• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 1,631 Views, 20 Comments

Out of Darkness - Sir Shining Armor

Follow Midnight Shard, Flurry Heart and their friends as a new journey begins - an old foe returns - and Equestria is plunged into war.

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Prologue: A Flurry of Activity

Once upon a time, there was a pony unlike all the others.

All he wanted was a friend.

And he found one, and she was the most amazing friend anypony could ask for.

He loved her, and she loved him.

In time, they married and had a son - and that child played a critical role in saving Equestria.

Now, sixteen years have passed since the Umbrum's final defeat - and all was well.

... Or so they thought.


Rumor traveled fast across the Crystal Empire, especially when it came to the royal family. Most of the time, it was about mundane things - Cadance had changed her manestyle, or Shining Armor was planning to promote this guard or that one, but shortly after the Grand Galloping Gala - the city was abuzz with gossip: The heir to the Crystal Throne was in love with the son of Sombra!

This was an old rumor, of course, but new life had been breathed into it shortly after the Gala - when all present witnessed Flurry kiss Shard - (or Shard kissed Flurry according to some sources) - but all parties agreed they were Equestria's cutest new couple. When they were seen on their first official date, they were greeted with the smiles and approving nods of the Crystal Ponies.

In particular, the group that comprised of the element-bearer's kids collectively agreed they'd ensure their friends would have the best date ever.


A pounding heart (and adrenaline) kept the son of Sombra awake through the night as he thought of the events to come that evening. He was going on a date with his best friend - the future Crystal Princess herself - and while he couldn't be happier about that, to say that he wasn't nervous would be the biggest lie in recorded history. He lay in his bed in his room of the Crystal Palace - staring at the ceiling, wide-eyed and unable to get so much as a wink of sleep.

Shortly after the Gala, he and Flurry had agreed they would like to test the waters on a deeper level - which was just a fancy way of saying they were now dating - and that tonight would be their first night out as a couple - just the two of them.

Beside him, the alarm-clock read 6:00 AM sharp - just an hour before he usually awoke. Shard had made it a habit to wake bright and early every day - it left more time for reading in the library, practicing his magic or hanging out with Flurry and his friends. Increasingly though, he had used that time trying to think of what to say and do when around the princess. He had considered asking his parents, Sombra and Radiant Hope, but he figured they wouldn't know - given they'd been in love since they were foals and didn't date, even before they got married and had him. Everything had come naturally to them, Cadance said once. Now, Shard was wishing that things went naturally for him.

He knew very little (if anything) about love or romance - heck, he'd been oblivious to it right from the moment Flurry started giving him looks and lightly flirted with him - either he didn't notice it or simply brushed it off as her being complimentary. Double heck, It took being kissed at the biggest shindig in Canterlot to actually get him to notice just how much she had grown!

He had never really considered the thought of a romantic relationship - not with anypony. That, he suspected was the reason that he was so nervous now. Seeing his best friend in a whole new light; experiencing these strange feelings for the first time - it was a lot to take in. Then there came other worries too - the thought of their duties getting in the way of their relationship.

Since he had earned his Cutie Mark, Shard had become a member of the Empire's Archaeology Society, most of which consisted of hours in the archives reading about ancient civilizations. Shard had a particular fascination with locating powerful and dangerous relics - items that, if they fell into the wrong hooves, could threaten Equestria. That occasionally allowed him to travel across Equestria in search of these items - and he had located a few in record time - two weeks, tops - and always he had returned home to his waiting friends.

Then of course, there was the fact that Flurry was a princess - and the heir to an Empire. There was no telling just how busy she would be with her royal duties.

The longer Shard thought, the more troubled he became, until common sense and reason kicked in - and he sat up in bed. Of course, Flurry had always been busy with her duties - but she still somehow managed to find a way to slip away from them and hang with him and their friends. Then there was the fact he wasn't the only member of the Society. Things would continue largely as they always had - except he now had a deeper, more intimate relationship with his best friend.

Things were looking up for him after all. But still, given how little he knew about romance, it was time to ask for some advice. With that, Shard rose from his bed and stood to his full height and stretched himself. A quick spell that opened and closed the door as he left his room and he trotted through the palace until he reached the audience chamber: Cadance was the only one in attendance, as Shining Armor was away overseeing morning drills.

Like Shard's parents, Cadance started to show signs of age - unlike her aunts, Celestia and Luna. Her muzzle and face had grown lined and haggard - though a part of Shard suspected it was from stress. Having a daughter like her - and running an Empire could be daunting.

"Good morning, Cadance." Shard said, giving the princess a minute bow.

"Good morning, Shard!" She chirped, looking up from the book she was reading. "Are you looking for Flurry? She's in her room getting ready for your... date." She emphasized the last word with a sly grin and a wink.

"Thank you, but no." Shard replied. "I'm actually here because I'd like to ask...-"

"Advice on what to do, so you won't end up embarrassing yourself?" Cadance finished for him with a nod. At his stunned silence, her grin widened. "Princess of Love, remember?"

"Right, well." Shard collected himself and resumed. "Yeah, that about hits it on the head. I'd like to know what...-"

"Flurry would like to do on her first date?" Cadance finished again. "Flurry's mother, remember?"

"Could you not do that?" Shard asked, slightly annoyed. "But yes, I am wondering what we should do. I'm afraid I've never been on a date before."

"Neither has she." Cadance pointed out helpfully. "And let's not forget, you are her best friend, aren't you? Just be yourself."

If I had a bit for every time I heard that. Shard thought caustically, but was too polite to mention out loud. "Well, yeah, I was thinking that - but I don't want this to be like our other hangout nights." He looked down at the ground. "I have this feeling that I have to do everything absolutely right. It goes beyond the fact that she's my best friend, that I really like her. Like, a special night for a special girl." He looked back up. "Like, how do I express that?"

"I know what you're talking about, Shard." Cadance said tenderly, putting a hoof on his shoulder. "But I'm afraid I can't quite tell you what it is. You have to figure it out on your own. But, there is something I can tell you."

"And what is that?"

"You my boy..." She paused for dramatic effect. "... have nothing to worry about."

"How can you be so sure?" Shard asked, raising his eyebrow. Wryly, Cadance stared at him - as if the answer was blatantly obvious, which, after a moment he realized it was. "Good point." He answered for himself and her.

"Just trust your instincts, Shard." Cadance finished kindly. "You know her better, in some ways I suspect, than even I do."

Shard considered that a moment and he supposed it was true. Still, all this talk of dating and being romantic was foreign to him. He did indeed know Flurry's likes and dislikes, inside and out - what made her laugh, what made her cry. Heck, he could probably tell the size of her wingspan! With a nod and a winning grin, he gave the princess a hug.

"Thank you, Cadance. I appreciate it."

She patted him on the back. "Anytime my boy. Anytime."


~Flurry Heart~

Flurry spent most of her morning preparing for her date whilst trying to silence the nagging voice in her head that everything had to be perfect. Sure, Shard had reacted very positively when she kissed him at the Gala, had even held hooves with her after all was said and done - but to say that Flurry was nervous would be an understatement of the highest order. She had spent the first hour of her day pacing back and forth, thinking of what Shard might be planning - and what they'd be doing.

Naturally, given that he was a gentlecolt, there wouldn't be anything more than some chaste kissing, some hoof-holding and maybe a nice dinner - but it was the fact of just how well Shard had responded to her advances that got her mind racing with a number of 'what-if' scenarios.

"What if he decides he doesn't like me like that after all?" She wondered aloud to no one at all. "But then, Shard did kiss me back. So maybe he does feel the same..." She stomped her hoof in frustration at the lack of progress. "Oh, if only I had somepony... wise."

Another moment of consideration - and Flurry had an idea. With that, she concentrated - and teleported in a flash of golden light.



The little town of Ponyville had not changed much over the last few years, though it remained a magnet for oddities, it was still by and large a peaceful place where anypony was welcomed with a smile. That was evident in the faces of the common pony-folk as they greeted Flurry warmly - even when she teleported straight into the town square out of the blue - and right in front of the mail-mare, Ditzy Doo. A split-second later and they collided and collapsed into a heap of tangled legs.

The Pegasus shook her head as the young Alicorn landed solidly on her - her mismatched eyes briefly shifting to a correct position before they returned to their usual odd angle. Flurry was the first to her hooves - then reached down as she helped Ditzy up.

"Sorry about that." Flurry said sheepishly. "I was trying to reach the Friendship Castle."

"Oh, that's alright." The mail-mare said with a good-natured grin. "I've had worse."

"Yeah, I'm sure." Flurry muttered, but quickly sobered, remembering her manners. "It's good to see you again, Miss Doo. How is Dinky?"

"She's just fine." Ditzy beamed at the mention of her daughter. "She's trying to get Rosie to agree to take her on as an apprentice pastry chef."

Flurry nodded in understanding. Dinky seemed to inherit her mother's love of muffins - and she had struck up a friendship with Rosetta Quartz Velvet Cheesecake Pie, (better known as Rosie to her friends) - Pinkie and Cheese's eldest daughter for that reason. One of the many new friendships that had developed between the element-bearer's kids and the locals of Ponyville.

"You said you're heading to the Friendship Castle?" Ditzy asked as she reached down and pulled up her mail-bag. "As it so happen, I've got a letter to deliver to Harmony Shine from Emerald Blaze."

Flurry nodded once again. The ponies in question were her cousin - Harmony Shine, daughter of Aunt Twilight and Uncle Flash - and the eldest daughter of Spike and Rarity, respectively.

"Yeah. I was actually going to ask some advice from my Aunt Twili." Flurry started to trot forward and Ditzy followed. "Why not deliver it by dragon?"

"She says this letter is a private matter. Speaking of, what kind of advice are you asking for, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Me and Shard are... going on a date." Flurry bit her lip. "But I'm not sure of how I should act around him."

Ditzy's jaw dropped. "You're going on a date with Shard!?" She exclaimed. Then her expression turned to one of utter delight. "That's wonderful!"

"Yeah, but it's also terrible!"

"Why is that?"

"Because I need to be prepared for everything." Flurry explained. "I figure that if anypony can help me with that, it'd be my BAE - Best. Aunt. Ever!"

"Oh, good idea!"

With that, the normally chipper Pegasus was quiet for the next few minutes - and they said little else to came to the doors of the Friendship Castle. Flurry reached forward and knocked on the door - then pulled back and waited. For a minute, there was nothing. Then came the sound of someone hefting the door open. Behind it stood a pink pegasus with a purple and white mane, tail and gentle blue eyes. Flurry's ears perked at the sight of her cousin - and she gave her most winning grin.

"Harmony!" She exclaimed happily, rushing forward and embracing her in a great hug.

"Flurry!" The pegasus replied, returning it gladly. For a moment, they stood in the doorway, then parted. Both knew what came next.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" They sang, clapping their hooves and shaking their flanks in unison. It was a custom they had adopted from their mothers'; reflecting their close, almost sisterly relationship: As far back as her cousin could remember, Flurry had been her closest family member and friend, next to Shard of course.

"It's so good to see you, cous." Said Harmony in between her laughter. "How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been great. Is Aunt Twili home? I need to speak with her about something important."

Ditzy nudged her on the shoulder. "Little Flurry here has a date!"

"Ditzy!" Flurry said, annoyed.

"A DATE!?" Harmony squealed in delight. "Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!" She practically skipped circles around her cousin. "It's Shard, isn't it!?"

"Eeyup." Flurry deadpanned whilst glaring daggers at Ditzy. Then a thought came to mind. "Wait, Ditzy, didn't you have a letter for Harmony?"

The mail-mare nodded enthusiastically. "By Celestia, you're right!" With that, she fished around inside her bag - several moments passing by while she searched. After about another minute or two, she pulled out an envelope with a green heart-shaped gem stamped on the side, which Flurry recognized as Emerald Blaze's Cutie Mark. Harmony took the envelope, opened it and her eyes flew across the letter.

When she lowered it, she stared straight at her cousin.

"Flurry, I think we need to call a meeting." She said, grinning ominously whilst folding the letter back into its envelope. "All of our mare-friends need to be here for this."

At this announcement, Flurry could only gulp - and Ditzy could only shrug.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! Nick again, at your service. This is the sequel to my story - Son of Shadows. As you can see, it's going to be much longer, more detailed and overall more romantic than its predecessor. Rest assured, the war is coming - and when this is all said and done, we'll have a satisfactory conclusion to this saga.

And before you ask, yes, the children shown here are indeed the Mane Six's kids: Next-Gen OC's with my friend Eevee's permission.

As always, don't forget to comment, rate and enjoy!