• Published 8th Apr 2017
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Teatime - A Novel Of Twilight & Celestia - bigbear

Twilight wants to reestablish the close relationship she had when she was Princess Celestia’s personal student. But, shared trials will require them to become much more than faithful student and immortal mentor.

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Chapter 15 - No Secrets

By the end of teatime, Twilight’s notes were enough to fill a small book and her head was swimming. She’d learned a lot she could apply immediately to better discharge her responsibilities as Princess of the Day.

Luna had returned from her trip to the Crystal Empire. Celestia and Twilight met her on the Grand Balcony and they cycled day to night. With Celestia’s time as Princess of the Day at an end, Raven asked for and received permission to end her day as well.

Twilight stepped over to Spike. “Thank you for all your help today.”

Spike looked very small. “I messed up, I forgot to remind you…”

Twilight raised a hoof to interrupt him. “We both forgot. I spoke about it with Celestia and everything’s OK. Don’t worry about it for now. You and I can talk later.”

“I was going to go see Minuette and Moon Dancer for dinner but I can stay here if you need me,” Spike said.

“I think visiting them is a great idea. Say hi for me,” Twilight responded. “We’ll connect when you get back.”

Luna joined Celestia and Twilight for dinner. After a fine meal, Celestia shifted uncomfortably and cleared her throat. “Twilight, could you please allow Luna and I a chance to speak privately.”

Before Twilight could respond, Luna stepped up. “Sister, you said if we were to rule together we would have no secrets between us. I would like Twilight to stay.”

Twilight looked at both Royal sisters. “Decisions, decisions,” she thought. Aloud she said, “I’d like to do what I can to support you both.”

Celestia slumped, then looked at her fellow princesses. “All right. Let’s all go to my chambers so we can talk comfortably.”

When they arrived, Celestia addressed the guards stationed outside. “We will be engaged in confidential discussions and do not wish to be disturbed except in case of emergency.” The guards nodded their understanding. Once inside, Celestia reinforced the privacy wards and sparked the fireplace. All three princesses removed their regalia and settled on cushions before the fire.

“Luna, there are many reasons why things happen. Over the millennium while you were…” Celestia hesitated.

“Banished to the moon,” Luna interjected.

“Away,” Celestia continued, “I had to plan for your eventual return and... reintegration into Equestria. I took a number of steps, which in retrospect, may be seen as diverging from some facts as they existed on the ground a millennium ago. Also, I may not have been fully…” She hesitated again.

“Truthful?” Luna suggested.

“Forthright,” Celestia said, “in all of our discussions of the past since your return.”

Luna looked hard at her sister. “Celestia, let’s get directly to it. You did something long ago that you haven’t told me about and you want to tell me about it now. Proceed.”

Celestia huffed. “You’re not making this any easier.”

“I disagree,” Luna replied. “I find it’s best to rip a bandage off at once rather than suffer as it’s pulled off an inch at a time.”

“All at once?” Celestia said. “Then please, let me finish before interrupting.”

“Keep it short enough and I won’t have to,” Luna said.

Celestia drew in a great breath and blew it out. She looked to Twilight and saw support in her eyes. Then she locked eyes with Luna and told her story.

“Our confrontation a millennium ago didn’t take five minutes, it took five years. We were not the only ones who fought, the entire nation engaged in a civil war. Many normal ponies paid the price.

“The war was not over ponies abandoning your night, but over a political crisis between us. You didn’t spontaneously become Nightmare Moon out of jealousy. You sought Sombra’s dark power out of frustration at being unable to defeat me. Your use of that power destroyed our home and twisted the living things of the Everfree Forest into the monstrosities they are today.

“I crafted the story you know and beamed it to the moon for centuries to mold your understanding of events. That way, when you returned you’d focus your anger on me and not reignite the civil war.

“I manipulated history to remove you and the war from pony memory. I spread legends that matched my story so Equestria would more readily accept you ruling beside me when you came back.

“And even though you’ve been back and free from taint for many years, and rule beside me as an equal, I’ve told you none of this until now.”

Celestia finished her story, sat back on her haunches, and looked away to break eye contact with Luna. There was a long silence broken only by the crackling of the fire in the hearth.

Finally, Luna spoke. “From your tone, you hold much guilt over your actions and your manipulations.”

“I did for a very long time.” Celestia looked at Twilight. “But recently, a princess of Equestria heard my tale and delivered judgment on my actions against her and the ponies of Equestria. Many parts of my heart are lighter now.” She looked back at Luna. “But one part of her judgment was for me to tell you the truth and for us to reconcile.”

“And live again,” Twilight whispered.

Luna looked at her sister, and then over to Twilight and bobbed her head in respect, “And thus, she takes another step on the road to rulership. Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight bobbed her head in return. “You’re welcome, Luna.”

Luna rose and strode over to her sister. Where Celestia’s movements were the epitome of grace, Luna’s were determined, powerful. She attacked each step, crushed it utterly, and went on to the next.

When she got to Celestia, Luna settled and draped a wing over her sister’s back. Celestia had made herself low on the cushion and Luna looked like the larger of the two.

“You’re laboring under a misconception,” Luna said. “You did convince the Nightmare of your story. But you never convinced me. I spent 1,000 years on the moon remembering every horrible moment of the Equestrian Civil War.

“For the first century, I was furious with you and blamed you for the war. Then for a century I took a broader view and decided we had both made mistakes. Sometime in the third century I decided the war had been entirely my fault. I spent a century after that wallowing in guilt, first for all the ponies lost, and then for forgetting about them for the previous centuries when I was fixated on you.

“I recognized what you were doing and had to shield my thoughts about the war so I didn’t remind the Nightmare of what had actually occurred. To keep her from peering too closely at my memories I blocked my power and made myself small and non-threatening. That’s why I was so frail when freed by the Elements of Harmony.

“In my final centuries on the moon, I focused my thoughts on convincing the Nightmare that the obeisance of the masses was her due. That the loss of even one pony would mean there was one less to show her the deference she deserved. I wanted to give her reasons for keeping our ponies alive rather than unleashing her frustrations upon them.”

“Thank you, Luna,” Twilight said. “You probably saved me, my friends, and many citizens of Ponyville from the Nightmare’s wrath.”

“You’re very welcome,” Luna replied. “But reigning in a beast of my own creation is not an act that deserves any thanks.”

Luna turned back to Celestia. “When I returned, I never brought up those horrible days because they were painful for me as well. And when you invited me to rule beside you I thought that we’d put those times behind us.” Luna’s eyes were wet with tears. “But if we need to reconcile, then let me speak plainly. I forgive you for your actions against me then and take full responsibility for all that happened between us and to our ponies.”

Celestia gazed up with love at her sister. Through her own tears, she said, “I cannot accept that. We both made mistakes, horrible mistakes, and must share responsibility. I forgive you for all that happened between us and to Equestria.”

The sisters reached out and embraced each other with wings and all four legs. Flowing moonlight and rainbow manes intermixed and flowed in harmony. Celestia’s embrace was enveloping. Luna’s was savage, unstoppable. A steel beam set between them would have been crushed to foil in the ferocious clinch.

Twilight sat in silence and let her own tears flow freely. Her grin was so wide it threatened to dislocate her jaw.

Husky breathing and the crackling in the hearth were the only sounds until the fire made a particularly loud pop. Celestia and Luna squeezed each other one last time and then settled adjacent on a broad cushion. Luna’s wing remained over her sister’s back. They both looked at the fire and then over to Twilight.

“Would you like me to go now?” Twilight asked.

“No Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said. “My sister and I are reconciled as you ruled we do. You’ve judged my sister on her actions a thousand years ago and it has lightened her heart. Can you do the same for me?”

Twilight thought long and hard. “I can’t,” she said. “Memory is subjective and I saw Celestia’s memories, not yours. You spent a thousand years banished to the moon, which seems like enough penance for anypony. But I’m not sure if it’s sufficient for an immortal alicorn.” Twilight edged over and put her wingtip atop Luna’s. “I’ll tell you what I told Celestia. Any debt from Celestia’s actions against ponies-in-general was paid back with her years as a good ruler.”

Luna nodded. “A just decision.” She stood. “And based on it I determine for myself that my debt to pony-kind is still unpaid.”

Twilight had a wild notion. Tonight revelations had occurred. Forgiveness exchanged. Decisions made. Now was a time for healing. Perhaps it was time to lighten the mood and help the sisters act like sisters.

“Continue being a good ruler then,” Twilight said. Her eyes twinkled with mischief. “It worked for sun-butt.”

Luna’s eyes widened.

Celestia caught the twinkle in Twilight’s eye. “You’re one to talk, star-butt.”

Luna held up a hoof. “Nay, is not the moral of our story that princesses must never fight?”

“Speak for yourself, moon-butt,” Celestia said, grinning widely.

Luna caught the sparkle in Celestia’s eye, scooped a wingtip under a pillow, and flicked it expertly at her. With fluid grace, Celestia leaned away just enough that the pillow missed her by a fraction of a hoof width. It flew on to hit Twilight solidly in the muzzle.

“It’s like that, is it?” Twilight said, and levitated the pillow to retaliate.

“No horns!” Luna cried, and dove to get more ammunition.

While Luna focused on finding more things to throw, Celestia flicked a pillow with her own massive wing tip and hit Luna right in her mark.

Luna rose, a pillow in each wing. “Huzzah! The fun has been doubled,” she cried and flung one at each princess.

Soon the air was full of laughing princesses, flying pillows, and loose pillow feathers. Celestia used her grace to dodge most shots that flew her way. Luna used her uncanny speed and agility to avoid getting hit. Twilight flapped with all her might to avoid the airborne chaos. Even though the royal sisters aimed three-quarters of their shots at each other, Twilight was pretty sure she got hit more than the two of them combined.

When all the pillows had been reduced to empty cloth bags, and Twilight was spitting out feathers, Celestia and Luna jointly decided the game was at an end. All three alicorns landed. Their eyes sparkled and their faces were alight. Twilight was breathing hard.

“Can we put my sitting room back together?” Celestia asked. Everypony nodded and lit their horns. The room was suffused with golden, magenta, and midnight blue magic. Feathers retraced their steps in reverse and refilled pillows. Buttons jumped back into place and stitches resewed. Moments later, the sitting room was pristine.

Celestia opened the door to the hall and looked about. She smiled even wider. “Pardon me, gentlecolts, is that trolley for us?” The guards nodded. “Thank whoever ordered it,” Celestia said. “Don’t bother to bring it in, I’ve got it.” She brought in the trolley and closed the door.

“What has our thoughtful staff provided?” Luna examined the trolley. “Snacks!” she whooped.

The trolley was loaded with cool water from the Canterhorn springs, carafes of fragrant coffee, the essentials for making tea, and a platter of tasty treats. Luna happily snagged a moon pie, Celestia, a slice of cake, and Twilight was delighted to find her favorite style of donut. They all levitated a drink and a snack and dug in. It seemed that pillow fights with alicorns made one almost as hungry as communing with celestial bodies.

After two passes at the snack trolley and a cup of black coffee, Luna said, “Thanks to you both for an illuminating and invigorating evening. I’m off to take up the rest of my duties for the night. I will see you upon the morrow.” Luna flung open the door and strode out, trailed by her steaming mug bedecked with the words “World’s Best Princess”.

After the door closed, Celestia turned to Twilight. “We’ve both had something of a workout. May I offer you a bath to clean up? I seem to remember I owe you a grooming.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide as if she’d never imagined such a thing. In reality she’d imagined it many times, often just before falling asleep. She nodded her head and tried, unsuccessfully, to take the offer in stride.

Celestia lit her horn and opened the gates to direct the waterfalls into the bathroom’s huge walk-in-tub. The bath was soon filled and the air was thick with steam. Celestia and Twilight walked down the tub’s stairs into the warm water. With each step, the difference in height between them became more pronounced. When the water was up to Celestia's knees, it was up to Twilight’s barrel. When it was up to Celestia’s barrel, it was up to Twilight’s neck.

They each found benches of appropriate height built into the tub and got comfortable. Celestia dropped a variety of salts, oils, and soaps into the bath. It was soon fragrant and sudsy. She levitated a collection of brushes and washcloths and began cleaning Twilight all over.

The feeling was… electric. Every time she focused on the feeling of one brush’s caress, the feeling of another would interrupt her reverie. Twilight couldn’t figure out where to focus her attention until she felt a single long stroke that started just below the back of her horn, trailed down her neck, across her back, and finished at the base of her tail. She leaned into it and Celestia repeated the stroke again and again.

When Twilight looked, she saw this stroke was made by the only brush Celestia was wielding by hoof and not in her magic. Some rational part of Twilight's brain tried to convince her one wasn’t any better than the other. In fact, being brushed by hoof was limited to the arc of Celestia’s leg, not the reach of her magic. The facing of the brush changed as it swept through the arc; it couldn’t spin to match the curve of her body. But none of that mattered. This brush was physically connected to Celestia, and that made its strokes the ones Twilight treasured the most.

As each part of Twilight’s body was scrubbed and fluffed, Celestia withdrew the brushes until only the brush on her hoof remained in action. Any dirt had long ago been cleaned away, but Celestia seemed content to continue the strokes as long as Twilight was enjoying it. All tension fled from Twilight’s body. She felt as boneless as Celestia looked when she moved.

After a timeless interval, Celestia whispered, “Twilight, are you ready to rinse off?”

“Hermphed?” Twilight mumbled.

“Come Twilight, you should sleep in your bed tonight to be ready for your big day tomorrow.”

She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. “Of course, thank you,” Twilight exhaled. “That felt even better than I’d imagined.”

“I’m glad I could help you relax.” Celestia smiled. The tub was already drained. With her magic, Celestia directed the warm waterfalls over Twilight’s body and rinsed all the soap off her. She turned off the water and rubbed Twilight gently over every inch of her body with warm fluffy towels. Finally, Celestia levitated a robe from the closet and wrapped Twilight in it.

The two alicorns stepped out of the bath and walked into the sitting room. Twilight didn’t remember Celestia toweling off, but she was completely dry.

Celestia leaned down and rubbed Twilight’s neck in a warm nuzzle. “Have I told you how much nicer things are around here since you started coming back?” Celestia said.

“I’m glad,” was all Twilight could say. She felt loose, warm, and drowsy.

“Let’s take the shortcut to your tower,” Celestia said. She led Twilight out to her balcony and lit her horn. They disappeared in a golden flash and reappeared at the door to the Scholar's Tower. Celestia nuzzled her one more time. “Have a wonderful day tomorrow.” Then Celestia stepped back and disappeared in the same golden glow she’d appeared in.

Twilight let out a long sigh. She loved the Scholar’s Tower. But at this moment she really wished she were still back in somepony else’s chambers. She walked to the bedroom and found Spike was already asleep. She took off the robe, slipped between the smooth sheets, and laid her head down. That night her dreams were particularly vivid.