• Published 8th Apr 2017
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Teatime - A Novel Of Twilight & Celestia - bigbear

Twilight wants to reestablish the close relationship she had when she was Princess Celestia’s personal student. But, shared trials will require them to become much more than faithful student and immortal mentor.

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Chapter 20 - A Gala for Two

Celestia looked at Twilight with a serious expression, as the two of them hovered over Canterlot at night. “Now, if we’re to be more open with each other, I have a question. When you arrived, you mentioned something had made you sad. May I ask what?”

Twilight fidgeted in the air. Her voice got very small. “I can’t dance.”

“And this made you sad tonight, because?”

“Because I thought I could dance and I love to do it. Tonight I learned I’m an embarrassingly bad dancer.”

Celestia looked pained. “That’s your guilty look,” Twilight said. “I recognize it from our discussions after the symphony.”

Celestia huffed. “Everypony else who grew up in the castle took deportment lessons that included learning to play a musical instrument and how to dance. I took responsibility for your deportment training and… did not include those lessons.”

Twilight was silent for a long time. “Did you think they would distract me from what you wanted me to learn?”

“You were such a perfectionist,” Celestia said. “I thought there was a risk of you putting all your effort into learning to play an instrument rather than learning magic.”

“That was a risk,” Twilight sighed. “Having watched what a pony with a mark for music can do, I might have driven myself crazy trying to keep up with them.” She smiled. “I learned to make music with magic, anyway. But what about dance? Do you not know how to teach that?”

“I’m quite a serviceable dance teacher.” Celestia assumed a proud bearing. “I’ve taught countless fillies and colts how to dance.” She looked wistful. “But, I’m not anywhere near as good as Luna. Nopony can dance like she can.”

“Then why not teach me to dance?” Twilight asked.

“Because I couldn’t take the chance that you’d meet somepony dancing who would distract you from what I needed you to do,” Celestia said flatly.

“A crush.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “You were worried about me getting a crush on somepony and getting distracted from learning enough to save Luna.”

“Dance is an extremely… personal… way of communicating with a partner,” Celestia said. “I didn’t want to risk you having an intense relationship with anypony other than me until your task was complete.”

Twilight paused and thought, “Tonight is a time for taking chances.” Aloud she said, “Would you teach me now?”

Celestia smiled. “You want me to take on the role of teacher?”

Twilight smiled back, “I love to learn from you.” She hovered closer. “And sometimes I want to learn… personal things.”

“There’s no music,” Celestia whispered.

Twilight lit her horn. A rich symphonic waltz rose around them. “Good old number sixteen,” she mumbled. Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Spike was never very good with alliterative or ancient spell names, so he numbered them. Mirabel’s Melodious Melody became number sixteen.”

Celestia nodded in satisfaction. “Very nice, I’ve not heard such depth from Mirabel’s before.”

“Oh, I cheat a bit,” Twilight said. “I cast it four times at once, one each for the woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings.” She blushed. “I get a lot of practice. I like to sing in the shower.”

Celestia broke into her ‘only for Twilight’ smile and extended her forelegs. “Come to me then. Lesson one.” Twilight extended her own forelegs and advanced.

Their barrels were vertical, heads and horns high, forelegs extended, hind legs and tails dropped. Celestia put one leg behind Twilight's back and the other on her shoulder. She shifted Twilight until their lower barrels touched, offset to the right.

When Celestia touched her, the warmth of the sun blossomed in Twilight. She felt it pulse along her limbs, in time with the music.

Celestia bade Twilight to match her position. Twilight had to stretch; Celestia was a much larger pony in every way. But in the air, their positions were flexible enough they could each hold the other comfortably.

Twilight worried about their wings interfering when the two were in such close proximity. But the beat of the music and the pulse of the sun helped Twilight and Celestia beat their wings in synchronicity.

“Between our lower barrels, and our forelimbs, we’ve created a triangle. It’s the strongest shape in nature,” Celestia said. “All you have to do is react to my touch and maintain the beat of the music. Don’t resist or try to anticipate. Follow my lead. When you’re more experienced with the dance, we can swap the lead, but we’ll keep it simple for now.

“To begin we’ll sway back and forth every three beats. That will get us used to moving together with the music.

“Do you have any questions?”

Twilight had a million questions. Was Celestia really that warm, or was it just her? Why did it feel so good to be held in such a firm embrace? How come Celestia smelled so good? But Twilight didn’t want to break the spell, so she simply shook her head “no”.

“Count to yourself, 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3.” Celestia led Twilight to sway back and forth to the music, reversing direction every three beats. Initially, Twilight was off, either reacting after the pressure from Celestia’s foreleg, or anticipating and moving too early.

“Just relax and follow my lead,” Celestia said. “Keep your count.”

Twilight took in deep breaths and exhaled. It wasn’t quite her full relaxation routine, but it helped. Celestia’s pressure, along with the pulses of warmth inside her limbs, helped key how she was supposed to move. Soon, her neck and shoulders relaxed and her head began to bob to the beat. The two alicorns were swaying back in forth in time to the rich waltz music that filled the sky around them.

“Good,” Celestia said. “Now we’re going to move. Every three beats we’ll make a half turn. When we’ve done that twice, we’ll have turned all the way around. If you find yourself getting dizzy, pick a spot in the far distance. Turn your head back and forth to keep the point in view.”

“Do you have our count?” Celestia asked. Twilight nodded. “1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3, she thought.

They swayed one time, a second time, and the third time, they were moving.

It startled Twilight that it was actually easier to spin and move than to sway back and forth. With Celestia’s firm grip, they spun around their common center of gravity. Because they kept spinning the same direction, momentum helped keep them going. The timing of Celestia’s lead was spot on to the beat of the music. The warmth that pulsed within her cued Twilight how to move. She snapped her head around every half turn to keep the Scholar’s Tower in sight so she didn’t get dizzy.

After spinning a dozen times Twilight’s confidence was sky high. Her grin was full and wide. She stopped snapping her head around and looked Celestia in the eye. What she saw startled her so much that she almost lost the beat. Celestia’s ‘only for Twilight’ smile was as big as her own.

Twilight stared at Celestia for a long moment. When their eyes locked, Twilight’s perception expanded, seeming to encompass them both. She felt the warmth of the sun flare within her and also felt a matching flare within Celestia. Twilight was aware her heartbeat was strong and constant, but it felt like the organ pumped many times its normal quantity. Every time Twilight flapped her wings, she felt muscles more powerful than her own, beating wings of a greater span. Her horn felt full to bursting with magic and seemed to extend to at least twice its normal length. And while her own short mane and tail twirled behind her, Twilight also felt the echoes of great flowing masses, rippling of their own accord overlaid atop them.

Ever the scientist, Twilight found experimentation a temptation that was impossible to resist. She needed to find a gesture that would be unmistakable, but that Celestia was unlikely to do on her own. As the alicorns pirouetted together through the night sky Twilight felt her lips were dry. She extended her tongue and licked them.

Almost simultaneously with Twilight’s lick, Celestia’s tongue emerged from between her lips. She quickly pulled it back inside. After centuries of practice, Celestia didn’t break decorum in such ways unless there was a very good reason. Celestia raised an eyebrow in the realization of what had happened. Twilight noted that her own eyebrow rose for a moment before she brought it back to its normal position.

Together, they nodded in understanding. The pair were not puppets. Though they shared sensations each could act as they wished. But the two alicorns were so closely linked through the sun that it felt natural to mirror the other. There was no longer a leader or follower in their dance through the sky, only the pair, spinning as one.

Twilight noted the new sensations she shared, without losing the joint rhythm of the dance. Celestia’s body felt longer than her own, with a steely strength and impeccable balance. She felt the cool night air as it whipped past Celestia’s face, and noted the mirrored feeling of air against her own. The solar mark on Celestia’s flank pulsed along with the sun fire within them both. The joining of mark and power was so complete, it almost brought tears to her eyes.

Instead, the happiness within Twilight overflowed and emerged as joyous laughter. Celestia’s delight mirrored Twilight’s and the night sky rang with her jubilant laughter as well. Paired as one, with the near limitless endurance of earth ponies, the matchless aerial dexterity of pegasi and the continuous accompaniment of music spun from unicorn magic, the two alicorns danced and laughed.

The combination of Twilight’s four music spells, distributed far and wide by Celestia’s privacy ward, meant all Canterlot was serenaded by waltz music punctuated by delighted laughter. Any denizens of the city who ventured outside to see where the music was coming from could look up and easily spot their two Princesses of the Day. They waltzed through the night sky and laughed as if nothing mattered but each other. Through some trick of the Princesses’ alicorn magic, every citizen could follow the dance as if they had the best seats in the house. As the dance went on the streets filled with ponies absorbed by the spectacle.

The first hint of hunger was so subtle that Twilight wasn’t sure if it was hers or Celestia’s. When her stomach growled, Twilight knew. Celestia glanced down in the direction of Twilight’s stomach and smiled. Twilight nodded and smiled back. The current waltz was almost over; by mutual agreement, it would be their last... for now.

As the final waltz reached its crescendo, Celestia released her left foreleg, allowing Twilight to spin out of her grasp. Twilight spun on her own axis, once, twice, three times, before coming to a stop facing Celestia. The music ended, and the princesses each bowed to acknowledge their partner.

The city below exploded in a tidal wave of clopping and stomping. Twilight realized for the first time that she and Celestia had an audience. The streets of Canterlot were filled with ponies looking skyward and applauding. Even from this height Twilight could tell the crowd was smiling and happy for the two of them.

“We should acknowledge their acclaim,” Celestia said.

Twilight watched Celestia and matched her head bobs directed at the crowd below.

In a courtyard behind Restaurant Row, a few blocks from the castle, Twilight spotted a familiar pink pony. She bounced high into the air and waved to them. Laid out in the courtyard was a large banner with a picture of a slice of cake and the word POTLUCK. Covering the front of the banner was a cloth with Celestia’s solar mark. Covering the end of the banner was a similar cloth with Twilight’s purple and white star marks. Twilight's stomach rumbled.

“Pinkie Pie is holding a potluck with the great chefs of Canterlot.” Twilight pointed. “She’s inviting us to join them.”

“They seem to have cake,” Celestia said, hopefully.

“Pinkie met some of the chefs when she entered the National Dessert Competition,” Twilight replied. “Want to go?”

Celestia smiled and summoned her regalia. Her crown, torc, and boots appeared on her in flashes of golden magic.

Twilight smiled as well and summoned her own regalia in flashes of magenta.

“Guards!” Celestia called out. “Princess Twilight and I are going to visit an event organized by Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter.” She pointed to the courtyard. “Please have security be distant and discreet.” There was a soft “clang” in the darkness, as the Night Guard saluted to acknowledge their orders.

Twilight and Celestia started a gentle dive toward the courtyard below.

“Where do you think Pinkie Pie got those banners so quickly?” Celestia said.

“You can ask her if you want,” Twilight said. “I gave up trying to figure out how Pinkie does things a long time ago. I even wrote you a Friendship Report about it.”

“The subjects of some of your reports were a bit cryptic.” Celestia lifted her eyes while remembering. “But I recall one about taking things on faith.”

“That’s the one.” Twilight adjusted her crown. “How do I look?”

“Like a princess,” Celestia said. Twilight smiled broadly.

Pinkie was bouncing as high as the second floor when Twilight and Celestia came in low over the courtyard. “Over here, over here!” she called out. When they landed, Pinkie and the other guests bowed low. “Rise, my little ponies,” Celestia said. She and Twilight bobbed their heads to acknowledge the crowd. “And thank you for your warm welcome.”

“Greetings, your princessesness, to the First Annual Canterlot Chef’s & Baker’s Potluck and Party!” Pinkie said.

“I’m afraid we don’t have anything to contribute,” Celestia said.

“That’s OK, I brought extra, in case someone was short,“ Pinkie said. “Not that you’re short. I mean you’re really tall! And that’s not counting your horn, which is so long, it makes you super tall!”

Twilight wasn’t quite sure how her friend talked so long without taking a breath, but she chalked it up to Pinkie being Pinkie. She broke in before the ramble could go on too long. “What did you bring, Pinkie?”

“Behold the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness Two! Where everything good has been doubled!” Pinkie gestured to a giant multi-layer cake covered in yellow and pink icing with red icing flowers.

Celestia exerted a super-equine effort to suppress licking her lips while gazing at the enormous confection. Twilight grinned at her.

“That amazing awesome dance must have made you two hungry!” Pinkie said. “Would you like something?”

“Oh yes, Princess Celestia, please try my chocolate mousse,” said Mulia Mild, a light brown mule with sky blue eyes.

“Or my Exquisite Éclairs, your Majesty,” said Gustave le Grand, a gray griffon, sporting a red neckerchief and an outrageously wide mustache.

“One at a time, please. I’ll be happy to sample each and every one of your offerings.” Celestia let herself get led away to the buffet table.

Pinkie and Twilight were left alone for the moment. Twilight watched Celestia enjoy a large spoonful of chocolate mousse. “She really will be happy trying them all,” Twilight thought.

“It was super cool watching you and Princess Celestia up in the sky,” Pinkie said. “I love to watch you dance.”

Twilight shook her head. Pinkie was the only one of her friends whose dancing was as seemingly random as her own. Yet Pinkie’s enthusiasm and athleticism were hypnotic. While, except for tonight, Twilight's own moves were more like… convulsions.

“Oh Pinkie, thank you for saying so. But normally my dancing is horrible,” Twilight said. “I don’t do it right at all. That’s why Princess Celestia was giving me lessons up there.”

“Nuh-uh,” Pinkie said. “You’ve been doing it right because you’ve been having so much fun when you dance!” Pinkie did a little jig. “You can’t be dancing wrong if you’re having a good time!”

Twilight reached over and gave Pinkie a hug with her wing. “Never change, Pinkie.”

“Okie, dokie, lokie,” Pinkie said with a lopsided grin.

Twilight’s tummy rumbled in response.

“I’ll bet you’re looking for something a bit more substantial than desert,” Pinkie said. Twilight nodded. “Come meet my friends Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala. They make the best curried oat cake in Canterlot!” Pinkie stopped and thought for a moment. “It might be the only one in Canterlot.” She broke into a wide grin. “Which means it’s the best. Come on!”

They walked over to two light brown unicorns in exotic dress. “Hi Coriander and Saffron, this is my friend Princess Twilight. She’d like to try some of your curried oat cake.”

“It’s a great honor, Princess Twilight,” Coriander said.

“I hope our food is to your satisfaction,” Saffron said.

“Thank you for sharing,” Twilight said. “it smells delicious.” Her mouth watered as she took a bite of oat cake with its savory sauce.

“Hey Saffron, I’ve got a joke for you,” Pinkie said. “A griffon, a mule, and a pony walk into a bakery…”