• Published 23rd May 2017
  • 744 Views, 92 Comments

Meet me in Maretonia - Paradise Oasis

Fiesta Flair leads a group of Equestrian ponies to her homeland of Maretonia, where a simple vacation could turn into a quest to save all of Ponydom

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El Capitulo Seis

The duke and Fresco had just come out of the great temple, when they saw the distant form of a familiar white Pegasus flying straight towards them. The mare landed on the nearby staircase on the pyramid, before making her way up towards where the two now stood.

“Oh, hello your highness! Hi Fresco!” Watercolor greeted the two stallions, as she came trotting up to them in the city’s central plaza. “The Duchess said she had some other business to attend to, so she sent me to find you two.”

“Oh, hey there Colors! I was wondering where you had gotten to.” Fresco joked, “The duke was about to take me to see some kind of traditional Maretonian combat sport. You wanna come along?”

“Combat sport?! Like a gladiator game?” Watercolors stuck her tongue out. “Ugh, that’s really not my thing, maybe you should count me out.”

“Awww, come on Watercolor.” Fresco snorted. “Why don’t you just give it a chance?”

“Watching two ponies beat each other into a bloody pulp? Yeah, that’s definitely something I’d love to watch.” The mare rolled her eyes. “Sorry, that’s more a dude activity, I think I’ll pass.”

“I totally understand, Miss Watercolor. The lucha gladiador matches are not for everypony.” The duke replied with a small smirk, raising an eyebrow. “All those big, muscular stallions. Throwing their sweaty bodies around in violent combat. A mare such as yourself would certainly have no interest in-”

“Ummm, on second thought, I’d be happy to go with you!” Watercolors ears perked up, as she jumped to race after the two stallions. “So, where’s this beefcake-er, lucha-fight-whatever located?”

As the three ponies trotted away, two griffin conquistadors in the shadows watched them leave. The pair narrowed their eyes, as they began to plot among themselves.

“So, those are the foolish ponies the duke called in to help him fix up the capital.” One of the griffins hissed, whispering so low only his comrade could hear. “We are losing our influence over Tlahtoque, and if those Equestrians and their friendship catch his ear, they could spoil all of our plans.”

“Worry not, mi campadre. Very soon, we will have the duke’s trust once again.” His friend reassured him. “With the artifact our spies managed to steal from the Canterlot academy of magic, these foolish ponies will be seeing the reflection of their own doom!”

As the two griffins schemed against the equines, the three ponies trotted their way over towards a massive stone arena, where hundreds of ponies filed into the arena, before climbing the steps and taking their seats among the excited and noisy crowd. After stopping at the concession stands, the duke and his guests took their seats in the royal box.

“Whoah, you can see everything from here!” Fresco exclaimed, looking down across the vast crowd, towards the circular battle arena. “That’s great, I don’t want to miss a bit of the action!”

“So, what exactly are the rules for this sport?” Watercolor asked. “Isn’t it something like wrestling... or something?”

“No, Seniorita Watercolor, your thinking Lucha Libre.” The duke corrected her. “This is lucha gladiador, a deadly battle between one of our Jaguar and eagle knight champions, and a condemned criminal guilty of a violent crime.”

“Yeah, and we get to watch the whole battle!” Fresco grinned gleefully. “From up here, we won’t miss a single bone crunching maneuver!”

“Oh, lucky us.” Watercolor replied, rolling her eyes. “I just can’t wait to get blood splattered all over my mane.”

The cheering crowd fell silent, as an announcer mare stepped into the center of the circular arena.

“Honorable mares and gentlecolts, noble dons and donas, welcome to tonight’s battle.” The mare called out, as the crowd roared in response. “Coming down the left aisle is the criminal Carnicero loco. Convicted for brutally taking the life of two foals, he has chosen to fight in the arena for a chance at his freedom!”

A blue earth pony stallion came down the aisle, wearing a red and green mask covering his entire face. The audience booed him as he came down the aisle, and the stallion looked almost nervous as he entered the battle circle.

“A foal killer, ewwwwww!” Watercolor snorted sticking her tongue out again. “Ugh, no way I’d find a killer like HIM attractive!”

“And coming down the right aisle, is the jaguar knight who has long stood for the ponies of Maretonia!” The announcer pointed her hoof at the approaching stallion. “The pony who has saved the lives of more than dozen foals while fighting monsters... I give you, Pepperdance!”

The crowd erupted into applause, as a buff pony with a red coat and mane- and wearing the feathered Jaguar Knight headdress and cape- trotted down the aisle, and entered the warrior’s circle. Removing his knight uniform (but still wearing the jaguar mask he wore over his face underneath). He removed a rose form his cape, and used his mouth to tossed it towards the royal box....where it landed squarely in the hooves of Watercolor.

“Saved foals lives!” Watercolor’s eyes lit up, as she stared at the rose in her hooves. “I know who I’m rooting for in this fight!”

“This fight is until one opponent their knocks the other unconscious, or one of you submits.” The announcer tells the two combatants. “Now, let’s get out there, and have a good battle!”

The announcer had barely left the circle, before the two stallions plowed into one other. Bites, hoof kicks, and deadly blows were traded back and forth for several minutes, as either side tried to get the better of the other. Pepperdance dodged a back kick from Carnicero, who then headbutted the jaguar knight, causing him to stumble backward.

“Come on, Pepperdance!” Watercolor called down to the stallion excitedly. “You can do it!”

As if driven by the mare’s words, Pepperdance jumped back up onto his hooves, and pummeled the criminal with a series of powerful kicks. Carnicero lunged for the other stallion’s neck with a bite, but Pepperdance dodged the attack, and caught the other stallion with his hooves in a grapple. The combat then turned into a contest of strength, with the two ponies trying to over power each other. It was the jaguar knight who overpowered the other stallion, slamming him into the ground, and finally knocking him out.

“Mares and gentlecolts,” The announcer declared, rushing back to the circle. “I give you your victor; Pepperdance, jaguar knight of Maretonia!”

The ponies explode into thunderous applause, sheering madly as Pepperdance leaves the arena. “Gracias, everpony! You have all been a truly wonderful audience!”

As the knight left the arena, Watercolor suddenly looked over at the two stallions in the box with her. “Ummm, your highness? I was wondering if I could be excused...” the Pegasus looked around nervously. “I wanted to, ah, go back and look at those tapestries your wife the duchess showed me, in a little more detail...”

“Pepperdance’s dressing room is down the hall, two doors on your right.” The duke told the obviously lovestruck mare. “I should tell you he is rather fond of Pegasus mares, so it should be easy for you to make friends.”

Watercolor’s face turned a deep red at Tlahtoque’s words, then she quietly thanked him, and left.

“Yeaaah, she’s definitely not gonna be back to her room in the castle tonight. She’ll probably come stumbling in with sore flanks in the morning.” Fresco joked. “So, what happens to the loser down there? You going to sacrifice him or something?”

“First of all, do not speak of a lady in that manner in my presence.” The duke growled in an angry tone, making Fresco turn pale. “And second, we do not sacrifice ponies and rip their hearts out. We never have sacrificed ponies, that’s an old stereotype based on how we used to execute our prisoners of war, when they had committed really evil acts. Taking another pony’s life to offer his blood to the gods would be a barbaric act of sacrilege. Only the traitorous Maretozuma tribe, exiled criminals who live over the border in Equestria, sacrifice other ponies to Tezlopoca, the shadow god of evil.”

“Okay, I’m sorry, I was just making an inappropriate joke.” Fresco replied apologetically. “So, if you’re not going to sacrifice Carnicero, what will you do with him?”

“Are you kidding me? That accused stallion is guilty of brutally murdering innocent foals.” Tlahtoque snorted indignantly, as two Jaguar knight drug the screaming Carnicero away, even as he plead for his life. “Since he lost the match, we’ll feed him to one of Maretonia’s volcanoes.”