• Published 23rd May 2017
  • 744 Views, 92 Comments

Meet me in Maretonia - Paradise Oasis

Fiesta Flair leads a group of Equestrian ponies to her homeland of Maretonia, where a simple vacation could turn into a quest to save all of Ponydom

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El Capitulo Quatro

The party lasted well into the night, before Fiesta and her friends trotted off towards luxurious rooms they had been invited to stay in at the palace. non of them could believe how comfortable the thick feather beds with colorful blankets and sheets were. All three ponies slept very soundly that night, happy with their first day as guests of the tropical nation.

The next morning, the trio decided to split up, and each explore a different part of the capital city. Watercolor had taken off with the Duchess to look over the tapestries and ancient art she was to restore, While Fresco and the duke went to examine some of the temples. Fiesta, meanwhile, had gone to explore the town itself, eager to learn more about her native culture.

"So, you called me here to restore several priceless works of art, correct?" Watercolor asked the duchess, as the two ponies trotted out of the royal palace complex, and boarded a canoe waiting for them in the lake. "I had heard Maretonia has many ancient and priceless art treasures, going all the way back to the paleopony period."

"Si, that is correct. As a nation, we have a history far older than Equestria's, as we technically existed as a nation before the three tribes united." Cihuapilli replied, as the pony in the canoe rowed them across the water towards one of the smaller step pyramids. "All of our art is kept here, in the royal treasury building. Much like your Equestrian museums, it is open for all the ponies of Maretonia to enjoy."

The two ponies climbed the steps of the smaller pyramid, and entered the large bronze doors the pair of Maretonian guards opened for them. When Watercolors set eyes on the treasures inside, her jaw nearly hit the floor in shock. The walls were covered by beautifully painted tapestries of forested jungles and marching warriors with weapons. Jade masks jade statues, and circular stone calendars filled the room.

"Wow, this is so incredible..." The Pegasus artist whispered breathlessly. "I've never seen such beauty and color.. it's even more incredible than I imagined!"

"Now, these are the tapestries and paintings I wish for you to restore." The duchess told Watercolors, as they trotted through the hallways of the great treasury. "We manged to recover 80 percent of the Mirtanian empire's artistic treasures from the pyramids in the abandoned temples in the south. But all we've managed to do is store and archive everything here. We need your expertise to help us restore everything to it's full luster.

Watercolor simply nodded, looking around at all the beauty. Noticing several thin leather bound books lining the shelves on a nearby wall. When she went over and opened one of the book, Watercolor noticed page after page of Maretonian Hieroglyphic writing, with colorful drawings of Tribal kings and priests around the edge of each page. "Ohh, what are these books?"

"Those are the Codecs, the old Mirtanian books containing the empire's history and legends." Cihuapilli explained, smiling. "The books have been translated and copied into modern books, so we've managed to preserve our entire history. But we still want to preserve these original copies as works of art."

"Hmm, the colors on all of this art have faded, I'll need some enchanted paints and oils to restore these treasures to their former luster." Looking over some of the art, Watercolor began to notice several disturbing images that appeared throughout the artwork. "Ummm, your majesty? Why are there all these images of Mirtanian tribal warriors crushing other pony's heads? And what's with these big stacks of pony skulls depicted in all of the artwork? "

"Oh, that... well, those are the execution of criminals and prisoners of war, very nasty business." The duchess replied nervously. "Now, why don't I take you out of here, and show you some more interesting things around the city?"

Watercolor nodded, following the Duchess out of the gallery. But as she walked past a stone carving, Watercolor shuddered at a stallion warrior holding a severed pony's head in his hoof.


While the two mares were busy looking over the capital's collection of artwork, The duke and Fresco were busy looking over and surveying the hundreds of Pyramids that dotted the surface of the lake. Duke Tlahtoque had taken his royal barge out out the massive lake, so the visiting architect could get a good look at the city's wonders.

"Amazing... over twenty pyramids, all built right on the surface of the water." Fresco said in awe. "And I suppose the pyramids have supports that are sunk in the lake bed down to the bedrock, to prevent the city from sinking?"

"Yes, that's right. And the lighter structures merely float on the surface of the lake, much like an Equestrian houseboat." Tlahtoque explained. "We have a large system of Aquaducts that bring in fresh water from the surrounding mountains, to irrigate our crops and to quench our thirst."

"Well, I see the cracks along the pyramid walls, and the steps seem to be crumbling." The stallion architect replied thoughtfully, looking towards the great pyramid. "So, I'll have to shore up and repair the damage done by the decay of time."

"I'm certain you'll do a spectacular job." Tlahtoque replied, as the royal barge pulled up to dock at the base of the Great Pyramid. "I wish for your work to show my subjects that their huēy tlahtoāni truly cares for Maretonia welfare."

"Huēy tlahtoāni... I've heard that title before." Fresco noted, as the two left the vessel, and began trotting up the steps of the Pyramids. "It means 'emperor' in your language, doesn't it? But why are you called a duke in the Equestrian language, if you are an Emperor?"

"The Equestrian translators couldn't let us be of a higher rank than their alicorn princesses." The duke replied sadly, as they neared the top of the temple's stairs. " By referring to me as a duke,my wife and I are referred to as a rank that places us beneath Equestria's rulers. It's not an accurate title, but it was an acceptable one."

As the two ponies approach the top of the stairs, Fresco noticed the tribal warriors protecting the temple; fierce war paint, feathered headdresses, and carrying Macuahuitl (jade-toothed swords), and small shields. Some of them wore armor that resembled Jaguars, while others wore the feathered headdresses.

"Whoah," The architect asked, as the deadly warriors' eyes followed his moment into the temple. "who the heck were those stallions?"

"Those are the Jaguar knights and eagle lords, protectors of Tenochtitlan from any foreign invaders." The duke explained. "The Jaguar Knights are commoners who have trained in many forms and battle and martial arts, and the eagle lords are the nobles who command them. They are proud and honorable fighters, who follow a code of honor to protect our kingdom."

"Incredible." The amazed stallion replied. "I wouldn't want to get one of those stallions angry." He stared back at one of the Jaguar knights standing in the doorway. "Say, what's that dried red liquid on the obsidian teeth of that knight's sword?"

Tlahtoque stared back in silence for a moment, before replying; "Oh, don't worry about that... probably just some rust he got on his blade." The duke motioned his hoof forward. "Come here, Fresco. There is something I want to show you."

The stallion trotted into a great chamber in the temple, where a giant golden disc floated in midair, spinning like a giant coin. A shaft of sunlight came down from an opening in the ceiling, bathing the giant disc in a golden light.

"Looks impressive, doesn't it?" The duke smiled. "Do you know what this artifact is?"

"The radiant shield of Razdon." Fresco replied in awe, remembering the Daring Do novels. "The enchanted tool that allows Maretonia to control it's internal weather and brightness of sunlight."

"Yes, it's one of our greatest treasures." Tlahtoque agreed. "And it is the focus for the great fiesta that I am planning in honor of the thousandth anniversary of the founding of modern Maretonia."

"And that's why you want Watercolors and I to restore the city's historical sites and art." Frisco nodded. "Don't worry, your highness. I'm sure we can restore Maretonia's greatness."

"Oh, I have no doubt about that." The duke replied, staring at the architect thoughtfully. "And I want to once again thank both of you for the sacrifice you've both made of your time and effort in coming here...."