• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 3,886 Views, 232 Comments

Digimon Saga: CTRL-ALT-DELETE - Azure Sandora

A computer hacker and five other girls are the only ones who can protect the real world and the Digital World as Digimon Tamers.

  • ...

02: Why are you following me?

Theme Song: With the Wind

02: Why are you following me?

“Fluttershy, it's time to wake up honey,” Cyrus said from outside her door. As always, Fluttershy was buried under her covers, trying to hold onto the last few minutes of sleep she could get. But when the sun was beating on her face, that became very hard to do.

“Hey, that smells good!” a kid's voice said next to her, “Is Dad making more really tasty food?”

“Mmm… probably…” Fluttershy said, “But it's not going to be the same-” her eyes shot open when she realized that she recognized that voice. She shot up, coming face to face with the red dinosaur/dragon from earlier.

“Morning Fluttershy!” the red dinosaur said cheerfully. Fluttershy's breathing became increasingly heavy, as the realization of what this meant hit her.

Cyrus was fixing breakfast in the kitchen, when he heard a shrill scream from upstairs.

“At least she's up now,” he sighed, setting up the plates for breakfast, this time four instead of the usual three.

Fluttershy backed up against a corner of her room with a panicked expression, looking up at the monster before her.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy said, shaking her head, almost hyperventilating, “No no no no! Y-you're supposed to be a hallucination! Those disappear!”

The red dinosaur looked at himself up and down, poking his stomach, “Nope. Looks like I'm still here.”

“Ooooh! I know! I'm still dreaming!” Fluttershy reasoned, “That has to be it!”

The red dinosaur tilted his head with a raised eyebrow, “Um, but don't you have to be asleep in order to be dreaming?”

“But that's just it!” Fluttershy said, with an almost manic look on her face, “I am still asleep! This is all just in my head!” she laughed loudly, “Go on! Pinch me in the arm! That will wake me up!”

Fluttershy held out her arm with a truly proud expression on her face. The red dinosaur monster looked at her hand and sniffed it a bit. He then looked at his clawed hands, unsure if he could actually pinch her with how they were built. He then shrugged, opened his mouth, and-

Zephyr Breeze walked past Fluttershy's room, shocked by the shrill scream of pain that shot out.

“You're going to disturb the neighbors with all that screaming,” Zephyr said from outside, before continuing his trek downstairs.

“I told you to pinch me, not bite me!” Fluttershy cried, nursing her sore hand. The red dinosaur rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“Sorry Fluttershy,” he said with an embarrassed smile, “I still don't know how strong I am.”

“How do you even know my name?” Fluttershy asked.

“Don't you remember?” he said walking back to her desk and grabbing something, “I was made specifically for you. You registered your name onto the Digimon website, and you were given a Digivice along with me, your Digimon partner.”

The red dinosaur, identified as a Digimon, handed Fluttershy a small white and golden machine with a small screen. Right, she remembered that. It came out of her computer, right before…

“You're my, Digimon partner?” Fluttershy asked looking up at the red Digimon, who smiled cheerfully.

“Yep yep! My name's Guilmon!” he said, “Even though we technically met yesterday, nice to meet ya!”

“Guilmon…” Fluttershy said taking the red device. Now she remembered everything. The device, the strange egg that formed from her computer's data. Including…

“You…” Fluttershy continued looking down and trembling, “You… took my VIRUS!!!”

“Eh?!” Guilmon asked, stepping back. Fluttershy shot up and grabbed Guilmon, grabbing him in a painful looking lock.

“Give it back!” Fluttershy demanded, “Give back my computer virus!”

“What are you talking about?!” Guilmon asked, grunting in pain.

“The computer virus you stole from me?!” Fluttershy shouted, “It took me months to make that virus!”

“How's that my problem?!” Guilmon argued.

“How's it your problem?! You took it from me! Where are you keeping it?!”

“Will… you… let… GO OF ME ALREADY?!” Guilmon shouted, wrestling himself free from the lock and knocking Fluttershy onto the floor, “Geez, you're strong,” he sighed and turned to Fluttershy, “I'm sorry, but I don't know what happened to your virus. What I do know is that I probably used it to take form.”

“You… used my virus to take form…?” Fluttershy asked, still annoyed but more intrigued now.

“We Digimon form through the data around us,” Guilmon said, “If there was a virus present, I probably did use that in order to take form,” he panicked a bit when he heard Fluttershy growl, “But not intentionally, I promise! I was just grabbing any data that I could find to forcibly digivolve.”

“Digivolve…?” Fluttershy asked, “What the heck is that?”

“It's how we Digimon become stronger. We have to be at least at the Rookie level in order to render into the Real World. Normally that takes a few days to a week of development, but that virus probably helped me warp digivolve into my Rookie level.”

Fluttershy sighed pouting, “W-well, I suppose that can't be helped… I mean, you weren't trying to mess me up or anything. Fuck though…” she leaned back looking at the ceiling, “All of the information I used was absorbed too. It's going to take forever to make another one, even with Cipher's help.”

“Don't feel bad,” Guilmon said patting her on the back, “I'll try to help you too. I feel bad knowing that I accidentally took something important.”

She couldn't help herself. She did smile a bit. Guilmon didn't seem like a bad kid at all. Fluttershy wasn't sure what he could do to help, but knowing that he wanted to help did make her feel a little better.

“Thanks, and I'm sorry I yelled at you,” Fluttershy said. She then noticed the symbol on his stomach. Wasn't that…?”

“Aw, it's alright Fluttershy,” Guilmon said with a smile, “Now, can we go downstairs and eat? I'm super hungry.”

“Sure,” Fluttershy said, “Why don't you go down first, and I'll meet you there. I sort of need to put on more than just my underwear.”

“Alright. See ya downstairs,” Guilmon said walking to the door and opening it, “Sorry it took so long Dad! Fluttershy and I were talking!”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes, and then folded her arms thinking about the symbol. That was the symbol she used to represent the Digital Hazard. If what Guilmon said about how he took form was true, then was he…?

Inside the network, a small purple mammal like digimon with small black wings on its back and a red gem on its forehead was looking at a holographic keyboard. After looking at the information it frowned.

“Looks like she gave someone else the power,” the Digimon said, “Twilight, this one formed into a Virus Type.”

Outside, sitting on what appeared to be a mountain, was a beautiful young girl with long straight purple hair with a pink highlight, wearing a black and white gothic dress fashioned like a maid's dress, fishnet stockings, black elegant gloves, and black high heels. For makeup she wore black eyeliner and red lipstick, and in her hands was a black and purple Digivice.

“Why did the Mother Computer willingly create a Virus Type Digimon and give it to a tamer?” the girl asked, “Dorumon, do the records give any hint as to what happened?”

“Sorry Twilight, but no,” Dorumon said, his voice coming from the Digivice, “Actually, according to the records, it was supposed to render into a Vaccine Type.”

“So the registry changed last minute?” Twilight asked, “Okay, come back to me, Dorumon.”

A few seconds after she said that, a green portal opened up behind her, and Dorumon walked out. Twilight sat up and sauntered over to her Digimon partner, who came up to her waist, and pet him on the head. Dorumon nuzzled her hand affectionately and then followed her as she walked off.

“Where are we going?” Dorumon asked.

“To investigate this,” Twilight said, “This tamer could easily become a Demon Lord, and I won't let that happen. If necessary, we'll kill them and delete their Digimon.”

“They could become a Royal Knight though,” Dorumon suggested. Twilight closed her eyes somberly.

“That would be even worse in my opinion,” Twilight said pushing a few buttons on her Digivice, “Let's head to the location where said tamer lives and observe them.”

As she and Dorumon walked, they both broke up into tiny squares and shot up into the sky vanishing.

After eating breakfast, Fluttershy got dressed and walked off to school. As she walked though, she became acutely aware that someone was following her. She stopped and turned around to see Guilmon right behind her.

“What are you doing?” Fluttershy asked.

“Coming to the school with you,” Guilmon said as if it were obvious, “That place sounds like a lot of fun.”

“First off, it's not fun. It's boring, and a waste of time,” Fluttershy said, “Second off, you're not coming with me to school.”

“Aw, why not?” Guilmon asked with the most adorable looking pout.

“Remember how I freaked out when I saw you for the first time?” Fluttershy asked putting her hands on her hips, “The kids at school will all do that when they see you.”

“All I have to do is let them know that I'm a nice, friendly Digimon and they'll like me,” Guilmon said with an assured smile.

“No no no!” Fluttershy pressed, “That won't work, because no one at school's even heard of a Digimon before.”

“But what am I supposed to do while you’re gone?” Guilmon asked.

“I don't know. Maybe play one of Zephyr's video games or something,” she said, “All I know is, it wouldn't be a good idea to-”

“Yoo hoo!” a voice called out suddenly. Fluttershy screamed and immediately pushed Guilmon into a bush and stood in front of him to hide him. Just in time too, as Rarity walked up to her, looking around confused.

“Um… I could have sworn I saw you talking to someone just now,” Rarity said. Fluttershy immediately shook her head without saying a word, “Ah well, this is truly a rare sight. I had no idea you and I lived in the same neighborhood.”

Fluttershy broke eye contact from her and bit her lip nervously. Thing was, she knew that Rarity lived in the same neighborhood, and did her best to avoid seeing her.

“Oh, why don't we walk to school together?” Rarity asked enthusiastically, “Applejack had to go back home last night, so she isn't here to keep me company. Oh pretty please?”

Oooh, Fluttershy wasn't sure to be honest. She was terrified of being around people in real life. As long as she was behind a screen it was okay. She could present herself however she pleased, but face to face meant all of her flaws and emotions were right there on the table.

And talking face to face required eye contact.

“I… uh… um… I mean… I usually… uh…” Fluttershy stuttered.

Great!” Rarity exclaimed clapping her hands, “Let's be on our way, darling!” she took Fluttershy's hand and continued onward to school, Fluttershy now forced to follow. As they left, Guilmon poked his head out sniffing the air.

“That girl smells like Digimon,” Guilmon said.

The walk to school was exhausting. Not because it was long or anything. Fluttershy took this route all the time. No, the reason she was exhausted was because of her companion. Fluttershy liked walking alone because she could gather her thoughts or just let her mind wander. That was hard right now though because of one major thing about Rarity.

She just.



It wasn't really anything important either. She just kept going on and on about tiny things that Fluttershy did not care about in the slightest. Shopping, clothes, jewelery, boys, she jumped from one subject to the other one. Fluttershy couldn't get a word in even if she wanted to.

“Oooh, looks like we're here,” Rarity said suddenly, surprising Fluttershy who zoned out.

“Oh, we are…” Fluttershy said softly.

“I do apologize for going on like that, darling,” Rarity said, “Truth is, I was just excited as I've never gotten the chance to talk to you before without Rainbow Crash hovering around.”

Fluttershy tried to say something, but as always second guessed herself and just nodded.

“Since I'm a senior we might not see much of each other in school, but know that the student council office is always open to you,” Rarity said turning to the school, “Oh, and I can't wait to meet your friend, darling.”

The way her eyes gleamed made Fluttershy feel uneasy, and she just stood there watching as Rarity sauntered into the school. Did she see Guilmon earlier and just not say anything? Why was she not afraid then?

“Boy, that girl can talk forever, can't she?”

“Seriously,” Fluttershy said. It took a second for her to register the voice next to her, “Guilmon! What are you doing here?!”

“Don't worry, I wasn't following you,” Guilmon said, “I was following that other girl with you.”

“That does not make it better!” Fluttershy fussed, quickly grabbing Guilmon's arm and running behind a tree, “Why were you following her anyway?!”

“Because she smells like a Digimon,” Guilmon said, confusing Fluttershy.

“She smells like a Digimon? That's probably just her perfume. She sure wears enough of the stuff,” Fluttershy rubbed her arm looking to the side.

“No no, there was another scent underneath the nice fruity one,” Guilmon said, “A human wouldn't be able to tell, but I have a super strong sense of smell. She smelled like a Digimon, which means she probably was with one just a little while ago.”

“So what? You're thinking she's got a Digimon with her too?” Fluttershy asked folding her arms.

“Maybe. We'll have to ask her the next time we see her,” Guilmon said, looking down thoughtfully. Fluttershy waved her arms and shook her head.

“No no no no! I am not talking to her again!” Fluttershy cried.

“But isn't she your friend?” Guilmon asked.

“No she's not! The only friend I have is Cipher!” she looked thoughtful, “Maybe Rainbow Dash counts too, but not by my choice. Other than that, I'm alone.”

Guilmon looked really sad hearing that, “You're alone…?”

“Yes, and I prefer it that way,” Fluttershy said, “Look, just head home, alright? I'll see you later.”

With that, Fluttershy ran off into the school. Hopefully nothing else happened to surprise her.

Unknown to either of them, Applejack was behind another tree watching them. When Fluttershy ran off, she stayed and lingered on Guilmon, who looked down as if thinking to himself.

“That's a new one,” Applejack said pulling out her Digivice to scan him, “Guilmon, huh? Why did the Mother Computer give her a Virus type?”

Deep within the network, another Kuwagamon flew around. When it stopped to look around, a large purple electric blast hit its back and knocked it onto its knees. Behind it, another bug Digimon landed. This one was just as big as Kuwagamon, and similar in build, but it had a single horn on its face looking more like a rhino beetle, and was purple instead of red.

The two Digimon roared loudly at each other and charged at one another, clashing clawed arms. The two of them fought close quarter, slashing and clashing horns in a violent fight as if trying to break one another apart.

Kuwagamon lunged forward to grab the purple bug Digimon with its pincers, but it flew away just in time. It then flew down with its horn charged with electricity and went through the Kuwagamon, instantly deleting it. As it absorbed its data, something red shot through the purple digimon, causing it to roar out in pain.



It's entire body was engulfed in electricity, and it then flew off deeper into the network, now causing more destruction than even the Kuwagamon before.

Once the first half of classes ended, Fluttershy went to her locker to get her lunch and books for the second half. When she closed her locker though, she saw Rainbow Dash leaning against them looking at her suspiciously.

“I saw you and Rarity walking to school together,” she said with a frown.

“It's not what you think,” Fluttershy said curtly, “She latched onto me like a leash.”

Rainbow Dash sighed in relief, “Okay good. So you're not suddenly in her clique or anything.”

“Personally can't stand her,” Fluttershy admitted, “She talks too much.”

“So the rumors are true,” Rainbow Dash said as Fluttershy closed her locker, “Well, I guess it wouldn't matter if you suddenly started hanging out with Rarity. Just don't abandon me, okay?”

Fluttershy wasn't even sure if they were friends yet. She didn't ever say much, nor did they ever outright claim to be friends. As they walked to the cafeteria, they heard a scream from the computer room.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash ran in to investigate, and saw all of the computers sparking with electricity, one of the students sitting on the floor backing away.

“Hey! What's going on here?!” Dash asked helping the student up.

“The computers are all going haywire!” he cried pointing to the computer he was about to use.

“I just spoke to Lyra!” another student said, “I think it's happening all over the school!”

Fluttershy looked out a window, and saw something odd. It looked like a white fog was building up outside in the school courtyard. Fluttershy ran out of the computer room to investigate, aware of Rainbow Dash calling out to her, but not stopping. She needed to see what was going on out there.

Guilmon, who was still hovering around the school, looked up when he saw the fog forming.

“A Digital Field? That's where Fluttershy is!” Guilmon said. He then looked ahead and saw two other Digimon run into the field: an Agumon and Gabumon.

“I knew there were other Digimon here!” Guilmon said running into the field. Hopefully they had Tamers too, because that field was clearly made by a strong Digimon.

When Fluttershy reached the courtyard, she looked around. Outside it was impossible to see, but inside the fog it was surprisingly clear, almost like the fog was forming an arena of sorts.

“What on earth is this?!” Fluttershy asked frantically. She heard a loud roar above her and looked up, seeing a large monstrous purple bug fly down toward her. She screamed and jumped away right before it hit her, and then backed away from it in fear.

boss theme

“Is this… another Digimon?!” Fluttershy asked. She heard a beeping coming from the Digivice, which she strapped onto her waist. She pulled it out and looked at it, seeing a holographic image of the Digimon before her along with information.





The Digimon, identified as Kabuterimon, slowly turned around and walked toward her, its entire body charged with electricity. Fluttershy backed away from it as far as she could until she was backed up against a wall. Kabuterimon hunched over, gathering electricity in its arms, and then spread them out shooting a large electric blast at Fluttershy. Thankfully something ran past and grabbed her, carrying her away.

“Fluttershy, are you okay?!” Guilmon asked setting Fluttershy down.

“G-Guilmon…!” Fluttershy sobbed softly. They both looked as the Kabuterimon roared loudly and then turned to them. Guilmon stood in front of Fluttershy and held out his arms, “W-w-what are you doing?!”

“This! FIREBALL!” he shouted, shooting a large red fireball out of his mouth at Kabuterimon. Said Fireball did very little though, as the Digimon brushed it off and launched it's electric attack at them. This time Guilmon pushed Fluttershy out of the way, taking the attack himself full force and getting knocked back.

“Guilmon!” Fluttershy cried. She then looked down at her Digivice, which showed a bar go down, showing Guilmon's name. Said bar also had numbers on it, that lowered at the same time. Was that Guilmon's life?

Guilmon forced himself to his feet, but then jumped away as Kabuterimon charged at him with its horn. As he ran, he launched more Fireballs at Kabuterimon, who's health was only going down a bit if what Fluttershy was seeing was accurate.

“This is almost like a video game!” Fluttershy said, “Oooh! Guilmon can't beat it like this! What am I going to do?!”

Just as she asked that, something else hit Kabuterimon. Two more blasts; one of them being another fireball, and the other being a stream of blue fire. Fluttershy looked to see two more Digimon firing at Kabuterimon, both of them smaller than Guilmon.

Fluttershy looked at them in surprise, but then felt someone place their hand on her shoulder. She looked and saw Rarity standing behind her, perfectly calm.

“Rarity?” Fluttershy asked.

“Don't worry darling,” Rarity said, “We can beat this.”

Kabuterimon charged at the new combatants, but both Digimon ran in separate directions out of the way, and then ran over to Guilmon to help him up.

“Hey, are you okay, friend?” Agumon asked.

“Y-yeah, thanks,” Guilmon said, “Do you guys have Tamers too?”

“Sure do,” Agumon said smiling proudly, “My bro's Tamer is with yours now, and mine should be coming soon.”

Kabuterimon turned back around to face them, but this time when he charged at them, someone jumped in the way and stopped him.

“Oh my God!” Fluttershy cried, surprised when Rarity laughed.

“Glad you could join us, Applejack,” Rarity said jovially.

“I was jus' scopin’ out the target,” Applejack said through gritted teeth. Fluttershy had so many questions. Like for one, how was that girl holding a Digimon back with her bare hands?!

Applejack threw Kabuterimon to the side and dusted her hands off as everyone gathered around her.

“You two have Digimon too?” Fluttershy asked.

“That's right,” Applejack said, “Mine's Agumon, while Rarity's is Gabumon.”

“Applejack, I don't think they're going to be enough like this,” Rarity said stepping forward, “We might need to push this to the next level.”

“Got it,” Applejack said cracking her knuckles, “Ready to go dinosaur crazy, Agumon?”

Um… what did she ask her partner? And why were both of them smiling like maniacs?

“I'm always ready!” Agumon said with a huge grin. Both of them rushed at Kabuterimon, and Agumon hoisted Applejack into the air. Applejack then flipped in the air, and punched Kabuterimon in the face, causing red energy to form around her hand. Fluttershy turn to Rarity, who just waved her hair to the side and then blue energy gathered in her hand.

“Let's go!” Rarity shouted. Applejack landed next to Rarity, and both of them pulled out their Digivices.

“Pay attention, rookie,” Applejack said to Fluttershy. Both veteran Tamers pulled up holographic keyboards in front of them and typed on them.

“Altering Program! Digivolve!” they both shouted at the same time. They pushed the enter keys on their keyboards, and then sent the energy from their hands into the Digivices, which then shot out into their respective Digimon.



“AGUMON DIGIVOLVE TO…!” Agumon shouted, the skin on his body literally tearing off revealing an orange wire frame silhouette of Agumon. As the energy engulfed the wire frame, it changed shape and grew in size, turning into a much larger dinosaur looking monster with three horns and a hard armored head, which then reformed into a monster that almost looked like a larger and older Agumon, “GREYMON!!!”

“GABUMON DIGIVOLVE TO…!” Gabumon shouted, just like his brother his body tearing apart and leaving a light blue/purple wireframe. When he was engulfed in the energy, his body changed shape into a large wolf looking monster, which then reformed into a monster with blue striped fur like what Gabumon always wore, except it was on four legs instead of two. “GARURUMON!!!”

Fluttershy and Guilmon were wide eyed seeing the new forms of their partners. They looked almost as strong as the Kabuterimon before them.

Greymon and Kabuterimon charged at each other pushing each other back. As they held one another in place, Garurumon ran to the side quickly and charged up energy in his mouth.

“FOX FIRE!” he shouted, firing a much larger blue stream out at Kabuterimon, this time doing massive damage.

“Oh my God!” Fluttershy cried, “Guilmon, look at its health!”

She showed Guilmon her Digivice, surprising her partner, “Whoa! These guys are on a whole other level!”

“Hey, let me see that,” Applejack said, briefly taking Fluttershy's Digivice. She typed on the keyboard a bit, and then handed the Digivice back to her, “There, you're in our party now.”

“Um… party…?” Fluttershy asked.

“It's so you can get experience points from this fight,” Applejack said with a cocky smirk, “We're about to end this.”

Almost on cue, Greymon charged up fire in his mouth, “MEGA FLAME!” he shouted, shooting a large fireball out of his mouth at Kabuterimon, knocking it far back. The digimon flew into the air, and fired its electric attack at Greymon, but Garurumon jumped in the way and took the attack head on.

At the same time, Rarity screamed in pain and fell to her knees. Fluttershy's heart leaped out her chest when she saw that.

“Rarity!” Applejack cried running to her aid, “Why did ya do that?!”

“You and Greymon's attacks will do the most damage,” Rarity said, smiling at Applejack lovingly, “Don't worry. Garurumon and I are fine, love.”

“Crazy thing,” Applejack lightly scolded, pressing their foreheads together, “It'll be over soon.”

Fluttershy was starting to get a little afraid. Did Rarity actually feel when her Digimon got hurt?

Greymon helped Garurumon up, and the two of them nodded. They both then looked up at Kabuterimon and charged up their attacks at the same time, firing them at the Kabuterimon. The purple bug Digimon caught on fire and fell to the ground, instantly breaking apart as if just made of data. Energy flowed into both Greymon and Garurumon.



Fluttershy looked at Guilmon, who also had energy flowing into him. Before she could ask, she heard a beep from her Digivice.



(end song)

“Hey, I feel stronger,” Guilmon said looking himself over.

“That's because you gained experience,” Rarity said, catching both Guilmon and Fluttershy's attention. Behind her was Garurumon, “Are you okay, love?”

“Um… yes…” Fluttershy said looking away, “But… w-what about you? You were in pain earlier.”

“Please, I'm fine,” Rarity said waving it off, “It was just psychological feedback. It happens once your Digimon enters the higher levels.”

Fluttershy looked around as the mist faded away. At the same time, both Greymon and Garurumon shifted back into their smaller forms.

“Looks like it's time for us to hide,” Agumon said, “Come on, Gabumon.”

“Right,” both Gabumon and Agumon ran over to Guilmon and took his hands, “Come with us.”

“O-okay. See ya Fluttershy!” Guilmon said, being dragged away by the two smaller Digimon. As Fluttershy watched them leave, Rarity patted her on the shoulder.

“Come to the student council office later,” Rarity said, “Applejack and I will answer your questions then.”

Fluttershy wordlessly nodded and watched as Rarity sauntered back into the school. Applejack walked past Fluttershy, intentionally bumping into her, and walked after Rarity. Rainbow Dash pushed through another set of doors and ran out to Fluttershy right as Applejack left.

“There you are!” Rainbow Dash cried, “What happened? Is everything okay?!”

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash, surprised to see how worried she looked. She had no idea that Rainbow Dash cared that much. Fluttershy nodded and then looked down, holding her Digivice in her pocket tightly. This was a lot crazier than she imagined.

“What in the world is that Digimon?” Twilight asked, watching Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash from a rooftop, “I've never seen anything like it before.”

“I think he's like me,” Dorumon said, “An anomaly that the Mother Computer didn't anticipate.”

“We're keeping a close watch on her then,” Twilight said folding her arms, “Regardless of what direction she chooses to take.”

Author's Note:

This is the final episode I have for now, but I'm going to try and have this story update weekly like Code Lyoko EG. Expect updates around Thursday or Friday.