• Published 31st Aug 2017
  • 773 Views, 10 Comments

Roommates - Wolfe15

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Chapter 6:

The next two days were calm for the purple haired woman, she was more so focused on Hoity's clothing and that meant she was going to be holed up inside for those days. The weather had been getting colder and she was sure their was going to be snow coming soon. It helped that Rainbow seemed to bring in the weather reports the day before they were supposed to go out. "Rarity!!!" A cry came, the woman jumping and stabbing herself in the hand with her needle. Said woman yelped silently before scowling and looking up then back, narrowing her eyes when she found Rainbow in the doorway. She looked bored and a smirk was beginning to appear on her features which Rarity found cute but annoying.

"Rainbow. I'm busy," Rarity growled, tugging her needle from her hand and shaking it. She couldn't afford to get blood on the clothes because it was hard to wash out! She moved her slightly bleeding hand away from the fabric.

"I know....but I'm bored and the kids are following Pinkie around with pie tins for some reason. Entertain me," Rainbow whined, sitting on Rarity's fainting lounge and stretching out like a cat. Rarity sighed tiredly before rolling her eyes and tugging her glasses off. The world blurred and she blinked a few times before rubbing at her eyes.

"Rainbow I have to finish these clothes soon because I have Gala season coming up," Rarity said before slipping her glasses back over her eyes. Rainbow huffed and Rarity tiredly chuckled before getting up and stretching. She might as well take a small break. "Also what do you mean the kids are following Pinkie with pie tins?" Rarity asked before a crash came from outside the room. Rainbow and Rarity looked to one another in concern before rushing for the room and heading down the stairs, pausing when they found the front door had been blown open. A soft yellow haired older woman lay in the entrance hall looking dazed while a tired woman with short white hair with a single purple streak tried to check her over.

"Surprise! What have I told you about crash landings?" The woman said, her hand going to her forehead as she rubbed at it.

"I didn't see the door," the downed woman whined.

"Love your blind! You can't see!" Another voice chimed in. Another woman awkwardly headed into the house, a single thick streak of pink going through her long purplish blue locks. A small smile was on her face and the downed woman, Surprise, whined loudly.

"Sparkler is being mean to me Velvet!" Surprise cried before pouting.

"She has a point," The first older woman grumbled. Rarity blinked twice in shock before a brilliant smile spread across her face and she quickly moved over.

"Grandma Sparks! Grammy Vel! Gran Surprise!" Rarity squealed, the woman on the floor gasping excitedly before she rolled over.

"RARE BEAR!" She called happily, pushing herself up and swinging her arms excitedly.

"SWEET CELESTIA WATCH IT SURPRISE!" Grammy Vel yelled as she was almost hit. Grandma Sparks began laughing as Rarity managed to dodge the swings and hug the older woman tightly. Gran Surprise's arms instantly wrapped around her and Grammy Vel sighed in relief.

"Is Surprise alright? Oh! Rarity dear!" Another voice said, Rarity looking over her gran's shoulder and noticing her last grandmother.

"Granny Posey!" Rarity said happily, Gran Surprise releasing her as she moved over to the wheelchair bound older woman. The long braided soft pink haired woman giggled as she was hugged and began looking Rarity over.

"You look so lovely! Oh! You have company over!" Granny Posey said, looking to Rainbow, who awkwardly shifted in place when the others glanced in her direction. Accept for Gran Surprise, who was looking the other way. Grandma Sparkler looked to Gran Surprise and chuckled before turning her head in Rainbow's direction and Gran Surprise grinned.

"Thanks Sparks," she said lowly. Grandma Sparks patted her shoulder and Rarity winced lightly.

"That's Rainbow Dash, she's one of the people who lives with me. She has a lovely daughter named Scootaloo. How about we go into the living room. Where's G-Ma Fire and Maw Maw Apple?" She asked curiously.

"They're handling a thing or two at the train station but they'll be here!" Grandma Sparks said. Out of all of them, Grandma Sparks looked the most like Rarity and was dressed in a form fitting pair of black slacks, a pale blue button up under a black vest and black dress shoes. Her hair was pulled into a low ponytail and tossed almost lazily over her shoulder and she grinned at Rainbow, lifting her arm and revealing her right hand was missing. Rainbow blinked and lifted her hand in greeting before looking to Grammy Vel, who was leaning on a cane.

She was the shortest of the group and frowned deeply at Rainbow, her eyes narrowed behind thin half moon glasses. She was dressed in brown khaki pants, brown dress shoes and a white button up with a lilac colored sweater vest over it. A black hearing aid was just visible in her left ear and she narrowed her eyes more when she noticed Rainbow was examining her.

Rainbow quickly looked to Gran Surprise and found the older woman had walked right towards her. Rainbow jumped and took two steps back, looking up at the surprisingly tall woman. Her eyes were slightly off color and clouded but still seemed to stare right into her soul. Her hair was puffy and piled onto her head in a similar style as Pinkie's and a single blonde piece fell over her eyes. She was dressed more casually in blue jeans and a tight white shirt with balloons on it. She was wearing a pair of goggles around her neck and a thick white bomber jacket that was slightly smudged with pink. She gave Rainbow a smile and lifted a hand. "Hello! I'm assuming you're right in front of me!" She said excitedly.

"She is Surprise!" Grandma Sparks said. Rainbow gave her a high five and Gran Surprise beamed before turning and beginning to move towards Grammy Vel. Grammy Vel easily threaded her arm through Gran Surprise, who giggled and tugged the shorter woman close. Grammy Vel blushed and pouted a bit while Granny Posey giggled.

Granny Posey bore a startling resemblance to Fluttershy and it made Rainbow distinctly uncomfortable. She was a soft looking older woman with long braided pink hair and a cheerful disposition. Her hair was tossed over her shoulder and she was wearing a long green dress and a soft yellow sweater over it. A blanket was on her lap and she gripped the sides of her wheel chair, pushing herself forward and extending her hand. "Hello! I'm Posey!" She said cheerfully.

"Rainbow Dash ma'am," Rainbow said, taking the older woman's hand and freezing. As soon as their skin touched, the worst feeling of dread slammed into her and she felt like she was near the worlds worst predator. Their eyes met and Rainbow could feel her stomach drop as she watched the soft blue eyes the woman possessed turn into waves of red. It felt like she was being sized up and her most intimate feelings were being put on display.

"Posey," a deep voice said, the red eyes suddenly blue and feeling instantly gone. Rainbow slowly pulled her hand back and looked up to find Grandma Sparks was frowning ever so slightly.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Granny Posey said with a weak smile.

"It's no problem," Rainbow said weakly, jumping when a gentle hand touched her shoulder. She quickly looked up and blinked at Rarity, who was pouting at Granny Posey.

"How about we head into the living room?" Rarity said, her face relaxing as Grandma Sparks moved over to Granny Posey.

"Of course dear! Tell us about how everything's been!" She said cheerfully. Rarity nodded and gingerly led Rainbow into the living room where the area had been transformed. Pinkie had turned it into almost a battle field. The pink haired woman was laid out and holding a pan dramatically while Sweetie Belle sobbed at her chest. The group paused in confusion while Apple Bloom crawled out from under a covered table.

"Sweetie, we have to move! She'll be here any minute!" Apple Bloom said seriously, the look ruined by the pot on her head.

"I can not dear Apple Bloom! Pinkie gave her life to save us! I must protect her body!" Sweeite cried dramatically, Apple Bloom looking down before grabbing her hand and nodding.

"Then I will remain at your side," she said seriously before Scootaloo ran out cackling, Spike following.

"Ye-You fools! I tr-tr-tr-tr-tricked you!" Scootaloo stuttered out before placing the flat pat of her hand on the side of her cheek and laughing hauntingly. Spike laughed from behind her and Apple Bloom quickly stood, squeaking then the pot fell over her eyes.

"Ah! Time out!" She yelped, stumbling back. Sweetie and Pinkie quickly lifted their heads as Apple Bloom flailed about, a whine coming from her after a while. A soft rumble began in her chest and a quiet laugh came from behind the group, all of them looking back to find Maw Maw Apple and G-Ma Fire had arrived. Applejack stood behind the two looking confused while Maw Maw Apple headed over and tugged the pot off of Apple Bloom's head. Apple Bloom grunted before looking up at the large woman and blinking in surprise. "Oh! Hi!" She said cheerfully, beaming when her head was gently rubbed.

"Hello their Apple Bloom," she said softly, grinning when Sweetie Belle latched onto her.

"MAW MAW APPLE!" She yelled, the others wincing.

"Seems like Sweetie's only gotten louder," Grammy Vel grumbled, Gran Surprise giggling softly.

"I taught her how silly," Gran Surprise said before beginning to walk into the room. "Do my ears deceive me? Are you more excited about Maw Maw Apple?" The woman said with a pout, Sweetie Belle instantly squealing and releasing the apple oriented woman. She rushed over and Gran Surprise laughed while hugging the small girl. Grammy Vel headed into the room while Grandma Sparks pushed Granny Posey over to the couch.

"Sorry to take over but we were in the neighborhood," Grandma Sparks said as almost an apology. Rarity nodded and Rainbow headed over to Scootaloo and scooped her up, G-Ma Fire instantly pulling the woman into conversation. Scootaloo happily listened in while Spike awkwardly stood, watching as Pinkie began rearranging the living room and the adults began talking. He instantly slouched into himself and bit his lip, rubbing his hands together as he began heading for the exit.

"Ah where are you going?" A kindly voice said, Spike looking up and blinking when he found Grammy Vel was kneeling in front of him.

"Um.....I was going to go find my mommy," he mumbled lowly. Grammy Vel nodded before giving him a warm smile and snapping. A rose instantly appeared in her hand and she held it out towards him, his eyes lighting up when he realized the stem was made of emerald. Upon closer inspection, he realized the rose petals were actually rubies and felt his mouth well with saliva.

"You're a dragon young one and dragons love gems yes?" Grammy Vel asked, passing him the rose and taking a seat cross legged on the floor.

"Um yes.....can I eat this?" He asked shyly, Grammy Vel nodding.

"Of course! I've met dragons before, strange bunch they are. So tell me, what does your mommy do?"

"Oh! Mommy is Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's student," Spike said, taking one of the petals off of the rose and beginning to eat. Grammy Vel blinked in surprise but shoved it down and began talking to him gently, the child sitting in front of her. Maw Maw Apple had managed to pull Applejack into a conversation and the two quickly excused themselves to head outside.

"You were telling me about the attack on Rarity?" Apple Clan said, her voice gruff from anger. Applejack shifted in place, her own anger flaring.

"They were mutts but beginning to go through the frenzied stages. Ah'm worried that some of the frenzied from Vanhoover made their way down here," Applejack said, wincing when Apple Clan growled loudly.

"Stay around the house. They won't try anything as long as you're here. Ah'll deal with the farm until we're in the clear," Apple Clan said. Applejack grumbled but nodded and Apple Clan cracked her neck. "Ah also got word from some friends north that.....things aren't looking good," Apple Clan said, Applejack frowning deeply.

"Is Rutherford okay?" Applejack asked in concern. Apple Clan nodded before crossing her arms over her chest and sighing heavily.

"He's could be doing better. Former Alpha Sombra attempted to end his life but Rutherford is smart and kept himself and his people safe. His daughter however is scared and he is worried Sombra will try to kill her," Apple Clan said. Applejack frowned deeply before sighing and rubbing her neck.

"How about he sends her here? Ah can protect her while we try to find and Sombra. Ah'm not worried about the mutts," Applejack said, Apple Clan humming before slowly nodding.

"That will work. I'll bring her down in the next few days. Me and my pack will probably stay out of your hair in our Everfree Estate," Apple Clan mumbled before giving Applejack a smile. "I'm trusting you to keep everyone here safe Jackie," she said, Applejack nodding with a serious look on her face.

Hello again all! The rest of the players have appeared. Yona appears next chapter and Rarity talks with her grandmothers about their lives before her father was born. Sombra appears and an in person appearance of Prince Rutherford.

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