• Published 8th Apr 2017
  • 5,729 Views, 325 Comments

Teatime - A Novel Of Twilight & Celestia - bigbear

Twilight wants to reestablish the close relationship she had when she was Princess Celestia’s personal student. But, shared trials will require them to become much more than faithful student and immortal mentor.

  • ...

Chapter 35 - The Answer

Twilight made as if to step forward. The urge to embrace Celestia while calling out “Yes” as loud as she could was nearly irresistible.

At the same time, her brain raced and blocked her. Questions, complications, and fears exploded across her mind. Twilight settled back on her hooves and did not advance. The conflict between body and mind was so strong, she screwed her eyes closed and silently wept.

Celestia’s face fell. “Twilight, if this is too much… I’m sorry, we don’t have to deal with this now.”

“No, no…” Twilight said. “I want to.” She opened her eyes and gazed at Celestia through her tears. “I want to so badly.” Twilight shook her head. “Stupid brain.”

Pull yourself together,” she thought. Twilight put a hoof to her chest and inhaled. She extended her hoof and blew out her tension along with her breath, as Cadance had taught her years ago. A measure of calm returned. She looked up at Celestia. “You’ve been thinking about courting me for a while,” Twilight said. “I only caught on a few days ago.”

“And you have questions?” Celestia asked.

“And concerns,” Twilight replied. “What about ruling Equestria? Everypony’s going to know. There'll be questions.”

“Politics is an area where I have some expertise,” Celestia countered. She leaned in to make her point. “Cadance and Shining Armor show that a relationship is not a disadvantage in joint rulership. Equestria will not fall if we’re together. Neither of us would ever let that happen.”

Twilight nodded.

Celestia leaned back, satisfied. “What else is on your mind?”

“I don’t have any real romantic experience,” Twilight admitted.

“I’ve been ‘off the market’ for quite some time myself,” Celestia said. “Any experience I have is quite out of date. We can learn about modern relationships together.”

“I’m not sure I’ll even know where to start,” Twilight said.

“Have you never had romantic thoughts about another?” Celestia asked.

Saucy images of Cadance, her friends, and of Celestia herself popped into Twilight’s head in rapid succession. She shook them away.

“Thoughts? I’ve had lots of thoughts. Ooodles of thoughts. I’m the princess of thoughts.” Twilight blushed. “But I’ve never done anything about them. Isn’t this like trying to learn magic by starting with Advanced Thaumaturgy? Maybe I should have a simple relationship first and work my way up to the most beautiful pony in all creation.”

Celestia smiled and bobbed her head. “A compliment like that is a fine place to start.” Her gaze got more serious. “Don’t deceive yourself. No relationship is simple. All are uniquely complex.”

Twilight nodded but didn’t seem relieved.

“And as I remember, you jumped straight into Advanced Thaumaturgy when you joined the School for Gifted Unicorns.” Celestia winked. “You may be a prodigy in this realm as well.”

Twilight blushed again and ducked her head.

Celestia got serious once again. “Twilight, these are legitimate areas of concern. But you’re clever enough to have worked through them on your own. What’s really bothering you?”

Twilight closed her eyes. It was time to tell the truth. “I’m scared.”

“Do you know what you’re scared of?” Celestia asked softly.

Twilight nodded. “I’m scared of losing what we have.” She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. “Our time together has been amazing, the best time we’ve ever had. It’s even better than being your student. I’m so much more comfortable being with you… talking with you… even touching you. I learn from you and can help in ways I never could before.

“But if I say yes, if I let you court me, then you’ll see the real me. What if you find out who I really am and don’t care about me the same way anymore? What if you realize... I don’t deserve you?”

Twilight could feel her thoughts spinning out of control. Her head was creating ever more depressing and demeaning scenarios for how she could drive Celestia away. She was sure her clever mind could go on for hours, building a thicker and thicker wall between them.

But Celestia interrupted before her brain could continue. “Love is not a matter of deserving. I’ve always loved you - as a mentor, as a friend, and now possibly as a partner. Your choice is how you wish to accept that love.”

So this was it, the time of decision. And as it had done many times before, the crisis point stripped away all obfuscation and dissembling. It was time to decide if she believed in herself enough to admit her feelings. And none of her best choices had ever come from giving in to fear. “Please repeat your question,” Twilight asked softly.

Celestia leaned back, uncertain. “Do you wish me to court you?”

Twilight stepped forward and touched her lips upon Celestia’s with exquisite care. They were as soft as she could have possibly imagined.

If nothing else ever happened between them, if King Sombra returned from the aether and attacked in the next minute, Twilight would always have this moment. But she hoped the evil king stayed banished forever; she wanted this moment to last at least that long.

Twilight leaned back and sighed happily. She looked up at Celestia and wanted to be sure she hadn't been misunderstood. “Was that a clear enough answer?”

Celestia smiled and made a subtle nod.

“Would it be alright if I courted you as well?” Twilight asked.

Celestia leaned forward and touched her lips upon Twilight's with equal care. They were just as soft the second time.

“Was that answer clear?” Celestia whispered.

Twilight gulped and nodded her head. “I’ve loved you as long as I’ve know you, in many different ways. I’d like to see if we could love each other in this new way too.” She rubbed her cheek along the sleek fur of Celestia’s long white neck. Celestia stroked Twilight’s neck with her wing, running feathers from below her ear to the tip of her shoulder.

Twilight shuddered and made a quiet sigh. She buried her head in the fur on Celestia’s neck. “I love you, she whispered.

Celestia rubbed her cheek against Twilight’s soft mane. “I love you,” she whispered back.

Her smile was so wide, Twilight wasn’t sure she could speak. She raised her head to gaze into Celestia’s eyes. The emotion there nearly took her breath away.

Celestia gazed back. Her smile was different than any Twilight had ever seen before. It wasn’t her ‘just for Twilight’ smile. It was something much more. It was her ‘Celestia loves Twilight’ smile. Twilight decided then and there to do everything in her power to elicit that smile from Celestia as often as she could.

“I’ve never been in this situation before,” Twilight admitted. “What do we do now?”

“Now we court,” Celestia replied. “We’ll endeavor to make each other feel special, desired, and fulfilled.” Her smile widened and Twilight melted a little more.

“We’ll learn about each other and what we are when we’re a couple, Twilight replied. “We’ll discover what kind of relationship emerges from that together.”

Celestia brushed her lips against Twilight’s. “I’m looking forward to every moment of it.”

Twilight’s lips found Celestia’s and brushed back against them. “So am I.”

The first strains of The Lover’s Waltz, the traditional last song in a Hearts and Hooves day gathering, floated up from the ballroom. It was transmitted across the land through the magic of the Crystal Heart. Everypony in the Crystal Empire could hear the music with perfect clarity.

Celestia released her embrace and the two alicorns separated. She bowed to Twilight and extended a wingtip. “Will you join me in the sky for this dance?” Twilight’s heart raced. She bobbed her head in return and touched wingtip to wingtip.

The night over the Castle of the Crystal Empire was alight with colorful auroras, streaming from the tip of the castle’s spire and flowing to all corners of Equestria. The Crystal Heart, spinning in the monument at the base of the castle, gathered love from everypony in Equestria and shared it back across the land. Tonight, at the pinnacle of the celebration of this most romantic holiday, the rainbow of aurora’s were brighter than any had ever seen before.

Twilight and Celestia bound into the sky side-by-side, wings beating, mane and cape flowing, and magic streaming behind them. They spiraled up into the sky high above the castle, magenta and golden trails twisting among the streams of the brilliant auroras. The rainbows of light washed across Twilight and Celestia as they climbed, illuminating them for all to see.

For Twilight, the magic of the auroras washing across her was like being dunked in the mystical pool at the top of the Canterhorn over and over. Her body became saturated with magic. Every nerve ending was afire with sensation. Through her feathers, she perceived the intensity of the ravaging storms above the Frozen North, held away from the empire by the magic of the Crystal Heart. Through her hooves, she knew the exact count of the citizens celebrating in the streets of the city below her. And through her horn, she sensed the intricacies of the Crystal Heart itself.

Deep in her chest, Twilight perceived the bubbling warmth of the sun. Some part of the sun was with her always these days. But she’d been so focused on Celestia that it hadn’t impinged on her consciousness. “Thank you for all you’ve done for me and for Celestia,” she thought.

The warmth rushed through Twilight’s limbs urging her to reach out. She did and touched hooves with Celestia. Instantly, there was a feeling of joining. The sensations of sharing every move of the other’s body flooded both alicorns. Now united, Twilight and Celestia’s wing beats synchronized. They maintained their contact as they rose into the night sky.

The bubbling warmth seemed pleased. It retreated below the level of Twilight’s enhanced perception. It kept the two alicorns connected but left them the privacy of their innermost experiences.

High above the Castle Of The Crystal Empire, Twilight and Celestia halted their climb. Their rocketing ascent had taken them mere moments. Even at their great altitude, the magic of the Crystal Heart made the music from the ballroom perfectly clear. The first measure was just starting in earnest. They bowed to each other and assumed their positions for the waltz. Joined as one, they whirled about the sky, never a wing beat out of sync. Mane and tail, cape and train, flowed behind them. Golden and magenta magic traced their spiral track.

The music came to a crescendo. Twilight and Celestia whirled away from each other until they were touching only a single tip-hoof. As the music ended, they each bowed deeply to the other then rushed together into an airborne embrace and a deep, passionate kiss.

On the ground below, the citizens on the streets of the Crystal Empire finished their own dances. Their eyes were drawn to the sky. Through the magic of alicorns, all on the ground could see their two princesses as clearly as if they were standing in front of them. They cheered in appreciation and bowed to honor the love of their sovereigns.

On the balcony of the castle, ponies came out of the ballroom to see what was going on. All Twilight’s friends were there. Rarity and Applejack were hoof-in-hoof. Starlight and Sunburst came out with Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor. Ever faithful Spike waddled out, looked up, and grinned like a mad-dragon. The others followed his gaze. They spotted the two princesses in their embrace, and joined in the cheering. Princess Cadance turned to her husband. “That’s where all the extra love was coming from.” Through the magic of the Crystal Heart, Twilight and Celestia could hear her clearly.

The streets of the city glowed with azure magic in reaction to the love and devotion of the crystal ponies. The broad boulevards of the city formed a giant glowing six-pointed star. When the light from the citizens reached the castle in the middle of the city, the Crystal Heart at its base erupted. A wave of magic swept out from the heart, transforming all within the city into their crystalline forms. They cheered even louder from the sheer joy of the occasion.

High above, the two alicorns were the last to be transformed. Surrounded by the glowing auroras, they glittered like priceless gems in the night.

Twilight and Celestia didn’t even notice; for tonight, their only focus was each other.

< The End >

Author's Note:

And that’s a wrap.

Now that it’s over, I vent a bit about the experience in my blog.

Thank you to everyone who read and commented and voted on Teatime. You’ve all made writing and posting the story an experience I will not soon forget.

Comments ( 57 )

It was a beautiful story. Too bad it's over eh? :twilightsmile:
You might want to mark it as complete too.

You can't just end it like that!
This needs an epilogue!
Something with Luna and the rest of them grilling them!

please? ;_;

8210574 Thank you for the kind words and the suggestion. Now marked as Completed.
8210575 Thank you for the encouragement.

There is still so much story to tell here...

Maybe a followup later with "Future Twighlight" and Celestia? If not, that's fine, this was wonderful!:twilightsmile:

Huzzah! Good ending to a good story! :pinkiehappy:

A beautiful and touching story. I wish the two of them all the best. Maybe one day we'll see them again.

Cheers to you Bigbear. May your script always flow so magically and gladden our hearts again.

i really enjoyed your story! sad to see it end but it was a fabulous ending

I had more upgrades to post! No!

We need a sequel. We need Twilight to continue her advancement. I ain't the only one here!

How is Twilight badass in this story?

Well written and very well enjoyed.

Thank you for writing this and letting us into this world.

This would be an amazing place to start but there is a lot of material left unexplored so please think about a sequel. :twilightblush:

I'm one of those ponies that waits for a story to be finished before reading it, and I'm not ashamed to say I binged this entire story in a single day.

This fic is, in a word, beautiful. I found myself laughing, crying with joy, and holding my breath throughout. I couldn't put it down for even a second. Your world building was fascinating, the pacing perfect, and the characters were just sublime. I feel inspired to become a better writer just so I can accomplish half of what you've done here.

Thank you so much for sharing with us, and I hope to see more from you soon!

A fantastic read! One of the few stories that really grasps the complexity of the relationship between twilight and celestia that few authors truly can emulate!

Well done I've definitely enjoyed this story I'm almost sad it's over. Maybe an epilogue of their wedding would be nice but I leave that to the master.:twilightsheepish:

8211594 You know what? I'm gonna read this again. Just because of this comment.

Comment posted by bigbear deleted Jun 9th, 2017

Thank you for so many wonderful comments.

I haven’t decided what I’ll work on next. But the encouragement is much appreciated.

I only wish that I could hit the like button more than once for this magnificent piece of prose.


this story deserves more likes and praise the writing was very good and the flow of the story, was great, the depictions of both Celestia and Twilight were enjoyable, my only regret was not noticing this little gem sooner. well done.

Man what a ride! I loved every single piece of this story and it was executed perfectly ! Well Done!

Bravo. A masterwork.

I don’t really have much else to say. You did it with this story.

Thank YOU for the beautiful story! That scene just made me think of what it must have been like if some random Canterlotian had seen the whole thing, how romantic it really looked. Then... that happened! I've got a fair bit of Rarity level hopeless romanticism in me, if you couldn't tell :raritywink:

Man, you know something was great when the ending is deeply satisfying, yet you're genuinely sad that it's over.

This is my favorite multi-chapter TwiLestia in quite some time!

I was thoroughly engrossed the whole way through. I was sneaking little moments of reading in off moments while at work I wanted to keep reading so bad!

I don't mean to sound like a snob, or belittle anyone else, but I really don't Favorite stories unless they really hit home for me. Teatime earned it in spades and I'm so happy I stumbled on it while searching for new TwiLestia!

Thank you for writing such a beautifully character driven romance bigbear!

I feel like it has been years since I read a story I couldn't put down.

Bigbear you wrote an excellent story. My only minor complaint is that there isn't more to read! Thank you for writing this.

Wonderful job on this! You captured the character's voices beautifully even as you took them well beyond the confines of the show. I quite enjoyed experiencing Twilight's perception of magic, and seeing Celestia fleshed out so nicely as a character. It was a great read that moved at a wonderful pace for drinking it all in... thanks for writing and sharing it!

That was some of the highest quality writing I've witnessed online! The story was amazing. However, I disapprove of the ships that you had sale in this. That doesn't downplay your writing or the story itself I just would have rather seen their platonic relationship become even stronger... platonically. You did a wonderful job.

Thank you for your kind words about the writing.

I'll admit, I was unsure for a long time, if this was a story of a friendship or a romance. As I wrote in my blog,

While writing the first half of the story, I didn’t know if I wanted there to be a romance or not. I wanted there to be lots of intimacy, mostly emotional and some physical. But in the first half of the story, I didn’t want it to go beyond the bounds of what true friends might do for each other. I didn’t add the Romance tag to the story until Twilight, the POV character, had her first in-story romantic thoughts. This was to mirror in the reader, the uncertainty I had while writing the story.

Even after pushing toward the romance, I had second thoughts...

And, even as I was writing the final chapters, I outlined in my head a version where Twilight says no, she doesn’t want Celestia to court her… yet. Maybe in the future when she was more mature. But that felt like cowardice. Twilight had already turned down coming back as her future self. It didn’t feel right for her to back down twice. And I believe that for Twilight ”...none of her best choices had ever come from giving in to fear.”

So while I am very happy with the way the story ended up, I understand your POV on the issue.

Glad to have helped :twilightsmile:

This was such an amazing story, I absolutely loved it! It's definitely one of my most favourite stories on here! Bravo! :raritystarry:

I really hope that you decide to make more for this story - like a sequel or just a little bit extra - but I'll respect your choice to leave this story as it is if that's what you decide.

What a beautiful story. I wish I could see what happens next!

Ahhhhh, but that was a fine slow burn, and a perfect ending. You could maybe tack on an amusing epilogue or two if you wanted to give in to the begging (and I'd certainly be happy to see it!), but the arc is wrapped up neatly in a bow where it is.

I think that going into the project as a story that's maybe just about friendship probably helped the pacing. To make another reference to the lurking behemoth called Eternal, I know that DH said that that story didn't start as Twilestia, either. It was originally supposed to be about Luna, IIRC. Sometimes a change in direction is what gives the plot enough time to breathe and develop naturally.

Everything about this is just so damned thoughtful. Everyone handles things like sensible, adult ponies, within the confines of their character. Not so much as a whiff of the idiot ball or any other contrivance or plot device. It just happens so naturally. So, so well done.

Man, I'm glad Jordanis recommended this one to me, it was really beautiful. I mean, I have a real soft spot for Twilight/Celestia shipping, so I've enjoyed some stories that were rough around the edges, but I think I'd like this one no matter who I ship, it's just so natural. Every step of the way works individually, and they all stack up amazingly.


Thank you for the great comments. I get a little hit of "happy" everytime I see one. :twilightsmile:

And I very much appreciate anytime someone recommends the story to a friend. The great community here is one of the things that makes this site, and this fandom, so special.

But he was requesting that the state help him...actually, let me rephrase that. It's confusing. No one should be seizing anyone's land.

It looked more like he was simply looking for permission to buy up the land around Canterlot or something. And since its a benevolent dictatorship he got denied since it wasnt for the best of the ponies.

But yeah in general, seizure of land isnt something that should be done, but then on the other hand in some situations it should be allowed i imagine.

Wonderful read.

Starting i was like "Over 100k, wow this will take some time" , about halfway through i looked at how much is left and i was like "aww, already?" when i noticed that the chapters get shorter. Doesnt take away from the experience though.

Thank you for writing this.

I started reading this wonderful story at six this afternoon it is now six in the morning or there about and I have to say I'm in tears because it's over. Bravo Bravo you are a master I look forward to reading your other works

Bravo my man tis a stoty so wonderful it held my attention, pleasing me and making me appreciate the delicate style of writing, going in detials yet managing to keep it so beautiful and interesting.
A ten out ten and I can only hope for a sequel or one shots with Twilestia moment.
Thank you for writing this story.

That was AWESOME.

This story... I have no words...
I appreciate books, I truly do, and this one was the first I can safely say 'This author should be celebrated for their work.'
Truly amazing story, and thank you for going through the torture of the deceptively easy-looking process of writing in order to grace us with this wonderful literary gift.

Fantastic. I would wish more stories had this kind of care and quality in every page, and I include my own in that remark.

That was beautiful. The pacing perfect, characterization stupendous. It has been far to long since I read a romance that has left me so buzzed. Every moment any chapter captivated me as we explored their ever changing relationship. Why this has escaped me so long I don't know and lament.

A sweet, enjoyable slow-burn. Glad to have read this and thank you for sharing!


This chapter feels a bit too expository and forced compared to the others.

Agreed, it should have flowed better.

It also seems unusual that Celly would be chalking up genuine mistakes in teaching up as abuse and manipulation.

Celestia is pretty down on herself at this moment, and is expressing guilt because of her motives, as much as for her actions. I agree that her actions as a teacher are mostly defensible.

When I wrote "...orgy of friendmaking..." I honestly didn't see it as innuendo. But now that you point it out, I may never be able to see it purely platonically again. :twilightsheepish:

On the whole, that was really good. It was never about Twilight's insecurities causing massive problems like so many stories featuring her ascension to power within the political machine seem to be. Instead, her presiding over court was more of a slice-of-life setup for her interaction with the other ponies in her life.

I also like that you didn't dwell on any one conflict or arc too long. Neither did you include the rest of the Elements constantly, inflating the cast and spending spurious words in pursuit of some misguided sense of balance; what parts they had were because it made sense (mostly) for them to appear. Instead, you handled Spike with grace and dignity few bother to invest, as well as giving some time for Raven to shine. Good show.

I never comment, but I feel like this story is worth it. This story is my favorite on the whole site. I especially liked that it avoided many of the pitfalls that others run into. The motivations and reactions were all plausible, the conflicts didnt feel forced in order to push the story in a certain direction, and the romance developed at a natural pace. Thank you.

Ah, bravo. This story made me cry and grin like Spike at the end. In future I'll reread this for sure. Thank you for such an amazing story. Just wish this last a little bit longer. :twilightsmile:

This is a great story that I very much enjoyed reading, I love the world building and history you have crafted here. You take on what happened between the two sisters was very believable with a lot more weight behind it than the in show version. The interactions between all the characters are very well done with a lot of emotional weight to their actions. The slowly changing relationship between Celestia and Twilight was handled perfectly. I would be very interested to know what would happen next in this world after the events in this story.

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