Out of Darkness

by Sir Shining Armor

First published

Follow Midnight Shard, Flurry Heart and their friends as a new journey begins - an old foe returns - and Equestria is plunged into war.

While celebrating their victory over the Umbrum, a mysterious enemy from the distant past returns and makes a declaration of war. This enemy, long forgotten by Ponykind, wields a disturbing power that even the element-bearers cannot withstand. The task thus falls to Midnight Shard, Flurry Heart and the children of harmony to take up their parents' mantle.

(Shout out to my friend, Eeveewhite - once again, for letting me use her OC's)

Prologue: A Flurry of Activity

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Once upon a time, there was a pony unlike all the others.

All he wanted was a friend.

And he found one, and she was the most amazing friend anypony could ask for.

He loved her, and she loved him.

In time, they married and had a son - and that child played a critical role in saving Equestria.

Now, sixteen years have passed since the Umbrum's final defeat - and all was well.

... Or so they thought.


Rumor traveled fast across the Crystal Empire, especially when it came to the royal family. Most of the time, it was about mundane things - Cadance had changed her manestyle, or Shining Armor was planning to promote this guard or that one, but shortly after the Grand Galloping Gala - the city was abuzz with gossip: The heir to the Crystal Throne was in love with the son of Sombra!

This was an old rumor, of course, but new life had been breathed into it shortly after the Gala - when all present witnessed Flurry kiss Shard - (or Shard kissed Flurry according to some sources) - but all parties agreed they were Equestria's cutest new couple. When they were seen on their first official date, they were greeted with the smiles and approving nods of the Crystal Ponies.

In particular, the group that comprised of the element-bearer's kids collectively agreed they'd ensure their friends would have the best date ever.


A pounding heart (and adrenaline) kept the son of Sombra awake through the night as he thought of the events to come that evening. He was going on a date with his best friend - the future Crystal Princess herself - and while he couldn't be happier about that, to say that he wasn't nervous would be the biggest lie in recorded history. He lay in his bed in his room of the Crystal Palace - staring at the ceiling, wide-eyed and unable to get so much as a wink of sleep.

Shortly after the Gala, he and Flurry had agreed they would like to test the waters on a deeper level - which was just a fancy way of saying they were now dating - and that tonight would be their first night out as a couple - just the two of them.

Beside him, the alarm-clock read 6:00 AM sharp - just an hour before he usually awoke. Shard had made it a habit to wake bright and early every day - it left more time for reading in the library, practicing his magic or hanging out with Flurry and his friends. Increasingly though, he had used that time trying to think of what to say and do when around the princess. He had considered asking his parents, Sombra and Radiant Hope, but he figured they wouldn't know - given they'd been in love since they were foals and didn't date, even before they got married and had him. Everything had come naturally to them, Cadance said once. Now, Shard was wishing that things went naturally for him.

He knew very little (if anything) about love or romance - heck, he'd been oblivious to it right from the moment Flurry started giving him looks and lightly flirted with him - either he didn't notice it or simply brushed it off as her being complimentary. Double heck, It took being kissed at the biggest shindig in Canterlot to actually get him to notice just how much she had grown!

He had never really considered the thought of a romantic relationship - not with anypony. That, he suspected was the reason that he was so nervous now. Seeing his best friend in a whole new light; experiencing these strange feelings for the first time - it was a lot to take in. Then there came other worries too - the thought of their duties getting in the way of their relationship.

Since he had earned his Cutie Mark, Shard had become a member of the Empire's Archaeology Society, most of which consisted of hours in the archives reading about ancient civilizations. Shard had a particular fascination with locating powerful and dangerous relics - items that, if they fell into the wrong hooves, could threaten Equestria. That occasionally allowed him to travel across Equestria in search of these items - and he had located a few in record time - two weeks, tops - and always he had returned home to his waiting friends.

Then of course, there was the fact that Flurry was a princess - and the heir to an Empire. There was no telling just how busy she would be with her royal duties.

The longer Shard thought, the more troubled he became, until common sense and reason kicked in - and he sat up in bed. Of course, Flurry had always been busy with her duties - but she still somehow managed to find a way to slip away from them and hang with him and their friends. Then there was the fact he wasn't the only member of the Society. Things would continue largely as they always had - except he now had a deeper, more intimate relationship with his best friend.

Things were looking up for him after all. But still, given how little he knew about romance, it was time to ask for some advice. With that, Shard rose from his bed and stood to his full height and stretched himself. A quick spell that opened and closed the door as he left his room and he trotted through the palace until he reached the audience chamber: Cadance was the only one in attendance, as Shining Armor was away overseeing morning drills.

Like Shard's parents, Cadance started to show signs of age - unlike her aunts, Celestia and Luna. Her muzzle and face had grown lined and haggard - though a part of Shard suspected it was from stress. Having a daughter like her - and running an Empire could be daunting.

"Good morning, Cadance." Shard said, giving the princess a minute bow.

"Good morning, Shard!" She chirped, looking up from the book she was reading. "Are you looking for Flurry? She's in her room getting ready for your... date." She emphasized the last word with a sly grin and a wink.

"Thank you, but no." Shard replied. "I'm actually here because I'd like to ask...-"

"Advice on what to do, so you won't end up embarrassing yourself?" Cadance finished for him with a nod. At his stunned silence, her grin widened. "Princess of Love, remember?"

"Right, well." Shard collected himself and resumed. "Yeah, that about hits it on the head. I'd like to know what...-"

"Flurry would like to do on her first date?" Cadance finished again. "Flurry's mother, remember?"

"Could you not do that?" Shard asked, slightly annoyed. "But yes, I am wondering what we should do. I'm afraid I've never been on a date before."

"Neither has she." Cadance pointed out helpfully. "And let's not forget, you are her best friend, aren't you? Just be yourself."

If I had a bit for every time I heard that. Shard thought caustically, but was too polite to mention out loud. "Well, yeah, I was thinking that - but I don't want this to be like our other hangout nights." He looked down at the ground. "I have this feeling that I have to do everything absolutely right. It goes beyond the fact that she's my best friend, that I really like her. Like, a special night for a special girl." He looked back up. "Like, how do I express that?"

"I know what you're talking about, Shard." Cadance said tenderly, putting a hoof on his shoulder. "But I'm afraid I can't quite tell you what it is. You have to figure it out on your own. But, there is something I can tell you."

"And what is that?"

"You my boy..." She paused for dramatic effect. "... have nothing to worry about."

"How can you be so sure?" Shard asked, raising his eyebrow. Wryly, Cadance stared at him - as if the answer was blatantly obvious, which, after a moment he realized it was. "Good point." He answered for himself and her.

"Just trust your instincts, Shard." Cadance finished kindly. "You know her better, in some ways I suspect, than even I do."

Shard considered that a moment and he supposed it was true. Still, all this talk of dating and being romantic was foreign to him. He did indeed know Flurry's likes and dislikes, inside and out - what made her laugh, what made her cry. Heck, he could probably tell the size of her wingspan! With a nod and a winning grin, he gave the princess a hug.

"Thank you, Cadance. I appreciate it."

She patted him on the back. "Anytime my boy. Anytime."


~Flurry Heart~

Flurry spent most of her morning preparing for her date whilst trying to silence the nagging voice in her head that everything had to be perfect. Sure, Shard had reacted very positively when she kissed him at the Gala, had even held hooves with her after all was said and done - but to say that Flurry was nervous would be an understatement of the highest order. She had spent the first hour of her day pacing back and forth, thinking of what Shard might be planning - and what they'd be doing.

Naturally, given that he was a gentlecolt, there wouldn't be anything more than some chaste kissing, some hoof-holding and maybe a nice dinner - but it was the fact of just how well Shard had responded to her advances that got her mind racing with a number of 'what-if' scenarios.

"What if he decides he doesn't like me like that after all?" She wondered aloud to no one at all. "But then, Shard did kiss me back. So maybe he does feel the same..." She stomped her hoof in frustration at the lack of progress. "Oh, if only I had somepony... wise."

Another moment of consideration - and Flurry had an idea. With that, she concentrated - and teleported in a flash of golden light.



The little town of Ponyville had not changed much over the last few years, though it remained a magnet for oddities, it was still by and large a peaceful place where anypony was welcomed with a smile. That was evident in the faces of the common pony-folk as they greeted Flurry warmly - even when she teleported straight into the town square out of the blue - and right in front of the mail-mare, Ditzy Doo. A split-second later and they collided and collapsed into a heap of tangled legs.

The Pegasus shook her head as the young Alicorn landed solidly on her - her mismatched eyes briefly shifting to a correct position before they returned to their usual odd angle. Flurry was the first to her hooves - then reached down as she helped Ditzy up.

"Sorry about that." Flurry said sheepishly. "I was trying to reach the Friendship Castle."

"Oh, that's alright." The mail-mare said with a good-natured grin. "I've had worse."

"Yeah, I'm sure." Flurry muttered, but quickly sobered, remembering her manners. "It's good to see you again, Miss Doo. How is Dinky?"

"She's just fine." Ditzy beamed at the mention of her daughter. "She's trying to get Rosie to agree to take her on as an apprentice pastry chef."

Flurry nodded in understanding. Dinky seemed to inherit her mother's love of muffins - and she had struck up a friendship with Rosetta Quartz Velvet Cheesecake Pie, (better known as Rosie to her friends) - Pinkie and Cheese's eldest daughter for that reason. One of the many new friendships that had developed between the element-bearer's kids and the locals of Ponyville.

"You said you're heading to the Friendship Castle?" Ditzy asked as she reached down and pulled up her mail-bag. "As it so happen, I've got a letter to deliver to Harmony Shine from Emerald Blaze."

Flurry nodded once again. The ponies in question were her cousin - Harmony Shine, daughter of Aunt Twilight and Uncle Flash - and the eldest daughter of Spike and Rarity, respectively.

"Yeah. I was actually going to ask some advice from my Aunt Twili." Flurry started to trot forward and Ditzy followed. "Why not deliver it by dragon?"

"She says this letter is a private matter. Speaking of, what kind of advice are you asking for, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Me and Shard are... going on a date." Flurry bit her lip. "But I'm not sure of how I should act around him."

Ditzy's jaw dropped. "You're going on a date with Shard!?" She exclaimed. Then her expression turned to one of utter delight. "That's wonderful!"

"Yeah, but it's also terrible!"

"Why is that?"

"Because I need to be prepared for everything." Flurry explained. "I figure that if anypony can help me with that, it'd be my BAE - Best. Aunt. Ever!"

"Oh, good idea!"

With that, the normally chipper Pegasus was quiet for the next few minutes - and they said little else to came to the doors of the Friendship Castle. Flurry reached forward and knocked on the door - then pulled back and waited. For a minute, there was nothing. Then came the sound of someone hefting the door open. Behind it stood a pink pegasus with a purple and white mane, tail and gentle blue eyes. Flurry's ears perked at the sight of her cousin - and she gave her most winning grin.

"Harmony!" She exclaimed happily, rushing forward and embracing her in a great hug.

"Flurry!" The pegasus replied, returning it gladly. For a moment, they stood in the doorway, then parted. Both knew what came next.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" They sang, clapping their hooves and shaking their flanks in unison. It was a custom they had adopted from their mothers'; reflecting their close, almost sisterly relationship: As far back as her cousin could remember, Flurry had been her closest family member and friend, next to Shard of course.

"It's so good to see you, cous." Said Harmony in between her laughter. "How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been great. Is Aunt Twili home? I need to speak with her about something important."

Ditzy nudged her on the shoulder. "Little Flurry here has a date!"

"Ditzy!" Flurry said, annoyed.

"A DATE!?" Harmony squealed in delight. "Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!" She practically skipped circles around her cousin. "It's Shard, isn't it!?"

"Eeyup." Flurry deadpanned whilst glaring daggers at Ditzy. Then a thought came to mind. "Wait, Ditzy, didn't you have a letter for Harmony?"

The mail-mare nodded enthusiastically. "By Celestia, you're right!" With that, she fished around inside her bag - several moments passing by while she searched. After about another minute or two, she pulled out an envelope with a green heart-shaped gem stamped on the side, which Flurry recognized as Emerald Blaze's Cutie Mark. Harmony took the envelope, opened it and her eyes flew across the letter.

When she lowered it, she stared straight at her cousin.

"Flurry, I think we need to call a meeting." She said, grinning ominously whilst folding the letter back into its envelope. "All of our mare-friends need to be here for this."

At this announcement, Flurry could only gulp - and Ditzy could only shrug.

Chapter 1: Girls

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Chapter 1: Girls.


The heir to the Crystal Throne never gave much thought to the idea of dating, much less to how her friends would react when they heard - that turned out to be a room full of squealing mares - and that quickly escalated into an endless round of questions. When they finally did finish their interrogation, they insisted on planning out the date down to the last detail - as if it were some kind of military operation.

It really was funny how life turned out sometimes.

"First step - we get you something to wear that will show off your figure." Harmony was saying. "Something that will make Shard positively drool over you!"

"Aren't you going a little overboard with this?" Flurry asked dryly. "It's only dinner."

"Pish-posh!" She replied. "It's of the utmost importance that everything go off without a hitch. If it doesn't...-" She gasped, rather dramatically if truth be told. "-... but that's why we're here now. We're going to make you presentable!"

"I imagine that's why you brought everypony here now?" Flurry gestured to the other mares now occupying their mother's thrones. "So you can doll me up?"

"Don't think of it as 'dolling up' - dearie." Emerald said, making air quotes with her claws. "Just think of it as bringing what's on the inside out. To start, I'll handle the jewelry and accessories. We looking for sharp or casual?"

"Something in between." Flurry said before her cousin could reply for her. "This is just me and Shard having fun at Ponyville. Not like we're going to something fancy like Mane Refuge."

"Great!" Said Harmony, grinning. "Now that, that's decided, it's time to start Operation: Get Flurry Ready!"

Before she knew it, Flurry found herself surrounded on all sides by grinning mares.


~Jelly Sandwich~

Jelly rolled her eyes as she watched her friends scatter like roaches about the Friendship Castle, going at the tasks that Harmony had organized to make Flurry's date quote-unquote "acceptable".

Personally, Jelly thought this whole idea was stupid - in her opinion, it was better to let things develop naturally between Shard and Flurry. They had always had a good relationship, even before they started dating. This just seemed like a recipe for disaster. Anytime they had tried to organize anything, it usually ended badly.

The pie-twin's role was to made the food and the music that would be eaten and played at the couple's dinner. Because Rosie was the only one with cooking experience, she had the kitchen. Jelly on the other hoof had occupied a space in the corner, writing up music sheets. Jelly's special talent was music related - partially from her parent's love of music - but also because of her mentor Vinyl Scratch's influence. But, because this was supposed to be a 'romantic' occasion, the usual dubstep wouldn't do it. Instead, she figured something a little more classical, like Vinyl's roommate, Octavia favored would be more fitting.

Ignoring the growing feeling in her gut, Jelly turned to her sister and made a sharp whistle - her way of getting another pony's attention. Since the accident when she was a foal, Jelly had lost her voice and had been rendered unable to speak - but she had no trouble in communicating with her twin, Rosie. Unlike her friends, Jelly never needed her signs. Through their twin-connection, they could instinctively tell what the other was thinking.

Her sister turned. "What is it, Jelly?"

Jelly stared blankly and after a minute, Rosie laughed.

"No, I don't think this is 'too much'. You can never have too many sweets!"

Jelly stared.

"Yes, I know - Flurry loves her peas, but it takes more than that to have a romantic dinner."

Jelly blinked and raised one eyebrow.

"What do you mean, 'sweets aren't romantic'?" Rosie replied, outraged. "There's nothing that says, 'I love you' like a heaping helping of chocolate!"

Jelly slowly shook her head.

"Yes, I know - I can get a little overboard, but this time - I promise it'll be exactly the right amount!"

Again, Jelly raised an eyebrow.

"Fine, fine. You win." Rosie said, raising her hooves in a calming gesture. "Just let me finish these strawberry cheesecakes. According to Mama Pie's party-dictionary and my portfolio, Shard loves them."

She turned her attention back to the oven - and as if on cue, it dinged. Rosie opened it with her mouth and pulled out a tray of said pastries, all of which were identical to her Cutie Mark. A moment of inspection and Rosie gasped.

"This one is off by three centimeters on the left side!" She gestured to one of them. "Fudge cakes, I overcooked it by a few seconds!" Her normally sweet voice took on a demonic tone. "I need to make another one, stat! This whole thing needs to be absolutely perfect!"

Jelly gave the pastry in question a once-over glance and found nothing wrong with it. Her sister had amazing sense of presentation, but also had gotten a rather bad case of OCD. If even a single pastry didn't meet her standards, to her, the whole thing would be ruined and Rosie would flip out.

Jelly looked up at her sister and gaze a wry stare.

Beside her, Rosie was fuming. "You may not care, Jelly, but I do!"

Jelly reached down and picked up the pastry to show her nothing was wrong, only to have it instantly turn to mold in her hoof. She had forgotten in that instant that, unlike her sister and their mother, Jelly had a horrific effect on food. Any food item she touched would instantly become inedible unless eaten by her. Somehow, all of their family's baking and cooking talent had gone into her sister. Before Jelly could offer a gesture of apology, Rosie looked at the now moldy cheesecake, her left eye twitching, face aflame.

"Jelly Sandwich! You are hereby banned from this kitchen, FOREVER!"

The last word was so loud it rang out through the entirety of the Castle - and likely all of Ponyville as well.


Now that the rest of their friends were occupied throughout the castle, focused on their tasks, only Emerald, Flurry and Harmony had remained in the map room - talking among themselves over the 'plan', discussing what Harmony had read about proper 'date etiquette'. The problems they faced were twofold. First was that Harmony felt the plan was missing something.

The second problem was Harmony using Flurry's magic to envision every scenario in what her father Spike called a "Twilight Fantasy Projection".

"I know! How about we get some nice flowers from Roseluck?" Harmony suggested. "That will set the mood perfectly!"

Flurry cast the spell - and the scenario unfolded before their eyes.

In the first scenario, Shard showed up wearing his very best outfit - exchanging greetings. All started out well with Shard kissing Flurry's hoof, sitting to a pleasant dinner accentuated by floral arrangements provided.

"But what if Shard's allergic to the flowers!?" Harmony worried aloud.

...Somehow this caused him to lose control of his magic via violent sneezing. This in turn led him to being rushed to the hospital.

"Harmony, that won't happen." Emerald deadpanned. "Shard's not allergic to anything we know of."

"But it could, Emerald!" Harmony insisted. Behind her, Flurry snorted.

"I know!" Harmony stomped her hoof. "How about we get him a different gift? Shard loves artifacts. Maybe we don't hold the date here. How about we have a Daring Do Adventu-cation?"

Second scenario, Shard did indeed love the exhibits. He and Flurry frolicked about them, happily exchanging stories about Daring Do - and about their commonality. Towards the end, they jumped into a ball pit full of fake rocks - Flurry playfully throwing one at Shard. Laughing, the stallion tackled her.

"But what if the real villain comes along and kidnaps him - like with Rainbow Dash?" Harmony worried again.

At her words, the fantasy changed again. This time, an aged Caballeron appeared. With a sinister grin, he pressed a button on a remote and snatched the two up with a net - ball pit and all.

"Harmony, Caballeron was caught twenty years ago." Emerald interjected again.

"He could be on the run again, Emerald!" Harmony said, her eyes darting back and forth. "Who knows?"

"That won't happen, Harmony." The dragon-hybrid asserted.

"But it could!" The princess cried. Anxiously she paced back and forth. "Alright.... new plan. How about we arrange the date in the Crystal Empire with Cosmic Flare? He'll probably put on a light show to celebrate you two becoming a couple!"

Flurry suppressed a grin, knowing that Cosmic Flare (the son of Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer), harbored romantic feelings for her cousin - a fact she had kept secret for some time now. She watched as the next fantasy unfolded - this time, the unicorn in question fired off a number of spells that exploded in midair - almost like fireworks, only these took the shape of planets and of the constellations. Flurry and Shard watched them explode with awe - and several Crystal Ponies in the crowd applauded and shouted their approval.

"Three... two... one." Emerald deadpanned, counting off the seconds with her claw. As if on cue, Harmony suddenly had an alarmed expression.

"But what if he hears a nasty rumor and loses control!?"

Like his Crystaller, Trixie Lulamoon - Flare had a bit of an ego problem - and like his mother - a stubborn streak a mile wide. Whenever he heard a rumor about her or even so much as a mean whisper about him, his temper went out of control.

At the sight of several ponies whispering, Flare's expression turned from joy to a scowl. With an enraged snarl, he fired off a few of those spells at the crowd - scattering them and causing explosions all over the city. In moments, the entire thing was aflame - along with the fantasy - which vanished in a puff of smoke.

"NO!" Harmony screamed, her eyes welling with tears.

"Harmony!" Emerald exclaimed, shaking her friend hard. "Snap out of it! That won't happen!"

"But it could!" Harmony said, turning around. "What are we going to do?"

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter. The three looked up - and beheld the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle herself - laughing herself silly.

"Mother?" Harmony said.

"Auntie Twili!" Flurry said.

"Princess Twilight!" Emerald said.

"Oh, to be young and in love." Twilight said, gaining control of her mirth. With that, she outstretched her wings and gently floated to ground level. With a wide grin, she acknowledged all three mares - her daughter, her niece - and her best friend's daughter. The years had been kind to Twilight - both in appearance and wisdom. Her mane had gotten longer - and she had grown slightly in height with her Alicorn status. Stress had made her muzzle and face slightly more lined, but her status meant that she was aging slightly slower than normal.

She addressed her daughter first. "If you needed advice, you should have come to me before you started stressing yourself. Now, what's all this silliness about?"

"We were considering what would happen if Shard and Flurry went on a date." Harmony explained. "But every time we do, it might end in disaster!"

"I had a similar problem once..." Twilight admitted sheepishly. "But really, it's better sometimes to let things play out. Let it run its course - and hope for the best."

She turned to her niece, who rushed forward and gave her a great hug.

"It's wonderful to see you, Auntie!" Flurry chirped happily.

"And you too, Flurry." Twilight replied, returning the hug. "Now, what's this I hear about you and Shard on a date?"

"We were thinking of having it here in the Castle. It was Harmony's idea." Flurry explained. "But she went bonkers with how to go about it."

"Well, I think that sounds like a great idea." Twilight replied, either ignoring the glare her daughter was giving her niece, or not caring. "But you have to understand Flurry, not everypony is as optimistic or as hopeful as you. There's going to be times where you have to reassure them - let their fears run their course, or just provide a friendly ear."

"Yes, Auntie."

And finally, the Princess turned to the hybrid.

"And what's your problem, Emerald? Spike told me you wanted to speak to me about something import...-"

"It's Star Shield." She said quietly.

Everypony froze and Twilight blinked. "Come again?"

"I have..." Emerald hesitated. "...feelings for Star Shield."

"My son?" Twilight asked, her brow raised in mild surprise.

"My brother?!" Harmony exclaimed, her wings outstretched in alarm.

"My cousin!?" Flurry exclaimed, beating her own wings excitedly.

Star Shield was Twilight and Flash's adopted son. Three years before Harmony's birth, a bat-pony foal had been left on the doorstep of the Friendship Castle. It was not known who his original parents were, though Twilight had suspected he was the child of one of Luna's Night Watch, but that was never proven. Regardless, Twilight and Flash took the foal in and named him Star Shield, after one of Flash's old friends in the Guard Academy - and partly out of respect for Luna. The child quickly grew to be just as much a member of the family as any of the others, and once Harmony was born - they were as close as real siblings.

To hear that Emerald had feelings for him was indeed quite a shock.

"Well, I think I have a solution to all our problems." Twilight said, breaking the silence that followed. She grinned. "And don't worry - we still have plenty of time. I sent Flash and Starry out for a few things. They won't be back for a while."

Chapter 2: Guys

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Chapter 2: Guys.


Shard had counted himself as a stallion of many different friends, but his closest were the colts around him. Whenever he wasn't hanging with the princess, he could usually be found with one (or all of them) on one of their Guy's Nights at the Crystal Palace in Shard's room.

Cosmic Flare provided the teleportation spell that brought the others there instantly. The group consisted of Bryer Shade - (son of Discord and Fluttershy) - and Boulder (son of Trouble Shoes and Maud Pie) - though a new addition to their group was Blitzkrieg, the only son of Rapid Fire, one of the Royal Guard Ponies that had fought beside Sombra in the final battle with the Umbrum.

Blitz was a dark blue Pegasus, and he had lean but very powerful legs, frame and a short-cropped, buzzed mane style. His Cutie Mark was a yellow lightning bolt over a black shield, meant to symbolize his extremely fast reflexes and his special talent in hoof-to-hoof combat.

They were a motley crew, but Shard thought of them all as like the brothers that he never had.

Most of the time whenever they hung out he was the one that held it all together. Flare's ego and Shade's moodiness were a dangerous mix, especially when their tempers rose. Shard did his best to keep the peace, as did Boulder, albeit in a much quieter way - and Shard found his respect for the strong, reserved pony growing.

Tonight's meeting, however was going much more smoothly - now that Shard had dropped the news that he was dating Flurry. What followed was a round of bro-hoofs and congratulatory pats on the back. Even Boulder gave one of his rare, small smiles.

"Congrats, little buddy." He said simply.

"You finally got the hint, huh?" Shade said, giving him a nudge on the shoulder. "'Bout time."

"Yeah!" Flare agreed. "I always said you deserved somepony great and powerful like Flurry. Didn't I? I saw the way she looked at you when we were training as foals."

"You always thought she was looking at you, ya big lump." Shard deadpanned, but in a good natured way.

"Was I wrong to think that?" Flare replied, giving a winning grin. "One look at me and my Magic - and they can't resist me."

"In your dreams." Blitz deadpanned in a manner decidedly less good natured. "You think you're Celestia's gift to mares, but you're far from it."

"Shut up!" Flare said. His grin had disappeared. The two stood up, staring intently at each other. For a moment, Shard worried they would come to blows. That, he mused, would be an extremely close fight: While Flare was well trained in Magic - the son of two powerful Unicorns - Blitz was an expert flier and skilled in Karate.

"That's enough you two." Boulder said levelly. He stood to his full height, making it clear who was the tallest of them, a move that Shard considered a bit overkill, but it was effective. As an Earth-Pony, Boulder had the greatest physical strength out of all of them, but it took a lot to get his temper going. When it did, though, things usually ended badly for the offender.

Fortunately, the conversation after that went smoothly. Their topic of discussion went to Shard's date with Flurry and what they'd be doing - with his friends offering tips on how to ensure he kept her interest.

Flare however kept insisting that he impress her with grandiose displays of Magic, not unlike what Trixie would have done if she were on a date. That continued on until Boulder helpfully pointed out that Trixie was not into mares - and that Flurry wasn't the type to be impressed by magic shows. Instead, he suggested that he bring her a gift of crystals that he'd brought from his mother, Maud's cavern home outside Ponyville.

"Oh, a gift of gems for the Crystal Princess?" Blitz asked sarcastically. "How original."

"You got any better ideas?" Flare asked, giving the Pegasus a dirty look.

"I got a few, yeah." Blitz returned, ignoring the glare. "How about after your dinner, you take her for a romantic flight across Cloudsdale and together you...-"

Shard interrupted by tapping Blitz on the shoulder. With a raised eyebrow, he gestured to his body, which (he noted with some humor) was bereft of wings.

"Oh, yeah." Blitz said sheepishly. "Sorry. I forgot I'm the Pegasus."

"And I think you're all forgetting..." Shard said, "we're going to be having dinner in Twilight's Castle. Since she was the one that asked me, I think she's already got everything all planned out."


Once that was over and done with, they started their usual routine of sitting around a long table, playing cards and talking about the latest novel in the Song of Frost and Flame book series. It had been six long years since the last book, A Waltz with Wyrms had been released - and despite his promises, the author, Gorge R. R. Smarty had yet to finish the newest one. Many of his fans like Flare and Shade were on pins and needles waiting for it.

"He needs to get off his fat flank and publish it already." Flare complained. "We've waited long enough."

"It'll be done when it's done. We just need to be patient." Shard said. Truth be told, he found the series to be a bit too dark for his taste. The irony of that was not lost on the son of Sombra. He grinned teasingly. "You looking to read more about those mouth watering dishes he describes every chapter?"

It was no secret to anypony that Smarty's books were known for two things: The appalling death toll among its characters and the vivid descriptions of its foods.

"I don't care about that, I'm waiting to see if Prany and Whinyon will finally meet!" Flare replied, throwing up his hooves in frustration.

"I'm more interested in finally getting the answer about who Ahorse Ahigh is." Blitz said.

"I keep telling you, it's Prancerys." Flare insisted. "She's the most obvious choice."

"That's precisely the point." Blitz said. "It's too obvious!"

While the discussion went on, Shard noted that Boulder and Shade had said little. They seemed more focused on the cards in their hooves. Both of them had excellent poker faces - and neither had made any move to raise or lower the pot.

"I call." Shard said, laying his cards on the table. "King of Spades and Four Threes of Hearts."

"I fold." Shade said sullenly.

"Me too." Said Blitz, suddenly looking very sorry for himself.

"Boo-ya!" Flare said, laying his hoof down. "Full house!" He had a triumphant grin as he reached over to the pile of bits, ready to take what he thought was his winnings when suddenly, Boulder lay down his cards.

"Four Aces." Boulder said flatly.

"Aw, hay." Flare grunted. "Boulder always wins!"

"I'm ain't much into winnin'." Said the Earth Pony, his ears drooping. "Don' know where my luck comes from, on account of my Pappy bein' so unlucky."

"Your mother was lucky enough to meet your father." Shard said, trying to be helpful. "Who would have thought Maud of all Ponies would fall for a clown?"

"He made her laugh by falling." Boulder explained, his ears pointing back up. "Somethin' that nopony has ever been able to do before or since."

"I wouldn't call that luck." Flare said, putting a hoof on Boulder's shoulder. "I'd call that being a great entertainer!"

"Just like Trixie?" Blitz asked caustically.

"Yep!" Flare said, either oblivious or ignorant the sarcasm.

"Next round." Shard called, taking all the cards. He started to reshuffle. "Shade?"

The Batpony hybrid shrugged. "I'm in."

"Me too." Blitz and Flare said, surprisingly in unison.

"I'm out." Boulder said, rising from his seat and trotting towards the door. There was a notable shake in the table - and a shift in its height when he stood up fully, nearly knocking the deck over. "I gotta get back to the rock farm. Grandpappy Pie is ill."

"Sorry to hear." Shard said. He knew through the Pie Twins that Boulder's grandfather, Igneous Rock Pie was getting on in his years. Likely, he was not long for the world. That meant that Boulder would have to be the one to inherit the rock farm. "Does he need healing? I know a little of that magic from my mother."

"You cheer me." Boulder said, sounding utterly morose. "But I think this is somethin' I'd rather do alone."

"As you will." Shard said, slightly disappointed. He liked Boulder - and it saddened him to see him so glum.

"Good luck on your date, Shard." Said the Earth Pony, a moment before he shut the door behind him.

Shard turned back to face his other friends and sat back down, but his head felt a thousand miles away as the conversation started back up again. He could barely focus on the cards, even as he reshuffled them and dealt them with almost mechanical precision. It took him a moment before he realized that Shade was waving a hoof in front of his face. A moment later and he had also conjured a microphone with his chaos magic.

"Shard?" He was asking while holding up the microphone. "Hello, Equis to Shard? Come in, Shard."

"Hmn?" The son of Sombra said. "What was that?"

"You zoned out on us." Shade said with a concerned look. "What's going on in that empty space you call a head?"

"Oh, his head's not empty." Flare joked. "I think it's full of rocks!"

"Oh, thanks." Shard replied in good humor.

"Mind if I pick your brain?" Shade said, conjuring a pickaxe. He alone grinned at the terrible pun.

"We were discussing the grim-dark nature of Smarty's works." Blitz said. "I think it could do with a little more hope - a little more action and some less deconstruction. It does get tiring after the first few dozen times."

"Some ponies like that." Shade pointed out. "Like me for example."

"How would you do it, Blitz?" Shard asked, deciding it was time to satisfy his curiosity.

Blitz thought for a moment, then replied. "I think I'd have it be real lighthearted at first. Things start off slow - with some filler, some well developed characters - showing it from their viewpoints. Then as the story goes on, things start getting dark and serious, just as the bad guy shows up. Things get real bad for a while, then the cast goes through Tartarus before coming out clean on the other side."

"'Happiness is like those palaces in pony tales whose gates are guarded by Dragons: We must fight in order to conquer it.'" Shard quoted. At his friend's bemused looks, he grinned. "Count of Mounted Crispo."

"Yeah, I agree with Blitz." Said Flare. "Things start off slow, but they only get better as time and the story goes on."

"Agreed." Shard said. "Hope things only get better between all of us."

Especially between me and Flurry. He thought to himself.

Chapter 3: Things to Come

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Finally the day of the date arrived and Shard found himself arriving in Ponyville once again via the train station. Celestia's sun was setting - it cast an orange glow over the town - bathing it in a myriad of lights and colors. It was a beautiful sight - but even that paled in comparison to Twilight's Friendship Castle. No matter how many times he looked at it, the Castle was impressive. It was a marvel that quite literally appeared out of nowhere after Tirek's defeat, before Shard was born. A part of Shard would have liked to study it further, but there would be time enough for that later, once his date was done.

He still couldn't believe it - he was going to that structure and he was going to have a real, official date with Flurry!

Again he felt a rush of controlled euphoria, along with that strange, electrical charge that went through him when Flurry kissed him the first time at the Gala. More and more, he grew to like the idea of kissing her again. He liked the thought of holding her in his hooves again - of dancing and just the two of them having fun. What he didn't like though, was how much the suit he was wearing itched incessantly. At Cadance's insistence, he wore a tuxedo with a pair of white cufflinks, not unlike the one he wore at the Gala - but this one was black. She said that Flurry would be "bedazzled".

That struck him as a bit odd - especially because Cadance also said that Flurry would like him just as he was. Then again, better not question the Princess of Love - (and Flurry's mother) again.

Shard halted as he approached the doors of the Friendship Castle - and with a sharp inhale, he knocked three times. Shard mentally prepared himself - and a few moments later, the doors opened. Though a part of Shard had hoped it would be Flurry answering, the one who now stood in the doorway was Princess Twilight's Number One Assistant, Spike.

Though his scales remained more or less the same, the dragon had grown much taller - to the point where even Shard had to crane his neck up to look him in the eye. Spike looked down and smiled.

"Yo, Shard my boy!" He said happily as he reached down and wrapped his arms around Shard's shoulders. The son of Sombra gladly returned it. In all the years they had known each other, Spike had developed an avuncular relationship with him and the element-bearers' children. And then of course, he had kids of his own with Rarity: Sparkscale, their son, and their daughters - Emerald Blaze and - Pearl.

"It's good to see you too, Spike." Shard said, patting the dragon on the back.

"It's been too long, Shard." Spike said as he let go and stood upright. "Far too long. How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been great. Things have been a bit slow at the Archaeology Society lately, so I've had some free time. And of course, Flurry asked me on our first real date."

"Yeah, Twilight asked me to chaperone while you two had your date. So, you finally... wait." The dragon paused, then smirked. "She asked you?"

"Um, yes." Shard replied. "She is a princess after all - and it was her Aunt Twili's idea to have dinner here in the castle. Didn't she tell you?"

"Yeah, but I had no idea she was the one to ask you out!" Spike let out a little chuckle at that. "Oh, to be young again."

"Spike, you are young." Shard pointed out. "By dragon standards, you're a teenager. By pony years, you're still a young adult."

"I know. Just don't tell Rarity that if you're in Canterlot."

"What? Does she have some problem with younger guys?"

"No, she just doesn't like to think about how old she is." Spike turned about and walked back inside, holding the door open for Shard as he did so. "She's almost forty now."

Shard shrugged and followed the dragon inside. His parents weren't that much older than Rarity, but Sombra did often say how tired he felt. He supposed that made a bit of sense, given just how old he really was. But then, he said all it took to make him feel young again was seeing Hope's smile. Come to think of it, Spike said something similar when he talked about Rarity once - when Shard asked him about their relationship. By far, they were one of the strangest of the element-bearers' families, but they seemed quite happy. Next to Fluttershy and Discord (ironically), they seemed to be the most stable and loving of the pairs.

Spike stopped abruptly the doors to the dining room - then he turned back to the son of Sombra with a grin.

"Your lady...awaits." He said - opening the doors with an overly dramatic flourish. "Announcing Midnight Shard, the son of Sombra!"

With a slight shake of his head, Shard trotted through the doors. He was greeted by the sight of Flurry - sitting at the head of the table with a light spread of vegetables and an assortment of sweets before her - likely devised by Rosie Pie.

The Crystal Princess was wearing a black dress - one that was simple yet elegant. Most likely by Rarity or by Emerald because of the gems stitched right into the design. Closer inspection (though his gaze remained politely above her flank) showed her coat was clean and brushed - and her hooves were like polished ivory. When her eyes met his, her face lit up with a smile that very nearly made Shard melt on the spot.

"Hello, Shard." She said in that same voice she had used on him at the gala. This time he was better prepared and he knew full well how to respond. There was no way she was going to catch him off guard again!

"Hello, Flurry." He replied with a grin. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"Nope!" With that, her tone instantly threw off the formality that her princess training had done. "So, you hungry?"

"I could eat, yeah." Shard said as he trotted up and took the seat to her right.

"I'll leave you two youngsters alone." Spike said, hurrying back out the door. Out of the corner of his eye, though, Shard could make out the young dragon's shadow still lurking behind it. Spike was not the most subtle of creatures - and likely the reason he was still watching them was to make sure they would quote-unquote "behave" themselves, whatever that meant.

Regardless, Flurry stood up and gave him a bow.

"So, now that the formality's out of the way, you going to come join me for dinner, or am I going to have to eat all this by myself?"

"Well you do have the appetite of three full grown stallions." Shard said with a laugh. An old joke they shared between them. He took a seat opposite the princess and gave their dinner a onceover."So, Rosie made us all this?"

"Yep." Flurry replied. "She was insistent that everything be perfect for a romantic occasion. Jelly... well, tried to help."

"And she somehow managed to turn it to mold, huh?" Shard asked, raising an eyebrow.

"And got herself banned from my Aunt Twili's kitchen for her trouble." Flurry answered, shaking her head. "That's the third kitchen this month."

"Only the third?"

"She seems to be getting... marginally better at it. At least this time there wasn't a food-monster." Flurry shuddered, clearly remembering the last time Jelly tried to make anything edible. It was a salad that she tried experimenting on - only to somehow have that make it come to life and try to take over Sugarcube Corner.

With a shrug, Shard gestured to the dinner before them. "Well, this all does look delicious. Rosie really has outdone herself. Shall we begin?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" Flurry said.

As he began to dig in, from somewhere far away, Shard's acute hearing picked up the sound of somepony giggling.



Antiquing was normally one of Sunburst's favorite activities, one that his wife, Starlight sadly didn't share. At least he found it a way to relax after a hard day between training his son, Flare and his duties as the Crystaller. Combing through old shops and collections was like walking through history.

Equestria had a long one - starting back in the days before the royal sisters - back in the times of Starswirl and the other Pillars. Some might have said that actually meeting them would make any antiquing trip pale in comparison, but Sunburst disagreed. Meeting the Pillars of old Equestria, hearing their accounts of how they survived short, brutal lives in a much more dangerous world only made it all the more fascinating to sort out fact from fiction.

One such piece had caught his eye earlier today. A manuscript written in old Ponish. The store-owner (who had been a bit reluctant to sell the curious artifact) had offered to translate it for him, but Sunburst had declined. Working through it and getting it to tell its story was part of the fun.

He stayed up late in his study that night, pouring over old texts and trying to rework the language into something readable. Figuring out what the last symbol was proved to be the most difficult part. It was unlike any characters he had ever read in the old language.

Looking over the manuscript, he mentally recited each word he translated. This one seemed to predate even old Ponish. That was most unusual: Nearly all the artifacts from the earliest of Pony eras had been lost - either from sheer age or by war. The initial translation was difficult, but a rough estimate allowed him to guess that it was some kind of prophecy or warning.

Recalling what little was known of the earliest period of Equestria's history, before its founding - he recalled the three Pony tribes were separate and virtually at war with each other. In addition, even after they were united, Ponykind was beset by threats on all sides - the most treacherous of all were the long forgotten Umbrum. Before Tartarus, many of these threats were imprisoned in the Frozen North - in the ice caves that ran beneath what would become the Crystal Empire.

Come to think of it, didn't Flurry mention once there was some kind of mural or old drawing in those very same caves?

Suddenly, he felt very tired - his eyes becoming heavy - and he fell asleep in minutes with his head slumped on the tablet.


Canterlot was burning.

Smoke filled the air - as did the screams of the dying - either burning alive in the fires or being crushed by collapsing buildings. Sunburst found himself standing in Celestia's Square, watching the destruction with horror - yet utterly unable to stop it. Somewhere amid the city, he could hear the voices of his family and friends, calling out for him - but his legs weren't moving.

And there were shapes moving through the city too - dark, terrible things that were not ponies - but shaped like them. Any time he tried to get a good look at them, they disappeared like smoke in the wind. Yet, every time he caught a brief glimpse, he felt his sense of dread increase.

"What are these things?" He wondered aloud, his mind afire with questions, most prominent of all was where on Equiss were his wife and son. "Starlight!" He called frantically. "Flare! Where are you!?"

Suddenly, his legs started working again - and he galloped at full speed through the city - trying his hardest to find his family. Yet, everywhere he looked was devoid of life. Only bloodstained awnings and empty houses awaited him. Canterlot's royal palace - which proudly crowned the skyline of the capital lay cracked and broken. Its topmost spires had collapsed into smoking ruin.

Sunburst slowed - his fatigue catching up to him - along with the feeling of smoke in his lungs. He was still beset by panic, but his family - his friends were simply nowhere to be found. That confounded him, but two questions burned in his mind.

Who could have done this - and why?

Then, through the fear and dread, he heard another voice - one that seemed oddly familiar. Suddenly, the fires were extinguished - the screams were silenced - and the air was cleared. Again Canterlot took on its shining hue. The buildings slowly repaired themselves - brick by brick until it was as if the terrible destruction had never been.

Even those strange shapes had vanished too.

"Princess Luna?" He called out, realizing in that instant this was a dream or a nightmare of some kind. "Is that you?"

"Not quite." Said the voice behind him.

He turned around fast - and to his astonishment, there stood a tall pony standing there. Not one of the royal sisters, but kin to them, yes. Her mane was bright red, her coat pink and her eyes a shade of brilliant amber. Atop her head was a sky blue headpiece. Most striking of all, her Cutie Mark - which seemed to resemble a snowflake.

"Greetings Sunburst." She said calmly. Oddly, her voice was similar to Cadance's - but older and hoarser. "I speak to you from the beyond."

"Princess Amore!" He exclaimed, recognition taking hold. "But, how is this possible? You died in the battle with the Umbrum!"

"My body may have perished, but my spirit lives on." She replied, gesturing with a hoof to the sky. "But that is not important. Please listen, for my time is short. I have come to deliver a warning."

"What warning?" He asked. He gestured to their surroundings. The city was no longer aflame, but the image remained in his mind's eye. "About this?"

"Yes. Be aware that this is but one of many possible futures. This one will come to pass, however, if you cannot stop what is coming."

"What is coming?" He asked, growing desperate. "Tell me!"

Her expression suddenly turned fearful - and she looked around in every direction as if something terrible was approaching. There came a ringing sound - bells, he realized. She looked back at him and put both hooves on his shoulders.

"No time ...-!" Her voice suddenly began to fade away. "Sunburst, beware the bells. They herald the return of...-!"


Sunburst awoke from the nightmare in a daze - his face covered in cold sweat.

Chapter 4: On the Eve of War.

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Chapter 4: On the Eve of War.


The evening turned out to be a lovely experience. Unlike every instance that Harmony had imagined, it turned out to be just like they had done so many times before - when their families would have dinner together. Except this time, it was just her and Shard at the table, eating their favorite foods, swapping their favorite stories and just enjoying each other's company while listening to a song that Jelly had composed. A spell from Flurry and the instruments required had played by themselves. What followed was a soothing, classical piece that would have been worthy of the Royal Canterlot Symphony Orchestra.

Throughout the whole affair, Shard listened intently - and through the conversation he had answered every one of her questions and offered a few of his own back in turn. Eventually the conversation turned away from their daily lives and interests into something a bit more serious.

"Emerald has feelings for Star-Shield?" Shard had said after Flurry had revealed that little bit. "Huh. I never would have guessed."

"Figures. You didn't even guess I had feelings for you." Flurry said dryly. "Even though according to everypony else, I had a big neon sign over my head reading: 'I like Midnight Shard.'"

"Very funny Flurry." Shard replied with a squint. "But then, we were both foals. Spike in particular was surprised you were the one to ask me to this."

"Do you regret that?"

"No." He replied almost immediately. "Honestly, when it comes to things like dating, everypony makes a big deal out of nothing." He was quoting Cadance; Flurry knew that speech. "I mean, if you let a little thing like rejection stand in your way, you'll never get anywhere."

"So," She bit her lip. "You think there was a chance you would have ever rejected me?"

"No." Once again, Shard answered without missing a beat. "I mean, you're my best friend. Isn't that what a relationship is?" He leaned forward. "I mean, why should things have to be any more complicated? We've been friends since we were foals. Now? Now, we just hang out and do more things like... well, hug and kiss - and whatever else it is couples do."

Flurry couldn't help but grin. She would clearly have to give Shard a better understanding of what it meant to be a couple, but first things first, she stood up and sauntered over to him, offering a hoof.

"Here, Shard."

He blinked. "Here what?"

"Come with me. I've got something I think you're going to like."


Flurry brought him out to the balcony of the Friendship Castle, overlooking Ponyville. At night, the whole town was lit with little candles in window-sills and under awnings, making the hamlet glow. The streetlights speckled like stars. It would be Hearth's Warming soon; less than two weeks away, Shard remembered. A light layer of snow had just now started to fall thanks to the evening Pegasi teams.

Far below the Castle, on the grounds of Twilight's school - he could also make out the scene of Captain Tempest Shadow (no, Fizzepop Berrytwist to use her true name) - leader of the Friendship Guard making a routine inspection of her troops. At Flash's insistence, Twilight had created a group of specialized fighters to protect Ponyville in the event she or the other Element-Bearers were away, or to escort her on official functions. Twilight had acceded after they adopted Star Shield and had Harmony, but Shard imagined that she felt their presence was a bit superfluous.

Equestria had been at peace for over a decade. There was little need for a military - or even guards for that matter.

"It's beautiful up here." He remarked. "I can see why you would like to come up here."

"Aunt Twilight often likes to stand out here and stargaze." Flurry said. "She says it reminds her of her old home in Golden Oaks Library, before Tirek destroyed it."

Shard nodded. That all had happened before he was born, but he'd heard stories from Twilight about how a powerful Centaur had destroyed her home. Shard couldn't imagine what that might have felt like; losing everything he knew in an instant. That was one of the reasons he was so glad that Equestria had been at peace - why so long as they had the element bearers they had nothing to fear.

"You know," she said, gingerly wrapping a foreleg around his shoulder. "This is a pretty romantic view."

Shard looked down into Flurry's eyes - and she batted her eyelashes with a slow smile, a sign which Cadance told him to look out for. Recalling the advice she had given him, he wrapped his own hoof around her back and gently pulled her in close. In that moment, his trademark logic forsook him and he went purely on instinct. There came a hot feeling in his chest - along with his heart's sudden rapid pounding. Electricity seemed to spark between them as she returned the hug. For a long moment they stood there, just holding each other, until he parted and looked down into her gentle blue eyes.

"If you say so." He replied softly before he closed his eyes, lowered his head and gently placed his lips on hers.



Unbeknownst to either of the two young ponies below, Sombra was present in the Castle as well, looking down at his son from the window of the highest tower, Hope by his side and Spike watching beside them. When Shard was the one to initiate the kiss, he felt his pride swell.

"Our son's all grown up." Hope said softly. "How long do you think it will be before...?"

"Shard's grown, but he's not that grown." Spike said with a smirk. "Unless, Sombra you've already given him 'The Talk'?"

Sombra laughed. "I haven't. I didn't ever think my boy would catch on to how Flurry felt about him."

Hope looked up at her husband; a teasing grin on her face. "I remember when Miss Chestnut gave you 'The Talk', dear. You were so shocked you couldn't speak for a week."

"And you enjoyed the week after when you snapped me out of it. You showed me how beautiful you had become. That was when I first noticed you."

Hope laughed, a bell-like sound. "Still a shameless flatterer."

"You two should get a room." Spike said with a snort.

"You're one to talk." Hope said wryly. "The way you gallivant with Rarity. Besides, you talk about getting a room? Aren't you supposed to be chaperoning? Twilight, not to mention Cadance, will be very upset if they find out Shard and Flurry were to... well-..." She purposely let her words hang in the air.

"By Celestia, you're right!" Spike exclaimed as he jumped and practically made a beeline for the door. "I've got to stop this!"

He slammed it so hard that Sombra thought the whole Castle might have felt it. He turned back to his wife.

"Don't you think that was a little overdone, honey?" He gestured to the young couple below them. Shard had just parted and now was holding the princess' hooves. For her part, Flurry seemed to have turned bright red. "Shard's far too much of a gentlecolt to take advantage of Flurry."

"I know." Hope's grin returned. "But I couldn't resist giving Spike a hard time."

"A thousand these years and you've never changed." Sombra said with a shake of his head. It was an old joke they shared.

"And I never will." Hope said. Then she gestured to the young couple, just as the doors to the balcony slammed open and a young Dragon stepped through. "But in all seriousness, how long do you think it'll be before...?"

"It's a bit early to be thinking about that isn't it, Hope? I don't want to be called 'Grandsire' already."

Hope laughed again. "Not even remotely what I meant, dear."



As he galloped through the streets, Sunburst's mind was on fire with questions. What on Equiss had he been seeing? Why would Amore contact him of all ponies? Why had the vision cut out so quickly? And the million bit question was what in Tartarus was she trying to warn him about?

He stopped at the gates of the Crystal Palace and hammered against them with all his might. The night patrols were usually the ones to answer first - and unlike other petitioners, he never needed to worry about any lines.

Being the Crystaller meant that Sunburst had direct access to Cadance anytime - and indirectly to Celestia & Luna. That, however didn't make explaining what he'd seen any easier. Before leaving the house, he left Starlight a note explaining he'd gone off to see the princess and that he'd be back in the morning - and he left it at that.

"Come on, open up." He muttered as he thumped against the door. "Cadance! Shining Armor!"

Not to his surprise, one of the guards answered, one he was familiar with from the description from his son - but hadn't actually met, face-to-face: Rapid Fire.

Almost half a decade older than Sunburst from the looks of it - (and it showed in the lines on his face), the guard-pony was an armor-clad Pegasus with a blue coat and short-cropped white mane that was flecked with gray spots from either stress or age or both. Parallel to his right eye was a long, deep scar from where one of the Storm King's guards had slashed him during the Siege of Canterlot - many years ago. According to his son, Blitzkrieg (one of Cosmic's friends) - Fire declined having it healed.

"Who would see the Crystal Princess?" He asked after a moment. His voice was deep and baritone - like gravel being ground under a boulder. "Speak."

"I'm the Crystaller, Sunburst."

"You're Cosmic's father?" Rapid-Fire's expression softened considerably. "Sorry, I didn't recognize you; normally, Blitz says you wear a cape and glasses."

To his surprise, Sunburst noted that Fire was correct - he had left the house in such a hurry he didn't even bother donning his trademark clothes.

"Yeah, I'm in a bit of a hurry. Please, is Cadance awake? Please, I need to see her right away!"

"Yes, she's awake. Come inside." Rapid-Fire stepped aside and led the way.



The Princess of Love or Cadance to those who knew her better - had her doors always open to any pony who sought her attention. Most of the time it was just the usual stuff - long, boring lists of royal things or suggestions on how to better run things from the nobles. This time however, it was a rare visit from Sunburst. Given his status as Flurry's Crystaller he had a close relationship with her and Shining - and he was close to the younger princess as well, but tonight he seemed especially desperate to get her attention.

He had burst into the room - spouting sentences almost faster than Cadance could comprehend. A quick onceover and she could tell this was serious. It was easy for Cadance to read a Pony's heart, but Sunburst's was beating faster than Rainbow Dash's after a full mug of cider. His eyes had turned bloodshot, probably from lack of sleep, and he was breathing in short exhales.

"We... we have a serious... problem." He stuttered in between wheezes. "Amore... sent a warning."

Cadance rose from her seat almost immediately in alarm. That was not a name she was expecting to hear used in that context again in her lifetime. Amore had died over sixteen years ago. How could she have possibly sent a warning?

"Slow down, Sunburst." She urged, raising a hoof in a calming gesture. "Catch your breath and explain."

The Crystaller took a few minutes, but he did as told - and after a few deep breaths he started from the beginning. Cadance listened intently, only interrupting once or twice to ask for context (and to ask if he was sure of what he'd seen). When he was finished with his explanation, it took a great deal of strength not to let her jaw drop to the floor.

"You are certain of this?" She asked, probably for the fifth time.

"Absolutely!" He replied. "I saw it; Canterlot, the whole city was burning and Amore said to beware the bells! They herald something's return; something awful, that'll bring death, destruction - the end of our way of life."

"What exactly is this, something?" She asked, leaning forward.

"I don't know, I'm afraid. My dream cut off before I could hear."

Cadance's brow furrowed - and she leaned back, thinking.

"I'll contact my aunts." She turned to Rapid-Fire. "And tell Shining to have the guard readied. From the sound of things, we might need an army."


In a place forgotten by both time and by Ponykind, a dark figure stirred on its stone throne. Having watched events unfolding for countless millennia, finally, the time was nearly right.

"Amore, my old enemy - you try to interfere with my plans yet again?" The figure said aloud to no one. A toothy grin and it watched the Princess of Love and her servants scurry about like insects.

Though it had failed to prevent the former Crystal Princess from sending her little warning, it mattered little. The Ponies were now afraid - and that made them vulnerable. They remained unaware of the true nature of the threat right before their eyes, even now. And that ignorance would be their undoing.

"Come forth, my servants." The figure said aloud - rising from the throne. With a gesture and a flash of crackling magic, the spell was cast.

~Mr. Waddle~

The sound of dirt rustling outside his house woke Mr. Waddle from his sleep. He grumbled as he felt, blindly for his glasses. The gravekeeper's sight was nearly gone from sheer age - even with the extra thick lens' offered by his specs. That didn't mean his acute hearing was gone however, as he could hear everything that went on outside his little house. The walls were thin wood, which did little but to keep out the cold and the rain.

To think that even with how old he was, there were still those that thought they could disturb the dead and get past him!

Mr. Waddle was an aged stallion that lived just outside Ponyville, tending to the graveyard and the recently departed. He had no doubt he'd be joining the dead soon, given that he was older than most ponies usually lived. In fact, next to the Apple Family's Granny Smith, (who was nearing her hundredth year), he was the oldest living pony in Ponyville.

With a grunt of effort and an amount of labor that nearly broke his back, Waddle forced himself from his bed and onto his hooves. His joints creaked from the effort, but held.

"Curse you, young whippersnappers making me do this at this time of night." He grumbled. From his window he yelled as loud as his old lungs could manage. "Who's out there!?"

No answer. Just the sound of rain pounding against his roof.

"Disturbing the dead at this hour?" He grumbled again. A glance over at the clock and it was just half past ten. "I should have been asleep for another three hours."

Grabbing his umbrella, Waddles opened the door and was greeted by the sight of several dark figures looming over the graves nearest to his house. Their features were not easy to glimpse, given just how dark it had become, but they were unmistakably equine in shape.

"Hey, you troublemakers you!" He called. Several of the figures looked up slowly at him. "Get lost and leave those graves alone! They deserve to rest in peace!"

Suddenly, the nearest of the figures started towards him. What was odd was just how it moved; a slow, lumbering gait that was almost jerky.

"Stop right there!" He called, suddenly feeling alarmed. "I'm warning you! I may be old, but I mean business!"

That was a lie, but Waddles hoped these figures wouldn't notice. He was alone, weaponless, old and too far away to call for help.

What unnerved him most however was how the figure ignored his threat and kept at it, jerking towards him. It was getting closer with every step.

"Stay back!" Waddles shouted. "I mean it!"

With surprising speed, the figure broke into a gallop and was upon him in seconds. By the time it reached him, he was attempting to slam the door. Mere moments before he could, he caught a glimpse of his attacker's face - and he was horrified by what he saw.

It wasn't a living, breathing pony trying to get him, it was a rotting corpse.

Bloated from its time in the earth, most of the cadaver's coat and skin had decayed away, showing bits of its skeleton beneath. Green light burned in its empty eye sockets - which glowed with murderous intent.

Waddles slammed his door, just as the corpse reached for him with a chipped, crumbling hoof. The creature forced its foreleg in between the door and the frame - holding it from shutting fully with incredible strength. Waddles tried to kick, feebly at it with his foreleg, but the creature seemed immune to all pain.

Suddenly hit with a burst of adrenaline, Waddles turned about and kicked his door with all his strength - and this time it closed, separating him from his attacker - at least temporarily. The creature's leg was clipped right off at the elbow - falling to the ground with a wet thump.

Waddles gasped when suddenly, the appendage started moving.

For several seconds, it flailed about - as if still connected to its owner, groping and trying to force its way back through the door. Suddenly, it laid still. Whatever dark magic that was animating it was gone.

Waddles breathed a sigh of relief. At least in here, in his house he was...-


Suddenly the window next to the door was shattered - and another cadaver forced its head through - glass shards embedded in its forehead and muzzle. Another two, or three appeared behind it - as it began to climb through the now broken window.

The old gravekeeper could only whimper and back away, too late, as rotting hooves reached for him.



The sensation Shard felt from Flurry when they kissed was soft, warm and a bit like honey. And there was passion in it too. The kind that was just like Flurry herself; sweet and full of simple, heartwarming happiness. Before long, they parted - and the balcony doors were flung open, but Shard didn't notice. He was too caught up in the moment - and Flurry's eyes.

In that moment, just as Spike opened his mouth and started to speak, Shard could not help but see Flurry in a whole new light. Like the moment they shared at the Gala, but something else entirely as well. Flurry had been his best friend his entire life; a constant companion. A bit snarky, a bit clumsy, awkward at times and a bit of an attention seeker, but always well meaning and kind. Flurry was all these things and more - brave and noble and undyingly loyal to her friends and family - and to him.

What a fool he'd been, not realizing this all sooner.

"Shard!" Spike said, waving a claw in front of his face, finally snapping him out of his reverie. "Hello? Shard?"

"Huh?" He said at last.

"Spike..." Flurry said with daggers in her eyes. "We were having a moment, which you just interrupted."

"Sorry Flurry, but I couldn't let you two...-"

At that moment, another figure stepped through the doors to the balcony - interrupting the dragon. A dark purple Unicorn stepped through. Tempest, or Fizzlepop rather. Shard remembered that Twilight said in times of peace she preferred her true name - but she said once that if there ever came a time for combat, she was to be called by her assumed name. That time seemed to be now - as she was wearing her armor - steel plate with Twilight's Cutie Mark emblem engraved on the breastplate - and a helmet that helped focus her broken horn's magic into something weaponized.

"My apologies, but there is a serious problem." She said grimly. Her eyes were narrowed. "Princess Twilight requests all of you in the Map Room immediately."

Chapter 5: For Whom the Bell Tolls

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Chapter 5: For Whom the Bell Tolls.


To his surprise, the corpses did not kill Waddles when they grabbed him. They pulled him out of his house and far away from Ponyville - until the town was out of sight and they entered the Everfree Forest. Several times he tried to resist, but the cadavers held him with unyielding strength. He tried calling for help, but there was no one awake or within earshot of his cries. Finally his voice grew tired and he could no longer manage it. He could only wait and watch as the walking corpses simply pulled him forward - giving his tired limbs no respite, no rest. Any time he tried to stop, they roughly shoved him until he started moving again.

For the hundredth time he wondered where they were taking him, but it would be futile to ask. The corpses did not utter so much as a word, nor did they make any indication they were capable of thought. They just pulled him forward, always forward, until they entered the Everfree Forest. At first, he thought they meant to take him to the Castle of the Two Sisters, but that seemed unlikely. Why the thought even entered his mind, he had no idea. For a minute, they paused, finally allowing him to catch his breath and get a close look at them.

These were ponies that had died young, he knew, but they had been buried for several years. That was strange. They should have been bones or dust by now. How on Equiss they managed to stay intact, he had no idea. It was as if they had been preserved, at least roughly, for all that time.

”Welcome, little pony.” A rasping voice echoed in his head. He looked around, but no one was there. Only the trees and the cadavers surrounded him. ”You are confused no doubt. All will be made clear now.”

“Who are you?” Waddles asked weakly, having finally found his voice. “What are these things?”

The voice seemed amused. ”Is it not obvious? The creatures that hold you are my Wights. They serve me in death, as they once served your precious princesses in life. Just as you will serve me too... once you are dead.”

“Why? I’m of no use or threat to anypony.” He was stalling, trying to figure a way out. Maybe if he could keep the voice talking, he could think of a plan to escape. “Just who are you?”

”It seems I must remind Ponykind of who I am. When last I walked this world, your so-called hero, Gusty thought she had vanquished me. But as you can see, neither she nor her pitiful warriors had the power to slay me forever, and neither do your elements.”

A memory sprung into Waddles mind at the mention of the hero, Gusty, one he had heard years ago when still a colt. Recognition took hold and then a name.

“I know you.” He said, his eyes widening in horror. “You are none other than Grogar!”

The old legends spoke of a Ram with the power of Necromancy, or the power to raise and command the dead. Thousands of years ago, Gusty and a group of Unicorn warriors had fought against him and imprisoned him in the Shadow World, supposedly forever. The fact that he had returned meant all Equestria was in jeopardy.

“Yes, I am. And now, I shall punish the world for my long imprisonment.”

It came less as a surprise and more as an annoyance when Shard found out his parents were not only in the castle, but also were watching him and Flurry. As they trotted to the map room, he kept his voice level and close enough to where only his father could hear.

“When were you going to tell me?” Shard’s words were softly spoken, but they still were delivered forcefully enough to convey his irritation.

“After.” Was his father’s curt reply.

“You know how embarrassing this is?” Shard asked, gritting his teeth. “Having my father at my first date?”

Sombra looked down at his son. When he spoke, his voice was tinged with anger. “Be glad you have a father, Shard. I never did.”

Shard was about to give a retort, but stopped himself, just as they came up on the map room. “Perhaps this is best settled later?” He murmured as his mind registered what he was looking at. The map had expanded to make room for nearly all the known world, but still in the middle was Ponyville. Only now, parts of the area outside the town were on fire. Sitting in each of their respective thrones were the ponies in question, all with worried expressions on their faces. Also there, standing beside her mother was Harmony, now in her armor, a scowl on her face.

“Princess Twilight,” said Tempest. “I’ve brought Sombra and his family as you requested.”

“What in Tartarus is going on here, Twilight?” Sombra asked, his eyes focused intently on the map.

“We’re not sure,” Twilight said worriedly. “There’s conflicting news and something we’ve never seen before happening all over Ponyville.”

“The dead are rising from their graves.” Tempest finished. “Some kind of powerful magic has brought them back to this world. Now there’s an army outside Ponyville, raising more of them and abducting anypony they can find for some unknown purpose.”

“Have you sent your troops out?” Sombra asked, placing a hoof on the table.

Twilight shook her head. “Not yet, but there’s another problem. We tried to send out a distress call to the Crystal Empire, but our communications have been blocked somehow. Even Spike’s breath is useless.” Beside her, the dragon shrugged helplessly.

“Then why not try Unicorn message or Pegasi fliers?” Shard offered, trying to be helpful. “I’m sure they could get the message out.”

“That’s just it.” Twilight said. “Any Unicorns who try teleporting go missing and don’t return. We have no idea where they’ve gone. And any Pegasi we try to send are being intercepted by enemy fliers. For the time being, we’re on our own.”

“Whoever is doing this seems to know our every defensive measure.” Tempest said, angrily stomping her hoof on the table, making it shake violently. “We need to launch an immediate counterattack!”

“Our first priority should be to get the citizens out!” Said Harmony. “I’ll lead our troops to protect our people.”

“Harmony no!” Said Twilight, rising from her seat. “It’s too dangerous!”

“Mother, what have I been training with Captain Shadow for if not for this kind of situation?” Harmony looked from her mother to Tempest and then back again. “I want to fight!”

Twilight looked as if she was about to reprimand her daughter, but Tempest raised a hoof.

“She’s right, Princess. We need all the bodies we can throw into this fight. I will lead the troops and Harmony will stand by me. I’ll keep her safe.”

“I’m coming too,” said Flurry, who had been silent the entire time. With that, she reached down and removed her dress before she unfurled her wings. “If my cousin is going into combat, I’m going to help her.”

Shard chose this moment to have his voice heard too. “And me as well. Wherever Flurry goes, I go too.”

“That’s my boy.” Said Sombra, putting a hoof on his shoulder. Then he looked at Tempest. “Captain, you had better keep my son safe, or the enemy will be the least of your concerns.”

She regarded his father wryly. “Duly noted.”

Somewhat reluctantly, Twilight nodded, then looked at the other element bearers. “Let us divide our forces into two groups. One under Captain Shadow will evacuate the town. The other will try and hold the line against these creatures. Any questions?”

Not a single hoof was raised.

“Perfect.” Tempest said, giving a rare smile. “Now, Shard, Flurry, you two come with me to the armory. We need to get you fitted. When we return we’ll make up a strategy.”


What Shard would remember later about suiting up before heading out into the battle of Ponyville was how quiet it was. He watched as the Friendship Guard collected every piece of armor they could find. It was a silent affair as they strapped on the gold and purple plates. He wondered if any of them had any fear, any doubts about th prospect of facing the living dead.

If they did, nopony said a word. Not when he was brought grey steel armor that resembled his father’s old suit, not when he donned the chanfron, conjured his green blades sword and not when he joined the troops as they formed ranks outside the Friendship Castle.

Not a word.

Chapter 6: The Battle for Ponyville

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Chapter 6: The Battle for Ponyville.

The opening battle of the war started as the Friendship Guard had trained for. Under Captain Shadow, the guard lined outside the School and the Castle, the Unicorns making up the first line, their horns aglow. The Pegasi and the few flying creatures from the school hovered above the line, ready to take off and strike from the air. Finally, a motley assortment of Earth Ponies, Yaks and even some of the Changelings made up the vanguard and the reserve.

Tempest warned in the briefing that the best course would be to draw a line in the sand and hold out until reinforcements could arrive. To that end, the plan she came up with was similar to the one they had used against Mirror-Sombra’s forces, sixteen years earlier, but unlike before, hit and run attacks were abandoned in favor of static defense and overwhelming firepower. The fact they knew so little about their enemy meant they could not just rush in blindly.

With that in mind, it was all a matter of preventing the enemy from encircling the town and forcing them into combat on a narrow front. Using their magic, the Unicorns formed a number of barriers that would funnel the rush of cadavers into a bottleneck, straight into the Guard’s lines, between them and the town.

When all the preparations were complete, the guard watched and waited.

The first of the creatures that began to appear were a ragged mob. The corpses of ponies of every shape and size and states of decay: Earth ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi, all horrifically lurching forward. Some were little more than skeletons with bits of flesh and ragged lumps of fur. Others looked recently deceased with their coats and manes largely intact, but already showing early signs of corruption. What all of them shared was sickening odor and glowing green eyes.

Open fire!” Tempest barked, aiming her own beam and unleashing it. The beam struck straight and true and disintegrated the first corpse it hit. Only a fading screech remained of the cadaver as its form disappeared into black ash. At her command, dozens of Unicorns did the same and soon the sky was filled with beams, falling like rain. Nearly every shot hit its mark, causing gaping wounds or dropping the enemy forces by the dozen. Her plan seemed to be working: Lure the bulk of the enemy forces into the teeth of the Pony’s firepower.

Even so, the creatures lumbered singlemindedly forward, completely ignoring whatever losses they took or whatever injuries they sustained. It seemed that total destruction was the one way to stop their advance, at least until a stray shot blew the head off one of them, causing the body to fall limp. The corpse went down and did not rise again. More quickly followed it and soon the ground outside the town was covered in motionless corpses and body parts. Word quickly spread through the pony’s ranks: Aim for the head and the body would fall. Soon they started adjusting their aim and the piles of the slain grew larger.

Yet, the dead kept coming. Hundreds of them had been slain, but there seemed to be no end to them. Finally they got in close enough to where the Earth Ponies took up their weapons and started their advance.

With a huge shout of “For Equestria!” and under the Unicorn’s cover, they raised their long spears and locked their shields outward. All along the line, the dead were impaled or slammed against a wall of steel. Anytime one or two of them got through, the ponies drew swords and hacked them to pieces. Individual combats raged here or there, with the pony officers brawling with the dead and for the most part winning, but the dead were relentless. Kicks and bites began to take their toll and soon a few ponies along the line were injured. Those that took the worst were soon moved through the gaps in the ranks and allowed to retreat back into the school to have their wounds healed.

So far, there had been no fatalities, but if the press of the dead continued, that would change. To that end, Tempest gave the order for the Pegasi to begin their attack from the sky. Led by Soarin and his daughters, they began by hoisting huge rocks into the air and dropping them on clusters of the undead like improvised bombs. Because the creatures had no counter and no air cover of their own for the moment, it proved effective. The falling rocks crushed dozens more at a time and scattered the remainders: Bits of pulverized limbs and pools of thick blood splattered over the landscape as the bombardment continued.

When the last of the rocks had been thrown, more than half the enemy force had been wiped out, but those that remained remained indifferent to their losses no matter what the ponies threw at them.

Before long however, they stopped abruptly. The entire horde just up and completely halted. Even those in the front rank simply ceased their attack and stood motionless, even after a few ponies took this chance to slice off several of their heads.

Confused, Tempest held up a hoof, ordering her own troops to stand and wait.

Suddenly a booming voice echoed across the plain, loud as a thunderclap and as cold and sharp as an icicle.

”Hear me, little ponies. You have fought well, but know that your efforts are in vain. You only stand before a fraction of my total forces.”

“Who are you?” Tempest barked at the sky. Her eyes scanned the horizon for the source of the voice. From the glow of her broken horn, it was clear she fully intended to blast it into oblivion the first chance she got. “Show yourself you coward!”

A column of smoke rose from the border with the Everfree forest, blotting out the sun and obscuring everything it touched in a pitch black shroud. To Sombra, Hope and the element bearers, the smoke seemed oddly familiar. Before they could fathom what was happening, the pinnacle of the cloud began to twist and form into the shape of long, curled horns. Two glowing red orbs appeared in the middle, much like eyes. Unlike regular light however, the glow from these did nothing to diminish or illuminate the shape. Quite the contrary, the longer anypony looked, the more they seemed to obscure its features.

”I am known by many names, but in time, all of you will call me Master. For now, you may call me Grogar.”

Whispers and startled murmurs came from the pony’s ranks. The entity before them was one spoken of in legend. It had taken a team of the strongest unicorns in history merely to drive him back the first time. Now that he was here in full power, it seeemed to sap the strength and will of all present. The ponies in the front ranks began to tremble and lowered their weapons in fear. For one dreadful moment, it seemed they might break ranks and flee, but to the surprise of all, Harmony herself appeared on the front, galloping bareheaded before them.

“Hold your ground! HOLD!!” She shouted. “We have the elements on our side.”

That seemed to galvanize the pony forces. As per Tempest’s plan, the element bearers had another task while the bulk of the enemy forces were engaged. With the reminder they had Equestria’s heroes with them, the guard rallied.

Grogar’s image, however seemed to twist with what appeared to be amusement. ”But for how long?”

Harmony looked straight up at him and glared. “What do you mean?” She demanded.

”Never you mind.” The ram replied, slowly beginning to fade away. ”Savor this small victory. It will be your only one.”

Minutes later, the ghostly figure disappeared in a wisp of smoke that blew away in the wind. Before the ponies could figure out what that meant, the dead resumed their attack. The momentary truce that his announcement had passed and now the wights pressed forward, even more forcefully than before.

Before they could reach the line in a renewed assault, several Pegasi flew over the line and dropped off or landed a group of fighters of distinction directly over their right flank. The group had volunteered the second part of Tempest’s plan. Their mission was to drive a wedge through the enemy’s line and defeat them in detail. Because they had waited for the bulk of the enemy had been destroyed or engaged, they were fresh and ready. Prior friendships and training had given them unity and made its easier to coordinate while the enemy was scattered. Their minds were filled with purpose and their order was clear: Drive the enemy back.



“For Equestria!” Shard cried over the ringing of steel. With a quick spell, he conjured a green bladed sword and led the group’s charge across the plain. Flurry was right beside him, blasting gold beams and conjuring shields for the others as they galloped forward. Although he feared for her safety, he was glad to have her with him, though he also found himself thanking Celestia for the others too as they began to fight.

To his right, Bryar and Cosmic directed their magic into the enemy, the former turning them into harmless piles of bones or drowning them in chocolate rain. The latter generated so much fire it looked as if he were trotting through a volcano. Bryer’s chaos based abilities seemed especially effective, as he ripped right through the corpses with almost contemptuous ease.

To Shard’s left, Star Shield, Blitz and Jazz Bluster (Rainbow Dash’s daughter) swept through the enemy with their wings and unarmed combat: Bashing skulls with wild kicks before withdrawing into the air. Further along the line, Shard could make out Spike’s son, Sparkscale clearing a path for them with his fire breath. Like his father, Sparks’ flames were bright green, but his breath was far more concentrated, both in heat and intensity. Whenever a corpse was caught in the blast, it was consumed utterly by the flames. Anytime it drew close to one of his friends, he turned it aside with pinpoint control.

Now it was the son of Sombra’s turn. With a deep breath, Shard threw himself into the familiar pattern of alternating between fast jabs, long thrusts and wide, circular swings. Each strike from his blade removed head or limbs. Thanks to both his father and Tempest’s training, he knew well how fight with both sword and with magic. Yet this fight was much more chaotic than any sparring match and much longer and he quickly found himself out of breath. Several times, his healing spells refreshed him and allowed him to keep going.

At one point, he found himself standing flank to flank with Flurry, who had created a gold sword from her own aura. He and the princess covered each other well throughout the battle and corpses soon surrounded them in huge piles.

Shard raised his sword for another blow when he heard it. It started low at first, but began to grow. As if in answer to his hopes, there came the sound of war horns, magically amplified over the entire battlefield, along with the sight of the sun, breaking through the clouds.

The Crystal Empire had come at last.


Ten minutes earlier.

~Shining Armor~

The Crystal forces had prepared for many different possible threats in the years since the Umbrum’s defeat, but the living dead were not one of them. Regardless, Shining Armor and his troops knew his sister was in danger and so it was up to him to bring the reinforcements. The fact they could not teleport directly to Ponyville meant they had to make due with the trains as makeshift troop transports. About halfway or so on the ride over and the train stopped because of a massive energy shield that surrounded the entire town.

Within the barrier, there were dark clouds that obscured everything. They reminded Armor very much of the Umbrum essence, but there was no time to think about that. Several of his troops tried to simply blast their way through the barrier, but it was strong enough to deflect any bombardment.

“Brute force isn’t getting the job done.” Sunburst said after a few minutes. From his tone and his expression, that statement was not sarcasm. To him it was simply pointing out a fact. “We’re either going to need to neutralize the source or find something powerful enough to break through.”

“Why is it every time disaster strikes, you never think to call little ol’ me?”

Both Armor and Sunburst turned at the familiar sound. Both stallions’ mouths were agape as Discord appeared in their midst in a flash, a goofy grin on his face. “It never fails: Some new crisis or baddie shows up and ruins all my fun. Yet, you think your elements are the only solution.”

“This isn’t just any regular crisis, Discord.” Armor said, inwardly aware of the irony of that statement. A thought occurred to him. “Your wife and children...-“

Discord cut him off with a dismissive wave of his claw. “Are safe and sound in our house in Chaosville.

Sunburst gestured with a hoof. “You sure about that?”

Both Armor and Discord turned to the direction he pointed. As if on cue, a group of assorted figures made their way through the smoke. Among them was the multi formed shape of the trickster’s son, Bryer, fighting what appeared to be rotting corpses.

The result was instantaneous.

With a flash of magic, Discord, (looking rather furious) transformed himself into a multicolored jackhammer and started to pound away at the barrier. For a minute, nothing happened, but a crack soon began to appear. Then another and another, until, like glass the whole thing began to chip and break apart. When finally a gap appeared in it, Discord reverted to his original form, but this time he wore a helmet and carried a spear, his eyes glowing red with anger. Whether it was at the creatures threatening his son or the fact that Bryer was not safe back at their house, Armor could not say.

Whatever the case, Discord gestured through the now open space with his spear and shouted.

“Come on, ponies, you want to live forever!?”


Chapter 7: Open War.

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Chapter 7: Open War.

~Shining Armor~

Years may have passed since the last time Armor had fought, but the instinct honed over countless hours of training never faded and he never missed a step on the battlefield. After the initial shock of seeing the dead risen from their graves had passed, it became a matter of figuring out what their weaknesses were and how best to exploit them. The cadavers seemed to lack any basic thought or concerns of self preservation, but they more than made up for it in stubbornness and strength, as well as sheer numbers. Anytime Armor or one of his troops got into close quarters fighting with them, the dead held a clear advantage unless they were the strongest of Earth Ponies.

The fight became a matter of dispatching them from a distance or simply barreling through them with chargers protected by Unicorn shields or by Discord’s chaos magic.

It was fortunate the Crystal Guard had him on their side instead of against him. Watching him in action was like nothing Armor had ever seen. This wasn’t his usual antics or play, this was Discord on the warpath. His snakelike form twisted and turned as he floated over the battlefield, incinerating huge numbers of the horde with magic blasts or ripping open holes in reality and casting them into some eldritch dimension. All the while, his normally sly smirk was completely absent. Instead his expression was one of pure, cold menace. His face did not change when he came upon Bryer a short distance away, while he was fighting a particularly large group all at once.

Though he had met Bryer only once before, Armor’s impression of him was that he was a gruff, surly individual. Probably from all the years of being labeled a freak by the other children. Nevertheless, from what Flurry and Shard described, he had a certain kindness to him that shined through whenever he helped others or was with somepony he felt at ease with. When he broke into a happy smile, they said, it was a sight to behold. Likewise though, they said that when angered, he was a force to be reckoned with.

From the way he was fighting, it was obvious that was not an exaggeration.

Bryer Shade was unique among his friends in that he was a draconnequs, batpony hybrid, but what really made him stand out among the combatants was the way he manipulated both his opponents and the battlefield itself: With flashes of magic, trees and rocks suddenly grew appendages and crushed corpses underfoot. With another, flaming meteors fell upon every corpse on the far ends of the field and exploded, destroying everything in their path. Any remainders were soon assailed by multiple headed clones of himself that sprouted sharp claws and teeth. Snarling like beasts, they ripped the enemy’s rotting flesh like paper.

By the time Discord reached him, Bryer had all but obliterated every one of his attackers. When he turned his attention to his father, Armor caught a glimpse of what he guessed was a version of “The Stare” and it made him freeze in his tracks. If Armor had ever had any doubts about the hybrid’s abilities, they were dispelled in that instant. Bryer’s glare wasn’t like your average angry expression; it was more like looking into some bottomless pit. Even Discord seemed to cowed, at least until his son realized it was him and let up.

“Bryer, why aren’t you with your mother and your sister!?” Discord asked, looking furious. His voice was level, but it was laced with venom.

“My friends needed me, so I’m here to help.” Bryer replied, gesturing to the corpses he had dispatched. “As you can see, I can handle myself.”

Discord looked over the corpses, his expression softening a bit. “I suppose you did well.”

Bryer gave a small smile. “I’m glad you’re here, Dad.”

Discord turned back to the horde, a mischievous grin appearing. “Now, watch your old man work!”

Armor turned to his troops and gestured with his hoof. “Soldiers, those are our friends and families down there, and they need our help! Company forward!”


By the time Shining Armor’s forces had arrived, every cadaver in the group’s path had been cut down. The others had fanned out across the field, taking the fight to the remaining enemies. Shard and Flurry took this moment to rest; leaning wearily on their swords and looked at each other with satisfaction. Watching his girlfriend in action, fighting side by side with her had brought a bit more excitement to their relationship. True, he had sparred with the princess before, but that hardly compared to real combat, especially seeing her in full armor, kicking flank.

She was the only Alicorn among the combatants and that likely made her the most powerful of them. Somehow that made her even more attractive. Friendship aside, the reasons he was drawn to her was because she was beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful, passionate, constantly cheerful and kind. Now? Now, he could add being a skilled, steady and fearsome warrior to the list.

When Shard caught his breath, he removed his helmet, leaned over and lightly kissed her on the cheek.

Flurry grinned. “What was that for?”

“For covering my butt.” Shard said, gesturing to their defeated opponents. “I don’t think we could have beaten these things near so easily without you.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” She said cheerfully. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Shard, Flurry!” Came Shining Armor’s voice. Off in the distance, Shard could make out the scene of him fighting the remaining creatures. “Sorry to interrupt, but we have a bit of a situation here!”

Shard looked at his girlfriend. “Finish this later?”

Her grin returned and with a quick spell she fastened his helmet back on for him. She winked in a knowing way.

“You know it, handsome.”



It took two more hours of hard fighting, but the pony forces routed the horde. Caught between three sides, the last of the corpses were finally overwhelmed and destroyed. Not content to sit out and let others finish the fight, Harmony took to the field herself and was the first into the charge that trampled over what few remained. Captain Shadow was right beside her as she fought; directing the troops or blasting apart any stragglers with single shots.

As the battle drew to a close, Captain Shadow allowed her the honor of dispatching the last one. It was the corpse of a fallen Earth Pony, looking rather old, trapped underneath a pile of its fellows. Futilely, it struggled under the weight of the slain, and it snarled and roared as it looked up at her.

With that, Harmony reared back her spear and brought it down in a stab. The blade pierced straight through the rotted flesh, and after a moment, it went still. With a sharp exhale, she withdrew her weapon, looked up and found herself thanking Celestia for her mentor’s brilliance. Tempest’s plan had worked almost to perfection. It had been a hard won victory, but Ponyville still stood and its people were safe.

“You did well, Princess.” Tempest said as she trotted up and placed a hoof on Harmony’s shoulder. “You do me proud. It’s clear you no longer need my training.”

It lifted Harmony’s spirit to hear her mentor’s praise, but there came a gnawing uncertainty in her stomach. Though they had won a victory, many of their troops had died or been injured. She felt as if she could have done more. Maybe if she were as strong as Flurry, or Celestia forbid, her mother, they might not have died. Maybe if she hadn’t given up her horn...

A little known fact about Harmony was that she was actually born an Alicorn, like her cousin, Flurry, but unlike her, she felt unworthy of the power it had brought. As per her own request, Discord had removed her horn until she felt she had earned the right to use it.

“You’re awfully quiet.” Tempest observed. She let loose her grip and pointed towards the surviving guards. They were regrouping. “This is a good day.”

“Good?” Harmony asked, gesturing to the piles of the dead around them. “These were ponies once. They didn’t ask for this. They didn’t want to fight.”

“Open up your eyes, Princess.” Tempest said sternly. “This is Grogar’s work, not ours. He’s the one responsible for their suffering and he will pay for it.”

Harmony knew Tempest was trying to reassure her in her own way. Since her reformation, she had a bit of difficulty in expressing herself in any way but blunt and to the point, but Harmony appreciated it. Tempest never minced her words or held back when she spoke her mind.

“Isn’t there anything else we could have done?” Harmony asked. Try as she might to keep a brave face in front of the troops and her friends, she felt no shame in voicing her doubts to her mentor. Blunt and honest she might be, but Tempest had a soft side for her. Any time Harmony doubted herself, the captain was there with a sharp word that instantly silenced her doubt. That, the princess noted (with some humor) meant that in times of peace, would lose her head easily, but in moments of crisis, she was cool as a cucumber.

What came was exactly what she was expecting.

"I don't think so, princess." Tempest replied, shaking her head. "If they're already dead, there's no way to return them to life. If it makes you feel better, the truly dead obviously feel nothing. So, we don't have to worry about them suffering any more. You don't need to fear killing them."

Harmony was about to reply when she heard the sound of approaching hooves. Moments later, a large group of ponies galloped in front of her. Among them were her friends and her cousin. Also among them, to Harmony's surprise were Spike and Grubber, Tempest's assistant. In the years following the Storm King's defeat, the hedgehog and the dragon had become good friends, a rather odd arrangement in Harmony's personal opinion, given Grubber's selfishness, laziness and gluttonous appetite, but not something she was really willing to question, especially because Tempest counted the hedgehog as her oldest and closest friend. If the captain trusted him, so did she.

The pudgy little hedgehog gave an exaggerated salute as he approached.

“Brought a few friends: Captain Celaeno and her crew are helping to evac the town.” With a toothy grin, he procured a slice of strawberry cake from behind his back. “And I helped evac Sugarcube Corner. Those freaks won’t be getting any of this!” With that, he proceeded to drop the whole slice in his mouth and swallowed it whole.

Before Harmony could voice her disgust, Tempest gave a rare, small smile. “Hello, Grubber. It’s been a while.”

The hedgehog waddled up to the captain and embraced her and to Harmony’s surprise, she returned it.

“Harmony!” Came another voice, that of her uncle, Shining Armor.

“Hello, Uncle.” She said as he galloped into view. “I’m pleased to see you unharmed.”

“Glad to see you too, Harmony.” He said, giving her a quick hug. His expression turned urgent. “Where’s your mother? I need to speak to her immediately.”

“Princess Twilight and the elements are hunting the source of these monsters.” Said Tempest. “Our mission was to hold back the hordes while they seek out this... Grogar.”

“Any idea where they might have started? They might need some help.” Armor gestured with a hoof to the waiting troops. “My soldiers are still combat ready.”

“Princess Twilight was insistent that they needed only the elements.” Said Tempest. “The rest of our mission is to sweep the area and ensure there are no more wights.”

With that, Harmony decided it was time to have her voice heard and redonned her helmet. In a commanding voice, she said. “I’ll lead them. Captain Shadow, you and Captain Armor can handle the rest of the evacuation.”

Both Tempest and her uncle looked at her in surprise. Beside them, Grubber chuckled.

“Well, what do ya know? Little Harmony is starting to sound like a real Princess.”

“Because she is.” Tempest said proudly. “She is Princess Twilight’s daughter and her eventual successor.” She turned back to the guards. “You heard her highness: Spread out! If you locate any more wights, destroy them.”

Chapter 8: The Road Darkens.

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Chapter 8: The Road Darkens.


Less than an hour after the last of the Wights was destroyed, it was agreed among the defenders that their best course would be to debrief and plan their next move. In the map room of the Friendship Castle, Shard watched as his friends and comrades mingled while awaiting Captain Shadow and Shining Armor. Both had agreed to speak in private about the Element Bearer's whereabouts. So far, there had been no word from any of them, nor had there been a trace of their target. Grogar was about as mysterious and elusive as the smoke he had relayed his message through.

From what little information Shard could remember from the old story that his mother had read to him as a colt, Grogar was a Ram from thousands of years ago. A Necromancer, or a sorcerer with the power to command the dead - (as was obvious from the enemy he had just fought) - he ruled over a dark city called Tambelon until both he and it were banished from the world by a group of Unicorn warriors led by the hero, Gusty. More insidiously, he had the ability to feed on fear - growing stronger from the terror of those around him. As he was already powerful enough to raise armies of the dead and the fact it took a force of powerful unicorns simply to drive him back, the element bearers obviously had their work cut out for them.

A familiar voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"If we're ready to begin." Said Tempest as she entered the room. "Everycreature, please pay close attention to Sunburst."

"Thank you, Captain." Sunburst said, straightening his glasses. "Before the Wights showed up, I had a dream while I was consulting this tablet." A cloud of telekinesis and he held up a strange looking relic. A stone tablet that bore ancient markings, some of which were in the Old Ponish language. Other markings were in a language Shard did not recognize. "In that dream, I saw Princess Amore's spirit. She told me about the bells - which as I remember in the old records now represented Tambelon, or the dark city where Grogar rules."

There was a murmur from the crowd. Shard waited impassively, knowing the rest of this story, but to his surprise, Sunburst brought the tablet closer - adjusting his glasses again in the process.

"What does it say, then?" Flurry asked, stepping forward, a concerned look on her face.

"It's an old poem, or so I thought - before. It's actually a warning or a prophecy of some kind." Sunburst explained. He squinted, then continued. "Translated, it goes like this."

"'The dark city awakes to the bell,
All who live, do so in fear and alarm,
From the living hell that is
The city of Tambelon.'

'Day of terror impending,
In the shadow of the dead,
Time of woe, time of ending,
Brother's blood shall be shed.'

'Only with the six of wing and horn-...' He trailed off, then paused, as if deep in thought, then shrugged. "It goes on for another two lines, but I'm afraid I didn't have time to translate the rest of it."

"Six of wing and horn?" Flurry wondered aloud.

"Obviously that refers to Alicorns." Said Shard. "You, your mother, your Aunt Twilight and your Great-Aunts, Celestia and Luna." At that moment, out of the corner of his eye, Harmony flinched, looking very uncomfortable but she said nothing.

"Day of terror, shadow of the dead." Tempest said. "That probably refers to the Wights. Grogar commands all that's dead. Likely, this power isn't limited only to ponies either."

Sunburst nodded. "Yeah, but what about the other lines? Time of woe? Time of ending? What do you suppose all that means?"

"Maybe Princess Amore would know." Suggested Harmony. "You said she contacted you in your dreams. Maybe Great-Aunt Luna can help with that. She has power over the Dream Realm."

Sunburst stomped a hoof. "You're right! Harmony, you're a genius!"

Harmony blushed at the praise. Beside her, Bryer smiled and put his hoof on her shoulder. Throughout the discussion, he and the other element-bearer's children had remained silent, probably until they could contribute something meaningful.

"Where are the other three princesses now?" Tempest asked. "I didn't see either of them in the battle."

"They agreed to help evac the town." Shining Armor said. "We split our forces into two groups. They're probably with Captain Celaeno and her crew right now."

"They are." Said Grubber, piping up for the first time since the meeting began. "They agreed the safest place for the moment would be Canterlot."

"A pity." Muttered Tempest. "We could have used their help."

"The safety of our people comes first, Captain." Harmony said gently. "And for what it's worth, you did say yourself this was a good day."

Tempest's expression softened a bit, and she smirked. "You're right. I suppose we already do have enough royal firepower with us; you and the princess of explosions, here."

Flurry turned away, sheepishly at the comment. That was her much hated childhood nickname that Shadow had come up for her, with her mother's teasing suggestion.

"It seems that all we can do now is hope the elements are up to the challenge."

"They weren't." Another voice came, just as the doors to the map room slammed open.

To everycreature's surprise, (most of all Shard's) - it was Sombra, looking battered and beaten. His right eye was shut from bruising - and he appeared to be on very wobbly legs.

"Father!" Shard cried, rushing past the crowd and embracing his injured parent.

Sombra gave a weary smile. "It is good to see you safe, son." He remarked, slightly wincing as Shard's hooves closed around a dark mark on his coat, causing him a brief stab of pain.

"What's happened?" Harmony spoke up, looking very worried. "Where is my mother and the elements?"

Sombra hung his head dejectedly. "They are lost to us. Grogar has captured them - and he is on his way to to the Tree of Harmony to destroy it."

Chapter 9: All is Lost.

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Chapter 9: All is Lost.

One hour before.

The journey through the Everfree forest proved to be as tense and filled with dread as the battle Sombra had fought against his mirror-counterpart 16 years before. Now, he was only going into this fight with the element-bearers instead of the royal sisters. The years had been kind to them, of course, and they did still possess the same power as before, but Sombra felt uncertainty growing in his chest. They were about to go into battle with a legendary figure - a being even older than the royal sisters. Older even than Equestria for that matter.

"Get ready everypony." Said Twilight ahead. Sombra looked up; conjuring his sword in the process. "Here comes some more Wights."

Since their mission began, Sombra and the element bearers had occasionally stopped to fight the Wights, both to aid the defenders in Ponyville and to sharpen their skills. Though he was loath to admit it, Sombra's prowess had waned in the years since the battle. He had taught Shard how to fight, yes, but the boy was a gentle soul; he despised violence. With that, he had instead obliged only to teach him to defend himself - and had encouraged Hope to teach him her healing magic.

The thought of his wife and son gave him strength and the moment the first group of Wights appeared, he was first into the fight; hacking and slashing them apart with single blows. Twilight and the others joined him - their movements still sharp despite their advancing ages. The Princess of Friendship herself seemed more powerful than ever - casually trotting through the skirmish and disintegrating Wights with but a flicker of her magic. Individual combats raged through the forest - with Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash contributing the most.

Sombra swept left and right - his sword hacking off the heads of two in as many swings, but he doubled over in pain as a sharp stab came into his side. Not from any weapon of the enemy, but from his own body. Soon, every cadaver was dispatched in short order, but by the end of it Sombra was exhausted and found himself leaning on a nearby tree for support - trying to catch his breath.

"It sure feels good to be back in action." Said Applejack, stretching her legs out. Small pops and the sound of bones cracking could be heard. "Been too long since we seen a good ol' fashioned fight."

"Speak for yourself." Said Sombra, giving her a wry grin. "I guess I'm not as spry as I used to be."

"Don' tell me your starting to feel your age already?" Applejack replied with a laugh. "Even Granny can move better'n you - and she's almost pushin' one hundred."

Beside him, Fluttershy put a hoof on his shoulder. "I can give you my chiropractor's name if you need it."

"I appreciate the gesture, Fluttershy, but I just need a minute." Sombra stood up to his full height, ignoring the pain in his joints as he did so.

"Are you sure you're up to this, Sombra?" Twilight asked, concerned. "Nopony asked you to come along - and we all understand if you want to head back to your family."

"You sure you'll be able to keep up with us, old man?" Said Rainbow Dash. "Even at thirty eight, I'm still the fastest flier in Equestria."

"No, thank you Twilight." Said Sombra. "Hope normally heals me anytime I have the aches." To Rainbow he grinned. "But rest assured, even at fifty, I can still throw down with the best of them."

It took a few more minutes, but he eventually found the pain subsided, he stood up and they were on their way.

On the journey forward, they compiled notes - what little they knew for certain was that Grogar had declared himself Emperor of the land that was to become Equestria and that he had clashed with the unicorn, Gusty the Great and her warriors. Supposedly, at full power, his strength was greater than that of a thousand armies. Even without his magical bell, he was likely to be more powerful than any other opponent they had faced before.

"I think it is likely that Grogar has spent the last few thousand years rebuilding his strength - watching us, studying our weaknesses." Sombra said. "I had heard of him back when I was in power, but never did I think he was real."

"I remember Granny tellin' us stories of him when we were foals." Said Applejack. "S'pose then that he's as powerful as they say. This could be the fight o' our lives."

"We've fought big scary things before." Said Rainbow Dash casually, hovering above them with a cocky grin. "He'll fare no better. As long as we got the elements, he can't beat us."

"Don't be so sure of that, little ponies." A dark voice said all around them. The element bearers froze - and Sombra raised his sword. All of them scanned the surrounding forest - finding nothing.

"Am I goin' nuts or did I just hear a voice?" Applejack wondered aloud. "Y'all heard that too, right?"

"I heard it too. And has anypony noticed it's too quiet?" Said Fluttershy meekly. "There aren't any animals around." She looked down at the ground beneath their hooves. "Not even the bugs are out."

"Come on out, goat!" Rainbow shouted, putting her hooves around her mouth. "We're here to kick your flank!"

"Such confidence." Said the voice, sounding amused. "Come then, little ponies. Try and defeat me if you can."

"Nopony move." Said Sombra, suddenly feeling very cold. "This was not a good idea."

"Sombra, self-proclaimed 'King of the Monsters'."

"You know who I am?"

"Of course. How could I not recognize one of my own creations?"

That got everypony's attention. Most of all, it got the former King's.

"What do you mean?!" Twilight demanded before he could speak. "Sombra is not an Umbrum anymore!"

"Indeed. A pity that he is no longer a shadow-pony. But then, who do you think created the Umbrum? It was I."

Sombra's jaw fell in shock.

"Still, Umbrum or not, there is still much power in him. The potential to reawaken the darkness within you remains. Join me, Sombra and Equestria will be ours!"

"You might have created the Umbrum, but he's our friend." Said Pinkie, putting her foreleg around his shoulders. "Besides, doesn't that mean you owe him like... a lot of birthday presents? What kind of creator are you, anyway?"

"Uh, thanks Pinkie." Said Sombra, gently removing her leg. "Still, I am Umbrum no longer. And I will never join you!"

"You cannot hide what you are deep inside. Pretend to be everything you are not; friend, husband, father - but you are and always will be... a monster."

"No, I am no monster, not anymore." The former King felt his anger rise, drowning out the fear. No creature threatened his family! "I stand with Twilight Sparkle and her friends."

"Then you will die."

Before their eyes, a shape appeared before them. A ram, as the legends said - with long, curved horns, red and yellow eyes, white mane and curiously a red harness around his neck accented with gold studs.

Sombra charged, aiming a stab with his sword. Before he could raise it, Grogar's horns flared with a gold aura and conjured a number of tentacles. The first of them grabbed his blade, effortlessly dispelling the magic it was composed of. A second wrapped itself around his legs - halting him right in his tracks. Ordinarily, his momentum would have caused him to flip onto the ground when he reached the end of their length, but these were stronger than any chakns. With a grunt of exertion, he tried to pull himself free - to no avail. Struggle as he might, his restraints held.

"Slow and old." Said the ram, circling him with a cruel smile. "You were a fool to give up your immortality. But then, even at your height, you were no match for me."

Sombra glared straight down at his captor, his "creator" with undisguised hatred. Yet, despite his defiance, somewhere inside he knew this fight was over before it began. Grogar was right; age had turned him into a shadow of his former mighty self. With his dark magic sustaining him, his body would have lasted indefinitely at his peak, but turning mortal had robbed him of that and the rage that fueled him.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Twilight pawing at the ground with a hoof.

"Let him go." She said coldly. "Or we'll..."

Before anypony could blink, a gold aura appeared around her throat, choking the wind out of her. Five separate tendrils reached out from the ground and wrapped themselves around the other element-bearers, preventing them from moving as well. Even Rainbow Dash was ensnared and jerked to the ground before she could fly away.

"No!" Sombra cried, wriggling against the unbreakable restraints. The harder he tried to resist, the more they dragged him down. Despair panged in his chest, along with a twinge of fear as Grogar approached. Not for himself, but for his family. Even the thought was too horrible to imagine.

"I will keep the bearers with me, to watch while I destroy your precious elements." Said Grogar looking down at his captives. "And as for you, Sombra, I spare you only that you may reconsider your actions. I will give you twenty four hours to find a way to regain your dark power. And then you will submit to me."

"And if I refuse?" Sombra spat, still trying in vain to break free.

"Then I will return you to the darkness from whence you were spawned."

With a gesture, Grogar sent the former King tumbling back - straight through a tree - all the way back to Ponyville.

Chapter 10: Just Before Dawn

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Chapter 10: Just Before Dawn.

~Harmony Shine~

By the time Sombra had finished recounting his story, what followed was an unnerving silence. Everyone in attendance had remained quiet throughout the whole story with blank looks on their faces. Finally, after a few minutes of nervous tension, there was a debate about what to do. It was Tempest, being the most militant of them who suggested an immediate attack against Grogar's forces, only for Shining Armor and Sombra to speak up in protest.

"Grogar is not the Storm King, Captain." Said Sombra. "He ruled over ancient Equestria, even before the royal sisters. I've seen first hoof what he's capable of."

"He's right." Said Shining Armor. "If Twili couldn't beat him, we'll need all the help we can get. We have to call the other princesses."

"What about us?" Said Discord, magically stretching his claw arm and pulling in Bryer. "Spirit of Chaos and son, remember? Our magic is just as strong as Tia and Lulu."

"Maybe so, but we can't go on the offensive until we better know our enemy." Harmony said, deciding this was a moment to offer her input. Tempest had taught her to carefully scrutinize every opponent before engaging them. In her words, to succeed in combat was to know your enemy's weakness as well as your own. "Let's compare notes. What do we know about Grogar?"

"He's immortal, like my father." Said Bryer, slowly inching himself loose from Discord's grip. "He likely has been spending the last few millennia gathering his strength, patiently studying Equestria, preparing for his attack."

"Very good, Bryer." Said Discord proudly. "That's exactly what I would do if I were Grogar. Go on, son."

"I remember hearing about a magical bell he used at the height of his power." Bryer continued. "Said to be indestructible, it was stolen by Gusty and her warriors at the height of her battle and hidden away."

"During your fight with him, did you see the Bell?" Tempest asked, tightening her grip on her spear.

"No." Said Sombra. His eyes widened. "That means we still have a chance. Where could Gusty have hidden the bell?"

"Forget about the bell, we need to save my sister and her friends!" Shining Armor exclaimed.

"Captain Armor, have you not been listening?" Tempest said. "If Grogar gets his hooves on the bell, he'll be unstoppable. We need to find it before he does."

At this, Shard looked up. "I will do it. It's my talent after all."

Sombra beamed at that.

"This is a just debate." Harmony said, deciding it was her time to take charge. "But Captain Shadow is correct. I think we stand a far better chance against the villain if we can cut him off from his source of power entirely. We will have Shard locate the bell - then go on the offensive and take the battle to Grogar himself!"

"Uh, Harmony?" Bryer said quietly. He started and looked out the window closest to the door. "There may be no need. It looks like Grogar is bringing it to us."


It was dark when Grogar came to Ponyville. Besides the clouds covering the sky, despite the fact that the Pegasi had tried to keep it clear, what most would remember this as was the day the element-bearers were hung up on slings like trophies atop a floating platform that the villain had brought along.

Grogar had brought with him the element gems as well; but to the surprise of all, they were cracked and broken. Laughter, Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Kindness and Magic all; shattered and in pieces - hanging above their wielder's heads. Far below, the ponies and creatures of Ponyville looked up in silent horror.

No creature spoke, no one moved a muscle. All they could do was watch, petrified as the elements were paraded before them. Grogar, a figure from their nightmares - spoken of in myth and legend was standing directly above them, only he was now very real. He seemed to drink in their fear - to some, he appeared to be growing slightly larger as a result.

"Ponies of Equestria, I am Grogar, Lord of Tambelon." Said the necromancer, magically amplifying his voice.

"As many of you know, I am spoken of as if I were but a story. A thing of the past, vanquished by your self-righteous hero, Gusty. Let me assure you now, I am quite real." He gestured with a hoof to Twilight and her friends. "As a demonstration of my strength, I have crushed your elements with the utmost ease. They will serve as an example to all who oppose me. My power is greater than all of yours - and theirs - combined.'

'I have laid low your greatest champions and destroyed their greatest weapons. Now, there is nothing, no creature, pony or otherwise remaining that is worthy to challenge me. You have no choice now but to prepare for a long, dark future as my subjects... and my slaves. Bow down before me!"

For a long minute, there was nothing. It seemed as if Grogar had truly broken their spirits - but then a voice called out.

"Like Tartarus we'll bow to you!"

All heads present turned at the sound to where it had come. From the Friendship School, where Harmony Shine, Midnight Shard and Flurry Heart stood by her side. Her horn was glowing gold and her eyes narrowed in resolve.

First, Harmony Shine stepped forward. "You may have destroyed the gems of the elements, but the magic of friendship is still on our side!" She declared, stamping her hoof. "My mother, Twilight Sparkle and her friends have taught us that."

Flurry stood up beside her cousin. "She's right! My aunt and her friends have faced impossible odds before, but they have always triumphed - together. And together, we will triumph."

Midnight Shard was the next one to speak. "That's why we will never bow to the likes of you. You try to rule through fear and hate, but those things will always fail in the end."

Once more, Harmony Shine stepped forward. "This is our home, Grogar and you are not welcome here!"

Weakly, Twilight Sparkle looked up and smiled at her daughter with weary pride.

Above her, Grogar sneered, slowly clapping his hooves in mocking applause. "Beautiful. Just beautiful." He said sarcastically, clearly unimpressed. "And maybe your mother also taught you the ways of books and failure."

With that, he leaped down from his platform, the ground splintering beneath his hooves. His horns began to glow a bright gold.

"You ponies really are gluttons for punishment. Time and again I have beaten you, humbled you. Last time I fought, even your greatest heroes barely managed to hold their own. Only by a fluke, a mere twist of fortune did Gusty prevail."

"Funny." Harmony growled. "That's not how I remember the story ending."

"Allow me to refresh your memory." Grogar said, rearing back and delivering a blast of gold lightning at the trio.

Flurry stepped forward and cast a shield spell - blocking the attack. A shimmer of sparks flew from the barrier as the two energies collided. She strained to hold it back - only for it to break through and singe the edge of her wing. Beside her, Shard rushed forward, ripping a nearby rock free from the ground with his telekinesis and hurling it at the ram.

Grogar grinned savagely as he cast a second blast, disintegrating the rock in mid-flight. Turning aside, he conjured a gold sword from thin air and swung it down.

Shard conjured a green-blade of his own a moment before impact and parried the blow. Grogar sent it right back in with a riposte - the young unicorn meeting him with a right to left swing. The two blades crashed into each other with thunderous impact. What followed was a contest of physical and magical strength - Shard's considerable power grappling with the necromancer's in midair. For several seconds, Shard held his own - grunting with effort as he struggled to push his blade away from his throat - the ram pushing to bring it closer. There was no sign of fatigue on his face as he did so.

Suddenly, the stalemate was broken as Grogar was sent reeling by a fierce blow to the side of his head, just below the horns. Harmony Shine, wings outstretched, had struck him faster than the eye could follow - with a well-placed right hoof. She followed it with a solid combination - left hook, right cross, another left, finished by a swift uppercut to the ram's jaw.

The necromancer appeared for a moment to have been caught off guard, but he recovered quickly - and with speed that surprised all present, he struck back with a savage right cross of his own that sent the young princess flying backward. She came to rest, some distance away, her lip bleeding and her coat covered in scratches. Wearily, she rose to her hooves and dodged to the right, just in time as a blast of gold energy struck the spot where she had laid. The ground exploded as the beam struck - a crater much larger than Harmony could have thought possible appearing in its place.

With that, she took off and took flight, just as the villain fired another beam at her - narrowly avoiding it by scant inches.

While he was momentarily distracted, another beam, this one fired from Flurry Heart took the necromancer straight in the chest - driving him back several feet. From behind, Shard covered her with an attack of his own - plunging his sword into the ram's side. The blade went in straight to the hilt, drawing blood as it went out the other side. Flurry raised her horn, cutting the energy from the blast off so as not to hit her lover.

"Is that all you've got?" Grogar growled, turning his head at the young stallion. With that, he reared back and struck, hard, with a backhoof to the side of Shard's face, knocking him unconscious to the ground.

"Shard!" Flurry cried in concern.

"Worry for yourself, little filly." Grogar said, drawing the blade out of his side with his magic. It disappeared, as did the wound - as soon as the tip left his side, the injury closing in seconds. Any trace of blood had simply vanished as well. With that, the necromancer cast another spell - and a row of black spikes erupted from the ground, aimed straight for the alicorn.

Flurry took off into the air and fired several shots at the pursuing spikes - each one exploding into fragments as each shot found its mark. With a sharp inhale, Flurry charged and fired a concentrated blast - the beam far more intense and focused than her previous attack - its energy boosted by her rage at seeing her boyfriend hurt.

With contemptuous and casual ease, Grogar conjured a shield above himself. This time, though, he seemed to have underestimated the princess - as the blast pierced straight through it. The necromancer cried out in terrible pain as it hit him in the right eye - blinding him. With a quick flash of teleportation, he avoided any further damage and reappeared a short distance away.

"Going for the head..." He said slowly, the horrible wound taking its toll. A distended eyeball hung loosely from his socket, a piece of his skull exposed from where he was hit. "Well played, princess."

The horns on his head glowed brightly - to everypony's surprise, the wounds slowly closed - the eye slipped back into its socket and returned to its proper place. Even the charred flesh was quickly replaced with new fur in seconds. When the spell completed, all the damage he had taken had healed.

"But I have power that will make your blood run... cold."

With that, he let loose another spell. Gold chains appeared around her legs, pulling her to the ground in a heap. Grinning menacingly, Grogar sauntered up to her, his horns aglow as he prepared to finish her off.

"No!" Harmony cried as she leaped atop the ram's back, wrapping her forelegs around his neck and pulling him back in a rear-choke. For several seconds, he bucked and leaped, trying to dislodge her. Finally, he stood up to his full height and leaped backwards - slamming his back (and Harmony) on the ground, finally loosing her grip.

"You three... are pathetic!" He cried as he stood back up, glaring down at Harmony. "Why do you even try to hurt me? I am immortal."

"Immortal perhaps, but not invincible." Harmony said, lifting her head. "As long as even one of us stands against you, you'll never win." She slowly rose to her hooves. "You will not kill me, nor will you kill anyone else. I will protect my friends... from you!"

Suddenly, there was a flash of light that surrounded her.


A voice echoed in Harmony's mind. Light and clear and sharp.

Like your mother, you have been chosen.

To stop a force of evil.

You are worthy!

When at last, she opened her eyes, she felt... different.

"Harmony..." Flurry said from nearby, her voice weak. "You... your horn!"

Astonished, Harmony reached up with a hoof. Sure enough, her lost horn had returned - as did the lion's share of her magical power. Moreover, she felt her mana channels, the currents of magical energy running through her body had expanded - grown more potent. Her entire body felt stronger than she had ever felt before.

"And that's not all..." Said Shard, having finally reawakened. "It's your Cutie Mark!"

As if the miraculous return of her horn was not enough, Harmony looked down, half-expecting it to be some kind of cruel joke, at her flank. However, Shard had spoken truth. There, upon her flank was her Cutie Mark.

"Cutie mark or no; alicorn or no, I'm still more powerful than you!" Grogar cried in rage. "Die!"

With that, he prepared to cast a spell - only for Harmony to easily close the distance before he could finish with a flash. Her teleportation had returned, as did her ability to cast magical blasts. A beam of bright purple energy flared from her horn - sending the necromancer flying back. He came to a rest, many feet away with a thud. He rose, teeth bared - a large hole in his barrel, one that healed just as quickly as his previous injuries.

"You are stronger than I thought." He muttered. "But even you can't kill me. I have to ask, though, what did you hope to accomplish here anyway? You cannot defeat me."

"I'm not trying to defeat you." Harmony grinned as she reached down and helped her cousin to her hooves. "I'm trying to stall you."

The necromancer tilted his head, confused. "Stall me? For what?"


Another blast, similar in color to Harmony's, but far more concentrated, suddenly hit the ram in the side, this time nearly blowing him apart. Once more, he got up, but this time he did so much more slowly. His injuries seemed to finally be taking their toll on his healing.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends stood up, their injuries healed. Beside her stood their children as well as Radiant Hope, Sombra and even Discord - all looking ready for a fight.

"You were keeping me distracted while your friends set the element-bearers free?" Grogar said, realization dawning. "How devious."

"Devious is fine." Harmony said levelly. "Can you stand against this many opponents, even the spirit of Chaos? What will you do now, 'Lord of Tambelon'?"

Grogar paused. He seemed to be considering his options, then glowered.

"I'll leave." He finally declared. "I see no purpose in lingering here. Savor your moment of triumph.
This war has only just begun." With that, he began to shimmer and fade - his voice taking on an echoing quality. "We will meet again, little ponies. Next time, I'll put you all in your graves!"

And then he was gone.

Chapter 11: Where Evil Grows

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Chapter 11: Where Evil Grows


It was with a heavy heart and a heavier mood that the elements were laid out on the map table after the group had returned to the Friendship Castle. In all his life, Shard had never seen the element bearers so despondent; grim faces all around. Even Twilight looked as if she was about to cry.

"There's nothing we can do about this?" He asked, hoping to be helpful. "No records of how to restore the elements?"

"The Tree of Harmony is gone." She said mournfully. "Without it, there's no way to replace the gems."

"Hey, come on." Said Flurry. "You lot have to wake up! You're the elements. You lot saved Equestria more times than anypony can count."

"Haven't you been listening?" Said Harmony, her voice uncharacteristically angry. "Without the gems, there's no way to access the magic. No Tree, no gems, no magic."

Shard looked on, shocked and saddened, but in silent agreement.

"Oh, come on now." Said Discord, looking exasperated. "The power was in all of you, not in the gems. Remember what the Tree represents?"

"Discord's right." Said Shard. He looked to Twilight. The glow in Twilight's eyes had been penetrated somewhat, but regained a glimpse of its former luster at her words. "Remember? All those stories you told me; all the enemies you defeated. Even without your Alicorn Magic, you still beat Tirek."

"And you beat Chrysalis. Twice even." Said Flurry. "Three times if you count the incident with the comet."

"And my Dad." Said Shard, gesturing to his father. "No offense."

"None taken." Said Sombra, grinning sheepishly. Beside him, Hope put a hoof on his shoulder.

"And... well, you kind of, sort of did defeat me as well." Discord said, most unwillingly. "But I reformed, so it doesn't count."

"Yes it does." Muttered Twilight.

"We can still defeat Grogar, even without the elements." Harmony slammed a hoof on the Friendship map, making it quake. "Send to all of Equestria's neighboring kingdoms for aid. We've got to take this battle to Grogar himself!"

At her words, the map began to glow and suddenly sprung to life. The expanded sections suddenly appeared as well, giving all a glimpse of the outer regions of Equestria, which everycreature present quickly realized were on fire.

"No need, Harmony." Twilight said grimly, her eyes widening in shock. "He's bringing it to us."

Closer inspection of the map revealed a number of locations being attacked - Mount Aris, Yakyakistan, Griffonstone and even the Dragon Lands, along with a portion of the Everfree Forest just outside Ponyville, near the Castle of the Two Sisters.

Tempest chose this moment to have her voice heard. "Princess Twilight, I suggest we divide into groups. Each should take a detachment from the Friendship Guard and reinforce the regions under siege. I will lead the defense of Ponyville in case Grogar's legions return."

"When we've dealt with each of the regions under attack, we'll regroup here and plan our next move."

"In the meantime, I have an idea that just might work. Shard, you need to come with me. I'll need your help," Said Sombra. "But I don't think you're going to like it."

"Father?" Said Shard, curious. "What do you mean?"

"You'll see."



In the depths of the Everfree Forest, far beyond even the Princess' knowledge, Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen stood, contemplating her next move.

"I'm sure to get my revenge, no matter how long it takes. Isn't that right, Mean-Twilight?" She said with a chuckle, gripping the purple log and staring into its lifeless wooden depths. It didn't answer, of course, but talking to it had helped keep the maddening isolation at bay.

In the wake of her last, minor setback nearly twenty years ago, Chrysalis had wandered Equestria in disguise, feeding on what little scraps of love she could get. Even though she had barely managed to scrape by, her will was strong - and she held off the mental deterioration by reminding herself of how much she would make Starlight suffer, once her next master plan could be completed... whenever that chance presented itself.

In the meantime, she had contented herself with staying low in the wilderness, just near the Everfree Forest - trying to stay beneath Twilight's notice and frightening off whatever creatures came at her.

"No matter that I have no hive, no allies, no subjects. That will not stop Queen Chrysalis!" She said aloud to no one at all, cackling at the sky as she did so.

She was about to make yet another declaration before she found herself engulfed by a powerful spell, one she instinctively knew was a teleportation spell. Suddenly she found herself afloat - then was spirited away into the air. As soon and suddenly as the spell was completed, she found herself in a strange looking cave of red rock and with what she recognized as a scrying orb in the center of a vast chamber.

Readying herself with a snarl, Chrysalis' eyes scanned the chamber - coming to rest on a familiar looking figure.

"Lord Tirek?" She wondered aloud.

"A Changeling? Here?" Said the Centaur. "See? She gets it." He gestured to what appeared to be a Pegasus Filly, though closer examination showed lines on her face, indicating she was actually much older than she appeared. Most probably she had her growth inhibited somehow.

"Where am I? Why did you bring me here?"

"Oh golly!" She exclaimed in a high voice, hiding behind Tirek's back. "We didn't bring you. We thought you were the one to spring us from Tartarus!"

"Tartarus?" Chrysalis repeated. She was aware of that cursed place. Only the most vile and ruthless of Equestria's enemies were imprisoned there. "It must have taken somepony very powerful to remove you from that place."

"If you didn't bring us here, then who did?" Tirek wondered.

"It was I." Said another voice.

The Changeling, the Centaur and the Pegasus turned, just in time to see a blue furred ram emerge from the shadows and take a seat, just behind the scrying orb. A red collar was about his neck, along with what appeared to be gold rings. Huge horns curled above his head, glowing with awesome magical power.

"You may call me... Grogar."

Chrysalis gasped in recognition. "The Grogar!? I have heard of you."

"I thought you were only a myth!" Tirek exclaimed.

"Who?" Said the Pegasus.

"I assure you, I am quite real." Said the necromancer, eyeing the three up and down. "I have brought you three here as part of my plan to rid Equestria of Twilight Sparkle and her friends."

"I have heard stories of the first Emperor of Equestria." Chrysalis said.

"As have I." Said Tirek. "I remember reading about his tyranny when I was young. I heard he was called the 'Father of Monsters'."

"In Ancient Equestria, I gave life to the foulest of creatures and allowed them to take what they wanted and destroy the rest." The orb glowed in response to his words; suddenly shadowy creatures appeared within its depths. The imagery shifted, showing them laying waste to Equestria, stealing and killing everything in their path. "My reign was a glorious epoch of darkness. I even created the Umbrum, long ago to serve as my agents, to continue my work in case I should ever fall."

"And you did." Chrysalis spoke up again. "When Gusty the Great defeated you and stole your Bewitching Bell."

"That fool," Grogar snarled. "-Believed that stealing my bell would defeat me forever. However, I have spent the last few thousand years gathering my strength; biding my time for my return. And now, I have tried and tested the Elements of Harmony - and I have succeeded in destroying their source of power, this 'Tree of Harmony' that they drew their strength from. Thus weakened, I planted the seeds of their destruction. All that remains is for us to divide and conquer Equestria, and all the land will be ours!"

"What are you suggesting?" Chrysalis eyed the ram. Ancient powerful evil or not, she was not about to let somecreature order her around.

"I suggest nothing." Grogar replied, putting himself directly in front of her and glaring. For the first time in a long time, Chrysalis felt a twinge of fear. "I demand that you join me."

"How can you be so sure?" She managed to retort. The words rang hollow, even in her own ears. She struggled to think of an excuse. She found one. "Those ponies only defeated me because they cheat."

"And they are annoyingly lucky!" Tirek chipped in.

"I'm just a kid." Said the Pegasus, even though that was obviously untrue.

"It is because they work together." The ram sat down, gesturing once more to the orb. It showed each of the element bearers - and Starlight - and Chrysalis seethed at the sight. "Where one is weak, the others are strong. As long as they work together, they are formidable - but there is a weakness that we can exploit."

Suddenly the view shifted - this time to another figure - one that Chrysalis was all too familiar with - King Sombra. Strangely, he did not appear as he did before, like when Chrysalis last knew him. He appeared... normal. Like his shadow powers were gone. A little closer look - and suddenly it hit her. That was exactly what happened. Sombra had lost his power. He was no longer an Umbrum.

"King Sombra?" Tirek wondered. "What use is he?"

"He is a King no longer." Grogar said. "He forsook the dark powers I used to give him and his race life. Now he is but an ordinary pony. However, the balance in him may have shifted one way, it can just as easily be shifted back."

"Are you saying you mean to corrupt Sombra once again?" Tirek asked, raising one massive eyebrow.

"Precisely. In that was but one step of my master plan." Grogar chuckled darkly. "The next was to destroy the Tree, which I have already done. Step three has begun. Open war."

"And I suppose the Umbrum somehow have a role to play in this plan?" Chrysalis asked. "They answer to no pony."

"Not quite. The Umbrum are destroyed." Grogar looked quite irritated at that statement. "Twenty years ago, an old enemy sacrificed herself to remove them from this world. But it is of no matter. My armies are already on the move. While the ponies are distracted, we will make our next step."



Being a career soldier in the Royal Guard of Equestria came with a number of perks - not the least of which was the discipline and focus that came with the training to follow orders without question. What the guard did not prepare Blitz for was talking to his longtime crush, Harmony Shine. Every time he looked at her, his tongue tied and he found himself mesmerized by her beauty.

A little known fact about Blitz was that he had some deep seated insecurities which he tried to hide using his wit, bravado and his eagerness to get into the action. Following in the hoofsteps of his father, Sergeant Rapid-Fire, he had a reputation for being fearless in combat and a skilled combatant. However, what most ponies didn't realize that he certainly did still feel fear - it was just so that his training had taught him to punch and kick his way through danger rather than freeze up.

To his great annoyance, none of that prepared him for when he, Brier Shade and Harmony Shine had been given a mission together. His mood further darkened when he noticed how the two of them exchanged glances every so often - and even he could see the sparks they shared. Jealousy flared in his chest as he watched them smile and lightly brush each other every so often as they walked.

Because they were not going far, to Sweet Apple Acres, they had forgone flight and simply trotted to it at a leisurely pace. It was a quiet trip, but Blitz felt the urge to speak up - say something, anything that might separate them - give him a few minutes to speak to Harmony alone, but that was against his honor code and would make him a bad friend. He liked Brier - but he couldn't help but feel that the hybrid was in the way.

Blitz had met Harmony Shine three years before, when his father retired from Guard service and nominated him in his place. Blitz first took notice of her when she was with her mother, Twilight Sparkle on the balcony of her Castle, watching him and the other new recruits in training. From the moment he first caught a glimpse of the young princess, he was smitten - completely taken in by her beauty - the way the sun caught in her purple hair and her eyes.

Their introduction had come after one of his training sessions - when Captain Shadow introduced him to her and Princess Twilight as per his promotion to Corporal. It had been short, but he had tried to make a good first impression - yet he couldn't help but notice the Princess' shy looks and the way she averted her eyes whenever the conversation between her and Captain Shadow had turned to her own instruction. Apparently, Harmony was born an Alicorn, but she had given up her horn - a fact which caused her no small amount of anxiety.

Now? She had regained it, and she seemed much more confident - perhaps too much so, at least towards the hybrid in Blitz's opinion. She was much more open - she chatted openly and laughed whenever he shapeshifted as per some lame joke.

Through the whole walk, Blitz kept his face carefully forward and his mouth shut, but the whole time, he was wishing it was him that brought her such joy while at the same time he wrestled with the guilt. What kind of friend would he be if he wasn't happy for Brier?

...The kind who was infatuated with her and too much of a coward to act on his feelings, that was who.

With a heavy heart, he turned his gaze away from the two and looked up at their destination; the Apple Family's farm house. It hadn't changed much, but there was the unmistakable smell of burning carrion. No doubt the enemy had tried to flank around this place and use it to hit the defenders of Ponyville in the rear during the earlier fighting, but they would find it impossible. Applejack's older brother, Big Mac, her sister Apple Bloom and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were at the farm - as were their distant cousins - the Pie sisters.

"Howdy there!" Came a small voice.

The three turned and were greeted by the sight of two grey Earth Ponies. One was Boulder, he knew, the other was a little filly he did not.

"Hey Beryl." Said Brier. "And Boulder, it's good to see you."

"Hey Boulder." Said Blitz. "Who's the filly?"

"This here is ma older sister, Beryl Pie."

Blitz blinked. Did he hear that right? "Come again?"

"Beryl Pie!" Said the little Earth Pony, jumping up and down on her brother's back. He did not even seem to notice or care. Compared to her, he was massive. "I'm Boulder's big half-sister! We got the same Mama, Maud Pie - but our daddies were different."

That was something Blitz did not know. He knew that Maud's husband was Trouble Shoes, but he had never guessed that she might have had another child - let alone an older one. But then, he didn't know much about Boulder, except that he was quite an accomplished chef - (if you had a taste for rock based dishes that is) and that he enjoyed geology, mining and chiseling.

"And who's your pappy?" Blitz mentally kicked himself. These country colloquialisms were contagious.

"My Daddy was Mud Briar. Mama's first husband." The little Earth Pony's ears drooped a bit as she spoke. "He died when I was just a little filly, but if Mama hadn't met Trouble, my little brother would never have been born!" Her grin quickly returned as she patted her half-brother's mane.

"And me and ma big sis have been thick as sedimentary ever since I was born." Boulder said with a rare, small smile.

"We heard that the farm had been attacked during the fighting." Harmony said. "By the wights."

"Sure did." Boulder said, gritting his teeth. "Them corpses went and wrecked our cousin's farm. We was lucky we were here when it happened."

"We 'Were' lucky, little brother." Beryl corrected. "But yeah, you should have seen it!" She wooped, shadowboxing with her tiny hooves. "Boulder here ripped right through those cadavers!"

That didn't surprise Blitz. He knew that Boulder was quiet and slow to anger, but it was even harder to get him to calm down. When combined with his Earth Pony strength and size, he was a force to be reckoned with. Adding on to that was the fact that, while he was enormous and powerful, he was anything but slow. He had seen it before during one of his spats with Cosmic Flare. In the time it took for him to blink, Boulder had come between them and put a stop to it.

The mental image of Boulder fighting Wights contrasted with the gentle image he had of the quiet pony, but then, further examination of the farm and he caught a glimpse of a pile of corpses. Truly dead corpses that were piled into one gigantic, burning mound. Most of the corpses were smashed into pulverized muscle and bone fragments - no doubt Boulder's doing.

"He was stomping and kicking them right over the horizon, they never stood a chance!" Beryl started to jump again, Boulder looking away bashfully at the praise.

"Weren't nothing." He said quietly. "I'd never forgive myself if any of them hurt you or Granny."

"Speaking of whom, is Big Mac here?" Harmony asked.

"No, he took cousin Sugar Belle, the Pie twins and Lil' Cheese to my Mom's Rock Farm before the Wights showed up." Boulder explained. "I was in town, visiting Shard and Blitz here. Big sis wanted to come along and introduce herself, once Shard's date with Flurry was done."

"And when the wights arrived, I wanted to help little brother here fight, but he had it covered." Beryl said, her grin fading somewhat. "I wish there was something else I could have done to help."

"As a matter of fact, there is." Harmony said. "We're going to head to the Everfree Forest in a little while and scout out where the Wights first came from. We could use Boulder's strength and maybe find something for you as well. Your expertise on rocks might be useful. Would you like to come?"

"Would I?!" Beryl exclaimed, excitedly thumping her hooves. "Me, my little brother and you three, on a whirlwind adventure!"

"Glad you're so excited, Beryl." Said Brier dryly. "But this is serious. We need to be prepared for anything."

"Come on, Brier." Said Blitz, interjecting at last. "We got me, a soldier in the Royal Guard. We've got you, the Guardian of the Everfree Forest, the Princess of Friendship's heir and Boulder Pie with us. What's the worst that could happen?"