• Published 23rd May 2017
  • 740 Views, 92 Comments

Meet me in Maretonia - Paradise Oasis

Fiesta Flair leads a group of Equestrian ponies to her homeland of Maretonia, where a simple vacation could turn into a quest to save all of Ponydom

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El Capitulo Tres

The noise... if there was one thing the three newcomers noticed about these ponies, it was how incredibly noisy their city was.

Everywhere they looked, the Maretonian ponies were laughing, chatting, and making more noise than even Fiesta did, during even her wildest of parties. And, much to his surprise, Fresco couldn't believe how loud and excited all Maretonians sounded, as if everypony were shouting at once. but none of the Maretonians seemed angry; rather, they all appeared to be too laid back to be upset about anything. And Watercolor couldn't believe how much energy these ponies seemed to radiate.

"Wow, Fiesta! These ponies seem so friendly!" Watercolor giggled, as several stallions smiled and waved to the group. "I always thought that Maretonians would be more aggressive and mean."

"Nah, we Maretonians, we be really laid back." Moonlight smiled, as she and Watercolor flapped along. "We don't get angry or upset unless somepony is mucho bad or terrible. I mean, Equestrian ponies are way too high strung, you know?"

"Well, Watercolor and Fresco may find the ponies here muy incredible, but I find the city way more fantastico." Fiesta Flair chimed in, hopping along after them. "How can you make a whole city float on the water like dis?"

Fiesta wasn't kidding; the city was an incredible sight. The entire capital was actually built on the surface of a giant lake, with a network of bridges and causeways connecting all of the city's structures across the lake. As the three ponies looked all around them, they saw many acres of floating structures, all connected to the great step pyramid in the very center of the lake.

"That is the temple of Itzama." Moonlight offered, seeing where they were all staring. "Our whole capital, she be built around de temple to our supreme deity."

"Whoa, dat place is mucho big." Fiesta added, as they started crossing the network of bridges towards the center of the capital. "All the work you Maretonians have done here, you've made a muy bueno city here."

The others all noticed how Fiesta looked around, taking in everything in amazement. As they trotted along, Watercolors put a hoof on the yellow mare's shoulder.

"Fiesta... are you feeling all right?" The rainbow-maned pony asked curiously. "You've seemed a bit distracted since we arrived here."

"Huh? Oh, sorry Watercolor. I was kinda wrapped up in my own thoughts there for a bit." Fiesta Flair replied, snapping back to reality. "I was just thinking about how familiar dis place feels to me, yet how alien it is, too."

"Ahhh, you feel like you know the place, because you spent your fillyhood here." Watercolors nodded in understanding. "This must be so hard and confusing for you, having a hoof in both worlds."

"Yeah, you came here to find out about your past, and it's stirring up a lot of memories and feelings." Fresco added sympathetically. "Don't worry about any of it. Just get to know these ponies, and try to make friends."

"Gracias Watercolor. You're right." Fiesta agreed, turning back to her two Equestrian friends with a smile. "I'll try to make friends here in Maretonia."

The four ponies came to the far side of the city, where a large, elaborate castle stood high atop a rock island. The ponies crossed a massive bridge over to the magnificent castle. The three visitors stood in awe of the massive complex, which was much flatter than the Royal palace of Canterlot, but covered much, much more ground.

"This is Coltapec castle, home of our beloved Duke and Duchess of Maretonia." Moonlight explained, as they climbed the steps, and entered the palace. "Their royal majesties are waiting for you in the grand audience chamber."

The three followed her into a massive grand throne room, where a pair of regal and noble ponies stood in front of the thrones before them. Both were dressed in long and flowing robes- the stallion's outfit reminded Fiesta of the great pharaohs of the Spinx kingdoms of the near-east, and the duchess's headgear resembled the crowns of the llama sun empire of the far southern continent. But both ponies radiated a strength and courage all their own, and when they spoke, it was with the strength needed to govern the Maretonian nation.

"Greetings, most honored guests." the Duke greeted the ponies, who bowed before him. "I am huēy tlahtoāni Tlahtoque, emperor of the poney del Maíz, head of the royal house of Keztwctl, and duke of Maretonia. And I would like to welcome all of you to our beloved homeland"

The visiting mares were surprised by the duke's perfect Equestrian dialect, which lacked the heavy accent they had heard from every other Maretonian. When Tlahtoque saw the shock on their faces, he simply smiled at them.

"I was educated in Equestria as a young prince, that is why I speak as all of you do." The duke laughed. "That is why I sent to Equestria for ponies to help restore our national treasures."

"Si, mi good Equestrians, we are very pleased to have you to be visiting our domains." The duchess agreed, displaying the same accent they had heard from all the other ponies in Maretonia. "And to show our gratitude for you answering our summons, we have decided to hold a royal fiesta in your honor!"

"Wow! Thank you very much, your majesties!" Fiesta thanked them gratefully, looking up at the two sovereigns. "We are very happy to be visiting your country!"

"And who are you, my good filly?" Duke Tlahtoque asked, surprised to see an equestrian pony he had not summoned. "You sound like one of my subjects, but I had heard you arrived from Equestria with the others."

"Me llamo Fiesta Flair, an mi parents came from Maretonia to live in Ponyville when I was a filly." The yellow mare explained. "I came with my friends to discover mi heritage."

"Well in that case, senorita Fiesta, we shall try our best to help you." Duchess Cihuapilli replied, before looking to the other Mretonian filly present. "Dona' Luz de la Luna?"

"Yes, my empress?" The filly smiled, looking up eagerly. "How may I be of service?"

"Take young Fiesta here with you tomorrow, and show her around our glorious city." The duchess commanded. "See if you can help her locate any of her relatives here in de capital, and show her what it means to be Maretonian la porta."

"Ohhhhhh, si, your majesty!" She replied, grabbing Fiesta Flair by the hoof. "Oh, we'll have so much fun tomorrow! I'll show you de best places to shop, get your hooves and mane done, and a place that is really de best for finding really atractivo semental."

"And tomorrow, we shall discuss with good Fresco and Watercolor our plans for the city." The duke agreed. "But for tonight, I want you all to just relax, and enjoy the welcome fiesta we have planned for you!"

And enjoy it they did; he party the duke and duchess had prepared was incredible. Stallions in fine suits, along with mares in beautifully colorful dresses and mantilla veils with combs in their manes, danced across the ballroom floor as a full mariachi band played wonderful tunes on the stage behind them. In the adjacent dining hall, several of the Maretonian nobles were enjoying a large meal of Pozole & tostadas.

"Hey moonlight, this dessert is muy incredible!" Fiesta exclaimed, as she finished her main course, and the dessert was served. "What is this wonderful stuff?"

"It's called 'cremita' - its a type of cream made with milk, sugar, vanilla and corn stash." The filly relpied, eating her own dessert. "It's really popular here in Maretonia, though it never caught on in Equestria."

It was the most fun Fiesta had had in a long time- the dancing was more energetic and alive than in back in Ponyville, and the Maretonians had far more gusto than her friends back home. She, watercolor, and moonlight all took turns dancing with Fresco to the Mariachi music, but by the time they had finished with him, the poor stallion took a few steps, and collapsed into a chair.

"Oh, no!" Watercolor asked in concern, standing over the stallion. "Fresco, are you all right?"

"Oy, dat poor stallion, he can't keep up with la música." Moonlight shook her head in pity. "He would never last with us girls at a discoteca."

Fiesta laughed with the other filly, until she noticed two griffons in funny looking armor standing near the entrance. The two creatures in metal armor seemed to regard the ponies with contempt, before leaving the party unnoticed.

"Hey, Moonlight? Who were dose guys?" Fiesta asked curiously. "I don't remember there being griffins in Maretonia."

"Ugh, those were the griffin conquistadors, from de griffin kingdom of Mavaldo." Moonlight snorting, spitting on the ground as she said the last word. "De duke invited dem in to advise him and improve our economy, but nopony else in Maretonia trust those grifo scumbags."

"Whoa, it sound like you don't like them, either." Fiesta replied, looking at the doorway the bird creatures had departed though.

"No way, them griffins are major escoria." Moonlight snarled. "The duke say grifo has come here for our good? I agree, the griffins have come here for ALL of our goods! Anything small enough for them to fly away with!"