• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 3,885 Views, 232 Comments

Digimon Saga: CTRL-ALT-DELETE - Azure Sandora

A computer hacker and five other girls are the only ones who can protect the real world and the Digital World as Digimon Tamers.

  • ...

05: Can I trust you?

Theme Song: With the Wind

05: Can I trust you?

“So? What do you think?” a woman with long flowing hair and a black dress asked, sitting elegantly in a chair. Nearby was Twilight, who was leaning against a wall with her arms folded.

“About that Digimon?” Twilight asked the woman, “It's too dangerous. The idea that she would allow such a dangerous virus run rampant shows that she's not thinking clearly.”

“Couldn't the same be said for you though?” the woman asked, leaning to rest her side on the arm of her chair and crossing her legs, “Carrier of X?”

Twilight flinched a bit when she said that, “It's different with me. Dorumon and I act for the benefit of the Digital World and Real World. That Digimon, Guilmon I believe, his very existence could be a threat to both worlds.”

“I see,” the woman said nodding, “So then, what do you plan to do?”

“I'm going to confront his Tamer,” Twilight said, “I need to warn her of the dangers, and convince her to discard that Digimon.”

“What if she refuses?” the woman asked. Twilight looked somber before she spoke.

“If necessary, I'll kill both her and that abomination of a Digimon,” Twilight said darkly, “Along with anyone else who wants to defend the Mother Computer.”

“You do such wonderful work for me,” the woman said, an odd looking white cat jumping onto her lap, “Together, we shall be the protectors the worlds need. I am returning to the Digital World. If you find Seraphimon, do tell her that I'm looking for her.”

“I shall do as you command, Lord Ophanimon,” Twilight said. As the light shining around the woman and her odd cat faded away, another light came on, now casting the shadow of Dorumon on the wall next to Twilight.

“I don't like this,” Dorumon said, “Ophanimon has been acting weird.”

“She does seem suspicious,” Twilight said with a sigh, “We'll keep an eye on her until we know for certain. Right now though, I want to focus on stopping that Digimon.”

“So when do you want to strike?” Dorumon asked.

“Tomorrow,” Twilight said, “I know her schedule, and the path she walks to get to school. I'm going to try and see if I can save her from a horrible fate. She's not a bad person, she just has a monster for a Digimon.”

“Do you want to enter our true state?” Dorumon asked, “We can probably Warp-Digivolve anytime to Alpha-”

“No, not yet,” Twilight said, “I don't want to risk showing Yggdrasil our true power quite yet. Dorugamon should be enough to handle it.”

“Alright then,” Dorumon said nodding, “My only purpose is to act as a vessel for your power, so I'll follow you.”

“No Dorumon, that's wrong,” Twilight said shaking her head, “As Twilight, you are my partner and valuable friend. We are two halves of a whole. Together, we are the one assigned to the Empty Seat.”

Dorumon smiled, “Thanks Twilight. That means more to me than you realize.”

As Dorumon's shadow faded, Twilight bit her lip and shuddered. She had to cling to her Digimon partner, despite what he truly was. Otherwise she'd be alone. She had lost her good friends due to a decision made by Yggdrasil, and she vowed to never forgive her for that day.

Dynasmon, Crusadermon, Examon, Gankoomon, Magnamon and Kentaurosmon…

I will make sure our sacrifices were not in vain!

“Dad, ya home?” Rainbow Dash asked, walking into the large white mansion she called home. She waited a second and then sighed walking over to the couch, “Coast is clear Veemon. You can come in.”

A second later Veemon jumped inside through an open window, rolled onto one knee, and then walked over to the couch sitting next to Rainbow Dash, “Cheer up, Rainbow Dash. Your Dad can't stay away from home forever.”

“I bet he would if he could,” Rainbow Dash said bitterly, “So, how does the User name get chosen anyway?”

“It's chosen based off your information found by the Mother Computer,” Veemon explained, “Whatever information she finds on your computer is the information she uses to create your Digital World account.”

“So she didn't just put in Zero to sound cool,” Rainbow Dash said, once again pulling out her Digivice and looking at Fluttershy's profile picture, which looked normal except for the name “ZERO” where her full name should have been, “Shit, that means she really is Zero.”

“Is it really bad that she's this “Zero” person?” Veemon asked. Before she could answer her, they heard someone put a key through the front door to unlock it. Veemon quickly jumped behind the couch to hide as Rainbow Dash shot up from the couch.

“Dad!” Rainbow Dash cried happily running into his arms when the door opened.

“It's good to see you, Rainbow,” Sombra said returning the hug, “I'm sorry, but I can't stay. I just came to pick up some important papers from my study.”

Of course he couldn't stay. Rainbow Dash sighed shaking her head and let her father come inside.

“Did something happen at work?” Rainbow Dash asked her father as he walked to his in home office.

“A random hacking attempt,” Sombra said gathering the papers from his desk, “It appears we've attracted some unwanted attention.”

“It was Zero, wasn't it?” Rainbow Dash asked, “She attacked your company, right?”

“Why, do you know something?” Sombra asked looking at Rainbow Dash, who on instinct shook her head.

“Nope. I don't know anything about it. I was just curious, as I know you do really important work,” Rainbow Dash covered. Sombra nodded and went back to what he was doing.

“I don't know why she decided to target our company, but rest assured I will find her,” Sombra continued.

“What are you going to do when you find her?” Rainbow Dash asked, trying her best to hide how afraid she was.

“Ensure that she's put away for a very long time,” Sombra said, “I plan on using all of my resources, and I will find her.”

That scared Rainbow Dash a good deal. Whenever he said he was going to do something, he was going to do it, and he had enough power to do just what he claimed. If given enough time, he was going to find Fluttershy.

If I warn her, maybe she can…

But… that would mean…

“If you ever come across anything concerning Zero, please let me know,” Sombra requested, “Anything at all would be a big help.”

“S-sure Dad. Whatever you say…” Rainbow Dash said, feeling horribly awkward, guilty, and conflicted. Sombra walked over to Rainbow Dash, kissed her on the forehead, and then walked out of the mansion. Veemon waited a few seconds and then walked over to Rainbow Dash as she leaned against a wall and slid to sit on the floor.

“So… that's why it's bad,” Veemon said placing a hand on Rainbow Dash's shoulder.

“Damn it! Why did you have to be Zero, Fluttershy?!” Rainbow Dash fussed. It was either betray her father, or out her friend. Either way she'd be screwed.

She'd be betraying someone she cared about either way.

Fluttershy ran out of her house to school as fast as she could. She had been up late talking to Cipher, as such ended up oversleeping. If it weren't for Guilmon, she'd probably be so much later than she was right now. Thankfully at this pace she'd be able to stop running soon and still make it in time.

Once she turned the corner, she stopped to catch her breath, “Maybe, staying up so late isn't a healthy habit,” she panted. After she composed herself, she fixed her hair and began walking down the street. Though she was shy, she took a lot of pride in her appearance, and knew that she was really attractive. She liked the attention in moderation, but had no intention of ever asking a boy out.

There was still someone she kept hoping to be her first.

As she walked, her thoughts went to Rainbow Dash. Joining with her was risky, as it made the chances of her finding out that she was Zero much bigger. Although, she did wonder if she could tell her. How would she react? The more Fluttershy thought about it, the more she realized that she did sort of like Rainbow Dash. She was the only student besides Rarity to make an effort to reach out to her, and she was almost certain that Rarity was hoping to get something out of it. Either to better her reputation, or get her to join her and Applejack as a Royal Knight.

Fluttershy sighed, lowering her goggles as a means of hiding her eyes. It was a habit of hers, whenever she felt depressed or was just in deep thought she hid behind her goggles to hide from the world. If she really needed to get away, she'd also put on her earbuds and play music to drown out the noise around her.

Sometimes the world around her was too scary.

She looked ahead of her and saw the oddest person leaning against a building with her arms folded. She had dark purple hair with a light pink highlight, and was wearing a gothic lolita black and white dress, lacy black gloves, fishnet stockings, and black high heels. She wore dark, almost blood red lipstick and black eyeliner for makeup and the air she gave off seemed almost otherworldly. Fluttershy stopped and raised her goggles, taking in the mysterious girl.

“I know who you are,” Twilight said, glaring at Fluttershy, “Zero.”

Fluttershy's heart leaped out of her chest. How did she know? Was she another hacker?

“Surprised?” Twilight asked, pushing off the wall and walking over to Fluttershy, “Don't be. One who lives in the network would know who you are.”

Lives in the network? What did that mean?

“Are you going to arrest me?” Fluttershy asked trembling, still glaring dangerously at Twilight, “You're a snitch for the police, right?”

“Wrong,” Twilight said immediately, “Where I come from, I am the police. Or at least, I was. That's not important right now,” she got right in Fluttershy's face, “You need to get away from that Digimon.”

“Get… away…?” Fluttershy asked.

“Guilmon,” Twilight said, “You need to get as far away from that Digimon as possible.”

“Guilmon is my friend and Digimon partner!” Fluttershy fussed, “Why should I listen to-” Twilight grabbed Fluttershy's wrist tightly.

“You don't get it, do you?!” Twilight asked harshly, “Your world is in danger too as long as that abomination of a Digimon is still alive!”

“How dare you call Guilmon an abomination!” Fluttershy retaliated pulling her wrist free, “You don't know anything about who he is!”

“I know what he is,” Twilight stated dangerously, “He's a dangerous virus, one that could potentially destroy both worlds.”

“That doesn't make any sense,” Fluttershy said shaking her head, “The Digital Hazard is only meant to compromise networks of my choice. It's not designed for wide spread destruction, not even on a digital plane.”

Twilight's eyes widened and she stepped back, “Wait… you know about that virus?”

“I designed it myself,” Fluttershy said. Twilight tightened her fists and started trembling.

“You… stupid child!” Twilight shouted, “Do you have any idea what forces you're messing with?! Creating something like that and turning it into a Digimon could create something horrific! You might have endangered the whole world!”

This girl was starting to really freak Fluttershy out. She didn't understand anything she was saying, and it was starting to scare Fluttershy a bit. Although, part of her could tell that this mysterious girl truly believed everything she was saying.

“Fluttershy!” Fluttershy looked out to the side, surprised to see Rarity of all people running over to her. When she got there, she stood in front of Fluttershy and glared at Twilight, “Fluttershy, are you alright?”

“Y-yes…” Fluttershy said, surprised by how intense Rarity looked.

“Don't tell me you're defending this?” Twilight asked, “You're smart, so surely you can see that her Digimon is-”

“A truly nice person,” Rarity finished for her, “And if you so much as lay a finger on either Guilmon or his Tamer I may have to ruin that pretty face of yours, darling.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes but then turned her back to them, “You can't protect her, Omegamon,” Twilight said, “You may not care about the fate of the Digital World, but I do.”

“Then if the time comes, we'll settle things on the battlefield, Alphamon,” Rarity said, narrowing her eyes in return. Just what were those names they kept calling each other?

Alphamon? Omegamon?

Those are Digimon names though…

Twilight walked off, leaving Fluttershy and Rarity alone. After a few seconds, Rarity turned to Fluttershy, “Sorry about that,” Rarity said, “I guess we should have warned you about Twilight.”

“Who's Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“She's been fighting against Yggdrasil for a while now,” Rarity said, walking with Fluttershy to school, “Her Digimon is unregistered, and she seems to freely travel between the human and digital realms.”

“She seemed almost afraid,” Fluttershy reasoned, “She kept saying that Guilmon was dangerous.”

Rarity stopped and turned to Fluttershy, placing her hands on her shoulders, “You listen to me. Guilmon is your Digimon, so he's only as dangerous as you allow him to become. You're a good person, Fluttershy, so that means Guilmon will become a truly powerful Digimon meant to protect the two worlds.”

“You… really think so…?” Fluttershy asked.

“I know so,” Rarity said, “I need to head to homeroom, so I'll see you later, Fluttershy.”

As Rarity ran off into the school, Fluttershy looked down at her Digivice, thinking about Twilight and Rarity's words. Both of them painted two completely different pictures of her Digimon, and Fluttershy had no idea which one was right.

Guilmon wasn't sure how he felt leaving Fluttershy alone. After all, she could have been attacked by an enemy Digimon at anytime. If only there was a place where he could hide out and be close to Fluttershy whenever she was out at school.

As he walked into the kitchen to get something to eat, he heard a tapping on the window. Guilmon turned to look at the window and saw Agumon waving to him. He wobbled a bit and fell back, causing a loud crash outside. Guilmon winced in pain and then ran out to see both Agumon and Gabumon on the ground. Apparently Agumon stood on his brother's shoulders.

“Hey, are you okay?” Guilmon asked, helping the smaller dino and his brother up.

“Yeah, we're fine Guilmon,” Agumon said rubbing the back of his head, “My bro and I are stronger than that.”

“What are you guys doing here though?” Guilmon asked, “Shouldn't you be at Applejack or Rarity's place?”

“Not right now,” Gabumon said, “Actually, we came to get you.”

“We wanted to show you our secret club house!” Agumon said happily, “Well, it's more of a secret base we made for all Digimon with Tamers.”

“Seriously?” Guilmon asked. Gabumon and Agumon grabbed his hands.

“Come on! Follow us!” Agumon cheered. Guilmon was helplessly pulled away from Fluttershy's house to who knew where by the two energetic Digimon.

Back in the network, a Dokugumon was crawling slowly on the grid based ground. He had somehow landed here, and was trying to find his way back to the Digital World. Before he could though, a red wave shot through him.



Now corrupted, Dokugumon roared loudly and then rushed ahead to find the Real World. Suddenly, he had something much more important to do. For some reason, he needed to go there and cause as much damage as possible.

“Here we are,” Gabumon said, “Welcome to our Lookout Tower.”

Guilmon looked around in amazement. Agumon and Gabumon took Guilmon to what appeared to be a large tree house hidden inside of the leaves that was near the school. The inside of the tree house was spacious, with multiple snacks, drinks, and even comic books scattered around.

“Whoa! This is awesome!” Guilmon said, “You guys made all of this?”

“Sure did!” Agumon said, “We knew that more Digimon with Tamers would end up coming here, so we wanted to make a base for them to hang out.”

“Here they can not only be close to their tamers, but they can also see if a Digimon crosses over from the network,” Gabumon said, escorting Guilmon over to a window, which looked out at the main city.

“I can see the whole city from here!” Guilmon said, “This is perfect! I can stay here whenever Fluttershy goes to school!”

“This place is open to all good Digimon with Tamers,” Gabumon said, “If you find anyone yourself, feel free to bring them here.”

“I'll show Veemon next time I see him,” Guilmon said, suddenly having a thought that made him a little concerned, “But… is it really okay for me to be here? I don't think Fluttershy is going to join Rarity and Applejack.”

“That's okay Guilmon!” Agumon said with a big smile.

“Royal Knight or not, any Digimon is welcome here!” Gabumon said with a matching smile. Guilmon couldn't help but smile looking at them. No matter what Fluttershy thought of their tamers, these two were genuinely nice.

“So… even if Fluttershy doesn't become a Royal Knight, we can still be friends?” Guilmon asked.

“Of course we can!” Agumon said holding Guilmon's hand, “You're officially one of us!”

“Welcome to the Digimon Defense Force!” Gabumon said, “This place's doors are always open to you, Guilmon!”

“Thanks guys!” Guilmon said, actually lifting the two smaller Digimon and hugging them. It was nice that he had so many Digimon friends now. Pretty soon, he'd help Fluttershy make just as many human friends.

Fluttershy was a bit surprised with how quiet Rainbow Dash was. She seemed about the same, so that was good, but Fluttershy could tell that something was bothering her. She wanted to talk to her about it, but she didn't know quite how to handle it.

When class ended, Fluttershy took a deep breath and walked over to Rainbow Dash, tapping her shoulder. Rainbow Dash turned to look up at Fluttershy.

“Hey girlfriend,” Rainbow Dash said, “What's up?”

“You were quiet...” Fluttershy said softly, “I was worried about you.”

“Oh, sorry,” Rainbow Dash said, “Hey, um, let's head out together.”

Fluttershy nodded, for the first time walking with Rainbow Dash to their lockers willingly. After they got their stuff, they walked out of the school building, Fluttershy for some reason clinging to Rainbow Dash a bit. Maybe she was worried about running into that Twilight girl again.

“You okay?” Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy, who was holding onto Rainbow Dash's arm as they left.

“Is this bad…?” Fluttershy asked softly. Rainbow Dash smiled softly and patted her hand.

“Nah, it's okay,” Rainbow Dash said, “You don't know much about being friends offline, do you?”

Fluttershy shook her head sadly, “Am I doing it right?”

Rainbow Dash couldn't help herself. She actually laughed a bit before she answered, “You're doing fine. Hey, let's head someplace private. That way we can talk a bit,” Rainbow Dash requested. Fluttershy felt it was a bit of an odd request, but she nodded all the same.


They both stopped and looked around nervously. Their attention turned to a bush, and out of it shot a familiar red dinosaur.

“Fluttershy!” Guilmon cried happily as he knocked Fluttershy to the ground and hugged her.

“G-Guilmon?” Fluttershy asked in shock, “H-how did you-”

“Agumon and Gabumon showed me a special place!” Guilmon said smiling at Fluttershy, “I can go there whenever you're in school so I'll be close by in case a Digimon attacks!”

“Agumon? Gabumon?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Who's Digimon are they?”

“They're Rarity and Applejack's partners,” Guilmon explained, “They're really nice Digimon, and made a special base for all partnered Digimon to hang out in when their tamers are in school.”

“Huh, neat I guess,” Rainbow Dash said with a shrug.

“Sounds like a great place!” Veemon said jumping out of a tree nearby, “Could I hang there too?”

“Oh yeah! They said it's open to all Digimon as long as they have partners,” Guilmon said, “I told them about you, and they want to meet you too.”

“Sweet!” Veemon said, “We Digimon have to stick together after all.”

“Exactly,” Guilmon said. Fluttershy couldn't help but admire the Digimon for that. They didn't seem to hold many grudges, and got along so much easier than people did.

An odd sound caught their attention. The four of them all looked out into the main city and saw fog shoot out of the ground and engulfed the city.

“We're going, right?” Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy with a familiar smirk. Fluttershy nodded, and the two girls ran into the main city followed by their Digimon.

When they arrived in the main city, they saw a large black and yellow spider looking Digimon with a big mouth jumping around on the buildings and shooting web from his abdomen all over the street. Rainbow Dash pulled out her Digivice and analyzed the Digimon.

play song





“A virus type, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked, “We can take this guy! Can I get a hell yeah?!”

“Hell yeah!” Veemon shouted getting in a fighting stance, “Guilmon, ya up for this?”

“Bring it!” Guilmon said, “We can take his guy out!”

The two Digimon charged at the large insect Digimon, who jumped onto another building and shot a strange purple blast out of his mouth at them. The two Digimon jumped out of the way, and they saw that the blast corroded the ground where it landed.

“That's bad!” Veemon exclaimed.

“Don't worry, I got ya covered!” Rainbow Dash said typing on her Digivice’s holographic keyboard, “Altering Program! Chi Level 1!”

Veemon shot to his feet as Guilmon ran next to him, both of them charging up their attacks.

“FIRE BALL!” Guilmon shouted.

“HADOUKEN!” Veemon shouted. Both Digimon fired their attacks at the Dokugumon, but he once again jumped to another building, this time shooting his webs at his two opponents. Guilmon managed to run out of the way, but Veemon was caught and stuck onto the ground.

“Veemon!” Guilmon cried.

“I'm fine! Keep fighting!” Veemon exclaimed. Guilmon nodded and rushed at Dokugumon shooting Fire Balls rapidly, but sadly all of his attacks missed as he kept jumping around.

“Altering Program!” Fluttershy shouted, “Speed UP!”

Guilmon, now much faster, rushed over to Dokugumon and jumped up into his face. He then used his Rock N' Roll Breaker on his face, knocking him onto the ground just as Veemon broke free from his bindings.

“VEE PUNCH!” Veemon shouted, spinning his arms in circles super fast as he an into Dokugumon, actually knocking him over to Guilmon who whacked him with his tail into a stalled truck.

“Yeah! WHOO!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, “We're totally kicking his ass!”

“No… something is wrong,” Fluttershy said, “He's barely fighting back.”

“That's because he knows he's beat!” Rainbow Dash stated arrogantly, “Let's end this!”

Veemon and Guilmon both walked over to Dokugumon as he lied down, completely unaware that he was smirking. The second they were right in front of him though, he shot to his feet and fired his poisonous blast at both Digimon, knocking them back.

“Guilmon!” Fluttershy cried.

“Veemon, no!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Fluttershy looked at her Digivice and saw something horrifying. She saw Guilmon and Veemon's health both steadily going down.

“This is bad!” Fluttershy exclaimed, “I think they're poisoned!”

“What?!” Rainbow Dash pulled out her Digivice, “Shit, you're right! It says on the status screen poison!”

Guilmon and Veemon tried to rise to their feet, but Dokugumon charged at the two Rookie Level Digimon and tackled them back. He then fired his web at them again, this time pinning both of them to a building.

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash shouted running over to Dokugumon, “Leave them alone you freak!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy cried. It was too late though, as Rainbow Dash reared her fist back and tried to punch Dokugumon, but he spun around to whack her back, and she hit the ground a bit in front of Fluttershy.

“F-Fluttershy…!” Fluttershy looked up at Guilmon, “Run!”

Fluttershy turned to Dokugumon, who was now looking right at her. She tried to run, but he fired his web at her, binding her to the ground. As she struggled to get free, Dokugumon slowly approached her. Fluttershy looked at the large spider Digimon in horror as it loomed over her. Before he could attack, something white and red shot past Dokugumon knocking him back a bit. The odd streak turned out to be a Digimon, who used his tail to cut Guilmon and Veemon free. He then rushed back at Dokugumon and began slashing Dokugumon with his front claws.

“Hold on!” a familiar high voice called out. Pinkie Pie ran over to Rainbow Dash first to see if she was okay, and she then rushed over to Fluttershy taking out a small pocket knife, “Are you okay, Fluttershy?”

“Y-you're a…” Fluttershy asked, still shocked.

“Yep, I'm a Digimon Tamer too. Don't worry about Rainbow Dash. She's knocked out, but she's alive.” Pinkie Pie said cutting Fluttershy free. She then turned back to the fight, her Digimon fighting ferociously. He was relentless, never stopping to give Dokugumon a chance to attack. Fluttershy looked at Pinkie Pie, noticing the pained and fearful look on her face, which was odd. It looked like her Digimon was winning.

Fluttershy shook it off and ran over to Guilmon and Veemon.

“Guilmon, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked helping her partner up.

“I'm, dizzy…” Guilmon said, “I, don't know if I can, make it.”

“No no!” Fluttershy said as Guilmon fell to one knee, “You're not leaving me like this! If we delete the source of the virus you'll be okay, right? Right?!” Fluttershy asked Guilmon, who nodded.

“Y-yeah, but none of our, attacks do enough damage…” Guilmon said. Fluttershy thought back to the first fight she saw. Agumon and Gabumon turned into larger forms. Could Guilmon do that too? Maybe with her help, they could...

“Guilmon, we're not giving up,” Fluttershy said, surprising Guilmon with her drive.


“I don't care what you are, or if you're some super dangerous Digimon, you're my friend, and I'm not losing you,” Fluttershy rose to her feet, and lowered her goggles over her eyes, glaring at Dokugumon in determination, “So stand up, Guilmon! Let's show this Digimon, the true power of Zero!”

Guilmon forced himself to his feet, and then walked forward to stand in front of Fluttershy. Despite being in excruciating pain apparently, he stood straight up and held his arms out defending Fluttershy like always. Fluttershy gritted her teeth and tightened her fists.

“DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US!” Both Guilmon and Fluttershy shouted at the same time. Without a word she began ferociously typing on her holographic keyboard.

“ALTERING PROGRAM! DIGIVOLVE!” Fluttershy shouted. She held her hand in front of her face, and dark red energy formed in her hand. She then sent the energy into her Digivice, which she then pointed forward, sending the energy into Guilmon.



“GUILMON DIGIVOLVE TO….!” Guilmon shouted, his entire body ripping apart revealing a dark red wire framed silhouette. The energy engulfed the wire frame, changing into a much large looking dragon with a similar build to Guilmon, which upon reforming looked just like his previous state, but far larger and with a mane of white hair on his head. On his wrists, legs, and the base of his tail were black stripes with golden digi-coding adorning them, “GROWLMON!!!”

Growlmon's first action was to roar loudly, catching the attention of everyone, and even managing to wake up Rainbow Dash, who looked at both Growlmon and Fluttershy in shock.

“What the hell…?” Rainbow Dash asked as Pinkie Pie helped him up. Hackmon put Veemon on his back and looked up at Growlmon in surprise too.

“That Digimon… that's the strongest looking Champion I've ever seen!” Hackmon said. Fluttershy briefly held her chest in pain, and then a beep on her Digivice caught her attention.


“Oh, I see,” Fluttershy said with a dark laugh, “So the Digital Hazard gets more complete as you Digivolve. That's good to know.”

“Um… Fluttershy…?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Not right now, sweetie,” Fluttershy said with a smirk, “I don't want be “Fluttershy” right now. You can call me, Zero.”

Dokugumon tried charging at them, but Growlmon slashed him back with the blade on his elbow. Fluttershy, now Zero apparently, then walked forward running her hand on Growlmon's leg.

“Sweetheart, do mommy a favor and rip him to shreds for me,” Zero requested.

“With pleasure,” Growlmon said, his voice no longer childish, but deeper, gruff, and also more sinister tone similar to that of his tamer. He then rushed at Dokugumon and slashed him with his claws, and then whacked him with his tail. Dokugumon fell back, and then fired his web at Growlmon, binding his arms in place where he stood. From Zero’s throat came the most terrifying laugh in response.

“Is that supposed to scare us?” Zero asked typing on her keyboard elegantly, “Altering Program, Strength up.”

Instantly, Growlmon powered through the web and broke out like they were nothing. The two Digimon rushed toward each other and began fighting close quarter. As the two Digimon fought, everyone's eyes were on Zero, whose entire air had changed. Right now, she exuded confidence, power, and dominance.

“Something happened to her,” Pinkie Pie said, “She's not right for some reason.”

“Fluttershy, what's going on with you?” Rainbow Dash asked, suddenly really afraid of Growlmon.

Growlmon charged up the blades on his elbows with white energy, “PLASMA BLADE!” he shouted, slashing Dokugumon with both blades and knocking him back. As he lied down on his back, Growlmon walked over to Dokugumon hovering over him.

“Don't hesitate,” Zero said, “I want him to suffer.”

Growlmon narrowed his eyes at Dokugumon, and charged up energy in his mouth, “EXHAUST FLAME!” he shouted, shooting a continuous stream of fire out at Dokugumon, setting him on fire. All while this went on, Zero looked at Dokugumon as his body broke apart in the flame. Pinkie Pie covered her eyes looking away, and both Veemon and Hackmon looked at Growlmon with wide eyes. Rainbow Dash however, was looking at Zero in horror.





end song

Growlmon started glowing, and shrunk back into Guilmon. Zero hunched forward in exhaustion as Guilmon walked over to her.

“Are you, okay, Guilmon?” Fluttershy panted, now herself again.

“We all are,” Guilmon said, “Thanks to you.”

“What for?” Fluttershy asked.

“I couldn't Digivolve without your energy,” Guilmon said smiling, “I was able to become stronger because of you.”

Fluttershy looked at her Digivice in shock, “I, made you stronger?”

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash called out, catching Fluttershy's attention. Fluttershy lit up and ran over to Rainbow Dash hugging her.

“You're okay!” Fluttershy cried, “I was so worried!”

“Y-yeah, I'm fine,” Rainbow Dash said, “But, what about you?”

“I'm alright,” Fluttershy said, looking like her usual self again, “Why? Did something happen?”

“Do you, remember what happened?” Pinkie Pie asked, “Do you remember Guilmon Digivolving into Growlmon?”

Fluttershy nodded, “I do.”

“And you remember how you were acting?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Like, myself?” Fluttershy asked looking confused, “I was just being me, the same like I always am.”

Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie looked at each other confused. She seriously had no idea what happened. It was like she became a completely different person.

“I knew it…” Twilight said from behind a nearby building biting her thumb, “That Digimon is dangerous, as is his tamer. Next time I see her, I'm taking them both out.”

Author's Note:

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