• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 1,631 Views, 20 Comments

Out of Darkness - Sir Shining Armor

Follow Midnight Shard, Flurry Heart and their friends as a new journey begins - an old foe returns - and Equestria is plunged into war.

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Chapter 10: Just Before Dawn

Chapter 10: Just Before Dawn.

~Harmony Shine~

By the time Sombra had finished recounting his story, what followed was an unnerving silence. Everyone in attendance had remained quiet throughout the whole story with blank looks on their faces. Finally, after a few minutes of nervous tension, there was a debate about what to do. It was Tempest, being the most militant of them who suggested an immediate attack against Grogar's forces, only for Shining Armor and Sombra to speak up in protest.

"Grogar is not the Storm King, Captain." Said Sombra. "He ruled over ancient Equestria, even before the royal sisters. I've seen first hoof what he's capable of."

"He's right." Said Shining Armor. "If Twili couldn't beat him, we'll need all the help we can get. We have to call the other princesses."

"What about us?" Said Discord, magically stretching his claw arm and pulling in Bryer. "Spirit of Chaos and son, remember? Our magic is just as strong as Tia and Lulu."

"Maybe so, but we can't go on the offensive until we better know our enemy." Harmony said, deciding this was a moment to offer her input. Tempest had taught her to carefully scrutinize every opponent before engaging them. In her words, to succeed in combat was to know your enemy's weakness as well as your own. "Let's compare notes. What do we know about Grogar?"

"He's immortal, like my father." Said Bryer, slowly inching himself loose from Discord's grip. "He likely has been spending the last few millennia gathering his strength, patiently studying Equestria, preparing for his attack."

"Very good, Bryer." Said Discord proudly. "That's exactly what I would do if I were Grogar. Go on, son."

"I remember hearing about a magical bell he used at the height of his power." Bryer continued. "Said to be indestructible, it was stolen by Gusty and her warriors at the height of her battle and hidden away."

"During your fight with him, did you see the Bell?" Tempest asked, tightening her grip on her spear.

"No." Said Sombra. His eyes widened. "That means we still have a chance. Where could Gusty have hidden the bell?"

"Forget about the bell, we need to save my sister and her friends!" Shining Armor exclaimed.

"Captain Armor, have you not been listening?" Tempest said. "If Grogar gets his hooves on the bell, he'll be unstoppable. We need to find it before he does."

At this, Shard looked up. "I will do it. It's my talent after all."

Sombra beamed at that.

"This is a just debate." Harmony said, deciding it was her time to take charge. "But Captain Shadow is correct. I think we stand a far better chance against the villain if we can cut him off from his source of power entirely. We will have Shard locate the bell - then go on the offensive and take the battle to Grogar himself!"

"Uh, Harmony?" Bryer said quietly. He started and looked out the window closest to the door. "There may be no need. It looks like Grogar is bringing it to us."


It was dark when Grogar came to Ponyville. Besides the clouds covering the sky, despite the fact that the Pegasi had tried to keep it clear, what most would remember this as was the day the element-bearers were hung up on slings like trophies atop a floating platform that the villain had brought along.

Grogar had brought with him the element gems as well; but to the surprise of all, they were cracked and broken. Laughter, Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Kindness and Magic all; shattered and in pieces - hanging above their wielder's heads. Far below, the ponies and creatures of Ponyville looked up in silent horror.

No creature spoke, no one moved a muscle. All they could do was watch, petrified as the elements were paraded before them. Grogar, a figure from their nightmares - spoken of in myth and legend was standing directly above them, only he was now very real. He seemed to drink in their fear - to some, he appeared to be growing slightly larger as a result.

"Ponies of Equestria, I am Grogar, Lord of Tambelon." Said the necromancer, magically amplifying his voice.

"As many of you know, I am spoken of as if I were but a story. A thing of the past, vanquished by your self-righteous hero, Gusty. Let me assure you now, I am quite real." He gestured with a hoof to Twilight and her friends. "As a demonstration of my strength, I have crushed your elements with the utmost ease. They will serve as an example to all who oppose me. My power is greater than all of yours - and theirs - combined.'

'I have laid low your greatest champions and destroyed their greatest weapons. Now, there is nothing, no creature, pony or otherwise remaining that is worthy to challenge me. You have no choice now but to prepare for a long, dark future as my subjects... and my slaves. Bow down before me!"

For a long minute, there was nothing. It seemed as if Grogar had truly broken their spirits - but then a voice called out.

"Like Tartarus we'll bow to you!"

All heads present turned at the sound to where it had come. From the Friendship School, where Harmony Shine, Midnight Shard and Flurry Heart stood by her side. Her horn was glowing gold and her eyes narrowed in resolve.

First, Harmony Shine stepped forward. "You may have destroyed the gems of the elements, but the magic of friendship is still on our side!" She declared, stamping her hoof. "My mother, Twilight Sparkle and her friends have taught us that."

Flurry stood up beside her cousin. "She's right! My aunt and her friends have faced impossible odds before, but they have always triumphed - together. And together, we will triumph."

Midnight Shard was the next one to speak. "That's why we will never bow to the likes of you. You try to rule through fear and hate, but those things will always fail in the end."

Once more, Harmony Shine stepped forward. "This is our home, Grogar and you are not welcome here!"

Weakly, Twilight Sparkle looked up and smiled at her daughter with weary pride.

Above her, Grogar sneered, slowly clapping his hooves in mocking applause. "Beautiful. Just beautiful." He said sarcastically, clearly unimpressed. "And maybe your mother also taught you the ways of books and failure."

With that, he leaped down from his platform, the ground splintering beneath his hooves. His horns began to glow a bright gold.

"You ponies really are gluttons for punishment. Time and again I have beaten you, humbled you. Last time I fought, even your greatest heroes barely managed to hold their own. Only by a fluke, a mere twist of fortune did Gusty prevail."

"Funny." Harmony growled. "That's not how I remember the story ending."

"Allow me to refresh your memory." Grogar said, rearing back and delivering a blast of gold lightning at the trio.

Flurry stepped forward and cast a shield spell - blocking the attack. A shimmer of sparks flew from the barrier as the two energies collided. She strained to hold it back - only for it to break through and singe the edge of her wing. Beside her, Shard rushed forward, ripping a nearby rock free from the ground with his telekinesis and hurling it at the ram.

Grogar grinned savagely as he cast a second blast, disintegrating the rock in mid-flight. Turning aside, he conjured a gold sword from thin air and swung it down.

Shard conjured a green-blade of his own a moment before impact and parried the blow. Grogar sent it right back in with a riposte - the young unicorn meeting him with a right to left swing. The two blades crashed into each other with thunderous impact. What followed was a contest of physical and magical strength - Shard's considerable power grappling with the necromancer's in midair. For several seconds, Shard held his own - grunting with effort as he struggled to push his blade away from his throat - the ram pushing to bring it closer. There was no sign of fatigue on his face as he did so.

Suddenly, the stalemate was broken as Grogar was sent reeling by a fierce blow to the side of his head, just below the horns. Harmony Shine, wings outstretched, had struck him faster than the eye could follow - with a well-placed right hoof. She followed it with a solid combination - left hook, right cross, another left, finished by a swift uppercut to the ram's jaw.

The necromancer appeared for a moment to have been caught off guard, but he recovered quickly - and with speed that surprised all present, he struck back with a savage right cross of his own that sent the young princess flying backward. She came to rest, some distance away, her lip bleeding and her coat covered in scratches. Wearily, she rose to her hooves and dodged to the right, just in time as a blast of gold energy struck the spot where she had laid. The ground exploded as the beam struck - a crater much larger than Harmony could have thought possible appearing in its place.

With that, she took off and took flight, just as the villain fired another beam at her - narrowly avoiding it by scant inches.

While he was momentarily distracted, another beam, this one fired from Flurry Heart took the necromancer straight in the chest - driving him back several feet. From behind, Shard covered her with an attack of his own - plunging his sword into the ram's side. The blade went in straight to the hilt, drawing blood as it went out the other side. Flurry raised her horn, cutting the energy from the blast off so as not to hit her lover.

"Is that all you've got?" Grogar growled, turning his head at the young stallion. With that, he reared back and struck, hard, with a backhoof to the side of Shard's face, knocking him unconscious to the ground.

"Shard!" Flurry cried in concern.

"Worry for yourself, little filly." Grogar said, drawing the blade out of his side with his magic. It disappeared, as did the wound - as soon as the tip left his side, the injury closing in seconds. Any trace of blood had simply vanished as well. With that, the necromancer cast another spell - and a row of black spikes erupted from the ground, aimed straight for the alicorn.

Flurry took off into the air and fired several shots at the pursuing spikes - each one exploding into fragments as each shot found its mark. With a sharp inhale, Flurry charged and fired a concentrated blast - the beam far more intense and focused than her previous attack - its energy boosted by her rage at seeing her boyfriend hurt.

With contemptuous and casual ease, Grogar conjured a shield above himself. This time, though, he seemed to have underestimated the princess - as the blast pierced straight through it. The necromancer cried out in terrible pain as it hit him in the right eye - blinding him. With a quick flash of teleportation, he avoided any further damage and reappeared a short distance away.

"Going for the head..." He said slowly, the horrible wound taking its toll. A distended eyeball hung loosely from his socket, a piece of his skull exposed from where he was hit. "Well played, princess."

The horns on his head glowed brightly - to everypony's surprise, the wounds slowly closed - the eye slipped back into its socket and returned to its proper place. Even the charred flesh was quickly replaced with new fur in seconds. When the spell completed, all the damage he had taken had healed.

"But I have power that will make your blood run... cold."

With that, he let loose another spell. Gold chains appeared around her legs, pulling her to the ground in a heap. Grinning menacingly, Grogar sauntered up to her, his horns aglow as he prepared to finish her off.

"No!" Harmony cried as she leaped atop the ram's back, wrapping her forelegs around his neck and pulling him back in a rear-choke. For several seconds, he bucked and leaped, trying to dislodge her. Finally, he stood up to his full height and leaped backwards - slamming his back (and Harmony) on the ground, finally loosing her grip.

"You three... are pathetic!" He cried as he stood back up, glaring down at Harmony. "Why do you even try to hurt me? I am immortal."

"Immortal perhaps, but not invincible." Harmony said, lifting her head. "As long as even one of us stands against you, you'll never win." She slowly rose to her hooves. "You will not kill me, nor will you kill anyone else. I will protect my friends... from you!"

Suddenly, there was a flash of light that surrounded her.


A voice echoed in Harmony's mind. Light and clear and sharp.

Like your mother, you have been chosen.

To stop a force of evil.

You are worthy!

When at last, she opened her eyes, she felt... different.

"Harmony..." Flurry said from nearby, her voice weak. "You... your horn!"

Astonished, Harmony reached up with a hoof. Sure enough, her lost horn had returned - as did the lion's share of her magical power. Moreover, she felt her mana channels, the currents of magical energy running through her body had expanded - grown more potent. Her entire body felt stronger than she had ever felt before.

"And that's not all..." Said Shard, having finally reawakened. "It's your Cutie Mark!"

As if the miraculous return of her horn was not enough, Harmony looked down, half-expecting it to be some kind of cruel joke, at her flank. However, Shard had spoken truth. There, upon her flank was her Cutie Mark.

"Cutie mark or no; alicorn or no, I'm still more powerful than you!" Grogar cried in rage. "Die!"

With that, he prepared to cast a spell - only for Harmony to easily close the distance before he could finish with a flash. Her teleportation had returned, as did her ability to cast magical blasts. A beam of bright purple energy flared from her horn - sending the necromancer flying back. He came to a rest, many feet away with a thud. He rose, teeth bared - a large hole in his barrel, one that healed just as quickly as his previous injuries.

"You are stronger than I thought." He muttered. "But even you can't kill me. I have to ask, though, what did you hope to accomplish here anyway? You cannot defeat me."

"I'm not trying to defeat you." Harmony grinned as she reached down and helped her cousin to her hooves. "I'm trying to stall you."

The necromancer tilted his head, confused. "Stall me? For what?"


Another blast, similar in color to Harmony's, but far more concentrated, suddenly hit the ram in the side, this time nearly blowing him apart. Once more, he got up, but this time he did so much more slowly. His injuries seemed to finally be taking their toll on his healing.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends stood up, their injuries healed. Beside her stood their children as well as Radiant Hope, Sombra and even Discord - all looking ready for a fight.

"You were keeping me distracted while your friends set the element-bearers free?" Grogar said, realization dawning. "How devious."

"Devious is fine." Harmony said levelly. "Can you stand against this many opponents, even the spirit of Chaos? What will you do now, 'Lord of Tambelon'?"

Grogar paused. He seemed to be considering his options, then glowered.

"I'll leave." He finally declared. "I see no purpose in lingering here. Savor your moment of triumph.
This war has only just begun." With that, he began to shimmer and fade - his voice taking on an echoing quality. "We will meet again, little ponies. Next time, I'll put you all in your graves!"

And then he was gone.

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Remember me? I made a story about ponies and creatures and other things - and I promised I would deliver. Now I have. It's been a heck of a long effort, but I finally managed to get a new computer and some time to actually finish this darn chapter. Next won't be as long. I mean it this time.

I put in a number of pop culture references here or there. You get a cookie if you can spot them. Want to give a big shout out to my creative partner, Eevee, who made the drawings you see in the text above. Without her, this would not be possible.

I also want to give a shout out to all the people who favorited, commented or liked my works. It's you lot that make the Brony Fandom great.

As always, don't forget to comment, rate and have a blessed day.