• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 3,886 Views, 232 Comments

Digimon Saga: CTRL-ALT-DELETE - Azure Sandora

A computer hacker and five other girls are the only ones who can protect the real world and the Digital World as Digimon Tamers.

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06: What does it mean to be strong?

Author's Note:

Dorumon is voiced by Johnny Young Bosch in this continuity. (So Lelouch)

Hackmon is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal in this continuity. (So Sasuke)

Please check out my Patreon

Theme Song: With the Wind

06: What does it mean to be strong?

The sun was beginning to set when she arrived. Naturally, everyone on the train was looking at her oddly, as she did stand out. Her hair was super long and full, being almost a faded rainbow of colors. Her skin was fair, and she had the figure of a supermodel. Her outfit consisted of white pants, white high heels, a white corset top, and a long white jacket. What really made her stand out however, was the odd stuffed animal she was holding. It looked almost like a super large hamster, with wings on its head where its ears would be. Wings that kept flapping randomly, almost as if it were alive.

Now arriving at Canterlot City

The woman in white got up and walked out of the train once the door opened, her stuffed animal in her arms. She had an absolutely sunny air about her, like she was just perpetually happy. Eventually, she reached a window that looked out at the city. Almost like a child, she beamed and ran outside, looking out the window.

“Patamon, we made it!” she said, her voice mature yet at the same time still full of youth, “We made it to America!”

“Whoa! This is America?” the stuffed toy said placing his little black paws on the on the window, “It's so different than Japan!”

“I know! It's almost like a completely different world here!” the woman said enthusiastically, “I wonder what sort of foods they have here!”

“Let's go, let's go!” Patamon cheered excitedly, “I want to see everything, Celestia!”

“Me too, Patamon!” the woman, Celestia, hugged her Digimon and spun around, completely oblivious to the crowd around her, “This is going to be so much fun!” she took off, running out of the train station, unaware of the man with the golden sunglasses and goatee watching her from a distance.

“Another one?” he said taking a picture of Celestia on his camera phone, “I better share this with Zero.”

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and their Digimon ran into the park to hide out while the commotion died down. There they found a large tree and hid behind it, watching for the authorities as they came to investigate.

“Geez, that didn't happen the last time,” Rainbow Dash said, “Why are the police there now?”

“We fought in a large park the last time,” Fluttershy pointed out, “This time we were in the middle of the street. I imagine there were some people who caught glimpses of the fight with Dokugumon.”

“I didn't go too far, did I Fluttershy?” Guilmon asked, looking genuinely worried. Fluttershy smiled softly at him.

“Not at all, Guilmon,” Fluttershy said sweetly, “You did great.”

Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie looked at Fluttershy then at each other. She seemed normal now, but that honestly was a little terrifying in and of itself.

“Well now that we're all in the clear,” Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie Pie, “Holy shit! You're a tamer too?!”

Pinkie Pie giggled, “Yep. I was surprised to see that the two of you had Digimon as well,” Pinkie Pie knelt down and pet Hackmon lovingly, “This is my Digimon partner and brother, Hackmon.”

“Nice to meet you,” Hackmon said, his voice still youthful yet somehow a little more mature sounding than the other Digimon.

“You said brother?” Fluttershy asked, “How is that possible?”

“Pinkie Pie and I met when she was really little,” Hackmon said, “I was raised by her family, so we consider each other brother and sister.”

“That's a long time to be with your partner,” Veemon said, “I bet you've fought a ton of Digimon!”

“No, he hasn't,” Pinkie Pie said standing up and walking off a bit, “That's the first time I've ever willingly let him fight.”

“What? But you have like a super cool Digimon!” Rainbow Dash said, “You should be dominating the Digimon battle scene!” Fluttershy put a hand on Dash's shoulder and shook her head.

“Not everyone wants to be a fighter, Dashie,” Fluttershy said, once again using the cute nickname she seemed to give Rainbow Dash, who closed her eyes and nodded before going over to Pinkie Pie.

“Hey, sorry,” Rainbow Dash said, “I get really wrapped up into this whole thing, ya know? I guess I sort of forgot that this isn't a game.”

“It's real easy to forget that,” Pinkie Pie said turning to Rainbow Dash and smiling, “I'm not mad. I commend Tamers who have the courage to fight. Just because I don't care for it doesn't make it bad outright.”

“‘Sides, we're gonna be helping you two from now on,” Hackmon said.

“You are?” Guilmon asked Hackmon.

“It was Pinkie Pie's idea. Once she saw that you two had Digimon, she wanted to stay close to you,” Hackmon explained.

“I know that we're not as strong as everyone else, but I hope we can be useful,” Pinkie Pie said with a bow, something that both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy felt was odd, yet cute.

“If you don't like fighting, why do you want to help us?” Fluttershy asked, “I mean, not that I'm complaining, but…”

“Actually, the main reason is you,” Pinkie Pie said folding her arms, “Zero.”

Fluttershy gasped in shock and then looked away, holding her arm, “So, I guess you two know now?”

“To be honest, I sort of found out yesterday,” Rainbow Dash pulled out her Digivice showing Fluttershy her friend list, “You might wanna change the username on your Digivice.”

“I figured it out when you came to the diner that last time,” Pinkie Pie said leaning against the tree still with her arms folded, “No one else would have caught it, but I know the signs of a hacker when I see one.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes, and then waved her hair, putting her hand on her hip looking at them seriously, “So, now what? Are you two going to report me to the authorities?”

“I want to know why you're doing this,” Rainbow Dash said, “Umbra Corp was hit pretty hard yesterday, and it sounded like a malicious attack.”

“I…” Fluttershy averted her eyes, “I don't know…”

“Fluttershy, let's tell them,” Guilmon said, taking Fluttershy's hand, “They're our friends. I'm sure they'll understand.”

“You don't seem like a bad person,” Pinkie Pie said, “You just seem really angry about something. Do you have a good reason for attacking Umbra Corp?”

Fluttershy took a deep breath before speaking, “They killed my mother.”

Rainbow Dash's eyes shot out of her head in shock, “Wait, what?”

“My mother's name was Posey Wyrmwood,” Fluttershy continued, “She was a computer programmer for Umbra Corp, working close to their leader, Sombra,” she looked at Rainbow Dash, “Your father.”

“So, you know then?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking at Fluttershy intently.

“Of course I know,” Fluttershy said, “I figured it out when I looked at the list of employees last night. That was the main reason I was skeptical of telling you that I was Zero.”

“Makes sense,” Rainbow Dash said, “So, how do you know that he killed your mother?”

“I don't believe he killed her per say,” Fluttershy began pacing around, “But he had something to do with her death, I'm sure. She started getting really paranoid a few weeks before her death. She wouldn't tell any of us what was wrong, only that she needed to stay away from Umbra Corp.

“Then one day she found something. Whatever it was it shocked her to the core, so much that she started crying for days on end. Eventually she started going back to work, but it was clear that something was wrong. She was acting like someone who knew they were going to die. And that's when… it happened.”

“Oh no…” Pinkie Pie said covering her mouth in sadness. Fluttershy turned away from them and started crying a bit.

“They said it was an accident at work,” Fluttershy said trembling, “But what sort of accident could have killed her? For God's sake, she was a programmer! The only way she could have died would be if someone killed her!”

Rainbow Dash tightened her fist looking away, “Dad… do you know something…?”

“I need to know what she found out!” Fluttershy continued, “I need to know why she was so scared! But more than all of that, I need to know how my mother died, so I can put the one's responsible to justice!”

“But attacking my father's company like that?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Why was that-”

“Because it was the only way to learn anything!” Fluttershy shouted, glaring at Rainbow Dash, “Your father isn't going to publicize the incident! This is the only way I'm going to learn anything! If I have to tear Umbra Corp to the ground, I'll do it!” she broke down a bit, looking to the ground letting her tears fall freely, “If you care so much about what happens, then help me! You're the only way in that I have!”

Rainbow Dash looked pained from that, “Do you know what you're asking me?”

“I do,” Fluttershy said, “And I know it's not fair, but he's hiding something. He knows how my mother died, and if he is responsible, he needs to be brought to justice. Would you really protect your father knowing that he's possibly a murderer?”

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “He is still my father, and I don't want to believe that he's a bad person, but if he does know something… then I'm going to help you figure it out.”

Fluttershy looked up at Rainbow Dash, visibly surprised.

“I only have partial clearance into Umbra Corp's network,” Rainbow Dash continued, “But I can probably get you a little further than you'd get by yourself.”

“Dashie…” Fluttershy said smiling a bit.

“What the heck, I'm in too,” Pinkie Pie said, surprising everyone, “I don't know how much help I'll be in this, what with me not having connections or being a super hacker, but I can definitely help out as much as possible.”

“Either way, we're helping you guys fight the Digimon that come through the network,” Hackmon said.

“Damn right we are,” Veemon added, “If the six of us work together, we'll be able to take on any Digimon that comes our way!”

“You mean it?” Fluttershy asked, “You'll help me?”

“We're friends, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said putting a hand on her shoulder, “First and foremost. I never abandon my friends.”

“I just want to see you smile,” Pinkie Pie said taking Fluttershy's hand, “You've been holding in this misery since she died, and I want to help you heal.”

“Dashie… Pinkie Pie…” Fluttershy pulled both of them into a hug, “Thank you so much!”

“Sir, the wild one has been taken care of,” Octavia said from her computer.

“Were you able to identify any Tamers involved?” Sombra asked.

“Negative sir,” Octavia said with a sigh, “The fog jammed all of our systems.”

“Sir, I have a screenshot from after the fight,” Vinyl said, catching both Sombra and Octavia's attention, “Three smaller Digimon were seen leaving the scene,” she pulled up an image of three small Digimon running. It was blurred, but the colors were pretty clear.

“Those look like rookie level Digimon,” Sombra said thoughtfully, “And they're together in a group.”

“That means their Tamers are probably friends,” Octavia said typing on her computer, “If you give me some time, I might be able to identify the Digimon at least.”

“That's a start at least,” Sombra said walking to the door, “I'm counting on you two.”

“Yes, Mr. Sombra,” both ladies said at the same time. Once he left them, Vinyl turned to Octavia.

“So, do you think we're dealing with kids here?” Vinyl asked, “Most Tamers are usually teenagers, right?”

“Probably,” Octavia said distantly, “It doesn't matter though. We have a job to do.”

“But, what if these are kids?” Vinyl asked, “That means Zero might be a kid too. Sombra was talking about putting her in jail or something.”

“Well good,” Octavia stated, “If she's a child, she needs to learn the consequences of her actions.”

“We could be ruining her life,” Vinyl said, looking really conflicted, “Are you seriously okay with that?”

“Zero ruined her own life,” Octavia said curtly, “She shouldn't be getting involved in the affairs of adults.”

As Octavia got to work, Vinyl shook her head and opted to help her. She just didn't feel right about hunting what was probably a kid like she was a criminal. Kids only did things like that if they truly felt it was the right thing to do.

So why did Zero hunt them down?

On the way back home, Rainbow Dash looked at her Digivice, checking Veemon's stats. He was a powerful Digimon, and it looked like he was on the verge of evolving into one of two types of Digimon.

What bothered her though was her performance in battle. So far it seemed less like she was helping and more like she was just getting in the way.

“Damn, I really blew it last fight, didn't I?” Rainbow Dash pouted.

“Cheer up, Rainbow Dash,” Veemon said, “We were both caught off guard.”

“Yeah, but I didn't do anything,” Rainbow Dash said with a sigh, “All I did was get swatted away by his attack. Fluttershy and Guilmon did the most work,” a sudden flash of Fluttershy's dark, almost sensual smirk made Rainbow Dash shudder.

She saw another Digital Field a bit off to the side, in the direction of the beach. Curious, she and Veemon ran into the field, ready to engage the Digimon at any time. Instead though, they saw that someone was already fighting it.

battle theme

“Agumon, attack!” Applejack commanded. Her tiny dino Digimon rushed at the giant red tyrannosaurus looking Digimon.

“BABY FLAME!!!” Agumon shouted, his attacks seeming to only do a little bit to the giant Digimon. The Digimon in question started slashing wildly with his claws, but he couldn't catch Agumon as he moved too fast. While this went on, Rainbow Dash pulled out her Digivice to scan the Digimon.





“Tyrannomon…?” Rainbow Dash wondered to herself. She didn't know the little Digimon fighting it, so she decided to scan him too, just because.





“Hey, they're in trouble!” Veemon shouted, “He's a rookie level like me, right?! We gotta help them!”

“Hold up,” Rainbow Dash said stopping Veemon, “His Tamer, she doesn't look worried.”

No she didn't actually. In fact, Applejack was grinning confidently the entire time.

“I'll give you an opening!” Applejack shouted. She then rushed at Tyrannomon, and punched him square in the face knocking him back. Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide when she saw that. How had a human punched a Digimon in the face like that, and hurt it?

Applejack knelt down onto one knee, and Agumon jumped into the air. While he was still in the air, Applejack pulled up her keyboard, “Alterin’ Program! Rapid Flame!”

“BABY FLAME!” Agumon shouted, firing at Tyrannomon rapidly before he could block. The offending Digimon fell down onto the ground and broke apart, his data flowing into Agumon.



end song

“Alright, this is good,” Applejack said kneeling down and looking at her stat screen with Agumon, “We keep this up, an' we'll be able ta reach Mega in no time.”

“I wish we could find some tougher Digimon to fight though,” Agumon said, “If we're really gonna get stronger, we need to fight some Ultimates.”

“Yeah, that's true,” Applejack said rubbing the back of her head, “But they rarely ever come through the Network. Damn it, I hate grindin’ like this. Even trainin’ in the Rookie level only increases EXP but so-”

“That. Was. AWESOME!”

“Hm?” Applejack asked, rising up and turning to see Rainbow Dash and Veemon standing behind her.

“You guys are the strongest Tamer and Digimon duo I've ever seen!” Rainbow Dash shouted, “I mean, you punched it! You! Punched a Tyrannosaurus Rex in the face! That's the most badass sentence EVER!”

“Well, I don't mean ta brag, but,” Applejack said rubbing her nose looking up at the sky arrogantly.

“Applejack and I are gonna become the strongest Digimon and Tamer in the world!” Agumon cheered.

“Is that so?” Veemon said punching the air, “Well, hope you don't mind some friendly competition! That's what Dash and I are striving for too!”

“I don't mind a friendly rival,” Agumon said happily, “Maybe we can push each other to become stronger.”

“Sweet! Here's to friendly rivalries!” Veemon and Agumon shook hands, apparently becoming friends just that fast.

“It's amazing how fast you guys make friends with each other,” Rainbow Dash said with a wry smile.

“Tell me 'bout it,” Applejack said, “But that's jus' how Agumon is. He an' his bro Gabumon are always makin’ friends with other Digimon,” she turned to Rainbow Dash, “Yer that girl Rarity's always teasin, right?”

“Y-yeah, I'm Rainbow Dash,” she said blushing and looking away, “And I know you're Rarity's girlfriend, Applejack right?”

“Yep. Don't worry, I ain't got a beef with ya. Far as I see it, y'all two jus' got some banter back an' forth,” Applejack said.

“So, you're not gonna punch me into next year for thinking your girlfriend is a total bitch,” Rainbow Dash asked hopefully, making Applejack laugh.

“She is a total bitch! But she's my bitch, so it all works out,” Applejack said holding out her hand, which Rainbow Dash immediately shook, “So, ya liked what ya saw, huh?”

“YES!” Rainbow Dash shouted, going right back into fangirl mode, “See, that's the kind of stuff I wanna be able to do! Okay, so maybe punching a Digimon isn't a realistic dream, but I want to be strong like you and Agumon!”

“I ain't strong,” Applejack said suddenly.

“Wait, what?” Rainbow Dash asked, “But I saw you punch a Champion Digimon-”

“I know, but that doesn't mean anything,” she said turning her back to Rainbow Dash and looking down seriously, “I'm not strong in the way… she is.”

One Year Ago

A kid was pushed against a locker, “I'm sorry, Miss Applejack!” he cried as the imposing junior stood over him with a sneer.

Sorry? Sorry ain't gonna cut it,” she said dangerously, “I told ya to watch where you were goin’, an' ya STILL bumped inta me. Now, what are ya gonna do ta make me feel better, hm?”

I… I…”

Cause maybe I'll jus’ pound ya inta next week,” Applejack said, getting real close to the kid, “Yeah, that'll make me feel real good.” just as she was about to raise her hand, someone grabbed it stopping her.

Not on my watch you don't!” a high, cultured voice said adamantly. Applejack turned to see Rarity, holding her arm and glaring at her.

Oooh, what do we have here?” Applejack said turning to face Rarity, “Little Miss Perfect here's got guts! She's either really brave!” she stepped real close to Rarity, “Or REAL stupid.”

Do you want to hit me? Will that make you feel better?” Rarity challenged.

Ya know what? Maybe I do,” Applejack stated scowling at Rarity, “Maybe ruinin’ that pretty face of yours is jus' what I need ta turn this day around.”

And just what would that prove?” Rarity asked, glaring at Applejack in kind, “That you're stronger than me?”

AH AM stronger!” Applejack shouted.

Yes you are!” Rarity stated, surprising Applejack, “You're much stronger than me physically, but you're probably the weakest person I've ever seen emotionally!”

Is that right?!” Applejack asked, backing Rarity up against a locker this time.

Only someone weak would pick a fight against someone who can't defend themselves,” Rarity stated, “Because it would be too easy,” she spread her arms out, “So go on then! Attack me! Punch me! Slap me! Prove you're the bigger person by assaulting a helpless student!”

Applejack raised her hand to slap Rarity, but stopped when she saw the look of defiance in her eyes. She wasn't like the other students. She wasn't afraid of Applejack at all. All of a sudden, she couldn't attack her.

Rarity pushed past Applejack and walked over to the student Applejack was bullying before, “Come on, darling. Let's get you to your next class,” she shot Applejack another look, and then sauntered off, leaving Applejack standing there dumbfounded. Once alone in the hall, she pulled out her still inactive Digivice and gripped it tightly.

Damn it…!” she swore, “WHAT THE HELL?!” she punched a nearby locker, putting a dent in it as tears of frustration fell from her eyes, “I'm… I'm supposed ta be the strongest…!”

Present Day

“The strength yer lookin for,” Applejack said, wiping her eyes and turning back to Rainbow Dash, “Ya ain't gonna find it clingin’ to me. True strength ain't here,” she held Dash's hands, “It's here,” she then pointed to Dash's heart, “That's what someone real close taught me.”

As Applejack and Agumon turned to leave, Rainbow Dash looked down at her chest and held her hand over her heart, “But, can you train me in becoming a better Tamer?” she asked stopping Applejack, “All that stuff about strength, I can figure all of that out on my own, but… there's someone I really want to help. But I can't help them as I am now. I just get in the way, and… I'm not cool with that. Not when she could end up getting herself hurt, so…”

“I come here every mornin’ to train before school,” Applejack said cutting her off, “Might be nice to have a sparrin’ partner for once.” With that, she and Agumon walked off without another word, although Agumon did wave to Veemon as they left.

“I'll be here!” Rainbow Dash called after her, “You can count on it! I'll be here bright and early!” she didn't respond back. Instead, Applejack just gave her a two fingered wave as she walked off, “That girl's so awesome.”

“I don't care what she says,” Veemon said, “She and her Digimon are super strong!”

“Yeah, they are,” Rainbow Dash said thoughtfully, “So, what did she mean when she said she wasn't strong?”

Once out of Rainbow Dash's view, Applejack stopped and sighed. It always hurt when people mentioned her strength. It just reminded her of the person she used to be. The person who was angry at losing her family in the accident. The person who hated everyone around her. The person who was ashamed to admit that they were weak.

“You're not that person anymore, Applejack,” Agumon said, sensing why Applejack was so upset.

“I try to remind myself of that every day,” Applejack said with a sigh, “Ah don't wanna head home tonight.” she pulled out her chat screen on her Digivice and contacted Rarity.

Hey, missing my favorite person in the world. Can I spend the night?

It only took a few minutes for Rarity to reply.

I was hoping you would come over! I'll be waiting for you!

“Good news,” Applejack said with a peaceful smile, “Looks like we're gonna be hangin out with Rarity an' Gabumon tonight.”

“Yes! I can't wait to tell Gabumon that I made another Digimon friend!” Agumon cheered. Applejack chuckled and followed after her partner as he ran off. As long as she got to be near her beloved princess, she didn't have to worry about the bad memories of the past.

Rarity's place was really nice. Surprisingly she didn't live in a mansion, but the building was still pretty nice sized, being two floors plus an attic. Rarity's parents said that the place would go to her one day, which was nice because they wouldn't ever have to be apart.

Her family was pretty nice. They were okay with Applejack, so she could just walk in to see Rarity. When she reached the door, she knocked in her special way to let Rarity know it was her.

“Come in, love,” she said from inside. Applejack smiled and opened the door, seeing Rarity lying on her bed reading in her white and purple bathrobe.

“Howdy,” Applejack said waving. Rarity marked the page she was on and closed her book, looking up at Applejack adoringly.

“Hey there,” Rarity said, “Looks like dreams do come true. Gabumon, be a dear and let your brother in.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Gabumon said, rising up and walking to the window, which he opened. A second later, Agumon climbed inside.

“Sometimes I really wish Rarity's parents knew about us,” Agumon said, exhausted from the climb.

“That would be nice,” Rarity said folding her arms and giving the most adorable pout, “Sadly I know my mother. She'd freak. She doesn't even like our cat.”

Applejack laughed shaking her head. She then closed the door and locked it, walking over to Rarity's bed. She then sat down behind her and embraced her tightly.

“Applejack love, what's wrong?” Rarity asked holding onto Applejack's arm.

“I met another Tamer,” Applejack said, “Ya know her well. It's Rainbow Dash.”

“Seriously, she of all people has a Digimon?” Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow, “I suppose it's not my place to judge. Yggdrasil knows what she's doing.”

“She called me strong,” Applejack said softly. A look of understanding came over Rarity.

“O-oh. I see,” Rarity turned around to face Applejack, and gently caressed her cheek, “You're not still bothered by it, are you?” when Applejack averted her eyes, Rarity sighed, “Um, could you two give Applejack and I some alone time, dearies?”

“Sure thing,” Agumon said, “Let's head to the Lookout Tower.”

“Alright, have a good night you two,” Gabumon said. Both tiny Digimon jumped out the still open window.

“Applejack, the person you are back then isn't the person you are now,” Rarity said, “You're so much better now.”

“I know it's silly,” Applejack said with a sigh, still not looking Rarity in the eyes, “But Ah can't help it, Rarity. I used ta say such horrible things to ya back then.”

“But look where we are now,” Rarity wrapped her arms around Applejack, “We're as close as two people could possibly be, if not closer. If it were ever possible Applejack, I'd want to meld with you and become one being born of our love.”

“That's an odd thing ta say,” Applejack said with a soft smile.

“I know it is,” Rarity said, kissing Applejack lightly on the lips, “But it's the truth. I think about you all the time. I am so thankful that you saved my life that day. I know I'd be dead if not for you, Applejack.”

“I couldn't let ya die there,” Applejack said wrapping her arms around Rarity now, “I wouldn't know what to do without ya, Rarity. I need ya to guide my fists.”

“Just like I need your fists to keep me safe,” Rarity smiled softly, “We truly do complete one another.”

“Don't ever leave me,” Applejack begged, “Please, don't ever leave.”

“I won't leave you,” Rarity replied, “I love you Applejack, always.”

“An' I love you too,” Applejack said, looking at Rarity adoringly, “Always an' forever.”

Applejack lied down on top of Rarity, and the two of them locked fingers and kissed, deeply and passionately. Rarity's mother knew not to bother her when Applejack was around, so they were perfectly secure for the rest of the night.

They had all the time in the world to enjoy their love.

“So, you are okay, right Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie asked, her and Hackmon walking Fluttershy and Guilmon part of the way home.

“I am,” Fluttershy said looking down, “Um, I'm sorry if knowing that I'm Zero is um…”

“Nah, it's okay,” Pinkie Pie said waving it off, “I don't judge anyone. I might not agree with your methods, but I'll support you.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said looking at Pinkie Pie appreciatively, “Um, are we friends now…?”

Pinkie Pie blinked in confusion, “I'd say so. Why do you ask?”

“I've never made friends with anyone outside of the internet,” Fluttershy admitted shuffling nervously, “There, you have a friends list, and anyone who you consider a friend is just someone you put there. In real life though, I don't have anything like that, so…”

“Tell you what,” Pinkie Pie pulled out her Digivice, “Add my Digivice account into your friend's list.” Fluttershy tilted her head cutely, but did as the super sweet girl asked her to, pulling out her Digivice and connecting it to Pinkie Pie's. A second later, Pinkie Pie's information came up on her friend list.

Her picture was interesting. She was clearly lying on her bed and giving the camera a sweet smile, one that was almost sensual or romantic in nature.

“There, now you can apply a bit of internet logic into the real world,” Pinkie Pie said, showing Fluttershy's picture and information on her holographic screen. Was that how she looked on camera?

I'm a lot cuter than I thought.

“But, that's bad, isn't it?” Fluttershy asked looking away slightly, “I should be breaking away from that sort of logic, shouldn't I…?”

Pinkie Pie placed her hand on Fluttershy's cheek, “Going cold turkey is never a good idea,” she said, “You need to pace yourself. Taking it one day at a time.”

“I don't know,” Guilmon piped up, “Cold turkey sounds delicious to me,” he held his stomach as it growled, “Shoot, now I'm hungry.”

“Me too,” Hackmon said with the same adorable pout, “I hope there are some leftovers from last night's dinner.”

Both girls laughed at their Digimon, who seemed so innocent compared to the humans around them, “Don't rush it, Fluttershy, and don't try to be anyone but your natural self, even if you're not sure how others feel.”

“But, what if people don't like the real me?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Then screw them,” Pinkie Pie replied simply, “You want people who like you for you, not for who you present yourself to be.”

That made sense, somewhat. It was still terrifying though. She felt so naked right now. She planned on talking to Cipher tonight just so she could relax a bit.

“I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?” Pinkie Pie said hugging Fluttershy, “Hey, let's you, me, and Dashie hang out this weekend.”

“O-okay,” Fluttershy said returning the hug slowly, “That sounds… fun.”

“Great! See ya Fluttershy! Bye Guilmon!” Pinkie Pie said happily running off.

“Take care!” Hackmon said running after his Tamer.

“Bye…” Fluttershy said, waving to Pinkie Pie and Hackmon as they ran off.

“You're doing a great job, Fluttershy,” Guilmon said brightly.

“Thank you Guilmon,” Fluttershy said, “Now that we're alone, I can show you the thing I learned,” Fluttershy led Guilmon to a bench and pulled up her Digital Hazard counter, which once again showed only 25 percent, “When you Digivolved into Growlmon, this went up.”

“That's the counter for the Virus I merged with, right?” Guilmon asked sitting down and looking at it.

Fluttershy nodded, “It went up to 50 percent when you Digivolved. Do you remember the level's of Digimon that Yggdrasil mentioned?”

“Fresh, In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, and Mega,” Guilmon recited for himself out loud, “There are three levels after my current one.”

“Exactly, and if I'm doing the math right, then the Digital Hazard should go up 25 percent for each level. So 50 percent for Champion, 75 percent for Ultimate, and then finally 100 percent for Mega.”

“So I need to get stronger in order to complete it,” Guilmon reasoned, “But, what I wanna know is, why did it go back to 25 percent when I changed back?”

“Probably because your Rookie Level only has enough memory to hold that much,” Fluttershy sat back and crossed her legs, folding her arms thoughtfully, “But that does raise a question though, where did the new data go when you reverted?”

“You won't get the chance to decide,” a familiar voice said in front of them, “Nor will you be able to complete that virus.”

Fluttershy and Guilmon looked ahead to see Twilight and her Digimon standing there, glaring at them. Fluttershy pulled out her Digivice to scan the odd Digimon next to Twilight.





Fluttershy frowned and got up, both she and Guilmon walking toward Twilight and Dorumon.

“I'm only going to ask you this one more time,” Twilight said, “Leave that Digimon alone, please! It's for the good of the Digital World and the Real World!”

“You're still on that?” Fluttershy groaned shaking her head.

“I'm not leaving Fluttershy!” Guilmon said getting in front of her and holding his arms out in defense, “I'm her friend!”

You're a dangerous virus, and you're putting this girl's life in danger,” Twilight said, “If you truly value her life, you'll stay as far away from her as possible.”

“I made a promise to her, and I always keep my promises,” Guilmon said, glaring at Twilight and Dorumon.

“You're worried about the Digital Hazard, right?” Fluttershy asked holding up her Digivice, “There's nothing to worry about. I'm in perfect control of it.”

“No, you're not,” Dorumon said, “You only think you are.”

“That virus is intertwined with Guilmon's natural data,” Twilight explained, “As you already deduced, each time he Digivolves to the next level, the virus will get stronger. If it were just a regular computer virus it wouldn't be an issue. But Guilmon is the virus.”

“Your point?” Fluttershy asked narrowing her eyes.

“My point is that once that virus is complete, it will be unleashed on everything around you,” Twilight continued, “You would be responsible for the destruction of both worlds, and believe me, when that happens you won't be in control of it. Your arrogance will be the death of everyone you care about.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes seriously, “Guilmon, do you want to destroy the Digital World or Human World?”

“Not at all Fluttershy,” Guilmon said, equally serious, “All I want is to help you learn why your Mom died.”

“Well there you have it,” Fluttershy said, looking back at Twilight, “Guilmon isn't the bad Digimon you seem to think he is. He's no more dangerous than I am.”

Twilight tightened her fists in frustration, “You stupid, arrogant child. Fine, if you won't stop in this quest, I'll have no choice but to stop you both by force!” she pulled out her Digivice, “Dorumon, get ready!”

“Right!” Dorumon shouted, barring his teeth and growling at Fluttershy and Guilmon. Fluttershy lowered her goggles over her eyes and pulled out her Digivice.

“If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get!” Fluttershy shouted, “But I'm not letting you or anyone stop me! If you're not going to help me, then you're an enemy! Guilmon!”

“Right!” Guilmon said, his eyes narrowing into slits giving him a more feral appearance, “Let's do this! Together!”


Guilmon and Dorumon charged at each other, and the violent battle began, Fluttershy prepared to do whatever it took to defeat Twilight. Even if she had to rely on the Digital Hazard in order to do it.

Bring it on, Twilight!

I'll destroy you, your Digimon, Umbra Corp, and ANYONE else that gets in my way!