• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 14,246 Views, 1,197 Comments

Fur and Feathers - Nexas

The mane six's pets become ponies! What do they do now?

  • ...


"Alright, now hold still. This might hurt a little. Or if you want we could take you to the hospital or-"

"Just hurry up please."

It had taken a few minutes but the others were finally able to calm Dash down and pull her away from Twilight. Surprisingly enough neither of them had actually managed to injure the other. Rainbow Dash had taken a seat against a tree with Fluttershy tending to her leg, delicately wrapping it into a splint. Twilight, who had read more than her fair share of medical books, pointed her horn at the leg and it glowed softly for a moment, then stopping.

"Your leg is going to be fine." She concluded. "A few healing spells and some time off and it'll be good as new."

"Thanks Twilight." Dash thanked her friend quietly. She rubbed her cast absentmindedly for a minute and sighed. "Sorry about that Twilight. I was just really angry about my leg and work and Tank."

Twilight nodded her head appreciatively. "It's okay Dash, really."

"And besides..." Rarity added. "You're not the only pony here with something like that happening."

Dash looked to Rarity and for the first time since getting there, she noticed that there were other, unknown ponies with them. Dash's eyes widened in realization.

She lifted a hoof slowly and pointed at Owlowiscious while looking at Twilight. "So they are...?"

"Rainbow Dash..." Twilight said happily, waving a hoof to the Pegasus and Unicorn beside her. "Meet Owlowiscious and Opalesence."

Owlowiscious bowed politely. "A pleasure to meet you, miss Dash."

Opal seemed to be indifferent to the Pegasus but smiled nonetheless. "Charmed."

Despite what she had already seen, Dash couldn't believe her eyes. "Um... how's it going?" She asked awkwardly. She looked back at Twilight again. "That guy was your little puffball of feathers?"

Owlowiscious made a sound like he was choking. "Puffball?"

Opal made the same sound, only with more laughter.

"Wait, wait!" Fluttershy suddenly spoke up which surprised everypony. "Angel is a pony too!"

"Really?!" Dash couldn't believe her ears. The small, angry bunny that pushed his owner around now had the ability to talk? She didn't know whether to react calmly to it or panic. She settled for mild surprise though. "So where is he?"

"He's right..." Fluttershy stopped when she realized that Angel was no longer standing next to her. She quickly turned in a full circle, looking for her pet. "Angel? Where are you?"


Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash each looked in the direction of the voice and saw that Angel was standing in front of Tank. Angel had an unusually cheerful smile on his face and he was talking excitedly with Tank who was listening silently but with a smile of his own. "Aw man, it's so great to see you again!"

"You two know each other?" Twilight asked.

"Well duh," Angel said dryly. "Tank lived here before speedy over there decided she wanted to get an 'awesome' pet." He grinned again, a distant look in his eyes as he remembered. "We'd always race around the house and garden." His grin dropped. "He would always win for some reason. Isn't that right Tank?"

Tank replied with his usual silence and a small nod.

"He doesn't say much but I assume he's agreeing with me."

"So...." Dash searched for something to say. "Can somepony please explain why my turtle-"


"Right, can somepony explain why my tortoise is a Pegasus? I'm pretty sure that tortoises can't fly."

"The effects of the magic wave depend on what you want your pet to be like." Twilight explained. "I guess you really want Tank to be able to fly."

Dash considered this. "I guess, he doesn't know how though."

"Well, he is a tortoise." Rarity pointed out, matter-of-factly.

Dash looked back at Tank who was still happily listening to Angel's ramblings, not even attempting to respond or speak up.

"Right. Anyway, what happened to Fluttershy's house?" Her eyes drifted to the slightly repaired, but still damaged, building. Gaping holes still existed in the walls and numerous ponies stood around.

"The same thing that happened to Tank."

Fluttershy looked back at her home and sighed, her mood quickly switching to depressed and her eyes beginning to water. "And it's still destroyed. What am I going to do?"

"Er..." Twilight quickly racked her brain for the answer that wouldn't cause her friend to start crying. "You can stay with me!" She finally said.


"Of course!"

Fluttershy mulled over the idea. "...Can Angel stay too?"

"Sure! Anything, just don't start crying." Twilight pleaded.

"Well..." Fluttershy's thought quickly went to the many animals that she cared for, now without a home. "What about my animals?"

The brief thought about her house being filled to the brim with animals crossed Twilight's mind. It made her break into a sweat. "Uh..."

"Don't worry." Rainbow Dash cut Twilight off, reassuring Fluttershy. "It's the middle of the summer and there's not a single cloud in the sky... anymore." She shot a small glare at the librarian. "It's perfect weather for sleeping outside."

"Well..." Fluttershy repeated. "Okay, I'll do it."

Just as she decided, Angel finally walked back to the group followed shortly after by Tank. "You'll do what exactly?"

"We're staying with Twilight until the house is fixed."

"No." Angel replied starkly. "No offense but I don't want to spend the day with the Queen of the nerds and her royal jester."

"Queen of the nerds?!" Twilight shouted, appalled.

"Jester...?" Owlowiscious mumbled. "I'd rather be a count..."

"Oh, come on Angel! Please?" Fluttershy insisted, giving him one of her patented adorable-looks; looking up at him with big pleading eyes.

"Wha-No!" He attempted to shield his eyes. "Stop looking at me like that!"

"Please Angel." She asked again, her eyes looking into his soul by this point.

Angel's defense faltered. "But I don't want to!"

She continued to stare at him.

".....Gah! Fine, I'll do it! Just stop giving me the look; I could have a heart attack or something." He turned and walked back to the house, grumbling about 'her stare' and how it's 'cheating'.

When he was gone, Fluttershy looked at the rest of the group, a small, pleased grin trying to hide on her face.

"Wow..." Rarity whispered in awe.

"Anyway..." Twilight spoke up again. "We should be off then."

They all went off to prepare for the walk back to Ponyville. Opal and Rarity walked side by side.

"Do you think she would teach me to bend ponies to my will?" An awed Opal questioned. "Maybe if I feign interest or something..."



Winona groaned in pain as her senses reactivated. The first sense to become active was her sight, her eyes slowly opened to see a large, bright light bearing down from above. She instantly reacted, covering her sore eyes and crying out in pain.


"Oh good." A voice said from not too far away. "You're awake."

"Applejack...?" Winona groaned. She seemed to wake up more at the sound of Applejack's voice. "Ah think the sun wanted to come in and visit..."

She heard her owner laughed quietly. "Sorry Sugercube, but we're not in the house anymore."

"What?!" Winona almost immediently jumped to her hooves, accidently slamming her head into something wooden. In the entire time she had spent waking up, Winona failed to realize that she was actually inside a cart that had come to a halt. She rubbed her head and sat up, looking out of the cart. Applejack had already unhitched herself and was looking up at her.

Neither of them knew what to say.

"Well?" Applejack spoke up. "Are ya'll just gonna sit there? 'cause Ahm not gonna carry you anymore if you're awake."

Winona responded by jumping out of the cart and happily tackling Applejack to the ground, covering her in affectionate licks again.

"Wha-hey, hey!" Applejack cried out in surprise. The slightly amused farmer pushed Winona away once again. Winona had just started to really look around. They were on a long stretch of dirt road, nothing but trees lined the way.

"Where are we again?"

"Ah'd say we're about halfway to Ponyville." Applejack stood up and picked her Stetson off the ground, dusting it off and placing it back on her head. "You accidently knocked yourself out and Ah thought Ah would have to carry you all the way to Ponyville."

"Ponyville? We're going to Ponyville?"

"Yup, This whole mess must be Twilight's doing and Ahm gonna get to the bottom of it."

"And Ah get to come along?" Winona asked hopefully.

"You're already half of the way there." Applejack stated matter-of-factly. "Ah was bringing you along anyways."

Winona Jumped about happily. "Yeehaw! This'll be awesome!"

"Yeah, now c'mon let's get going."

"Right, let's-Oh!" Winona gasped and broke into a dash. "Squirrel!"

Applejack quickly raced after her. "Winona, wait!"


Ponyville was looking better by the minute. By the time Twilight and her friends had gotten back, many of the ponies had stopped being amazed by the miraculous disappearance of the storm clouds and were returning to their normal lives. Some even restarted decorating for the celebration. Although, a few still wandered about, asking others if they knew why things had suddenly gotten better. Amazingly none of the ponies really paid much attention to the group of eight that strolled down the main street.

Fluttershy took time to look over the wakening town. "Everything looks really nice, now that the clouds are gone."

In the back, hanging on to Tank for support, Rainbow Dash grumbled something unintelligible.

"Yeah, everything is a peachy." Opal said quickly, wiping a gob of mud from her shoulder. She had suffered an unfortunate fall into one of the large puddles that still dotted the land, tripping on a rock after she had a rather heated argument with Angel Bunny about Fluttershy.

At least, that's what Angel told them.

"Now can we please get inside somewhere so I can take a bath for once?" She continued.

"Of course, Opal." Twilight said. "The library will fit all of us." She paused. "I think."

"Unless Peewee had burned it to the ground." Owlowiscious added.

"I'm sorry, but I'm confused." Rarity confessed. "But who is Peewee again?"

"Spike's pet Phoenix. He's just a chick and stays in the house all the time." Twilight explained. "Did I forget to tell you about him?"

"Yes, but I guess that explains why we haven't seen him."

The nine continued to walk in silence; they eventually reached the street where Twilight's library sat.

"Finally!" Angel huffed. "Been walking for hours!"

"Wait..." Rarity stopped and pointed. "There's somepony in front of your house Twilight."

"Really?" Twilight squinted and tried to make out the pony that was in front of the library's wooden doors. "It looks kinda like... Pinkie Pie."

"Oh joy." Said the unhappy Opal. "Why couldn't we have been lucky and had the house burn down instead?"

Everypony advanced slowly on the house, somehow managing to not alert Pinkie Pie of their presence. Whatever Pinkie was doing, she was really engrossed by it.

It reached the point where everypony was standing directly behind her. To the group's surprise, streamers of varying hues hung from the many branches of the tree, blowing in the wind with the slightest breeze.

Everypony silently looked to Twilight. Begrudgingly, she stepped up and lightly tapped her friend on the shoulder. "Uh... Pinkie?"

Pinkie spun around faster than Twilight could blink, bugged eyed and mane frizzled. It was a shocking sight

"AAH!" She screamed at them.

"AAH!" Everyone else screamed back.

"Girls!" Pinkie shouted at her friends, sounding for some reason upset. "What are you doing here?!"

"Pinkie..." Twilight spoke slowly, one hoof clutching her rapidly beating chest. "I live here. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, right." Pinkie looked at Twilight's house and at Twilight, her mood quickly changing from surprised to upset. "You guys weren't supposed to get here until later. Now the surprise is ruined!"

"What surprise?" Twilight asked.

"Well..." Pinkie jumped to her hooves and began jumping around the group, speaking in her usual, quick tone. "Remember when we met earlier and I ran into Opal and I was like 'Ah!' and she was like 'Ah!' at the same time?"

"Yes..." Opal growled at the pink mare when she got close.

"Well, I went home to see if Gummy was a pony too, and guess what?!"

".....He was a-"

"He was a pony!" Pinkie interrupted happily. "And now we were setting up the 'Congratulations your pets are ponies' party and you all showed up too early!"

"So...where is Gummy anyway?" Dash asked, actually curious as to what the party animal's Gator would act like.

"Oh, he's inside, putting the finishing touches up."

Before Pinkie could even think of something else, the group had stampeded past her, through the large wooden door, and into the library. Inside the house many colorful streamers and confetti coated the walls and floor, giving the entire room a very festive look. A large table squatted in one corner, covered in tasty treats and pastries of all types.

Variations of 'wow, ooh' and 'ah' were heared amongst the group.

"But...where is Gummy?" Fluttershy asked.

"Spike? Peewee?" Twilight detatched from the group and ran off into her house, calling of her assistant and his pet without reply.

Everypony looked around the room but they could not find a single scale or hair of a pony-fied Gator. Pinkie jumped in after them, humming a nonsensical tune.

"So?" She asked. "What do you think?"

"It's... awesome, Pinkie." Dash answered slowly, choosing her words carefully. "But where's Gummy?"

Pinkie laughed. "He's up there silly!"

She pointed a hoof straight up and everypony followed it, none of them really sure about what they were going to see, or if they were going to like it.

Standing on the ceiling, upside down, was an Earth pony. He looked pretty young, older than a foal but younger than any of them. His mane was very short, arranged into a sort of bright green Mohawk that resembled reptile fins. His fur was equally as green as his mane. He didn't even seem to notice the group, or he simply ignored them, it was hard to tell.


"Oh that Gummy!" Pinkie laughed. "Always doing crazy stuff!"

"He's standing... on the ceiling..." Rarity replied haltingly, her left eye twitching erratically.

"That reptile." Angel shook his head, unfazed but rather creeped out. "I knew he was a weird one, but really?"

"Okay Gummy, it looks great!" Pinkie called to her pet. "You can come down now. And careful about leaving hoofprints, this is Twilight's house."

With not a single word spoken, Gummy stepped across the ceiling to the place that connected to the wall, stepping seamlessly onto it from the ceiling while turning a full ninety degrees in the process. He quickly walked down that and got to the floor without injury, finally coming to a stop beside Pinkie.

"Gummy, you remember our friends." Pinkie told him.

Gummy said nothing, instead staring blankly at the group with those large purple eyes of his. Everypony took a step back.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Pinkie asked happily. She jumped for joy. "Let's party!"

"When's Twilight gonna get back?" Angel whispered to Owlowiscious, his usual calm replaced with nervousness.

"Soon," he replied. "Hopefully."

"But... He... ceiling..." Rarity mumbled.