• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 3,886 Views, 232 Comments

Digimon Saga: CTRL-ALT-DELETE - Azure Sandora

A computer hacker and five other girls are the only ones who can protect the real world and the Digital World as Digimon Tamers.

  • ...

08: How far will you go?

Theme Song: With the Wind

08: How far will you go?

It was dark by the time she started making her way back to her mansion, now holding the odd black and purple MP3 player looking device close to her chest. The mysterious woman, Luna right? She called it a “Digivice”, and with it, she'd supposedly be able to make her dreams come true.

My dream…?

But… can I really make Diamond Tiara…?

The young girl opened the door to her mansion, and walked upstairs, passing by all of the servants that awaited her.

“Good evening, Miss Silver Spoon.”

“Welcome home, Miss Silver Spoon.”

“That dress looks lovely, Miss Silver Spoon.”

She inwardly scowled at all of them as she made her way to her room. She hated how phony they all were. They were only saying those things because it was their job. None of them actually cared about her. Her parents didn't even care. That's why they left out again, leaving her all alone.

I hate them…


As she walked into her room, her thoughts went to the one person she didn't hate. The one person who saved her life, and made her feel true happiness for once in her existence. Still wearing her gray and white dress and black shoes, the glasses wearing preteen jumped onto her bed and grabbed a picture. It was of her with another girl about her age with purple and white hair, wearing a fancy pink dress and a tiara in her hair.

“No… I don't hate you…” Silver Spoon said, her voice oozing in desperation and love, “I love you… You're mine, Diamond Tiara… All mine…!” she hugged the picture tightly, imagining that it was her that she was holding, “What does he have that I don't?! Why do you like him and not me?! You're mine, Diamond Tiara! YOU BELONG TO ME!!!”


Silver Spoon was pulled out of her moment by the loud beep coming from her Digivice. She looked at it and saw a holographic screen appear above the device.



Before Silver Spoon could question what she was looking at, she noticed something jump onto her window. She looked and saw an odd looking black and purple cat, with gloves on its paws, and golden eyes that seemed to almost glow in the relative dark.

“You came for me, right?” Silver Spoon asked, looking at the black cat, “Are you a… Digimon?”

The black cat smirked and jumped off the window, walking over to the silver haired girl on all fours.

“My name is BlackGatomon,” the black cat said, voice surprisingly deep for something so cute and tiny, “Don't worry Silver Spoon, I'll love you.”

Silver Spoon's eyes widened, and tears started falling from her eyes. She then pulled the cat Digimon into a deep hug.

“Thank you!” she sobbed, “I love you, BlackGatomon!”

The mission was set to start tonight. The three of them would meet up and then head to Fluttershy's house, as she had the best computer. Also, she said that her family was okay concerning Digimon.

But first, Rainbow Dash needed to get them the key to the back door.

She walked into her mansion and looked around, “Dad, are ya in?” Rainbow Dash called out and waited for a minute, “Alright Veemon, the coast is clear.” Veemon jumped in from the window as Rainbow Dash ran into her Dad's study.

“So, what are we getting?” Veemon asked, running after her.

“My dad keeps all of his important files on his desktop,” Rainbow Dash said, “I can access them because he trusts me. Somewhere on there is the access code that Fluttershy needs.”

“Are you sure this is okay then,” Veemon asked, visibly concerned, “Isn't this a breach of-”

“It's to help Fluttershy uncover the truth.” Rainbow Dash cut her partner off, typing on the desktop computer, “If my Dad knows something about Fluttershy's Mom, we need to expose that.” she smirked at the computer, “And… got it!” she pulled out a flash drive and copied the access key, pulling it out and closing the computer, “Come on Veemon. Let's head out of here.”

Veemon nodded and ran out of the office with Rainbow Dash, but stopped when they heard the door open. Veemon ran over to the window and jumped out just as the door opened and her father walked inside.

“Hey Dad!” Rainbow Dash chirped, trying to hide how much her heart was racing.

“Hello Dash,” Sombra said walking over to hug her, “Were you heading out?”

“Y-yeah,” Dash said, “I'm chilling at a friend's place. You know Fluttershy?”

“The super quiet one, right?” Sombra asked, “Yes, I'd heard you were spending more time with her.”

“It's me and another girl,” Rainbow Dash said, “Pinkie Pie, the one from the diner.”

“Right,” he said nodding, “That's an interesting bunch. As long as you're careful.”

“I will be,” Rainbow Dash said pushing past him to the door, but stopping, “Dad, if I had a secret, a terrible secret, you'd want me to come clean right?”

Sombra was silent for a second, but he then turned to Rainbow Dash, “Of course I would. You should never keep a secret that bad.”

“Right, that's what you always taught me,” Rainbow Dash said with a smile, “That's all.”

“Dash, is something wrong?” Sombra asked Rainbow Dash walking over to her, “You're acting rather odd.”

“I'm fine,” Rainbow Dash forced out, eyes closed and trembling, “I… I need to go, alright? I can't keep my friends waiting.”

It looked like Sombra was going to hug her, but he stopped and sighed, “Very well Dash. Have fun.”

“I will,” she said, running out of the house before she broke down. She knew that Veemon was following her, so she just kept running.

Don't lie to me, Dad!

Please… I don't want them to be right about you!

“Yes, I'm about to get the files now,” Sombra said walking into his study and sitting at his computer, “Soon we'll be able to reconnect with that place. I'll see you back at the office, Octavia.”

He turned to his computer and frowned. He always kept the computer asleep, but the screen was usually off by the time he came in. Yet for some reason, the screen was open.

He shrugged and got to work. He had more pressing matters to attend to. Matters like how he was going to track down Zero.

When Rainbow Dash and Veemon arrived at the corner, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were already waiting for them there with their Digimon.

“Hey, got it,” Rainbow Dash, said handing the flash drive to Fluttershy, “This has the key to Umbra Corps' personal network.”

Fluttershy looked at the flash drive and nodded, “This is perfect. Thank you Rainbow Dash.”

“Don't thank us yet,” Pinkie Pie said, folding her arms and leaning against the wall, “We still need to break in.”

“You said you had a method that involved the Digimon, right?” Rainbow Dash asked Pinkie Pie.

“It's something that my sister Maud taught me,” Pinkie Pie said, “Pull out your phone.” Rainbow Dash shrugged and held out her phone. Pinkie Pie pulled out her pink and white Digivice and typed on the holographic keyboard, “Jack In! Hackmon!”

A green portal opened up next to Hackmon, and he walked through. The portal then closed behind him, scaring Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

“Whoa!” Rainbow Dash cried.

“W-where is he?” Fluttershy asked looking around, surprised when Guilmon and Veemon started laughing, “What?”

“Check her phone, Fluttershy,” Guilmon said. Rainbow Dash looked on her phone and did a double take. On the screen was Hackmon!

Heya!” Hackmon said waving to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, the latter of the two of them smiling in awe.

“He's inside of the phone,” Fluttershy breathed out.

“Well, more so he's in the homepage of the phone,” Pinkie Pie pointed out, “To them, digital planes are environments that can be explored.”

“You're thinking, we send our Digimon into Umbra Corps' network like this?” Rainbow Dash asked with a huge grin.

“Better than us trying to look through the network the old fashioned way,” Pinkie Pie said with a shrug, “Probably safer too. Our Digimon are connected to our Digivices, and no conventional computers can trace them.”

“Guilmon sweetie,” Fluttershy said, pulling out her Digivice, “You've just gotten a huge promotion.”

“Sweet! I got a promotion!” Guilmon cheered happily. He then looked thoughtful, “What's a promotion?”

“Maybe it's means you get more food, or tastier food,” Veemon suggested. Guilmon's eyes widened happily.

“Hey, maybe!” Guilmon cried happily looking at Fluttershy, “Fluttershy! Is that what it is? Is it?”

“Sure,” Fluttershy said, shaking her head, “Maybe I can convince my Dad to make a pastry with your face on it or someth-” she was cut off by Guilmon gasping.

“Guilmon Bread!” Guilmon said excitedly, “It could have strawberry filling, and maybe it's as big as my claws, or, or-”

“Um, why don't we focus on one thing at at time,” Rainbow Dash interrupted suddenly, making Guilmon blush.

“Right, sorry,” Guilmon apologized sheepishly.

Fluttershy patted her Digimon on the head as Hackmon appeared out of another green portal, “My house is close to here. Let's head over now.”

Fluttershy led her friends to her two story house. Pinkie Pie took off her shoes the second she got in, making Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy briefly look at her.

“What?” Pinkie Pie asked, “Just trying to be polite.”

“Hello?” Cyrus said walking out of the kitchen, smiling in surprise, “Fluttershy, are these your friends from school?”

“Y-yes,” Fluttershy said blushing a bit in embarrassment, “Um, Rainbow Dash and her partner Veemon, and Pinkie Pie and her partner Hackmon.”

“Yo,” Rainbow Dash said with a two fingered wave.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Brymwood,” Pinkie Pie said with a bow.

“It's a pleasure to meet you both as well,” Cyrus said shaking hands with both girls, “And you both have such adorable Digimon.”

“Thanks,” Hackmon said, rubbing the back of his head. Veemon folded his arms and pouted cutely

“I'm not adorable, I'm awesome,” he grumbled.

“Daddy, we're heading upstairs to my room,” Fluttershy said, “We're working on a project for school, and need absolute silence, so… I'm going to lock my door.”

“That's okay honey,” Cyrus said, “Enjoy your time with your friends.”

Fluttershy nodded and rushed upstairs, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Veemon, and Hackmon following suit. Guilmon however turned to Cyrus.

“So Dad, Fluttershy and I came up with a great idea for a snack,” Guilmon said, “What if, you made bread with my face on them, with strawberry filling? You could call it-”

“Come on Guilmon!” Fluttershy called out from upstairs.

“R-right! Sorry Fluttershy!” Guilmon cried, running after his tamer, “I'll tell ya more later!”

Cyrus shook his head smiling, and then thought about that idea. Bread in the shape of Guilmon's face, huh?

“So wait, you're from Japan?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yep,” Pinkie Pie chirped happily, “Couldn't tell, could ya? My sis and I moved here when I was 4, so I learned English pretty easily.”

“Was that where you met Hackmon?” Fluttershy asked, setting up her desktop computer. Pinkie Pie nodded.

“Everyone in my family is a tamer,” Pinkie Pie explained, “I received my Digivice when I was still really young, and for a long time I was protected by my three sisters; Maud, Limestone, and Marble,” she went to sit down on Fluttershy's bed looking down, “One day, these really powerful Digimon attacked us, apparently after me. Maud's Leomon fought them to help us escape, but he couldn't Digivolve because she was with me, so eventually he…”

“He was deleted… wasn't he?” Fluttershy asked, turning to Pinkie Pie, who nodded sadly.

“But hold on,” Rainbow Dash said sitting down next to Pinkie Pie, “Why couldn't Leomon digivolve?”

“He was a Champion level Digimon,” Hackmon explained, catching everyone's attention, “Any higher level would have left Maud unable to move, and she needed to get Pinkie Pie here to America where it's safe.”

“She was messed up after his death,” Pinkie Pie said, hugging her knees, “Since he was always in the Champion level, they were connected on a programming level, so they felt each others' energy. When he was deleted, she went into shock, and never recovered.”

“I'm sorry,” Fluttershy said, looking down in a way that hid her eyes, “I don't want to ever think of what would happen if I lost Guilmon.”

“Hey, no one here's losing their Digimon partner,” Rainbow Dash said, “And now, you're gonna become a Tamer strong enough to protect everyone.”

Pinkie Pie looked at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and smiled softly, “Right, that's why we're working together.”

“So, in terms of us working together,” Fluttershy turned to the computer, “I think I might have located Umbra Corp's network.”

“Perfect,” Pinkie Pie said shooting up and walking over to the computer, “Don't unlock it just yet. Wait until our Digimon get there.”

“So, how do we do this?” Rainbow Dash asked standing next to Pinkie Pie.

“Just pull out your Digivices and use the connect feature,” Pinkie Pie said, “An option should come up for Fluttershy's computer. Once you choose that, just confirm that you want to jack into the computer.”

Everyone pulled out their Digivices and connected to Fluttershy's computer, which was registered as “ZERO Homepage”.

“Alright, you three ready?” Fluttershy asked, turning to the Digimon.

“I'm ready, Fluttershy!” Guilmon stated seriously.

“Yeah!” Veemon cheered, slamming his fist into his hand with a confident grin, “Let's do this!”

Hackmon just nodded in response.

Fluttershy nodded to her two friends, and they all turned to the computer.

“Jack In! Hackmon!”

“Jack In! Veemon!”

“Jack In! Guilmon!”

Green portals opened before all three Digimon, and they all jumped through, vanishing into the network.

Guilmon, Veemon, and Hackmon found themselves flying through what looked like a large and long mechanical tunnel, with a constant line of screens above them, showing their Tamers each time they spoke.

“This. Is. AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash cheered from the Real World, “Our Digimon are literally surfing the internet!”

“Pinkie Pie, you said that Maud taught you this?” Fluttershy asked, clearly shocked.

“Remember when I said that I knew a hacker when I saw one? My sisters were all computer hackers in Japan. This was how they did it.” Pinkie Pie explained.

“Guilmon, how are you feeling right now?” Fluttershy asked her Digimon.

“Everything's alright here,” Guilmon said, “Hey, how are you two doing back there?”

“Pinkie Pie, this is so much fun!” Hackmon cheered happily, “I can see why Leomon and the others were always so happy!”

“Hey, look at this!” Veemon held his arms forward positioning himself almost like Superman as he flew, “I'm a superhero now!”

Both Guilmon and Hackmon laughed at that.

“Now, don't use the key on your computer,” Pinkie Pie said, turning to Fluttershy, “Your Digivice has a USB port on the underside, so send the key through there.”

Fluttershy nodded and inserted the key, “Okay, I'm sending the key to you, Guilmon.”

“Got it, Fluttershy,” Guilmon said, his voice coming from the computer, "I won't drop it, I promise.”

Fluttershy shook her head smiling. It was like having a little brother. One she didn't want to kill.

Around Guilmon appeared a golden orb that flew around him. He figured that was the key. The three Digimon continued to fly through the network, stopping when they reached what looked like a large door with a red X on it and a sign saying “do not enter”.

“Whoa…” Veemon breathed, looking up at it, “Something really important is in there, I can feel it.”

“Is this Umbra Corp's network?” Guilmon asked with a bit of a frown.

“I think so,” Fluttershy said, “Guilmon, use the key.”

Guilmon nodded and floated up to the door. He took the golden orb into his claws, which then broke apart, turning into a golden ring of data surrounding his right claw. Both Veemon and Hackmon flew to his side, and he nodded to both of them before holding his claw forward at the door.



The red X turned into a green horizontal line, and the door then opened up from the center. The three Digimon then continued their flight through the network.

Fluttershy sat back into her chair, looking at her Digivice in shock. She hadn't expected it to be this easy. Normally she'd have to spend hours trying to fool the system and even then she'd run the risk of being traced. Yet just now, Guilmon was able to open the door with ease.

“I think I love Digimon,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Right?” Pinkie Pie asked, “With these little guys, we can enter any network system we want.”

“So… think later we could hack into the school's network so I can change my grades?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Pretty sure my Report Card's gonna suck.”

“I don't think we can to that,” Pinkie Pie pointed out, “You just gotta bite the bullet on that one.”

Rainbow Dash folded her arms and grumbled, “Wouldn't hurt to try though.”

Fluttershy couldn't help but laugh. She couldn't remember the last time she actually enjoyed hacking, at least enjoyed it this much. Was this what it was like having friends?

The Digimon apparently reached their destination, as the three of them were engulfed in a bright light, and then materialized in a new environment. This place was mostly green with floating platforms very reminiscent of glass.

“Welcome to Umbra Corp's main network,” Pinkie Pie said. This time the three girls appeared on holographic screens hovering over their Digimon.

“Shit…” Rainbow Dash said, she and Fluttershy looking at this in shock, “This is what cyberspace looks like?”

“Sorta, yeah,” Pinkie Pie said with a shrug, “I was super young back then, so I don't remember off the top of my head, but this definitely looks familiar.”

“Alright, let's start searching around,” Fluttershy requested, “We need to see if Umbra Corp knows anything about this lady in white.”

The Digimon all walked forward and slowly looked around, completely oblivious to the large brown machine Digimon watching them from a higher up platform.

Back at Rarity's place, the young purple haired British girl was sitting on her bed painting her nails while Gabumon happily combed her hair with his claws. No one knew it, but this was how she looked so flawless throughout the day. Digimon claws were so much better than regular combs.

Her phone rang, playing the ringtone that meant Applejack was calling her, “Gabumon darling, could you get that for me?”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Gabumon said, jumping off the bed and grabbing Rarity's phone answering it, “Hello? Yes, Her Highness is here.” he nodded and walked over to Rarity, jumping onto the bed and holding the phone to her ear.

“Hello love,” Rarity said, still painting her nails.

“Hey Rares, sorry ta bother ya so late, but this is an emergency,” Applejack said from the phone, “Might wanna brace yerself. Yggdrasil ain't happy.”

Oooh boy. Yggdrasil was normally quite serene and even tempered, so if she were actually upset about something, it was important. Rarity motioned for Gabumon to grab her laptop, which he did, carrying it over to Rarity and opening it. Immediately Yggdrasil's white form appeared on her screen.

“UNAUTHORIZED DIGITAL INTERFACE DETECTED!” Yggdrasil said immediately. Rarity's eyes widened at that.

“Unauthorized? You mean a new Tamer appeared?” Rarity asked.


“How did ya find out?” Applejack asked, apparently having Yggdrasil on her computer as well.


“But neither of them have been seen since the reboot,” Rarity reasoned.

“A USER NOT CONNECTED TO MY DATABASE COULD BE DANGEROUS,” Yggdrasil continued, apparently still worried, “YOUR WORLD IS IN DANGER.”

“We'll investigate this, darling,” Rarity said comfortingly, “But you must calm down, Yggdrasil.”

“Worst case scenario, Rarity an' I jus' use our Ultimate forms,” Applejack added.


“We'll be careful.” Applejack said.

“Yes, thank you Yggdrasil. We will not let you down.” Rarity said, right before Yggdrasil disconnected herself from the computer, “I don't think I've ever seen her so afraid.”

“Tell me 'bout it,” Applejack sighed, “If there's a new Tamer though, we should be able ta track 'em down with our Digivices.”

“Maybe we should employ Fluttershy's help as well,” Rarity suggested, “Just in case we need more than just the two of us.”

Applejack groaned, “I don't know, Rarity. That girl don't rub me the right way, 'specially with what we know 'bout her.”

“Yes, I realize,” Rarity said lying back on her bed now, “But isn't that all the more reason why we should stay close to her? To keep an eye on her.”

“Ya ain't lyin there,” Applejack said with much reservation, “Alright then, let's do it. We'll talk ta her first thing in the mornin. I'll talk to y'all later.”

“Take care, Applejack,” Rarity said, “I love you.”

“Love ya too, Princess.”

Rarity kissed the phone before hanging up, and relaxed on her bed, sighing. She didn't care what that girl’s past was. She could feel it in her heart, Fluttershy was a good person, and she'd always vouch for her.

Even if she was Zero.

Guilmon, Veemon, and Hackmon had been searching the network for a while, but they hadn't found anything quite yet. Not concerning the woman in white or Fluttershy's Mom.

“It looks like you're coming up toward some important date,” Fluttershy said from the real world.

“Hope so,” Rainbow Dash said nervously, “I'm still not sure how I feel being in my Dad's personal database like this.”

Hackmon stopped and looked up at a screen, “Hey! I think I found something!” Guilmon and Veemon ran to his side, where he was looking at a holographic screen and computer, “I think we can use this to see past records.”

“Guilmon, can you interface with it?” Fluttershy asked her Digimon, “I'll analyze the data from here.”

“Got it Fluttershy,” Guilmon stepped forward and put his claws on the keyboard. Back in the real world, Fluttershy began typing on her Digivice's keyboard. A few seconds later, on her holographic screen, they saw a video of Celestia and her Patamon talking to Sombra and another woman in a lab. Said woman somewhat on the short side, with short red hair and glasses, and she was wearing a simple yellow and red blouse, blue jeans, and sandals. From how they were talking, how friendly they all seemed to be with each other, it was clear that they knew each other well.

Pinkie Pie turned to look at her friends, both of them wide eyed and trembling. Fluttershy had tears in her eyes.

“T-that's my Dad…” Rainbow Dash said, “He's with a Digimon…”

“That's not all…” Fluttershy sobbed, “That woman… that's my Mom…”

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened in shock, and she put her focus back on the video, which then showed Fluttershy's Mom reach over and pet Patamon.

Back in the network, even the Digimon were surprised by this display before them.

“That's definitely a Patamon,” Hackmon said, “They're rare. Very rare.”

“That's the woman who saved me and Fluttershy,” Guilmon said in shock, “She really did know Fluttershy's Mom.”

“Guilmon, we're stealing all of the data here.”

Back in the real world, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash turned to her in shock.

“Fluttershy, are you serious?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I am,” Fluttershy seethed, “I need to know what they were doing in that room, and why they were with that woman in the first place. Dashie, any objections?”

“No…” Rainbow Dash said, voice low and pained, “Just… take it all.”

Fluttershy nodded and got to work downloading the video data onto a flash drive. Seeing that image showed them all something very important. Umbra Corp was definitely connected to the Digimon.

Back in the network, a clanging was heard behind the Digimon, “Um… you guys hear that?” Veemon asked.

“Something else is here,” Hackmon said. They all looked behind them and saw four odd looking Digimon walking toward them. They were a bit taller than adults, and looked like brown steam robots or suits of armor with large green eyes coming out of the helmets.

“What the hell are those?” Rainbow Dash asked, appearing on a screen in the network.

“Hold on,” Pinkie Pie said, also appearing on a screen, “I'll check.”





play song

The four Guardromon fired red lasers out of their eyes at the ground in front of the Digimon.

“Guilmon and I can't move until we're finished!” Fluttershy cried, “You two need to defend us!”

“So, it's one of those levels, eh?” Rainbow Dash said as Veemon stepped forward, “Objective, protect Guilmon until the download is finished. Game over if Guilmon's life hits zero.”

“Sweet!” Veemon said, “Don't worry Guilmon! We'll keep ya safe!”

“Us too, right Pinkie Pie?” Hackmon asked stepping forward next to Veemon.

“Yeah, we're fighting too,” Pinkie Pie said, “Be careful, Hackmon.”

Veemon charged at Guardromon, “VEE HEADBUTT!” he shouted, jumping forward to bash one of them in the chest with his head, knocking it back. The other three started firing odd looking missiles with whistles in their mouths out of their arms at Hackmon, who jumped out of the way of all of the attacks.

“FIF SLASH!” Hackmon shouted, jumping toward the Guardromon and slashing with his claws. He managed to knock two of them back, but the third one fired its eye lasers at Hackmon knocking him back.

“Hackmon!” Pinkie Pie cried.

Veemon punched the Guardromon in front of him, but was knocked back by a sudden punch by one of the other Guardromon.

“We're all officially in the same party, right?!” Pinkie Pie asked frantically.

“Yeah, always!” Rainbow Dash said, clearly sweating a bit as these Digimon were strong.

“Good, this should work then! Altering Program! Nurse!”

Hackmon jumped back, and gave a cute yet still ferocious roar. Suddenly green light gathered around himself, Guilmon, and Veemon.

“What was that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Holy… she's a white mage!” Rainbow Dash cried, “That program healed Veemon!”

“I'm really good at making programs that affect parties,” Pinkie Pie said, “It's something that my sister Marble taught me.”

“Can you apply that to stat increase programs as well?” Fluttershy asked.

“Duh, I already made programs to increase my party's attack, defense, and speed,” Pinkie Pie said with a shrug and smile.

“I think I'm falling in love,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Really? Do you mean it Dash?” Pinkie Pie asked hopefully, making Rainbow Dash blush.


“Hey, um, could you two maybe wait until AFTER we're not in danger to discuss relationship issues?” Fluttershy requested, “We're only thirty percent done here.”

“Got it, chief!” Pinkie Pie said, “Altering Program! Party Offense Up!”

Hackmon once again roared, and this time everyone's attack went up a good deal.

“Perfect! Time to go on the offenses!” Rainbow Dash said, “Altering Program! Chi Level 1!”

Veemon started glowing, and charged up a ball of energy in his hands. He was about to attack the Guardromon he'd been fighting, but saw one was making his way toward Guilmon.

“Whoa! Change targets! Change targets!” Rainbow Dash screamed frantically.

“HADOUKEN!” Veemon shouted, shooting a fireball into the back of the Guardromon before it hit Guilmon. Sadly this meant that he was wide open for an attack from the Guardromon right in front of him.

“Damn it! This is too much!” Rainbow Dash swore. “Fluttershy, how are you doing over there?”

“We're stuck at fifty-three percent!” Fluttershy cried, “Guilmon, what's wrong?”

“Sorry Fluttershy, but this is a big file!” Guilmon said, “I can try and speed it up, but it's still gonna take a while!”

Pinkie Pie looked at both of them, and then at her own Digivice. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “Hackmon, get ready. We're going to the next level.”

“Pinkie Pie…” Hackmon said, looking at Pinkie Pie's screen in surprise.

“Wait, can you do that?” Rainbow Dash asked Pinkie Pie.

“All of our Digimon are at a high enough level to do it,” Pinkie Pie said, “The question is, do you have the courage to go that far?”

“What kinda question is that?” Rainbow Dash asked, typing on her Digivice, “Veemon, we're doing it too!”

“Which one? I think I have two I can access.” Veemon asked.

“Let's go with the first one for now,” Rainbow Dash said, “Ready?”

“Ready!” Pinkie Pie said, “Don't worry Fluttershy! We'll keep you safe!”

Fluttershy looked at the two girls next to her in shock. She didn't expect them to go so far for her. This wasn't exactly their problem, yet they were willing to go to Champion level, putting their lives in danger, all for her.

This… is what it's like having friends…

“Altering Program! Digivolve!” both girls shouted. Pinkie Pie elegantly held her hand out in front of her as pink energy built up, and Rainbow Dash held her hand forward, forming a fist as blue energy formed in her hands. Both teens then sent the energy into their Digivices, and then pointed them at the computer, sending their energy right to their Digimon.



“VEEMON! DIGIVOLVE TO!” Veemon shouted, his entire body ripping apart to reveal a light blue wire frame. The energy from his Tamer gathered around him, changing his frame to be much taller and more muscular with wings on his back and a horn. When his skin reformed itself, he was the same color scheme, but the wings were white, and the horn on his nose was silver. He also had was looked like an X on his stomach and chest. “EXVEEMON!”

“HACKMON! DIGIVOLVE TO!” Hackmon shouted. His body and cape ripped apart, revealing a pink wire frame. Energy formed around him, and his form shifted to be much heavier set and more armored, his front legs looking like heavy claws, but his back legs looking more like blades, and a blade at the end of his tail. When his skin reformed, he was still wearing the tattered red cape with goggles, but his body was more heavily armored, giving him a more ferocious look despite his still kind eyes. “BAOHACKMON!”

Fluttershy took a brief look at the two new Digimon, a bit surprised by what she was seeing. Both of them were strikingly ferocious looking, Pinkie Pie's more than anyone. If not for the eyes and the sort of Tamer he had, she'd swear he was an evil Digimon.

“Oh fuck the hell yes!” Rainbow Dash said, almost in ecstasy, “I can feel his power! This is incredible!”

“No time to admire it,” Pinkie Pie said, oddly serious now, “We have to take them out!”

“With this new power? We totally got this!” Rainbow Dash said with a confident grin, “Can I get a hell yeah?!”

“Hell yeah!” ExVeemon shouted, charging forward at the Guardromon before him, his voice a gruffer version of Veemon's old voice.

“Don't hold back!” Rainbow Dash shouted rearing her fist back, “Give it everything you've got!”

ExVeemon roared, actually moving in the same manner as Rainbow Dash, both of them punching at the same time, knocking the Guardromon to the ground.

BaoHackmon slid around the field, as two Guardromon fired their lasers at him. He then turned toward them, and rushed past them as fast as he could, turning around to slash with his front claws, doing massive damage to them.

“VEE-LASER!” ExVeemon shouted, shooting a golden energy beam from the X on his chest. It shot through one Guardromon deleting it, and then knocked the other one back close to where BaoHackmon was.

“FIF CROSS!” BaoHuckmon shouted in a powerful and surprisingly noble voice. His claws were engulfed in fire, and he slashed the Guardromon that fell near him. He then got on his front claws and did what looked like a spin kick with his bladed legs, cutting through his opponent and instantly deleting it.

The remaining Guardromon fired their missiles at the two ferocious looking Digimon, both of them taking defensive stances. Their tamers both grunted in pain next to Fluttershy, who looked at the progress bar, “We're almost done!”

“Don't worry about it,” Rainbow Dash said with a super confident grin, “We got this. Ready to end this Pinkie Pie?”

“More than ready!” Pinkie Pie said, looking ahead with a super serious glare.

Both ExVeemon and BaoHackmon charged at the Guardromon, who actually looked a little afraid.

“HEARTY SHATTER!” ExVeemon shouted, charging up energy in his horn.

“TEEN BLADE!” BaoHackmon shouted at the same time, his tail blade pointed forward at the ready. ExVeemon hunched forward a bit, and then slashed upward with his horn, also causing a white slash mark to appear over the Guardromon on the left. Next to him, BaoHackmon slashed wildly with his tail, before spinning around with a horizontal slash. Honestly, Fluttershy was really taken aback. For how peaceful Pinkie Pie was, her Digimon was brutal.

Needless to say, both Guardromon were deleted, and the three Digimon all gathered their data.







“Holy fuck that was wicked!” Rainbow Dash screamed, “Look at our Digimon! They're so fucking awesome! Mine's a dragon! A dragon! And yours is like, a walking blade! I FREAKING LOVE DIGIMON!”

Fluttershy couldn't help but laugh, unaware of how Pinkie Pie looked down, her bangs covering her eyes. She then heard a beep on her Digivice, “Yes! We're finished!”

“Perfect,” Pinkie Pie said with a clearly forced smile, “Now we can pull our Digimon back.”

“You two should probably revert them back to Rookie though,” Fluttershy suggested, “I can sort of tell they're too big to fit in this room now.”

Rainbow Dash laughed sheepishly, “Yeah, good idea.”

“Pinkie Pie,” BaoHackmon said, catching her attention, “We did what we had to.”

“Right, I'm okay,” Pinkie Pie said, “Really. Just… come home, okay?”

BaoHackmon nodded to Pinkie Pie. This time both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy noticed her more somber attitude.

Once their Digimon returned to the Real World, Fluttershy immediately got to work on analyzing the data. Most of it was just videos, the woman in white appearing in a few of them. In each one of them, Fluttershy's Mom was working with the woman in white.

“They're always together,” Fluttershy stated, “Mom… did you really know about the Digimon…?”

“It looks like Umbra Corp is definitely connected to Digimon,” Rainbow Dash said biting her lip, “Dad… what else are you hiding from me?”

“I think it's worse than them just being connected to the Digimon,” Pinkie Pie said sitting on Fluttershy's bed, “I think they're directly involved.”

“What makes you think that?” Rainbow Dash asked, clearly afraid of the answer.

“Come on, didn't you think it was odd? Running into Digimon in Umbra Corp's network?” Pinkie Pie asked, “They only showed up when Fluttershy started downloading their data.”

“Hold on…” Fluttershy said turning to Pinkie Pie, “Are you saying that those Guardromon… were protecting Umbra Corp's net?”

“That's exactly what I'm saying.”

“That does make sense, actually,” Hackmon said, “Guardromon are Digimon programmed specifically to protect computer networks.”

“But… it could still be a coincidence, right?” Rainbow Dash asked desperately.

“Dash…” Pinkie Pie sighed.

“I mean, what if they just were passing through or something? Or maybe Digimon just exist within all networks, and we just got lucky?”

“Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie shouted, making the prism haired teen stop, “Based off what we saw on those videos, it's highly unlikely it was a coincidence. With their employee records a secret, the videos of your Dad with a Digimon, and now Digimon protecting the Umbra Corp's net? I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, but… it really doesn't look good.”

Fluttershy looked up at Rainbow Dash, her heart sinking a bit when she saw her friend tremble, looking down. She briefly looked back at her computer and gasped in shock, “Wait… what's this?”

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and all the Digimon gathered at the computer seeing a video of Umbra Corp scientists looking at what appeared to be a plant like Digimon in a sealed protective tube. Red energy went through the tube, causing the Digimon to hold its head screaming in agony. It then began thrashing around the tube, as if trying to fight its way out.

“That's a Palmon…” Veemon said softly, “You two see it, right?”

“Yeah… I do…” Hackmon said, surprisingly somber. Guilmon was breathing heavily, looking at the video in horror.

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked the Digimon, all three of them looking really upset.

“It's the same…” Guilmon said trembling, “Fluttershy… the Digimon we fight… that's what happened to them.”

All three of the girls were wide eyed, and turned back to the video. Pinkie Pie covered her mouth in horror, but Rainbow Dash was looking down trembling in rage. Fluttershy swallowed nervously, reaching over to take Guilmon's claw for comfort, taking in what this meant.

The wild Digimon…

They were Umbra Corp's fault.

Author's Note:

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