• Published 23rd May 2017
  • 744 Views, 92 Comments

Meet me in Maretonia - Paradise Oasis

Fiesta Flair leads a group of Equestrian ponies to her homeland of Maretonia, where a simple vacation could turn into a quest to save all of Ponydom

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El Capitulo Once

"Help, Fresco! You've got to get me outta here!" Watercolor pleaded, rattling the bars with her hooves. "If I have to stay in this dungeon much longer, I'm gonna go stir crazy!"

Frisco trotted down the stairs into Coltapec castle's dungeon, where 'special' prisoners of state were kept. It was here that the stallion found the terrified mare, kept locked in a solitary cell, with the other prisoners all glaring at her with murderous looks. The poor mare was nearly crazy with fear, and she was pleading with her stallion friend to get her out!

"I'm so sorry, Watercolor." Frisco replied, shaking his head. "I tried to talk to the duke and his court, but they are determined to see justice done. And the Equestrian embassy is working around the clock to get you out, but they are trying to do so without causing an international incident."

"I just can't believe this has happened... I wasn't even with the duchess when she was stabbed!" Watercolor sobbed, burying her face in her hooves. "You were there when I was working on the tapestries, as were those other royal handmaidens! You can all vouch for me, and prove I wasn't the one who attacked her!"

"They want us to give testimony at your trial, the duke wants to see fair justice done." Frisco explained, shaking his head. "It's our word against the lady in waiting you saw you stab the duchess."

"This is just insane, I'd never hurt anypony!" The Pegasus whimpered, hiding her face in her wings. "The duchess was so nice to me. I still can't believe she's gone."

"I hate to say this, but I'm actually starting to doubt she's gone, either." The earth pony muttered in agreement. "Something just isn't adding up about this whole thing."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" The mare asked, puzzled. "What exactly do you mean?"

"Well, ever since the attack, nobody has actually seen the duchess's body." He replied. "There have been no arrangements for a funeral, and no mourners are being permitted to view her. It's very strange..."

"But, that doesn't make any sense. These Maretonians are all about honor and respect for the dead. They would never let somepony go without some kind of last rights." Watercolor thought for a moment. "Unless... unless that pony weren't really in need of last rights."

"Hold on, Watercolor... are you saying you think the duchess isn't actually dead? That they faked it?" Frinsco asked in disbelief. "But why in the world would the Maretonians fake their own queen's death? And why would the Maretonians want me arrested, for a crime that never even happened?"

"I think... I think that there is more going on here than meets the eye." Watercolor speculated. "Fresco, did you ever notice that the duchess always wears a dress that covers her whole body, and she's never seen in public when if she's not wearing it?"

"Yeah, I noticed. It's almost like she's determined to keep her whole body covered all... the... time..."

His words trailed off, as the full weight of what his Pegasus friend was implying sank in. Suddenly, the stallion's eyes went wide, as a newfound realization dawned on him. Looking back to make sure the guards weren't listening in, he whispered to watercolor;

"I finally see where you might be going with this, and it just occurred to me; exactly how long has the duchess and her husband the duke been ruling?" He looked over his shoulder again. "But if you're right, then that means the only reason you're being held, is to cover up Maretonia's most closely guarded secret."

"Fresco, you have to look into this, you might actually be able to clear my name." Watercolor pleaded, leaning against the bars. "Please, I don't want to be stuck in this terrible dungeon for the rest of my life."

"Don't worry, Colors." The stallion smiled, as he trotted back up the stairs. "I'll do everything I can to help you get out of this mess, I promise."

Fresco had only been gone a few minutes, when a mysterious pony in a hood and long robes came trotting down the stairs, and approached the cell where they were holding watercolors. Seeing this strange figure with his face hidden by his hood, the two guards trotted forward to block his approach.

"Hold it right there, senior." One of the guard ponies warned, pointing his spear at the cloaked stranger. "I cannot allow you to come any closer."

"I am truly sorry, mi amigos." The hooded figure replied. "But senorita Watercolor is coming with me."

Reaching a hoof into his robes, the mysterious figure blew a strange could of dust over the two guards, which immediately knocked them both out. taking one of the guard's keys, he quickly raced over to open the cell.

"Hey, just who the heck are you!?" watercolor demanded, as the stranger swung the cell door open. "And what do you want with me?"

"These Maretoniains are holding you wrongly, senorita Watercolor." The figure declared, as he picked her up, and raced back up the dungeon stairs to the floor above. "But those griffo have gotten you caught up in their plans, and I cannot let such a beautiful maiden fall victim to their evil schemes."

"That voice... Pepperdance!?" A look of shock spread across her face, as she recognized the stallion's voice. "No, you can't do this! Your reputation! Your position at court!"

"All of those things mean nothing, if I permit a grave injustice such as this to occur." He declared, as he raced out of the castle on his two back legs, carrying Watercolor in his front hooves. "Besides, my lord the duke would want me to do this, if he knew I was saving an innocent life."

The two ponies had just made it to the edge of the gardens, when they saw another squad of guards approaching.

"Hold on." Watercolor declared, as she took the stallion in her front hooves and spread her wings. "I'll take us from here."

The two ponies took off into the clouds, leaving over a dozen angry pursuers behind them on the ground below.