• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 14,246 Views, 1,197 Comments

Fur and Feathers - Nexas

The mane six's pets become ponies! What do they do now?

  • ...

The new day

The bright light of a new day shone through the bedroom window of Twilight Sparkle's library, pushing out the shadows and illuminating the dark rooms. The light fell upon Twilight's bed, inching closer and closer up her bed sheets and eventually reaching her face, causing her to groan in discomfort and turn away. The light managed to wake her up a bit though and the unicorn's foggy mind started to wake up, despite her body's refusal to.

She remembered a huge storm; a clash of lightning and the pounding of rain. Her assistant, Spike and her second assistant, Owlowiscious, Spike had been yelling for some reason. There was a weird buzzing sensation that Twilight shook off quickly. And lastly, she remembered her friends; all of them with their pets, smiling at her.

All of their pets.

"Oh yeah."

The events of the previous day finally reached through the fog of Twilight's addled mind and she remembered everything; the spell, the wall of magic, Owlowiscious and the other pets, it all came back to her. Twilight sighed; it had all seemed like a distant memory just earlier. Reluctantly, the tired unicorn rose from her warm bed to start the day.

"Maybe the spell wore off." Twilight thought hopefully to herself. "Maybe I'll go out there and I'll see Owlowiscious and he'll be small again and he'll fly over to me and rest on my back, and Spike will walk out with Peewee on his shoulder. And then Rarity and the rest will show up and everything will be fine. We'll all look back on this a laugh!"

She walked from her room and into the main part of the house. Nopony was up yet. She looked around the room and found Owlowiscious, still sound asleep, resting on Rarity's velvet couch that was ignored and left in a corner. His wings were fully expanded and he was quietly making owl noises in his sleep.

Twilight sighed quietly. "Oh well, that thought was nice while it lasted."

She walked down the stair and approached the sleeping Pegasus. She prodded him in the side a few times before he began to stir.

"Ugh..." Owlowiscious groaned in discomfort and he slowly look upward, his eyelids opening only a smidge "...Twilight...? What time is it?"

"Time to get up." Twilight said plainly, her own tired expression turning to a concerned one. "How do you feel?"

"Fine, except for the fact that I'm awake." The night owl pushed himself off the couch and stood in front of Twilight. "What do you want?"

"Today, I'm supposed to oversee the preparation for the celebration and see how everypony's doing." She explained.

He tilted his head questioningly, a small grin on his exhausted face. "And you want me to help?"

She nodded quickly. "Yes please."

"Very well, where do we begin?"

"We go wake up Spike. We'll need him too."

They moved to the door that gave entrance to the dragon's room. Twilight magically opened the door slowly and both of them peered in. The room wasn't extravagantly decorated, only very moderate with the only distinguishing features being a wooden chest and a small table, piles of books and gems were scattered around the room. Spike was asleep in a bed that sat right underneath the only window in the room. There was a small pet bed near Spikes but Peewee had somehow gotten onto Spike's bed and was sleeping on the dragon's head, a trail of drool running down from Peewee on to Spike.

Twilight couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. "Isn't that just adorable?"

Owlowiscious was instead looking at the table, inspecting the large, heart-shaped ruby that sat prominently on top. He nodded without looking back. Twilight stepped carefully over the gems, over to Spike and poked the sleeping dragon gently.

"Spike, wake up."

Spike woke up almost instantly. "Twilight? Ah!" His attempt to open his eyes was met with realization, and a lot of fur. "Help! I can't see!"

"That's because Peewee's stuck to your face."

He stopped and after a moment replied with a quiet, "Oh" and started the slow process of prying the Alicorn off his face. Peewee came off of Spike with a tiny *pop* and was placed on the bed cover. He quickly started to wake up and slowly began to cry from being disturbed.

"Shh, shh..." Owlowiscious quickly stepped in and scooped the tiny pony up and rocked him in his arms. "Go back to sleep, little birdy." He cooed, soothingly. "Everything's alright."

Peewee looked up at the Pegasus with unfocused, drooping eyes; he had stopped crying and was just sniffling. He attempted to grab the Pegasus's face a few times before sleep overtook him once again. Owlowiscious carefully maneuvered his wings into a makeshift basket, placing the sleeping Alicorn within. Peewee quickly took to it and curled up in the many, soft feathers.

Owlowiscious smiled proudly at his clever idea and showed it to Twilight. "Now we don't have to leave him here."

Twilight could barely contain her gleeful smile at the scene, her mind briefly wondering where ever she left her camera. Spike leaned on the edge of his bed, absentmindedly gnawing on a sapphire. "So, what do we do now?"

"We should check on the others." She stated. "It's going to be a long day so we might as well start now."

He perked up at this. "Oh! Can we go see Rarity first?"

"May we?" Owlowiscious asked. "I would like to see how Opalescence is doing."

Twilight seemed to consider it for a moment and decided. "Sure, why not. We'll go there first."

She left the room to prepare, leaving Spike and Owlowiscious alone. Spike congratulated himself with a quiet "Yes" for getting Twilight to listen to him while Owlowiscious simply rolled his eyes. They followed after Twilight into the main room, it had been rather quickly cleaned up by Pinkie and Gummy of the various party items and nopony was in the mood to ask how. They quickly found the student conversing with a newly awakened Fluttershy.

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" She yawned, rubbing her eyes. "I thought I heard somepony crying."

"It's all been taken care of. Sorry about waking you up though." Twilight apologized.

Fluttershy yawned but shook her head. "Don't be. I usually get up at this time to take care of the animals and Angel usually gets up with me, even if he might not want to."

As if on cue, the now-earth pony, in question walked into the room from the guest room. He looked surprisingly worse for wear than his owner, with a very ruffled mane and dark bags under his eyes. Twilight let out a quiet gasp.

"What happened to him?"

Fluttershy looked at Angel caringly. "I found the poor thing on the floor in the middle of the room with nothing but a pillow! The last time I saw him, he was on the bed with me, I just don't know what happened."

Owlowiscious shot Angel a knowing look which Angel disregarded. He craned his neck back until a cracking noise could be heard. He then massaged it with a hoof.

"Yeah." He muttered with the barest hint of sarcasm. "It's a mystery."

"I'm really sorry about not being able to watch Peewee." Fluttershy continued regardless. "But I really need to see how my animals are doing."

"It's okay; we were just going to bring him along when we go see Rarity."

"Oh, are you sure he'll be okay?"

Twilight glanced back at the sleeping Alicorn. He had sneezed in his sleep which had accidently set the tip of Owlowiscious's mane alight and now he and Spike were trying to set him out without disturbing the sleeping pony.

"To be honest, I don't think you'll have to worry about him."


The walk through Ponyville was rather uneventful for the four. The townsponies had just finished clearing up the last of the mud and were just starting to decorate. Twilight made a mental note to alert them of the Princess's letter. Not too many ponies noticed the four as they walked, though a few did double takes when the baby Alicorn peering out of the Pegasus's wings waved happily at them. They quickly reached Carousel Boutique and Twilight was surprised at how much of it was intact, since forty percent of its walls were made of glass and not a single one was cracked. Twilight approached the doors and was about to knock...

"Wait!" Spike shouted causing Twilight to stop.

"What? What is it?!"

Spike didn't reply, instead running over to one of the large windows, his reflection clearly visible in the glass. He inspected himself for a moment; running a claw over his spines to smooth them back, only for them to pop up a moment later. He walked back to the three and nodded.

"Okay, we can go in."

Twilight and Owlowiscious exchanged a dry look and knocked on the door. The sounds of ruffling fabric and clattering of tools was heard from the other side, as well as voices.

"...It must be them, so get the door!"

"Why do I have to get the door, why don't you get it?"

"Opal, mommy's very busy so please go get the door."

"Busy with what; all you've done is stare at that roll of fabric like a fancy dress is going to pop into existence."

The other voice let out a very exasperated groan and hoofsteps could be heard coming towards the other end of the door. A white aura surrounded it and it swung open, revealing Rarity. She had her horned glasses on and a measuring tape hung around her neck.

"Twilight, Owlowiscious, Spike!" Rarity smiled in surprise, though it seemed somewhat tight. "It's really good to see all of you. Please come in."

She stepped aside and everypony walked in. Rarity gained an actual, small, smile as she noticed Peewee looking up at her happily. The boutique's main room looked even worse than the last time Twilight as in it, if that was even possible. The piles of cloth and ornaments piled up around the corners of the room, completely covering some of the mannequins. In one corner, lounging on another couch and watching them with wary eyes, was Opalescence.

"Well, well, it's the queen of the nerds and her entourage." Opal sneered.

"And a fine hello to you too." Twilight replied with a similar sneer and a glare. Unlike Twilight, who had decided to ignore the unicorn for the most part, and Spike, who was trying his hardest to get Rarity to notice him, Owlowiscious walked right up to the lazy pony, clearly looking to start a conversation.

"Hello Opal." He gave a lopsided grin. "And how are you today?"

Opal replied with a loud, wet raspberry in the Pegasus's face. He could hear Peewee giggling on his back.

"I still don't know why I ever decided to do this." She wondered aloud. "I should have just taken my chances with the mutt."

"Actually, I'm fairly certain that Winona's a Border collie..."

"Bah!" Opal, suddenly with surprising amount of energy, got up and jumped to the top of a pile of clothing and lay down again. From her new position she looked down on the Pegasus like a ruler would look at a humble peasant, she waved a hoof at him much like she would have when she was a cat though, it wasn't at all as threatening. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't claw your eyes out, bird brain."

Owlowiscious raised an eyebrow at this. "Apart from the fact that you don't have claws anymore? Well there's the fact that I have a baby on board." He turned and showed the foal he was carrying to her. Opal's eyes widened slightly and she came down from her perch, inspecting Peewee with a curious eye.

"It's an Alicorn." She stated obviously.

"He's actually a Phoenix. He was turned, like us."

Opal raised a hoof and brought it near the foal. She spoke in a halted tone at the Alicorn, seemingly not knowing exactly what to say. Peewee managed to reach out from the folds of Owlowiscious's wings and touched her hoof, babbling happily in his baby-language.

Owlowiscious was grinning ear to ear by now. "Isn't he cute?"

"I remember seeing this thing once." She finally spoke again, her usual snarky tone returning. "I tried to eat him and he set my tail on fire." She nodded. "Cute is not the word I would describe him with."

"Regardless, he really needs to get out and play." Owlowiscious picked Peewee up and set him down on the piles of fabric. Peewee looked around curiously and toddled off in some unknown direction away from the two, extremely excited about the new place. The two watched as the Alicorn fumbled with a long piece of ribbon, accidently getting wrapped up in it and falling to the ground which only made him laugh more.

"Alright, I admit it. That is pretty cute, but you should probably be careful, he might set fire to all of Rarity's cheap material."

"I heard that!"

Across the room, Twilight, Spike and Rarity had been conversing. Rarity looked back to Twilight. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted..." She continued, but not before shouting the words, 'rudely interrupted'. On the other side of the room, Opal stuck her tongue out childishly at her owner. "It really is nice to see you two, I'm not sure how much more I could have taken if I was left alone."

"You and Opal really aren't working out, are you?"

Rarity shook her head. "I've been trying, really trying, to get Opal to cooperate but she is just..." She sighed. "It's just getting really difficult."

"I'm sorry to hear about that." Twilight replied apologetically. "I guess not all of our pets are as happy as we thought."

Rarity glanced over at Opal and Owlowiscious who were still talking while trying to keep track of Peewee who had just discovered that glitter made everything sparkly and was trying to magically douse Opal with a bottle of red glitter.

"But Owlowiscious sure seems to be trying his hardest to change that."

Twilight looked in the same direction, her face clearly showing her non-understanding. "What do you mean?"

"You haven't noticed? Owlowiscious has been trying so hard to be friendly to Opal. Every time I see them, they're together." She smiled a little, her first real smile since Twilight had shown up. "He's an exceedingly nice stallion-er, Owl."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

"I think they make an adorable couple."

Twilight almost nodded but quickly caught herself. "Yea-Wait, what?!"

"Oh never mind dear, just thinking out loud." Rarity motioned for her to follow. "Now follow me, I have some designs I want to show you."

Twilight followed the designer to the many mannequins but her thoughts were still stuck on Rarity's previous statement. Spike stayed behind and sat back in a chair to watch Peewee. He shook his head and laughed.

"Two different species together, that's just weird."

Twilight suddenly remembered to ask something. "By the way, how did Sweetie Belle take it when you came back with Opal?"

"Pretty well with all things considered, she's not here though, she's probably doing something with her friends."



"Ow...we're right here, Applebloom. You don't need to yell."

"Ah know, Ah know, but ya'll won't believe what happened..."