. “Oh, ye of little talent. Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie.”

The music went through the air as the rope snaked up and then went around AJ’s legs and turned her onto her back and shoved an apple into her mouth.

“Once again the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails.”

Applejack glared at the other mare. Oblivion shook his head as Applejack hopped off the stage. She went to the side and Oblivion met her there to help with the rope. His magic removed the rope as the orange mare spat out the apple. She glared back at the other mare.

Rainbow Dash went up to the stage to confront the boasting mare. “There no need for you to go struttin’ around and showin’ off like that.”

Trixie looked to Pegasus. “Oh?”

“That's my job.” She said and took off.

The Pegasus went around the windmill causing it to spin. Then broke through several clouds and stopped in front of the sun. Oblivion could see her as she posed and he rolled his eyes. The mare turned back and picked up speed as she flew through the holes in the clouds that she had created. Water followed in her wake as she flew and circled the windmill again causing it to spin faster. She screeched to a halt on the stage and the water that was following her struck her fur and caused a rainbow to appear above her. The crowd cheered at the display.

“They don’t call me Rainbow Dash for nothing.” She stated with a cocky smile.

Trixie's magic covered her horn. “When I'm done with you the only thing they will call you is a loser."

Magic covered the rainbow and it spun to hold Rainbow. The blue mare was spun in circles and then deposited on the ground. Her eyes spun in her head as she tried to recover. “I think I’m...Gonna be sick.” Rainbow whimpered as she slowly got to her hooves.

“Seems like any pony with a Dash of good sense would think twice before challenging Trixie.” The pale mare laughed.

A dark cloud spun into existence behind Rainbow as AJ helped her to her hooves. A bolt of lightning lashed out and struck the mare in the flanks, causing her to yelp in pain. The crowd laughed at the mare.

Spike looked to the group. “What we need is a Unicorn to show this Unicorn who's boss.”

AJ nodded to the dragon. “A real Unicorn to Unicorn tussle.”

Oblivion looked to Twilight beside him who looked away from them, stuttering.

“Enough, enough all of you. I take your hint. But Rarity is above such things. Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace.” The white mare said to them.

Trixie pointed to her. “Ooh. Afraid you’ll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane?”

Rarity’s eyes narrowed and she growled. “Oh, it is on.” She ascended the small stairs to the side of the stage. “You may think your tough with your so-called powers, but there is more to magic than your brutish ways. A Unicorn needs to be more than just a muscle. A Unicorn needs to have style.” Her magic gripped a part of the curtain and pulled it from the stage. It swirled around the mare and created a dress on her and did up her mane in style. “A Unicorn is not a Unicorn without grace and beauty.”

Spike stared as he spoke. “Rarity won’t let Trixie get the best of her. She’s strong and beautiful and...” A flash of light silenced the dragon.

Even Oblivion blanched at the sight before him. Rarities mane had been turned a very unflattering shade of green with sticks in it. Sasa backed up a step and looked away. “Oh wow.” The cat thought to him. Oblivion said nothing in reply. The crowd gasped as Rarity looked at them, panicked.

“What did she do? I know she did something to my hair. What did she do to my hair?” She panicked.

“It's nothing,” Twilight said to the mare.

“It’s fine,” Rainbow commented.

“It's gorgeous.” Applejack said as she stared.

"It's stunning," Oblivion added.

“It's green.” Spike deadpanned.

Oblivion grimaced and slapped the back of the dragon's head with his hoof, eliciting a cry from the dragon. “Cute, but foolish.” Was Sasa’s comment from Oblivion's side. The stallion nodded as he put his hoof onto the ground.

Rarity looked up and saw the disaster that was her mane. “Quick, I need a mirror. Somepony get me a mirror!” She paused as Spike's words sunk in. “Green hair? Oh, Goddess, not green hair!” She fled the stage and the ponies parted to let her through. “Such an awful color.” She wailed.

Oblivion cringed as the mare ran away from them. “That's gonna take a while to fix.” He commented aloud. Twilight nodded in agreement.

Spike looked to then turned to Oblivion. “Oblivion?”

The black Unicorn looked at the green dragon and shook his head. “No.”

The mares looked to him as well as the dragon. “But you could show her up easily. You can teleport to Canterlot!”

Oblivion said nothing for a moment. “I have nothing to prove Spike. Besting that pathetic little mare is not important in the grand scheme of things. Her boasting comes from her own faults. I only stayed in case she hurt somepony. Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity may have hurt pride but nothing that means I need to take over.” He explained.

“Too frightened to try your hoof against me?” Trixie goaded him.

Oblivion looked up at her and gave a slight smile. “Little mare. If I chose I could banish you from here without a moment's thought. Battling you would be an abuse and waste of my abilities. I am aware of my own power and am aware of its capabilities. You, little foal, are a waste of my time.” He said to her. Her jaw dropped as he spoke. “So no Spike. I will not be intervening. Now if you all will excuse me. I have to speak to Rarity. Though I may have to fix that disaster of a mane of hers to speak with her.” Azure flame engulfed him as he teleported. Sasa growled at the mare then vanished as well.

Oblivion was outside of Rarity’s boutique and his ears caught the sound of the sobbing mare. “Gods below.”

Sasa sat next to him and purred. “If you fix it she will be in better spirits.”

“I know.” He raised a hoof and knocked on the door. There was no response so he gently pushed it open. “Rarity?” He waited for a response. “Rarity, I know you are here. I need to ask you a favor.”

Sasa walked forward and tilted her head into the back. Oblivion looked to where the cat had pointed and found the mare laying on a red couch with velvet fabric. She looked up as he rapped his hoof on the floor. She startled and huddled into the back of the couch.

“Don’t look at me! I’m hideous.” She wailed.

Oblivion rolled his eyes and his magic covered her mane. A gentle flash and the damage had been repaired. “Rarity, your hair is fine.”

She looked up and her horn lit to cast light on her mane. She sat up and stared at him. “Oh, Oblivion! You fixed it?” The black stallion nodded. The mare got up and trotted to him. She threw her forelegs around his neck and held onto him, he balanced his books on his back. “That is so very kind of you darling. I must return the favor.” Before she could keep going Oblivion's magic held his cloak in her vision. She looked at it and reached out with her own magic. “Of course, I will clean it up, dear. I will make sure it is done by the morning.”

“Thank you Rarity. I also would ask you a minute of your time.”

“Of course dear. Please come to the kitchen and I will make you some coffee.” She said, her voice sing-song as she trotted past the kitchen.

Oblivion sat down. Rarity messed with the coffee maker while he watched.

“Its called a washing machine, Chosen.” Sasa said to him.

“A what?” He replied.

“Its used to wash clothing. Though normally only ponies that deal with fabric and such, use them.”

“So how does it work?”

“It uses electricity to power the parts inside it. The parts inside then spin a drum where the soap and water are. Then when that is finished it is moved into the box next to it to dry, ironically called a dryer. Faster than hanging it outside to dry.” She explained.

“Hmm. Interesting.” Rarity came back into the kitchen and started to brew the coffee. “Another machine?”

“Yes. That one is a coffee maker. You need to borrow a book on machines and mechanics.” Sasa quipped to him.

He looked down to glare at the cat before looking back to Rarity. He set his books on the table and to the side as he waited. A few minutes went by and she poured a cup for him and one for herself. She set him down and his magic held it for him as the mare sat down as well.

“You had something else to ask darling?”

Oblivion sat back and nodded. “Yes, I was in Canterlot over the weekend on invitation from Blue Blood.”

Rarity leaned forward. “Oh, how is he? He hasn’t responded to my last letter. He seemed a bit down, to be honest.” She replied.

“That's what I wanted to speak to you about. He seems to be having a bit of a hard time. I have set it up with him to visit every Saturday to have donuts with him. That seemed to raise his spirits a bit, but I am wondering if you would be willing to throw another letter to him and encourage him some. I don’t expect you to lay it on thick. Just enough to lift his...spirits a bit.” Oblivion sipped his coffee and waited as the mare thought over what he had said.

“I would love to write to him again. I see no reason not to. I will not ask him any direct questions so that he does not know you spoke to me about it. One moment dear.” The mare got up and left the kitchen.

“Sasa?” The cat looked up at him from her spot by his hooves. “Is it possible to reach out to check on a pony that I know. To see how they are faring?”

Sasa looked at him. “Interesting thought. It should be possible. Since you are connected to the Spirit of Equestria and everything is connected to that. There are some exceptions but nearly everything.”

“Any idea how to accomplish that?”

“I assume it could be done through focus and channeling. But I am not sure, Chosen. Your magic molds to your wishes so I would think that it is up to you.”

Oblivion set his coffee down and bowed his head. His horn lit and he focused on Blue’s Spirit. He found it and held onto it. Rarity came back into the room and stopped as Oblivion's body was covered in his own flames. Sasa was watching in silence. Oblivion jolted and the magic faded.

“Shit.” He grumbled.

“Darling, what in Equestria were you doing?”

He looked up to finds the mare looking at him. “My apologies, Rarity. I was trying to see if I could feel Blue Bloods Spirit from here to see how he is doing.”

Rarity's eyes widened. “I had no idea you could do that dear. Did it work?” She asked him as she sat down a scroll and quill in her magic.

“It did work yes. He appears to be upset about something. Though without being there I am unsure as to what it is.” The black pony told her.

Rarity immediately began writing. “Well, I cannot allow him to go through the day without some friendly encouragement.” She proclaimed.

Oblivion leaned back in his chair. “I’m not sure what is wrong but he’s got that mask on full display.”

Sasa sighed. Damn. I hope one day he will not need it.”

“As do I.”

Rarity looked as Oblivion picked up his coffee and took a drink. “Here we go, dear.” Oblivion nodded and his magic gripped the letter as a spark went off and it was sent. “On the way." Rarity smiled as she sipped her coffee. “I am truly grateful for your help Oblivion dear.”

Oblivion looked to her and his head tilted slightly. “Oh, you mean your mane?”

She nodded. “Yes, it was quite a shock.”

Oblivion leaned a bit forward as he spoke. “It's fine, Rarity.”

“Did you or Twilight put that boastful filly in her place?”


She stared at the stallion for a moment. “No? Why ever not?”

“I did not do anything since I do not need to prove anything. I understand that each of you was humiliated but that is not a reason for me to act. Had any of you been injured then I would have acted. But injured pride is not something that needs immediate attention. Though fixing the damage to your mane was needed.”

“What about Twilight?”

“I’m positive that she did nothing as well. Though her reason is different than my own.” He admitted to the white mare.

Rarity sat back and nodded. “I understand. Well hopefully that Trixie will learn her lesson and stop her boasting.”

“One can only hope for so much,” Oblivion replied. “Well thank you for the coffee and washing my cloak. I must get back to the farm and see what needs to be done.”

“Thank you again for your help, darling. I shall deliver your freshly washed cloak to you tomorrow morning.”

“That's not needed.” He started to say as the mare raised her head at him. “But if you insist I will not argue with you. Thank you Rarity. Come on Sasa.” He said to the cat as she yawned and got up to follow him.

“She is simply beautiful Oblivion. I would have spoken up sooner but we were chatting.” Sasa purred at the compliment and brushed her fur against the mare's shoulder. “Oh, how soft. Those stripes have given me an idea. Pardon me, darlings but I must create.” She said as she trotted away from them.

Oblivion shrugged as she disappeared and they left through the front door and walked through town to the farm. He walked through the town square and the stage was still there but no performance. He stopped and saw that the pony was behind the stage. He started walking again after choosing to ignore her. Sasa padded at his hip and trotted to keep up when Oblivion started to trot back to the farm. The Unicorn trotted through the front gate and found Applejack and Big Mac standing by the barn.

Big Mac waved the Unicorn over. Oblivion walked up to them, noticing that Applejack appeared to be angry about something judging from the emotions coming off her. He stopped and waited for them to speak.

“Ya could have helped.” Applejack said to him.

“Helped with what?” He asked her. Sasa leaned against his hind leg.

“When we were getting our tails thrown around by that Trixie.” She said, her voice accusing.

Oblivion's ears went back for a moment. “What would that have accomplished? Her magic is weaker than Rarity in terms of raw power.”

Applejack looked at him. “Ya can tell that?”

“Of course I can. That's another reason why I did not act. All she was doing was manipulation magic. Not true conjuring etc. Think about it. She used your rope, the rainbow Dash made, and Rarity’s hair. Nothing major. She was doing it to try to humiliate you. Nothing more.” The black stallion responded.

Applejack looked to Mac who nodded. “Still ya have enough skill that ya could have done sumthin’. Twilight ran off instead of helpin’. Ya, both could have shown her up.”

Big Mac looked to his sister. “Now hold up. Oblivion is a lot of things Applejack but he wouldn’t have done nuthin’ unless he felt it was right. If nopony got hurt badly then ah’m with him. He was right not ta jump in. Ya remember him fixing yer mistakes.” Mac said to his sister. Applejack cringed at the mention of her mistakes days earlier. Mac looked to their elder brother and motioned for him to follow. “All righ’ let's go and shift the apples so we can start gettin’ em ready ta move out.”

Oblivion nodded, his horn flared as he sent the books to his desk, and followed after the red pony. “So what are we doing?”

“We gotta get ‘em ready ta ship out. We got orders ta fill and the apples need ta be made ready ta move out. When we ship em ya may need to drop yer spell on ‘em.”

Oblivion nodded. “I can if needed.” Big Mac directed the Unicorn as the two of them, with Sasa helping as she could, moved the apples into separate parts of the barn with the labels of their buyers on them. The evening wore on and they finally finished.

Oblivion looked to the labels. “There is seriously a pony named Filthy Rich?”

“Yup been a long-term business partner ah ours.”

Sasa suppressed a laugh by pushing her head into Oblivion's side. The Unicorn said nothing as he shook his head. “Well, whatever suits them I suppose.” He said before turning to Mac. “I’m going to take Sasa hunting. We’ll return around the normal time. You don’t need to wait for us.”

Big Mac nodded. “Well happy huntin.”

Oblivion nodded as he looked to Sasa, who danced on her paws. “Come on, Sasa,” Oblivion spoke to her as he galloped. The cat bounded beside him and slid under the trees that the Alicorn leaped. Oblivion reached his normal clearing and waited for the cat to fully catch up. He started trotting down a game trail as he tracked a small herd. He released his mane from the tie it was held in, allowing his wings to show as he spread them from his sides. He suddenly stopped and his head raised. Sasa drew up by him.


“Hold.” He ordered.

Sasa sat down and waited for him to move. When he did she slowly followed him, her paws quiet on the grass. Oblivion stopped after several minutes and looked around him. His ears flicked and his nostrils flared as he scented the air. He stopped and looked in front of them.

“What in the Hells is that?” He whispered.

Sasa looked in front of him and leaned back at the sight in front of her. The creature was enormous. Easily 40-50 feet tall. Its fur was a deep purple and shone like a star. It had flecks of lights in its fur and a short tail behind it. It walked on its hind legs and had teeth coming out of the side of its mouth that was similar to Sasa’s front teeth. Long claws that were easily 4-5 feet long were on its paws. It had a blue marking on its forehead and appeared upset. It looked around frantically and snarled. Oblivion’s sword shone in the darkness of the Everfree Forest. Sasa spread her long claws and waited for her Chosen to signal her. Oblivion watched it as it moved around. It suddenly looked in the direction of Ponyville and started to lumber in that direction. Oblivion looked in that direction and cursed as he took off after the monster. He got in front of it and stopped, sliding in front of the beast. The beast looked down and saw the black Alicorn. It lowered down to four legs and swiped at the stallion, who leaped deftly to the side.

“Sasa, distract it!” He hollered to the cat.

Sasa ran around to it and leaped onto its shoulder, digging her claws into its skin. The animal roared and swiped at the cat, who jumped away. She jumped around its forelegs and swiped her claws across its fur. She leaped in and out of its the immediate vision and tore its flesh with her claws, enraging the beast even more.

“Sasa, get away from it!” Oblivion yelled and the cat raced away from it as she looked to the sky to find Oblivion hovering in pace watching the fight. He had sheathed his blade and turned his body to angle down to the animal, his horn lit with a flame and a fireball raged down at the animal. It struck just in front of the beast and it roared in reply. Oblivion dove and his body collided with the beast's back, knocking it to its belly. His sword tore across its shoulders and the beast screamed in pain. The black Alicorn lifted back into the air, sword ready for another attack. The beast pulled itself to its paws and lifted itself to stand on its hind legs. Oblivion flapped to gain more altitude and watched for a moment.

“Sasa start driving it back to the cave!” He commanded the cat as he began to harry the beast.

“At your command!” The ethereal Tiger responded as she began to swipe and bite at the animal's legs, driving it forward.

Oblivion landed in front of the animal and dared it to chase him. His sword blocked swipes from the animal as it was moving forward. Sasa could see paw prints in blood as she bites at its fur. Oblivion teleported out of its sight as Sasa drove it into the cave. Oblivion landed on the side of the cave and looked to Sasa. He opened his mouth to speak when he teleported to her and shoved her to the ground. The cat started to complain when an arm snaked out of the cave and struck Oblivion, sending him rolling. The Alicorn grunted as he was struck and rolled several feet away from the Tiger, who stared, stunned. Oblivion stopped rolling and laid still, unmoving in place. One wing pinned under him and the other crumpled on the ground.

Sasa stood up and looked at him.

“Chosen?” She whimpered to him through their connection. “Answer me.” She pleaded with the stallion, who remained silent. “Oblivion?”

The animal started to come out of its cave but stopped when a loud growl hit its ears. The azure flame flickered off the body of the cat, the growl grew into a vicious snarl as the feline rounded on the beast. Her fur stood up down her back and flames poured off of her. She lunged at the animal and slashed its nose. It yelped and scuttled back into its cave as Sasa stood in the mouth of it, snarling at the animal, daring it to try to leave. The flames slowly died as she suddenly brought her head up as she heard a quiet groan. The flames vanished as she turned to look at Oblivion's crumpled form. The wing that wasn’t under him shifted and moved. Sasa roared as she ran to him and leaped over his body to be in front of him. His eyes were closed as he groaned.

“Chosen? Oblivion?” She said to him, her voice pleading.

Oblivion opened one eye and blinked to clear it as she saw the great cat lying in front of him. The stallion shifted but growled when pain tore at him. Sasa scooted as close to him as she dared and purred. He moved his legs one at a time. Checking for any breaks. He was going to be sore but nothing appeared broken. He slowly sat up and opened his other eye. He looked to the distressed cat and laid in place. He glanced behind him as he flexed his wings. Neither wing appeared damaged. Sasa stood up and began licking his sides and hip. He hissed in pain as her tongue went over his skin. He looked and found that the skin on his ribs and flank had been torn open by the animal's long claws. Sasa kept licking the torn flesh as Oblivion hissed.

“Easy Sasa. Gods below.” Oblivion growled at the cat as her tongue bit into the wounds.

She raised her head and growled at him. Oblivion pinned his ears and looked back at her. She looked back to the wounds and resumed cleaning them. Oblivion got his forelegs under him and tried to stand, only to have the cat pin him. She laid her hip across his shoulder and pinned his body under her. He looked up and was staring at the sky from his place under the great cat. He groaned as her tongue pulled his skin.

“Okay, Sasa can I at least sit up? And for the record your hurting me more than the tears are!” He yelled at her.

Sasa stopped and got off of him. He sat up and laid with his hooves folded under him. He groaned and looked to assess the damage. The cuts went from just behind his shoulder to his hip. So they were close to a foot and some inches long. The cuts were raw, their edges frayed. He sighed and stayed on his side as he looked for his sword. His horn lit as he summoned it and it went into its scabbard on his back. Sasa sat down at his side and looked at the ground.

“I’m sorry, Chosen.” She said to him.

Oblivion looked to her, questioning. “Why are you apologizing?”

“I was not paying attention. You protected me, it should be the other way around.” She lamented. “I am meant to be at your side and watch over you. Not have you injured in my stead.”

Oblivion listened to her as she spoke. “I don’t recall asking you to be a shield for me Sasa.” She said nothing in reply. “I choose what I do. Even if you asked me to let you get hit I would not do it. You know better than that.” He said to her.

The cat looked up and her blue eyes caught his. “Still. If I had been watching the cave and not you then I would have seen what you did, and ducked.”

Oblivion chuckled and reached out a clawed hoof to grasp her fur. He pulled her coat till she moved as he wanted her to. She fell over his other foreleg and he laid the other over her, after releasing her fur. He held the cat as she pushed her head into his chest, pressing her ear against him, hearing his heartbeat.

“I’m all right.”

Sasa pushed against him and purred. He sighed and let the cat stay where she was until she wanted to move. The wounds were shallow and he was not concerned about them. They would be fine until he cleaned them later. As much as he appreciated Sasa’s attempt to help him by, grating her tongue over the ragged wounds had only made the pain worse. The stallion laid in silence with the feline against him for several minutes when the cat finally stirred and stood away from him. He reached a clawed hoof forward and lifted her head to look him in the eyes.

“I chose to protect you. You are my companion and I know you would do the same for me.” She nodded and he slowly got to his hooves. “All right we need to check on Ponyville...what the Hells is that?” He motioned for her to look up as a bear floated past them, encased in a magenta aura, into the cave.

Sasa looked at it then back to him. Oblivion’s mane was pulled back by his hair tie and he whirled around to face the town. “Come on Sasa.” He said as he galloped for the town. “I know that aura, that was Twilight.” He said to her as they ran. He jumped a fallen tree and gave a low hiss as his side stretched with the impact. Sasa growled at him as he slowed for a few strides. Oblivion caught up to her and they raced for Ponyville. He led the cat into town and galloped past several ruined buildings and into the town center. He slowed as he saw Twilight, Spike, and the other mares. He walked toward them.

“Twilight!” He yelled.

The purple mare whirled around to face him, a wide smile on her muzzle. “Oblivion!”

The stallion stopped at an angle close to her, keeping his wounds out of her line of sight. “What happened?”

“We brought an Ursa to town.” Snips said to him.

Oblivion blinked then looked to the colts. “Wait, what? Those things are real? I thought that fool mare made it up.”

Twilight giggled as Trixie snorted. “They are real, just very reclusive.”

Oblivion shook his head. “So that's what happened to those houses I saw on my way in?”

Twilight cringed. “Yes. Those will get fixed over the next couple of days.”

Applejack walked up to him. “Ah’m sorry ah got so sore at ya. Mac said ya went for a run after ya finished workin’. Ya have a good run?”

He knew that she was being discreet about the real reason for his trip to the Everfree. “It was fine,” Sasa growled at him. He turned to look at her and growled back. The cat sat down and sulked. Applejack looked at him and shook his head.

“So we were just discussing their punishment when you arrived. Any ideas?”

Oblivion looked to the questioning purple mare. “I only came in when I saw a flying bear.”

“Oh, that was the Ursa Minor.” She told him.

Sasa looked up. “Wait.” Oblivion held up a hoof. “Minor?”

“Yes. The minor was woken up by those two and followed them into town. It was pretty cranky at being woken up.”

Oblivion looked to the ground for a moment before he looked to Sasa. “So that big one was looking for her cub?” Sasa nodded. “Gods dammit.” He cursed aloud and looked to the colts. “This is where you thank whatever Gods you believe in that I was in the Everfree and stopped a bear the size of 2 houses from waltzing into town,” Oblivion's voice dripped with venom as he spoke to the colts.

Twilight spun to look at him. “Wait, you went up against an Ursa Major?”

Oblivion looked at her. “I was going to leave it alone till it started walking toward town. Sasa and I drove it back into its cave.”

Applejack looked at him, eyes wide. “How in tarnation did ya drive it back?”

“Through force mostly. Sasa harassed it from the rear and I forced it to focus on me and chase after me. It worked so no complaint.” He replied. “I’m more aggravated by the fact that I attacked a parent that was looking for its child.”

Sasa walked up to him and rubbed her head on his shoulder. He ran his claws through her fur. “Least you came out of it unscathed.” Applejack said to him as she put a hoof on his right shoulder.

Oblivion cringed and leaned away from her hoof. Twilight and Applejack looked at him. “Are ya okay?”

“I’ll be fine.” The stallion assured them. Sasa growled but was silenced with a look.

Applejack rounded on him. “That’s what ya said before and ya had a bad leg.”

Oblivion gave her a blank look before he sighed. “I will be fine.”

Twilight didn’t appear convinced as the stallion spun on his heel to leave. “Well, I can repair the damage in the morning after they have cleaned up the wreckage,” Oblivion stated as he walked away.

Twilight teleported to him and put a hoof on his side. He growled and side passed away from her. She looked to her hoof and saw that it had blood on it. She looked up to Oblivion and her horn lit up. Its light showed her the tears across his rib cage. Oblivion stood in place as the light stayed on him. Twilight fell to her haunches at the long gashes. Applejack came over and stared.

“They will heal.” He said as he started to walk away once more. Twilight's magic gripped his tail.

“No, not this time.” She said to him. The mares magic held his tail and she walked to stand in front of him. “I let the other injury go because you were laying quiet and it would be okay. That was nothing compared to this. I know you don’t like to be messed with but this is serious. What happened?”

Oblivion flicked his tail and Twilight let her magic release it. “I protected Sasa from a last-second attack from the Ursa Major. I was not about to allow her to be hurt. Not when I can prevent it.”

Twilight looked to Sasa as the cat hung her head. “I guess she’s not happy about that either?”

Oblivion looked to the cat, reached out, and pulled her fur till she was against him. She wrapped her paws around his right foreleg and stayed there. “Yes. She was less than happy with my choice to protect her.” Sasa whimpered and held his leg, her ear against his chest. Twilight walked over to the cat and gently pet her fur.

Twilight looked to him as he ran his hoof over the tiger's fur, to comfort her. “I can’t say I like the result but I would do the same for Spike, or any of my friends.” She said to him. “But I want to take you to the hospital to get those cleaned. Please, don’t argue with me this time.” Twilight pleaded.

Sasa whimpered, almost pleading. Oblivion looked to the mares and sighed. “Very well.”

Twilight smiled and her horn lit up. A flash of magenta found himself, Sasa, Applejack, and Twilight standing in front of the desk. He shook his head to clear it. Sasa grumbled and released his leg. A mare that he recognized from a week ago walked up to them. She stopped a couple of feet away from them and smiled.

“I remember you. You're the stallion that healed those ponies that had food poisoning. How can I help you?” She said to them, a warm smile on her muzzle.

Twilight stepped forward. “Nurse Redheart this is Oblivion Shadow and he got hurt fighting an Ursa Major and keeping it from coming into town.” She pushed Oblivion to the side and he showed the gashes to the mare.

She gasped and turned to another hallway. “Follow me, please. Your cat must stay with the others.” Oblivion nodded and started following the light gray mare. “I need a wound care team now. Room eight!” She yelled and ponies came to her.

Oblivion followed her and walked into a room when she opened the door for him. The black stallion stood in the center of the room in the mare's direction and waited. A pony in a white coat walked in and looked at the wounds on his sides.

“I am doctor Secret Heart. What did you do to yourself, my friend?” The pony had a blaze down the middle of his face with a light roan coat. Oblivion couldn’t see his marking but decided that it didn’t matter.

“I was hit by an Ursa Major while protecting my companion.” He answered.

The pony looked at him. “An Ursa Major? What is that?”

Oblivion's horn lit and projected a picture of the animal onto a nearby wall. The ponies gasped and he released the magic. The doctor and the nurses looked at him and started to get to work.

“Okay, we need to knock you out to clean these wounds.” The doctor explained.

“I’ll be fine.” Oblivion interrupted.

The ponies looked at him. “This will be very uncomfortable for you, Mr. Shadow. I do not wish to cause you any unneeded pain.”

Oblivion turned to look at him. “I appreciate that sentiment. But I am not comfortable with being unconscious when I have a choice. I can promise you that I will not move during the procedure.”

The doctor looked to a nurse. “Bring me the paperwork for denying anesthesia.” Redheart turned and left the room.

The others went back to preparing the room to clean out the long tears in Oblivion's skin. He looked to the door as Redheart walked back into the room with a clipboard held in one hoof. She extended it to Oblivion who held it in his magic and used his magic to sign his name. With that finished he looked back to the doctor who seemed stunned.

“Usually ponies who are denying anesthesia give in when they see the paperwork. You didn’t even read it.” The doctor said, his voice quiet.

Oblivion glanced over to him, a small smile played on his muzzle. “Pain is not something that bothers me. I feel it certainly but it does not stop me.” He assured the ponies.

“Very well. Just hold still. Let us know if you need to lie down or it hurts too much we can try to numb the wounds themselves. We will be first cleaning them out and then we will apply a medicine that will help in healing. I will apply a salve to it and then it will need to be wrapped and stay in place for 3-4 days. After that, you will need to come back here for a bandage change.”

Oblivion nodded and the doctor set to work while the nurses helped. Oblivion was still as the wounds were cleaned. “Sasa?”

“Yes Chosen? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. This is going to take some time.”

“So you are talking to me to stop the boredom?”

“Exactly.” He replied with a chuckle.

“Well I’m glad that the injury has not stopped your sarcasm.” She responded.

Oblivion looked to the wounds and he could see bloodied gauze being thrown away and the wounds soaked to loosen the dried blood and torn tissue. He looked away and gave a low sigh. “And I thought Trixie’s performance was tedious.” The stallion winced and glanced back as they cleaned out the deepest of the cuts. Perhaps sleeping through this would have been better. Then I could have ignored it and it would be over faster and I could leave.”

Sasa chuckled in his mind from the waiting room. “Well if it helps the mares are still here. Twilight is going to walk a rut into their floor with her pacing. Applejack is doing tricks with her hat. And I am sitting by the door. I have to admit I have scared a few ponies. Without you there to reassure them they tend to run away.”

“Then stop sitting in the doorway.”

“I should but I can’t seem to move away from it. I’m watching for that nurse that ushered you away from us.”

“She’s in here. So it will take some time before she returns. They are still working on the front part of the gashes. Go lay down or get Twilight to stop pacing. It's unfortunate that you cannot speak to them as well.”

“I agree. I suppose trying to stop Twilight could be amusing, but I also think she would walk over me.”

Oblivion winced and glanced back as the doctor removed a shard of Ursa’s claw from his side. Secret Heart looked to him and grimaced.

“You weren’t kidding about the size of the animal.”

Oblivion gazed at it. “No, I was not. Try being right next to it.”

The nurse giggled and went back to her work. The shard was laid on a table. “I must tell you that I am going to try to stitch these the best I can. Parts of them have had the flesh removed so there is nothing to lose and will need to grow back on its own.”

Oblivion nodded and looked back to the small window. Time went past and he let his mind slip and meditate. He felt a prod to his shoulder and he opened his eyes to look back.

Secret Heart held up a roll of bandages. “All right, so it’s clean and the salves have been put on it. Now we are going to put some treated gauze on it and then wrap it in place. So once more you need to hold still.”

Oblivion nodded his understanding. He raised his wings and swords up further to keep the extremities out of the way. The ponies wrapped his chest and angled the bandages to circle the top of his legs and then wrapped them around his girth from shoulder to hip. The bandages stood out against his onyx black coat. The nurses stepped back to give him room to move. He moved his shoulders to see how tight the bandage was and if he could breathe with it.

“How does it feel?” Redheart asked when he stopped moving.

“It’s fine.” He responded.

“Good, now follow me and I will take you back to your friends and your pet.” She walked out with Oblivion trailing. “The front desk already got your information from Miss Applejack. So this way you can give your preference for your bill. You will need to come back in 3 or 4 days to have the bandage changed so I would recommend paying when you're given a clean bill.” She explained as they walked.

“Understood. That will have to do. Thank you for the information.” He said to her as they neared the waiting room where the girls waited.

He could see Sasa’s head poke out of the door and she growled as she saw him approaching. She ducked back in the door. Redheart opened the door and asked them to come out. Twilight was out the door first and looked to the stallion.

“Wow. Is he going to be okay?” She asked the nurse.

Redheart nodded with a smile. “He’ll be fine. No exercise for a week and very light work. Come back in 3 to 4 days for a bandage change. ”

Oblivion looked at them. “I can work just fine. I'll use magic instead of muscle if needed.”

Applejack nodded. “That works. We’ll let ya rest a bit first.”

Sasa was at his side and nuzzled his chest, careful of the bandages around his body. “That will work.” He replied to the farm mare. He turned to the counter and gazed at the young stallion behind it.

“Your information was given to us by Applejack, so now we just need to figure out your billing.”

Oblivion nodded. “I will pay in full once the last treatment is completed.”

The appaloosa nodded. “I’ll make note of it.”

“Is there any approximate amount?”

“Not at the moment. That is done after the bandage change. Then they will have a better guess of the treatment plan.” He supplied.

“Very well.”

“Did you really fight an Ursa Major?” Oblivion turned back to the pony and nodded. “I’m not sure if that was brave or foolish.”

Oblivion chuckled. “I was going to leave it alone until it started to head for the town.”

“So you only went after it when it targeted Ponyville?” Another nod from the other stallion. “Okay definitely brave.”

Oblivion shrugged, earning him a twinge through his shoulders. His wings settled onto his back and his swords sat in the right place off his side. Sasa stayed at his side as the group left the hospital.

“Ah’m surprised they didn’t try ta keep ya overnight.” Applejack said to him as they walked.

“They could have tried. I’d have insisted on signing another form if I had to.”

“Another form?” Twilight asked.

“I declined being put under anesthesia and signed a waiver.” He answered the inquisitive mare.

Twilight stared. “So they cleaned it for 3 hours with you awake?”

“It was 3 hours?” He looked up at the moon and found that she was right. “Hmm. Didn’t feel like it. But yes, I was awake for it.”

Applejack shook her head. “Crazy stallion.”

Oblivion gave a slight shrug, careful not to overdo it. “Pain is something that I can ignore. I was trained to do just that. So ignoring it and continuing to move forward is not outside of my skill set.”

Both mares looked at him before sighing as well. “Try to be careful then. I know you are a strong pony but seeing you torn up like that was scary.” Twilight said to him. “I wouldn’t be able to move.”

Oblivion looked to the purple mare. “It's not that bad of an injury. The gashes were not that deep.” Both mares turned to stare at him. He snorted and looked at the heavy bandage around his body. “Okay compared to other injuries that I have had these are nothing. But here I suppose they are pretty brutal-looking.”

Applejack shook her head and sighed. “Ah give up. Ya have no concept of how bad an injury looks. But that's how ya are. Trying ta change ya is impossible.”

Oblivion smirked and looked ahead. Twilight walked with them to the farm then teleported back to the library. Applejack walked Oblivion to the house and ushered him upstairs.

“Did ya get in a good hunt afore that critter showed up?” She asked, her voice a whisper.

“No. The Ursa caught my attention before we even got started.” He informed her as he opened his bedroom door.

Applejack cringed. “So ya haven’t eaten yet?” He nodded. “If ya go too long without eating meat it starts ta hurt ya. Maybe ya can take Sasa with ya and she can do the hunting?”

“Might have to. I can’t move as easily as I should with these bandages on. I can’t run either. She will have to do the majority of the work, as much as I hate to admit it.” He admitted. Sasa grumbled and batted at his tail, trying to urge him to go into his room. The stallion looked back at her and gave a small grin. “Easy girl. I’m not made of glass.”

Applejack chuckled. “Git ta bed. Afore that pretty kitty ah yers gets mad at ya.”

Oblivion walked into his room as Applejack went past him to go to hers. He closed the door then let himself lean back against it and sigh. He let his head hang down and closed his eyes.

“Chosen?” Sasa nuzzled the side of his head and neck.

“I’m fine.” He said to her.

“I don’t believe you.”

He gave a dry chuckle. “I know you don’t.” The black Unicorn pushed off the door and raised his head. The stallion was silent as he stood for a moment.

“Are you in pain?”

“No. Not really. I probably should be but it's not registering I suppose. Though I’m sure I’ll feel it in the morning.” He stopped when he heard hooves coming down the hall and walked a few feet forward, away from the door. A soft knock was on his door. “Come in.”

Applejack peeked in the door and smiled. “Ah forgot ta mention that the doc gave me yer prescription fer some pain killers and antibiotics. Ah’ll get them in the mornin.” She said to him.

Oblivion nodded. “Thank you, AJ.”

“Doc said that they used a numbing salve on yer wounds ta help with the pain till tomorrow. So it might wear off overnight so ya need ta take it easy.”

Oblivion nodded. “That explains why I don’t feel any pain. I stopped paying attention to them part way through so I’m not sure when they did that.”

“He said they did it at the end so that it would last longer. He was amazed ya weren’t screaming. The biggest of ‘em was really deep and had a piece of the claw in it. But anyway. Ah’ll pick that up in the mornin’. So ya just relax.”

The stallion nodded and watched her leave. The door closed and Oblivion looked to the cat as she jumped up onto the bed and waited for him to do the same. He laid his swords against the wardrobe and undid the binding on his mane. His wings were against his sides. Oblivion’s magic pulled the blanket back and he slid under the quilt. He avoided laying on his right side and waited as Sasa shifted till her back was against his.

“Get some rest Chosen.” She purred to him.

“You as well.” He replied to her. He was silent as he shifted and closed his eyes, trying to relax enough to sleep. His mind went back over the fight. He knew that Sasa could not die so long as he wielded the Spirit of Equestria, but that had not stopped him from jumping to protect her. He should have kept driving the animal deeper into the cave. Instead, he had stood there like a fool waiting. He had been trained better than that. The stallion berated himself for his own faults and as his mind blanked.

Author's Note:

If anyone sees the TV reference in there, they get a cookie. Okay as usual Sasa is in teal and Oblivion in green. If I miss one let me know. The update on the website threw me off a bit but I think I got it figured out. I am working on a few other projects and the Holidays are coming up so I apologize if I fall behind. Thanks, guys.

Editing complete
Edit 2: 12/11/2018
Edit 3: 12/17/2018: Typing error
Edit: 11/12/2019

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