• Published 31st Aug 2017
  • 773 Views, 10 Comments

Roommates - Wolfe15

  • ...

Building Up

Chapter 2:
Building Up

Rarity couldn't help but grimace when she found Pinkie knee deep in water, the pipes bursting as she tried to stop the torrent of water heading towards them. "Whoa! Rarity maybe you should head out while I try to fix this!" Pinkie cried. Rarity quickly fled the room and groaned tiredly, rubbing her face as she tried to keep awake. Pinkie had come to live in the manor just a few days ago and she was a god send. She had somehow gotten the first floor of the manor habitable and Sweetie Belle was finally able to move back in. While the other three floors of the manor still needed tons of work, the three had two bathrooms, three rooms, a kitchen and a library at their disposal. The door bell suddenly began to ring and Rarity sighed heavily before running for it, knowing that if she didn't Sweetie Belle would get it. Right as she got in close, she instantly saw the young girl reaching for the door knob. Picking up speed, Rarity yelped as her feet went out from under her and she flew forward, hitting the ground hard and sliding across the freshly cleaned floor. Sweetie Belle paused as Rarity slid over and slowly picked herself up, grumbling under her breath.

"Are you okay mommy?" Sweetie Belle asked, smiling when Rarity gave her a small smile before dusting herself off.

"Yes let me get the door," Rarity said before yanking the door open and freezing when she found herself looking up at Madam Apple Sweet. The taller woman looked tired, black circles under her eyes and she blinked rapidly. Rarity frowned deeply before looking down and at Apple Bloom, who was yawning. "Apple Sweet? You look exhausted!" Rarity exclaimed while Madam Apple Sweet chuckled and ran a hand through her messy locks. Rarity blushed at the rough sound of Apple Sweet's voice and the other woman shrugged.

"The farm was worse than Ah thought," Apple Sweet began before grimacing as her voice drifted back into it's country twang. Rarity just gave her a warm smile before she ushered the two in and to the living room. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom instantly hugged and began to chatter while Apple Sweet headed over to a large arm chair and collapsed into it, running a hand down her face. "The only thing that was keeping the farm afloat were the sales from the Zap Apple Jam Season and the Cider Season. They're not making enough," Apple Sweet said before sitting up straight and grimacing. "I honestly shouldn't be sitting. I've been doing nothing but sitting for the last few days straight," she grumbled before cracking her neck and relaxing. Rarity nodded and took a seat in another chair before rubbing her neck.

"Well I think you'll be happy to know that I've already gotten your new clothes ready. I was also was wondering if you still needed a place to stay. If so then maybe you can stay here. I have more than enough space," Rarity said, watching as Apple Sweet stopped before looking at her curiously.

"Here?" Apple Sweet said before her eyes scanned the area. Rarity nodded and watched as the woman stood before walking around the living room. She mumbled to herself then nodded ever so slightly and grinned. "Actually.......I think that would be a good idea. Apple Bloom and I need space away from Big Mac and Granny Smith. Their house is just not big enough. The outside of the manor could use come work though. I know a woman who can get the animals in line," Apple Sweet began, trailing off as she looked around and grinned wider. "You're a genius Rarity!" Apple Sweet praised. Rarity felt herself begin to blush from the praise while Apple Sweet rubbed at her chin before reaching into her jacket and producing a cell phone. While the other woman began talking on the phone with someone, Rarity reclined in her seat and smiled widely. The manor was beginning to look like a home again!

Humming lowly, Rarity tugged the final weed from the garden and sighed in relief, standing and stretching before looking around. The garden that her Granny Posey had put together had been overrun but now it was beginning to look grand. It had been a group effort but Madam Apple Sweet, Applejack she insisted she be called in private, was a fantastic gardener and gotten the land back into shape in only two weeks. Her animal handler friend was due any moment and Rarity slowly got up, dusting off her clothes as she looked around. The garden was large so the three had separated it into different parts, Applejack creating a food garden while Pinkie had a place for the home remedies she brewed. Rarity's portion was dedicated to the natural dyes she produced. Rarity nodded to herself before walking down the newly rebuilt path. Applejack was nice to live with and Apple Bloom was just darling. It helped that she had Sweetie Belle to play with. Rarity could feel a small smile spread across her face as she entered the kitchen through the backdoor and found Pinkie was telling both girls a story as she baked. They were listening to her with rapt attention and Pinkie looked like she was having fun.

Applejack was cleaning up the mess that the other woman left behind and gave Rarity a smile when she noticed her. "Hey. I just finished speaking with my friend and she should be here in a minute," she reported. Rarity nodded before snagging a glass of juice and gave Applejack a tiny look.

"Remember that we talked about your speech right?" Rarity said, Applejack frowning before rubbing her neck.

"Right. Ah'm not used to someone from Canterlot's upper crust to be so alright with the way ah speak, most don't like how the country twang is," Applejack said, her voice falling back into it's more southern accented tone. Rarity repressed a shiver before giving the other woman a warm look then shrugging.

"One of my grandmothers had a thick accent. I don't mind it. It reminds me of them," Rarity said wispfully. Applejack frowned before rubbing her neck and looking around.

"You had two grandmothers?" She asked curiously, blushing when Rarity laughed softly.

"Six. Grandma Sparks led a rather successful pack," Rarity said, grinning when Applejack looked at her with wide eyes. the doorbell rang and Rarity instantly set off for the door. She grinned wider when she heard Applejack stumble after her and stopped in front of the large doors, wiping down her hands on her pants. She swiftly opened the door and her eyes widened when she found herself looking at a rather beautiful woman. A tiny smile was the woman's face as she looked down at Rarity. Her long pink hair was pulled into a high ponytail and she was wearing sunglasses which mostly hid her bright blue eyes. She was dressed in a tight yellow sweater and black jeans, her hand lifting as she waved.

"H-Hello. Is Applejack here?" She asked in a rather shy manner, ducking behind a long piece of her hair after she finished speaking. Rarity almost squealed but kept the sound in check as she gave the other woman a warm smile.

"Of course. Applejack darling!" Rarity said beaming at Applejack, who blushed.

"We gotta talk later," Applejack grumbled before beaming. "Fluttershy! I'm so happy to see you!" She said happily, her voice falling into it's sophisticated lit. Fluttershy beamed at her before bowing her head slightly.

"Hello Applejack! I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you. I had some issues at the Hotel," she said. Applejack waved her off before ushering her in while Rarity headed back to the kitchen, smiling when she found Pinkie was singing and showing the girls some baking techniques. Rarity sighed before heading out of the room and towards the grand staircase. With Applejack's help, the three adults had gotten the second level in order and they now had four more rooms, three more bathrooms, another library, a trophy room and a game room to work with. Only two more levels were left to clear out. Rarity hummed lightly as she traveled up the stairs, pausing when she heard her office phone ringing. Frowning, she quickly turned and jogged back down the stairs, heading into her office and scooping up her phone.

"Hello! Rarity Belle speaking!" She said enthusiastically.

"Are you the owner of the Canterlot Boutique?" A stiff voice asked. Rarity's smile fell and she quickly took a seat before grabbing a pen and paper.

"Yes and this is?" Rarity asked warily. A soft sigh came from the phone before the person began to speak again. "It seems the front of your shop was burned down by a wayward spell. We were hoping you could come down and look at the damages." Rarity froze before sighing heavily and rubbing her temple.

"Of course. I'll be right down," Rarity said before hanging up and rubbing her face again. "Pinkie!" Rarity called as she stood, grabbing some documents from the inside of her desk. The chubby pink haired woman cartwheeled in and Rarity tossed her a slightly stressed smile. "I have to head off to Canterlot for a little bit, maybe a day to two, can you keep Sweetie Belle out of trouble?" She asked. Pinkie nodded with a serious look on her face and Rarity relaxed ever so slightly before rushing out of the room and to her own bedroom to pack. If it wasn't one thing it was another.

Rarity couldn't help but place a hand to her mouth as she saw the destruction to her store, her eyes watering as she gazed at the practically obliterated store front. Two police officers looked to her in sympathy and she took in a shuddery breathe before walking over to her store manager Sassy Saddles. "Are you alright Sassy?" She asked quietly. The other woman glanced at her before slowly nodding and rubbing at her face.

"I didn't know the fire was their until I was running out," Sassy said quietly before covering her face. Rarity nodded then bowed her head, lifting it when she felt that her emotions were in check.

"I can rebuild dear. I'm just glad you're alright. I wonder who set the store on fire in the first place," Rarity mumbled.

"I believe I can tell you," a serene voice said. Rarity looked back then gasped when she found herself face to face with Princess Celestia. The sun monarch looked sheepish while her sister, Princess Luna, looked mildly annoyed. Behind both of them was their shared apprentice, who was looking right at the ground.

"P-Princess!" Rarity sputtered out before standing and bowing at the waist.

"Please. No bowing. I am partially responsible for the blaze that consumed your store," the ruler said before grimacing. Rarity instantly straightened out and frowned deeply before rubbing her head.

"What do you mean?" She asked, watching as Princess Celestia's apprentice moved forward and anxiously rubbed her hands together.

"It's my fault. I was messing around with a new spell and created a portal to what I thought was a junk yard. When I realized the spell sent it to your store we all rushed here as fast as possible," the woman said before grimacing. "Still that's no excuse. Is their anyway I can make it up to you?" She asked. Rarity hummed, her expression turning thoughtful. The woman looked frumpy but under her thick clothes and glasses, she could see the woman's true beauty.

"You could model for me for a month then that should square it away," Rarity said, the woman blinking before looking at her mentors.

"I-Is that it? I burned down your store," the woman said in shock. Rarity shrugged before looking to the store front wistfully.

"True but the store needed some work anyway and goddess knows I have enough money. I just need a model. The only issue is Canterlot to Ponyville travel," Rarity grumbled.

"I may have a solution to that issue!" Princess Celestia suddenly said. They all looked to her and she smiled before placing a hand on the young woman's shoulder. "You've been under my tutelage for years Twilight. You've grown into a lovely woman but you need to get out more. So under my decree, you will be relocating to Ponyville with Spike to learn some life lessons," Princess Celestia said. The look of pure horror on Twilight's face seemed to fuel the other princess, who nodded as well.

"We want you to grow Twilight. We can find you a home and pay a monthly stipend so you have the necessities," Princess Luna said. The horror seemed to grow on Twilight's features and Rarity hummed before grinning excitedly.

"I have a solution!" She said, catching the threes attention. She gave Twilight a warm smile before placing a gentle hand on her shoulder and looking to the princesses. "I live in a manor and always welcome new company. How about she and Spike live with me and my friends?" She asked. The princesses nodded and Twilight instantly shrank into herself.

"I don't want us to be a bother," Twilight began but Rarity only smiled and gave her shoulder a soft pat.

"It's no trouble at all Twilight," Rarity said, watching as the nervous young woman sighed before nodding.

"I guess we'll be living with you," Twilight said weakly, a small grin appearing on her face. Rarity returned it before turning to the store and sighing softly.

"Well I better start designing the new Boutique in my spare time. I don't want anyone else to pay for it. I have more than enough funds," she said when she found both princesses were about to speak. They nodded and she smiled tiredly before clapping her hands together. No use crying over everything, she had work to do.

A/N: Hey all! Sorry this took so long to belt out! I've been working on it. So we have four of our key players and we met the fifth. All we need is for one more before the real story begins! Thank you for reading!