• Published 8th Apr 2017
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Teatime - A Novel Of Twilight & Celestia - bigbear

Twilight wants to reestablish the close relationship she had when she was Princess Celestia’s personal student. But, shared trials will require them to become much more than faithful student and immortal mentor.

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Chapter 13 - A New Day

The gentle bubbling of the sun’s warmth drew Twilight awake. The room she was in was pitch dark. But from the feel of the warmth within, it must be near sunrise.

Twilight yawned and shifted. The bed she was in was comfortable, incredibly comfortable, even more so than her bed in Ponyville. The temperature was perfect. The firmness of the mattress was ideal. And the sheets were so silky Twilight thought she might slip right out of the bed. She conjured a small light to figure out where she was.

In her light, the bed seemed to go on and on in every direction. It was like being in an ocean of giant quilts with a sea wall of massive pillows. She wiggled her hooves under the bedding, and the resulting bump wasn’t even halfway to the foot of the giant bed.

Twilight looked around the room to orient herself and recognized her surroundings. Now it made sense why the bed was so big, she was in Celestia’s bedroom - in Celestia’s bed.

When that final bit of data soaked through to her conscious mind, Twilight’s eyes widened. Her heart raced, and her throat caught. “No. No. No,” she thought. Instinctively, her horn glowed, and she teleported out of the bed with a magenta flash and an audible “shring”.

“Twilight?” Celestia’s voice came from the sitting room.

Can’t let her catch me using her bed.” Twilight’s mind raced. “It would be completely inappropriate.” The quilts and pillows were all messed up. Twilight levitated them all and began swirling them around, looking for the right place to put them.

The door opened and Celestia walked in. “Good morning.”

“Ahhh!” Twilight cried. Startled, she flung the quilts and pillows all over the room. Twilight looked sheepishly at Celestia. “Just making the bed that... somepony... had been sleeping in.”

Celestia raised a hoof and suppressed a small laugh. “Twilight, it’s all right. I tucked you in myself after you set the sun last evening.” Celestia levitated the quilts and pillows in her golden magic and made short work of making the bed.

Twilight sighed. “I must have been out of it last night. I didn’t remember where I was when I woke up.”

Celestia stepped closer and put a wing on Twilight’s withers. “You were sleeping in the bed reserved for one of the rulers of Equestria. After yesterday it seemed appropriate.” She levitated Twilight's crown and boots over to her and Twilight put them on.

Celestia directed Twilight into the sitting room. “I wasn’t using it, anyway. I rested so much yesterday, that I shifted my sleep schedule. I stayed up the night and spent most of it talking to Luna. I even sat in on Night Court with her. It was good for ponies to see Luna on the throne and me on the second tier.”

“I’m sorry your schedule got messed up,” Twilight said.

“Don’t worry about it. If I need to, I’ll take a short nap instead of lunch, graze through the afternoon, then turn in early after setting the sun,” Celestia nodded. “That should get my sleep schedule back on track.”

Twilight’s stomach made a growl. Celestia smiled. “Come with me to the rising, and then we can have some breakfast.”

Celestia and Twilight met Luna on the Grand Balcony, and the senior princesses set the moon and raised the sun. Twilight welcomed the sun as well and the warmth that bubbled within her felt joyous.

The princesses’ dining room held another lavish spread. The room was filled with the competing smells of sliced fruit, fresh baked goods of all kinds, hot coffee, and tea. Twilight didn’t hesitate this morning; she filled a platter with her favorites. Communing with celestial bodies really did give one an appetite.

Between courses, Celestia turned to Twilight. “I talked with Luna, Raven, and several other ponies to evaluate your time as Princess of the Day.”

Twilight stopped eating in mid stroke, with her fork upright, the pieces of pancake speared on it still dripping syrup. “And what’s my grade?” She put down the fork and held her breath.

Celestia cocked her head, narrowed her eyes, and peered down at Twilight. She was tight-lipped and looked serious. She held the look for several beats.

Luna poked her sister with a wingtip. “Don’t keep the mare in suspense, Tia.”

Celestia’s smile bloomed. “You did very well, Twilight. Everypony was very impressed.”

Twilight let out her held breath. “Happy to be able to serve.” She picked the fork back up but stopped before taking a bite. ”And don’t scare me like that.”

“My sister became a trickster in my time away,” Luna said. “I think she learned it from that blasted bird of hers.”

“Philomena has a sense of humor,” Celestia retorted. “As do I. It’s not unusual for a pet and their owner to shape each other's behavior.”

“And that immortal Phoenix has had a lot of time to warp your sense of humor, sister,” Luna replied.

Celestia drew herself up to her full height, peered down at her sister, and stuck her tongue out.

“And this is what passes for humor, in the castle that Celestia built.” Luna shook her head.

Twilight wasn’t used to the Royal Sisters acting so much like… sisters. It was like she’d been initiated into a club, and now was seeing a new side of their relationship. Twilight wasn’t quite sure if this changed how she should talk to the sisters, or if it did, how far she could go. “Better to go slow,” she thought.

Celestia refilled her platter and sat back down. “So, Twilight, how did you find being Princess of the Day?”

“Breathtaking, terrifying, mind-boggling, stressful, and amazing.” Twilight sat back from the table. “I had no idea what I was doing most of the time.”

“You seemed most assured when you came to me on the balcony,” Luna said.

“Once Celestia was resting, I knew somepony had to raise the sun,” Twilight said. “I wasn’t sure I could do it but I had to take my best shot.”

“And having decided, you did not waver, and thus were successful.” Luna nodded. “Twas the same when you confronted me as the Nightmare. You were uncertain until you were not. And once you were certain, you were unstoppable.”

“My memory of that encounter is a bit more... involved,” Twilight said.

Luna waved her off with a hoof. “Mere details.”

“Stop sidetracking her, Luna.” Celestia made a circle with her wingtip. “Go on, Twilight.”

“When the sun actually peeked over the horizon, it was breathtaking,” Twilight said. “When Luna told me Equestria was mine till sunset, that was terrifying.”

“Twas the only choice,” Luna said. “Too many remember my conflict with Celestia as the Nightmare. Were I to suddenly appear in her stead, there would be instant distrust and suspicion.” Luna pointed a wingtip at Twilight. “You on the other hoof are known as Celestia’s favorite, as student, heroine, and now princess. When you appeared in her place, there was uncertainty, but no suspicion.”

“And you alleviated the uncertainty by dispatching your fellow Element Bearers to engage with important stakeholders in Canterlot,” Celestia said. “Bravo.”

Twilight blushed. “I’m getting credit for things others did. Starlight and Spike brought my friends to Canterlot. And the girls decided to bring all the ponies to the Castle for me to meet. I just asked them to go meet with influential ponies they knew and spread the word that everything was under control.”

“A good leader takes advantage of opportunities,” Celestia said. “You made your goals clear, and trusted your friends to help you achieve them.” She put down her fork and dabbed her muzzle with a napkin. “I’ve talked to some of the ponies who came to the meetings at the castle. You’ve made quite a few new fans.”

“I talked to a lot of interesting ponies I’d like to get to know better,” Twilight said.

“Knowing you, your list of terms was in order,” Luna said. “You’ve covered breathtaking and terrifying. What’s next?”

“Mind-boggling,” Twilight said. “The security briefing. I never realized the guards tracked so many potential threats each day. But the professionalism of the briefing helped put any worries about threats on the back burner.

“Court and the meetings my friends set up were stressful. I tried to be sure I was making the best decisions in Court and the right impression in those meetings. I wanted everything to be running smoothly when my day was done.”

Twilight leaned toward the sisters. “In the end, it was all amazing. There were so many chances to learn new things, meet new ponies, and help Equestria. Being Princess of the Day was immensely satisfying. I was happy to be able to serve.”

Celestia glanced at Luna, who nodded. “This doesn’t have to be the last time,” Celestia said with a smile. “If you’re willing to serve again, that is.”

Twilight jerked up in surprise.

“Luna and I talked. We think it would be good for Equestria to have another Princess who can and take over royal duties without causing confusion or suspicion.” Celestia’s grin was broad. “Yesterday presented us with an opportunity, and I think we should take advantage of it.”

Twilight’s heart jumped in her chest. She wanted to leap up and cry, “Yes, yes, yes!” But her head intervened. “Moving a little slower can give you an extra moment to think,” Celestia had taught her. So she let her continue.

“I was thinking we could start with once a week,” Celestia said. “You could stay overnight in the castle after our weekly tea, then serve as Princess of the Day starting the next morning. It would be best for the castle staff if you served on a regular basis and everypony could plan for it.”

“And I’m quite looking forward to being able to sleep in.” Celestia winked.

Twilight swallowed hard. “No pressure,” she thought. Out loud she said, “This is a really big decision, isn’t it?”

“Ha! Celestia, I knew she wouldn’t jump at the offer just to please us,” Luna crowed. “Twilight is considering what’s best for her and for Equestria.” Luna locked eyes with Twilight. “Whether you accept or not, you grow into a ruler before our eyes.”

Celestia’s face fell at the rebuke. “Yes, Twilight, it’s a very big decision. I was wrong to make light of it. If you join us, you’ll need to be integrated into the government in ways I’ve shielded you from till now. If you are to take up the responsibility of rulership, we must provide you with the information and power to rule effectively. That means there can be no more secrets among us.”

“No more secrets?” Twilight said, glancing from Celestia to Luna.

Celestia sighed and nodded. “No more secrets.”

Luna glared at her sister. “It seems there may be more revelations than I anticipated.” She turned back to Twilight. “Nonetheless, the power to rule does not come for free. There will be unpleasant truths and trying times. Few easy choices come before us. Those are made at lower levels of our government. And however you rule, those who disagree, in the halls of government or the organs of the press, may think you a royal fool.”

“It seems Raven kept those kinds of choices out of my first Court,” Twilight replied.

“Most experienced petitioners decided to reschedule,” Celestia said. “And even with the rulings you did make, you’ll never know for certain if they were right. We cannot know what happens on the roads not taken.”

“Your decision to join us could even impact our entire system of government,” Luna said. “We have only recently gone from a thousand years of monarchy back to a diarchy. If you decide to rule in Canterlot beside us, does that put us on the path toward a triarchy? And what about Cadance’s rule in the Crystal Empire, or the rise of her daughter? The era of alicorns as rulers may be strengthened by our growing numbers or your decision may be the beginning of the end.”

“OK, so it’s a very big decision.” Twilight leaned back to think. “I haven’t lived history like you two, but I’ve studied it. Equestria has changed more in my lifetime than it did in hundreds of years before that. And if only a fraction of what I’ve seen on the other side of the magic mirror with Sunset Shimmer comes to Equestria, it will change even more. I have to ask myself, do I believe I can help Equestria prosper as it goes through those changes?”

Twilight leaned forward and looked Celestia in the eye. “You told me that one of your sins is arrogance. That you believed you could do better than others. You showed me how you and Luna maneuvered to take power when you thought it was necessary to guide Equestria through a turbulent time.

“Celestia, I have some of that arrogance in me too. Because more than anything, I want ponies to be safe and happy. And I think I have the best chance to help that happen by accepting your offer.”

Twilight stood tall and regal. She drew upon the power of the sun to blaze within her. “Your Royal Majesties, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, accept your offer to take up a regular rotation as Princess of the Day.”

Luna stomped her hooves so hard in applause that the tower shook. Celestia stepped forward and embraced Twilight with both forelegs and wings. Twilight returned the embrace and could feel the sun blazing within them both. “I’m so very proud of you, Twilight,” Celestia said. In a whisper, she added, “and I really am looking forward to sleeping in.”

“I’m looking forward to letting you,” Twilight whispered back.

There were more hugs and hoof-shakes all around. When they were done, Celestia turned to Twilight. “You have some other friends that would like to join in the celebration.”

“That’s right, the girls told me they’d be here when I got up,” Twilight said. “I don’t want to keep them waiting.”

“Don’t worry, we provided them transport to Ponyville last night, and back here this morning,” Luna said. “They only just got to the castle.”

Spike, Starlight, and the other Element Bearers were waiting in the sitting room leading to the Grand Balcony. All bowed in respect when the three princesses entered. Twilight always felt weird when her friends bowed in her direction, but it was appropriate they do so when Celestia and Luna entered the room.

“Thank you for coming,” Celestia said. They all rose. “Twilight, perhaps you could tell them why this is an even more momentous day than anticipated.”

Twilight stepped up to her friends. “With your help, my time as Princess of the Day went well. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna offered me the opportunity to take on those responsibilities one day every week. After careful consideration, I’ve accepted.”

“Does that mean you’ll be raising the sun, holding court, the works, every week?” Spike asked.

Twilight blushed and nodded.

Her friends mobbed her and talked over each other again, just like the night before. “Congratulations, darling!” “We always knew you had it in you.” “That is 20% cooler than doing it the first time.” “This calls for an even bigger party!”

Pinkie pulled invitations from her mane and gave them to Twilight, Celestia, and Luna. “Twilight’s ‘Princess of the Day’ party is this evening in Ponyville. The whole town is going to be there!”

“Thank you Pinkie, we will check our schedules to see if we can make it,” Celestia said.

“I told Raven about the party. She said both your schedules are free,” Pinkie replied.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other. “I could have sworn I had a full docket this evening,” Luna said.

“I wouldn’t suggest looking too closely at how Pinkie throws a party,” Twilight said. “It never goes well.”

“I’d like to get some pictures to commemorate this occasion,” Celestia said. She tapped the door, and a very plain tan pegasus with a camera around her neck stepped in. Her mark was a very faint image of a camera. “This is the castle photographer, Discrete Snap”. The pegasus gave a slight bow of her head to all assembled then brought up her camera.

Everypony gathered around Twilight, with Spike at her feet, her friends in the front row, and Celestia and Luna behind. Fluttershy and Starlight were initially reluctant to join. But Rarity made sure Fluttershy showed her good side. And Twilight put a wing over Starlight’s withers and pulled her into the group.

After the formal pictures were over, the group broke up into separate conversations. They mostly talked about Twilight’s new responsibilities and duties. After a few minutes, Starlight Glimmer approached Twilight. “There’s something odd about the photographer.”

“Is the photographer still here?” Twilight asked. Starlight pointed a hoof. Sure enough, there was the pegasus, snapping a picture of Luna, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack talking.

“That’s the thing when I look away, I almost forget she’s here,” Starlight said. “But every time she takes a picture, I feel a little burst of magic.”

Now that Starlight mentioned it, Twilight felt the burst as well.

Celestia took a break from another conversation to talk to Twilight and Starlight. “Discrete’s special talent is being unobtrusive. As photography became more common, I decided there should be a visual chronicle of events that happen at the castle. The burst of magic is the camera focusing on the subject.

“Discrete is a trusted member of the castle staff and has permission to go anywhere and photograph anything that isn’t private or classified. It’s likely you’ve been photographed several times without your realizing it. But only photos that have been cleared by the press office are ever distributed.

“Selected pictures from yesterday have already been released by the castle press office covering your first time serving as Princess of the Day. Today’s photographs, and likely some others from yesterday, will be released with the announcement of your new responsibilities.”

It dawned on Twilight that this new part of her life was going to be much more public than her old life. Although she was a princess, Twilight spent almost all her time in Ponyville where everypony knew everypony else. In town, Pinkie Pie intercepted newcomers before anything clandestine could go on. Outside reporters found themselves overwhelmed by the town’s general craziness or spun around by Pinkie Pie. Often as not they ended up leaving on the next train without bothering Twilight or the other Element Bearers.

Even though she and her friends had saved Equestria many times they had different thresholds for publicity. Those that wanted it agreed to earn any notoriety on their own. So, Rarity gained fame for the quality of her dresses and Rainbow for her flying with the Wonderbolts. But neither they nor the other girls sought out recognition as Element Bearers.

But what happened in Canterlot Castle was the business of the nation. Ponies had a right to know what was being done there that might impact their lives. Twilight was going to have to get used to ponies knowing more about her life.

After the photographs, the group moved to one of the castle dining rooms where they had a celebratory breakfast. After Twilight had talked with all her friends she cycled back to where Celestia was sitting.

“Twilight, I had a thought,” Celestia said. “Your first day was somewhat of an improvisation…”

“If you call improvisation hoping against hope that nopony noticed I didn’t know what I was doing.”

“You know more than you give yourself credit for,” Celestia continued. “But one can always learn more. I have a suggestion. Come to the castle a day early and shadow me. Sit in court and in every meeting. Take note of the processes. Ask any questions that come to mind.”

Twilight imagined spending the entire day with Celestia. The thought brought a warm glow in her barrel and a smile to her face. “That sounds amazing! I’m sure I’d learn a lot.”

“I’d like to get your opinions about the goings on as well,” Celestia said. “These initial experiences are precious. You’ll be seeing many parts of the process of ruling Equestria for the first time. You may spot issues or potential improvements that I miss because I’ve done things the same way for so long.”

“Like a royal advisor,” Twilight said.

“Not as an advisor,” Celestia said. “Everypony will know the next time they see you, you may be the one making the decisions. It’s important that we do nothing to undermine that.

“If you see anything time critical please bring it up immediately,” Celestia continued. “However, if you have a question or issue that you think might cause a problem, and it is not time critical, please hold it until you and I are alone.”

“I would never contradict you in public…”

“That’s not what I meant,” Celestia said. “It’s not my intention to censor you. For the good of Equestria it’s important you establish your own voice. I expect your opinions to differ from Luna’s or mine. Your experiences are different from ours. I am suggesting that if your differences are potentially… controversial… and if time allows, that we talk about them in private first so you have all points of view before going public.”

Controversial. She could have controversial opinions. And by voicing them she could cause controversy. Nation-wide controversy, even international controversy! The instinct to hyperventilate was strong. “Is this job too big for you?” her inner voice taunted her. Twilight took a deep breath and let it out. She looked at Celestia and saw support in her eyes. “With Celestia on my side? Never,” she thought. Aloud she said, “You have my word.”