• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 1,611 Views, 20 Comments

Out of Darkness - Sir Shining Armor

Follow Midnight Shard, Flurry Heart and their friends as a new journey begins - an old foe returns - and Equestria is plunged into war.

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Chapter 5: For Whom the Bell Tolls

Chapter 5: For Whom the Bell Tolls.


To his surprise, the corpses did not kill Waddles when they grabbed him. They pulled him out of his house and far away from Ponyville - until the town was out of sight and they entered the Everfree Forest. Several times he tried to resist, but the cadavers held him with unyielding strength. He tried calling for help, but there was no one awake or within earshot of his cries. Finally his voice grew tired and he could no longer manage it. He could only wait and watch as the walking corpses simply pulled him forward - giving his tired limbs no respite, no rest. Any time he tried to stop, they roughly shoved him until he started moving again.

For the hundredth time he wondered where they were taking him, but it would be futile to ask. The corpses did not utter so much as a word, nor did they make any indication they were capable of thought. They just pulled him forward, always forward, until they entered the Everfree Forest. At first, he thought they meant to take him to the Castle of the Two Sisters, but that seemed unlikely. Why the thought even entered his mind, he had no idea. For a minute, they paused, finally allowing him to catch his breath and get a close look at them.

These were ponies that had died young, he knew, but they had been buried for several years. That was strange. They should have been bones or dust by now. How on Equiss they managed to stay intact, he had no idea. It was as if they had been preserved, at least roughly, for all that time.

”Welcome, little pony.” A rasping voice echoed in his head. He looked around, but no one was there. Only the trees and the cadavers surrounded him. ”You are confused no doubt. All will be made clear now.”

“Who are you?” Waddles asked weakly, having finally found his voice. “What are these things?”

The voice seemed amused. ”Is it not obvious? The creatures that hold you are my Wights. They serve me in death, as they once served your precious princesses in life. Just as you will serve me too... once you are dead.”

“Why? I’m of no use or threat to anypony.” He was stalling, trying to figure a way out. Maybe if he could keep the voice talking, he could think of a plan to escape. “Just who are you?”

”It seems I must remind Ponykind of who I am. When last I walked this world, your so-called hero, Gusty thought she had vanquished me. But as you can see, neither she nor her pitiful warriors had the power to slay me forever, and neither do your elements.”

A memory sprung into Waddles mind at the mention of the hero, Gusty, one he had heard years ago when still a colt. Recognition took hold and then a name.

“I know you.” He said, his eyes widening in horror. “You are none other than Grogar!”

The old legends spoke of a Ram with the power of Necromancy, or the power to raise and command the dead. Thousands of years ago, Gusty and a group of Unicorn warriors had fought against him and imprisoned him in the Shadow World, supposedly forever. The fact that he had returned meant all Equestria was in jeopardy.

“Yes, I am. And now, I shall punish the world for my long imprisonment.”

It came less as a surprise and more as an annoyance when Shard found out his parents were not only in the castle, but also were watching him and Flurry. As they trotted to the map room, he kept his voice level and close enough to where only his father could hear.

“When were you going to tell me?” Shard’s words were softly spoken, but they still were delivered forcefully enough to convey his irritation.

“After.” Was his father’s curt reply.

“You know how embarrassing this is?” Shard asked, gritting his teeth. “Having my father at my first date?”

Sombra looked down at his son. When he spoke, his voice was tinged with anger. “Be glad you have a father, Shard. I never did.”

Shard was about to give a retort, but stopped himself, just as they came up on the map room. “Perhaps this is best settled later?” He murmured as his mind registered what he was looking at. The map had expanded to make room for nearly all the known world, but still in the middle was Ponyville. Only now, parts of the area outside the town were on fire. Sitting in each of their respective thrones were the ponies in question, all with worried expressions on their faces. Also there, standing beside her mother was Harmony, now in her armor, a scowl on her face.

“Princess Twilight,” said Tempest. “I’ve brought Sombra and his family as you requested.”

“What in Tartarus is going on here, Twilight?” Sombra asked, his eyes focused intently on the map.

“We’re not sure,” Twilight said worriedly. “There’s conflicting news and something we’ve never seen before happening all over Ponyville.”

“The dead are rising from their graves.” Tempest finished. “Some kind of powerful magic has brought them back to this world. Now there’s an army outside Ponyville, raising more of them and abducting anypony they can find for some unknown purpose.”

“Have you sent your troops out?” Sombra asked, placing a hoof on the table.

Twilight shook her head. “Not yet, but there’s another problem. We tried to send out a distress call to the Crystal Empire, but our communications have been blocked somehow. Even Spike’s breath is useless.” Beside her, the dragon shrugged helplessly.

“Then why not try Unicorn message or Pegasi fliers?” Shard offered, trying to be helpful. “I’m sure they could get the message out.”

“That’s just it.” Twilight said. “Any Unicorns who try teleporting go missing and don’t return. We have no idea where they’ve gone. And any Pegasi we try to send are being intercepted by enemy fliers. For the time being, we’re on our own.”

“Whoever is doing this seems to know our every defensive measure.” Tempest said, angrily stomping her hoof on the table, making it shake violently. “We need to launch an immediate counterattack!”

“Our first priority should be to get the citizens out!” Said Harmony. “I’ll lead our troops to protect our people.”

“Harmony no!” Said Twilight, rising from her seat. “It’s too dangerous!”

“Mother, what have I been training with Captain Shadow for if not for this kind of situation?” Harmony looked from her mother to Tempest and then back again. “I want to fight!”

Twilight looked as if she was about to reprimand her daughter, but Tempest raised a hoof.

“She’s right, Princess. We need all the bodies we can throw into this fight. I will lead the troops and Harmony will stand by me. I’ll keep her safe.”

“I’m coming too,” said Flurry, who had been silent the entire time. With that, she reached down and removed her dress before she unfurled her wings. “If my cousin is going into combat, I’m going to help her.”

Shard chose this moment to have his voice heard too. “And me as well. Wherever Flurry goes, I go too.”

“That’s my boy.” Said Sombra, putting a hoof on his shoulder. Then he looked at Tempest. “Captain, you had better keep my son safe, or the enemy will be the least of your concerns.”

She regarded his father wryly. “Duly noted.”

Somewhat reluctantly, Twilight nodded, then looked at the other element bearers. “Let us divide our forces into two groups. One under Captain Shadow will evacuate the town. The other will try and hold the line against these creatures. Any questions?”

Not a single hoof was raised.

“Perfect.” Tempest said, giving a rare smile. “Now, Shard, Flurry, you two come with me to the armory. We need to get you fitted. When we return we’ll make up a strategy.”


What Shard would remember later about suiting up before heading out into the battle of Ponyville was how quiet it was. He watched as the Friendship Guard collected every piece of armor they could find. It was a silent affair as they strapped on the gold and purple plates. He wondered if any of them had any fear, any doubts about th prospect of facing the living dead.

If they did, nopony said a word. Not when he was brought grey steel armor that resembled his father’s old suit, not when he donned the chanfron, conjured his green blades sword and not when he joined the troops as they formed ranks outside the Friendship Castle.

Not a word.

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Real sorry about the long wait. Wouldn’t you know it, my computer broke, so I had to make due with an iPad and my phone instead. This chapter was meant to be longer, but I figured you had waited long enough.

The next chapter won’t be as long a wait, but it’ll probably be a bit shorter than what you’re used to.

Regardless, there you have it. The big bad of our story is none other than the second darkest villain of G1: Grogar.

I heard his name mentioned in the show directly, and I figured that would be a wonderful opportunity to give our heroes a new enemy. I confess I had been planning this right from the beginning. After all this time, now my plan comes together.

The war has begun.