• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 14,246 Views, 1,197 Comments

Fur and Feathers - Nexas

The mane six's pets become ponies! What do they do now?

  • ...

Still missing somepony

Despite the rocky start, everypony eventually settled down and the party went pretty well. Twilight had finally returned after a while, Spike and Peewee in tow. Apparently Twilight had found Spike trapped in a mound of confetti, Peewee was being taken care of by Pinkie , happily chasing a balloon around and too busy to notice that his owner was trying to eat his way to freedom. When she had finally gotten back, the group had filled Twilight in on the party and Gummy. Twilight had initially been happy and curious about the development; but then they told her about what Gummy did.

She had laughed; calling it insane and going against all laws of physics. She had walked right up to her pink friend and the fish-eyed pony and had dared her to get Gummy to do it again.

That was twenty minutes ago.

"So, do you think she's gonna be okay?" Angel asked, looking down at the fallen unicorn. Twilight laid in a crumpled heap, her eyes wide open, staring blankly in different directions. A small puddle of drool was forming at the corner of her open mouth.

"Probably." Owlowiscious replied. He had taken a pillow and pushed it gently under the librarian's head. "This has happened before, but I must admit; this was a big one."

"There have been bigger." Spike noted glumly. Peewee was standing at his feet, looking at Twilight with a non-understanding look. "Is Twilight sleepy?" He asked, looking up at his owner.

"Poor thing." Rarity said. "Barely got a surprised noise out before she dropped on the spot."

"Yeah, I guess Gummy really is amazing isn't he?" Pinkie said as happily as ever.

"Spike, I'm curious." Owlowiscious looked to the young dragon. "How did Pinkie get in here in the first place?"

Spike shrugged. "How should I know? One moment I'm alone with Peewee again, the next moment they're here and I'm trapped in a pile of colored paper."

"Sorry about that Spike." Pinkie apologized. "But you really should have moved out of the way of the party cannon."

Opal walked back into the room, a towel wrapped around her head. While things were going down in the main room, she had disappeared to the bathroom with barely a word, just now coming back out, fresh and clean. She sighed happily.

"I suppose water isn't as bad as I thought." She walked past Twilight, poking the unconcious pony in the side without a response. "Is the egghead still cracked?"

"Oh come now, Opal." Rarity said. "Be nice, for once."

Opal ignored her owner's plea and walked over to the other pets, taking off her wet towel and lazily dumping it on Owlowiscious's head. She took her place by the food table and grabbed a cupcake, carelessly taking a bite out of it.

"So..." She swallowed. "We're all just going to wait for her to wake up?"

"Pretty much." Rainbow Dash replied. She was sitting down and leaning against Tank for support.

"And how long will that take?"

Owlowiscious shook his head. "I don't know. It could take minutes or even hours."

"Yeah, no." Opal refused. "That won't do at all. Hold on."

Opal turned around and in one swift motion, she grabbed the large punch bowl on the table and quickly turned again; the force of momentum causing the liquid to fly out and douse the vegetative Twilight. Twilight started to cough and sputter, finally waking up from her comatose state.

Opal calmly set the now empty bowl down on the table. "There."

"Opal!" Rarity shouted at her, outraged. "That was very rude!"

"It woke her up." Opal replied plainly, the hints of a smirk on her face showing through. "Problem solved."

"Ah!" Twilight's eyes flew open and she tried to get to her hooves, only to slip and fall again. "W-what's going on?! Where am I?!"

Dash wobbly approached her friend, her voice wearing a soothing tone. "Twilight, calm down, we're in your house, do you remember anything?"

"Well...no." Twilight groaned in pain. "But I did have the worst possible dream; we were all in the library and Pinkie was there with a ponyfied Gummy, and he was standing on the ceiling and... and..."

Her voice transformed into a small squeak when she noticed Pinkie waving happily to her and the pony from her dream standing next to her, his eyes slowly blinking separately. Twilight took a staggering step back, her breath coming in short gasps.

"No!" She shouted, pointing a hoof at Gummy. "You go against the laws of physics!"

"Twilight, you need to calm down!" Owlowiscious told her.

"You want me to calm down?!" She snapped at him. "I'll calm down if you give me a reasonable explanation why that pony was able to defy everything that you and I believe in!"

He thought for a moment and stated plainly. "He's Pinkie's pet."

Twilight opened her mouth to argue, but to her surprise she could not think of a rebuttal. She took a deep breath and seemed to consider Owlowiscious's words. Finally, she gave a defeated sigh. "Fine." She grumbled. "Has anypony at least filled Pinkie in about everything that's going on?"

The group shook their heads as one. They had been too busy caring for Twilight.

"Alright, gather round everypony, again."


Winona happily bounced into Ponyville, full of energy and all of her senses alive. She carelessly ran all over the place, inspecting the many buildings and the ponies around her. Far behind her, Applejack lumbered after her, the usually energetic farmer exhausted.

"Squirrels..." Applejack muttered under her heavy breathing. "Squirrels everywhere..."

"Applejack! Applejack!" Winona ran back to her owner. She circled Applejack while shouting her name repeatedly.

"Yes?" Applejack tried to sound cheerful but her voice came out as grumpy.

"Ponyville is so amazing now!" She stated. "Ah didn't know everything was so colorful!"

"Yeah, Ah guess." Applejack finally caught her breath and scanned the town, everypony was too busy with whatever they were doing to notice the two. She started to walk again, though she really didn't want to. "C'mon, we still need to get to Twilight's house."

"Why do we need to go there again?"

"Because either she's the reason why you're a pony, or she knows how to fix it."

"Oh!" Winona gasped for some reason. "Maybe there are other ponies like me! Do you think that's possible Applejack?"

"If Twilight's behind this, anything's possible Winona." Applejack answered. She lead the way into the town, Winona following closely, babbling happily about anything interesting she saw


"...And that's the reason why you shouldn't let anypony know about-Pinkie! Are you even listening?"

"Nope! What are we talking about? Is it a joke? I love jokes!"

"No, no, dear you need to pay attention."

"Oh, I'm sorry, was I not listening?"

"Fluttershy, she's talking to Pinkie."

"Oh, sorry."

Twilight, Spike, and Rarity once again found themselves at the table in the library, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sat across from them, each of them either listening or at least paying attention to the two unicorns that tried to explain things to them. Twilight and Rarity glanced at each other.

"Fine." Twilight continued. "I'll go over it again..."

While Twilight and Rarity started explaining the events that had happened to them and their pets again, the pets in question had moved away from the table and now stood around the snack table, occasionally listening in on the conversations of their owners.

"Ponies are strange, aren't they?" Opal asked nopony in particular as she watched the owners argue with each other.

Angel, who hadn't eaten since yesterday, was too busy stuffing his face to offer a smarmy comment. Peewee, who had been placed on the table and away from Twilight's friends who wouldn't stop gushing about him, was currently trying to gnaw on a donut bigger than him and wasn't paying attention to anything else. Tank didn't seem like the kind of pony that would answer her even if he wanted to.

And Gummy...

Gummy poked his head out from underneath the tablecloth, reached up on to the table, snatched a plate off the table without disturbing the cupcakes it was holding, and quickly disappeared under the cloth again, the young colt's blank eyes ever present. Opal briefly wondered is she should question that,

She shook her head to eliminate the thought. Not even if I was paid in fish.

That only left, once again, Owlowiscious. Owlowiscious was sitting at the other end of the table, silently watching his owner as she tried to explain things while Pinkie talked about some joke involving a hippo and peanut butter.

"Excuse me?" Opal stepped beside the Owl, breaking his focus. "I was asking a question."

He turned to her. "Huh?"

"All of these ponies." She pointed a hoof to the group. "They are so weird. They fight monsters, they defy laws of nature, and every week or so one of them goes insane!" She briefly glanced at Pinkie Pie. "Some of them more than others."

"It's fascinating though." Owlowiscious acknowledged. "So many different ponies who do all kinds of things, and they're all friends." He looked to Opal. "And look at us; if I was still an owl, you would probably be trying to eat me right now."

"You have too many bones right now." Opal claimed. "I'd end up choking, not to mention Rarity would start yelling again."

Owlowiscious shook his head at her. "You really need to try and be nicer." In an act of extreme bravery for the bird, he put a hoof on the cat's shoulder. "We could be friends you know."

Opal pulled back like Owlowiscious was on fire. "Me? A purebred feline, friends with a nerdy owl?" She laughed but it sounded forced. "Don't make me laugh!"

"You know..." Angel stepped into the conversation, crumbs still stuck to his face which he wiped off quickly. "If you act like this then karma will be terrible to you."

"Kar-ma?" Opal tilted her head in confusion. "What is that, some kind of flutterpony tale?"

"Apparently if you do bad things then bad things will happen to you," he explained. "Fluttershy talked about it a lot before but I'm not sure why." He added a quick wink at the end.

"Ha!" Opal gave a sneer full of self-righteousness. "As if anything would happen to me."

A sudden, loud, continuous knocking drew everypony's attentions to the library doors. A voice shouted through the hard wood. "Hey! Is anypony in there?"

"Is that Applejack?" Dash asked, recognizing the voice.

"Doors open!" Twilight shouted back.

The door swung open and Applejack stepped in, mud and dead leaves were stuck to her, a twig stuck out of her hat. "Howdy ya'll."

"Hi Applejack!" Pinkie greeted her friend. "Did you see all the storm clouds move away? Twilight did that!"

She nodded. "Ah was in the middle of it." Applejack shot a glare at Twilight. "Twilight, we talked about this. We had an intervention about this."

Twilight nodded ashamedly.

"Excuse me, dear?" Rarity called. "You appear to be covered in... gunk."

Applejack examined herself and didn't look surprised that she was that messy. "That Ah am. It's a long walk here from the farm and Ah was kind of sidetracked by stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

Applejack looked over at the pets, who were silently watching her; even Gummy was poking his head out from under the tablecloth.

"Oh, probably the same stuff that ya'll have. Winona! Come in here!"

She had shouted to the open doorway and soon Everypony could hear the pounding of running hooves and the familiar panting breath.

"Oh no..." Opal said quietly, a hint of fear in her voice.

"What?" Owlowiscious was confused. He looked to Angel. "What's going on?"

Angel grinned wickedly. "Karma."

The sound got closer and closer until an extremely scruffy pony stopped and stood in the doorway of the library. She looked even worse than Applejack but there was a kind of excitement in her eyes while Applejack just looked tired.

"Applejack! Ah saw these two squirrels and Ah tried to chase them but Ah can't become two ponies which is sad, so Ah-" She went stock still and her eyes widened when she noticed Opal, who at that point was trying to hide under the table with Gummy. When she notice Winona staring at her She froze as well. Nopony moved, their eyes trained on the two ponies.

"Um... hi?"

"CAT!" Winona reared up on her hind legs and smashed the ground in rage.

All of the other pets silently moved out of the way. When Opal noticed this it was too late. She barely had time to scream before Winona crossed the short distance of the room and tackled her.

Author's Note:

So now everyone's here! What's going to happen next? And what's going to happen to Opal?

PS: To give people a clearer image, I sort of based the pets pony-sonas on the work done by Ambassad0r. Check him out if you have the time.