• Published 31st Aug 2017
  • 773 Views, 10 Comments

Roommates - Wolfe15

  • ...

Moving Day

Chapter 1
Moving Day

Vines spilled down from the thick trees as the small family stood in front of the gate entrance to the manor. "Here it its Rare Bear!" A large man boomed as he cut through the thick foliage. A young woman frowned deeply as her father attempted to pry the gate door open before rolling her eyes as he grunted and growled.

"I think it's stuck Magnum," his wife said before shaking her head. "Do you think you'll be okay out here Rarity? I know you have Sweetie Belle but we don't mind you staying with us until you get a house together," the woman offered again to her daughter, who shook her head.

"I couldn't live with myself if I bothered you much longer mother. Plus Grandma Spark gave me the go ahead to move in so I figure I might as well use the manor," the young woman said before grinning down at the curious child at her side. "Plus, you and dad have been practically raising Sweetie Belle for me. We both need our space to bond," she said before affectionately running her fingers through the girl's hair. The girl in question giggled before beaming up at Rarity then looking to the other woman with wide eyes.

"Yeah! Mom and I need our own space grandma!" The girl said before cheering when the gate popped open after the man rammed himself into it. Rarity and the woman grimaced as he stumbled forward before face planting and sliding forward.

"Magnum are you alright honey?" The woman called, carefully stepping into the area. Rarity scooped up her daughter then followed the other two, peering around in melancholy. It wasn't too long ago that her grandmothers had all lived here happily. It had only taken two years for the house to fall into disarray but she hoped that she would be able to bring the manor back to it's former glory.

"I'm alright! Oh wow! Sad to see the manor like this......are you sure you want to stay here? Their might be animals inside of the building," Magnum said before getting up and dusting himself off. Rarity rolled her eyes before giving him a loving smile and looking around, possibilities instantly flashing in her eyes.

"I'm sure mom, dad, thank you for helping me but I think it's time to get the ball rolling as it twere," she said before setting Sweetie Belle down gently. Her parent nodded before giving them both a hug and waving.

"If you need help just give us a call!" Magnum yelled as they headed out, Rarity grinning before turning towards the manor excitedly.

"I can't wait to get inside that house!"

"I can't wait to get out of this house!" Rarity cried, slumping across the counter of the Boutique, rubbing her face and blearily looking out at the store floor. Three weeks of hell. Three weeks of manor renovations. Three weeks of random animals within the house. Three weeks of nightmares. Three weeks of absolute horror. Sweetie Belle was staying with her parents again and she was almost at that point as well unless something changed.

"Maybe you should just throw in the towel?" A soft spoken woman said as she examined a nice looking blouse. Rarity huffed softly before standing tall and glaring out at the shop floor. She was no quitter!

"Thank you for the advice Bon Bon but I think I'm going to stick it out. It's my duty to bring the manor to full glory once again!" Rarity said with conviction. Bon Bon grinned lightly while Rarity nodded before running a hand through her dark purple hair tiredly.

"Maybe you need a roommate or two?" Bon Bon suggested before heading towards the now open upper level of the boutique. Rarity hummed lightly before nodding to herself and shrugging halfheartedly. Maybe she did need a roommate or two. The boutique door suddenly chimed and she quickly looked over, painting a smile on her features before freezing. Could it be? Madam Apple Sweet?!

Madam Apple Sweet was a high rising socialite the young designer had the pleasure of working with several times. The other woman was tall, thickly built with shortish blonde locks and packed into an emerald suit and standing at her side was a young child who looked rather bored. Rarity could feel her face begin to redden since it was pretty obvious that the other woman was interested in her. It just always seemed like before they could really connect, something just came up. Madam Apple Sweet looked around for a short moment before her emerald eyes drifted over to the counter and focused on Rarity. A small smile appeared on her face and Rarity silently cursed her own pale complexion, trying not to blush harder than she already was. Madam Apple Sweet began walking over, gingerly guiding the younger girl at her side over as well, the child eventually holding up her arms to be held. Madam Apple Sweet scooped her up and marched over to the counter, nodding down at Rarity.

"Hello Rarity," she began, her voice highly feminine for her looks, she grinned wider when Rarity squeaked out a hello before hiking the child in her grasp up higher. The child instantly rested her head on her shoulder while Rarity smiled softly before rubbing her now sweaty hands together.

"What brings you to Ponyville Madam Apple Sweet? How may I help you?" Rarity asked, watching as the other woman gave her a rather sheepish smile.

"Family occasion. Some things have come up with Big Macintosh and Granny Smith so I'm going to be in town for a long time. When I heard your main location was here, I knew I had to visit!" Madam Apple Sweet said before her eyes rolled around the store. "As for helping me, I was wondering if you could create some clothes that I could work in and help me find a place I can stay. I don't want to take up room in the family house and I only trust you to make something functional and not totally plain," Madam Apple Sweet said with a warm smile. Rarity swallowed with some difficulty at the beautiful smile presented to her before she grinned awkwardly.

"Of course darling! I have your measurements for the clothes unless you've grown......again," Rarity said ruefully while Madam Apple Sweet let out a loud laugh.

"I promise I haven't grown but we can always schedule a personal session," Madam Apple Sweet said with a small almost sensual grin. Rarity swallowed as her face reddened more and her breathing quickened just a bit, flinching when something crashed in the upper levels of the shop. Both women jerked away from one another and looked up, blinking when Bon Bon sped down the stairs of the upper level.

"What just happened?" Rarity grumbled before quickly moving around the counter and peering up into the upper level, rolling her eyes when she found the towns own party planner awkwardly tangoing with a mannequin. "Pinkie Pie!" Rarity yelled, her left eye and hand glowing as she activated her magic and fixed the mess the other woman had created. Pinkie sheepishly smiled before jumping off of the upper level and landing in a low crouch at Rarity's side, sheepishly looking up at the other woman.

"Whoops! I kind of misjudged my entrance. HI RARE BEAR!" She squealed before scooping up the taller woman in a tight hug when she was done cleaning the mess she had made. Rarity grunted slightly before freeing her right hand and patting Pinkie's head and grinning down at her. Pinkie was different than the normal person, the Hume seemed to have a mild control over physical magic, something Hume's couldn't really do. The cute and pudgy woman used her magic to help other, mostly throwing parties. They were close friends and it wasn't the first time that Rarity cursed her rather opened minded grandmother for opening up her mind of the possibility of a pack. Pinkie was beginning to nuzzle her face into Rarity's chest so she gently pried her off and gave her a small smile.

"Please be a little more careful next time Pinkie," she said before turning to Madam Apple Sweet and smiling weakly. The other woman was frowning but she didn't look mad, only confused about something. "Are you alright Apple Sweet?" Rarity asked in concern. The other woman jerking and blinking a few times.

"Ah alright sugar," Madam Apple Sweet said, her voice falling into a southern drawl. Rarity blinked in shock while Madam Apple Sweet instantly colored and shut her mouth, her eyes widening while the child in her grasp looked at her in surprise.

"You alright ma?" The child asked curiously.

"Ah'm alright Apple Bloom......Ah-I should get going," the woman said almost frantically, turning quickly and rushing for the exit. Rarity instantly began to panic at the thought that she had offended the other woman and followed her, gently grabbing her arm to catch her attention. Madam Apple Sweet looked down at her awkwardly and Rarity gave her a small grin.

"Please. We should have tea some time and you don't need to keep up the voice if it makes you uncomfortable. You'll find I'm not like the others in Manehattan or Canterlot. I should have some clothes done in a day or two. As for a place to live......I think I know of a place," Rarity said with a wide smile. Madam Apple Sweet gave her a weak smile before nodding and heading out while the child began talking to her. Rarity sighed before rubbing her head and turning to Pinkie, who was grinning widely.

"She was nice! I wonder what happened?" Pinkie said before shrugging and rubbing the back of her head. She only did that when she needed a favor. Rarity hummed before walking over and raising an eyebrow.

"Yes Pinkie?" She asked grinning when the other woman grinned awkwardly before shrugging.

"So my house may have exploded again......" Pinkie began, Rarity sighing before grinning and shaking her head.

"Don't worry. I can offer a place of you to stay," she said, with a smile.

A/N: Hello Hello! I have returned from the depths of working to produce this! I'm hoping to actually get on a schedule and everything. This is unedited so their are bound to be mistakes.